Department: World Languages Standard(s): Understanding by Design Course: French 2 / Unit 1 Include the Illinois State Standards addressed in this unit. State Goal 28: Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. State Goal 29: Use the taret language to develop an understanding of the customs, art, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. State Goal 30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. Stage 1: Desired Results S T A G E 1 Understandings Learning another language expands one's opportunities for participating in multilingual communities and global activities. The more vocabulary you know in another language, the more you can understand and communicate. Languages have patterns. Learning another language helps one understand their own language. Custom and tradition vary within a culture, as well as between cultures. Language is a reflection of culture. Essential Questions Knowledge & Skill 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is verb conjugation? How do French & francophone history and traditions compare with my own? How do I talk about my daily activities and preferences? How can I get the information I need to know? How can I describe people and things? How can I answer questions that people ask me? Lesson A 1. I can conjugate present-tense –er, -ir, and –re verbs and use them to tell what people are doing. 2. I can tell who owns things or who is related to whom using possessive adjectives. 3. I can tell who owns things or who is related to whom using the construction “de” + owner. 4. I can tell time in French orally and in writing. 5. I can give dates in French orally and in writing. 6. I can answer questions in French. 7. I can recognize French traditions surrounding the celebration of the New Year and identify them as true or false. Lesson B 1. I can listen to descriptions in French and select an appropriate explanation for the situation described. 2. I can conjugate aller and être and use them appropriately in sentences. 3. I can use the prepositions à and de appropriately in sentences and form their contractions. 4. I can use adjectives correctly in French by placing them correctly in a sentence and by making agreement (I know how to write adjectives in their correct form and position.) 5. I can use the verb aller to tell what is going to happen. 6. I can answer questions in French and know what changes need to be made if the answer is negative. 7. I can identify traditions associated with holidays in francophone countries. 8. I can identify the importance of Samuel de Champlain and the Lion de Belfort. Lesson C 1. I can conjugate avoir and faire and use them appropriately in sentences. 2. I can rewrite questions using est-ce que and inversion. 3. I can answer questions negatively using a variety of negative expressions appropriately. I can answer questions negatively when they contain 4. indefinite articles. 5. I can answer questions in French. 6. I can identify the locations of Annecy & Fort-de-France and recognize some important features of each. 7. I know how to call the US from France (including how to dial, what is needed to use a public phone, and where to purchase it) Exam 1. I can recognize an appropriate reply for a dialogue. 2. I can complete a sentence by selecting an appropriate regular verb and conjugating it to fit the context. 3. I can tell who owns things or who is related to whom using possessive adjectives. 4. I can conjugate aller, être, avoir and faire and use them appropriately in sentences. 5. I can tell what people are going to do and at what time. 6. I can give the dates of several French holidays. 7. I can use the prepositions à and de appropriately and use them in sentences. 8. I can use adjectives correctly in French by placing them correctly in a sentence and by making agreement (I know how to write adjectives in their correct form and position.) 9. I can write questions 3 different ways. 10. I can answer questions negatively using a variety of negative expressions appropriately. 11. I can answer questions in French and know what changes need to be made if the answer is negative. 12. I can answer questions about French, Canadian, and Martiniquais holidays, traditions, and history. 13. I can read a French travel guide & answer questions about it in English. Stage 2: Assessment Evidence S T A Performance Task Summary Rubric Titles Not Optional: Lesson Quizzes Unit Exam Rubric for Oral Proficiency Rubric for Written Proficiency Optional: Written Assessments Une invitation originale, p. 14 (lesson A) Une observation, p. 28 (lesson B) Vos vacances ideales, p. 45 (lesson C) Evaluation écrite, p. 51 (postcard writing) Evaluation visuelle, p. 51 (letter writing based on image) Oral Assessments La videocassette, p. 14 (lesson A) A vous de jouer, p. 45 (lesson C) Evaluation orale, p. 50 (telephone conversation) Evaluations visuelle, p. 51 (use image for a discussion prompt) Self-Assessments Student self-assessments (i.e. Post-test evaluations) Opportunities to imitate, practice, rehearse Chapter checklists Chapter review Other Evidence, Summarized Formal/Informal Observations or Interviews of Students Bellringers or Pop Quizzes Class Discussion/Participation Work Samples, Homework Stage 3: Learning Activities S T A G E 3 Day 1-Invitation (Conversation Culturelle) / Celebrations / Regular Verbs Day 2-Review Regular Verbs Day 3-Review Regular Verbs / Posessive Adjectives Day 4-Posessive Adjectives Team Games Tournament / Telling time Day 5-Review Telling Time / Dates / Review Celebrations Day 6- Lesson A Quiz /optional written or oral assessment Day 7-Conversation Culturelle, lesson B (postcard from Belfort) / Culture B Day 8-Verbs aller & être Day 9-Review aller & être / prepositions à & de Day 10-Form & position of adjectives Day 11-Form & position of adjectives (incorporate a review regular & irregular verbs) / culture (les fêtes) Day 12-Review of adjectives / aller + infinitive Day 13-Lesson B quiz / optional written assessment Day 14-Conversation Culturelle C / Aperçus culturels Day 15-Verbs avoir & faire / idiomatic expressions with avoir & faire / Review of regular & irregular verbs Day 16-Verb review / question formation Day 17-Review question formation / Negation Day 18-Review negation / Indefinite articles in negative sentences Day 19-Lesson C quiz / Optional oral or written assessment /Unit Review Day 20-Unit Review / Optional oral or written assessment Day 21-Exam