BIOLOGY 1011 LABORATORY - Fall 2012 Title Topics Mader Lab Manual, 11th Edition Lab # Week of 1 9/3 Observations & Measurements Laboratory Safety The Microscope Lab Safety Manual & 2 (pg. 9 & pp. 14-25) 2 9/10 Animal Diversity I Bacteria, Eukarya: Protista, Animalia Phyla Porifera, Cnidaria 14 (pp. 175-179 & 182-191) 22 (pp. 291-299) 3 9/17 Animal Diversity II Animalia cont’d.: 22 (pp. 299-308) 23 (pp. 311-331) Phyla Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, & Echinodermata 4 9/24 Animal Diversity III Animalia cont’d.: ✱Bring Dissection Kit Phylum Chordata 24 (pp. 333-338 & pp. 345-351) 31 (pp. 448-451) ✱Bring Dissection Kit 32 (pp. 461-475) 5 10/1 Animal Diversity & Development Echinoderm & Chick 6 10/8 MIDTERM EXAM : ON LABS # 1-5 7 10/15 Fetal Pig I Digestive System Respiratory System 26 (pp. 369-380) 27 (pp. 388-389) ✱Bring Dissection Kit 8 10/22 Fetal Pig II Circulatory System 27 (pp. 383-387) 29 (pg. 410) ✱Bring Dissection Kit 9 10/29 Physiology Physiology of Circulation 25 (pg. 361) 29 (pp. 411-417) 10 11/5 Fetal Pig III Urogenital System 27 (pp. 389-397) 29 (pp. 418-422) ✱Bring Dissection Kit 11 11/12 Sense Organs Nervous System 30 (pp. 425-442) ✱Bring Dissection Kit 12 11/19 NO LABS - THANKSGIVING WEEK 13 11/26 FINAL EXAM : ON LABS # 7-11 Quiz Schedule Quiz on Labs 1 & 2 Quiz on Labs 3 & 4 Quiz on Labs 7 & 8 Quiz on Labs 9 & 10 BIOLOGY 1011 LABORATORY - Fall 2012 1. Lab Attendance: All students are required to take a laboratory with Biology 1011. You are expected to attend your assigned lab section. If you miss your scheduled lab, notify your lab instructor as soon as possible. Students may attend another section as a make-up, but, only if there is space available at that time. A list of the times & locations of all BIO 1011 labs is posted on Blackboard. ÞNOTE: Make-up labs must be done during the same week that the lab is listed on the syllabus. 2. Lab Coordinator: Dr. S. Love Office: BL 248-N Phone #: (215) 204-5996 Office Hours: Monday 2:00-3:00 (or by appointment) E-mail: ÞPlease send e-mail only through your Temple e-mail account!! Also, be sure to note “BIO 1011 LAB" as the SUBJECT of your e-mail and include YOUR NAME (first & last), TUid number, and section # within your e-mail. (Note: I will not open e-mail’s that indicate “no subject” - please be sure to include one!) 3. Lab Grades: The laboratory is worth a total of 200 points. Laboratory points contribute 30% toward your final course grade. There are NO LETTER GRADES given in the lab portion of the course. ∙Four laboratory quizzes will be given; each quiz is worth 20 points. ∙Two comprehensive Practical laboratory examinations will be given: a Midterm and a Final; each lab exam is worth 60 points. ÞNOTE: Quizzes & exams will be given only during SCHEDULED lab classes! Quizzes are given ONLY at the BEGINNING of the lab period! Arrive on time!!! ➤If you must miss your regular lab due to a LEGITIMATE excuse (i.e., something that can be documented - illness, legal, funeral), please e-mail Dr. Love at as soon as possible to arrange for a make-up in another lab section during that same week. 4. Lab Materials: (Purchase from the Temple University Bookstore unless specified otherwise.) ∙Biology Lab Manual, 11th edition, by Sylvia S. Mader - cover is light blue with a picture of a white wolf; it has a dark blue spiral binding. ∙CST Laboratory User's Safety Manual- available on Main Campus at the Ritter Copy Center (Ritter Hall, Room 234) or at the Ambler Campus Bookstore. ∙Safety Goggles- purchase the type with elastic/rubber strap; must fit snugly against the face. (ÞNOTE- Safety glasses are not acceptable in the Biology Dept.!) ∙Dissection Kit #20- kit should contain both scissors and blunt probe. ∙Lab coats- disposable laboratory coats will be provided by the Biology Department for use throughout the semester. Students will not be permitted to stay in labs without wearing a lab coat! (NOTE- only one coat/student per semester!) ∙Blackboard material- All information related to the Bio 1011 labs can be found on Blackboard through TUportal by going to the “GENERAL BIOLOGY I LAB - FALL 2012" Blackboard site. ÞNOTE- You must have a Temple e-mail account to access this material. ÞIt is your responsibility to obtain all Pre-Lab materials/dissection lists from Blackboard and to bring a printed copy to every lab. These materials can be accessed by first, clicking on the “Labs” button on the left side of the screen, and then going into the “Pre-Labs” folder. Documents will be available after 4:00 PM on the Friday prior to each lab. NOTE- If you do not bring your own copy of this material, you will not be able to complete all lab work during the allotted time. There will be no extra printed copies of this material in the labs. 5. Lab Safety: The Biology Department has established specific policies to ensure the safety of both students and instructors. Everyone is expected to abide by these policies without exception!! ✱LAB COATS (provided by the department) must be worn at all times! ✱SAFETY GOGGLES (not safety glasses) are to be worn at all times as instructed! ✱Sandals (or other open-toed shoes) are not permitted to be worn in the lab! ✱NO GUM! NO FOOD/DRINK consumption is permitted in the lab! All food/drink must be stored in students’ bags at all times! DO NOT PUT BOTTLES/CUPS ON LAB TABLES! ✱Signed Safety Manual slips must be submitted to your lab instructor after initial safety training in order to participate in the laboratory portion of the course. 6. Office Hours: All Biology 1011 lab instructors will have office hours each week. A list of their office locations, phone numbers, and office hours will be posted on Blackboard. If you need extra help with the material, feel free to ask any of the lab instructors for assistance. 7. DRS Forms: If you are registered with the Office of Disability Resources & Services (DRS), and have a need for any academic accommodations during the current semester, please submit your confidential letter to Dr. Love as soon as possible. You must discuss your situation directly with Dr. Love (either in person or on the phone, but, not via e-mail) in order to determine what accommodations can be made regarding the laboratory quizzes and/or exams in this course. (If you are not registered with DRS, please disregard this item.)