worksheet hammurabi's code 2012

Name: ________________________________ Date: ______________ A B 1 3 7
Scavenger Hunt: The Code of Hammurabi
1) Find a law that you think is completely fair.
2) Find a law that you feel includes too much punishment.
3) Find a law that you feel does not include enough punishment.
4) Find a law that just isn’t necessary.
5) Find a law that is just plain funny.
6) Find a law that is discriminatory.
(does not treat all people equally).
7) Why do you think that the Code of Hammurabi is generally a just
or unjust set of laws?
8) Why do you think that the creation of the code of hammurabi
was or was not necessary?
9) What is your favorite item in the code?
10) why do you think we are bothering to learn about the code of