An Education that Fits W S OF E N E T 10 ICATMEN TIF IEVE R CE CH A ▶ Degree & Certificate Programs ▶ Health Science Careers ▶ NEW! Certificates of Achievement ▶ Community Education Start here, go anywhere! ALUMNI SPEAK OUT ³0\VXFFHVVLVGXHWRDVWURQJDFDGHPLFIRXQGDWLRQ DQGVXSSRUW,UHFHLYHGDW6&&&,ZDVDEOHWRSHUIHFW P\VWXG\VNLOOVDQG¿QHWXQHP\IXWXUH,DPFXUUHQWO\ LQP\UG\HDURIYHWHULQDU\VFKRROLQ1RUWK&DUROLQD´ ³,/29(6&&&,HDUQHGP\ DVVRFLDWHGHJUHHUHFHLYHG DVFKRODUVKLSWR&HQWHQDU\ &ROOHJHJUDGXDWHGDQGQRZ ,¶PDW6HWRQ+DOO8QLYHUVLW\ WRHDUQP\PDVWHU¶VGHJUHH LQ%LRORJ\´ %HFN\6&&&JUDGXDWH &HQWHQDU\&ROOHJH JUDGXDWH .DL6&&&JUDGXDWH5XWJHUVJUDGXDWHSODQV WRHDUQKHU'RFWRURI9HWHULQDU\0HGLFLQHLQ ³%\HDUQLQJP\DVVRFLDWH GHJUHHKHUH¿UVW,ZDV DEOHWRJHWDKHDGVWDUWRQ P\\HDUGHJUHHZLWKRXW WKHH[SHQVHRIKRXVLQJ RUDORQJFRPPXWH7KH 6&&&SURIHVVRUVZHUH JUHDWDQGDOORIP\FUHGLWV WUDQVIHUUHG,¿QLVKHGP\ EDFKHORU¶VLQ,QIRUPDWLRQ 7HFKQRORJ\DVSODQQHG 6&&&ZDVGH¿QLWHO\WKH EHVWSODFHWRVWDUWFROOHJH´ 3DXO6&&&JUDGX DWH1-,7JUDGXDWH ³,JUDGXDWHGIURP6&&&ZLWKP\ DVVRFLDWHGHJUHHDQG12'(%7 ,OHDUQHGVRPXFKDQGJRWLQYROYHGLQ PDQ\FOXEVDQGDFWLYLWLHV,WUDQVIHUUHG WR:LOOLDP3DWHUVRQ8QLYHUVLW\6&&& ZDVWKHULJKWFKRLFHIRUPH´ 7RP6&&&JUDGXDWH :LOOLDP3DWHUVRQJUDGXDWH ³,QWZR\HDUV,UHFHLYHGP\DVVRFLDWHGHJUHH IURP6&&&DQGWKHQWUDQVIHUUHGWR5DPDSR &ROOHJHZKHUH,HDUQHGP\EDFKHORU¶VGHJUHH LQ&RPPXQLFDWLRQ6&&&ZDVDJUHDWSODFH IRUPHEHFDXVH,ZDVDEOHWRVWD\KRPHDQG VWLOOKDYHDQDZHVRPHFROOHJHH[SHULHQFH´ 0DULD6&&&JUDGXDWH5DPDSR &ROOHJHJUDGXDWH CHOICES AT SCCC Plan on earning a bachelor’s degree or higher? Two years of foundation courses at SCCC will prepare you to transfer to a four-year college. See pages 4-7 Want to launch a new career, quickly? SCCC offers short-term credit certificates and professional certificates in high demand fields. See pages 4-9 University or almost $50,000 per year at a NJ private university such as Seton Hall. { Students can expect to save from $38,000 to $90,000 on the total cost of a bachelor’s degree by spending their first two years at SCCC. { Whether you’ve just graduated from high school, are earning a living or raising a family, at SCCC you can find a new start, launch a new career or take classes for fun. Even if you opted to commute to a four-year institution, with today’s gas prices, your savings will be significant by staying local and attending SCCC. (See chart below) Looking for vocational or technical training along with solid academics? An Associate of Applied Science degree will prepare you for in-demand professions. See pages 4-9 Is Health Science your passion? Look into one of our Health Science certificates to launch a new career quickly. See pages 14-15 Looking for lifelong learning opportunities? A Community Education class will provide you with a variety of quality programs. See page 16 We offer day, evening and weekend classes, as well as online and hybrid classes—SCCC courses fit into even the busiest schedule. See pages 10-13 for course listings or for a complete listing of courses, days and times visit A Quality Education The quality and content of courses at SCCC are exceptional and SCCC graduates are prepared to transfer to a four-year college. The faculty is committed to teaching and to student success. Substantial Savings By starting at SCCC and completing your associate degree, you will be able to enjoy a substantial savings off the overall cost of your bachelor’s degree. Full-time students will pay approximately $5,000 in tuition and fees per year at SCCC. That same credit load, plus room and board, would cost nearly $25,000 at Rutgers Scholarship Opportunities SCCC students received over $100,000 in scholarship money from the SCCC Foundation for coursework during the 2012-13 academic year. Starting here also helps you build your college transcript and your academic achievements, which can lead to scholarship opportunities at SCCC, and also when you transfer to a four-year college. New Jersey Transfer Agreement The New Jersey Transfer Agreement guarantees that students can transfer credits from a completed associate degree to a bachelor’s degree at any of New Jersey’s public four-year colleges and universities. Receiving your associate degree BEFORE you transfer will also improve the likelihood that you will be accepted to an out-of-state college or university. SCCC graduates have transferred to hundreds of private colleges throughout the country including top-tier and Ivy League universities. For the most current course offerings visit 1 SEARCH FOR COURSES 1. VISIT: 2. CLICK on Course Schedule 3. CLICK on Course Search 4. SELECT the Term (FA13) FA13 IMPORTANT DATES New and Transfer Student Orientation Aug 28, 8:30 am–1 pm Orientation for Parents Aug 27, 7 pm–9 pm Fall Semester Sept 3–Dec 20 Winterim Jan 2–Jan 17 FOR QUESTIONS OFFICE CONTACTS 2 Main Number (973) 300-2100 Admissions - B204 (973) 300-2223 Business Office - B203 (973) 300-2106 Counseling & Advising - B206 (973) 300-2207 Community Education - E108 (973) 300-2140 Financial Aid - B213 (973) 300-2225 Health Sciences - A323 (973) 300-2782 Registrar - B217 (973) 300-2218 Sussex County Community College Course Guide I Fall 2013 I 973.300.2223 ENROLLING MADE EASY 1. APPLY: Complete an application online or download one at and return it to the Admissions Department. Once complete you will receive a letter with an official SCCC Student ID number. 2. TAKE THE PLACEMENT TEST: (if needed): If your SAT scores are 530 for math and 540 for Critical Reading, it is not necessary to take the College Placement Test. The College Placement Test (Accuplacer) will help identify what level courses you will need for your first semester. Call the Testing Center at 973.300.2242 to schedule an appointment or check the walk-in times online at Have your picture ID available. 3. FILE FOR FINANCIAL AID: (strongly recommended): Apply for financial aid by going to SCCC’s ID number is 025688. Once you complete the FAFSA and register for classes, please contact the Financial Aid Office to determine the status of your aid. 4. SEEK ADVISEMENT: Visit the Counseling and Advising Center to review your Placement Test results, SATs, or transfer courses and plan your schedule. 5. REGISTER FOR COURSES: Take your completed registration form to the Registrar’s Office to register for your courses. 6. MAKE PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS: Tuition payments can be made online or in person in the Business Office. Interest free payment plans are available. LOOKING FOR DIRECTION? Scan the QR Code for a step-by-step video of the Registration Process. If you know that you want to further your education, but you’re not sure what you’d like to do, come visit with one of our career counselors or our Director of Admissions. Take advantage of career and academic counseling at SCCC. For the most current course offerings visit 3 AND DEGREES CERTIFICATES ...AND WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH THEM! Browse through the many degrees and certificates offered at SCCC. Associate of Science – A.S.: Transfers to a Bachelor of Science degree Associate of Arts – A.A.: Transfers to a Bachelor of Arts degree Associate of Applied Science – A.A.S.: Enter the workforce after completion Certificates: Entry-level employment positions 10 NEW Certificates of Achievement – C.A.: Short-term certificates designed for professional development. Please see pages 8-9 for a full description Health Science Certificates: For a complete listing of Health Science Career Certificates please see pages 14-15 Biology (Science/Mathematics) – AS: Transfer to a four-year Bachelor of Science program for study in ecology, biology, pharmacy, chiropractic, medical, dental, mortuary, horticulture, veterinary and education or for employment in technician-level jobs when two years of academic preparation in biology is required. NEW Bookkeeping – CA: 15 credits, entry-level accounts payable or accounts receivable. Business Administration – AS: Transfer to a four-year college or university to study business, economics, accounting, finance, management or marketing. Business Management – AAS: Careers in business, hospitality, retail, public and non-profit organizations. Accounting – AS: Transfer to a four-year program in accounting or finance or enter the business world to pursue careers in accounting or business. Anthropology (Liberal Arts) – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university. Automotive Service Technology – AAS: Employment as automotive technicians, automotive parts counter assistants and maintenance mechanics. Automotive Service Technology – Certificate: Entry-level employment as automotive technicians, automotive parts counter assistants and maintenance mechanics. Chemistry (Science/Mathematics) – AS: Transfer to a four-year college or university or for employment in technician-level jobs when two years of academic preparation in chemistry is required. Child Development Specialist – AAS: Employment in day care centers, nursery schools, hospitals and social service agencies. Child Development Specialist – Certificate: Employment as a group teacher or teacher’s assistant. 4 Sussex County Community College Course Guide I Fall 2013 I 973.300.2223 AND DEGREES CERTIFICATES Maria Marino 2009 SCCC graduate, AA in Liberal Arts (Communication/Journalism option) 2011 Ramapo College graduate. Currently working as in-house reporter for Mountain Creek and Crystal Springs Resort. "A huge part of my job is producing videos that tell stories of happenings around the resort. I first learned how to be "on camera" with SCCC faculty in the broadcasting program. Even after I graduated I returned to SCCC for more on camera experience. SCCC provides all the advantages of a big university for a lot less money." Computer Information Systems – Certificate: Entry-level positions working with hardware and software. Computer Science (Science/Mathematics) – AS: Transfer to a four-year Bachelor of Science program in computational sciences. Criminal Justice – AS: Employment or transfer to four-year college or university. Covers policing, corrections, courts, probation, parole, private security and related law enforcement careers. Communication/Broadcasting (Liberal Arts) – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university to further study careers in communication including radio and television. Communication/Film Studies (Liberal Arts) – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university to further study careers in communication. Communication/Journalism (Liberal Arts) – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university to further study careers in communication including newspapers, radio, television, magazines, film, public relations and advertising. Computerized Accounting – Certificate: Entry-level accounting and bookkeeping positions. Design (Studio Arts) – AFA: Employment in the fields of studio arts, interior design and fashion or transfer to a four-year Fine Arts program. NEW Computer Aided Design/Drawing/Software – CA: 9 credits. Entry-level positions as CAD operators, designers or 3D artists. NEW Digital Art and Illustration – CA: 22 credits. Entry-level positions as commercial or background illustrators, graphic facilitators or multimedia artists. Computer Gaming (Graphic Design) – AAS: Entry-level positions in the game and graphics industry. Dramatic Arts (Liberal Arts) – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university to further study careers in performing arts. Computer Information Systems – AAS: Entry-level positions working with hardware and software. Roles include computer coordination, software training, help desk support and user liaisons. Elementary/Secondary Education (Liberal Arts) – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university to pursue teaching certification. For the most current course offerings visit 5 AND DEGREES CERTIFICATES History (Liberal Arts) – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university. Human Services – AS: Transfer to a four year college or university to pursue social work. NEW Independent Film – CA: 16 credits. Entry-level positions in film festivals and broadcast production. Information Systems (Science/Mathematics) – AS: Transfer to a four-year college or university with a foundation in the business applications of the computer. English (Liberal Arts) – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university. Environmental Studies – AS: Transfer to a four-year college or university to pursue environmental studies or environmental science. Fire Science Technology – AAS: Career and volunteer fire fighter roles as well as industrial fire protection and fire service positions. Fire Science Technology – Certificate: Entry-level career and volunteer fire fighter roles as well as industrial fire protection and fire service positions. Geology (Science/Mathematics) – AS: Transfer to a four-year college or university. Graphic Design – AAS: Entry-level position as graphic designer, production artist, web designer, digital image processor, illustrator or assistant art director. NEW Graphic and Digital Design – CA:19 credits. Entry-level position in advertising, print and multimedia design companies. Health Science – AAS: Continued employment in health care field with opportunity for advancement. The program is designed for individuals with a health science license or certificate. 6 Interactive Design – Certificate: Entry-level positions in commercial art and communication design. NEW Interactive Design Skills – CA: 16 credits. Entry-level positions in web and graphic design. Liberal Arts – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university. Brittany Peterson 2011 SCCC graduate, AA in Liberal Arts. 2013 Pennsylvania College of Technology graduate. “SCCC couldn’t have been a better fit for my first few years of college. I was able to stay at home and save money. Getting good grades allowed me to transfer into a competitive Dental Hygiene program at Penn Tech. My experience at SCCC was positive every step of the way.” Mathematics (Science/Mathematics) – AS: Transfer to a four-year college or university to pursue a major in mathematics, engineering, physics or physical sciences. NEW Multimedia Artist – CA: 22 credits. Entry-level positions as motion graphic and video editing specialists, web and graphic designers or multimedia artists. Sussex County Community College Course Guide I Fall 2013 I 973.300.2223 AND DEGREES CERTIFICATES New Media Communications – AAS: Entry-level positions in the fields of multimedia design, production and desktop/electronic publishing. Adriana Tapper 2013 SCCC graduate. “SCCC has provided me with the most unique and rewarding experience. Professors and staff alike are personable and helpful in every way. I am looking forward to transferring to William Paterson to pursue my bachelor’s degree in Professional Sales.” Nurse Education (in conjunction with PCCC) – AAS: First-level positions as Registered Nurses in hospitals, doctors’ offices, long-term care facilities or transfer to a four-year college or university. Paralegal – Certificate: Paralegal responsibilities under the supervision of an attorney. Employment. Paralegal Studies – AAS: Entry-level paralegal responsibilities in law, non-profit and government offices. Pre-Law (Liberal Arts) – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university. Photography (Studio Arts) – AFA: Employment in the field of fine art photography or transfer to a four-year Fine Arts program. Pre-Medical/Dental (Science/Mathematics) – AS: Transfer to a four-year college or university. NEW Photography – CA: 12 credits. Refining skills, free-lance photographer. Pre-Nutrition/Dietetic (Science/Mathematics) – AS: Transfer to a four-year college or university. Political Science (Liberal Arts) – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university. Psychology (Liberal Arts) – AS: Transfer to a four-year college or university. NEW Social Media – CA: 18 credits. Entry-level in social media, advertising and public relations. Sociology (Liberal Arts) – AA: Transfer to a four-year college or university. Studio Arts – AFA: Employment in the fields of studio arts, interior design and fashion or transfer to a four year Fine Arts program. NEW Technical Support – CA: 15 credits. Entry-level positions as a computer technician, help desk specialist, web programmer, software tester or quality assurance specialist. Web Publishing – Certificate: Entry-level positions with internet service providers and web-based enterprises. NEW WordPress Theme Design – CA: 18 credits. Hands-on experience using WordPress Content Management System for designing interactive websites. For the most current course offerings visit 7 Whether you’re just starting out on your career path or already working in your field and want to advance and update your knowledge and skills, SCCC’s Certificates of Achievement can help you reach your goals. You’ll be prepared to enter a field or expand your resume. Certificates of Achievement are certificates that are short-term certificates designed for professional development able to be completed in 12 months or less Bookkeeping: 15 credits. This certificate is structured to build upon required prior coursework in financial and managerial accounting principles including computerized accounting and payroll accounting. Business applications using electronic spreadsheets will also be reviewed. The program will prepare students for entry-level bookkeeping positions and for positions as accounts receivable or accounts payable clerks. Computer Aided Design/Drawing Software: 9 credits. Designed for individuals seeking hands-on experience with the digital tools used by mechanical engineers, drafters and design-related professionals. 2D and 3D platforms used to automate design and expand visual concepts are covered as is collaborative work on CAD projects and software used to produce computer aided drawings. Students will be prepared for entry-level positions as CAD operators, designers or 3D artists. 8 OF 0 1 EW CERTIFICATES N ACHIEVEMENT Digital Art and Illustration: 22 credits. This certificate is structured for students wanting to learn digital imaging and computer aided drawing software as well as traditional mediums to master skills in digital art and illustration. Explore color, type, form, layout and design through a variety of digital illustration techniques and drawing. Students will be prepared for entry-level positions as commercial or background illustrators, graphic facilitators or multimedia artists. Graphic and Digital Design: 19 credits. This certificate offers hands-on learning in the field of graphic and digital design to enhance design skills while providing intensive training. Acquire the knowledge and experience to produce aesthetically pleasing design projects. Students will be prepared for positions in design departments, graphic design firms, advertising, print and multimedia design companies. Independent Film: 16 credits. Designed for students who want informal experience in film such as the operation of video or digital SLR cameras, digital video software and audio editing software. The student will gain practical experience in film production, have an opportunity to refine skills and develop a portfolio of work. Students will have the ability to write, produce, direct, analyze and evaluate broadcast segments and develop a personal and professional portfolio in film. Students will be prepared for entry-level opportunities in film festivals and broadcast production. Interactive Design Skills: 22 credits. Designed for individuals seeking hands-on experience enhancing computer graphics and web design skills through the study of designing and creating for the Internet. The focus is on the creation of aesthetically pleasing and functional web graphics and websites that capture and hold visitor Sussex County Community College Course Guide I Fall 2013 I 973.300.2223 interest. Students will present a portfolio of graphic and web design skills to document their preparation for positions as web designers, graphic designers or multimedia artists. Multimedia Artist: 22 credits. This certificate is for students who want to acquire fundamental, technical and conceptual skills used in the field of multimedia. These include the ability to create aesthetically pleasing and functional images, interfaces and motion graphics for the web and professional techniques for video editing. Students will be prepared for entry-level positions as motion graphics and video editing specialists, web and graphic designers and multimedia artists. Photography: 12 credits. This certificate allows students to concentrate in either documentary photography or photojournalism. Documentary photography will focus on general digital and studio photography. Photojournalism emphasizes location and event photography. The goal of the certificate in photography is to provide the skills necessary for entry level work as a freelance photographer. Should students wish to continue, credits can later be applied to a two-year AFA degree with a Photography Option. Social Media: 18 credits. This program is structured for students seeking to acquire hands-on experience in Internet marketing, web design, journalism, graphic and media design. Students will develop the skills necessary to create written and visual content for social media sites and focus on using relationship building social media platforms as a way to communicate with a variety of audiences. Students will be prepared for entry-level positions in social networking, social media strategy, social media copywriting, advertising, public relations, graphic design and web journalism. Technical Support: 15 credits. This certificate will prepare students for a career in supporting the information technology needs of business. The program will focus on industry standard applications, networking, network security, web design, business programming and operating systems tools. Students will be prepared for careers as computer technicians, technical support and help desk specialists, web designers and programmers, software testers and quality assurance specialists. WordPress Theme Design: 18 credits. This certificate is organized for students seeking hands-on experience in learning the WordPress Content Management System (CMS) and will provide the skills needed to design interactive websites using modern digital tools. The WordPress CMS is an Open Source tool and is one of the most popular platforms for either personal or business website development. Acquire the skills necessary to create a personal WordPress site or blog, a fully optimized e-commerce store, analyze and employ plugins as site enhancements and convey a basic understanding of website architecture. For the most current course offerings visit 9 COURSES OFFERED FALL ’13 For a complete list of courses, days and times: 1. VISIT: 2. CLICK on Course Schedule 3. CLICK on Course Search 4. SELECT the Term (FA13) for Fall 2013 ACCOUNTING ACCT101 ACCT102 ACCT107 ACCT201 ACCT205 BIOLOGY Accounting Principles I Financial Accounting Principles II Managerial Computerized Accounting Intermediate Accounting I Payroll Accounting 3 3 3 3 3 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE AMSL101 AMSL102 American Sign Language I American Sign Language II 3 3 ANTHROPOLOGY ANTH101 ANTH110 ANTH120 ANTH150 Introduction to Anthropology Physical Anthropology Cultural Anthropology Magic, Myth & Religion 3 3 3 3 ART ARTA101 ARTA103 ARTA104 ARTA106 ARTA108 ARTA110 ARTA115 ARTA150 ARTA180 ARTA185 ARTA186 ARTA195 ARTA200 ARTA250 ARTA260 Basic Design Art History I Art History II Art Appreciation Basic Drawing Intro to Color Three Dimensional Design Life Drawing I Painting I Digital Fine Art I Digital Fine Art II Printmaking Watercolor Special Topics: Art Education Portfolio Development 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Automotive Fundamentals Automotive Engine Repair Automotive Transmissions & Transaxles Co-op Automotive Education-Work Exper. Co-op Automotive Education Class 3 3 3 6 1 General Biology - Lecture General Biology - Lab Anatomy & Physiology I - Lecture Anatomy & Physiology I - Lab 4 0 4 0 BIOLOGY BIOS101 BIOS101L BIOS103 BIOS103L 10 Anatomy & Physiology II - Lecture Anatomy & Physiology II - Lab Fundamentals of Nutrition Biology I - Lecture Biology I - Lab Biology II - Lecture Biology II - Lab Intro. to Environmental Science - Lecture Intro. to Environmental Science - Lab Ecology - Lecture Ecology - Lab Microbiology - Lecture Microbiology - Lab 4 0 3 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 Intro. to Business Business Communications Business Law I Mgmt. & Organizational Behavior Principles of Marketing Intro. to International Business 3 3 3 3 3 3 BUSINESS AUTOMOTIVE AOTE101 AOTE203 AOTE206 AOTE260 AOTE261 BIOS104 BIOS104L BIOS107 BIOS110 BIOS110L BIOS112 BIOS112L BIOS122 BIOS122L BIOS124 BIOS124L BIOS210 BIOS210L BUSA101 BUSA110 BUSA205 BUSA211 BUSA220 BUSA235 CHEMISTRY CHEM100 CHEM100L CHEM107 CHEM107L CHEM110 CHEM110L CHEM112 CHEM112L CHEM210 CHEM210L Introductory Chemistry - Lecture Introductory Chemistry - Lab Forensic Science - Lecture Forensic Science - Lab College Chemistry I - Lecture College Chemistry I - Lab College Chemistry II - Lecture College Chemistry II - Lab Organic Chemistry - Lecture Organic Chemistry I - Lab 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 CHILD DEVELOPMENT CDEV101 CDEV150 CDEV270 CDEV280 CDEV285 Intro. to Early Childhood Education Language Devel. & Language Arts in Early Childhood Education Curriculum Studies in Early Childhood Education Child Care Internship I Child Care Internship II Sussex County Community College Course Guide I Fall 2013 I 973.300.2223 3 3 3 3 3 COURSES OFFERED FALL ’13 COLLEGE CAPSTONE COLL101 COLL201 COLL203 COLL206 COLL208 COLL209 COLL210 CRIMINAL JUSTICE Foundations for Success Capstone for Liberal Arts Capstone for Criminal Justice Capstone for Business & Accounting Capstone for Computer Science & Information Systems Capstone for Environmental Studies Capstone for Biology, Pre-Med./ Dental, Pre-Nutr./Dietetic Opt. 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMMUNICATIONS COMM101 COMM110 COMM130 COMM203 COMM220 COMM230 COMM280 COMM285 COMM290 COMM291 Intro. to Mass Communications Intro. to Radio & Television Broadcasting Television Production I Writing for the Media Photojournalism Critical Analysis & Survey of Cinema Internship in Broadcasting/Radio Internship in Broadcasting/Video Production Internship Portfolio: New Media Portfolio Preparation and Presentation 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 Computer Concepts & Applications Intro. to Information Systems Intro. to Computer Science I Intro. to Computer Science II Computer Software Applications Programming in C++ Advanced Programming in C++ Web Site Development I Database Management Systems Operating Systems Computer Aided Design E-Commerce Computer Information Systems Internship 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CRIMINAL JUSTICE CRJS100 CRJS101 CRJS105 CRJS110 CRJS115 CRJS150 CRJS180 CRJS210 CRJS230 CRJS250 CRJS288 Health & Fitness for the Public Safety Professional 3 Police Patrol Administration 3 Corrections 3 Criminal Investigation 3 Practicum in Criminal Justice Agency Operations 3 Special Topics: Constitutional Law 3 Criminal Justice Portfolio Develop. and Process 3 ECONOMICS ECON101 ECON102 Macroeconomics Microeconomics 3 3 EDUCATION EDUC202 EDUC275 EDUC286 EDUC291 Historical and Philosophical Patterns in Education 3 Working with Special Needs Children 3 Principles & Practices of Teaching as a Profession3 Portfolio Development in Education 1 ELECTRONICS ELET105 ELET105L Electronic Circuits - Lecture Electronic Circuits - Lab 4 0 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE COMPUTER SCIENCE COMS110 COMS113 COMS114 COMS115 COMS120 COMS142 COMS143 COMS155 COMS218 COMS221 COMS225 COMS227 COMS240 CRJS140 Intro. to the Criminal Justice System Law Enforcement Criminology Criminal Law Juvenile Justice 3 3 3 3 3 ESOL058 ESOL059 ESOL061 ESOL062 ESOL078 ESOL080 ESOL084 ESOL Intro. to Basic English Grammar II ESOL Intro. to Basic English Grammar III ESOL Writing II ESOL Writing III Integrated Language Skills for ESOL Students I College Prep English for ESOL Students I TOEFL Preparation 3 3 3 3 6 6 3 Developmental English (IC) Critical Writing I (IC) Writing Skills I for College Success Critical Reading I (IC) Reading Skills I for College Success English Composition I English Composition II Effective Speaking American Literature I Contemporary Literature Literature by Women 4 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 ENGLISH ENGL011 ENGL015 ENGL015L ENGL031 ENGL031L ENGL101 ENGL102 ENGL201 ENGL203 ENGL205 ENGL207 For the most current course offerings visit 11 COURSES OFFERED FALL ’13 ENGLISH ENGL208 ENGL211 ENGL213 ENGL215 ENGL216 ENGL220 ENGL221 ENGL230 GRAPHIC DESIGN History of Theater I The Short Story Literary Masterpieces of the Western World I Journalism I Children's Literature Creative Writing Modern Poetry British Literature I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 FIRE SCIENCE FRST101 FRST202 FRST208 3 3 3 Elementary French I Elementary French II 3 3 GEOGRAPHY GEOG105 12 History of Western Civilization I History of Western Civilization II U.S. History I U.S. History II HUMN101 HUMN102 Survey of World Culture I Survey of World Culture II 3 3 3 3 3 3 HUMAN SERVICES HUMS101 HUMS120 HUMS220 Intro. to Social Work & Social Welfare Interviewing & Counseling Field Experience in Human Services I 3 3 3 Elementary Italian I Elementary Italian II 3 3 3 ITAL101 ITAL102 Physical Geology - Lecture Physical Geology - Lab 4 0 LEGAL STUDIES/PARALEGAL Elementary German I Elementary German II 3 3 GRAPHIC DESIGN GRAD101 GRAD105 GRAD107 GRAD108 GRAD109 GRAD119 GRAD122 GRAD128 GRAD135 GRAD139 GRAD144 GRAD153 GRAD162 GRAD163 GRAD202 HIST101 HIST102 HIST105 HIST106 Cultural Geography GERMAN GRMN101 GRMN102 HISTORY ITALIAN GEOLOGY GEOL101 GEOL101L Graphic Design Internship 2 Portfolio Prep. & Presentation 1 Portfolio/Demo Reel Preparation & Presentation 3 HUMANITIES Intro. to Fire Science Bldg. Constr. for Fire Protection Hazardous Materials FRENCH FREN101 FREN102 GRAD280 GRAD281 GRAD282 Intro. to Graphic Design Computer Graphics I Drawing for Designers History of Graphic Design Understanding Social Media Theme and Templating Websites I Typography & Layout Computer Graphics II Advertising and Package Design Children's Book Illustration Color for Designers Character Design Character Modeling in 3D 3D Environments 3D Level Design 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 LEGA100 LEGA105 LEGA106 LEGA110 LEGA217 LEGA223 LEGA225 LEGA281 Intro. to the American Legal System Legal Research & Writing I Civil Litigation Estates and Trusts Worker's Compensation Constitutional Law Law Office Management Paralegal Internship 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MATHEMATICS MATH010 MATH015 MATH017 MATH023 MATH040 MATH104 MATH106 MATH108 MATH110 MATH112 MATH113 Basic Mathematics (IC) Introductory Algebra I (IC) Introductory Algebra II (IC) Basic Algebra (IC) Intermediate Algebra (IC) Contemporary Mathematics Mathematical Concepts Statistics Pre-Calculus I Pre-Calculus II Calculus I Sussex County Community College Course Guide I Fall 2013 I 973.300.2223 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 COURSES OFFERED FALL ’13 MATHEMATICS MATH114 MATH213 MATH215 POLITICAL SCIENCE Calculus II Calculus III Linear Algebra 4 4 4 Music Appreciation 3 MUSIC MUSC101 Nursing II Nursing IV Nursing Seminar 8 9 1 PERFORMING ARTS PERA102 PERA110 PERA111 PERA120 PERA121 PERA208 PERA250 Acting I Theater Workshop I Theater Workshop II Performance & Production I Performance & Production II History of the Theater I Special Topics: Introduction to Technical Theater 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 PHILOSOPHY PHIL110 PHIL201 Philosophy & the Meaning of Life Comparative Religions 3 3 PHOTOGRAPHY PHOT110 PHOT120 PHOT135 PHOT140 PHOT260 Photography I 3 History of Photography 3 Alternative Processes in Photography 3 Digital Photography 3 Portfolio Development/Capstone for Photography3 PHYSICS PHYS107 PHYS107L PHYS110 PHYS110L PHYS112 PHYS112L PHYS120 PHYS120L PHYS121 PHYS121L International Relations Intro. to the American Legal System Constitutional Law 3 3 3 PSYCHOLOGY NURSING (IN CONJUNCTION WITH PCCC) PCC102 PCC202 PCC203 POLS110 POLS111 POLS223 PSYC101S PSYC100P PSYC101 PSYC105 PSYC110 PSYC111 PSYC201 PSYC203 PSYC210 PSYC212 PSYC237 PSYC280 Introduction to Psychology Learning Strategies Introduction to Psychology Psychology of Human Relations Psychology of Gender Child Psychology Abnormal Psychology Theories of Personality Social Psychology Adolescent Psychology Multicultural Psychology Educational Psychology 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 SOCIOLOGY SOCA101 SOCA115 SOCA201 SOCA208 SOCA215 Intro. to Sociology 3 Intro. to Society & Environment 3 Deviant Behavior 3 Sociology of the Family 3 Perspectives On Race, Gender, Class and Culture 3 SPANISH SPAN101 SPAN102 SPAN201 Elementary Spanish I Elementary Spanish II Intermediate Spanish I 3 3 3 WOMEN'S STUDIES Introductory Meteorology - Lecture Introductory Meteorology - Lab Physics I - Lecture Physics I - Lab Physics II - Lecture Physics II - Lab Physics I with Calculus - Lecture Physics I with Calculus - Lab Physics II with Calculus - Lecture Physics II with Calculus - Lab 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 WMST207 Literature by Women 3 POLITICAL SCIENCE POLS101 POLS105 Intro. to Political Science American Government 3 3 For the most current course offerings visit 13 HEALTH SCIENCE CAREERS NONCREDIT CERTIFICATES Work in hospitals, care facilities, assisted living centers, and hospice agencies, caring for a patient’s basic physical and emotional needs. necessity for patient sensitivity and confidentiality, be able to distinguish among five drug schedules of controlled substances, be prepared to list procedures for scheduling and referring patients, be able to handle walk-in emergencies, and more. Emergency Medical Technician – 15 week program; sessions begin in September and January Phlebotomy Technician – 9 week program; new sessions begin September, January, and May An official United States Department of Transportation, EMT–Basic course designed to teach emergency care and transportation of the sick and injured. The specific curriculum, prepared by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is responsive to the standards established by the National Highway Safety Act. Upon completion, graduates will be given the opportunity to take the New Jersey State Certification exam. Students will be able to sit for their NHA CPT Certification exam upon successful completion of the program. They must demonstrate knowledge of the health care delivery system and medical terminology, infection control and safety, basic understanding of anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, proper technique to perform venipuncture and capillary puncture, preanalytical errors that can significantly alter results, and more. Home Health Aide – 6 week program; new sessions begin September, January, and May Coding and Billing Specialist (CBS) – 30 week program; new sessions begin September and January The HHA Program provides individualized health care to the elderly, convalescents, or persons with disabilities at the patient’s home or in a care facility. The student’s main focus is on converting a medical procedure, diagnosis, or symptom into specific codes for submitting a claim for reimbursement. A CBS is knowledgeable in accurately locating documentation in the patient record to support the coding and billing process, accurately assign codes for diagnoses and procedures, submit claims for reimbursement based on payer policies and procedures, and coach providers on the best documentation practices to support quality coding and optimal reimbursement. Upon successful completion of this program, students will be eligible to sit for the CBS exam. Certified Nurse Aide – 7 week program; sessions begin every few months Medical Assistant – 45 week program; new sessions begin September and January Medical Office Administration – 18 week program; new sessions begin in September and January. Upon successful completion of this program, students will qualify to take the CMAA – NHA Certification exam. They must complete 80 hours of practicum, learn acceptable office behavior and telephone etiquette, understand the Students will successfully complete training to understand the scope of practice of the profession, evaluate accuracy and completeness of the patient record, comprehend medical terminology pertinent to the field of medical assisting, demonstrate competency in clinical procedures and administrative and financial procedures, be competent in performing various diagnostic tests and specimen collection techniques, be proficient in the process of filing Sussex County Community College Course Guide I Health Sciences: 973.300.2782 HEALTH SCIENCE CAREERS medical insurance claims and assigning appropriate diagnostic procedural codes, and more. Graduates will be eligible to sit for the national exam given through the AAMA (American Association of Medical Assistants) Surgical Technology – 12 month program; new session begins in September The Surg Tech ensures the operating room environment is safe, equipment functions properly and operative procedures are conducted to maximize patient safety. Students will possess expertise in theory and application of sterile and aseptic technique and combine the knowledge of human anatomy, surgical procedures, and implementation of tools and technologies to facilitate a surgeon’s performance of invasive therapeutic or diagnostic procedures. Those who complete the program successfully will be eligible to sit for the National Certification exam and become board certified by the NBSTSA. EKG Technician – 5 week program; new sessions July, October, and March Students will develop efficiency and effectiveness in administering electrocardiograms and receive a certificate of completion from Sussex County Community College. They will be eligible to sit for the NHA (National Healthcareer Association) CET (Certified EKG Technician) exam. SCCC also offers the following Associate of Applied Science Degrees (AAS) Nurse Education – in partnership with Passaic County Community College. FREE TUITION if qualified! Health Science – Pathways Grant: This is the next step for students who have completed non-credit post-secondary health care training program. In an effort to assist individuals and families affected by the economy and to support the need for qualified health care workers, the federal government has created a program that allows eligible low-income individuals to receive free training for specific health care careers through the Northern New Jersey Health Professions Pathways Grant. This program is designed to help eligible candidates obtain education, training, and employment in high demand health care occupations. SCCC is a recipient of this grant and is partnering with educational and social service agencies in northern New Jersey to offer support to Health Science students who meet the eligibility criteria. Tuition and fees for the following programs may be waived: Certified Nurse Aide, Home Health Aide, Phlebotomy Technician, Medical Office Administration, EKG, and Certified Coding and Billing Specialist. This program has been partially funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families through the Northern New Jersey Health Professions Consortium (Grant Number 90FX0001). This document was supported by Grant Number 90FX0001 from the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of HHS. For more information contact the Health Sciences Dept: (973) 300-2782 -HQQLIHU5HGGLQJWRQ 2011 SCCC Surgical Tech graduate. “I loved the small classes at SCCC and I really felt like my instructors cared about me and my success. The program was really challenging but I felt like I had great support along the way. I love my new career. It’s an amazing feeling to be a part of a surgical team.” For the most current course offerings visit AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT SCCC Community Education and Workforce Development is dedicated to providing a variety of quality, relevant, and essential educational programs to individuals, businesses, and the community to help fulfill employer training needs, as well as career and/or personal education and training aspirations. CLASSES ARE OFFERED IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: Customized Training for Local Industry and Business Business Management and Finance Professional and Career Training, including Food Handling and Uniform Construction Code NJTNJ Alternate Route to Teacher Certification (New Partners to Teaching in New Jersey) 50 Plus – Computer Training and Social Networking Information Technology, Beginners to Advanced Arts, Culture, and Languages Health and Wellness Motorcycle, Boating, and Driving Instruction Instructor-led, Interactive Online Courses Visit for more information or call 973.300.2140 16 Sussex County Community College Course Guide I Community Education: 973.300.2140 BEYOND THE CLASSROOM College is more than just classes. A wide range of organizations and activities cater to students’ social, athletic, political, academic and cultural interests. College clubs, athletics, theater performances, fine arts programs, a campus radio station and lectures all add to the total college experience. A bustling game room, full service cafeteria and Student Center provide hubs for students to gather and socialize during the day. ATHLETICS Whether you’re on the field or on the sidelines, SCCC Skylander spirit is alive and well all year long! Intercollegiate sports include: Men’s Soccer, Basketball and Baseball; Women’s Soccer, Basketball, and Softball. ACTIVITIES & CLUBS Opportunities are available for students to organize, lead or participate in clubs and activities on campus. We offer academic, service and professional organizations that connect students to their chosen careers and a variety of social and volunteer organizations. COLLEGE HOUR We believe that co-curricular learning ensures student success. Every Thursday we reserve a block of time known as “college hour” for student enrichment activities. From concerts and picnics to social events, there is always something happening on campus. CULTURAL AFFAIRS SCCC offers cultural programming throughout the year including musical and theatrical performances, dance, film festivals, lectures, art receptions, trips and more. Most events held on campus are free to students. STUDENT GOVERNMENT SCCC’s active Student Government Association (SGA) plans social events, initiates community service projects and engages all students in campus happenings. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS “The College Hill” is SCCC’s online student newspaper. This publication is committed to providing a vehicle for the exchange of ideas, opinions and perspectives about events and activities affecting SCCC students. Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Permit No. 118 Sparta, NJ 07871 One College Hill Road Newton, NJ 07860 POSTAL PATRON LOCAL TOP 10 REASONS WHY SCCC IS A SMART CHOICE 1. High quality + low cost = exceptional value - Whether you’re a student paying your own way or a parent trying to make ends meet, everyone is looking for a quality education at the best price. You will receive a world-class education at a fraction of the cost of most universities. 2. Students come first - Our faculty and staff take tremendous care to ensure student success and growth. We offer personalized services such as financial aid, academic advisement, counseling, tutoring and career planning. 3. Academic excellence - Learn from award-winning faculty and receive the in-depth preparation needed to succeed in two and four-year degree programs and in your career. SCCC has one of the highest graduation rates of community colleges in New Jersey. 4. Great things come in small packages - We offer many of the advantages of a large institution combined with the unique benefits of a smaller college. You will not get lost in the crowd here. Our average class size is just 20. 5. Flex your scheduling options - Balancing school, work and family can be challenging. Choose from classes offered during the day, evening or weekend, in the traditional manner, online or hybrid formats. 6. Something for everyone - Whether you are a first-time college student or a lifelong learner, we offer something for everyone. From degree and transfer programs, professional certification to Community Education programs that expand your career, we offer educational opportunities for everyone. 7. Make lifelong friends - We have dozens of clubs and hundreds of activities planned throughout the year so you can connect with friends on campus. No matter what your interest, there’s always something fun going on at SCCC. 8. A safe campus that’s close to home - We offer a sense of community and familiarity for students who don’t want to commute or live away from home. 9. Catch the Skylander spirit - Whether you’re on the field or on the sidelines, the Skylander spirit is alive and well. We offer intercollegiate competition all year long. 10.START HERE...GO ANYWHERE! We prepare you to transfer to the top colleges and universities in New Jersey and across the nation. More than seventy percent of SCCC graduates continue their education. Under state law, SCCC graduates with A.A. or A.S. degrees can transfer seamlessly with junior status to a four-year public college or university in N.J. when pursuing the same or compatible major.