Third assignment-conducting a survey Rating of the crimes according to their severity at pages 63-65: 1. Pupils who are found to be using drugs at school. 2. School vandalism. 3. Verbal violence and bad language. 4. Writing on a desk at school. 5. Refused to take part in a reading exercise. The punishments that I think them acceptable are: 1. Cancel of graduation party because vandalism at school. 2. Teaching swearword, in order to they (the pupils) will stop using those words. Brainstorm for all the punishments that are used in my school and other schools Assignment about the material Bar from the activities at school Suspension Punishments at Bar from the trips schools Latter to the parents Clean the school Stay at school until 4 o'clock in the after noon Meeting between the teacher and the parents Open record at the police station Assumptions before the survey: a) At questions 1, 7, 8, 9 a lot of students will agree. b) At questions 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 a lot of students will not agree at all. c) At question 5 the majority of the students won't agree (especially girls). The findings of the survey about punishments at schools 16 14 12 10 agree not agree not agree at all 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 the questions 7 8 9 10 The conclusions of this research are: More than 80% students agree that the most severe punishment is record at the police and most of the students agree that the punishments at their school aren't good at all. More then 80% students not agree that the gates are closed at 8:10, in order to get a lesson and will not late again. Less then 50% students not agree at all that coming to school at 7:30 is a good punishment and not agree at all that a student that don't do h.w then he needs to do book report. More then 50% students agree that student that came to school without a uniform needs to send home, to change and that suspension is the severe punishment at school. More then 80% students not agree at all that a student that doesn't come to test can't do it in another occasion. More then 90% students agree that a student that insult his teacher, the needs to call his parents. Less then 50% students agree and disagree that student that write on a desk in the class, his punishment is clean all the desks.