Queen Creek High School Film Studies 2013-2014 Room D102 Dear Parent or Guardian, Welcome to an exciting new year of learning and sharing at Queen Creek High School. As the Drama and Film Studies director, I am looking forward to sharing my ideas, knowledge and enthusiasm with your child. We will be watching a wide variety of films, shorts, and documentaries this year. Most, if not all of these films will have in-class work or homework to go with them. We will also be studying aspects of genre, production, storyboarding, and directing. In order for your student to participate fully in Film Studies, please sign the attached film permission slip and return it to me by Friday, July 26th. In order to maximize your student’s education, organizational and study skills will be stressed. I will require that your student keep a notebook in my class. I suggest a small 3-ring binder with pockets and dividers. Other supplies that students will need are: at least two #2 pencils, a blue or black pen, a highlighter, and a supply of loose-leaf college ruled paper. Although it is not required, sending a box of Kleenex with your student would be greatly appreciated. I would like you to become familiar with my classroom format, expectations and policies. Once you have the opportunity to read and discuss this information with your student, please return the parent signature page with your student. Feel free to call or email me at QCHS if you have any questions or concerns. The school phone number is 480-987-5973 and my email is aconsalvi@qcusd.org . Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Andrea L. Consalvi FILM STUDIES SYLLABUS Instructor: Andrea L. Consalvi Welcome to an exciting new year FILM STUDIES! Here are the policies and information your student will need to be successful in my class. OBJECTIVES/STANDARDS: http://www.storyofmovies.org/common/11041/educationalStandards.cfm?clientID=1104 1&QID=2453 CLASSROOM POLICIES ATTENDANCE Every day in class we cover essential information. Because each day builds on the previous day’s learning it is imperative that your student attends class daily. We will be following the QCHS attendance and late work policies. GRADING ***STUDENTS WILL BE GRADED ON THEIR PARTICIPATION EACH DAY IN CLASS. STUDENTS WILL LOSE POINTS FOR THE FOLLOWING: BEING OFF TASK, NOT COMPLETEING ASSIGNMENTS, COMING TO CLASS UNPREPARED, GENERALLY NOT FOLLOWING THE RULES OF THE CLASSROOM AND THE SCHOOL. I use a point system to grade. I will add up the total possible points for the quarter. Students and parents may log on to JUPITER GRADES to monitor student progress. There may be an occasional opportunity for a student to do extra credit work. Extra credit will not be accepted from students who have not completed all required assignments. 90-100% A, 80-89% B, 70-79% C, 60-69% D, 59% or below F RULES Since this is an elected class, I know that everyone has chosen to be here and there will be no discipline issues. I will assume failure to comply with the class rules means that you no longer wish this class to be your elected class, and we will find a class for which you are more suited. We will follow all school rules and protocol. Some important rules to remember: ITEMS NOT ALLOWED IN MY CLASSROOM: HATS, CELLPHONES, IPODS, GUM, FOOD, BEVERAGES (BOTTLED WATER OK) This is a performance class and these items act as distractions. ***If you need to contact your child during school hours, please call the front office and they will connect you to your child. PLEASE BRING YOUR ID TO CLASS EVERY DAY PLEASE BE ON TIME TO CLASS EVERY DAY I will be enforcing the SWEEP policy. BE HERE. It will not be enough that the student is merely physically present. I expect every member of the classroom to be a respectful, vital, contributing part of the classroom learning atmosphere. All students will receive participation points each day. Failure to comply with classroom policies will result in a zero for that day. PLEASE COME TO CLASS PREPARED Recommended supplies for this class: • 3-ring binder with pockets and/or dividers • College ruled paper • Assignment calendar or day planner • Pencils, blue or black ink pen, highlighters (for scripted work) ***I will provide a bookshelf for each class to keep there folders on ***Now what happens??? For my students: FILM is a fascinating and fun medium of study. I expect that even though we will be watching many films in class, there will be a high academic standard held by you, the student. We will be studying all aspects of film and a number of different genres (or types) of films. Some you will enjoy and some you will not. Either way, I expect a sense of decorum and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism every day. ***After reading and discussing this information, please sign below and have your student turn it in. The letter, however, should be kept at home. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. The school phone number and email is on the letter. Student Name (Please Print) ________________________________ Student Signature____________________________ Date________ Parent Name (Please Print) ___________________________________ Parent Signature____________________________ Date___________ Parent Email _______________________________________________ Parent Phone Number________________________________________ (SIGNED SYLLABI MUST BE RETURNED TO MRS.CONSALVI BY FRIDAY, JULY 26TH) (SIGNED SYLLABI ARE WORTH 10 POINTS) FILM STUDIES PERMISSION SLIP – (PLEASE TURN THIS PAPER IN BY FRIDAY, JULY 26TH) FILMS SHOWN IN CLASS ARE RATED AS SUCH FOR LANGUAGE AND THEMATIC ELEMENTS. IF FILMS ARE OLDER THAN THE RATING SYSTEM (1968), THEY MAY BE LISTED AS NR. THE FILMS WE MAY BE VIEWING ARE: CITY LIGHTS (1938) NR/G _________ THE ARTIST (2011) PG-13 ________ BRINGING UP BABY (1938) NR _______ THE PRINCESS BRIDE (1987) PG_______ WILLY WONKA&THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (1971) G ______ FINDING NEVERLAND (2004) PG _______ CITIZEN KANE (1941) PG _______ 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (1968) G ________ SINGING IN THE RAIN (1952) NR ________ THE SOUND OF MUSIC (1965) G _________ THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON (1960) G _______ HOOK (1991) PG _________ CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE 3RD KIND (1977) PG ________ JURASSIC PARK (1993) PG-13 ________ MARY POPPINS (1964) G ________ SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS (1937) G ________ MONSTERS INC. (2001) G _______ IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946) NR ________ BACK TO THE FUTURE TRILOGY (1985, 1989, 1990) PG______ THE AVENGERS (2012) PG-13 _________ JAWS (1975) PG ________ PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN 1 (2003) PG-13 _______ CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (2005) PG _______ THE POLAR EXPRESS (2004) G _______ FANTASTIC MR. FOX (2009) PG _______ STAR WARS: IV A NEW HOPE (1977) PG _________ THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939) G _________ YOU’VE GOT MAIL (1998) PG _______ STAR WARS: EPISODE 1 (1999) PG ________ MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON (1939) G _______ VARIOUS BEHIND THE SCENES DOCUMENTARIES NR _______ PARENT OR GUARDIAN PLEASE SIGN BELOW IF YOU ARE ALLOWING YOUR STUDENT TO WATCH ALL OF THE ABOVE FILMS. IF THERE ARE FILMS YOU WOULD NOT LIKE YOUR STUDENT TO VIEW, PLEASE MAKE AN X ON THE LINE NEXT TO THAT FILM AND SIGN BELOW. ANY FILM THAT IS CHECKED WILL BE REPLACED WITH AN ALTERNATIVE WRITING ASSIGNMENT. (IF THERE ARE MORE THAN 3 FILMS CHECKED, I WILL REQUEST THAT WE WORK WITH THE REGISTRAR TO PLACE YOUR CHILD IN A MORE SUITABLE CLASS.) THIS PERMISSION SLIP IS DUE BY JULY 26TH. STUDENT NAME (PLEASE PRINT) __________________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE________________________________________________ DATE______________ PARENT NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ___________________________________________________________ PARENT SIGNATURE________________________________________________ DATE________________ PARENT PHONE NUMBER________________________ PARENT EMAIL____________________________