personnel policies goals


File: GA




The Lynn School Committee recognizes that an efficient staff dedicated to education is necessary to maintain a constantly improving educational program. The committee is interested in its personnel as individuals, and it recognizes its responsibility to its employees.

The committee's specific personnel goals are:

1. To develop and implement those strategies and procedures for personnel recruitment, screening, and selection that will result in employing and retaining the candidates with the highest capabilities, strongest commitment to quality education, and greatest probability of effectively implementing the system's learning program.

2. To develop a general staff assignment strategy that will contribute to the learning program; and to use it as the primary basis for determining staff assignments.

3. To provide positive programs of staff development that contribute both to improvement of the learning program and to each staff member's career development aspirations.

To provide for a genuine team approach to education.

To develop and use for personnel evaluation positive processes that contribute to the improvement of both staff capabilities and the learning program.

Lynn Public Schools

File: GBA


No person shall be denied employment, reemployment, or advancement nor shall be evaluated on the basis of sex, marital status, race, color, creed, or national origin. Age shall be considered only with respect to minims set by law and retirement as specified by the state or policies of the School


LEGAL REFS.: Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended in 1972, Title VI, Title VII

Executive Order 11246, 1965, as amended by Executive Order 11375

Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, Title VII

Education Amendments of 1972, Title IX (P.L. 92-318)

45 CFR, Parts 81, 86 (Federal Register, June 4,

1975, August 11, 1975) Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Lynn Public Schools

File: GBD (also BHC)


The Lynn School Committee wishes to maintain open channels of communication between itself and the staff. The basic line of communication will, however, be through the Superintendent.

Staff Communications to the School Committee

All communications or reports to the committee or any of its subcommittees from principals, supervisors, teachers, or other staff members will be submitted through the Superintendent. This procedure does not deny the right of any employee to appeal to the committee from administrative decisions on important matters, except those matters that are outside the committee's legal authority , provided that the Superintendent has been notified of the forth- coming appeal and that it is processed in accordance with the committee's policy on complaints and grievances. Staff members are also reminded that committee meetings are public meetings. As such, they provide an excellent opportunity to observe first hand the committee's deliberations on problems of staff concern.

School Committee Communications to Staff

All official communications, policies, and directives of staff interest and concern will be communicated to staff members through the Superintendent. The Superintendent will develop appropriate methods to keep staff fully informed of the committee's problems, concerns and actions.

Visits to Schools

Individual School Committee members interested in visiting schools or classrooms will inform the

Superintendent of such visits and make arrangements for visitations through the principals of the various schools. Such visits will be regarded as informal expressions of interest in school affairs and not as

"inspections" or visits for supervisory or administrative purposes. Official visits by committee members will be carried on only under committee authorization.

Lynn Public Schools

File: GBEA


No employee of the committee will engage in or have a financial interest in, directly or indirectly, any activity that conflicts or raises a reasonable question of conflict with his/her duties and responsibilities in the school system. Nor will any staff member engage in any type of private business during school time or on school property.

Employees will not engage in work of any type where information concerning customer, client, or employer originates from any information available to them through school sources.

Moreover, as there should be no conflict of interest in the supervision and evaluation of employees, at no time will any administrator responsible for the supervision and/or evaluation of an employee be directly related to him/her.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:52; 268A:l et seq.

Lynn Public Schools

File: GBEB


All staff members have a responsibility to familiarize themselves with and abide by the laws of the State as these affect their work, the policies of the Lynn School Committee, and the regulations designed to implement them.

In the area of personal conduct, the committee expects that teachers and others will conduct themselves in a manner that not only reflects credit to the school system but also sets forth a model worthy of emulation by students.

All staff members will be expected to carry out their assigned responsibilities with conscientious concern.

Essential to the success of ongoing school operations and the instructional program are the following specific responsibilities, which will be required of all personnel:


Faithfulness and promptness in attendance at work.


Support and enforcement of policies of the committee and their implementing regulations and school rules in regard to students.

3. Diligence in submitting required reports promptly at the times specified.


Care and protection of school property.


Concern for and attention to their own and the school system's legal responsibility for the safety and welfare of students, including the need to ensure that students are under supervision at all times.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:37H; 264:11; 264:14

Lynn Public Schools



Gifts by parents to school personnel are to be discouraged. Letters to staff members are always welcome and are considered more appropriate than gifts as a means of expressing gratitude and appreciation.

Any action or comment by a staff member which might be interpreted as an invitation for a gift of any nature is highly unethical and is strongly disapproved.

Lynn Public Schools

File: GBEC


The school district will provide a drug-free workplace and certifies that it will:

1. Notify all employees in writing that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the district's workplace and specify the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibitions.

2. Establish a drug-free awareness program to inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; the district's policy of maintaining a drug-free work-place; and available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and the penalty that may be imposed on employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace.

3. Make it a requirement that each employee whose employment is funded by a federal grant be given a copy of the statement as required.

4. Notify the employee in the required statement that as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement, and will notify the district of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction.

5. Notify the federal agency within ten days after receiving notice from an employee or otherwise receiving notice of such conviction.

6. Take one of the following actions within 30 days of receiving notice with respect to any employee who is so convicted; take appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination; or require such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state or local health law enforcement, or other appropriate agency.

7. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of all the provisions of this policy.

LEGAL REFS.: The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988

CROSS REFS.: JICH, Drug and Alcohol Use by Students

Lynn Public Schools

File: GBED


Smoking or the use of tobacco within school buildings, the school facilities or on school property or buses, by any individual, including school personnel is prohibited.

Staff members who violate this policy will be referred to their immediate supervisor.

Lynn Public Schools

File: GBG


Through its overall safety program and various policies pertaining to school personnel, the Lynn School

Committee will seek to assure the safety of employees during their working hours and to assist them in the maintenance of good health.

Prior to employment in the school system and at least every 3 years thereafter, all employees will submit evidence of freedom from tuberculosis, as specified by state law.

Immediately prior to entering a teaching position, prospective candidates must file with the

Superintendent's office a record of having passed a physical examination not more than 30 days prior to the date of employment. Additional physical examinations will also be required of bus drivers and food handlers, as required by law or state regulations.

The Superintendent may require an employee to submit to a physical examination by a physician appointed by the school department whenever that employee's health appears to be a hazard to children or others in the school system, or when a doctor's certificate is needed to verify the need for sick leave.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:54; 71:55B; 71:55C CROSS REFS.: EB, Safety Program

EEACA, Bus Driver Examination and Training

File: GBG-R

Lynn Public Schools



The Lynn School Committee recognizes a responsibility in the area of staff protection, as it relates to the health and safety of staff members and the legal proceedings, which may be brought against them in assigned responsibilities.


Assault will be defined as any physical, verbal, or psychological abuse inflicted upon an employee which takes place during the work day, at a school-sponsored event, while performing work-related duties at the work site, or any other time or place as a result of the employee's performance of work-related duties.



A. Duty of staff member:

File a detailed report within twenty-four (24) hours with the principal or supervisor; included, if necessary, should be:

1. Workman's Compensation claim form

2. Medical, hospital, or doctor's statement of injury suffered

B. Duty of supervisor or principal:

1. Review with employee the detailed report of assault adding addendums necessary for filing in a "Student Discipline Report File."

2. File report with Superintendent or his/her designee within twenty-four (24) hours of the receipt of the report, if necessary.

3. The matter should be discussed in a conference with the staff member, principal, parent or guardian or student, or both, to aid in decision-making.

C. Duty of the Superintendent:

1. Review, in a meeting with the staff member, the supervisor, or principal, and the Superintendent or his/her designee, the filed report and instigate the proper procedure with the appropriate person or agency, if necessary.

2. To ensure that all parties be cognizant that mutual agreement is essential for proper procedure and if not, the report should be continued to the next level.

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File: GBG-R

Lynn Public Schools


To be documented All decisions should as they are reached at level or procedure.


A. Assault (physical, verbal, or psychological) by a non-student or adult on a staff member either on school property or of f the school property, which is job-related, the aggrieved staff member will immediately file such report with the police and/or the court.

B. The detailed report mentioned in paragraph III. B.2. will be filed with the Superintendent of schools.

C. The Superintendent of schools, staff member, and legal counsel representing the Lynn School

Committee, will meet to confer on the proper course of action to be taken by the aggrieved employee.

CONTRACT REFS.: Agreement with the Lynn Teachers Union Agreement with the Lynn

Paraprofessionals Agreement with the Lynn Occupational Therapists,

Physical Therapists, Clinical Directors, Child Services Persons

Agreement with the Lynn Headmasters' Association Agreement with the Lynn

School Administrators' Association

Agreement with Supervisors

Agreement with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal


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File: GBGA

Lynn Public Schools


School employees testing positive for HIV should be treated like employees with other life-threatening illnesses including but not limited to cancer or heart disease. Employees should continue to work as long as they are able to meet acceptable performance standards, and medical evidence indicates that their condition is not a threat to themselves or others.

Federal and State laws protect disabled individuals against discrimination on the basis of their handicaps. Confidentiality is required for personnel, therefore, medical files and information about employees are exempt from public disclosure by M.G.L. C4 ~7 (26). Thus, special precautions should be-taken to protect such information regarding an employee's health condition.

File: GBGA-R

Lynn Public Schools



1. All staff should use Universal Precautions whenever there is human blood present. Latex gloves should be worn.

2. All staff should carefully handle and dispose of all first aid and cleaning materials when there is blood or body fluids present. Wash hands after removing latex gloves.

3. The teacher or staff member performing first aid should dispose of all materials used in first aid or cleaning in an open plastic bag at the scene. This open bag should then be disposed of in a medical waste barrel that is located in the school nurse's office, the principal's office or other central location.

The bag remains open in the barrel to allow for disinfecting.

4. At that time the staff member will receive a new pair of gloves, and fill out any necessary accident reports.

5. The medical waste barrel will be lined with two non-permeable plastic bags and have a cover.

6. The principal or his/her designee will be responsible to keep the medical waste barrel in a safe location.

7. Daily, or as necessary, the custodian will empty the barrel following the following procedures: a) the custodian should be wearing latex gloves. b) the custodian shall pour fresh 1:10 bleach solution into the bucket in an amount needed to saturate the material and disinfect the waste. c) the custodian will close the inner bag, then the outer bag and dispose of the doubled bagged waste. The outer bag should be labeled "Disinfected medical waste". d) the custodian will clean the cover of the bucket with bleach solution (using bleach spritz bottle or bleach soaked disposable rag), place two bags in the bucket, and then throw the gloves that he/she is wearing into the barrel. The gloves should be removed properly (inside out). e) the custodian should wash his/her hands after removing the gloves. d) a log will be kept in the principal's office. Each time the custodian empties the medical waste barrel, he/she will date and sign the log.

8. The School Department will be responsible for supplying all staff with latex gloves, and other necessary medical supplies. The School Department will be responsible for supplying bleach buckets, plastic liner bags and any other necessary cleaning supplies.

File: GBGB

Lynn Public Schools


Through its overall safety program and various policies pertaining to school personnel, the committee will seek to assure the safety of employees during their working hours and assist them in the maintenance of good health.

Prior to employment in the school system, all employees will submit evidence of freedom from tuberculosis, as specified by state law. Prospective candidates who will be taking the written examination for a teaching position must also file with the Superintendent's office a record of having passed a physical examination taken not more than 90 days prior to the date of the written examination.

Additional physical examinations will also be required of bus drivers and food handlers as law or state regulations require.

The Superintendent may require an employee to submit to a physical examination by a physician appointed by the school system whenever that employee's health appears to be a hazard to children or others in the school system or when a doctor's certificate is needed to verify need for sick leave.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:54; 71:55B; 71:55C

CROSS REFS.: EB, Environmental and Safety Program

GCBD, Professional Staff Fringe Benefits

GDBD, Support Staff Fringe Benefits

Lynn Public Schools

File: GBI


The Lynn School Committee recognizes that employees of the school system have the same fundamental civic responsibilities and privileges as other citizens. Among these are campaigning for an elective public office and holding an elective or appointive office.

In connection with campaigning, an employee will not: use school system facilities, equipment or supplies; discuss his/her campaign with school personnel or students during the working day; use any time during the working day for campaigning purposes. Under no circumstances, will students be pressured into campaigning for any staff member.

LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. 71:44

Lynn Public Schools

File: GBJ


Information about staff members is required for the daily administration of the school system, for implementing salary and other personnel policies, for budget and financial planning, for responding to appropriate inquiries about employees, and for meeting the School Committee's education reporting requirements. To meet these needs, the Superintendent will implement a comprehensive and efficient system of personnel records maintenance and control under the following guidelines:

1. A personnel folder for each present and former employee will be accurately maintained in the central administrative office. In addition to the application for employment and references, the folders will contain records and information relative to compensation, pay- roll deductions, evaluations, and any other pertinent information.

2. The Superintendent will be the official custodian for personnel files and will have overall responsibility for maintaining and preserving the confidentiality of the files within the provisions of the law.

3. Personnel records are considered confidential under the law and will not be open to public inspection. Access to personnel files will be limited to persons authorized by the

Superintendent to use the files for the reasons cited above.

4. Each employee will have the right, upon written request, to review the contents of his/her own personnel file.

5. Employees may make written objections to any information contained in the file. Any written objection must be signed by the staff member and will become part of the employee's personnel file. Further, no negative comment will be placed in a staff member's file unless it is signed by the person making the comment and the staff member is informed of the comment and afforded the opportunity to include his/her written response in the file.

6. Lists of school system employees' names and home addresses will be released only to governmental agencies as required for official reports or by the laws.

LEGAL REFS.: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Sec. 438,

P.L. 90-247, Title IV, as amended 88 Stat. 571-574

(20 U.S.C. 1232g) and regulations.

M.G.L. 4:7; 71:42C Teachers' Agreement

CONTRACT REF.: All Agreements

CROSS REF.: KDB, Public Right To Know

Lynn Public Schools

File: GBGC



The Lynn Public Schools is committed to assisting employees who present a demonstrable condition which inhibits their ability to function effectively as a contributing member of the school system. It is clear that for the organization to operate effectively all employees must be willing and capable of contributing constructively toward achieving the system's stated goals and objectives.

Although every effort will be made to assist the employee in overcoming the specific problem which has impeded his/her productivity and limited performance, it is essential that any intervention or support is sought voluntarily. Management should expect that an observable, measurable outcome will take place because of the employee's active participation. Employees who decline to participate, or who regress to the extent that their performance is impaired, should anticipate either harsh disciplinary action or possible dismissal.


Assistance will be available to any employee whose performance is impaired by either alcohol, drug abuse, or emotional problems.


The Employee Assistance Program is designed to:




Assist employees to perform to maximum capacity

Make certain that students receive the best possible services

Assist in the identification of possible alcohol, drug, or emotional problems for timely referral for treatment and rehabilitation

Reduce absenteeism and increase productivity 4.


A critical element of the program is recognition and referral by supervisors, union representatives, the individual, family members, friends, etc. The following types of behavior are frequently indicative of an alcohol or drug problem:

Increased absenteeism., particularly on Mondays and/or Fridays

Frequent tardiness

 Irritable, unpredictable behavior

Increasing incidence of financial and family problems

Observable odor of alcohol

Frequent short absences from class or assigned area

Hand tremors, running nose, red eyes

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Lynn Public Schools

File: GBGC




Initial referral may be made to immediate program supervisor by:





Parent community


First issue will result in an informal referral to appropriate negotiating unit. All information will remain strictly confidential and no record will be kept in the employee's personnel folder.



Subsequent complaints will result in referral to the Superintendent who will schedule:

A. Employee/advocate conference with option to:



Seek assistance

Schedule formal hearing for administrative action

All referrals to the School Committee shall be made by the Superintendent after all management interventions have been exhausted.

Alan Tattle

Joseph Gauvain

Jeannette Curuby

John Mullen

Thomas Fogarty

Stephen Kotsakis

Lawrence Murray

Genevieve Ritz

Edward McCarthy

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File: GBI

Lynn Public Schools


The Lynn School Committee recognizes that employees of the school system have the same fundamental civic responsibilities and privileges as other citizens. Among these are campaigning for an elective public office and holding an elective or appointive office.

In connection with campaigning, an employee will not use school system facilities, equipment or supplies; discuss his/her campaign with school personnel or students during the working day; use any time during the working day for campaigning purposes. Under no circumstances will students be pressured into campaigning for any staff member.

LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. 71:44

File: GBJ

Lynn Public Schools


Information about staff members is required for the daily administration of the school system. For implementing salary and other personnel policies, for budget and financial planning, for responding to appropriate inquiries about employees, and for meeting the education reporting requirements of the

School Committee. To meet these needs, the Superintendent will implement a comprehensive and efficient system of personnel records maintenance and control under the following guidelines:

1. A personnel folder for each present and former employee will be accurately maintained in the office of the central administration. In addition to the application for employment and references, the folders will contain records and information relative to compensation, payroll deductions, evaluations, and any other pertinent information.

2. The Superintendent will be the official custodian for personnel files and will have overall responsibility for maintaining and preserving the confidentiality of the files within the provisions of the law.

3. Personnel records are considered confidential under the law and will not be open to public inspection. Access to personnel files will be limited to persons authorized by the Superintendent to use the files for the reasons cited above.

4. Each employee will have the right, upon written request, to review the contents of his/her own personnel file.

5. Lists of school employees' names and home addresses will be released only as required by law.

LEGAL REFS.: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Section

438, P.L. 90-247, Title IV, as amended by 88 Stat.

571-574 (20 U.S.C. 1232G) and regulations. M.G.L. 4:7; 66:10; 71:42C

CONTRACT REFS.: Agreement with the Lynn Teachers Union

Agreement with the Lynn Paraprofessionals

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File: GBJ

Lynn Public Schools

Agreement with the Lynn Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Clinical Directors, Child

Services Persons

Agreement with the Lynn Headmasters' Association Agreement with the Lynn School Administrators'

Association Agreement with Supervisors

Agreement with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Workers

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Lynn Public Schools

File: GBK


The Lynn School Committee will encourage the administration to develop effective means of resolving differences that may arise among employees and between employees and administrators; reduce potential areas of grievances; and establish and maintain recognized channels of communication between the staff, administration, and School Committee.

It is the committee's desire that grievance procedures provide for prompt and equitable adjustment of differences at the lowest possible administrative level, and that each employee be assured opportunity for an orderly presentation and review of complaints and concerns.

Channels established will provide for the following:

1. That teachers and other school employees may appeal a ruling of a principal or other administrator to the Superintendent.

2. That all school employees may appeal a ruling of the Superintendent to the committee, except in those areas where the law has specifically assigned authority to the principal and/or the Superintendent and committee action would be in conflict with that law.

3. That all hearings of complaints before the Superintendent or committee be conducted in the presence of the administrator who made the ruling that is the subject of the grievance.

The process established for the resolution of grievances in contracts negotiated with recognized employee bargaining units will apply only to "grievances" as defined in the particular contract.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 150E:5; 150E:8

CONTRACT REFS.: All Contract Agreements

Lynn Public Schools

File: GBLA


The Lynn School Committee will adopt a policy recognizing January 27 as School Nurse Recognition


Lynn Public Schools

File: GCA


All professional staff positions will be created initially by the Lynn School Committee. It is the committee's intent to activate a sufficient number of positions to accomplish the school system's goals and objectives and to provide for the equitable staffing of each school building. Although such positions may remain temporarily unfilled, only the committee may abolish a position it has created.

The School Committee is at liberty to add qualifications above and beyond those required by the state for certification. Due recognition will be given to teacher qualifications in excess of the minimum. Those added qualifications might include items such as: level of degree--master's degree, master's plus thirty, or doctorate; certain emphasis in undergraduate or graduate education; specific qualifications and reference to past experience; membership or eligibility for membership in professional groups such as the National Elementary Principals Association (or the National Secondary School Principals).

The most practical time to discuss and make decisions about "above and beyond" qualifications is on the occasion of seeking applicants for an administrative position.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:38G

Agreement with the Lynn Teachers Union Agreement with the Lynn Paraprofessionals

Agreement with the Lynn Occupational Therapists,

Physical Therapists, Clinical Directors, Child Services Persons

Agreement with the Lynn Headmasters' Association Agreement with the Lynn School

Administrators' Association

File: GCAA-E

Lynn Public Schools




TITLE: Teacher

REPORTS TO: Principal (or Designee)


1. To provide maximum learning opportunities for students in accordance with school system goals and each student's abilities and educational needs.

To continuously develop his/her professional knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors


7. in order to improve the educational opportunities for his/her students.



1. Instructs students in accordance with the educational philosophy, goals, policies, and curriculum of the school system.

2. Directs the teaching/learning process toward the achievement of program goals, establishes specific course and lesson objectives, and communicates these objectives to students.

3. Is prepared to instruct students assigned and has written documentation (e.g., plan book) of preparation.

4. Diagnoses the learning needs of students in terms of the course objectives on a continuous basis and seeks the assistance of system specialists as required.

5. Employs a variety of instructional techniques, materials, and instructional media, consistent with the needs, interests, and abilities of the students and the objectives of the course.

Motivates students to learn and encourages active student participation.

Assesses the progress of students in terms of course objectives on a continuous basis and provides progress reports as required.

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File: GCAA-E

Lynn Public Schools


Sets a positive example for students and community by demonstrating respect and concern for students and an awareness of community values.

9. Assists in the development of curriculum and methods of course/students' evaluation in cooperation with department colleagues and the administration.


Manages and fully utilizes class time for instructional purposes. 10.

11. Establishes and maintains a classroom environment conducive to learning and teaching.



Assists the administration in implementing policies and/ or rules governing student life and conduct and maintains order in the classroom in a fair and just manner.

13. Promotes appropriate student behavior and attends to student's misbehavior when it occurs in the teacher's presence or whenever it is brought to a teacher's attention (e.g., hallways, cafeteria).



Encourages mutual respect among students.

15. Takes reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials and facilities from harm.


Conducts all school-related activities in accordance with School Committee policies and administrative regulations.

17. Cooperates with administrators and others in developing and supporting school activities and maintaining an atmosphere conducive to learning and teaching.

Establishes and maintains productive working relationships with colleagues and supervisors.

19. Maintains accurate student records as required by law, School Committee policy and administrative regulations.

20. Takes and records attendance accurately in classes and/or homeroom, notes excessive absenteeism to supervisory personnel, parents, and students.

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File: GCAA-E

21. Conducts administrative and other routine assignments with accuracy, promptness and

Lynn Public Schools


22. Maintains an accurate inventory of materials and supplies used in carrying out assignments.




Is punctual to class and other professional meetings.

Performs all other school-related duties as required by the administration.



25. Demonstrates respect and courtesy for parents at all times.

Makes provision for being available to students and parents for education-related purposes. Demonstrates respect and courtesy for parents at all times.

27. Establishes and maintains communication (oral and written) with students and their parents concerning both the academic and behavioral progress of all assigned students.

28. Solicits appropriately the help of parent(s) as required in the education of their children.

29. Maintains good humor, enthusiasm, initiative, and integrity with students and parents and has a positive working relationship with them.

30. Demonstrates commitment to working with community agencies and groups involved in programs affecting their students and school.


31. Incorporates constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement in performance made by supervisors and other administrators.

32. Continuously self-evaluates professional effectiveness in curriculum, instruction, and student, staff, parent, and community relationships in order to maintain and/or improve professional competence.


Keeps abreast of new developments and educational practices and programs in his/her instructional discipline(s) in order to improve the quality of the educational experiences of his/her students.

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File: GCAA-E

34. Exercises sound judgement in school related matters in accordance with the highest standard of professional conduct and ethics.

Lynn Public Schools



Abides by the chain of command in all professional matters.

Demonstrates commitment to the positive growth and wellbeing of his/her students, his/her school, and the school system.


1. Massachusetts certification.

2. Demonstrated ability to instruct students and to maintain purpose and order in the classroom and all other areas of the school in accordance with the philosophy, goals, curriculum and policies as established by the Lynn School Committee.

3. Commitment to continuously improve professional competence.

4. U.S. Citizenship.


Salary, benefits, and work year established by agreement between the Lynn School Committee and the

Lynn Teachers Union.


Job performance shall be evaluated by the principal and/or his/her designee (i.e., department head) in accordance with the policy concerning Evaluation of Professional Staff.

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File: GCAB-E-1



Lynn Public Schools

The principal must continuously carry out seven key responsibilities in order to establish and maintain successful instructional programs in his/her school. He/she does not work alone

1 however, the principal continuously delegates, motivates, coordinates, stimulates, - whatever is necessary - to get the job done effectively and efficiently. Within each responsibility area there are two or more desired behaviors that, if employed at a quality level, will make a significant difference in the fulfillment of the responsibility.



I. Develops School Philosophy and Instructional Goals

1. Articulates philosophy, goals, and objectives for the school community in conjunction with central administrative staff.

Relates students' needs to school and system goals.

Guides the development and implementation of instruction to achieve school goals and objectives.



II. Allocates Staff, Time, and Space to Maximize Instruction

4. Deploys staff to optimize learning.


Recommends staff for employment, promotion, award, dismissal.

Inventories the needs for time and space for instruction.

Allocates time and space to various instructional purposes within limits of principal's control.

8. Assigns students to appropriate spaces and time units.

III. Effectively Uses Materials, Equipment, and Facilities



Determines needs for materials, equipment, and facilities.


Requisitions and allocates materials, supplies, and equipment within budgetary and facilities' constraints.

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File: GCAB-E-1

IV. Effectively Deploys Non-Instructional Support Services

Lynn Public Schools



Determines needs for non-instructional services.

Coordinates non-instructional services.

V. Establishes and Maintains Effective School-Community Relations


Maintains communication with the school community in order to assess needs and identify instructional goals.

14. Explains instructional policies and procedures and reports instructional performance and student achievements to parents, prospective employers, and others.

15. Communicates to staff the needs of the school community.

VI. Develops and Implements Effective In-Service Training Programs



Plans and conducts in-service programs consistent with student and staff needs and school goals given funding.

Assesses the effectiveness of in-service programs.

VII. Assesses the Needs of the School and Evaluates Instruction

18. Analyzes and interprets staff performance data (i.e., performance evaluation).



Analyzes and interprets student performance data.

Analyzes and interprets community data.

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File: GCAB-E-2



Lynn Public Schools





Associate Superintendent for Educational Development

To use leadership, administrative, and human relations skills in the daily operation of the school in order to promote the maximum educational development of each student.

I. Performance Responsibilities: The principal is responsible for the following tasks even though some tasks may be implemented by subordinates.

A. Instruction

1. Defines goals and objectives of the school based upon student needs and community concerns and aspirations.



Monitors, coordinates, and organizes the total educational program at the school level.

Reports on and recommends improvements in the school's administrative, instructional and support programs, needs, and services on a continuous basis.



Collects, analyzes, and interprets data concerning student performance

Responsible for the implementation of all School Committee policies and regulations within his/her area of responsibility.



Provides leadership in development and implementation of curriculum.

Continuously reviews, evaluates, and revises curriculum in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the school.

8. Insures that curriculum is coordinated with feeder schools' curriculum.

B. Administration

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File: GCAB-E-2

9. Assists the associate Superintendent in the preparation and implementation of the school budget.

Lynn Public Schools

10. Allocates materials, equipment, and space to accomplish instructional goals at his/her school in accordance with policy and program requirements.

11. Prepares reports and recommendations as requested by superordinates.

12. Assists and advises the associate Superintendent concerning negotiations and administration of collective bargaining agreements.

13. Performs other tasks and assumes other responsibilities as the associate Superintendent may assign.

C. Staff Development

14. Conducts staff in-service programs by relating student and staff performance data in school goals.

15. Makes maximally effective use of personnel, time, materials, equipment, space, and funds allocated.

16. Conducts regularly scheduled staff meetings in order to insure the proper functioning of the school.

17. Analyzes and interprets data concerning staff performance.

18. Supervisors and evaluates all professional, paraprofessional, and administrative personnel within his/her area of responsibility.

19. Recommends to the associate Superintendent the hiring, assignment, retention, promotion, tenure and dismissal of staff within his/her area of responsibility.

D. Community Relations

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File: GCAB-E-2

20. Establishes communication with the school community (e.g., school improvement council) for the purpose of assessing needs and increasing community awareness and support of school

Lynn Public Schools


21. Explains school instructional policies, procedures, and achievements to the school community periodically.

22. Communicates to the professional staff the concerns and desires of the school community.


Acts as liaison between the school and the community, interpreting activities and policies of the school and encouraging community participation in school life.

II. Terms of Employment

Contract terms and salary to be negotiated with the School Committee. This position is a managerial position.

III. Qualifications




Massachusetts Certification as a principal (Elementary/ Secondary).

Five years - teaching experience.

Master's degree in Education. Administration or Curriculum preferred.

IV. Evaluation

Performance will be evaluated by the Superintendent or his/her designee.

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File: GCB


Lynn Public Schools

The Lynn School Committee believes that fair compensation plans are necessary to attract and hold highly qualified men and women to administer and provide the quality educational program it desires in its schools.

Compensation for professional personnel who are members of a recognized bargaining unit will be established through negotiations.

The master agreements with the teachers and administrators will be considered appendices to this manual and will have the full force of School Committee policy.

M.G.L. 71:38; 71:40; 71:41; 71:43; 150E:1 et seq. LEGAL REFS.:

CONTRACT REFS.: Agreement with the Lynn Teachers Union

Agreement with the Lynn Paraprofessionals

Agreement with the Lynn Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists,

Clinical Directors, Child Services Persons

¼ Agreement with the Lynn Headmasters' Association

Agreement with the Lynn School Administrators' Association 4,

File: GCB-R


Lynn Public Schools


The Lynn School Committee may accept coterminous programs of study as a Master's Degree

Equivalency. A teacher who has submitted evidence to the Superintendent of a completed specialized graduate program beyond a Bachelor's Degree may be considered for such equivalency.

Acknowledgment of equivalency may be contingent upon a program, which would have resulted in the assignment of a Master's Degree except for highly unusual extenuating circumstances.

The decision to grant such recognition for the purpose of salary adjustment at the Master's Degree level shall be that of the School Committee after review of the Superintendent's recommendation.

File: GCBA


Lynn Public Schools


The School Committee will adopt a salary schedule for regular teaching personnel as part of the contract negotiated with the teachers' bargaining unit. The schedule will be designed to recognize and reward training and experience and encourage additional study for professional advancement.


Salaries will be reviewed annually prior to July 1. The School Committee, with the advice of the

Superintendent, will establish levels of compensation for each position based on the circumstances, dynamics, and requirements of each position. Consideration may be given to individuals for exceptional performance as a basis for establishing merit increases for principals. It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to present evidence to the School Committee to support recommendations for merit increases.


Salaries will be reviewed annually prior to July 1. The Superintendent may, upon the request of the committee, survey other school systems to determine salaries being paid for comparable positions in each system. The survey will include the effective date of the specified salary.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:40; 71:43

CONTRACT REF.: Teachers' Agreement

Lynn Public Schools

File: GCBB


Principals shall be employed by the Lynn Public Schools under individual contracts of employment. Said contracts shall be submitted to the School Committee for their approval of all terms concerning compensation/benefits, prior to the presentation of a contract of employment to the principal. The compensation/benefit levels, above referenced, may be exceeded only with the approval of the School


Contracts issued to principals will be up to three years in length, and may be reissued by the

Superintendent at levels of compensation/benefits, determined by the School Committee, provided that the Superintendent may employ a principal under the terms and conditions of the previous contract of employment.

As a condition of employment, each principal must maintain current certification, adhere to the policies and goals of the Lynn School Committee and the directives of the Superintendent, and annually before

April 1 must submit, with the school council, the educational goals and school improvement plan for the school building(s) under his/her direction.

Lynn Public Schools

File: GCBC


Certain assignments require extra responsibility or extra time over and above that required of other staff members who are on the same position on the basic salary schedule. When such supplemental assignments require extra time and responsibility beyond that regularly expected of teachers, they will be rewarded with extra compensation.

Assignments that are to be accorded extra compensation will be designated by the committee.

Appointments to these positions will be made by the Superintendent for district-wide positions or by the principal with the approval of the Superintendent for building based personnel. The amount of compensation for the position will be established by the committee at the time the position is created.

A teacher who is offered and undertakes a supplementary pay assignment will receive a supplementary contract specifying the pay, duration and terms of the assignment. If a teacher will not be extended the assignment for the following school year but will remain on the teaching staff, he or she will be so notified in writing prior to the expiration of the contract. Upon termination of the assignment, the supplementary pay will cease.

LEGAL REF.: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Lynn Public Schools

File: GCBD


NOTE: This is an area that is generally covered by the terms of contracts negotiated with recognized bargaining units. In most instances, a note referring the reader to the pertinent contract(s) (with article and/or section number, if desired) would be appropriate.

However, if there are separate policies on fringe benefits for professional staff members who are not members of a recognized bargaining unit, staff insurance plans to which the school system contributes, tuition refunds, and other special benefits would then be included here.

**If a principal's contract makes reference to benefits consistent with school policy then this is where the benefits would be listed.

CROSS REF.: GBGB, Staff Personal Security and Safety

Lynn Public Schools

File: GCC


NOTE: This is an area that is generally covered by the terms of contracts negotiated with recognized bargaining units. In most instances, a note referring the reader to the pertinent contract(s) (with article and/or section number, if desired) would be appropriate.

However, if there are separate policies on leaves and absences for professional staff members who are not members of a recognized bargaining unit, the code GCCB can be used. This code is useful for an overall policy, and there may be regulations pertaining to all leaves and absences to file under code GCCB-R. Subcategories under GCCB were left open so that school systems might add them as most appropriate for their particular collection of leave policies and the terminology used in the individual school systems.

LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. 71:41A

NOTE: School Committee approval for leaves of absence is no longer required. This has been changed as of December 1993 when MGL 71:41A was amended to allow Superintendents to approve paid leaves of absence with the requirement that School Committees fund them.

Lynn Public Schools









Lynn Public Schools



The purpose of the Sick Leave Bank will be to provide its member’s sick leave with pay for periods of disability resulting from catastrophic illness, accident or injury.

1. Any member of the bargaining unit who so certifies may assign one (1) sick day annually to the

Sick Leave Bank in September or upon employment.

2. Such teacher, five (5) days after the exhaustion of his/her personal sick leave, both annual and accumulated, and who still is disabled due to an extended illness or injury may draw upon the bank. Applications for the withdrawal of days shall be made to the Sick Leave Bank Committee by written notice to the Secretary of the School Committee.


The Sick Leave Bank shall be administered by a Sick Leave Bank Committee composed of two

(2) members designated by the Union and two (2) members designated by the School Committee to serve for a period of two (2)- years. -The Sick Leave Bank Committee shall receive all requests for use of the Sick Leave Bank filed with the Secretary of the School Committee.

4. Upon approval of initial request, the Sick Leave Bank Committee shall allow up to fifteen- (15) day’s use by the member. Their circumstances' warrant, additional entitlement may be granted upon written request at the discretion of the Sick Leave Bank Committee.

5. The decisions of the Sick Leave Bank Committee shall be final and binding.

6. Any member of the Sick Leave Bank who so certifies may terminate membership in the Bank; however, members shall not be entitled to withdraw day's previously contributed. Any member who fails to contribute the required day annually shall be terminated in the same manner.

Lynn Public Schools



Absences which are suspect will be subject to the following procedure. Absences which are justified are excused from this process at the discretion of the administrator or supervisor.

2 absences - meeting with his/her immediate superior meeting with the Associate 4 absences -


6 absences -

8 absences - meeting with the Superintendent meeting with the School Committee at the discretion of the Superintendent



File: GCCC

Lynn Public Schools


The School System shall comply with the mandatory provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act of

1993. The Superintendent shall issue, and from time to time amend, regulations setting forth the rights and procedures granted by the Act, and shall ensure compliance with those regulations either personally or by delegation, or by some combination of personal oversight and delegation.

LEGAL REFS.: P.L. 103-3, "Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993."

Lynn Public Schools

File: GCCC-E


A. Leave without Pay

1. Employees may take leave without pay when they have exhausted their leave benefits and need additional leave to cover personal illness, the illness of a spouse, child, or parent, or the birth or adoption of a child.

2. The employee's immediate supervisor may authorize leave without pay for up to two (2) days per year. Only the Director may approve leave without pay beyond two (2) days per year. An employee requesting leave without pay for more than two (2) days must put the request in writing.

3. An employee is not entitled to leave without pay unless a. that employee has been employed for at least twelve (12) months by the School

Committee and b. that employee has worked at least 1250 hours in the previous 12 month period.

4. Extent of leave:

a. An eligible employee may take up to twelve weeks of leave total during a twelve month period, including any paid leave used. The employee must exhaust all available paid vacation leave and personal leave before being entitled to take leave without pay. b. In any case where both husband and wife work for the School Committee, parental leave or family medical leave to care for a sick parent is limited to twelve work weeks total for the husband and wife. Except as otherwise provided, the husband and wife may divide the twelve work weeks leave in any way they may agree to.

5. Definitions: a. "Child" means a son or daughter, whether biological adopted, or foster child, or a stepchild, legal ward or child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis, if the child is either under the age of eighteen (18) years or is incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability. b. "Director" means the Director of Finance and Personnel or the designee of the

Superintendent. c. "Health care provider: means a doctor of medicine or osteopathy who is authorized to practice medicine or surgery by the state where the doctor practices, or any person determined by the Secretary of Labor to be capable of providing health care services.

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File: GCCC-E d. "Intermittent Leave" means leave taken in whole day periods but less than a whole workweek. e. "Parent" means a biological parent of an employee or an individual who stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was a child. f. "Reduced leave schedule" means a leave schedule that reduces the usual number of hours per workweek, or hours per workday, of an employee. Except for teachers, no employee exempt from the overtime rules of the Fair Labor and

Standards Act may take leave on a reduced leave schedule without the permission of the Director. g. "Serious health condition" means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which involves--

(1) inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility, or

(2) continuing treatment by a health care provider. h. "Spouse" means a husband or wife. i. "Twelve Month Period" means the school system's fiscal year.

B. Types of Leave without Pay

1. Personal Medical Leave without Pay: The Director may grant a medical leave of absence without pay to an employee who, because of a serious health condition is unable to perform the functions of his or her job. a. An employee must exhaust all available sick leave, including leave from the sick leave bank, before taking leave without pay. b. Licensure:

(1) The Director may require a licensure from the employee's health care provider, stating-- i. the date on which the health condition began, ii. the probable duration of the condition, iii. the appropriate medical facts within the health care provider's knowledge regarding the condition, iv. a statement that the employee is unable to perform the functions of his/her job.

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File: GCCC-E

(2) If the Director has reason to doubt the validity of the licensure provided by the employee's health care provider, he or she may require, at the School

Committee's expense, a second opinion. The employee must obtain the opinion of the Director's designated health care provider concerning the information in b., above. The health care provider giving the second opinion may not be a person regularly employed by the School Committee

(3) If the second opinion conflicts with the first, the Director may require, at the School Committee's expense, a third opinion. The health care provider shall provide a report concerning information in b., above. The provider shall be final and binding on the School Committee and the employee.

(4) The Director may require an employee on medical leave without pay to provide relicensures at reasonable intervals. c. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employee--

(1) shall make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatment so as not to disrupt unduly the operations of the School System, subject to the approval of the employee's health care provider.

(2) shall give the employee's supervisor at least 30 days' notice, before the date the leave is to begin, of the employee's intention to take personal medical leave without pay, except that if the date of treatment requires the leave to begin in less than thirty days, the employee shall provide such notice as practicable. d. Failure to provide notice as mandated by c. above shall result in the denial of leave until the required notice period has passed. e. The employee may take intermittent leave or take leave on a reduced leave schedule when medically necessary. f. Before the employee may resume work, the employee must present his or her supervisor with written licensure from the employee's health care provider that the employee is able to resume work.

2. Family Medical Leave without Pay: The Director may grant a medical leave of absence without pay to an employee who needs the time off to care for the employee's spouse, child or parent, if the spouse, child or parent has a serious health condition.

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File: GCCC-E a. Licensure:

(1) The Director may require a licensure from the health care provider for the spouse, child, or parent, as the case may be, stating-- i. the date on which the health condition began, ii. the probable duration of the condition, iii. the appropriate medical facts within the health care provider's knowledge regarding the condition, iv. a statement that the employee is needed to care for the spouse, child, or parents, as the case may be, and an estimate of the amount of time that such employee is needed to care for the spouse, child, or parent.

(2) If the Director has reason to doubt the validity of the licensure provided by the employee's health care provider, he or she may require, at the School

Committees expense, a second opinion. The employee must obtain the opinion of the Director's designated health care provider concerning the information in b., above. The health care provider giving the second opinion may not be a person regularly employed by the School Committee.

(3) If the second opinion conflicts with the first, the Director may require, at the School Committees expense, a third opinion. The health care provider shall provide a report concerning information in b., above. The provider shall be final and binding on the School Committee and the employee.

(4) The Director may require an employee on medical leave without pay to provide relicensures at reasonable intervals. b. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employee--

(1) Shall make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatments to as not to disrupt unduly the operations of the School System, subject to the approval of the health care provider for the spouse, child, or parent of the employee, as the case may be, and

(2) Shall give the employee's supervisor at least 30 days notice, before the date the leave is to begin, of the employee's intention to take family medical leave without pay, except that if the date of the treatment requires the leave to begin in less than thirty days, the employee shall provide such notice as practicable.

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File: GCCC-E

Failure to provide notice as mandated by b. above shall result in the denial of leave until the required notice period has passed. d. The employee may take intermittent leave or take leave on a reduced leave schedule when medically necessary.

3. Parental Leave without Pay: An employee may take parental leave without pay within one year of the birth of the child in order to care for that child. An employee may take parental leave without pay within one year of the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care. a. When the need for parental leave without pay is foreseeable based on expected birth or placement, the employee shall give his or her supervisor at least 30 days' notice before the date the leave is to begin. If the date of the birth or replacement requires leave to begin in less than thirty days, the employee shall provide such notice as is practicable. b. Failure to provide notice as mandated by a. above shall result in the denial of leave until the required notice period has passed. c. An employee taking parental leave without pay may not take intermittent leave or work on a reduced leave schedule without the express consent of the Director in writing.

C. Special Rules

1. Rules Applicable to Instructors in Periods Near the Conclusion of the Academic Term:

The following rules apply to any employee who takes leave without pay under this policy and who is employed principally in an instructional capacity. a. If leave without pay begins more than five weeks before the end of an academic term, the principal may require the employee to continue taking leave until the end of that academic term, if--

(1) the leave is of at least three weeks duration, and

(2) the return to work would occur during the three-week period before the end of the academic term. b. If Parental or Family Medical leave without pay begins within five weeks before the end of an academic term, the principal may require the employee to continue taking leave until the end of that term, if--

(1) the leave is of more than two weeks duration, and

(2) the return to work would occur during the two-week period before the end of the academic term.

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File: GCCC-E c. If Parental or Family Medical leave without pay begins within three weeks before the end of an academic term the principal may require the employees to continue taking leave until the end of that term, if the leave is for more than five working d. days. the extended leave is counted against the teacher's FMLA allotment. If the teacher's FMLA allotment expires during the extension the additional time is nevertheless deemed FMLA leave.

2. Intermittent Leave and Reduced Leave Schedules: a. If the intermittent leave or reduced leave schedule is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the Director may require the employee to transfer temporarily to an available alternate position--

(1) which is offered by the Director,

(2) for which the employee is qualified,

(3) which has equivalent pay and benefits, and

(4) which better accommodates recurring periods of leave than the regular employment position of the employee. b. If a teacher does not give the School Committee the required 30 days notice for intermittent leave or a reduced leave schedule which is foreseeable, he or she must delay the taking of leave until the notice provision is met. c. If a teacher takes intermittent leave or a reduced leave schedule which is for more than 20% of the normal working days over the period of the leave, that teacher must instead take the entire period as FMLA leave.

3. Benefits during Leave: a. While the employee is on leave, the School System shall maintain coverage of that employee under its group health plan at the level and under the conditions which would have been provided if the employee had continued in employment instead of being on leave. b. If the employee normally had a monthly payment to that plan, the employee must make that monthly payments. If the employee fails to make such payments, the

School System shall, if possible, continue the benefits at the reduced rate permitted for the School System's payment alone. If such a reduced rate is not possible, then the employee shall be excluded from the group health plan.

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File: GCCC-E

4. Employment and Benefits upon Return to Work: a. Any employee who takes leave under this Policy for the intended purpose of the leave shall be entitled, on return from leave--

(1) to be restored to his or her former job, or

(2) to be placed in an equivalent position with equivalent benefits, pay, and other terms and conditions of employment. b. The taking of leave under this policy shall not result in the loss of any employment benefit accrued before the date on which the leave began. c. No employee shall accrue seniority or employment benefits during any period of leave, nor shall the employee be entitled to any right, benefit, or position of employment other than those to which the employee would have been entitled if the employee had not taken the leave. This policy does not change the legal requirement that probationary teachers teach at least 160 contractual teaching days during the school year in order to count the year toward the three years of service needed to attain continuing contract status. d. The Director may deny restoration to salaried employees who are among the highest paid 10 percent of the School System's employees, if

(1) such denial is necessary to prevent substantial and grievous economic injury to the operations of the School System,

(2) the Director notifies the employee of the intent of the School System to deny restoration on the basis of economic injury at the time the Director determines that such injury would occur, and

(3) if the leave has begun, the employee does not return to work after receiving the notice of intent not to restore him or her.

5. Failure to Return from Leave: The School System may recover the premium which it paid for maintaining coverage of the employee under its group health plan during the employee's unpaid leave under this policy if-- a. the employee fails to return from unpaid leave under this policy after the period of leave to which the employee is entitled has expired; and b. the employee fails to return to work for a reason other than--

(1) the continuance, recurrence, or onset of a serious health condition which would entitle the employee to personal or family medical leave without pay, or

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File: GCCC-E

(2) other circumstances beyond the control of the employee.

6. Prohibited Acts: a. No employee of the School System shall interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of or the attempt to exercise any right provided under this title. b. No employee of the School System shall discriminate against any individual for opposing any practice contrary to this policy. c. No employee of the School System shall discriminate against any individual for

(1) filing any charge, instituting or causing to be instituted any proceeding, under or related to this policy,

(2) giving, or being about to give, any information in connection with any inquiry or proceeding relating to any right provided under this policy, or

(3) testifying, or being about to testify, in any inquiry or proceeding relating to any right provided under this policy.

LEGAL REFS.: P.L. 103-3 "Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993,"

29 U.S.C. S 2601 et seq.; Department of Labor Regulations, 29

C.P.R. Part 825; Va Code S 22.1-303.

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File: GCD



All administrators and other professional personnel employed on a 12-month basis will be entitled to annual vacation days.

Vacations for supervisory professional staff members who are employed on a 12-month basis and are members of a recognized bargaining unit will be established through negotiations. Vacations for supervisory personnel not in bargaining units will be established by the committee and delineated in their individual contracts.


Professional staff members will not be required to work on legal holidays. Paid holidays for the professional staff will be established when the School Committee approves the calendar for the school year and will include all legal holidays.

Lynn Public Schools

File: GCE


It is the responsibility of the Superintendent, with the assistance of the administrative staff, to determine the personnel needs of the school system and it is the responsibility of the principal, in consultation with the Superintendent to determine the personnel needs of the individual schools.

In addition, school councils may review personnel requirements as a means of evaluating the needs of a school. Any recommendations for the creation or elimination of a position must be approved by the School Committee.

The search for good teachers and other professional employees will extend to a wide variety of educational institutions and geographical areas. It will take into consideration the characteristics of the town and the need for a heterogeneous staff from various cultural backgrounds.

Recruitment procedures will not overlook the talents and potential of individuals already employed by the school system. Any current employee may apply for any position for which he or she has certification and meets other stated requirements.

Openings in the schools will be posted in sufficient time, before the position is filled, to permit current employees to submit applications.

REFS.: Collective Bargaining Agreements

Lynn Public Schools

File: GCEB


The position description, including the desired qualifications, of any administrative vacancy will be circularized and posted on the district bulletin board. Copies of the notice will be posted and made available according to the provisions of the negotiated agreement with teachers. At the discretion of the

School Committee, vacancies may be publicized, inviting out-of-district applications for their consideration.

Procedures for application, including the final date applications will be received, will be included with notices of administrative vacancies.

State guidelines with reference to certification requirements for specifically titled administrative and supervisory positions will be followed.

Because of the compact structure of a school system, every administrator works very closely with the

Superintendent. Indeed, much of the success (or failure) of a Superintendent is due to the professional quality of those on his/her "administrative team." Accordingly, while recognizing that it and it alone can elect and contract with professional personnel, the School Committee shall, as in the case of electing teachers, act only on the recommendation of the Superintendent.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:38

Agreement with the Lynn Teachers Union Agreement with the Lynn

Paraprofessionals Agreement with the Lynn Occupational Therapists,

Physical Therapists, Clinical Directors, Child Services Persons

Agreement with the Lynn Headmasters' Association Agreement with the Lynn

School Administrators' Association

Lynn Public Schools

File: GCF


Through its employment policies, the district will strive to attract, secure, and hold the highest qualified personnel for all professional positions. The selection process will be based upon an awareness to candidates who will devote themselves to the education and welfare of the children attending the schools.

It is the responsibility of the Superintendent, and of persons to whom he or she delegates this responsibility, to determine the personnel needs of the school system and to locate suitable candidates . No position may be created without the approval of the School Committee.

The district's goal is to employ and retain personnel who are motivated, will strive always to do their best, and are committed to providing the best educational environment for the children

It will be the duty of the Superintendent to see that persons considered for employment in the schools meet all certification requirements and the requirements of the committee for the type of position for which the nomination is made.

The following guidelines will be used in the selection of personnel:

1. There will be no discrimination in the hiring process due to age, sex, creed, race, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or place of residence.

2. The quality of instruction is enhanced by a staff with a wide variation in background, educational preparation, and previous experience.

3. The administrator responsible for the hiring of a staff member (In the case of district-wide positions, for the position of principals, it is the Superintendent. For building based personnel, it is the principal.)is directed to establish a representative screening committee. The administrator has the final say in determining who will be hired but it is expected that the screening committee's input will be a factor in the decision.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 69:6; 71:38; 71:38G; 71:39; 71:45; 71:55B

Massachusetts Board of Education Requirements for

Certification of Teachers, Principals, Supervisors,

Directors, Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents in the Public

Schools of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, revised 1994

603 CMR 7:00 and 44:00

Lynn Public Schools


Part-Time Teachers

File: GCG

Teachers may be employed on a part-time basis. The salary of part time teachers will bear the same ratio to the first step of the salary schedule that the teacher would earn if employed full-time as the hours worked bear to the hours the teacher would work if employed full-time (for example, a teacher employed for half the number of hours would receive half the salary of a full-time teacher).

Substitute Teachers

Each building principal will have the authority to employ as many substitute teachers as may be necessary to take the place of teachers who are temporarily absent. Periodically he/she will submit to the Superintendent a list of qualified substitutes for approval.

The school system will employ as substitute teachers, to the extent possible, persons who meet the requirements for teacher appointments and will assign teachers substitute teaching positions on the basis of their areas of competence. When the supply of potential substitutes in a particular subject area is too limited to meet school department needs, there will be active recruitment for substitutes in those areas.

All substitute teachers will be expected to provide educational services, rather than to assume merely a student-supervisory role. They will be provided with as much support as possible by building administrators and teachers.

The Lynn School Committee will set the daily rate of pay for substitute teachers, including extendedterm substitutes. The latter will be granted such additional benefits as approved by the School


Lynn Public Schools

ile: GCI



The Lynn School Committee recognizes that equitable compensation plans--adequate base salary and employee benefits--also include salary incentives, which are necessary to attract and hold highly qualified personnel, who serve as the cornerstone of a first-rate educational program.

The committee also recognizes that it is in the best interests of the students, teacher performance and education in general for teachers to continue their studies in their subject field, or in a specifically related field.

All teachers covered by the Agreement Between the School Committee and the Teachers' Association will have their compensation for credits set by the terms of the agreement.


The Superintendent and the other administrators bear major responsibilities for educational leadership in the school system. It is essential that each administrator continue to grow in both the knowledge of current developments in education and in the skills needed to carry out the responsibilities of a particular position. Accordingly, each administrator, the Superintendent included, is encouraged to develop an individualized one to three year professional growth plan which will include:

1. Specific performance and "growth" objectives to be accomplished.


Means by which the objectives are to be accomplished: conferences, workshops, conventions, academic courses, sabbatical leaves, individual reading and study programs, etc.

3. Activities above and beyond the ordinary which will support an administrator's growth as a professional educator: leadership in a professional group, writing for publication, educational travel and visitations, participating in team efforts to introduce educational improvements and planning and carrying out other research and development activities.

4. Provisions for a desirable balance between time spent in professional growth activities and the time required for carrying out the responsibilities of the position.

5. Provisions for recording and evaluating professional growth activities with the view of giving credit for a person's effort to improve professionally in the evaluation program for administrators.


A number of professional associations for administrators provide services, information and publications which are of direct benefit to the operation of the school system. Occasionally, "institutional membership" is available for the school system, with a specific administrator named as the official representative of the system in the affairs of the association.

The School Committee will consider and act on specific proposals from administrators for the payment of dues for membership in professional associations and the payment of subscription fees for professional journals and publications.

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File: GCI

The administrator making a request for payment of dues and subscription fees should be prepared to show how the services and publications of the association benefit the school system directly. In addition, he/she must provide the School Committee with his/her plan for sharing the services and information from the publications with other educators in the school system and with School Committee members.

Participation by the Superintendent and other administrators in community service club activities helps promote the understanding and support of schools. The School Committee will not pay the expenses associated with participating in a community service club.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:38; 71:40; 71:43; 188 of the Acts of 1985 Agreement with the Lynn

Teachers Union Agreement with the Lynn Paraprofessionals Agreement with the Lynn Occupational

Therapists, Physical Therapists, Clinical Directors, Child Services Persons

Agreement with the Lynn Headmasters' Association Agreement with the Lynn School Administrators'


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Lynn Public Schools

File: GCIA


All staff members will be encouraged in and provided with suitable opportunities for the development of increased competencies beyond those they may attain through the performance of their assigned duties and assistance from supervisors.

Opportunities for professional growth may be provided through such means as the following:

1. Planned in-service programs and workshops offered within the school system from time to time; these may include participation by outside consultants.

2. Membership on curriculum development committees drawing personnel from within and without the school system.

3. Released time for visits to other classrooms and schools and for attendance at conferences, workshops, and other professional meetings.

4. Leaves of absence for graduate study, research, and travel.

5. Partial payment of tuition for approved courses.

The Superintendent will have authority to approve or deny released time for conferences and visitations, and reimbursements for expenses, provided such activities are within budget allocations for the purpose.

Lynn Public Schools

File: GCJ


Teachers and certain other professional employees who have served in the school district for three consecutive years shall be entitled to professional teacher status . The Superintendent, upon recommendation of the principal, may award such status to a teacher who has served in the principal's school for not less than one year or a teacher who has obtained such status in any other public school district in the Commonwealth. The Superintendent will base his/her decisions on the results of evaluation procedures conducted according to committee policy.

At the end of each of the first three years of a teacher's employment, it will be the responsibility of the

Superintendent to notify each employee promptly in writing of the decision on reappointment.

Notification to a teacher not being re-appointed must be made by June 15 or at an earlier date if required by a collective bargaining agreement.

A teacher who attains professional teacher status will have continuous employment in the service of the school system. A teacher with professional teacher status whose position is abolished by the Lynn

School Committee may be continued in the employ of the school system in another position for which he or she is legally qualified.

Nothing in these provisions will be considered as restricting the Superintendent from changing teaching assignments or altering or abolishing supervisory assignments except that, by law, no teacher may be assigned to a position for which he or she is not legally qualified.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:38; 71:38G; 71:38H; 71:41; 71:42; 71:43

Lynn Public Schools
