POETIC TERMS The following short list of terms is comprised of the words you will be responsible for knowing on the objective section of the comprehensive exam. You may be asked to identify these in terms of examples; for instance, you may be asked to scan lines in order to identify meter, line length, etc. Figures of speech Ambiguity Analogy Anaphora Anastrophe Antithesis Apostrophe Catalogue Chiasmus Conceit Epithet Hyperbole Irony Kenning Metaphor Metonymy Oxymoron Paradox Parallelism Periphrasis (circumlocution) Prosopopoeia (personification) Rhetorical Question Simile Symbol Synaesthesia Synecdoche Trope Understatement Terms of literary analysis Alliteration Alliterative verse Allusion Anacrusis Archaism Ascending and descending meter Assonance Ballad stanza Basic stanzas: couplet, tercet, quatrain, sestet, octave Blank verse Cacophony Caesura Catalexis Conceit Consonance Diction Dramatic Monologue Elegy End rhyme, internal rhyme End-stopped lines Enjambment Epigram Euphony Free verse Heroic couplet Hymn meter (common, short, long) Image Imagery Kenning Line length: monometer, dimeter, trimeter, tetrameter, pentameter, hexamater, etc. Masculine (one-syllable) and feminine (two- syllable) ending or rhyme Metrical feet: iamb (iambic), trochee (trochaic),anapest (anapestic), dactyl (dactylic), pyrrhic, spondee (spondaic) Ode Onomatopoeia Ottava rima Persona Prosody Refrain Rhyme royal Riddle Satire Sestina Sonnet (English or Shakespearean) Sonnet (Italian or Petrarchan) Stanza Stress Substitution Synaeresis Syncope Terza Rima Tone Villanelle Voice Wit