File - The National HEP CAMP Association


Intern Introductions

Summer 2013 HEP CAMP Association

HEP CAMP Association Interns



University :

Major :

Sponsor :

Placement :

Jessica Barron

Mulberry, Florida

University of South Florida

Mass Communications

HEP CAMP Association

Office of Sen. Mark Rubio (FL)

Jessica Barron

• 1633 Andros Complex • Tampa, Florida 33620 • (863)409-2446 •


• To work as a Bilingual Reporter for the Univision News Station that will utilize my ability to effectively deliver news to viewers in a clear manner.


Bachelors of Arts in Mass Communications~ 3.8/4.0

Minor in International Studies

University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.

Expected: 05116

06/12 High School Diploma - 4.25 G.P.A.

Mulberry High School, Mulbeny FL.

• Graduated as 3 td in class of 183 students


• Bilingual: Spanish and English

• Public Speaking Ski1ls

• Can record with camera and edit film using Final Cut Pro

• Teamwork ethic


Mulberry High School Television News Network

• Documented and reported news

• Anchored news on school television program

• Edited film to produce news program

Desk Clerk with Housing and Residential Education Department

USF Housing & Residential Education

4202 E Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL 33620-7700

• Maintaining Student Confidentiality .

• Effectively processing student profiles and databases

• Receiving phone calls and resolving student issues


• College Assistance Migrant Program Scholarship- Recipient

• Lydia Cruz and Sandra Maria Ramos ScholarshipRecipient

• Tampa Hispanic Cultural Ambassador

• M.A.S.A. (Mexican American Student Association) -Member and

Folkloric Dancer

• M.E.T.A. (Members Empowering True Awareness)- Scholarship Board and Member

• JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) -Battalion Commander

• Congressional Academy -Participant

• JROTC -Command Sergeant Major

• National Honor Society -Secretary


01/13 -Present





20 12-Present






• Boys and Girls Club

• SPCA-Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Jessica Barron

HEP CAMP Association Intern

Mulberry, Florida

Mass Communications, University of South Florida

Placement: Office of Sen. Mark Rubio (FL)

HEP CAMP Association Intern Biography

Jessica Barron is currently attending the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida.

Jessica is majoring in Mass Communications with a minor in International Relations.

Jessica wants to become a Broadcast Journalist just like Jorge Ramos.

At her university, Jessica is the Vice President of M.E.T.A (Members Empowering True

Awareness). She is a part of CAMP (College Assistance Migrant Program). She is also the Cultural Ambassador and a Council Member of the Tampa Hispanic Heritage


Through this internship, Jessica hopes to learn skills that will help her in her broadcasting career. She also hopes to create meaningful contacts through this exp forth

D.C. Adventures!

By: Jessica Barron

Week 1

Wow! I never would have guessed that one minute I would be in my small town and that later that day I would be standing in front of the White House. To be in Washington D.C. was both scary and exciting at the same time. I dream of becoming a Broadcast Journalist and with this internship, feel that much closer to fulfilling my dreams.

La Casa Blanca!!!

In this first week, the other CAMP interns and I got to go visit our offices where we will be working. Those of us who are interning with senators and representatives could tell that our first week would be…a challenge. With the Immigration Bill on the floor everyone was busy and we knew we would be in for a rude awakening. However, we knew we would live because the staff in every office was very welcoming and thrilled to have us there so we knew we were in good hands. Not only did we get to visit our offices but we also got to go through the underground

tunnels that connect all the buildings on Capitol Hill. Walking through those tunnels definitely makes you feel like your V.I.P. because they’re filled with D.C. staff.

Traveling through the underground tunnels! Hope I remember my way back >_<

The best part of the week was getting to eat lunch with Irene Bueno and her staff. They are the people that have been fighting for HEP/ CAMP and made our internship possible. While we were there we got a surprise visit from Arturo Rodriguez, the President of the United

Farmworkers of America. He was the man that worked alongside Cesar Chavez in his fight for farmworker rights. Later that day we also ran into “Dreamers” that were in D.C. protesting in

Congress and got to hear some of their inspirational stories. On Thursday morning we went to the Capitol to take group pictures and we were lucky enough to run into Mauricio Villeda

Bermudez, the Liberal Presidential Candidate for Honduras. Throughout the week we also got the chance to work alongside CHCI (Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute) interns and attend informational seminars that would help us be prepared for our internship. We also got to attend the Tri-caucus dinner where we met with the Asian Caucus, the African American Caucus, and

of course the Hispanic Caucus. We met the CHCI chairman Representative Ruben Hinojosa and other representatives that make it possible for minority groups to have internship opportunities.

The first week was overwhelming with new food, new places, and best of all new people. With the first week gone, I can’t wait to see what comes next!

D.C. Adventures!

Week 2

It was finally time to fly solo! This is going to be our first week without Pat (my CAMP

Director) and now we would have to navigate around DC alone…DUN! DUN! DUUNN! Our first day of work was just around the corner so we decided we should explore D.C. Together we went to see the WWII Memorial, the Washington Monument, and the Holocaust Museum. The only bummer was that the Holocaust Museum is one of the only museums where you need tickets and they were sold out for a month so we only got to see a little exhibit. Even though it was small it was still very emotional, so we plan to get tickets for next month so make sure you stay tuned for the day we go!

Panoramic View! Trust me there are a lot of steps!


WWII Memorial. Can you find your state around the fountain?

Monday didn’t take very long to get here and everyone was up bright and early, a huge accomplishment for everyone here, haha! I was extremely nervous when I got there but I was

surprised when my day actually flew by. The office was full of things to do. Right away I was taken into what they call the “Cave”, which is where all the interns are placed to answer phones.

Trust me a few minutes in there and all you hear is ringing in your ears all day. It was a really cool experience because I learned how to properly receive and transfer calls from constituents and I definitely gained respect for the hard work the people answering phones do. I also got training for giving Capitol tours, it seems like I would probably enjoy doing these the most because you get to walk through the Capitol and show people the amazing history that lies inside. The best part of work was Press. Press is the most exciting because I worked with news and radio on everything concerning my office. I felt like this was the opportunity I was waiting for that would help me in my future career and I definitely took advantage to learn as much as possible. Tuesday was also a bit nerve-racking because we went to a meeting with a representative. We were invited by Arturo Rodriguez and his Vice President Giev Kashkooli to discuss the Agriculture “Bracero” bill. The meeting was tough and we got to experience how difficult politics can really be. Even though we couldn’t convince the representative to side with our issue, the experience helped us become more determined to keep advocating for farmworker’s rights. That weekend was pretty cool as well because I got to do more exploring.

Brendali and I got to go see the Reflecting Pool, the Lincoln Memorial, the Korean War

Memorial, the new Martin Luther King Memorial, and the Vietnam Memorial. D.C. really is the place to be and as time passes I can tell that this is an experience that I will never forget and that will change me forever!

D.C. Adventures!

Week 3

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any tougher, they did. That’s because this would be a historic week for the U.S. because the Immigration Bill was on the Senate floor for debate. Work was definitely hectic with people running in and out and phones ringing nonstop. It was all worth it though once Thursday came around because all of the interns in my office were allowed to hear the senator speak. This was a moment I would never forget because I knew that I could say that “I was there when the immigration bill passed the senate.” After the bill passed, the office did a complete 360! Things actually slowed down because the bill was now going onto the

House of Representatives. Another highlight of the week was going with CHCI to the National

Association of Broadcasters Banquet on Friday. This had “Me” written all over it, since I dream of becoming a Broadcast Journalist. There I got to meet the Chief Operating Officer, Chris

Ornelas who gave us great advice on how to pursue our dreams in the communications field.

During the Banquet, everyone also got to learn about mastering their networking skills. This applies to starting a conversation and learning about appropriate small talk in order to create professional relationships. At the banquet we also got to meet students from the Asian and

African American Caucus’s and got to hear how similar we all were both in our backgrounds and our dreams.


Here we go! Who knows maybe I’ll be a part of this one day?

The weekend was also nice because Areli, a fellow CAMP intern, and I took a trip to the famous

Georgetown cupcakes from the hit show “DC Cupcakes”. Even though they were pricey they were definitely worth it, including the pound or two I may have gained.

Trust me, they ARE as good as they look!

Even though this week was a little slower than usual, I still enjoyed my time in DC and can’t wait to see what’s in store next week, so make sure to stay tuned for my next DC Adventure!

D.C. Adventures!

Week 4

I can’t believe it half of the internship has already gone by! Well you know what they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun!” This week at work was a lot calmer, except that this week we were getting new interns. It was definitely weird because I still felt like I had just arrived and now I was being put to teach others how to do the work at the office. The ironic thing was that when I was teaching the new interns how to do the work, I saw how much I had actually learned and it helped me appreciate my internship even more. If I had learned so much in 3 weeks imagine what I would learn the rest of my time here? On Tuesday, all the interns and I got to do a surprise Scavenger Hunt throughout the three Capitol Buildings. It was something completely out of the ordinary but a lot of fun, the only bummer was that it ended in a tie. Of course, the best part of the week was the 4 th

of July on Thursday! Everyone had the day off so we headed out to explore the city on the Nation’s birthday. We went early in the morning to pay the White House a visit and everything from people to buildings were covered in Red, White, and you guessed it

Blue! However, the highlight of the day was the fireworks. We all waited in front of the Lincoln

Memorial for four hours in order to see the firework show and it was definitely worth it. It was a beautiful show and I like to think that I took the best pictures that night!

Maybe I should take up Photography, hahaha!

The next day was CHCI and it would also be different because instead of going to a seminar, we would be participating in Community Service at a Community Center for kids. We got to help clean up the playground and the building’s entrance by putting new mulch, weeding plants, and picking up trash.

Feels good to help ^_^

Sunday was nice as well, because some of us decided to go to the DC Zoo. It’s considered one of the best in the U.S. and it’s free so we decided to go. Much to our surprise, we spent around four hours walking around and didn’t even get through half of the zoo because it was so large and has so many animals to see. With work the next day, we decided to call it a day but planned on hopefully coming back to the zoo to finish seeing all the animals.

From D.C. to Africa! We actually got to see the elephant get in the water; it was washing its food to get rid of the dirt. Animals are smarter than people think!

Can you see what I see? Hint: it slithers-s-s-s!

A month has already gone by and with only one more left its time to “Seize the Day!” I know it may get harder, but as long as I always do my best I know I will not leave with any regrets!

D.C. Adventures!

Week 5

A month has already gone by and I have been working in my office for four weeks. At work, I finally completed a task that would make me a full-fledged intern… I got coffee for a staff member! And make no mistake, I got coffee with Pride! Just like every task, I treated it as if it was the most important job in the office and can guarantee that it was the fastest coffee the staff member ever got. You might wonder why I’m putting so much emphasis on getting coffee, but that’s because after that, I was assigned more tasks in the office. Throughout the week I was asked to do things from printing dividers for portfolios to creating two Radio transcripts in one day. Even though I was being given more tasks I enjoyed it, because it meant that the staff trusted me more and knew that I was someone they could count on. During the week, I also got the opportunity to attend the 2013 Congressional Intern Luncheon where Congresswoman Ileana

Ros-Lehtinen spoke to interns about Cuba and how Communism affects the people there. It was a learning experience as well as a chance to eat real Cuban food, which obviously included plantains!

Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

After a week of excitement, the weekend was ready for us to relax, enjoy and explore. Laura,

Gaby, and I woke up early to go to the Holocaust Museum. This was the museum I wanted to go to the most and we were ready in line by 9am.

Holocaust Flame inside the Museum

It was completely worth it because the exhibit truly impacts you. It brought tears to my eyes more than once and I will never forget what I saw. It reminded me, that if I become a Broadcast

Journalist it will be my responsibility to shed light upon these types of injustices that still occur today. With that said, I will continue to work hard and hope that you stay tuned for next week’s

D.C. Adventure!

Elie Wiesel quote.

D.C. Adventures!

Week 6

“How exciting”! That’s the only phrase that I can use to describe this week, because it’s jampacked with events. On Monday, Irene took the other CAMP interns and me to a meeting at the

White House! Well sort of. We went to a meeting in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building right next to the White House. Either way, we got to speak to President's Obama's Education

Advisor about how CAMP has impacted our lives. They knew what CAMP was about, but now they had living proof of what CAMP did and could put a face to the program.

White House meeting! Don’t we all look smashing? I even saw George Washington there!

On Tuesday a special guest arrived, can you guess who? That’s right my CAMP director, Pat! He was here for the HEP/CAMP Directors Meetings that would be taking place all week. Early that

morning Pat and I went to different Hill meetings. We visited the office of Bill Nelson, Dennis

Ross, and even Senator Marco Rubio. One cool part of the week was that some of the directors and CAMP interns went out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant where we got a chance to talk and simply have fun.

Laura and I assisting Ed with the CAMP director’s meeting. It was fun being his assistants for the week.

This week was also the CHCI graduation and CAMP got to graduate as well. Even though we still had a few weeks left, graduation made us realize just how fast time was going by.

Areli and I at the CHCI and CAMP graduation. Whoohoo! We are now Alumni!

There was one day when we all got out of the CAMP meetings early so we took advantage and went to the famous Arlington Cemetery. The size of the cemetery truly leaves you speechless.

There we visited the grave of John Kennedy and also got to witness the “changing of the guards”. No matter where you stand in Arlington there are miles of tombstones all around you.

Standing there you understand that freedom is not free.

Arlington Cemetary

Changing of the Guards

On Friday, we went with CHCI to visit “Roll Call”, a very prestigious newspaper. We also got to meet a director for CBS news!

Roll Call seminar.

One of the greatest highlights of this week was our trip to New York City! We stayed for the weekend and got to go to all the best places such as Rockefeller Plaza, Central Park, Madison

Square Garden, Times Square, Brooklyn Bridge, Wall Street, and Little Italy. My favorite places was getting see the 9/11 memorial and taking a ferry to the Statue of Liberty.

9/11 Memorial Hello Lady Liberty! Never forget the American Dream

Out trip was short but immensely rewarding. As migrant students now standing in the middle of

Times Square, we all felt like we were on top of the world. Alesha Keys says it best, “There’s nothing you can’t do, let’s hear it for New York!”

D.C. Adventures!

Week 7

We are now in week 7! You know what that means it was a lucky week!!! On Tuesday some of the CAMP and CHCI interns had lunch with Maria Meier from the office of Senate Majority

Leader Harry Reid. We got to speak to her about her career and ask her questions. When I told her I was an aspiring Broadcast Journalist, she suggested that I get involved in a campaign in order to become well-rounded and gain different skills. So who knows, you may be seeing me in charge of a political campaign one day. Later, that day I also got to attend an Immigration

Hearing on the “Status of Illegal Immigrants Brought as Children” led by the Immigration and

Border Security Subcommittee. The only downer was that I couldn’t go inside the senate room because there was a line of people that filled the entire hallway. I was able to watch it in another hearing room and it was just as exciting. I even got to see different Congressman and hear their remarks that made National news.

Luis Gutierrez speaking to news reporters outside the Immigration Hearing.

The best part of the week and even the entire internship was on Thursday, because I finally got to meet Senator Marco Rubio. All the interns got to go to the senate floor to hear his remarks on

ObamaCare and when we got back to the office we got to take pictures with him. Everyone had the chance to introduce themselves but you know I had to “Represent!” So I did it in Spanish,

Whoop! Whoop! I also finally gave him the message from the presidential candidate from

Honduras whom Rubio knew very well. This was definitely an experience I wouldn’t forget.

Friday was just as awesome. Do you remember the CBS News Director from last week? Well two CHCI interns and I went to get Froyo together with her. It was a great opportunity where I gained insight into the Journalism field. Later we went to an N.A.B. (National Association of

Broadcasters) social, where there was great food and best of all amazing leaders of the community.

Outside the D.C. CBS office.

On the weekend, I went with Bianca, a fellow CAMP intern, to the Museum of the American

Indian. On Sunday, Gaby and I also went to the nation’s largest cathedral for mass. It was large but beautiful at the same time.

Indian Museum Sunday Morning at the largest cathedral in the U.S.

Behold the power of seven! This week was definitely one of the best so far and I don’t know if anything will be able to top it. I guess the only way to find out will be to tune in next week so hope you’ll stay tuned!

D.C. Adventures!

Week 8

It was finals week in Congress. No they don’t get exams, but it’s their last week to get things done before recess. As you can imagine, the staff was very busy trying to get their work done in time. This would be the last week for many on the Hill. Even Irene Bueno was leaving so we had a farewell lunch on Wednesday at a Middle Eastern restaurant named Zaytinya. We were able to talk about all of our favorite memories together beginning with our first week. We still couldn’t believe how fast time went by and we realized just how much we had each grown during our stay. Later that same day I got to attend my last hearing on Indian Affairs. I even got the opportunity to take a photo with Chairwoman Cantwell.

Chairwoman Cantwell and the Indian Committee

“Work Hard, Play Hard!” is definitely the phrase that best describes this week. My hard work must have paid off because I was offered an internship in Senator Marco Rubio’s Office in

Tampa. I don’t know if I will be able to accept it but it’s nice to know that my effort was noticed. This Friday was also our last day with CHCI before they leave.

Fellow CHCI interns on our last day.

The best part of the seminar was when everyone got a chance to select one word that described their D.C. experience. Can you guess what my word was? I chose the word “Humbling” because as a farmworker, I represent thousands of migrant students who deserve the same opportunity.

That even though I was now in a senator’s office wearing a suit, I could not forget the work boots and strawberry fields I left behind. This was an opportunity of a lifetime and I wouldn’t let it go to waste, no matter how hard it got, because as Cesar Chavez would say, “Si se puede!”

With this being our last weekend, we made sure we went sight-seeing. We all got a chance to visit the Postal Museum and I went to the Newseum. I also got a chance to go to the Air and

Space Museum.

Postal Museum, Air and Space Museum, and the Newseum. Keep an eye out, maybe one day I’ll be on real t.v!

On the weekend Michael and I met up for dinner with the CBS News Director at a Hispanic restaurant named Haydees. We were all Communication majors so she gave each of us different advice.

Yay! I missed Mexican Food!

With the last week approaching soon, I wonder what surprises are in store?

D.C. Adventures!

Week 9

Nine whole weeks! My internship in Washington D.C. was coming to an end. It was recess week so that meant everyone got out at four and most of the staff was out of the office. One of the most touching moments out of the week was on Tuesday. It was the last day for a staffer in the

Press Room and when I told her it was my last week she personally got up to say goodbye. The best part was when she gave me her business card and said that because I had done a great job she would be happy to give me a recommendation. On Thursday I also had my phone interview for an internship with the Senator’s office located in Tampa. Luckily the interview went well and

I will be receiving a phone call later if I got the internship. After work Gaby, another CAMP intern gave me personal Capitol Tour. It was a lot of fun to get a tour from a different office especially since it would be our last chance to walk through the Capitol.

John Boehner’s office inside the capitol! Rubbing my foot in the center of D.C.for good luck!

At night more of the CAMP interns and I got together for dinner at El Chalan’s, the Peruvian

Restaurant we had all gone to our first week.

Yummy Food, you will be missed!

On my last day, time seemed to fly by. The hardest part came when it was time to say goodbye to everyone in the office. It felt just like yesterday that I arrived at the office without a clue as to what to do. Now I was leaving with completely new skills and amazing experiences. After work

I was invited by my supervisor to Starbucks. We got an opportunity to talk about my experience and she also gave me great advice. Again, the hard part came when it was time to say goodbye.

Later that night the CAMP interns and I went out to Haydees, the Mexican restaurant, to have our last dinner. Everyone had a blast, especially when the Mariachi showed up, but when we got home we knew it was our last time together. We took plenty of pictures and then said our goodbyes.

Mariachi!!! Viva Mexico!

Before I knew it, it was Saturday morning and time to leave. I hugged my friends and new family goodbye and was then on my way to the airport. As I looked out my airplane window I realized I was ending my trip just how it had started.

Bye, Bye Washington! I’ll try to be back soon!

As the U.S. Capitol building got smaller and smaller I promised this wouldn’t be goodbye but

“until next time.”
