Distance Learning Network Instructor Guide Contents Program Overview Faculty Agreement Document Compensation (CECS Only) Canvas Information Course Basics Communication Examinations Copyright Evaluations Equipment Adobe Connect Pro Presentation Standards Support Contacts Because we strive to continually improve the CECS distance learning program, please check the DLN website for updates to this information. http://umdearborn.edu/cecs/DLN/faculty. Distance Learning Network Mission & Goals The mission of the Distance Learning Network program is to facilitate the delivery of academically challenging engineering and computer science courses in a flexible, yet structured environment that allows learners to integrate education with their personal and professional lives. Develop web-based courses that provide the same academic rigor and learning outcomes as campus-based courses. Deliver courses via the Internet in a flexible, but structured environment. Increase student retention and enrollment by providing students the opportunity to attend classes without geographic boundaries or time constraints. Faculty Agreement All instructors that teach CECS distance learning (online) courses will be asked to sign an agreement. This document outlines expectations and compensation for DL instructors. Stipends cannot be paid until this document is signed and submitted. Compensation Compensation guidelines apply to CECS instructors only. College of Business instructors will be compensated by COB. Stipend payments will be prepared after the drop/add period has ended and class counts are relatively secure. Compensation All faculty (tenured, non-tenured and lecturers) who teach distance learning (online) courses will be compensated as follows: Course Development: $3500 one-time-only per course – not per instructor for the course stipend (CECS Only) Paid only after course materials are properly prepared. Compensation Course Stipend (CECS Faculty Only): $40 per credit hour, per distance learning student after enrollment in the combined face-to-face and distance learning sections of the course reaches 24. The stipend will apply to the 25th distance learning student enrollment and above. The stipend is only for distance learning (online students). The per credit hour rate is $40 per credit hour. Course Basics CECS DLN courses are offered asynchronously. Live lecture courses are captured using Mediasite and posted to Canvas for student viewing. Lecture videos are available for the entire semester. Lecture videos can be streamed or downloaded. Adobe Connect remote presentation software is available for DL students presentations. It is not available for weekly use to facilitate a synchronous course. Instructions for student connection are located at http://umdearborn.edu/cecs/DLN/student_resources.php Course Basics – Canvas LMS Canvas is the learning management system for all CECS distance learning courses http://umdearborn.edu/canvas. This is a campus-wide product and is supported centrally. Please plan to attend a Canvas training session. Canvas is owned by Instructure. There are many helpful resources in the guides, including a “getting started” module. http://guides.instructure.com/ Course Basics – Canvas LMS Canvas is integrated with the UMD student information system, Banner. New course shells are automatically generated each semester for each course in Banner and assigned to the instructor of record 8 weeks in advance of the start of the semester. Instructors retain access to course content from previous semesters. Content is easily imported into new shells. Old course shells cannot be reused. Course Basics – Canvas LMS Courses without instructor assignment will be created, but will not be accessible until an assignment is made. Work In Progress courses can be created for instructors that wish to begin course development early. Please contact Susan Guinn or Joe Goraj in the DLN office for assistance. Course Basics – Canvas LMS Students are automatically added to and removed from courses on Canvas based on Banner registration information twice each day. Teaching Assistants, Graders, and Guests may be added to your course by sending an email to either Susan Guinn or Joe Goraj in the DLN Office. Course Basics – Canvas LMS University policy requires administrators to add additional persons to courses. The DLN Office manages distribution of course videos, which are only available to students enrolled in the distance learning (online) section of the course. Videos can be accessed by clicking on the DLN Video link in the Canvas course site. Course Basics Please refer to the Online Course Quality Management Guiding Priniciples, which have been approved by CECS Administrative Council. MS PowerPoint is the recommended standard for developing lecture presentations. Course Basics Before the first day of the term: post a welcome announcement for the distance learning (online) students on the course main page. This will begin the interaction between instructor and students. post a detailed course syllabus including exam and due dates using the Syllabus link. Course Basics Unedited videos are normally available almost immediately after the live course concludes. Edited videos are posted by 5:00 p.m. the first business day following the live lecture. We ask that you provide online students an additional 24 hours to complete and submit assignments due to the timing of video posting. Course Basics An ITS Ticket request must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the semester for any special hardware or software needs. Requests after this time may not be able to be accommodated. Minimum technical requirements can be found on the DLN website, are in promotional materials and are emailed to students at the beginning of each semester. Course Basics When creating course assignments, please keep in mind that distance learning (online) students may not have access to all software available on campus due to licensing limitations. Please consider providing a freeware alternative software solution or a modified assignment. Distance learning (online) students should not be required to come to campus for labs. If students must purchase software or hardware, this must be announced during the first course meeting and should also be clearly stated on the syllabus and in course announcements. Many software companies now offer student licensing. Please work ahead if this option will accommodate your needs. Course Basics Maintain a dynamic course site to keep the students engaged with the course Don’t load all of the lectures at the same time unless you use the Canvas “lock” feature to release information weekly. Post announcements, add relevant links Facilitate discussions via Canvas. Provide links to reliable web resources Professional societies, research centers Simulations and animations Course Basics Throughout the term: Provide regular feedback to students • Use Speedgrader to grade, comment on and return homework submitted via Canvas. • Return graded assignments and exams not submitted via Canvas – Drop graded work off at the DLN (ELO) Office. To be scanned and emailed to students at their umich.edu email. We cannot post them via Canvas. • Post assignment due dates and exam dates on Canvas using the Syllabus tool. Review video posted to course website Course Basics End of term Announce final examination dates and post dates on Canvas Return all assignments for final exam study Send electronic copy of final exam to DL staff Post final examination and final course grades on Canvas Submit final course grades to UMD Remove copyrighted materials from Canvas course site. Communication Communication is a critical part of any distance learning course. Please respond to student inquiries within 24 hours. Significant information (exam dates, assignment due dates, etc.) should be posted on Canvas. Please do not “hide” this information in the video lecture. It does not encourage or force students to watch the video – it only creates confusion and frustration. Communication Return completed assignments and exams to students as soon as possible (see previous information for methods). Use Canvas for your in-class students too! This is a great way to encourage interaction, it broadens the intellectual exchange and opens communication between students to help them network. Communication Questions that apply to the class in general should be posted as an announcement with a reply to avoid answering the same question multiple times. Instructors are encouraged to hold “virtual office hours” and to post items for discussion. Use the built in tools in Canvas – Conferences, Chat, Collaborations, Email. Examinations Distance Learning students have 3 options for completing examinations With the on campus class With a proctor through the distance learning office in Extended Learning and Outreach With an external proctor that is verified by the distance learning office if the student resides more than 50 miles from UMD. Examinations Per approved CECS policy, distance learning students should be permitted 24 hours from the time that the face-to-face students complete their exam to accommodate for the video lag time, and to provide for the flexibility that distance learning students need. Please review the entire policy at http://umdearborn.edu/cecs/DLN/exams Examinations Please complete the Google Form request for examination dates at the beginning of the semester so that proctors can be arranged. Suspected plagiarism or cheating of any kind should be reported immediately to the appropriate administrators. Copyright All materials/images posted on the course page are covered by US copyright laws. http://www.lib.umich.edu/copyright/copyright Contact Bob Fraser (UMD Library). • 313-593-3740 or rfraser@umd.umich.edu Images from federally funded research are public domain and don’t require permission Contact publisher for use of copyrighted materials (check with a librarian) Contact websites for authorization to use images/animations from their sites. Instructor and Course Evaluations Course and instructor evaluations will be posted via EvaluationKit on Canvas at the end of the term. Instructors and appropriate administrative staff can access the results directly from Canvas. Distance Learning Network Equipment Overview and Presentation Recommendations Recording Lectures Log In to the computer in the classroom with your Kerberos username and password (same as for your umich email) For faster operation, Open your PowerPoint lectures files from the desktop folders one at a time. It is recommended that you download your presentation files into a class folder on the desktop of the computer in the classroom You can edit or notate during the lecture without changing your original files -- files saved to the desktop are copies. Recording Lectures Use only the Sympodium stylus or mouse to “point” to items on the screen. Distance learning students cannot see what you are referencing if you use a laser pointer or your finger and therefore cannot follow the lecture. If you use the document camera, make sure that hand-written examples are large and legible. Use the zoom feature on the camera which allows you to enlarge the visible portion of your notes. Use markers provided at the desk in the room. Recording Lectures Be aware of the range of the video camera and microphone and try to stay within it. View your course videos on Canvas to get an idea of the boundaries. Repeat student questions that are asked during the lecture session. This improves the audio for the distance learning students, as well as clarifies the question for the students in the classroom. When You Are Finished Teaching When you have finished teaching for the evening, remember to turn off the data display projector. Turning off the projector requires two clicks – some rooms have wall controls, others use remote controls located at the instructor station. Projector bulbs are very costly and have a defined number of useable hours. Please also “Log Off” of the computer Developing Presentations Using CECS Recommendations MS Powerpoint is recommended as the standard for presentations. Use a light colored background on all slides Use a plain font style Use a dark font color with a size of 32 or larger Developing Presentations Using CECS Standards Use a light colored background on all slides Use a plain font style Use a dark font color with a size of 32 or larger Recording Lectures Create defined audio start and stop points in each lecture. This assists the technical support staff during editing and production. “Let’s begin”, “Let’s take a break”, “That’s all for tonight” Using these cues will prevent any private conversations or “side bars” from being retained in the final produced version of the lecture. Instructor Support Contacts Administrative, Course Development and Student Service Matters • Susan Guinn, Program Manager 313-593-3892 / sguinn@umich.edu Examination & Homework returns, Exam Proctor Scheduling • Ben Goraj, Examination Coordinator 313-593-4000 / bgoraj@umich.edu Instructor Support Contacts Technical Support – 2040 PEC • Joe Goraj, Video Production Coordinator 313-593-4000 / jgoraj@umich.edu Room Monitors - 2000 PEC Room Monitors are available to help if there is a problem during class time. • Brad Jones, Monitor Lead and Video Assistant 313-593-1591 / bjon@umich.edu