Committed to the game - University Interscholastic League

February 2015 | Prowler
Committed to the game
by editor-in-chief
Rebeccah Macias
Members of, senior, Jordan Moore’s
seventh grade basketball team might of had
their sights set on playing college ball, but
at that time, Moore was just focused on
catching up.
“Everyone else had already been playing
since they were like five, so it was kind of
hard.” Moore said. “At the time, everyone
kept telling me I had potential, and I didn’t
really care because I was so bad.”
But that was seventh grade. Now, a
senior, Moore is more than caught up.
Currently, she’s ranked a four-star recruit
by ESPNW and the number 8 post player
Senior Jordan Moore
“I do think it’s really cool knowing
that all the hard work I’ve done over the
years has paid off,” Moore said. “Random
people in a store will ask me ‘Hey aren’t
you Jordan Moore?’ and it just feels really
Along with the media and local
recognition, Moore has also gained notice
from scouts from both in state and out of
state colleges. In November, Moore made
her final selection. She will be playing for
TCU next winter.
“There were other schools like Utah
and Nebraska, but I didn’t even have to
decide if I wanted to go on an official or
not to those colleges”, Moore said. “When I
went on my official tour of Texas Christian
University, I knew that’s where I wanted
to be.”
Unlike most recruits who had been
playing basketball since they were young,
Moore began to play in middle school.
With the help of her current Amateur
Athletic Union (AAU) basketball coach,
Brenton Christian, Moore started seeing
her successes instead of her failures on the
“I started really late,” Moore said. “But
the more I worked with him [Christian]
the better I got at basketball, and I kept on
getting better.”
While spending time with people
who encouraged her and were a positive
photo by Rebeccah Macias
influence on her basketball career, Moore
became more involved on the court.
“As I started getting better, it felt good
to prove people wrong. There’s always
going to be somebody hating on your
accomplishments and how you live your
life so when someone said something
about me, I didn’t care.”
Once she made it to high school
basketball, Moore was hooked. As a
freshman, Moore played on the JV team.
“I started falling in love with basketball
my freshman year,” Moore said. “I was
doing workouts twice a day, ever every
other day of the week and sometimes even
every day of the week.”
While dedicating her time to working
on basketball on the weekdays and
weekends, Moore found that her support
system had shifted.
“The only friends I really had were
my teammates,” Moore said. “I lost some
friends, but I was hitting my peak. The time
to get better was right then and there. I just
kept working and having fun while I was
doing it.”
As she worked, Moore started receiving
questionnaires from scouts. They wanted
to know more about her and wanted her to
give them a call.
“Until September 1 of my junior year,
they couldn’t call me,” Moore said. “So I
had to keep up with the scouts.”
Moore was even invited to basketball
camps so coaches could get a better look
her game.
“Basketball camps are really fun because
you get to stay on campus most of the
time,” Moore said. “I’ve been to a lot of
camps, and I knew that they’ll eventually
offer you a scholarship, hopefully a full
Along with the brief visits where scouts
saw how Moore moved on the court,
interested colleges could see her successes
from the acolades she was earning. Her
sophomore year, Moore was named AllCentral Texas Newcomer of the Year.
When scouts were around, Moore says
she just played like usual.
“I wasn’t nervous or anything because
scouts had been watching me play all
summer,” Moore said. “I knew most of
them already and when they were coming
to see me play.”
With 71 career contests entered the
2014-15 season, averaging 18.3 points, 10.2
rebounds and 2.6 blocks while shooting
63 percent from the field with 1,299 total
points, Moore has the attention of college
programs, but only one had Moore’s
attention from the very start.
After completing several official visits,
Moore committed to TCU because of the
atmosphere. The coaches were welcoming
and some of her teammates from her
summer league joined her.
“Everyone was just so friendly to me”,
Moore said. “Immediately it turned into a
family atmosphere when I found out that
my teammates from AAU basketball were
coming with me to TCU.”
Now that her plans are made, Moore is
excited and nervous as she prepares to start
the next chapter in her basketball career.
“I’ll be playing with great players and it’ll
basically be a new life,” Moore said. “The
only thing that I’m nervous about now is
not messing up. The workouts are going
to be hard, but I know I’ll get conditioned.
My former teammates, who are already in
college tell me that it’s pretty different from
high school ball, so I’m kind of ready but
still nervous.”
photo by R
Height: 6’3”
Position: Post
All-Central Texas
Averaged 18.3 poi
All-Central Texas
Averaged 20.8 poi
Became the first p
since 1990.
Ranks: Ranked no.
Ranked No. 54 rec
Ranked a four-sta
Ranked No. 8 post
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