Medway UTC Trust Governance Arrangements 2015-16 General Medway UTC Trust exists for the for the purpose of establishing and operating the Medway UTC in accordance with discharging all the statutory requirements placed on it. Given that the UTC is bound by charity law, education law and company law, the terms Trustees, Governors and Directors as applicable to each respectively, are interchangeable, and taken to be one and the same. However, for the purpose of this document the term Trustee is preferred and used. The operation of the Medway UTC Trust is detailed within the Funding Agreement between the Trust and the Department for Education. The proposed governance structure is as follows: Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Members The Members of the Medway UTC Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, are akin to the shareholders of a company limited by shares. As a matter of general company law, the Members of the UTC Trust (in contrast to Trustees/Governors/Directors), do not have fiduciary duties to the UTC Trust. Members instead have certain powers and duties, which Trustees do not themselves have. In particular, for UTCs these are: appoint those Trustees, who are not otherwise appointed by other parties; remove Trustees, but ensuring that nominees of the university and employers retain the majority on the Trust Board; receive the audited accounts (but do not approve them as that is responsibility of Trustees); may change or amend the Trust’s Articles of Association, subject to the agreement of the Secretary of State, change the Trust’s name. Members meet in general meetings called by the Trustees, while they can additionally request to hold extraordinary general meetings. Trust Board The Trustees of the UTC will be in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Trust. The Trustees will form the Trust Board. The Trustees have a range of responsibilities and powers which they are legally required to carry out, working in close partnership with the Principal and other senior staff to ensure that the UTC provides the best possible education for all students. The Trust Board considers the vision and aims of the Trust as it relates to the UTC, as well as strategy and policy to deliver its key objectives. It has ultimate responsibility for all budgets, salaries, premises, facilities, quality and standards of education provided, including important matters such a safeguarding, as well as audit matters. Additional to assuring good governance, the Board’s primary objectives are to assist the Principal in delivering the best possible outcomes for all students, and hold the Principal and designated senior leadership team (ie the UTC Executive) to account for ways in which this is carried out. It will do so through receiving regular reports from the Executive for consideration by the Trust Board. A listing of current Members and Trustees, in accordance with the Articles of Association, are set out in Annex 1. Vacancies are also indicated. It is important to note that external Trustees who are not Members outnumber those external Trustees who are also Members, thereby ensuring that Members as an entity cannot impose matters on the Trust which are beyond their remit. Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 The Trust Board will have a designated Chair and will operate to agreed, wide ranging Terms of Reference, as set out in Annex 2. Academic Standards, Resources and Audit Committees In addition to the main Trust Board, there will be three Committees to provide a focus to the consideration and provision of support to specific pan-Trust matters, namely: Academic Standards Committee: This Committee will oversee the curriculum policies across the Trust, review the standards of education attained in relation to statutory and local expectations and targets, consider academic aspects set out the UTC Improvement Plan developed by the UTC Executive, adoption and implementation of staffing policies to ensure the attainment of expected academic standards, review of outcomes of Ofsted inspections, internal assessments of standards carried out to the Ofsted framework and standards, and resulting actions for all improvement plans. This Committee will comprise of a designated selection of Trustees from the Trust Board, and will be informed by members from the UTC Executive. It will have a designated Chair and will operate to agreed Terms of Reference, as set out in Annex 3. This Annex also includes the proposed membership of the Committee which will have more Trust members than UTC staff. Resources Committee: This Committee will oversee the Trust’s finances, facilities, human and other resources on behalf on behalf of the Trust Board, agree the annual budget reflecting the priorities set out in the UTC Improvement Plan for agreement by the Trust Board, keep under review the Scheme of Delegation in financial matters to the Principal for the day to day financial management and operation of the UTC, respond to issues arising from annual financial audit, conduct reviews of the Trust pay policy to take account of local and national developments and make appropriate recommendations to the Trust Board, etc. This Committee will comprise of a designated selection of Trustees from the Trust Board, and will be informed by members from the UTC Executive. It will have a designated Chair and will operate to agreed Terms of Reference, as set out in Annex 4. The Principal and other Executive Team members cannot be the Chair. Audit Committee: Given the projected income of the UTC, there is no requirement for it to have a separate Audit Committee. However, the Trust considers it desirable to create one so that there is a clear and demonstrable demarcation between the day to day affairs conducted by the UTC and that of the Resources Committee, and the important function of Financial Audit, internal and external. The purpose of the Committee is to ensure that the UTC is operating to the highest professional and ethical standards, and the highest standards of propriety in the use of public funds, with robust accountability procedures in the use of such Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 funds. This Committee will comprise of a designated selection of external Trustees from the Trust Board, and will be informed by members of the UTC Executive. It will have a designated Chair and will operate to agreed Terms of Reference, as set out in Annex 5. Membership of these Committees will be agreed following the outcome of a skills audit of Trustees, which is currently in hand – the proforma for which is included at Annex 6. The Principal and other Executive Team members cannot be the Chair. Additional Support Additionally, to assist the Trust and the UTC Executive to conduct focussed work, the Trust will commission a ‘Task and Finish Group’ approach to addressing such matters. This will not being a standing group, but will be created to address specific needs when they arise. Such groups will have no fixed membership, but will be comprise of Trustees, UTC Staff, as well, if appropriate, external personnel, collectively having the skills base required to address the matter under consideration. Prepared by: Alan Reed May 2015 Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Annex 1 Medway UTC – Members and Trustees at 1 May 2015 – in accordance with Articles of Association, 9 January 2014 Members 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Professor Alan Reed - University of Greenwich Michael Tierney - BAE Systems Cllr Leslie Wicks - Medway Council Vacancy – to be appointed Paul Charman – Delphi Diesel Systems – Chair of Trust Board Trustees 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Paul Charman – Delphi Diesel Systems – Employer Sponsor - Chair of Trust Board Professor Alan Reed – University of Greenwich – University Sponsor Michael Tierney – BAE Systems – Lead Employer Sponsor Christopher Jones – BAM Construct UK – Employer Sponsor Nicholas Fowler – Bouygues – Employer Sponsor Andrew Lawrence – Gainwell Futures – Employer Sponsor Rodney Sutton – Kreston Reeves – Employer Sponsor Lt Col. Christopher Warhurst – Corps of Royal Engineers – Employer Sponsor Andrew Brader – MidKent College Training Services – Education Sponsor Cllr. Leslie Wicks – Medway Council – Local Authority Representative Vacancy – To be appointed Principal Elected member of staff – to be appointed Elected parent/carer 1 – to be appointed Elected parent/carer 2 – to be appointed Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Annex 2 MEDWAY UTC TRUST BOARD Terms of Reference 1. Governance 1.1 Medway UTC Trust Board is a body that exists to set the expectations for the management, operation and achievements of Medway UTC (University Technical College), a secondary school that provides a technically rich education for 14-19 year olds. 1.2 The Board will operate having due regard to the responsibilities, expectations, requirements and good practice set out in: the Trust’s Articles of Association; the Trust’s Funding Agreement with the DfE (Department for Education); the current version of the DfE Governors’ Handbook - currently available at; 95789/Governors_Handbook.pdf the current version of the EFA (Education Funding Agency) Academies Financial Handbook – currently available at; 63753/Academies_Financial_Handbook2014.pdf 1.3 The work of the Board will be assisted by a number of Committees reporting to it on matters in well-defined areas of activity. 1.4 The Membership and Terms of Reference of the Board are set out below and will be reviewed annually for fitness for purpose, and in line with need and/or any changes to the guiding documents set out above. Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 2. Membership 2.1 Membership of the Board is set out in the Trust’s Articles of Association, namely: up to twelve external Trustees (including one local authority representative), including a Chair and a Vice-Chair elected by the Trust Board on an annual basis at the first meeting of each academic session; principal (ex-officio); an elected member of staff; two elected parents/carers. In addition, the Trust Board may co-opt additional members at it considers necessary in furtherance of its work. 3. Meetings 3.1 4. Quorum 4.1 5. The Board will meet a minimum of three times per academic year, with other meetings as required. The quorum for meetings of the Trust Board and for any vote at a meeting will be 50% (rounded up to the nearest whole number) of the membership of the Trust Board. Responsibilities 5.1 Conduct the UTC in accordance with promoting high standards of educational achievement and employability within the student body. In furtherance of achieving 5.1, the Trust Board will: ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction; hold the Principal to account for the educational performance of the UTC and its students, and the performance management of staff; ensure the financial performance of the UTC and that monies available to operate it are well spent; ensure that all relevant educational and financial returns are made to DfE, EFA, Companies House as appropriate; ensure that an annual report on UTC performance is made available to parents and carers; Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 ensure that any external communications likely to be distributed through press, internet or other wide area public access media is reviewed and approved as suitable; maintain clear records of all meetings and retain such records as is reasonably necessary to comply with audit and scrutiny processes; establish and uphold all relevant policies and procedures necessary to ensure the Trust and the UTC operate within the law and any national guidelines as prevailing from time to time; respond to any crisis, insurance event or incidence of public criticism as a united and collective organisation; At all times protect and serve the best interests of the Medway UTC student community as a group, or any subdivision of the student community, or as an individual. establish, communicate and maintain a clear statement of values for the UTC and act at all times to meet or better these in its conduct as an organisation; any additional responsibility that the Trust agrees should be added. Proposed membership on opening of UTC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chair: Mr Paul Charman, Delphi Diesel Systems, elected by Trust Board in July 2013. Up to ten external Trustees Principal An elected member of staff Two elected parents/carers In attendance: Secretariat Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Annex 3 MEDWAY UTC TRUST ACADEMIC STANDARDS COMMITTEE Terms of Reference 1. Governance 1.1 The Committee reports to the Medway UTC Trust Board. 1.2 The Committee exists to inform the Trust Board on matters relating to the conduct of the UTC being consistent with promoting high standard educational achievement and employability within the student body 1.3 In furtherance of its brief the Committee will have due regard to the responsibilities, expectations, requirements and good practice set out in the current version of the Department for Education (DfE) Governors’ Handbook – currently available at: 95789/Governors_Handbook.pdf 1.4 The Membership and Terms of Reference are set out below and will be reviewed annually for fitness for purpose, and in line with need and/or any changes to the guiding document set out above. 2. Membership 2.1 The Committee will comprise of: five external members of the Trust Board, included a Chair nominated by the Trust Board; principal (ex-officio); vice-Principal (ex-officio); up to two others co-opted to assist the Committee with its work as required (having no voting rights). Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Note: the Chair of the Trust Board may attend any meeting. 3. Meetings 3.1 The Committee will meet a minimum of three times per academic year, in advance of main Trust Board meetings, with additional meetings as required. 4. Quorum 4.1 The quorum for meetings of the Academic Standards Committee and for any vote at meeting will be 50% (rounded up the nearest whole number) of the membership of the Committee. 5. Responsibilities 5.1 The Committee will oversee: the curriculum policies across the Trust; the standards of education across the UTC; a review of statutory and local targets to ensure the UTC delivers a balanced curriculum having both breadth and technically rich specialisms in keeping with the Trust’s aims and legal requirements; the adoption and implementation of staffing policies and procedures to ensure that academic standards are achieved and maintained and all principles of good and fair employment practice are adhered to and legal requirements fulfilled; a rigorous scheme of internal audits based on the Ofsted framework and to the same standards as an external inspection, with such audits being carried out to an agreed plan throughout the duration of the year, so that the Trust Board has a mechanism to assure itself on what the outcome of any such external inspection will be. 5.2 The Committee will approve actions and report to the Trust Board on: academic standards achieved in the UTC; first destinations of students leaving the UTC; quality of target setting and the policies being implemented to achieve them as defined in the UTC Improvement Plans including the annual statutory and non-statutory student performance targets; the results of internal audits and status of action plans; Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 the staffing establishment and structure (teaching and non-teaching), especially following significant vacancies and at least annually in relation to the budget and the UTC Improvement Plans; UTC curriculum policies, including those for sex education, religious education and collective worship; and ensuring balanced treatment of political issues. 5.3 The Committee will: review the outcomes of any Ofsted inspections; contribute to, monitor and evaluate relevant parts of the UTC development plan and Ofsted action plan and UTC curriculum policies; review and respond to proposals for students with Special Educational Needs; monitor and review information about UTC performance and reporting to parents, including statutory requirements; maintain oversight of the risk management of the UTC for those aspects relating to academic standards; approve and oversee the Trust’s Safeguarding Policy and procedures implemented in the UTC; monitor the UTC’s aims, policies and provision relating to social inclusion, pastoral support and home/UTC links. Issues to be considered include, but are not limited to, the following: - approve the Trust Board’s statement of general principles on student discipline; - ensure the UTC has appropriate policies and procedures in place to respond appropriately to student discipline issues; - review the use of exclusions in the UTC; - monitor student attendance and consider measures to improve attendance to an agreed metric; - monitor and review equal opportunities policies; - report health and safety metrics, recordable accidents, lost work days, first aid incidents and ‘near misses’ for students, staff and contractors. 5.4 The Committee will consider proposals from the Principal as they relate to the above. 5.5 The Committee will take appropriate action on any other relevant matter referred to it by the Trust Board. Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Proposed membership on opening of UTC 1. Chair: Professor. Alan Reed. University of Greenwich. Elected at the board meeting on 18th May 2015. 2. Four external Trustees 3. Principal 4. Vice-Principal 5. External advisor with recent experience of high quality Secondary Schooling. In attendance: Secretariat Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Annex 4 MEDWAY UTC TRUST RESOURCES COMMITTEE Terms of Reference 1. Governance 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. The Committee reports to the Medway UTC Trust Board. The Committee exists to inform the Trust Board on matters relating the financial, physical and human resource bases being appropriate, or otherwise, in supporting the Board’s objectives and ensuring that, within the monies available in supporting these, there are well established budgets and associated budgetary control. In furtherance of its brief the Committee will have due regard to the responsibilities, expectations, requirements and good practice set out in the current version of the Education Funding Agency (EFA) Academies Financial Handbook – currently available at: 753/Academies_Financial_Handbook2014.pdf The Membership and Terms of Reference are set out below and will be reviewed annually for fitness for purpose, and in line with need and/or any changes to the guiding document set out above. Membership 2.1 The Committee will comprise of: five external members of the Trust Board, including a Chair nominated by the Trust Board; principal (in capacity of ‘Accounting Officer’) and Vice-Principal (both ex-officio); finance/Business Manager (in capacity of ‘Chief Financial Officer’) (ex-officio); up to two others co-opted to assist the Committee with its work as required (having no voting rights). Note: The Chair of the Trust board may attend any meeting Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 3. Meetings 3.1 4. Quorum 4.1 5. The Committee will meet a minimum of three times per academic year, in advance of the Trust Board meetings, with additional meetings as required. The quorum for meetings of the Resources Committee and for any vote at a meeting will be 50% (rounded up to the nearest whole number) of the membership of the Committee. Responsibilities 5.1 The Committee will oversee the Trust’s finances, facilities and human resources on behalf of the Trust Board. 5.2 The Committee will assist the UTC to achieve the standards proposed by the Principal agreed by the Academic Standards Committee. 5.3 The Committee will: agree an annual budget reflecting priorities in the UTC Improvement Plans for agreement by the Trust Board; keep under review the Scheme of Delegation in financial matters including the level of delegation to the Vice Principal for the day-to-day financial management of each Academy and make recommendations for change to the Trust Board; monitor the budget and any other devolved funds; monitor the Pupil Premium allocation for its effectiveness in achieving targets and outcomes; approve any revisions to the budget plan; authorise signatories for the UTC’s bank accounts; respond to any issues arising from the annual financial audit; oversee the preparation of information on income and expenditure for the Trustees' annual report to parents and carers; agree procedures for whereby Trustees may exceptionally claim expenses incurred in executing Trust business; agree the UTC’s plan of repairs and maintenance/redecoration for recommendation to the Trust Board; consider any major capital works and improvements and report to the Trust Board; consider and report to the Trust Board contracts or service agreements submitted in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, including benchmarking/comparative analysis of large expenditures and review of tenders; ensure adequate premises, liability and risk insurance; Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 maintain oversight of the risk management of the Trust; review reports on periodic inspections and maintenance of buildings, plant and equipment; ensure appropriate personnel policies and procedures are adopted and reviewed consistently across the Trust; agree and monitor policies and provision for risk management, health and safety, security and fire safety; conduct a review of the whole Trust’s pay policy to take account of local and national developments and make appropriate recommendations to the Trust Board; and carry out an annual review of teachers’ and support staff salaries in line with current legal arrangements*. 5.4 The Committee will take appropriate action on any other relevant matter referred to it by the Trust Board. 5.5 The Committee will assist the work of the Audit Committee in any way considered appropriate by the Committee. *Any person employed by the Trust to work at the UTC, other than the Principal, Vice-Principal and Business Manager, must withdraw from any discussions on this item Proposed membership on opening 1. Chair: Mr Rodney Sutton. Kreston Reeves. Elected at the board meeting on 18th May 2015. 2. Four external Trustees 3. Principal 4. Vice-Principal 5. Finance/Business Manager In attendance: Secretariat Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Annex 5 MEDWAY UTC TRUST AUDIT COMMITTEE Terms of Reference 1. Governance 1.1 The Committee reports to the Medway UTC Trust Board. 1.2 The Committee exists to inform the Trust Board on matters relating to the UTC operating to the highest professional and ethical standards, and to the highest standards of propriety in the use of public funds, with robust accountability procedures in the use of such funds. 1.3 In furtherance of its brief the Committee will have due regard to the responsibilities, expectations, requirements and good practice set out in the current version of the current version of the Education Funding Agency (EFA) Academies Financial Handbook – currently available at: 53/Academies_Financial_Handbook2014.pdf 1.4 The Terms of Reference and Membership are set out below and will be reviewed annually for fitness for purpose. 2. Membership 2.1 The Committee will comprise of: Three external members of the Trust Board, including a Chair nominated by the Trust Board. Notes: The Principal and Business Manager are expected to attend. The Chair of the Resources Committee is not entitled to be a member of the Audit Committee. The Chair of the Trust Board cannot also be the Chair of the Audit Committee, but can attend any meeting Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 3. Meetings 3.1 The Committee will meet a minimum of three times per academic year, in advance of the Trust Board meetings, with additional meetings as required. 4. Quorum 4.1 The quorum for meetings of the Audit Committee and for any vote at a meeting will be 50% (rounded up to the nearest whole number) of the membership of the Committee. Responsibilities and duties 4.2 To review the development of internal control systems which will help satisfy the Trust Board that the UTC will achieve its objectives and targets, and is operating: in accordance with any statutory requirements for the use of public funds; within its delegated powers and the UTC’s own requirements on what matters should be referred to the Trust Board; in a manner which will make most economic and effective use of resources available. 4.3 The Committee will: consider and advise the Trust Board on the annual and long-term financial audit programme; review the effectiveness of the internal control systems to ensure that the aims, objectives and key performance targets are achieved in the most economic, effective and environmentally preferable manner; receive reports from the Business Manager regarding the proper use of delegated authorities, the proper recording and accounting of expenditure and the results of any internal financial measures put in place to ensure complete transparency in all dealings; review the internal and external financial statements and reports to ensure that they reflect best practice and fitness for external scrutiny; recommend to the Trust Board the appointment/re-appointment of Auditors, having consulted the Finance Committee about the appointment, in particular about the level of audit fee; discuss with the external auditor the nature and scope of each forthcoming audit and to ensure that the external auditor has the fullest co-operation of staff; Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 consider all relevant reports by the appointed external auditor, including reports on the accounts, achievement of value for money and the response to any management letters, and report to the Trust Board accordingly; review and monitor the content of the external auditor’s management letter, in order to assess whether it is based on a good understanding of the UTC’s business and establish whether recommendations have been acted upon and, if not, the reasons why they have not been acted upon; review the operation of the codes of conduct for Trustees and for UTC staff; monitor the acquisition and disposal of any capital items purchased by the UTC and ensure the appropriate depreciation rules are applied (capital items have a value in excess of £TBC and an expected life of more than two years); consider any other matters where requested to do so by the Trust Board and to report at least once a year to the Trust Board on the discharge of the above duties. Note: The Audit Committee is authorised to obtain independent professional advice should this be considered necessary, subject to approval by the Chair of the Trust Board and Chair of Resources Committee of the costs involved in obtaining such advice. Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Proposed membership on opening of UTC 1. Chair: Mr Nicholas Fowler. Bouygues UK. Elected at the board meeting on 18 th May 2015. 2. Two external Trustees In attendance: Principal Business Manager Secretariat Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Annex 6 Skills Audit for Trustees of Medway UTC Trust Introduction The Trust would like to operate a register of skills of Trustees, so as to easily identify any sources of a particular skill set or expertise as and when situations arise. The register is for use within the Medway UTC Trust only, and any information collected or retained will not be shared or available to anyone outside the Trust Board. The data shall be collected in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, and the register will be regularly maintained by the Secretariat to the Trustees, and updated annually. Trustees should grade themselves against the following criteria: 1 = High level knowledge/experience 2 = Good knowledge/experience 3 = Working knowledge/experience 4 = Minimal/no knowledge/experience General knowledge and experience Grade 1-4 Working in collaborative partnerships Knowledge and understanding of children aged 3 - 11 Knowledge and understanding of children aged 11 - 16 Knowledge and understanding of children aged 16 - 19 Knowledge and understanding about the communities of Medway Knowledge and understanding about the communities of Gravesend Knowledge and understanding about the communities of Sittingbourne Knowledge and understanding about the communities of Maidstone Safeguarding children and young people Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Special educational needs and disability matters for young people Primary education Secondary, 6th Form and Further Education Higher Education Careers information, advice and guidance Apprenticeships Understanding and/or experience of governance Grade 1-4 Experience of being a board member in another sector or a governor/trustee in another school/academy Experience of chairing a board/governing body or committee Experience of professional leadership Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Vision and strategic planning Grade 1-4 Understanding and experience of strategic planning Ability to analyse and review complex issues objectively Problem solving skills Change management (e.g. overseeing a merger or an organisational restructure, changing careers) Understanding of current education policy Holding the Principal(s) to account Grade 1-4 Ability to analyse data Performance management/appraisal of someone else Financial & Business knowledge/experience Grade 1-4 Accountancy and financial matters Developing financial and strategic planning for an educational, commercial or public service Bid writing Audit matters and annual Accounts Premises/facilities management Risk management Procurement/purchasing Employment knowledge/experience Grade 1-4 Working with human resources at senior management level Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981 Working with trade unions or staff organisations Employment law Technology & Marketing knowledge/experience Grade 1-4 IT architecture and systems Social media Marketing Web campaigns Public relations Name of Trustee: ……………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………………….. Medway UTC South Side Three Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4FQ Telephone: 01634 505800 Medway UTC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 7911362), and is a member of the movement of University Technical Colleges promoted by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust Charity No. EW24981