French II Curriculum Bundle #6: Title Review irregular verb aller & futur proche, transition words Suggested Dates October 10 – October 14 Big Idea Review conjugations for the irregular verb aller & uses in futur proche, introduce transition words Guiding Questions How do you conjugate the verb aller? How do you talk about what I’m going to do in the near future? How do I use transitional words to tell a story? Interactive Notebook Notes on conjugating aller with examples of futur proche, transition words vocabulary TEKS Bundle 6 Clarifying Activities The “How” and “What” *beachball *whiteboard *conjugation race / relay * Living sentences * partner interview Suggested Resources Beachball Whiteboards Laminated subject pronoun cards Vis-à-vis markers Wipes / paper towels Pre-printed sentence cards 1 2011-2012