S A I N T M A RY P A R I S H 11 FIRST STREET GILROY, CA 95020 WWW.STMARYPARISHGILROY.ORG September 14, 2014 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Robert Brocato, Pastor ~ frrobert@stmaryparishgilroy.org Rev. Jose Rubio, Parochial Vicar ~ rubio@dsj.org Rev. Vincent Pineda, Parochial Vicar ~ frvincent@stmaryparishgilroy.org Rev. Mr. Pat Allen, Deacon ~ pat@stmaryparishgilroy.org Rose Barry, Pastoral Associate ~ rose@stmaryparishgilroy.org Hilda Porcella, Pastoral Associate ~ hilda@stmaryparishgilroy.org Barbara Zarka, Director of Catechetical Ministry ~ barbara@stmaryparishgilroy.org Kim Shields, School Principal ~ kshields@stmarygilroy.org David Cox, Social Concerns ~ davidc@stjosephsgilroy.org Becki McLoughlin, Music Director ~ becki@stmaryparishgilroy.org Debbie Pelliccione, Office Manager ~ debbie@stmaryparishgilroy.org Rebeca Aldaz, Administrative Assistant ~ rebeca@stmaryparishgilroy.org Emerita Murillo, Religious Education Secretary ~ emerita@stmaryparishgilroy.org PARISH OFFICE HOURS * HORAS DE OFICINA Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM Saturday – 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Sunday – Office CLOSED on Sundays. * * * * TELEPHONES Parish Office: 408-847-5151 Fax:408-847-4851 11 First St. Parish School: 408-842-2827 Fax:408-847-7679 7900 Church St. Catechetical Ministry Office: 408-847-2652 7950 Church St. St. Joseph’s Family Center: 408-842-6662 7950 Church St. DAILY MASSES Monday - Friday (Lunes a Viernes) 7:15 AM (English) Lunes a Viernes (Monday—Friday) 12:10 PM (Español) WEEKEND MASSES * MISAS DE FIN DE SEMANA Saturday: 8:30 AM (English) 5:00 PM (Vigil, English) 7:00 PM (Vigil, Español) Sunday: 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM (English) 10:00 AM (Español) 12:00 PM (English) 5:00 PM (English) 7:00 PM (Español) INFANT BAPTISM * BAUTISMOS Contact the office before or after the child’s birth. Preparation should begin at least one month prior to the desired date. Preparation can begin before the birth of the child. Instructions are held every 1st & 2nd Wednesday in English at 7:00 PM. Baptisms are scheduled by appointment only. Venga a la Oficina Parroquial por un folleto de información bautismal y un cuestionario. Haga una cita con el Padre para llenar la solicitud de Bautismo. Las clases son el jueves y viernes da la primera y cuarta semana de cada mes a las 7:00 PM. MARRIAGE * MATRIMONIO Bride & Groom must begin preparation with the priest a minimum of six months prior to intended date of marriage. Los novios deben comunicarse con el padre con seis meses de anticipación a la fecha de su celebración. RECONCILIATION * CONFESIONES Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM or by appointment. Sábados de 4:00 a 4:45 PM ó entre semana con previa cita. A WARM WELCOME TO ALL WHO WORSHIP WITH US Thank you for joining us in prayer and sacrament. Whether you are long-time residents or newly arrived in the Parish, if you are not registered, please complete the information below and place it in the offertory basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Name: ___________________________________________________________Phone: ( ) _________________________ Last Name Husband Wife Address _____________________________ City _________________ Zip ________ Email: ______________________________ New Parishioner Moving (please remove from parish directory) No Sunday Offertory Envelopes at this time New Phone Number New Address Please send Sunday Offertory envelopes Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Dear Parishioners With a cry of "Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!” and “Muera el mal gobierno!” “(Long live the Virgin of Guadalupe!” and “Death to bad government!)” Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a Catholic Priest, initiated Mexico’s War of Independence from Spain at 11:00 p.m. on September 15, 1810. This week on September 15th-16th Mexico celebrates its independence from Spain and all the Central American countries, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Costa Rica, celebrate their independence day on September 15th. Fr. Hidalgo was the pastor of the town of Dolores whose patron was our Lady of Sorrows (Dolores) and whose feast was September 15th. He had planned to use the fireworks ending the celebration of the feast to cover the sound of the gunfire initiating the independence movement. Fr. Hidalgo had seen the unjust way that Indians were treated and the discrimination that mestizos, people of mixed Spanish and Indian blood, suffered. He felt the gospel called him to work for their liberation. But, he was not alone; many other priests throughout the Spanish colonies felt the same way. One of the characteristics of the insurgency in Mexico and throughout the colonies was the number of priests who participated. In Mexico, prominent insurgents included Father José María Morelos y Pavón who succeeded Hidalgo as leader of the insurgency after he was executed, Fr. Miguel Ramos Arizpe who wrote the first Mexican Constitution, Fr. José María Cos who edited the first insurgent newspaper El Despertador, Fr. Luis María Mora, and Fray Servando Teresa de Mier a Domincan Friar. When Mexico finally achieved its Independence, Central America became part of the new country because it was part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, but independence fever was high there, too. And, independence from Mexico was declared on September 15, 1821. Two priests from what later became El Salvador, José Matías Delgado and José Simeon Cañas were leaders of the Central American independence movement. So many priests were involved in the independence of Latin America that the insurgency has been called, La rebellion de los curas, the revolt of the priests. All these priests from throughout the Americas felt compelled to support the revolution because of their commitment to the Gospel values of justice and love. This is quite different from the situation in the United States where the only clergyman that I can think of who was actively involved in the revolution was the Lutheran Pastor, Peter Muhlenberg, or France where the revolution was anticlerical, or the Philippines where priests cheered at the execution of the Philippine patriot José Rizal. There is still a lot of discrimination and injustice in Latin America, in the world, in our country. The Gospel call is for all of us, not just priests, to work together to build a society that is even more just, to build the Kingdom of God. Father Jose Antonio Rubio EARLY BIRDS Many thanks to our Early Bird prize donors: Dulceria del Sol, Fiesta Depot, Guglielmo Winery, Mann Cellars, Judy Thome, Fortino Winery, Sarah’s Vineyard, Solis Winery, Image & Design, West Side Grill, Milias Restaurant, and Stems Flowers & Gifts. Congratulations to Azalia Cruz, who won last week’s gift basket from Guglielmo Winery and Baltazar Porras, who won this week’s wine basket. PLEASE, PLEASE CHECK YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS The following Parish Raffle Tickets were processed incorrectly: Yellow ticket numbers 1117 & 1080. Green ticket numbers 4039, 4040 and 4041. If these are your numbers, please bring the stub you have to the office. You have the part with your phone number and name; that’s the part we need for the drawing. NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Twenty-fifth Sunday in O. T. September 21, 2014 Isaiah 55:6-9 Philippians 1:20C-24, 27A Matthew 20:1-16A SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 Weekly Goal $ 20,000 Actual $17,076 Catholic Education $ 3,281 Thank you for sharing God’s gifts, just as God has shared them with You! SAINT MARY IS ABOUT TO TURN 150 YEARS OLD! On the Feast of the Assumption, August 15, 2015, Saint Mary will celebrate 150 years as a parish. You already know about the commemorative history book — for which we need any newspaper clippings or other materials you might have. How else to celebrate? We would like to do something special every month of the 2015 Jubilee Year. For example, an Inaugural Jubilee Mass in January; perhaps a Parish Jubilee Retreat in February; publish a Jubilee Stations of the Cross booklet in March that would feature our stained glass windows. All would lead up to, and continue beyond, a big Jubilee Mass and Dinner in August. At the end of the year Parish History books — that would include the special celebrations — would be distributed. How to organize so many events? Only with the participation of lots of parishioners! Possible subcommittees include Liturgy, History, Special Events, Electronic and Print Materials, Parish Directory, Publicity, Finance and School Alumni Outreach. There will be a planning meeting on Monday, September 15th at 6:30 p.m. upstairs in Saint Francis Center. If you have any ideas and energy to make this a party to remember, please come! Fiesta de la Exaltación de la Santa Cruz ~ 14 de Septiembre, 2014 Estimados Feligreses, Con un grito de "¡Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!" Y "¡Muera el mal Gobierno!" el Padre Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, un sacerdote católico, inició la Guerra de independencia en México a las 11:00 p.m. del día 15 de septiembre de 1810. Esta semana el 15 y 16 de septiembre México celebra su independencia de España y todos los países centroamericanos — Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, el Salvador y Costa Rica — celebran su día de la independencia el 15 de septiembre. El Padre Hidalgo era el párroco del pueblo de Dolores, cuya patrona era la Virgen de los Dolores y cuya fiesta era el 15 de septiembre. Él había planeado usar los fuegos artificiales de la celebración de la fiesta patronal para cubrir el sonido de los disparos que iniciarían la guerra de independencia. El Padre Hidalgo había visto la forma injusta en que los indios fueron tratados por los españoles y la discriminación que sufrían los mestizos. Sintió que el evangelio lo llamaba a trabajar por la liberación de los oprimidos. Pero, él no estaba solo; muchos otros sacerdotes en todas las colonias españolas sentían lo mismo. Una de las características de la insurgencia en México, y en todas las colonias, era el número de sacerdotes que participaron. En México, los insurgentes prominentes incluyen el padre José María Morelos y Pavón quien sucedió a Hidalgo como líder de la insurgencia después de que Hidalgo fue ejecutado, el P. Miguel Ramos Arizpe, quien escribió la primera Constitución mexicana, el P. José María Cos que editó el primer periódico insurgente El Despertador, el P. Luís María Mora y Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, un fraile Dominico. Cuando México por fin logró su Independencia, América Central se convirtió en parte del nuevo país porque era parte del Virreinato de la Nueva España, pero la fiebre de la independencia estaba alta allí, también. Y Centroamérica declaró su independencia de México el 15 de septiembre de 1821. Dos sacerdotes de lo que más tarde sería la Republica del Salvador, José Matías Delgado y José Simeón Cañas, eran líderes del movimiento de la independencia de América Central. Tantos sacerdotes participaron en la independencia de América Latina que la insurgencia ha sido llamada, La rebelión de los Curas. Todos esos sacerdotes de todas las Américas se sintieron obligados a apoyar la revolución debido a su compromiso con los valores evangélicos de la justicia y el amor. La situación fue muy diferente en los Estados Unidos, donde el único clérigo que participó activamente en la revolución fue el pastor luterano, Peter Muhlenberg, y en Francia, donde la revolución fue anticlerical, y en Filipinas, donde los sacerdotes se regocijaron por la ejecución del patriota filipino José Rizal. Todavía hay mucha discriminación y la injusticia en México, Centroamérica, América Latina, el mundo entero, y en este país. El llamado del evangelio es para todos nosotros, no sólo a los sacerdotes, a trabajar juntos para construir una sociedad que es cada vez más justa, para construir el Reino de Dios. Padre José Antonio Rubio PÁJARO MADRUGADOR Muchas gracias a los establecimientos de negocio que han donado para hacer posible las Rifas del Pájaro Madrugador: Dulcería del Sol, Fiesta Depot, Vinería Guglielmo, Vinería Mann, Judy Thome, Vinería Fortino, Sarah’s Vinería, Salón de Belleza Image & Design, Restaurante West Side Grill, Restaurante Milias y Florería Stems. Felicidades a la Señora Azalia Cruz, que gano la semana pasada una linda canasta de Guglielmo Winery y el Señor Baltazar Porras, que gano otra linda canasta esta semana. POR FAVOR REVISE SUS BOLETOS Los siguientes talones de los boletos para la rifa de la parroquia fueron procesados incorrectas: Boleto amarillo números 1117 & 1080. Boleto verde números 4039, 4040 y 4041. Si usted tiene estos números por favor de traer sus talones de boletos a la Oficina de la Parroquia. Usted tiene la parte del boleto (Tiene el nombre y numero de teléfono) que necesitamos para el día de la rifa. LECTURAS PARA LA PRÓXIMA SEMANA Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Septiembre 21, 2014 Isaías 55:6-9 Filipenses 1:20C-24, 27A Mateo 20:1-16A ¡SANTA MARÍA ESTÁ POR CUMPLIR 150 AÑOS DE EDAD! En la fiesta de la Asunción, el 15 de agosto de 2015, Santa María celebrará el 150 aniversario como parroquia. Ustedes ya saben del libro conmemorativo de historia — para lo cual necesitamos recortes de periódicos u otros materiales que puedan tener. ¿De qué otra manera celebrar? Nos gustaría hacer algo especial todos los meses del Año Jubileo de 2015. Por ejemplo, una Misa Inaugural de Jubileo en enero; tal vez un Retiro Parroquial de Jubileo en febrero; publicar un folleto de Viacrucis de Jubileo en marzo que plasmaría nuestras vidrieras. Todo llevaría hasta, y continuar más allá de, una gran Misa de Jubileo y Cena en agosto. Al final del año se distribuirían los Libros de Historia de la Parroquia — que incluirían las celebraciones especiales. ¿Cómo organizar tantos eventos? ¡Sólo con la participación de una gran cantidad de feligreses! Subcomités posibles incluyen Liturgia, Historia, Eventos Especiales, Electrónica y Materiales de Impresión, Directorio Parroquial, Publicidad, Finanzas y Alcance a Alumnos de la Escuela. Habrá una reunión de planificación el lunes 15 de septiembre a las 6:30 p.m. en el piso de arriba del Centro San Francisco. La persona que tenga algunas ideas y energías para hacer de esto una fiesta para recordar ¡que venga! Feast of the Exhalation of the Holy Cross ~ September 14, 2014 LITURGY 408-847-5151 ROSE@STMARYPARISHGILROY.ORG MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Middle School Youth Group meets twice a month. For more information please visit www.facebook.com/SMMSYG or email Theresa Garcia, at smmiddleschoolgroup@gmail.com. MEXICO MISSION TRIP St. Mary Parish is excited once again to offer this wonderful opportunity for the youth of our parish. All youth graduating 8th grade this school year and older are eligible to go. This will be our 14th year changing the lives of so many families! The dates for this year will be June 21 – June 27, 2015. Come join us at one of the information nights to learn more about this amazing trip! Our next informational meetings will be September 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Francis Center, Common Room, October 9th & 23rd at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Francis Center Common Room and November 6th at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Francis Center, Room #3. If you know of any friends or families interested in going to Mexico, please let them know about these informational nights. PEELED SHRIMP AND RAVIOLI DINNER Sponsored by ICF Branch #28 Includes: Salad, Bread, Wine & Dessert October 11, 2014 $30.00 per person Children under 12-$15 Tickets available at the Parish Office Tickets limited to 250 Dinner served from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ROSE’S TOP TEN WAYS TO SHOW REVERENCE CONT... Introduction The term reverence means many things to many people. To answer many questions about proper presence at Mass and in the world, I’ve compiled my top ten ways to show reverence. #10 Caring for our church building and pew space. We show our reverence for each other, we are the assembled body of Christ, for our beautiful worship space, for the work of the parishioners who came before us, and for the parishioners who will follow us. We always need a lot of capital maintenance. Every time someone scratches a pew or spills food, someone must clean it up. If the parents or others sitting near someone carving their initials into the pew does not stop this vandalism, someone else must sand and refinish that pew. Of course, that doesn’t happen instantly, so many other worshippers must view the damage and mourn the lack of respect shown to our space. If the person who spills does not clean it up, it remains a mess until someone takes the initiative to clean it. Sometimes that takes the form of: “Rose, there’s something sticky on that pew. We moved to a different pew and we’ll help clean it if you have the supplies.” I love hearing that! The only thing better is when someone says: “Rose, we spilled our gummy bears. Could you give us the cleaning stuff to fix it?” That way, the pew, floor, books and whole worship space is ready for the next Mass or funeral or wedding that happens. When we all care for our space, we leave it the way we’d like to find it! Rose Barry, Pastoral Associate REMEMBER SAINT JOSEPH FAMILY CENTER WITH GROW A ROW FOR ST. JOE Is your garden full to bursting this year? Cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, and all that. Consider donating your abundance to Saint Joseph Family Center to provide for those who have less than we do. Contact Vicki Martin at 408-842-6662 to learn how you can help. POST CARD CAMPAIGN This week we sent 400 postcards to Senator Dianne Feinstein. We are one of the first parishes to hold a postcard campaign to voice our concerns about the children flooding our border. Far from being a border security problem, it is all the problems in the sending countries. Just as we welcome refugees from the violence and persecution in Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba, and Palestine, we must welcome the refugees from the chaos in Central America. Thank you to all who took the time after Mass to tell Sen. Feinstein what you think. FR FELIX Fr. Felix is home safe and sound and sends his thanks and blessings to all of us. Our gifts and Prayer for Peace collection gave him $6,735.91. Fr Vincent was kind enough to pick up some tropical-weight vestments for Fr Felix and our gift paid for those and had plenty left over to do much good at St Rita’s. GILROY COMPASSION CENTER This excellent service center for our homeless population is open from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday. It’s located at 8425 Monterey Rd here in Gilroy. GCC provides a clothes closet, safe place for pets, laundry and a hang-out room for folks to have a cup of coffee, chat with each other or volunteers, and pick up information about services, like Veterans’ health care or who offers hot meals. You can drop off donations of laundry supplies, pet food, or clothes there at the GCC or here at the church. Thank you for your generous support. Feast of the Exhalation of the Holy Cross ~ September 14, 2014 ST. MARY SCHOOL OFFICE: (408) 842-2827 FALL SPAGHETTI DINNER, MARK YOUR CALENDARS! St. Mary School Men’s Club will host its Bi-Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, Oct. 3, celebrating 53 continuous years of serving dinners to raise money for St. Mary School and its after school sports programs. Dinner will be served in the school gym. Take out service begins at 4:30 p.m. and the sit down dinner is served from 5:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for children ages 6 to 15, and free for children under 6. Proceeds benefit St. Mary School programs, including the after-school sports program and Endowment Fund. Tickets may be purchased in advance at the school or that evening at the door. The dinner features spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, drinks and dessert. A benefit drawing will take place throughout the evening for great prizes. For more information or to purchase tickets, phone the school at 408-842-2827 or visit at 7900 Church St. Tickets also may be purchased from a St. Mary School student. FINGERPRINTING & SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING REMINDERS All Parents, Grandparents, guardians or anyone who will have regular contact with children will be asked to: 1. Complete the fingerprint process through the Diocese of San Jose. Come by the school office to make an appointment for fingerprinting. It can be done at the local Sheriff’s Office in San Martin or a convenient location in the San Jose area. 2. Complete the Diocese mandated Safe Environment Training Course. This 1 ½ hour online course must be completed with a certificate turned into the School Office and is valid for three years. All parents and volunteers must renew/receive their safe environment training by logging onto www.shieldthevulnerable.org. Please call the School Office if you have any questions regarding these requirements. WEEKEND LITURGY QUESTIONS/COMMENTS 1. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son”; there is perhaps no more famous synthesis of the Christian kerygma, the central message of our faith. As Catholics we are called to proclaim this truth to the world, witness to its power in our lives, and invite others to meet our Lord and Savior face to face. 2. How can we proclaim the kerygma today to those we meet? 3. How are we lifting up Jesus so that the world might see him, believe in him, and have eternal life? CATECHETICAL MINISTRY NEEDS YOU!!! The Religious Education office is in need of catechists for this new approaching year. Please prayerfully consider sharing your faith and answering your Baptismal call by becoming a catechist. Training is provided and this is also a wonderful way to learn more about your own faith!!! Please call Barbara in the Religious Education Office at 408-847-2652 for more information. Children's Liturgy of the Word is also in need of ministers to serve in this ministry. We like to offer children's Liturgy at our 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass, 8:00 a.m. Sunday Liturgy, and our Sunday 12:00 noon Liturgy. In order for this ministry to be successful, we need enough ministers for these Masses each week beginning in September. Training is provided!!! Please call Barbara in the Religious Education Office this week to receive more information. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (408) 847-2652 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES begin this Sunday, September 14th and Monday, 15th. Come in and register your child for formation classes!!! Confirmation Candidates, Adults seeking Sacraments and Elementary Grades 1-8 can Register. Registration forms for the 20142015 year are available in the Parish and Religious Education Offices. The registration fee for Religious Education is $50. Please be prepared to submit copies of your child's Baptism and Birth Certificates with the registration forms. We offer faith formation classes for EVERYONE!! SAFE ENVIRONMENT SESSION Parents and children are reminded that there will be a Safe Environment Class on Tuesday, September 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. This is a mandated class that the Diocese of San Jose sponsors for all children and their parents so that they will be aware of how to protect themselves and know about safe environments. This is a required session for all families in Religious Education and if you are not able to attend you must sign the OPT -OUT Form. Feast of the Exhalation of the Holy Cross ~ September 14, 2014 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 408-847-5151 CONFIRMATION YEAR I Registration for Confirmation Year I is now CLOSED. We have reached our capacity for Candidates, but we are in need of at least 1-2 Home Group leaders. Training will be provided. The training for Home Group Leaders will be on Tuesday, September 23rd in St. Francis Center at 7:00 p.m. Candidates are reminded to please begin submitting their Mass Attendance Slips when they come to Mass. Please contact Barbara in the Religious Education Office at 408-847-2652. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS We offer our prayers for the ill from our community. Please keep them in your prayers. O Heavenly Father, healer of all, source of all goodness. We thank you for the good health these people enjoyed before. We thank you for bringing comfort and solace to these who now suffer and who desire our prayers: Ofrecemos nuestras oraciones por los enfermos de nuestra comunidad. Por favor mantengan a estas personas en sus oraciones diarias. Señor concede a tus hijos tu protección y gracia. Concédeles la salud de cuerpo y mente y un perfecto amor por Ti y por los demás. Y concédeles estar confiados a tu misericordia. Flavio Zurita, Maria del Carmen Zurita, Fran Ragona, Gloria Harris, Jonathan Edwards, Libby Rodriguez, Alex Herrera, Lee Wooten, Hope Chavez, Frank LaCorte, Sr., Susana Guerra, Alejandro Garcia Guerra, Ofelia Martinez, Concepcion Ortiz, Lidia Chavez, Bert Rangel, Robert Rangel, Rolando Vergara & Ralph Corrales, Jr. CONFIRMATION YEAR II RCIA=RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS/CHILDREN Are you looking for something better in your life??? Does your life feel like it is missing something??? Do you feel as though someone is standing at your side or behind you, but you just don’t see them??? RCIA can help you with these questions!!! Do you know of someone who is experiencing these feelings??? We invite you to come and see what the Catechecumenate Process is all about!!! The next session for RCIA will be on Monday, September 15th at 7:00 p.m. in the Common Room of St. Francis Center. For more information, please call Barbara in the Religious Education Office at 408847-2652. MASSES FOR THE WEEK An offering to the work of the Parish has been made in memory of, or on behalf of, these persons who are hereby included in the special prayers of our community at our daily Masses this week. Mon 15 7:15am 12:10pm S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 4 Tues (A) Anniversary of Death (MM) Months Mind (B) Birthday Candidates are reminded to please be prepared to hear from their Home Group Leaders for their first Home Group Session. If you are not able to attend your Home Group Session please be sure to call your leader or Barbara in the Religious Education Office. ALL Confirmation Candidates and their parents are reminded of the SAFE ENVIRONMENT Session from the Diocese that will be on Tuesday, September 30th at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. This session is required by the Diocese and if you are not able to attend, you must sign the OPT-OUT form. Please contact Barbara for more information. 16 7:15am 12:10pm Wed 17 7:15am 12:10pm Thu 18 7:15am 12:10pm Fri 19 7:15am 12:10pm Sat 20 8:30am Nike Miladin Milias (A) † Ron Dudley Maria Luz Razo † Maria del Rosario Lopez (A) † Tomas Higuera (B) † Gabriel Fernandez † Gerry Rose † Silvina Bettencourt † Maria Honeyleth Tabilas (A) † Lucia Ortiz † Maricela Jimenez † Juan Daniel Pacheco † Marie Pirozzoli † Diana Scholtens † Julia Diaz † Olga Zaldivar † Daniel Zaldivar † Maria de la Luz, Carmen & (A) † Estela Gonzalez (A) † Ralph Robert Arbues † James & Frances Bolton (68th Wedding Anniversary) † The Priests of the Parish celebrate Sunday Eucharist for the intentions of all the Parish. Please pray for the ill of the Parish and for the recently deceased Jack Sturla and Cecilia Martinez. St. Mary Parish Gilroy #523320 Bulletin Editors: Rebeca Aldaz, Debbie Pelliccione & Rose Barry 408-847-5151 Bulletin: September 14, 2014