The Bill of Rights The 8th Amendment What is the 8th Amendment? What are the pros & cons of capital punishment? What is the 8th Amendment? n “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted…” n Themes: n n Bails and Fines “Cruel and unusual punishment” Where did the 8th Amendment originate? n During the Revolution, the British used fines as a way to punish suspected “rebels” n n “unplayable debt” The European powers also had a history of using torture to extract information Torture to Extract Confessions What does the 8th Amendment mean to me? n Bail = money / property given to a court to let a person out of jail n The idea being the property / money will be returned when the person appears in court “Waving Bail” Bail Bondsmen Bounty Hunters What does the 8th Amendment mean to me? n Though “cruel & unusual punishments” is outlawed, what is it? n n “standards of decency” Punishments are ever evolving in the US History of Punishment in the US n In early America, capital punishment was regular punishment n n n Whippings Hangings Public executions were seen as a way of deterring future crimes Is capital punishment considered “cruel & usual?” n The courts are undecided on this issue… n The Supreme Court has ruled that this is an issue for the states to decide When does capital punishment become “cruel & usual?” n Capital punishment can become “cruel & usual” under specific circumstances n “Aggravating circumstances” = violent nature of a crime “Mitigating circumstances” = character of a defendant n “Fry Him Again…” Francis v. Resweber (1946) Willie Francis in the Electric Chair Is lethal injection an 8th Amendment violation? Can minors be executed? Can people with mental / physical handicaps be executed? William Henry Furman & Mentally Fit for Execution Furman v. Georgia (1972) Punishment Other Than Death Executing an Innocent Man? Executing an Innocent Man? The Life of David Gale (2003) What are the current issues facing the 8th Amendment? n Currently, the courts are trying to decide the issues of “cruel & unusual” in the War on Terror n Torture or interrogation? John Walker Lindh Do the inmate at Gitmo violate the 8th Amendment? Abu Ghraib Prison (2004)