Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 11 Series II. Subject files, 1938-2001 The series includes subject files, correspondence, drafts and copies of legislation, speeches, news clippings, and other printed material related to Jim Wright’s career in the United States House of Representatives. The records were kept by Wright and his staff members in offices in Washington, D.C., and Fort Worth, Texas. The series contains correspondence between Wright and his colleagues in the House, the bulk of which resides in boxes 730-735 and 818822, and copies of bills Wright introduced in the House, the bulk of which are in boxes 925947 and 965. Wright’s speeches and writings appear throughout the series, as does general correspondence, campaign material, and news clippings. Description Date Box Wright appreciation committee (6 folders) 1981-1988 670 Correspondence January – April 1986 May – December (7) 1986 January – June (2) 1987 July – December (2) 1987 Swearing-in ceremony (3) 1986 Houston fund-raiser 1987 Soviet Union trip (4) 1987 Philadelphia bicentennial (2) 1987 Democratic national convention (2) 1988 Presidential inauguration 1989 Capitol ceremony 1987 Soviet visit to U.S. 1987 Fundraisers (2) 1987-1988 Trips to foreign countries (7) 1987-1988 671 672 Correspondence January-June (2) 1988 673 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 12 July-December (2) 1988 January-March 1989 April-June 1989 Franking case 1981 Mallick, George 1988 Barry, John 1986 Pena, Richard 1987-1988 Harriman television proposal 1987-1988 Advanced tactical aircraft 1987-1988 Trade policy 1985 North Texas High Technology Taskforce 1985-1986 Essay contest (2) 1987 Clean Air Act 1988 Jim Wright book – Reflections of a Public Man 1984 Business Week [Wright interview with] 1987 Supercollider 1988 Jim Wright Chair [University of Texas at Austin] 1987 Connell, Mary Nell 1987 Mair, George 1987-1988 Simpson, Marvin 1988 Babcock, Chuck 1985-1987 Blind trust 1987-1988 Byrd, Steve 1983-1989 Council for Inter-American Security 1988 “Sack the quarterback” 1987-1988 674 675 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 13 Censure telegrams 1988 Hyatt Regency demonstration 1988 Public Advocate 1988 Falwell, Jerry 1988 Free the eagle 1988 Citizens of Reagan 1988 RUFFPAC 1989 Savings and loans 1986-1988 Saenz, Paul 1986 1988 Election 1987-1988 Interns 1988 Washington Times 1988 Right wing 1988-1989 Restitution Center 1987 UT Institute of Biotechnology 1988 Sun Myung Moon 1989 Regardies’ 1988 New computer system 1986-1987 Bankers Monthly 1988 1986 press releases 1986 Savings and loans letters (Lynam subpoena) 1986 FSLIC 1987 First district election 1985 American Airlines 1982-1989 GSA printing of newsletters 1985 676 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 14 Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards 1979-1984 Addison airport 1981-1985 Capital Cities 1985 Wright, Betty 1981-1987 General - miscellaneous 1986 Democratic National Committee 1983-1986 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 1981-1984 Jim Wright Congressional Club 1981-1987 Democratic Policy Commission 1986 Democratic Leadership Council 1985 Democrats for the 80’s 1985 EDA – Stockyards – Fort Worth 1983-1987 Love Field 1979-1988 Corps of Engineers 1984 Corps of Engineers Projects in Tarrant County 1983-1984 Contributions for colleagues and other misc. contributions 1984-1988 Appreciation fund 1986-1988 Majority Congress Committee Non-federal account 1986-1988 Thank you 1982-1989 General 1977-1987 Epstein, Becker, Bosody & Green 1985-1986 Wright Appreciation Committee 1987-1989 Chicago Campaign Committee 1984 Cheap shots [news clipping] 1985 677 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 15 Synfuels 1988 Texas Triangle 1984-1985 Moral Majority 1984 Polls 1984 Vickery-Rosedale Connection 1973 1970-1986 General Dynamics 1982-1989 Taiwan 1979-1985 Taiwan helicopters 1983-1984 FB-111 1979-1980 F-16/79 1983 Bell 1979-1988 A-7 1979-1981 LTV 1984 F-16 1980-1987 New 12th Congressional district 1981 1989 press releases 1989 Drafts [speeches and letters] 1985-1987 Service America Corporation 1987 Budget background 1987 Payroll 1979-1987 Army Helicopter Improvement Program (AHIP) 1986-1988 Office matters 1987-1989 Foreign Trade Zone [DFW airport] 1987 1988 press releases 1988 Letters to the media 1981-1988 678 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 16 1989 interns - acceptances 1989 1989 summer interns 1989 Humor 1970-1988 Pages [Congressional Page Program] 1986-1988 Gingrich, Newt 1987 Campaign reform – “Let’s Revitalize American Democracy” [statement on Election Reform Act] 1966 Ethics investigation 1979-1988 1990 election 1989 Quotations n.d. Fundraisers 1986 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee mailings 1987-1989 Federal spending in Texas 1987-1988 Chicago Mercantile 1987-1989 Speeches 1976-1989 Delta Airlines 1986 Favorable letters to Star-Telegram 1977-1981 Mailings 1984-1987 News clippings 1978-1987 Printing clerks 1986 Economic Development Administration – Fort Worth 1979-1986 Take to Fort Worth [people to contact] 1986 Calendars [lists of recipients] 1986 Anecdotes 1987 Office review 1985 Fort Worth background 1984-1987 679 680 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 17 Newsletter [including photos] 1980-1988 Newspaper articles 1981-1988 DFW airport 1981-1988 Wright Appreciation Committee 1989 Wright clippings 1981-1989 Campaign fundraising (5) 1976-1981 Central American trip 1982 1986 election [campaign material, news clippings, etc.] (19) 1986 Law Enforcement Awards Dinner 1986 Lee Iacocca visit to Fort Worth 1986 Trip to Caracas – cancelled 1986 Pisces fundraiser (2) 1986 National Concrete Masonry Association 1985 Trips (9) 1985 Promises – November dinner [plans, arrangements, etc.] 1985 Texas swing [travel across Texas] 1985 November fundraiser (2) 1985-1986 Trade hearing – Fort Worth 1985 Procurement conference – Fort Worth 1985 Dr. Fredrick Chien’s visit to Fort Worth 1985 Brownwood visit 1984-1985 Infrastructure hearing – Fort Worth 1985 Health issues 1985 House Budget Committee 1985 Soviet visit to Fort Worth 1985 681 682 683 684 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 18 1984 Democratic National Convention (5) 1984 Mondale visit to Texas 1984 Krueger fundraiser [Democratic primary candidate] 1984 Majority Congress Committee fundraiser – Mayflower Hotel (2) 1984 Austin fundraiser 1983 Kirkpatrick, Jeane [U.S. Ambassador to UN] 1983 Chamber of Commerce dinner - Kissinger 1983 Far East Trip (2) 1983 Texas Democrats salute Jim Wright 1983 Paris, Budapest and Bonn trip 1983 Civic Leaders Barbeque (2) 1983 Democratic National Party conference 1982 Fundraisers [Majority Congress Committee and others] (4) 1981-1982 685 Swearing-in ceremony 1987 686 Foggia n.d. Leonard Briscoe project 1986 Christmas card 1987 Pages [Congressional Page Program] 1987 Swearing-in speech mailing 1987 Taiwan trade mission 1987 Gridiron [jokes] 1987 Watauga flooding 1987 Food workers 1986 New member orientation 1985 Information America poll 1987 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 19 Sequoia [yacht - legal matters] 1988-1989 Lake Worth 1983 Eagle Airlines 1985-1986 1987 press releases 1987 Speakership [articles, references to the position] 1983-1986 Currency printing plant 1986 Mailings 1987 Questionnaires (3) 1975-1986 Refurbishing Speaker’s office 1987 Oliver, Robert [consultant on taxes] 1987 Sullivant, Betty 1987 Drugs 1986 100th Congress 1988 Lorean Branch n.d. Pending mail projects 1987 Polls 1987 Deregulation 1987 Sister cities 1987 Air quality 1987 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Outreach 1988 Interns 1986 Army-Air Force exchange 1986-1987 Gunnison Capital, Ltd. 1986-1987 Synthetic fuels 1987 Greenbriar speech [JW to Democratic Issues Conference] 1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 20 Applications 1981-1986 Railtran (3) 1982-1988 687 Latin American speeches 1961-1966 688 Sequoia [Presidential yacht] 1987 Ralph Thrasher n.d. Houston fundraiser 1986 Henry Kerry – Meridian Services Corp. [maps] 1984 Alcon [brochures] n.d. Member Information Network [computer program] 1984 Newsletter (7) 1983-1985 Haltom City flooding 1982 Hulme, Etta 1983-1984 F-16XL 1982 1982 Election (3) 1982 Realtors 1984 Kahle, Keith - Electrocom 1984 Overhead freeway 1982 Connell, Mary n.d. Nicaragua 1980-1984 General Dynamics pollution 1983-1984 National Democratic Leaders 1983 Texas Democratic contributors - $500 and up n.d. Texas contributors - $500 and up n.d. 1988 Presidential Campaign – Secret Service protection 1987-1988 Foreign affairs [mostly USSR and Germany] 1987 689 690 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 21 1988 Democratic convention [Atlanta] 1988 England trip 1988 Australia trip (2) 1988 V-22 Tilt-rotor 1983-1989 Jim Wright Jamboree III 1989 Southwest Airlines 1988 Dirty tricks 1988-1989 Bicentennial of Congress 1984-1989 Jim Wright kudos 1988 Electrocom 1989 Betty’s biography [photos] n.d. Payne, Hershel 1989 Perot airport 1987-1989 Nicaragua 1988 FSX 1989 Jim Wright favorites 1987 Official expenses 1986 Moncrief, Dick 1988-1989 Hinduja brothers 1987 Favorable cases [radio] 1987-1988 Supreme Soviet visit 1989 Tandy Corporation 1988 New Republic 1985-1988 Army Helicopter Improvement Program (AHIP) 1987-1988 Threats to Jim Wright 1988 691 692 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 22 Republican mailings 1988 Fort Worth Star-Telegram 1987-1988 Good stories 1988 Henshaw, Edmund L. [Fiscal year 1981 House budget estimates] 1980 Democratic study group 1977 Undocumented aliens 1980 Department [federal correspondence] (2) 1977-1988 Foreign visitors/correspondence 1987-1989 Jim Wright correspondence - Ambassadors 1987-1988 Foreign dignitary correspondence 1979-1989 Coalition for a Democratic Majority 1983 Foreign visitors n.d. Jim Wright correspondence - Presidents 1982-1988 Jim Wright correspondence – Prime Ministers 1985-1987 Texas – general 1983-1988 Texas Democratic Party 1985-1988 Fort Worth/Tarrant County projects involved in budget cuts 1980-1988 Lewis, Gib 1982 Pool, Joe 1963-1980 Parmer, Hugh 1988-1989 Texas delegation 1977-1983 Caucus memberships 1984-1986 Vietnam Vets Memorial Fund – Texas 1981-1982 Intelligence Committee 1983-1985 Leadership – House 1977-1985 693 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 23 House Administration Committee 1977-1978 Letters from Speaker [Tip O’Neill] (also Chief Justice Burger) 1978-1987 Ethics Committee 1977-1978 Special Commissions 1981-1985 Speaker – appointments [to Congressional committees] 1986-1987 Majority Printing Clerk 1977-1980 1982 campaign 1981-1982 National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC) 1981 Steering and Policy Committee n.d. Republican campaign letters 1981 Senate 1979 Energy 1977-1980 Whip 1977-1979 Room requests 1977-1984 Requests 1987-1988 Office – general 1977-1987 House Office Building Commission 1977-1985 Budget Committee 1977-1985 Arms control - reduction 1987 Arts caucus 1987 Boston University 1982-1987 Bread for the World [educational fund] 1983-1985 Jim Wright House - resolutions 1979-1981 Jim Wright – speeches file 1979-1980 Section 404 1976-1977 694 695 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 24 Explanation of the Wright anti-inflation amendment n.d. Newsletter – What sort of a fellow is Jimmy Carter? 1978 American Legion Magazine article 1977 Brademas speech on Christian responsibility in politics 1965 Capitol Historical Society 1977-1988 Clippings [most on JW] 1977-1979 Coalition for a Democratic Majority 1979 Colleague mailings 1977-1981 Democratic Congressional Committee 1976-1987 Democratic House and Senate Council 1978-1980 EDA business incentive proposal n.d. Energy 1973-1979 Energy/economic proposal 1975 Economy proposal 1975 Federal Union 1977-1978 Friendship Force 1977-1989 Gonzalez – Assassinations Committee 1977 Readers’ Digest article [JW on Democrats] n.d. Hubert H. Humphrey 1977-1978 Inter-American Development Corporation 1967 Jaworski report on Korean investigation 1978 The responsibilities of the Majority Leader as I view them 1976 U.S. – Mexico interparliamentary 1963-1984 Christian Citizenship 1984 George Meany telegram re: common situs bill 1978 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 25 Meet the Press broadcast 1976 Obey commission reforms 1977 Interview of Jim Wright by Peabody 1977 Foreign trips – press stories 1980 Questionnaires 1977-1983 Jefferson Islands Club 1982-1988 Texas Monthly article 1976 Questionnaires completed by JW for various groups 1976-1986 Texas Spectator articles 1947 Press releases and statements 1977-1986 Press letters 1976-1988 Touche Ross and Company 1978 Wilson Center 1977-1982 White House Preservation Fund 1980 Seminar 1980 Shah of Iran 1979-1980 Inaugural 1981 Bread for the World 1984-1985 Wright Congressional Club Dinner – honoring retiring members of delegation 1978 Campaign material (5) 1980 Adamson High reunion 1988 Alliance for Responsible CFC Policy [Montreal Protocol] 1987-1988 Alliance Airport 1988 Baseball passes 1988 Center for National Policy – Kirk O’Donnell 1986-1988 696 697 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 26 Civic Leaders Barbeque 1988 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Dinner 1988 Democratic Caucus 1988 Democratic House and Senate Council 1988 House decorum 1988 IMPAC 2000 1988 Impeachment – Judge Hastings 1988 Intelligence Committee 1988 Jackson, Jesse 1987-1989 Israel, Bahrain and Morocco (cancelled) 1987 Speaker to Speaker 1987-1988 Convention correspondence 1988 Mission to the United Kingdom 1987-1988 Iran Contra – indictment 1986-1987 Invitations 1988 Inaugural memorabilia 1989 Stealth – B2 1988 The Williamsburg Charter 1988 Thank you letters [by JW] 1988 Drug campaign 1986-1988 Jim Wright – business leaders correspondence 1987-1988 Folding room 1988 V-22 tilt rotor 1988 Task force on safety n.d. Times Mirror public opinion survey 1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 27 NASA 1988 CloseUp Foundation 1988-1989 Speakers Club 1986-1988 General [correspondence and news clippings] 1985-1993 Nicaragua 1988 Memberships 1988-1989 The Congressional Award 1987-1989 Gordon Starr – Moscow Marathon 1988 Chicago Mercantile Exchange 1988 Graham, Calvin 1988 Capitol Associates 1988 National Coalition for the Homeless 1987 Friends of Ireland 1985-1989 D.C. District Council 1988 Advisory boards 1986-1988 Richards, Ann 1988 Rapoport, Bernard 1988 National Economic Commission 1988-1989 Walgren, Carmala 1988 Masters, Nick 1989 Georgetown University 1988-1989 Lynam [correspondence] 1977-1978 Shosid, Joe 1977-1983 Speaker’s Conference on Concerns of Vietnam Veterans 1989 Jim Wright memberships (12) 1978-1988 698 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 28 Venezuela 1985-1986 Philip Morris dinner 1979 Jimmy Grippo dinner 1979 George Mallick lunch 1979 Motion Picture Association (2) 1976-1984 Invitations – special events/luncheons 1980-1985 Office – Fort Worth 1980-1989 Colleagues/candidates 1986 Fundraiser invitations 1977 The Sixth Floor 1989 Speaking invitations 1983-1986 Invitation – India 1987 National Trust for Historic Preservation 1989 Jim Wright biographical information n.d. Jim Wright slogan n.d. Acapulco sunset [poem] n.d. Jim Wright introductions and background n.d. Jim Wright personal certificates and awards 1977-1986 General [correspondence] 1983 JFK Library n.d. Congratulations (2) 1984-1988 Purcell dinners n.d. Amon Carter Museum paintings 1977-1988 Jim Wright appointment to various committees 1978 Speech kudos 1977-1979 699 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 29 1986 campaign 1986 1980 campaign 1980 Sponsorships 1983-1985 Circus Saints and Sinners 1977 Christmas cards 1978 Congratulations from colleagues 1976 Campaign polls 1983 Draft for campaign brochure 1978 1984 convention 1984 1984 campaign 1982-1984 Wright 1980 campaign 1979-1982 Gammage, Bob 1977 Garvey contributors 1974 Greatest Salesman in the World 1980 25th anniversary celebration 1979 Bradshaw supporters 1980 Correspondence 1954 1980 election 1980 Official working visits [to foreign countries] (12) 1986-1989 Prime Minister and Crown Prince of Kuwait 1988 Event schedule (2) 1984-1988 Invoices/vouchers (2) 1986-1988 TV and tape recorder 1979-1985 Video cassettes [records of] 1981-1985 Architects office 1987-1988 700 701 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 30 Office of the Clerk 1977-1988 Office of the Sergeant at Arms 1988-1989 Bethesda Engravers 1987 Computerized business systems 1987-1988 Cellular One 1988-1989 Congressional Quarterly 1987-1989 Federal Express (2) 1984-1988 Federal Information Systems 1987-1988 Hudson’s Directory 1988 Jim Wright – official expenses 1987 Motorola cellular service 1988-1989 Multicom 1987-1988 National Journal 1988 Office of the Postmaster 1988-1989 Office supply service 1988-1989 C&P Telephone 1987-1988 Office of Telephone Services (4) 1987-1989 David R. Ramage – printer 1987-1988 Standard Coffee Services 1987 Texas Press Service, Inc. 1987 U.S. Capitol Historical Society 1987 U.S. Newswire Service 1988 Voucher listing 1987 Varied vouchers 1986-1988 Western Union 1987-1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 31 Wright Appreciation Committee 1988-1989 Office equipment (2) 1981-1989 Office equipment – Xerox 1981-1988 Office – House services 1979-1987 Office parking 1977-1988 Car information 1979-1987 American Agenda n.d. Computer letters 1986-1988 Congressional pay raise 1989 Correspondence – state level 1986-1988 Dear colleagues that the Speaker signed on 1987-1988 Eisenhower Commission 1988 Fiscal survey of the states 1988 Historic file [handwritten acceptance of Speaker nomination] 1987 Military base closings 1988 Nicaragua 1987-1988 Policy Objectives – 100th Congress 1988 Press letters – correspondence 1987-1989 Presidential Classroom [academic program] 1987-1989 Report of the Task Force on the Strategic Defense Initiative 1988 National Association of Homebuilders [empty] 1977 Mayflower Hotel – Majority Congress Committee 1984 New Members Dinner [with photos] 1982 Texas Delegation Dinner [with photos] 1985 New England Dinner 1985 702 703 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 32 Jim Wright’s Cowtown Jamboree [with photos] 1985 Newspaper clippings [by month] (33) 1977-1982 Clipping analysis 1979 Newspaper clippings (3) 1979 Chrysler file 1979 Congressional Award 1978-1980 Congressional delegation to Asia 1983 Dominican Republic project 1979 H-coal synthetic fuel 1977-1979 Love Field – Southwest Airlines – cab case (3) 1978-1979 Trinity River Authority 1978-1979 Panoff, Sidney 1982 Patent Restoration Act 1981-1982 Payne, Carroll – Army case 1978-1982 Page dormitory 1982 Iftikhar, Samuel – case 1980 Communications bill 1982-1983 Combined federal campaign 1978-1983 DFW Customs District Office 1979-1985 Speaker’s press conferences 1984 Jim Wright daily schedules (2) 1978-1982 Letter from Jim Wright [on education] 1988 Build Bridges, Not Walls [lecture] 1984 The Deficit: First Priority, Search for a Bipartisan Consensus [Rotary Club speech, Fort Worth] 1985 State of the Nation: Where Our Treasure Is 1984 704 705 706 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 33 Was Lincoln Wrong? [Post article by David S. Broder] 1984 Historical deficit charts 1983 Education charts 1983 Talking Wright [article by Walter Shapiro that appeared in The Washington Post Magazine] 1983 ABC News – Harris survey, Americans favor synthetic fuels bill 1979 Block Captain program n.d. Star-Telegram article on balancing the budget; U.S. News and World Report 1980 Roll call – Congressional salaries [article] n.d. Wright’s balanced budget; Charmayne Marsh story 1980 Cuba refugees – Brzezinski letter and Star-Telegram article 1980 Why You Should Vote Democratic [Reader’s Digest article by Jim Wright] 1980 Energy charts n.d. Energy packets n.d. Federal pay raise 1977 Inflation vs. unemployment chart 1950-1977 100th Congress mailing 1988 The Wright Report [newsletter] 1988 How well do you know the Constitution? [pamphlet] 1987 Address by Speaker Wright [upon election as Speaker] 1987 Crime mailing 1985 National prayer breakfast speech 1977 South Africa converts coal into oil [article] 1979 Congressional record speeches on F-111 and FB-111 1980 707 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 34 U.S. – Nicaraguan relations [article] 1980 The town meeting idea revived 1977 Meet the Press [transcript] 1981 Some questions and answers for Democrats 1981 Critical choices for the future (re: tax cuts) 1981 The Glory and the Dream: A Narrative History of America 1972 Letter from the Alamo: Colonel William Barret Travis 1836 The Rebuilding of America [editorial by Jim Wright] 1987 Statements - drafts 1987 Writings 1983-1988 Speech file 1956-1987 Pre-1977 Jim Wright speeches Pre-1977 Miscellaneous statements 1977-1980 Betty Wright speeches 1977-1980 Abortion 1980 Automobile 1980-1983 Budget 1973-1987 Budget (2) 1982-1987 Campaign financing 1977-1984 Civil rights 1957-1983 Colleagues 1976-1986 Congress – accomplishments 1977-1987 Congress – general 1977-1984 Congressional trips 1980 Cuba 1980-1982 708 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 35 Dallas-Fort Worth airport 1978 Defense 1979-1986 Democratic speeches 1977-1987 Democratic convention 1980-1984 Democracy 1975-1987 Drugs 1986 Economy (2) 1977-1985 Education 1983 Energy (3) 1970-1982 Foreign affairs 1979-1985 Holidays and other days of remembrance 1975-1982 Humor 1977-1988 Health 1981 House procedures 1980 Housing 1977-1983 Intelligence 1977-1981 Interparliamentary 1987 Japanese 1980-1984 Jim Wright [articles on the Speaker] 1983 Judiciary 1978-1983 Labor 1983 Latin America 1968-1987 Leadership 1980-1986 Local government 1977-1981 Media appearances 1976-1985 709 710 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 36 Middle East 1978-1987 Miscellaneous 1962-1985 Personal 1978-1985 Philosophy (2) 1978-1987 Presidents 1977-1985 Speeches of others 1979-1986 Press 1978-1984 Puerto Rico [speeches] 1979-1987 Religious speeches or comments 1961-1983 Social security 1979-1985 Soviet Union 1980-1987 Taxation 1981-1986 Testimony 1977-1987 Texas 1981-1987 Texas personalities 1979-1985 Trade 1985-1987 Transportation 1977-1984 Unemployment 1977-1978 Water 1977-1981 House Administration Committee 1981-1986 Congressional reform 1974-1980 Jewish community 1977-1985 General 1982-1986 712 Jim Wright (2) [letters] 1983-1986 713 Wright – bio and photographs [no photos] 1978-1979 711 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 37 Wright – Majority Congress Committee dinner 1980 Wright – songs 1979 Wright – correspondence with Presidential hopefuls 1984 Wright – media letters 1982-1985 Wright – questionnaires 1978-1985 Wright – schedules (2) 1981-1983 Jim Wright schedules (12) 1977-1988 714 Wright – Congressional Record remarks (10) 1977-1986 715 Wright – dear colleague letters (6) 1977-1984 Court cases as leader (3) 1979-1985 Campaign – Jim Wright Congressional (2) 1978-1980 Campaign – Majority Leader (2) 1976-1978 Legislative report – 99th Congress, 2nd session 1986 Bills/amendments introduced or cosponsored 1983 Jim Wright sponsored Ratchford amendment to the immigration bill Simpson-Mazzoli 1984 Bills/resolutions introduced or cosponsored (3) 1984-1986 Dominican Republic project (2) 1966-1967 Adamson High School yearbook 1939 Sasol Limited 1979-1980 Education Day, USA (2) 1984-1986 Retired Serviceman’s Family Protection Plan 1968 General 1983-1986 Abortion - adoption 1976-1985 Aging 1980 Agriculture 1978-1982 716 717 718 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 38 Arms control 1977-1979 Automobile industry 1980-1981 Aviation 1978-1981 Bipartisan Commission for Central America 1982-1984 Balkanization of America [Harper’s article] 1978 Banking 1978-1982 Business failures 1982 VIP [letters] 1983-1986 Chiles, Eddie 1981-1982 Civil rights 1977-1982 Congressional budget 1977-1979 Conservative Democratic forum 1981-1982 Crime 1984 Deceased [clippings] 1983 Jim Wright scrapbook 1983 Deficits 1982-1987 Defense 1977-1983 Democratic Steering and Policy Committee 1977-1978 Environment – general 1977-1981 Ethics 1977-1980 Federal Union 1977-1981 Governors 1983-1986 Greek-Turkey conflict (Cyprus) 1978-1980 Health 1978-1984 History, American 1979 719 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 39 Housing 1977-1983 Human rights 1977-1979 Humor 1977-1981 Humphrey-Hawkins bill 1978 Intelligence 1976-1982 Interest rates 1969-1982 Quotations of special interest for Jim Wright 1976-1982 Interest rates – testimony, Banking Committee 1982 Israel 1977-1981 Judiciary 1977-1980 Labor 1977-1982 Legislative process 1977-1979 Lawsuits 1985-1986 Law of the sea 1982 Liberal/Conservative dialogue 1977-1981 Minorities 1977-1980 National Science Foundation 1975-1980 Natural gas (2) 1980-1984 New York City 1978-1983 New York: South Bronx 1977-1978 Nuclear arms n.d. Panama Canal Treaty 1977-1981 Puerto Rico 1980-1985 Public Opinion [polls] 1978-1986 Red tape 1971-1981 720 721 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 40 Religion – prayer 1980-1982 Reorganization 1976-1979 Seminars 1974-1977 Small business 1979-1981 Social security (2) 1979-1985 Sunset laws 1978 US-USSR Interparliamentary Delegation 1985 Tarrant County – precinct map and demographics 1978-1984 Taxation 1978-1981 Trade and tariffs 1978-1979 Transportation 1974-1981 Unemployment 1982 Veterans [photo] 1979-1982 Voting studies 1977-1982 Water pollution control 1977-1982 Water projects 1977-1982 Welfare 1977-1980 Wilderness 1977-1981 Women 1975-1982 Woodrow Wilson Center 1978 General correspondence 1964-1984 Major votes 1981-1986 Media transcripts 1979-1983 Speech and newsletter background 1979 Democrats – committee assignments (2) 1981 722 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 41 97th Congress 1980-1981 Census 1981 Democratic Issues Conference 1981 Religion in politics 1980-1981 Caribbean Basin Initiative 1982-1983 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (2) 1978-1985 Democratic Steering and Policy 1976-1980 Democratic caucuses and groups 1978-1981 Democratic Caucus (3) 1976-1988 Political Action Committees 1977-1981 Democratic National Committee (2) 1981-1989 Democratic Leadership Council 1985-1989 Democratic National Committee Chairman 1988-1989 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 1987-1988 Senator correspondence (2) 1977-1988 Democratic Presidential Campaign 1988 Dukakis correspondence 1988 Democratic response 1989 Bentsen correspondence 1988 Majority Leader Byrd 1988 Majority Leader Mitchell 1987-1989 Sam Rayburn Library 1988 GOP campaign letters 1981-1982 National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC) 1981-1986 Reagan’s Economic Program 1981-1982 723 724 725 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 42 Reagan speeches (6) 1981-1986 Anti-Reagan articles 1981-1985 White House 1981-1986 Republican correspondence (2) 1977-1989 Bauman, Bob 1980 Letters from President 1981 White House – general 1981-1989 Secretary of Defense 1986-1988 Executive Office of the President – Office of Management and Budget 1986-1988 Congressional correspondence 1983-1986 Republican leader correspondence 1986-1988 Office of the President Elect 1988-1989 Letters from the President (2) 1977-1989 Secretary of the Treasury 1987-1989 White House correspondence 1981-1989 Executive Office of the President – Office of the Trade Representative 1981-1987 Secretary of Education 1988 Secretary of Energy 1987 Secretary of State 1983-1989 Letters from the President – Reagan 1981-1989 Letters to the President – Reagan 1980-1988 Correspondence with Vice President Bush 1981-1988 Reagan correspondence with O’Neill 1981-1986 Letters to Baker, Jim 1984 726 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 43 News clippings 1987 Jim Wright – business leaders correspondence 1982-1988 First United Methodist Church, Fort Worth 1987-1988 Mack, John – personal correspondence 1980-1988 News clipping 1985 Congressional Summit on Debt and Trade [transcript] 1986 Federal Emergency Management Agency 1983-1988 House rules and regulations 1976-1979 Labor 1979-1980 Officers of the House 1978-1986 Whip organization 1978 Architect – Capitol, etc. 1982-1986 Bill forms n.d. The Business Roundtable [mailing list] 1977 Crank mail 1980-1983 Texas personalities 1977-1983 Majority printer 1977-1981 Legal 1982-1988 Legal 1986-1988 Project Dominican Republic (2) 1962-1966 Middle East background material 1977 General correspondence (3) 1986-1989 Republican correspondence 1987 Texas Center for Superconductivity at UH 1988 Trade bill 1987-1988 727 728 729 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 44 Terrorism [gun control] 1985-1987 Foreign affairs 1981-1987 Colleague correspondence 730 Ackerman, Gary – New York 1983-1989 Akaka, Daniel J. – Hawaii 1978-1987 Alexander, Bill – Arkansas 1977-1987 Anderson, Glen M. – California 1977-1986 Andrews, Mike – Texas 1983-1988 Annunzio, Frank – Illinois 1978-1988 Anthony, Beryl – Arkansas 1978-1988 Applegate, Douglas – Ohio 1977-1988 Aspin, Les – Wisconsin 1980-1988 Atkins, Chet – Massachusetts 1985-1988 AuCoin, Les – Oregon 1977-1987 Barnard, Doug – California 1977-1984 Bates, Jim – California 1983-1988 Beilenson, Anthony – California 1978-1988 Bennett, Charles E. – Florida 1980-1989 Berman, Howard – California 1984-1989 Bevill, Tom – Alabama 1977-1988 Biaggi, Mario – New York 1977-1988 Bilbray, Jim – Nevada 1986-1989 Boggs, Lindy (Mrs. Hale) – Louisiana 1976-1988 Boland, Edward P. – Massachusetts [with cassette tape] 1979-1987 Boner, Bill – Tennessee 1979-1987 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 45 Bonior, David – Michigan 1983-1989 Bonker, Don – Washington 1978-1986 Borski, Bob (Robert A.) – Pennsylvania 1983-1986 Bosco, Doug – California 1984-1987 Boucher, Rick – Virginia 1983-1988 Boxer, Barbara – California 1982-1988 Brennan, Joe – Maine 1986-1988 Brooks, Jack – Texas 1977-1989 Brown, George E., Jr. – California 1977-1988 Bruce, Terry – Illinois 1985-1986 Bryant, John – Texas 1982-1989 Bustamante, Al – Texas 1984-1988 Byron, Beverly – Maryland 1979-1988 Campbell, Ben – Colorado 1986-1988 Cardin, Ben – Maryland 1986-1988 Carper, Tom – Delaware 1983-1987 Carr, Bob – Michigan 1983-1988 Chapman, Jim – Texas 1985-1988 Chappell, Bill – Florida [photos] 1977-1988 Clarke, Jamie – North Carolina 1985-1988 Clay, William (Bill) – Montana 1977-1987 Clement, Bob – Tennessee 1988 Coelho, Tony – California 1978-1988 Coleman, Ron – Texas 1982-1989 Collins, Cardiss – Illinois 1979-1987 731 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 46 Conyers, John, Jr. – Michigan 1978-1987 Cooper, Jim – Tennessee 1984-1987 Costello, Jerry F. – Illinois 1988 Coyne, Bill – Pennsylvania 1981-1986 Crockett, George W., Jr. – Michigan 1980-1987 Daniel, Dan – Virginia 1977-1987 Darden, George W. (Buddy) – Georgia 1983-1989 De la Garza, E. – Texas 1977-1988 De Fazio, Pete – Oregon 1986-1989 DeLugo, Ron – Virgin Islands 1981-1988 Dellums, Ronald V. – California 1981-1988 Derrick, Butler – South Carolina 1977-1988 Dicks, Norman D. – Washington 1977-1987 Dingell, John D. – Michigan 1977-1988 Dixon, Julian – California 1979-1987 Donnelly, Brian – Massachusetts 1979-1987 Dorgan, Byron – North Dakota 1981-1988 Dowdy, Wayne C. – Mississippi 1981-1987 Downey, Thomas J. – New York 1978-1988 Durbin, Dick – Illinois 1982-1987 Dwyer, Bernard – New Jersey 1981-1985 Dymally, Mervyn – California 1981-1988 Dyson, Roy – Maryland 1980-1988 Early, Joseph D. – Massachusetts 1979-1985 Eckart, Dennis – Ohio 1981-1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 47 Edwards, Don – California 1980-1987 English, Glen – Oklahoma 1978-1984 Erdreich, Ben – Alabama 1984-1989 Espy, Mike – Mississippi 1986-1989 Evans, Lane – Illinois 1984-1988 Fascell, Dante - Florida 1978-1988 Fauntroy, Walter E. – D.C. 1977-1989 Fazio, Vic – California 1980-1989 Feighan, Edward F. (Ed) – Ohio 1984-1988 Flake, Floyd – New York 1987-1989 Flippo, Ronnie G. – Alabama 1977-1989 Florio, James J. – New Jersey 1978-1988 Foglietta, Thomas – Pennsylvania 1982-1988 Foley, Thomas S. – Washington 1978-1987 Ford, Harold E. – Tennessee 1978-1988 Ford, William D. – Michigan 1978-1987 Frank, Barney – Massachusetts 1981-1987 Frost, Martin – Texas 1979-1988 Fuster, Jaime – Puerto Rico 1985-1988 Garcia, Robert – New York 1980-1988 Gaydos, Joseph M. – Pennsylvania 1977-1986 Gejdenson, Sam – Connecticut 1981-1988 Gephardt, Richard A. – Missouri 1977-1989 Gibbons, Sam – Florida 1980-1988 Glickman, Dan – Kansas 1977-1987 732 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 48 Gordon, Bart – Tennessee 1984-1986 Gonzalez, Henry – Texas 1977-1989 Grant, Bill – Florida 1986-1989 Gray, Bill – Pennsylvania 1978-1988 Gray, Ken – Illinois 1986-1988 Guarini, Frank – New Jersey 1978-1988 Hall, Ralph – Texas 1981-1989 Hall, Tony – Ohio 1980-1988 Hamilton, Lee H. – Indiana 1978-1988 Harris, Claude – Alabama 1986-1988 Hatcher, Charles – Georgia 1981-1988 Hawkins, Augustus F. – California 1978-1988 Hayes, Jimmy – Louisiana 1987 Hayes, Charles – Illinois 1983-1984 Hefner, W.G. (Bill) – North Carolina 1978-1987 Hertel, Dennis – Michigan 1981-1987 Hoagland, Peter – Nebraska 1988 Hockbrueckner, George – New York 1986-1988 Howard, James J. – New Jersey 1977-1988 Hoyer, Steny – Maryland 1981-1988 Hubbard, Carroll - Kentucky 1977-1986 Huckaby, Jerry – Louisiana 1977-1988 Hughes, William J. (New Jersey) 1977-1989 Hutto, Earl – Florida 1980-1988 Ireland, Andy – Florida 1977-1984 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 49 Jacobs, Andrew, Jr. – Indiana 1978-1987 Jenkins, Ed – Georgia 1977-1989 Johnson, Tim – South Dakota 1986-1988 Jones, Ben – Georgia 1988 Jones, Ed – Tennessee 1977-1988 Jones, Walter B. – North Carolina 1977-1987 Jontz, Jim – Indiana 1986-1988 Kanjorski, Paul – Pennsylvania 1984-1988 Kaptur, Marcy – Ohio 1982-1989 Kastenmeier, Robert W. – Wisconsin 1977-1988 Kennedy, Joe – Massachusetts 1986-1988 Kennelly, Barbara B. – Connecticut 1981-1988 Kildee, Dale E. – Michigan 1978-1989 Kleczka, Jerry – Wisconsin 1984-1988 Kolter, Joe – Pennsylvania 1984-1987 Kostmayer, Peter – Pennsylvania 1982-1987 Lancaster, Martin – North Carolina 1986-1988 Lantos, Tom – California 1981-1987 Laughlin, Greg – Texas 1988 LaFalce, John J. – New York 1978-1987 Leath, Marvin – Texas 1977-1987 Lehman, William – Florida 1977-1987 Lehman, Richard – California 1983-1987 Leland, Mickey – Texas 1978-1988 Levin, Sander – Michigan 1982-1986 733 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 50 Levine, Mel – California 1982-1987 Lewis, John – Georgia 1986-1988 Lipinski, Bill - Illinois 1984-1987 Lloyd, Marilyn – Tennessee 1980-1988 Lowey, Nita M. – New York 1988-1989 Lowry, Mike – Washington 1980-1988 Luken, Thomas A. – Ohio 1977-1986 McCurdy, Dave – Oklahoma 1981-1987 McDermott, James A. – Washington 1988 McHugh, Matthew F. – New York 1977-1989 McKloskey, Frank – Indiana 1984-1989 McMillen, Tom – Maryland 1985-1989 McNulty, Michael R. – New York 1988-1989 MacKay, Buddy – Florida 1983-1986 Manton, Tom – New York 1984-1989 Markey, Edward J. – Massachusetts 1977-1980 Martinez, Marty – California 1983-1986 Matsui, Bob – California 1979-1988 Mavroules, Nick – Massachusetts 1979-1986 Mazzoli, Romano L. – Kentucky 1977-1988 Mfume, Kweisi - Maryland 1986-1987 Mica, Dan – Florida 1979-1988 Mineta, Norman Y. – California 1978-1988 Miller, George – California 1980-1988 Moakley, Joe – Massachusetts 1977-1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 51 Montgomery, G.V. (Sonny) – Mississippi 1978-1989 Mollohan, Alan – West Virginia 1983-1988 Moody, Jim – Wisconsin 1982-1989 Morrison, Bruce – Connecticut 1982-1988 Mrazek, Bob – New York 1982-1988 Murphy, Austin J. – Pennsylvania 1977-1986 Murtha, John P. – Pennsylvania 1980-1987 Nagle, Dave – Iowa 1986-1988 Natcher, William H. – Kentucky 1977-1988 Neal, Richard E. – Massachusetts 1988 Neal, Stephen L. – North Carolina 1977-1987 Nichols, Bill – Alabama 1977-1989 Nelson, Bill - Florida 1979-1986 Nowak, Henry J. – New York 1977-1984 Oakar, Mary Rose – Ohio [video cassettes] 1977-1988 Oberstar, James L. – Minnesota 1977-1988 Obey, David R. - Wisconsin 1978-1987 Olin, Jim – Virginia 1982-1988 Ortiz, Solomon – Texas 1983-1989 Owens, Major – New York 1988 Owens, Wayne – Utah 1985-1987 Panetta, Leon E. – California 1978-1988 Patterson, Liz – South Carolina 1986-1988 Payne, Donald M. – New Jersey 1988 Payne, Lewis F., Jr.- Virginia 1988 734 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 52 Pease, Donald J. – Ohio 1977-1988 Pelosi, Nancy – California 1987-1989 Penny, Tim – Minnesota 1983-1987 Pepper, Claude – Florida 1977-1987 Perkins, Chris – Kentucky 1984-1987 Pickett, Owen – Virginia 1986-1987 Pickle, J.J. - Texas 1977-1988 Poshard, Glenn – Illinois 1988 Price, David – North Carolina 1986-1988 Price, Melvin – Illinois 1977-1986 Rahall, Nick Joe II – West Virginia 1977-1988 Rangel, Charles B. – New York 1977-1988 Ray, Richard – Georgia 1982-1987 Richardson, Bill – New Mexico 1983-1988 Robinson, Tommy – Arkansas 1984-1988 Rodino, Peter W., Jr. – New Jersey 1977-1988 Roe, Robert A. – New Jersey 1979-1988 Roemer, Charles E. – Louisiana 1981-1986 Rose, Charles – North Carolina 1978-1986 Rostenkowski, Dan – Illinois 1977-1988 Rowland, J. Roy – Georgia 1982-1989 Roybal, Edward R. – California 1981-1987 Russo, Marty – Illinois 1978-1987 St Germans, Fernand – Rhode Island 1977-1988 Sabo, Martin – Minnesota 1978-1989 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 53 Sarpalius, Bill – Texas 1988-1989 Savage, Gus – Illinois 1981-1988 Sawyer, Tom – Ohio 1986-1989 Scheuer, James H. – New York 1977-1988 Schroeder, Patricia – Colorado 1977-1989 Schumer, Charles – New York 1981-1988 Sharp, Philip R. – Indiana 1977-1988 Sikorski, Gerry – Minnesota 1984-1987 Sisiski, Norman – Virginia 1984-1987 Skaggs, David – Colorado 1986-1988 Skelton, Ike – Missouri 1977-1988 Slaughter, Louise – New York 1987-1989 Slattery, Jim – Kansas 1983-1989 Smith, Larry – Florida 1983-1988 Smith, Neal – Iowa 1978-1986 Solarz, Stephen J. – New York 1977-1988 Spratt, John – South Carolina 1983-1988 Staggers, Harley O. – West Virginia 1984-1988 Stallings, Richard – Idaho 1984-1986 Stark, Fortney H. (Pete) – California 1977-1987 Stenholm, Charles – Texas 1979-1988 Stokes, Louis – Ohio 1977-1987 Stratton, Samuel S. – New York 1978-1987 Studds, Gerry E. – Massachusetts 1977-1987 Sunia, Fofo I. F. (American Samoa) 1981-1987 735 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 54 Synar, Mike – Oklahoma 1979-1986 Swift, Allan – Washington 1979-1985 Tallon, Robib – South Carolina 1983-1987 Tanner, John – Tennessee 1988-1989 Tauzin, Billy – Louisiana 1980-1988 Thomas, Lindsay – Georgia 1982-1988 Torres, Esteban – California 1985-1987 Torricelli, Robert G. – New Jersey 1984-1986 Towns, Ed – New York 1982-1988 Traficant, Jim – Ohio 1985-1989 Traxler, Bob – Michigan 1978-1985 Udall, Morris K. – Arizona 1977-1985 Unsoeld, Jolene – Washington 1988 Valentine, I. T. (Tim) – North Carolina 1982-1987 Vento, Bruce E. – Minnesota 1977-1988 Visclosky, Peter – Indiana 1985-1989 Volkmer, Harold L. – Montana 1977-1986 Walgren, Doug – Pennsylvania 1977-1988 Watkins, Wes – Oklahoma 1977-1987 Waxman, Henry A. – California 1978-1988 Weiss, Theodore S. – New York 1977-1987 Wheat, Alan – Missouri 1983-1986 Whitten, Jaime L. – Mississippi 1979-1988 Williams, Pat – Montana 1979-1986 Wilson, Charles – Texas 1977-1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 55 Wirth, Timothy E. – Colorado 1978-1987 Wise, Bob – West Virginia 1982-1988 Wolpe, Howard – Michigan 1980-1987 Wyden, Ron – Oregon 1981-1988 Yates, Sidney R. – Illinois 1980-1988 Yatron, Gus – Pennsylvania 1977-1987 Congress, general 1976-1985 Congressional pay 1975-1983 Agriculture committee 1981-1985 Appropriations committee 1981-1986 Armed services committee 1981-1985 Banking, finance, and urban affairs committee 1981-1986 Budget committee (2) 1977-1985 District of Columbia committee 1981 Education and labor committee 1983-1986 Energy and commerce committee 1980-1985 Foreign affairs committee 1981-1986 Government operations committee 1985 Interior and insular affairs committee 1986 Intelligence committee 1981-1987 Judiciary committee 1982-1986 Merchant marine and fisheries committee 1981-1986 Post office and civil service committee 1981-1986 Public works and transportation committee 1979-1986 Rules committee 1982-1983 736 737 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 56 Science and technology committee 1983 Small business committee 1982-1986 Standards of official conduct committee 1984 Veterans affairs committee 1983-1985 Ways and means committee 1981-1986 Select committee on aging 1985 Select committee on hunger 1985-1986 Select committee on narcotics, etc. 1985 Agriculture Department 1981-1985 Commerce Department 1981-1984 Defense Department 1980-1985 Education Department 1982-1986 Energy Department 1980-1982 Health and Human Services Department 1981 Housing and Urban Development 1980-1984 Interior Department 1981-1985 Justice Department 1982-1985 Labor Department 1981-1982 FEC nomination 1981 Directorate of Intelligence 1989 State Department 1980-1986 Transportation Department 1981-1987 Treasury Department 1981-1986 Federal Communications Commission 1980 Federal Reserve Board 1977-1988 738 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 57 General Accounting Office 1981-1984 General Services Administration 1981 Interstate Commerce Commission 1981 Office of Management and Budget 1981 Supreme Court 1980-1987 Foreign affairs 1977-1983 Africa 1978-1984 Asia 1978-1980 Cuba 1979-1985 El Salvador 1983-1984 El Salvador 1982-1985 Guatemala 1982-1986 Dear commandante 1980-1985 Nicaragua 1979-1986 China 1978-1983 Mexico 1977-1985 Middle East 1977-1982 Soviet Union 1978-1985 Jim Wright’s birthday greetings 1988 Arms control 1988 Democratic Study Group 1987 Surface transportation H-R-2 1987 Trade 1986-1987 Budget charts 1980s Highway bill 1987 739 740 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 58 Antitrust – trade 1986 Martin Luther King, Jr. 1987 Task force 1986-1987 Committee assignment 1986-1987 State of the Union 1987 Senate 1986-1987 Congressional delegation reports 1987 Special Committee on Iran 1987 Collective bargaining 1986-1987 Intelligence 1987 NATO 1985-1987 Special order – tribute 1987 AFL-CIO 1987 Congrats – Speaker 1986 Pay increase 1987 Co-sponsor file 1986-1987 Homeless 1986-1987 Budget reform 1986 Trade legislation 1986 Iran situation 1986 January 6, 1987 1987 Republican Congressional Campaign Committee fundraising 1987 Federal budget [by Wright] 1986 Foreign relations 1987 General correspondence 1986-1987 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 59 Texas elections 1968-1976 Election certificates 1972-1974 Filing statements 1973 Election certificates 1976-1988 Biography 1987 Federal Election Commission complaint 1988 Moscow meeting notes 1987 Mack, John 1989 Baker, James A. III [letter to Wright] 1984 Personal letter [to David Montgomery] 1985 Personal letter [to James McClure] 1989 Trade bill 1986 Memorabilia 1955-1984 Archives 1986-1987 Recommendations [on behalf of students, etc.] 1984-1988 American Airlines 1988-1989 Wright awards, certificates 1954-1976 Jim Wright personal memorabilia 1968-1985 Wright, Betty 1985-1987 Statements and speeches 1969-1986 1986 press releases 1986 1985 press releases 1983-1985 Speech material 1986-1987 Good clips [articles] 1987 Dear colleagues 1980 741 742 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 60 Letters [from Wright] 1979-1980 Typing – originals 1979 Energy remarks 1980 Betty’s speeches 1973-1980 Testimony [Intelligence Identities Protection Act] 1980 Statements – miscellaneous topics (2) 1978-1980 Publicity 1972-1985 Transcripts [JW dictating on budget, Iran Contra] 1986 News clippings [on Wright] 1961-1987 Mailing lists 1976-1982 Ethics allegations (2) 1987-1988 Mair, George 1987-1988 Ethics investigation 1988 Savings and loan 1987 Speeches and writings 1981 Newsletter material 1983 Mr. Wright’s schedules 1979 Ethics investigation [news clippings, response to Phelan report] 1989 Democratic Study Group 1988-1989 Financial disclosure statement 1988 News clippings 1988 Whitehead, Cotton 1988 National Economic Commission 1989 General office files n.d. Agriculture policy 1987 743 744 745 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 61 AIDS appropriations 1988 Airport/aviation trust fund 1987 Alcohol fuels 1987 American dream – economic 1986-1987 Australia 1988 Book – in progress with G. Mair 1987 Applicants for appointments 1987 Budget [considerations and priorities] 1986-1988 Campaign reform 1987-1988 Catastrophic health insurance 1987 Common Cause complaint 1988 Constitution 1985-1987 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) 1987 DCCC – Mary 1987-1988 Deficit 1987 Democratic National Convention 1988 Education 1987-1988 Elections of 1988 1988 Ethics and standards 1987 Gridiron Club speeches 1978-1987 Homelessness 1986-1988 Housing 1986-1987 Infrastructure 1987 Iran – Contra 1986-1987 Johnson, Lyndon B. [remarks of Wright] 1967 746 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 62 Korea 1985 Masonic speech 1983 Medicare/Medicaid and other health issues 1987 Mexico [oil for debt; war on drugs] 1988 Middle East/Persian Gulf 1987-1988 Military security 1985-1987 Minimum wage 1989 New Mexico n.d. Newspaper publishers 1988 Nicaragua, OAS, AID 1988-1989 Nostalgia: Its Use and Misuse [article] 1987 Nuclear tests [article] 1987 Oil policy [articles] 1987 Natural gas policy [articles] 1987 Public service academy/education plan 1988 Reflections – book distribution 1987 Rayburn, Sam 1987 Savings and loan problems 1987-1988 Selling of America 1987-1988 Social security [articles] 1987 Statements in 1987 1987 Stock market failure 1987-1988 Tax options 1987 Trade legislation and barriers 1986-1988 Trip itineraries 1987-1988 747 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 63 Trip – U.S. Conference of Mayors 1987 USSR-USA: human rights, security 1987-1988 War powers resolution / collective defensive treaties 1967-1973 Welfare reform 1986-1987 World Bank [article] 1986 Wright – OP/EDS, newsletters 1958-1985 Wright speeches (2) 1987-1988 Trinity River project 1975 National voter survey (2) 1987 Democratic strategy 1984 Export Task Force 1985 Water projects 1975-1977 Speeches and writings 1967-1977 General news clippings (2) 1977-1990 Texas Democratic Party – Texas project (9) 1984 749 Appointments in office – D.C. and Fort Worth (5) 1979-1988 750 Visitors (5) 1979-1988 Invitations – general (6) 1979-1988 Press clips, press conference transcripts [as Speaker] (22) 1987-1988 751 Newspaper clippings 1988-1989 752 General 1984-1987 Newspaper clippings 1987-1989 George Mair 1988 Press guest lists 1988 Daily schedules 1988 748 753-755 756 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 64 Democratic Study Group 1988 Democratic News Summary 1988 Press conference transcripts 1988 Reading file 1988 Lofton interview [Washington Times] 1988 Newsletter 1988 News clippings (3) 1988 General 1988 General [Democratic News Summary, Democratic Study Group Legislative Report, Congressional Record, news clippings] 1988 757 News clippings 1988 758 Press lunch lists 1988 759 Speeches [by Wright] 1988-1989 Newsletter 1988 Trade bill 1985-1987 100th Congress 1988 Colleague/editorial mailing 1988 Old press lists 1988 Press Bar-B-Q 1988 Leak mailing piece 1988 At home media dinners 1988 General [correspondence, media guest list] 1988 “Mr. Speaker” [narrative by Wright and George Mair] n.d. “Why I am a Democrat” [address of Otha Wearin] 1964 Letters to editor mailing piece (2) 1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 65 Jack Brooks nomination 1988 Penthouse [response to questions] 1988 Savings and loan clips 1988 Media lunches 1988 Newsletter 1988 Wall Street Journal [article on Wright vs. Gingrich] 1988 Marshall Lyman memos 1988 Whip’s clips 1988 Member’s book list 1988 Nicaragua articles 1988 Sperling breakfast 1988 Newt Gingrich cartoons 1988 Foreign Policy article 1988 Bush, George 1988 Fort Worth Salute speech 1988 Clips [article] 1980 Republican charges against Wright (2) 1988 Clips mailing 1988 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) 1987 At-home press dinners 1988 D.C. press mailing lists 1988 Letters to editor - mailing 1988 Nicaragua (2) 1984-1988 Newsletter copy 1988 Press 1988 760 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 66 Legislative report 1988 Personal [schedules, correspondence, etc.] 1988 News clippings (3) 1988-1989 Old news clippings (in envelope) 1977-1982 News clippings 1987-1989 761-776 Press releases (13) 1955-1985 777 Press releases 1963-1969 778 Komatsu, Al – VA and Army hospitals 1983 779 Sadat, Camelia [phone messages] n.d. Voter survey 1983 Public Utility Holding Co. Act 1982 Carswell Hospital 1981-1983 Lake Country Estates 1980-1981 Komatsu 1980-1981 Desoto Jordan – Navy Procurement 1983 Lake Worth dredging 1983 Jack Watson post office building 1983 Rock Island right-of-way purchase 1982-1983 Schafer, Earl – Jack Freeman, FAA 1982 Chaplin, Kelly 1983 Cruz, Mrs. Antonio [firing of] 1982 TV violence 1981 Census 1970-1980 Depression 1982 West Electronics 1984-1987 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 67 Village Creek treatment plant 1979-1983 Robotics Institute 1985 New member orientation 1984 Brock, Bob 1985 Taiwan trade mission 1986 Glenn, John 1984 Ethiopia 1984 Federal Correctional Institute 1984 Charts 1985 Braniff [airline] 1982-1983 Carswell incidents 1983-1984 Pages [information about position] n.d. Broadcast material n.d. Inter-religious Task Force on Central America 1984 Flags [invoices] 1984-1985 Love Field [briefs] 1979 Campaign 1984 1984 Campaign 1980 (4) 1980 Hustler magazine 1983-1984 Messages 1980 Sterling Steves Ad [against Eddie Chiles] 1979 Voting [articles about] 1968-1979 Jim Wright ad – never published 1980 Campaign 1980 1979-1980 Voters tally 1980 780 781 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 68 Silcox, C.R. – Democratic primary opponent [cassette tape] 1980 National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC) clippings 1981-1985 NCPAC lawsuit 1981-1984 Cooper complaint - NCPAC 1980-1982 Political campaign outline 1980-1984 NCPAC file 1981-1984 Voter registration mailing 1982 Federal Home Loan Bank Board 1983 Redistricting (2) 1980-1982 National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC) 1981 Redistricting 1980-1982 Campaign 1980 (4) [with photo in third folder] 1980 Chiles, Eddie 1978-1981 Metroplex background file (3) 1972-1974 McNamara, Robert (2) 1961-1963 Darien Gap 1960-1965 Machines, seizure of world by [article] n.d. LTV ground transportation 1972 Lyndon [articles] 1966-1968 McGovern, George 1972 F-16 (2) 1977-1979 F-111 1967-1977 Washington and Congress [speech to new members] 1978 Bell Helicopter 1976-1978 DFW airport (2) 1965-1978 782 783 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 69 Solar energy 1977 General election 1974 1974 Congressional vote breakdowns 1974 Correspondence [returned to sender] 1974 Campaign 1974, general (2) 1974 Campaign – draft of Cookerly poll 1974 Campaign contributors 1974 Agriculture Department payments to Garvey [confidential] 1974 Congrats on reelection 1974 1974 campaign (3) 1974-1977 Campaign correspondence 1974 Congressional campaign material 1969-1970 Purcell campaign 1972 Campaign file 1978 Wright Appreciation Dinner 1973 Mail out letters for campaign 1974 TV program material 1974 Radio testimonials 1974 Democratic campaign material 1976 Campaign volunteers 1974 Lobbying 1963-1965 International law 1966-1969 International fighter airplane 1970 Interest rates 1971 Labor 1967 784 785 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 70 Lanham, Fritz [speech] 1924 Job corps [article] 1969 Jackson, Henry M. (Scoop) 1960-1971 Investigations and oversight – 1971 budget request 1971 Intellectuals [article] 1970 F-16 1973 F-111 1967-1973 Wild Horse Annie 1959 Jim Wright biography 1967-1968 Solar energy 1975-1978 Texas [feature in The Economist] 1977 Trinity River 1964-1965 Crosbyton Solar Project 1978 General Dynamics 1977-1978 Solar electric satellite 1977 Federal agencies in Fort Worth 1974-1975 Federal center 1963-1974 Federal parking garage 1967-1972 F-18 1975-1977 Fort Wolters 1971-1974 Fort Worth bicentennial 1974-1978 F-16 1974-1977 Fort Worth Post Office, special project 1967-1970 Fort Worth gardens 1967-1970 Fort Worth-Dallas regional airport 1969-1977 786 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 71 General Dynamics (2) 1970-1975 F-111 (3) 1969-1971 Kuhnreich, George 1983-1984 Summer pages 1984 McMullen, James A. and Harry Andres 1981 Essay contest 1983 Consumer Information Booklet 1983 Kubiak-Gramm election 1983 Bankruptcy court 1983 West Electronics 1983 Bankruptcy judges 1983-1984 Charts [of deficit and defense] 1980s Air 1 1984 Lloyd Doggett 1984 American Manufacturing Co. – Fort Worth 1984 FAA office, Meacham Field 1983-1984 Keith, Sam – Choctaw Indians 1983 Fort Worth budget hearings 1981 Senior citizens award 1980-1981 Corps of Engineers district office 1983 National-House Democratic Caucus meeting 1984 Computer [printouts] 1982 Black Democrats’ meeting – Fort Worth 1983 Dayle Henington’s roast 1983 John Glenn visit to Fort Worth 1982 787 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 72 North Texas fund [Democratic campaign] 1982 Voter registration mailing 1984 1984 campaign mailing 1984 HUD move to Fort Worth 1983 Buffalo Creek Watershed project 1982-1984 Nukes – limit 1985 Steel – high-tech industry, employment 1983 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) 1985 GCA Corporation 1983-1984 Paideia proposal 1983 Jobs package 1982-1983 Non-appropriated fund employee 1985 Alamo flag [return of] 1985 Titzman, Marvin 1983 Tandy 1985 Civil service issues 1985 Tax-free bonds – hospitals and universities 1985 Asbestos - Manville 1983-1986 B. Clay – collective bargaining [construction industry] 1983-1985 H.R. 2300 – spouses 1983 Jobs bill 1982-1983 DFW crash [airport] 1985 S.E.C. – news regulation 1984 El Salvador 1984 Education - general 1984 788 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 73 Constituent correspondence [instructions for] 1982-1983 Baby Doe [child abuse amendment] 1983-1984 Department of State – gist reports 1984 Handicapped housing case n.d. Nicaragua [polls] 1985 Andrew’s amendment to highway bill 1984 University of Texas Medical Center – Dr. Russell 1985 Student aid 1985 Immigrant education (3) 1984-1985 Singer, Max – Central America [The Potomac Organization] 1984 Solis, Juan 1984 History Day project 1984 Prompt pay legislation 1984 Peace Academy 1982-1984 Mulry, R. 1985 Garcia v. San Antonio mass transit 1985 University restoration [legislation] 1984 National Endowment for Democracy 1984-1985 Lone Star Industries – cement petition 1984 Libraries 1983-1984 Special programs for students from disadvantaged backgrounds (TRIO) 1985 Freedom Foundation trustees 1985 Arab information – Tanya 1985 Mexico earthquake relief 1985 Correspondence [with concerned/interested parties] (2) 1983-1985 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 74 Budget information 1981 Computer sheets [blank] n.d. Pay equity – H.R. 3008 1985 International issues 1984-1985 General 1984-1986 Peace Institute 1985 Moakley refugee bill 1985 Bowden, Dorothy 1971-1982 Brazil – Wilson Center 1984 Foreign students 1984 El Salvador 1985 Bhopal – Union Carbide 1984 Philippine – Manglapus, (Raul) 1985-1986 Armenian Assembly 1984-1985 Economic Development Administration (EDA) budget 1985 “Ten Myths about Civil Service Retirement” n.d. Embassy [correspondence with] 1985 Corbit, Brad 1985 Letter to FCC following Democratic National Convention 1969 Open letter to Senator Eugene McCarthy 1968 Copies of articles for Democratic tabloid – campaign 1968 John Hill campaign 1968 Campaign 1968 – Jim Wright 1968 Governor’s race (2) 1968 Cecil Burney reports 1968 789 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 75 Political opinion surveys 1968 County contact sheets – Texas, 1968 campaign 1968 “Nebraska Doesn’t Settle Anything” [article] 1968 “Kennedy Camp is Troubled Despite Nebraska Victory” [article] 1968 “Candidates in the Past Got More Enthusiasm” [article] 1968 Documents in connection with Rules Committee at Democratic National Convention in Chicago 1968 Remarks to delegates 1969 Campaign 1968 – national 1968 “Members of Congress Rate Humphrey, Nixon Strongest” [article] 1968 Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) – DFW/Love Field 1979 Humphrey campaign 1966-1968 Henry Newman – Love Field 1979 Middle East affairs 1985 Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe [reports] 1984-1985 Central America and the Caribbean 1984-1985 U.S. policy – general 1984-1985 Proposed radio broadcasts 1968 Humphrey, Hubert H. (3) 1968 Commission on the Democratic Selection of Presidential Nominees [information packet] 1968 Rules Committees handbook 1968 Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) 1978 Poll reports [Gallup, etc.] 1968-1969 Lansing, Michigan advance 1968 790 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 76 Jacksonville, Florida advance 1968 Democratic National Convention - Chicago 1968 Toledo advance 1968 Huntington, West Virginia advance 1968 Purcell campaign 1970 Fort Worth advance (LBJ) 1968 Raleigh, North Carolina advance 1968 Purcell vs. Price 1972 Bal Harbour, Florida advance 1968 Love Field 1979 Special project: Love Field (2) 1979 Tarrant County HMO 1976-1977 Title IX – college athletics 1977 DFW – Tokyo air route 1977-1978 Trinity River project (2) 1975-1978 Trinity River Improvement Association 1977 Martin, Gary 1974-1976 Postal Service - special projects 1974-1975 Missing in Action (MIAs) - special projects 1977 Government Day – special project 1977-1978 Chamber of Commerce trip – special projects 1977 Independent contractors (Rapaport) 1977-1978 Fuel economy standards 1977-1978 Carpenter, Ben 1977-1978 Air Force principal – Eric Alan Mair 1977-1978 791 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 77 Air Force alternative – Andy F. Stevenson 1977-1978 Tarrant County HMO (2) 1976-1978 Health agencies – special projects 1974-1977 President’s energy proposals 1977 H.R. 14210 [concerning IRS] 1978 H.R. 13809 [designates George H. Mahon Building] 1978 H.R. 13808 [designates Omar Burleson Federal Building] 1978 H.R. 12914 [extends patent] 1978 H.R. 12247 [Jan Kutina] 1978 H.R. 11895 [Public Works Capital Development funds] 1978 H.R. 12939 [Economic Recovery Act] 1978 H.R. bills sponsored by Wright 1973-1974 House resolutions – 93rd Congress 1973-1974 H.R. 1288 [water pollution control funds] 1973 Issue letter templates 1977 H.R. 8444 [National Energy Act] 1977 House joint resolutions – 93rd Congress 1973-1974 H.R. 5530 [by Wright] 1969-1977 H.R. 11 [jobs bill reauthorization] 1977 H.R. 1376 [for relief of J.B. Riddle] 1974 H.R. 1402 [Bernardo de Galvez] 1978 H.R. 1609 [amend Mineral Leasing Act of 1920] 1977-1978 H.R. 1978 [child insurance benefits, Joyce King] 1976-1977 H.R. 1938 [amend Communications Act of 1934] 1973 H.R. 1966 [for relief of AIRCO] 1971-1973 792 793 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 78 H.R. 2544 [Big Thicket land acquisition] 1977 H.R. 2543 [Yarborough unit of Big Thicket] 1977 H.R. 2547 [Texas National Guard property exchange] 1977 Soft drink industry territorial restriction cases 1971-1973 H.R. 2563 [Velzora Carr] 1975-1977 H.R. 2548 [annuities for subsequent spouses] 1977 H.R. 2936 [air carrier mail rates] 1977 H.R. 3234 [extend SSI to Puerto Rico, VI, Guam] 1977 H.R. 3391 [establish new wetlands] 1977 H.R. 3392 [water pollution control amendments] 1977 H.R. 3522 [dairy parity bill] 1973 H.R. 5348 [anti saccharin ban] 1977 H.R. 5872 1973 H.R. 6230 [Lowell National Cultural Park] 1977 H.R. 6414 [civil service retirement for Japanese Americans] 1977 H.R. 7770 [for relief of Ramakrishna Rao Palepu] 1973 H.R. 4234 [preserve endangered public land] 1977 H.R. 8449 [relief of Lourdes Marie Hudson] 1977-1978 H.R. 8650 [natural diversity preservation] 1977 H.R. 9697 [Office of Consumer Representation] 1977 H.R. 9718 [Office of Consumer Representation] 1977 H.R. 9703 [ERA extension] 1977 H.R. 10392 [Hubert Humphrey fellowship] 1977 H.R. 10624 [repeal carryover basis of Tax Act] 1978 H.R. 10650 [subsequent spouse bill] 1978 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 79 H.R. 10970 [Lowell National Cultural Park] 1978 H.R. 11035 [U.S. Capitol Historical Society] 1978 H.R. 11662 [Lowell National Historical Park] 1978 H.R. 11621 [Legislative Oversight Act] 1978 H.R. 11579 [Olin E. Teague VA Hospital] 1978 House Congressional Resolution 1 [State of the Union address] 1977 H. Con. Res. 2 [Inauguration Committee] 1977 H. Con. Res. 106 [February adjournment] 1977 H. Con. Res. 229 [May House adjournment] 1977 H. Con. Res. 442 [Sine die adjournment] 1977 H. Con. Res. 425 [Equal access to rural healthcare] 1977 H. Con. Res. 452 [State of the Union address] 1978 H. Con. Res. 509 [terrorist activities of PLO] 1978 H. Con. Res. 535 [Alaska and Hawaii movement of military household goods] 1978 H. Con. Res. 544 [Easter recess] 1978 H. Con. Res. 654 [adjournment for Fourth of July] 1978 H. Con. Res. 696 [adjournment] 1978 H. Con. Res. 715 [Camp David] 1978 H. J. Res. 386 [national medals] 1977 H. J. Res. 436 [30th anniversary of Marshall plan] 1977 H. R. 4396 [amending FAA re definition of air commerce and air transportation] 1977 H. J. Res. 460 [30th anniversary of Marshall plan] 1977 H. J. Res. 618 [national day of prayer] 1977 H. J. Res. 638 [ERA extension] 1977 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 80 H. J. Res. 726 [sun day] 1978 H. J. Res. 727 [firefighters’ memorial Sunday] 1978 H. Res. 658 [select committee on intelligence] 1977 H. J. Res. 758 [national oceans week] 1978 H. J. Res. 810 [Education Day, USA] 1978 H. J. Res. 921 [North Atlantic Alliance] 1978 H. J. Res. 927 [National Grandparents Day] 1978 H. J. Res. 976 [National Lupus Week] 1978 H. J. Res. 1014 [days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust] 1978 H. J. Res. 1051 [National POW-MIA Recognition Day] 1978 H. J. Res. 1107 [remembrance of victims of Holocaust] 1978 H. J. Res. 1155 [Vietnam Veterans Week] 1978 H. Res. 2 [election of House officers] 1977 H. Res. 3 [quorum of House assembled] 1977 H. Res. 5 [rules of the House] 1977 H. Res. 7 [House meeting days and times] 1977 H. Res. 8 [pay for certain employees of House] 1977 H. Res. 9 [select committee on assassinations] 1977 H. Res. 10 [subpoena power of House] 1977 H. Res. 72 [select committee on population] 1977 H. Res. 120 [Baltimore Contractors, Inc. vs. U.S.] 1977 H. Res. 287 [financial disclosure] 1977 H. Res. 383 [select committee on ethics] 1977 H. Res. 393 [additional leadership employees] 1977 H. Res. 502 [office of the parliamentarian] 1977 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 81 H. Res. 508 [ad hoc committee on energy] 1977 H. Res. 656 [select committee on intelligence] 1977 H. Res. 793 [commission on hunger] 1977 H. Res. 938 [adjournment] 1977 H. Res. 959 [amending rule XXXIV of the House] 1978 H. Res. 1036 [official House picture] 1978 H. Res. 1053 [death of General Chappie James] 1978 Trinity River bill 1978 H. Res. 1192 [Kim Dong Jo/ Korean aid] 1978 H. Res. 1194 [Kim Dong Jo/ Korean aid] 1978 Jim Wright 96th (session) bills 1979-1980 Candidates – miscellaneous correspondence 1976 Meet the Press 1976 Comparative voting record [Phil Burton v. Wright] 1979 Mayors correspondence 1976 Responsibility of majority leader – JW statement 1975-1976 Jim Wright, House Majority Leader – Star-Telegram 1976 Colleague correspondence 1976 General correspondence 1976 Campaign material 1976 Lone Star Economic Development Region 1977 U.S. – Mexico 1963-1973 U.S. – Mexico Interparliamentary Conference 1974 U.S. – Mexico Interparliamentary 1968 Interparliamentary Union – Italy [with photos] 1967 794 795 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 82 1967 U.S. – Mexico Interparliamentary Conference 1967 Remarks and speeches [by Wright] 1972 U. S. – Mexico 1976 U. S. – Mexico 1975 Ditchley Foundation 1965-1969 House Committee Report, Mexico – U.S. Interparliamentary Conference [by Wright] 1972 U.S. – Mexico Interparliamentary 1973 Warsaw, Poland trip 1974 Newspaper articles 1963-1980 Breakdown of opinion mail 1977 U.S. highways 1970-1971 Book material 1931-1975 U.S. – Mexico conference 1971 U.S. – Mexico conference 1972 Interparliamentary union (JW did not attend) 1968 U.S. – Mexico conference 1969 Interparliamentary union 1970-1971 U.S. – Mexico conference 1970 U.S. – Mexico conference - reports and background information 1965-1971 Garvey – 1974 campaign 1974 1974 elections – general 1974 Letters to editor n.d. 1974 campaign mailings 1974 1974 campaign film file 1974 796 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 83 Garvey, Jim 1974 Campaign general 1974 News clippings 1974 Campaign 1976 1976 Jim Wright campaign 1970 Texas elections 1970 National elections 1970-1971 Campaign contribution 1976-1977 Election certificate 1968 Democratic Party - DNC 1969-1975 Democratic Policy Council – DNC 1969-1975 Party structure and delegate selection – DNC 1969-1975 Shriver Advisory Committee 1970 Energy plans 1972-1973 1965 income tax material 1965 Democratic National Committee 1974 Private foundations [modification to resolution] n.d. Post letters 1969 Vietnam 1969 Fundraising proposal submitted to Democratic National Committee 1968-1969 Interest rates 1969-1970 Energy legislation (2) 1975 Whip (2) 1971-1976 Thanksgiving legislative report 1973 Energy conservation 1974-1975 797 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 84 Task force – JW papers 1974-1975 Benbrook Water and Sewer Authority 1971-1972 Bell Helicopter 1968-1979 Conference on Economic Progress 1960 Benbrook Lake 1980 Blackmon, Larry 1966-1971 Oil industry 1964-1971 Mexican Border Regional Development Commission – special project 1975-1976 LTV Airtrans 1975-1977 Loop 820 1962-1969 Mexican-American job project – Tarrant County 1972-1973 Mass transit proposals 1972-1976 Social and rehabilitation services workshop – Fort Worth Mexican-American community 1973 Southwest freeway – Fort Worth 1972 Rent control (2) 1972 Road projects 1973 Safe-T-Onics Corporation 1976-1977 North Texas projects 1974 Special project – NHA, Inc. 1971 Nader, Ralph 1972 Price, Mike 1967-1968 Midland federal building 1968-1969 North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) 1968-1969 President’s letters 1973-1976 798 799 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 85 Proposals and reports to President 1966-1976 Museum of Western Transportation 1975 Personal [correspondence] 1973 Hartwick College Award 1969 You and Your Congressman (revised) 1972-1975 Humphrey trip to Fort Worth 1966 Wright Congressional Club (2) 1966-1976 News clippings 1975 Fundraising 1973-1976 Correspondence [constituents, businesses] (4) 1988 Correspondence taken from JW desk 1966-1968 Correspondence [personal] 1972-1975 Muskie visit to Fort Worth [with photos] 1969 Sargent Shriver trip to Fort Worth 1967 Mendel Rivers visit to Fort Worth [with photos] 1970 Carl Albert visit to Fort Worth [with photos] 1970 Secretary Seaman’s trip to Fort Worth 1971 Stafford visit to Fort Worth 1971 Congressional Club – Mills, Udall visit 1972 Senator Randolph visit to Fort Worth 1973 Wright political reports 1969 Student essay contest (2) 1970-1975 Southwest Airlines 1976 San Angelo federal building 1971 Stockyards project 1974-1976 800 801 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 86 Senator Jackson visit to Fort Worth [with photos] 1971 Special project – San Antonio North Expressway 1973-1974 1970 Democratic campaign material 1969-1970 Humphrey 1972 Breakdown of votes – 1966 election 1966 “The Texas Campaign” by Jim Wright [report for Dr. E. Berman] 1969 Texas Democrats for Humphrey [campaign files] 1968 Democratic National Convention 1968 News releases [Texas Democrats for Humphrey] 1968 Village Creek Treatment Plant 1973-1974 West Vickery, West Rosedale overpass 1973-1978 Wheat shortage 1974 Essay contest 1977 Essay contest 1975 Special project – Wren aircraft 1964-1969 Youth 1971 Youth Corps 1969 Trinity [river project] 1977 Trinity Turnpike 1971-1975 UDAG grants – special project 1979 University of the Americas 1971-1972 Village Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility 1973-1977 Stockyards, Fort Worth – special project 1974-1976 Blackmon, Larry 1964-1970 Water Pollution Control Federation seminar 1976 802 803 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 87 Airtrans – LTV 1975 Airport bonds – DFW 1978-1979 Alliance for Progress 1965-1969 Alaska Native Claims act 1970-1971 Texas Constitutional revision 1961 Television: CBS subpoena 1971 Television, public 1967 Highway safety 1970-1974 Housing 1971-1973 Hippies [research paper] 1967 Texas [booklets and photos] 1964-1970 Taxes 1953-1972 Poverty war 1964-1970 Impeachment 1974 Pornography 1969 Population and environment (3) 1967-1971 Texas – topographic map 1969 Post office (decreases in size and weight – parcel post) 1967-1969 Population distribution 1974 Population control 1969-1974 Poverty war 1964-1967 Senate campaign 1961 YF-16 Fighter Aircraft Rollout [binder] 1973 Poverty war (2) 1963-1967 Powell, Adam Clayton n.d. 804 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 88 Presidency 1966-1971 Press [news clippings] 1971 Pueblo [news clippings] 1969 Railroads 1969-1971 Rayburn Building 1966 Reform, Congressional 1964 Repression [article] 1970 Reserves, military 1967 Revenue bonds 1968-1969 Revenue sharing 1971-1973 Right wing 1965-1966 Riots (2) 1967-1968 SALT [nuclear agreement] 1972 Schools 1965-1969 Schools – colleges [includes TCU magazines] 1965-1967 Senate campaign – 1966 1964-1966 Separation of powers 1966-1967 Snooping [info on right to privacy] 1966-1969 Social security 1966-1974 Voter appeal poll – Tarrant County 1969 Severe weather program 1979 Agriculture 1938-1940 General correspondence 1961-1976 Federal expenditures in Tarrant County 1968, 1978 News clippings 1939-1965 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 89 Newsletter (8) 1981-1982 Woods, Woodie 1981 Campaign finance opportunities 1981 Southwest Airlines 1982 Curry, Timothy Cullen, Jr. n.d. Groom, Bob – house 1983 Trammel painting 1983 Uher- Mauzy redistricting 1983 U.S. economy 1982 National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (REA) speech – San Francisco 1981 Redistricting 1983 Bubar, Donald C. 1981 AMSCO [steel company ad] 1981 Jimmy Rogers Warwick estates 1980 Howell, Foster C. – Hodges estate in Philippines 1980-1981 Allen, Kenneth L. 1981 1972 press releases 1972 House rules changes 1976 Energy speech 1979 General Congressional matters 1963-1979 DFW airport 1978-1979 News releases (3) 1975-1980 Speeches [by Wright] 1967 Jim Wright writings 1945-1975 Press releases (2) 1973-1974 805 806 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 90 Essay contest (2) 1971 Index to special projects files: includes listing of current files, retired files, and pending files n.d. Dynalectron Corporation in Liberia [position paper] 1977 Essay contest 1975 F-111 1972-1975 Braniff – American Airlines enclosures [correspondence] 1976 Dallas – Fort Worth airport, Civil Aeronautics Board (CABairlines) 1976 Dynalectron (2) 1966-1976 Corpus Christi Naval Air Station 1976-1977 Defense appropriations 1967-1968 Defense Contract Administration Service Region 1970-1971 Democratic National Committee, 1974 midyear conference – Fort Worth bid 1974 Computers 1969-1973 Congressional redistricting – Texas case 1972-1974 North Central Texas Council of Governments 1973-1974 Clinical Research Center 1971-1973 Central Cities project (D/HEW) 1970-1971 Carswell Air Force Base 1964-1981 Brazos River Authority 1972-1974 Boat homes 1968-1970 Baylor Nutrition Lab 1978 Bell (Helicopter) 1979 Azle Post Office 1968-1973 Atlantic Union (3) 1969-1975 807 808 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 91 Arlington postal facility 1969-1970 American Association of Small Cities 1977 Army Aviation Systems Command (AVSCOM) 1972-1973 City of Arlington 1971 Amtrak – route through Fort Worth 1972-1976 Task force – energy, Roy Durst materials 1974-1975 Steering and Policy Committee – committee assignment correspondence 1974-1975 Steering and Policy Committee 1974-1976 Environmental impact evaluation [for Capitol] 1981 General correspondence [Jim Wright and Marshall Lynam] 1981-1982 Committee assignments [black binder] 1975 Task force – Jim Wright’s papers 1974-1975 Task force – press releases 1974-1975 Task force – questionnaire to members of Congress 1974-1975 Kearby, Joe 1981-1982 Larry Blackmon project 1981 Multicultural Career Intern Program 1981-1982 Trinity River Authority – Wallisville Lake project 1981-1982 General Worth project 1981-1982 Smith, Herman J. 1982 General (4) 1980-1983 Task force – energy 1975 Task force – correspondence 1974-1976 Resolutions [House and Joint – 90th and 91st sessions] 1967-1970 811 Tarrant County HMO – special project 1977-1979 812 809 810 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 92 Dallas News 1978 HUD move to Fort Worth 1977-1978 Harris Perspective Seminar [participant list] 1976 Korea probe 1977 Burton, Phil 1978 Oscar Wyatt 1980 Majority Leader’s campaign workshop 1980 Craig’s party 1980 South Africa [trip to] 1980 Energy 1979 Airport Development Program (ADAP) bill 1980 “Thank you, Jim Wright” film for 25th anniversary dinner 1979 Energy mailing 1979 Mail study 1980 Speeches [by Wright] 1976-1977 Fort Worth history 1976-1980 General 1976 Fundraising breakfast – University Club 1980 Democratic Club [invoices] 1980 Wet ‘n Wild [water park in Grapevine] 1980 Issues in the Middle East [CIA report] 1973 Love Field 1978-1980 Checks [two envelopes of] 1963 Post Office matters [relating to National Trades Day Association] 1950-1956 General Services Administration 1974 813 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 93 You and Your Congressman (correspondence with publisher) 1963-1975 General correspondence [including letter from Jacqueline Kennedy] 1940-1966 Jim Wright’s article for Grolier Inc. [America’s water shortage problems] 1966 Correspondence relation to “Highway Scandals” article for Saturday Evening Post 1963 Insurance speech 1961-1967 Illinois speech 1967 You and Your Congressman (contract) 1964-1974 You and Your Congressman (correspondence with readers) (2) 1965-1978 You and Your Congressman (autograph parties) 1965 Of Swords and Plowshares (paperback book) 1967-1970 Material for book “Government is People” [in envelope] 1959-1967 From Tom Fisher [copy of 1927 Fort Worth Press newspaper] 1927 Congress and Conscience (publisher correspondence) 1967-1970 The Coming Water Famine (correspondence with publisher) 1965-1969 The Coming Water Famine (correspondence with readers) 1966-1978 Congress and Conscience 1970-1972 Coronet article 1966 Book of Knowledge annual article 1966 Of Swords and Plowshares (pre-publication opinions on paperback book) 1963-1969 The Coming Water Famine (correspondence from readers) 1966-1973 The Coming Water Famine (correspondence from Congressman) 1966 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 94 Harper’s Magazine article 1966-1971 James C. Wright Jr. [correspondence – thank you notes and congratulations] 1986-1987 Task Force: Program of Action proposal n.d. You and Your Congressman (correspondence from Congressmen) 1964-1969 James C. Wright Jr. [correspondence – thank you notes and congratulations] (3) 1986-1987 Lake Worth land swap 1974 Ron Meers: Ripley Arnold project 1978 Dupont Caribbean 1978 San Antonio Ranch 1978 The Coming Water Famine (contract) 1965 Newspaper clippings 1977-1979 Telephones 1978-1980 General correspondence 1963-1965 Thank you [letters to Wright] 1985 Thank you [letters to Wright] (11) 1982-1988 815 Thank you [letters to Wright] (8) 1982-1988 816 House Resolutions [rough and final drafts] 1955-1966 817 Water – final draft [of The Coming Water Famine] n.d. Congressional Record [about Wright’s youth essay contest] 1970 The Coming Water Famine – dead material n.d. Water book (2) n.d. Hance, Kent (Texas) – ran for Senate 1984 1979-1984 Harkin, Tom (Iowa) – ran for Senate 1984 1978-1984 Harrison, Frank (Pennsylvania) – defeated in primary 1984 1982-1984 814 818 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 95 Hightower, Jack (Texas) – defeated 1984 1978-1984 Holland, Ken (South Carolina) 1977-1982 Holtzman, Elizabeth (New York) 1977-1979 Kazen, Abraham, Jr. (Texas) – defeated in primary 1984 1977-1984 Kogovsek, Ray (Colorado) – retired 1984 1978-1984 Lederer, Raymond F. (Pennsylvania) 1977-1981 Levitas, Elliott H. (Georgia) – defeated 1984 1977-1984 Long, Clarence D. (Maryland) – defeated 1984 1977-1984 Long, Gillis W. (Louisiana) – deceased 1/20/85 1978-1985 Burton, Phillip (California) – deceased 4/10/83 1978-1983 Chisholm, Shirley (New York) 1980 Clarke, James McClure (North Carolina) – defeated 1984 1982-1984 Corrada, Baltasar (Puerto Rico) – retired 1984 1977-1985 D’Amours, Norman E. (New Hampshire) – retired 1984 1978-1984 Danielson, George E. (California) 1977-1981 Ertel, Allen E. (Pennsylvania) 1977-1981 Evans, Billy Lee (Georgia) 1977-1981 Evans, David W. (Indiana) 1978-1982 Fary, John G. (Illinois) 1977-1981 Ferraro, Geraldine (New York) – retired 1979-1984 Fithian, Floyd J. (Indiana) 1977-1982 Fountain, L.H. (North Carolina) 1978-1982 Ginn, Bo (Georgia) 1977-1982 Gore, Albert, Jr. (Tennessee) – ran for Senate 1984 1977-1984 Gramm, Phil (Texas) 1978-1983 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 96 Hall, Katie (Indiana) – defeated in primary 1984 1983-1984 Hall, Sam B., Jr. (Texas) – resigned 5/27/85 1977-1985 Former members 1979-1989 Albosta, Don (Michigan) – defeated 1984 1979-1984 Andrews, Ike F. (North Carolina) – defeated 1984 1977-1984 Atkinson, Gene (Pennsylvania) 1978-1981 Bailey, Don (Pennsylvania) 1978-1982 Benjamin, Adam, Jr. (Indiana) – deceased 9/9/82 1977-1982 Bingham, Jonathan B. (New York) 1977-1980 Bolling, Richard (Missouri) 1977-1982 Bonior, David E. (Michigan) 1977-1982 Blanchard, James J. (Michigan) 1977-1981 Bowen, David R. (Mississippi) 1977-1982 Brinkley, Jack (Georgia) 1981-1982 Britt, Robin (North Carolina) – defeated 1984 1982-1984 Brodhead, William M. (Michigan) 1979-1982 Burton, John L. (California) 1979-1981 McDonald, Larry (Georgia) – deceased 9/83 1978-1983 McNulty, Jim (Arizona) – defeated 1984 1982-1984 Mattox, Jim (Texas) 1977-1981 Minish, Joseph G. (New Jersey) – defeated 1984 1978-1984 Moffett, Anthony Toby (Connecticut) 1977-1982 Mollohan, Robert H. (West Virginia) 1978-1981 Mottl, Ronald M. (Ohio) 1977-1982 Murphy, Morgan F. (Illinois) 1979 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 97 Nedzi, Lucien N. (Michigan) 1978-1980 Ottinger, Richard L. (New York) – retired 1984 1978-1983 Patman, Bill (Texas) – defeated 1984 1981-1984 Patten, Edward J. (New Jersey) 1977-1978 Patterson, Jerry M. (California) – defeated 1984 1977-1984 Perkins, Carl D. (Kentucky) – deceased 8/3/84 1978-1984 Peyser, Peter (New York) 1979-1982 Ratchford, Bill (Connecticut) – defeated 1984 1978-1984 Reuss, Henry S. (Wisconsin) 1978-1982 Richmond, Frederick W. (New York) 1978-1982 Rosenthal, Benjamin S. (New York) – deceased 1/4/83 1977-1983 Santini, Jim (Nevada) 1977-1981 Shamansky, Robert N. (Ohio) 1980-1982 Shannon, Jim (Massachusetts) – ran for Senate 1984 1979-1981 Simon, Paul (Illinois) – ran for Senate 1984 1977-1984 Spellman, Gladys Noon (Maryland) 1977-1980 Smith, Joseph (Pennsylvania) 1981-1982 Washington, Harold (Illinois) – resigned 1981-1983 Stump, Bob (Arizona) 1977-1981 White, Richard C. (Texas) 1977-1982 Vandergriff, Tom (Texas) – defeated 1984 1982-1985 Won Pat, Antonio Borja (Guam) – defeated 1984 1978-1985 Zablocki, Clement J. (Wisconsin) – deceased 12/3/83 1977-1983 Zeferetti, Leo C. (New York) 1977-1982 Former members file, 95th Congress (3) 1977-1979 819 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 98 Former members, 96th Congress 1979-1980 Democratic House members 1988 William Andrle (IL-6) 1988 Max Bacon (MO-7) 1988 Mary Bitterman (HI-1) 1988 David Brickley (VA-8) 1988 Jim Catchik (MI-5) 1988 Jerry Costello (IL-21) 1988 Wayne Cryts (MO-8) 1987-1988 Tom Curl (IL-15) 1988 Jim Donchess (NH) 1988 Anna Eshoo (CA-12) 1988 Martha Ezzard (CO-6) 1988 Peter Fanchot (MD-8) 1988 Gene Freund (IA-5) 1988 Jeanne Givens (ID-1) 1988 Tom Gilmore (NC-6) 1988 Kurt Glassco (OK-1) 1988 Bill Gluba (IA-1) 1988 Dick Golob (WA-4) 1988 Howard Greenbaum (CA-43) 1988 Jim Griffin (CT-6) 1987-1988 Peter Gruenstein (AK) 1988 Don Hadley (PA-5) 1988 Mary Hanson (MN-7) 1988 820 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 99 Gary Hart (CA-19) 1988 Peter Hoagland (NE-2) 1988 Mitch Irwin (MI-11) 1988 Harry Johnston (FL) 1988 Ben Jones (GA-4) 1988 Corky Jones (NE-1) 1988 Joe Keefe (NH-1) 1988 Mike Kopetski (OR) 1988 David Landau (PA-7) 1988 Greg Laughlin (TX-14) 1987-1988 Jim Leventis (SC-2) 1988 Reese Lindquist (WA-1) 1988 Jill Long (IN-4) 1988 Nita Lowey (NY-20) 1988 Patricia Malberg (CA-14) 1988 Jim McDermott (WA-7) 1988 Gunn McKay (UT-1) 1988 Gunn McKay (UT-2) 1988 Michael McNulty (NY) 1988 Dennis Mehiel (NY-20) 1988 Jon Mills (FL-6) 1988 Tom Murray (OH-5) 1988 Richard Neal (MA) 1988 Dave O’Brien (IA-6) 1987-1988 Richard O’Brien (MT) 1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 100 Jerome X. O’Donovan (NY-14) 1988 Frank Pallone (NJ-3) 1988 Mike Parker (MS-4) 1988 Milt Patton (KY-6) 1988 Donald Payne (NJ-10) 1988 L.F. Payne (VA-5) 1988 Johnny Pearson (CA-37) 1988 Doug Peterson (MN-2) 1988 Paul Poirier (VT) 1988 Lana Pollack (MI-2) 1988 Rosemary Pooler (NY-27) 1987-1988 Glenn Poshard (IL-22) 1988 Ed Reibman (PA-15) 1988 Paul Richey (PA-19) 1988 Gordon Roberts (OH-6) 1988 George Sangmeister (IL-4) 1987-1988 Bill Saraplius (TX-13) 1988 Howard Shakespeare (PA-23) 1988 Jim Spoo (NV-2) 1988 Doug Stephans (IL-18) 1988 Chuck Stidham (OH-2) 1988 Dave Swarts (NY-31) 1988 Eric Tabor (IA-2) 1988 John Tanner (TN-8) 1988 Dudley Taylor (TN-2) 1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 101 Gene Taylor (MS-5) 1988 Wheeler Tillman (SC-1) 1988 Bernard Tomkin (PA-13) 1988 Larry Tuttle (OR-2) 1988 Jolene Unsoeld (WA) 1988 Tom Udall (NM-1) 1988 Wayne Walker (TX-22) 1988 Tom Ward (IN) 1988 George Waterfill (IN-3) 1988 Robert Weinberg (VA-10) 1988 Faye Williams (LA-8) 1988 David Worley (GA-6) 1987-1988 Jerry Yudelson (CA-38) 1988 Congressional races 1988 Election night phone numbers: incumbents 1988 Election night phone numbers: challengers 1988 Round 1 [contributions] 1988 Round 2 [contributions] 1988 Round 3 [contributions] 1988 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee contributions [arranged alphabetically by state] 1987-1988 Congressional races 1986 Abzug, Bella (NY-20), open-DioGuardi 1986 Albosta, Don (MI-10) 1985-1986 Bainum, Stewart (MD-8), Barnes 1986 Boren, Jim (VA-8) 1986 821 822 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 102 Bray, Crandle (GA-6), Gingrich 1986 Britt, Robin (NC-6) 1986 Calinger, Walter (NE-2) 1986 Cohen, Jim (CT-5), Cg. Rowland 1986 Collins, Shawn (IL-4) 1986 Cryts, Wayne (MO-8) 1986 Davis, Phil (AZ-4), open-Rudd 1986 Geren, Pete (TX-6) 1985-1986 Hannemann, Mufi (HI-1), open-Heftel 1986 Hartnett, John (CA-17), Pashayan 1986 Himelein, Larry (NY-34) 1986 Hodgson, Clayton (IA-6) 1986 Hoeffel, Joe (PA-13) 1986 Hughes, Scott (IA) 1986 Ireland, Joel (AZ-5), Kolbe 1986 Jackson, David (OH-15) 1986 Johnson, Dave (MN-2), Weber 1985-1986 Keane, Jim (NY-31), Kemp 1986 Kearns, Mary Lou (IL-14) 1986 Kripke, Dan (CA-41) 1986 Laughlin, Greg (TX-14) 1985-1986 Laurenti, Jeff (NJ-4), C. Smith 1986 Lindquist, Reese (WA-1), John Miller 1986 Mann, Terry (KY-4) 1986 McCathern, Gerald (TX-19) 1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 103 McKay, Gunn (UT-1) 1986 Mann, Blaine (TX-8) 1986 Martin, D.G. (NC-9) 1985-1986 Milliken, John (VA-10) 1986 Murray, Tom (OH-5) 1986 Niedermeier, Christine (CT), McKinney 1985-1986 O’Brien, Buck (MT-2), Marlenee 1986 Peterson, Collin (MN-7) 1986 Pooler, Rosemary (NY-27), Wortley 1986 Richardson, George (TX-26) 1986 Ringgold, Tim (PA-5), Schulze 1986 Roark, Lester (NC-10) 1986 Roberts, Gordon (OH-6) 1986 Ross, Barbara (OR-5) 1986 Scott, Bobby (VA-1) 1986 Seal, Doug (TX-13) 1986 Snelson, Pete (TX-21) 1986 Spingler, Bill (PA-7) 1986 Stuckey, Jimmy (SC) 1986 Sumner, Bruce (CA-40) 1986 Tabor, Eric (IA-2) 1986 Townsend, Kathleen (MD-6), Bentley 1986 Tuttle, Larry (OR-2) 1986 Wachob, Bill (PA-23) 1985-1986 Williams, Faye (LA-8), open-Long 1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 104 Young, Ken (MO-7) 1985 Ward, Tom (IN-3) 1986 Ziegler, Fred (SC-2) 1986 Jim Wright candidate contributions 1979-1980 Majority Congress Committee correspondence 1979-1981 Jim Wright contributions 1976-1978 Jim Wright colleague trips 1976-1980 Jim Wright Majority Congress Committee (JWMCC) [members, fundraisers] 1979-1980 Campaign – House seats 1979-1980 New York fundraiser – December 14, 1981 [with info on Chicago fundraiser, too] 1981-1982 Private calendar 1977-1980 Consent calendar 1977-1981 Jim Wright personal campaign 1980-1981 Requests 1977-1981 Computer list 1979 Filing indexes 1979 Special events calendar (3 folders) 1987-1989 St. Patrick’s Day lunch [with photos] 1988, 1989 Majority Congress Committee fundraiser – Bistro Garden, Beverly Hills, CA 1986 Jim Wright events at home 1986-1988 Central America trip – Costa Rica, Nicaragua 1987 Arias visit (President of Costa Rica) [with photos] 1987 Presidential yacht [with photos] 1987 Center for National Policy [tribute to Wright] 1986 823 824 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 105 November 1987 event 1987 New Members Dinner [with photos] 1986 Dinner guest lists – during Democratic National Convention 1984 Democratic National Convention information packet 1984 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) 1985-1986 Negative mailings 1986 Democratic Leadership Council 1985-1986 Candidates dinner – Philadelphia [with photos] 1982 Shoreham Hotel (Majority Congress Committee dinner) 1982 Civic Leaders Annual BBQ – Cannon Caucus Room [with photos] 1982 National Party Conference – Philadelphia [with photos] 1982 Majority Congress Committee fundraiser – Pisces Club, Washington D.C. 1986 Special events calendar 1986 Luncheons, receptions and other fun events 1982-1986 Luncheons, receptions, parties, meetings (arrangements, etc.) 1978-1980 Luncheons (2) 1979-1980 Jim Wright surprise birthday party [with photos] 1982 Room reservations [with 1981 special events calendar] 1979-1981 Luncheons and receptions (4) 1982-1985 Financial contributions to Wright 1986 National Voter Registration Project [by The Tyson Organization] n.d. Support groups 1982-1986 Speaker [personal correspondence and articles] 1985-1986 Constituent communication 1977-1984 825 826 827 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 106 Betty Wright [dinner plans and recipes] 1983-1986 Committee assignments – 100th Congress 1986 Election information [negative mailings, trends and guides] 1985-1986 Campaign information 1985 Election night 1986 Christmas gifts [copies of thank you notes] (2) 1980-1981 Thank you – Christmas [copies of thank you notes] (2) 1978-1979 Jim Wright thank you’s [copies of thank you notes] (13) 1980-1988 Democratic Study Group (DSG) fact sheets and special reports (10) 1977-1983 829 Whip notices (3) 1979-1984 830 Whip advisories (6) 1979-1986 Armed Services Committee 1989 Interior and Insular Affairs Committee 1989 Congressional Research Service reports 1989 Interior Committee issue: fire policy 1989 Global warming issue 1989 Indian matters n.d. Hearing: oversight on establishment of a National Museum of the American Indian 1989 Meeting with Canadian Embassy/ porcupine caribou management 1987-1988 Energy subcommittee: Nuclear Regulatory Commission budget oversight 1989 Mining subcommittee: oversight on potential impact on coal production of acid rain controls 1989 Parks subcommittee – general file 1989 Parks subcommittee: oversight hearing on threats to national 1989 828 831 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 107 park animal and plant resources Subcommittee on mining: hearing on mine reclamation and bonding requirements 1989 Full committee, Interior Secretary Luhan appearing as witness on Interior budget 1989 Shipwreck file [statement by Wright] 1988-1989 Ocean dumping (Gary Mauro) 1989 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee (2) 1989 Oceanography subcommittee hearing: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) budget 1989 Coast Guard and Navigation subcommittee hearing on Coast Guard FY 90 budget 1989 Panama Canal subcommittee: oversight hearing on Panama Canal budget 1989 Fish and Wildlife subcommittee: hearing on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reauthorization, H.R. 1223, 1224, 1225 1989 Panama Canal 1989 Select Aging Committee 1988-1989 Aging hearing: Medicare/Medicaid budget 1989 Select Children, Youth and Families Committee 1989 Task Force on the American Family 1989 Children, Youth and Families Committee (Select) 1988-1989 Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program 1986 Young Americans Act 1988-1989 Democratic Study Group (DSG) fact sheet – 98th Congress, 2nd session 1984 DSG special report – 98th Congress, 2nd session 1984 DSG fact sheet – 99th Congress, 1st session 1985 832 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 108 DSG special report – 99th Congress, 1st session 1985 DSG fact sheet – 99th Congress, 2nd session 1986 DSG special report – 99th Congress, 2nd session 1986 Congressional Insight – 96th to 98th Congress (3) 1979-1984 Jim Wright personal [correspondence] 1989 Congressional Record 1989 Official working visit – Israel 1989 Planned Parenthood of North Texas [folder] 1988 Texas possibilities [requests and invitations] 1982-1985 Harriman, Pamela 1986-1987 Chicago Mercantile Exchange 1987 Peace Corps 1987 International Management and Development Institute 1987 Darien Gap 1965-1987 Support of NATO strategy in the 1990’s [Department of Defense report] 1988 Castro letter [from Wright] 1987 Congressional Breakfast Club 1987 Reconciliation vote, October (thank you notes from Wright) 1987 Democratic Study Group special report: continuing resolutions 1988 Opposition to Gorbachev addressing a joint session 1987 Budget 1987-1989 Leath, Marvin 1987 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) 1987 Emory University: The Carter Center 1986 833 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 109 Gasoline tax 1987 African Methodist Episcopal Church 1988 Bicentennial 1987 Coolfont [health spa] 1987 Photos [no actual photos, just correspondence about] 1987 Arms treaty, arms control 1987-1988 Greenbriar anecdotes [historical quotes] 1987 UAW speech n.d. National Democratic Institution for International Affairs 1987 Cowtown Jamboree II 1987 Infrastructure 1987 Boston University – Silber, John 1987 Alfalfa Club 1986 Welfare reform 1987 Jim Wright – Soviet trip 1987 Falwell letter 1986 Wright, Audrey 1986 Republican dissolution to budget 1987 Computer letters [templates in binders] (10) 1978-1980 834 Computer letters [templates in binders] (9) 1975-1978 835 Computer letters [templates in binders] (9) 1973-1975 836 Computer letters [templates in binders] (9) 1966-1973 837 Master letter file [alphabetical templates in binders – A to P] (8) 1980-1986 838 Master letter file [alphabetical templates in binders – Q to Z] (5) 1980-1986 839 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 110 Letter templates (4) 1981-1987 840 Letter templates and correspondence [in binders; one exclusively on budget] (6) 1967-1983 841 95th Congress letters [templates in binder] 1979 842 Wright list [mailing lists in binders] (2) 1973-1974 Questionnaire mailing list [binder] 1974 Case letters 1979 Wright letters 96th 1979 Leader letters 96th 1979 News 1977-1979 Wright letters [templates in binder] 1976-1978 Wright lists [mailing lists in binders] (2) 1973 Wright letters [templates in binders] (6) 1972-1976 843 Numerical files 99626 – 101025 [correspondence] 1986 844 97387 – 97756 1985-1986 845 98700 – 99600 [correspondence] 1986 846 94190 – 94789 [correspondence] 1985 847 102376 – 103350 [correspondence, etc.] 1986 848 World affairs 1983-1986 849 Wright personal 1983-1986 Thank you (13) 1983-1986 Numerical files 96565 – 97386 [correspondence] 1986 850 89850 – 90166 [correspondence] 1984-1985 851 96028 – 96310 [correspondence] 1985-1986 852 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 111 93840 – 94189 [correspondence] 1985 853 94790 – 95150 [correspondence, etc.] 1985-1986 854 96311 – 96564 [correspondence, phone messages, 1986 855 97757 – 98699 [correspondence] 1980-1986 856 101000 – 102375 [correspondence] 1986 857 103350 – 104194 [correspondence] 1986 858 95153 – 96027 [correspondence] 1985-1986 859 104048 – 112611 [correspondence] 1986-1987 860 1842 – 6045 [correspondence] 1987-1988 861 112617 – 4135 [correspondence] 1987-1988 862 6205 – 10129 [correspondence] 1988-1989 863 108555 – 113844 [correspondence] 1983-1987 864 98118 – 103689 [correspondence] 1985-1986 865 114284 – 1858 [correspondence] 1987-1989 866 11954 – 15513 [correspondence] 1988-1989 867 6158 – 10084 [correspondence] 1987-1989 868 17236 – 21300 [correspondence] 1988-1989 869 15217 – 25214 [correspondence] 1988-1989 870 14738 – 13795 [correspondence] 1988-1989 871 3400 – 6029 [correspondence] 1987-1988 872 3551 – 4699 [correspondence] 1987-1988 873 4700 – 6315 [correspondence] 1988 874 3325 – 6275 [correspondence] 1987-1988 875 113646 – 114899 [correspondence, phone 1987 876 mailgrams] messages] Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 112 800 – 1699 [correspondence] 1987 877 5700 – 2800 [correspondence, etc.] 1987-1988 878 4117 – 3757 [correspondence, book with photos] 1987-1988 879 Correspondence 1983-1986 880 Form letters 1982-1987 881-883 Form letters 1980-1984 884 Form letters 1974-1985 885 High school students and teachers – Federal Government Day 1982 886 Old issues [lists of categories] 1978-1981 Saundra [information for mailings and events] 1988 Special projects for 1988 1988 Special projects completed 1987 Form letters [Wright responses to current issues] November – December 1987 January – February 1988 March – April 1988 May – June 1988 July – August 1988 September – October 1988 November – December 1988 January – February 1989 March – April 1989 May 1989 Current issues [lists of categories] 1979-1984 97th Congress committee assignments 1981 887 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 113 Liberal mailing 1981 Energy fair invites 1980 Special friends 1978-1982 96th Congress dormancy file 1981-1982 Miscellaneous Dialcom information 1982 Calendar update 1981-1982 Sponsors of Austin fundraiser 1982 Address lists of professionals n.d. Congressional member information [computer printouts in binder] n.d. Rotary Club mailing [list of names] 1981 Steering Committee [list of names] 1982 Grants [HUD, NEH, NEA, etc.] 1985 Federal grant awards 1985 Presbyterian Village North [retirement home] 1985 Home health agencies 1986 Carlisle - Graham Magnetics 1986 Census – “1982 Characteristics of Business Owners” 1986 “In Defense of the Navy’s Position” 1986 Dupont Caribbean 1978-1979 Savings and Loan position paper [in red folder] 1986 White House tour requests 1988 White House tours (2) 1988 Completed tours 1988 PS 157, Drug Bill summary 1988 PS 155, House Select Committee in Aging 1986 888 889 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 114 PS 154, Social Security Fund 1986 Fort Worth Budget Committee Hearing, health focus [Jim Wright comments] 1985 “The Deficit: First Priority Search for a Bi-Partisan Consensus” [remarks of Jim Wright to downtown Rotary of Fort Worth] 1985 Historical Deficits [graphs] 1947-1985 House/Senate Budget Conference, compromise efforts [statement of Majority Leader Wright] 1985 Cut the deficit – some ideas along with Bob Dole and Russell Long 1984 “The Reagan Deficit Disaster” [article by Jim Wright] 1984 Remarks/defense of Congressional action on the budget 1984 Defending the honor of the House – “Who shut down the Government?” 1984 Statement on President’s remarks on lack of budget on time 1984 President Reagan should submit what a balanced budget looks like to House 1984 Remarks on the price of the deficit per minute 1984 Federal government borrows $326,350.94/minute to finance this year’s deficit 1984 President is being intellectually dishonest 1984 Comments on the Reagan deficit and economic problems 1984 “No More Excuses!” [statement of Jim Wright] 1984 Use MX as a bargaining chip to try to bring about a step towards peace 1984 Support of budget resolution and Chap Amendment 1984 PS 147, National Press Club 1986 PS 148, PAC letter 1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 115 PS 153, End nuclear arms race 1986 PS 152, In support of SALT II 1986 PS 149, Contra aid [Wright’s response to question] 1986 PS 146, Texas elected officials n.d. PS 143, Floor remarks on COLA restoration 1986 PS 137, Letters from Congressmen Hughes and Rodino 1986 PS 141, AARP medical information n.d. PS 140, Floor statement on nuclear test ban resolution 1986 PS 123, February 1973 newsletter 1973 PS 124, Star-Telegram article [“A Labor Day call for bold industrial revival”] 1985 PS 125, Letter on “Wound Laboratory” 1985 PS 126, Central America [remarks of Wright] 1984 PS 128, Tabulation of Jim Wright’s questionnaire 1985 PS 129, Disinvesting social security 1985 PS 131, Remarks in House on tax bill 1985 PS 132, Star-Telegram article [“Dear Abby corrects erroneous SS column”] 1983 PS 133, Congressional FY 86 appropriations 1986 PS 134, Budget deficit chart 1947-1985 PS 135, Material on Arrow crash 1986 PS 136, Letter on spinal cord injury center 1986 PS 122, Anti-terrorism legislation 1985 PS 121, June 12 Contra aid remarks 1985 PS 120, Comparison of current tax law w/ President’s plan n.d. PS 119, Company aircraft regulations 1985 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 116 PS 116, Floor statement on Indian election 1985 PS 113, “President retreats on benefits vow” 1985 PS 111, Letter to Ivan 1958 PS 109, Floor statement [on MX missile] 1985 PS 109, MX speech 1985 PS 107, Health fraud legislation n.d. PS 106, Foreign scholarship 1985 PS 105, Letter to Rangel on contemporaneous 1985 PS 104, Battle over social security 1981-1984 PS 103, Education: our best investment, “The Best You Can Be” 1978 PS 102, IRS press release on contemporaneous record keeping 1985 PS 101, Wright opposes benefits curb [Post article] 1985 PS 99, Rotary Club speech 1985 PS 96, Los Angeles Times article [“Latin America: Promises to Keep”] 1983 PS 95, Personal notes on El Salvador’s election 1984 PS 94, “Cut the Deficit?” and “Cheaper To Pay Than To Owe” 1959, 1984 PS 91, Letter to Chairman Roybal 1984 PS 90, Covert aid to El Salvador – floor statement on behalf of aid 1984 PS 89, Fact sheet on the Wright Immigration Amendment n.d. PS 88, Letter to Daniel Ortega 1984 PS 87, Floor statement of Congressman Shermood Boehlert 1984 PS 82, Letter from Secretary of Treasury Donald Regan 1983 PS 81, Telephone article 1983 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 117 PS 79, Kissinger commission 1983 PS 78, Armed Service Committee fact sheet n.d. PS 75, Letter from DOD concerning Stephen Bryen n.d. PS 73, Jim Wright remarks on House floor on Nicaragua/ n.d. Amendment to H.R. 2760 PS 69, Summary of railroad retirement bill H.R. 1646 1983 PS 66, Letter to Chairman Rostenkowski 1981 PS 57, Letter from National Endowment for Humanities 1982 PS 60, Jim Wright floor statement on nuclear freeze 1983 PS 62, Education budget cut charts 1983 PS 36, Texas State Representative district map n.d. PS 32, Letter to Rodino: immigration bill 1982 PS 30, March 1979 newsletter: Better than Draft 1979 PS 17, Effective control of violent crime 1968 PS 19, Prayer in public places 1971 PS 12, August 1981 letter to President 1981 PS 158, Anti-abortion vote summary 1986 PS 11, June 1982 newsletter 1982 Publicity 1985-1987 PS 171, Fireplace [Star-Telegram article] 1987 PS 211, Nicaragua statement 1988 PS 156, remarks in support of nuclear test ban 1986 PS 114, Dear colleagues 1985 PS 117, Floor statement on trade 1985 Trade enclosure 1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 118 PS 97, Democratic Caucus hunger resolution n.d. PS 114, Minimum tax 1986 PS 210, Expected funds available 1988 PS 179, Wright budget statement 1987 PS 130, Summary of 1981 balanced budget bill 1981-1985 PS 71, August 1983 newsletter 1983 PS 67, Floor statement on the MX 1983 PS 54, December 1982: allocating defense 1982 PS 142, Democratic response to Reagan’s address 1986 PS 38, Floor remarks on defense spending 1982 PS 145, WHIP summary gun legislation 1986 PS 150, Dear colleagues on Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) report n.d. Dallas Morning News article on 100th Congress 1988 Drug bill compromise 1988 “Time to Declare War on Drugs” [report by Wright] 1985 Railroad retirement “windfall benefit” n.d. Southlake vs. Federal Aviation Administration 1986 State of the Union response 1988 PS 198, Crockett statement 1987 PS 202, Wrangel Island [map] n.d. PS 203, Jack Anderson article [“Republicans Gunning for Wright”] 1988 PS 204, Star-Telegram Nicaragua article 1988 PS 206, Capital punishment 1982 PS 207, Ballard case statement 1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 119 PS 209, Banking deregulation n.d. PS 5119, Central America [remarks of Wright] 1989 Comments about attacks by Republican right-wing 1988 PS 160, Gun bill 1986 PS 161, Whip Advisory - immigration bill 1986 PS 162, Statement on FSLIC bill n.d. PS 163, W-4P [form] 1987 PS 164, Subversive debt [article by Wright] 1987 PS 165, Welfare reform 1987 PS 166, Central American policy alternatives 1987 PS 169, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) n.d. PS 170, TexTron enclosure 1987 PS 171, Fireplace [Star-Telegram article] 1987 PS 178, Time Magazine enclosure 1987 PS 183, Labor law 1987 PS 184, War on drugs 1987 PS 185, Jim Wright on stock market 1987 PS 186, Wright statement 1987 PS 187, Reconciliation bill 1987 PS 189, “Drowning in the Deficit” [article by Wright] 1987 PS 190, “Dear Colleagues” by Tony Caelho 1987 PS 191, Deficit pie chart n.d. PS 192, “Wright and Reality” [Post article] 1987 PS 193, Wright/Schultz [agreement on Central America] 1987 PS 195, Education: North African Jewish refugees in France 1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 120 PS 196, Contra aid enclosure 1988 PS 197, “Wrong From the Start” [Times article] 1988 On the role of the bureaucracy [Wright remarks] 1978 Article: “Wright’s Nicaraguan gamble is paying off with cease-fire” 1988 Article: “Right-wing attacks on Wright reach new level of sleaziness” 1988 Article: “Jim Wright has the ability to be the best-ever speaker” 1988 Article: “Wright’s High-Risk Strategy On Central America Pays Off” 1988 Letter to the President 1979 General press release 1980 Meet the Press (2) 1981, 1984 Open letter to President Reagan 1981 Rotary Club speech on deficit 1985 Address on the State of the Nation 1984 Fazio Democratic response [to President] 1987 Plant closings up in U.S. 1982 Call for bold industrial review 1985 Hance-Conable tax proposal 1981 Letter to the President: tax reduction 1981 “Tax Bill Untimely, Misses the Point” [remarks by Wright] 1985 Tax relief 1984 “Plan to Counter The Oil Cartel” [Times article] 1979 Letter to Brzezinski re Cuban riots in Fort Chaffee, Arkansas 1980 Summary of 1980 “Changes on Church Retirement Plans” 1980 890 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 121 “Critical Choices for the Future” [Wright remarks to National Press Club] 1981 “Trust the People” – Voting Rights Act extension 1981 Emergency railroad strike legislation 1982 Keeping faith with federal retirees on COLA 1982 Letter from National Endowment for Humanities 1982 Phone rates 1983 Older Americans threatened by social security cuts 1981 Opposes curb in COLA [Post article] 1985 “A Change in the Weather” [Time article] 1987 On the American flag [Wright remarks] 1975 “Thou Art the One” [Wright message at National Prayer Breakfast] 1977 “What Sort of Fellow is Jimmy Carter?” 1978 “You in Easter Week” 1961 “The Best That You Can Be” 1978 “Working Together” 1981 “A Meditation for March 2nd” [on Sam Houston] 1980 “Build Bridges, Not Walls” 1982 “Let’s Revive the American Dream” 1986 Wright speeches, remarks, articles, newsletters 1981-1988 Reagan misdirects blame for deficits [Post article] 1987 “The Possibilities and Limits of Bipartisanship” [Wright remarks] 1981 On the Democratic Congress 1980 Wright Slant – Nicaragua and Central America 1980 “Why You Should Vote Democratic” [Reader’s Digest 1980 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 122 article by Wright] “What Congress Really Thinks of Itself” 1980 “U.S. – Nicaraguan Relations Show Signs of Improvement” [Post article] 1980 Communist interference in El Salvador 1981 Jim Wright remarks on President’s peace initiatives 1981 Remarks of Jim Wright in support of President’s initiatives for peace 1981 “The Moment of Decision” [Wright remarks on the budget] 1982 “Latin America: Promises to Keep” [Los Angeles Times article by Wright] 1983 Democratic response to President’s address on Central America 1983 “Let’s Close Ranks on Central America” 1983 Caribbean Basin Initiative 1983 Covert aid [remarks by Wright] 1984 Central America [remarks by Wright] 1983 “One Small Step Toward Peace” [newsletter article] 1985 Terrorism 1985 “The De-Industrialization of America” and Wright constituent poll 1985 Energy issue [article in The Atlanta Constitution] 1979 Synfuels (South Africa) [article in Post] 1979 “Getting Together on Gas Production” [Post article] 1979 Increasing interest rates [Wright remarks] 1979 Energy saving and conservation 1980 “Periling Energy Security” [Times article] 1982 Address on interest rates 1979 891 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 123 “Nation’s Economy Staggered by High Interest Rates” [remarks by Wright] 1980 “High Interest Rates Will Not Halt Inflation” [remarks by Wright] 1980 Interest rates problem [remarks by Wright] 1981 President’s address on a program for economic recovery 1981 “House Leader Calls for Volcker’s Resignation” [Los Angeles Times article] 1982 “Let’s Help People Get Back to Work” [newsletter article] 1982 “The Vicious Cycle and How to Break it” [Wright statement on record-high deficits, interest rates and unemployment] 1982 Net Worth Guarantee Act [remarks of Wright] 1982 “A Conservative’s Candid View of Reaganomics” [Post article] 1984 “End Nuclear Arms Race” [remarks by Wright] 1986 “Don’t Be Beastly to Congress” 1981 “A Perspective on Congressional Salaries” n.d. Balanced budget 1980 Congressional pay raise deferral 1981 The balanced budget and inflation 1980 “Wright offers plan to balance budget” [Fort Worth StarTelegram article] 1980 Statement on the upgrading of F-111’s 1980 “A Way to Balance the Budget” [Wright statement] 1980 Jim Wright remarks on first budget 1982 Congressional Budget Resolution [Wright remarks] 1981 Cornerstone in move to balance budget [Dallas Morning News article] 1980 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 124 Deficit – GOP [Post article] 1982 “We’re Cheating Ourselves” [Post article] 1982 “Deficit of Candor” [Post article] 1983 “Was Lincoln Wrong?” [Post article] 1984 Jim Wright letter 1984 “Reagan Budget a Sham” [Dallas Times Herald article] 1984 “The budget’s in a mess” [Star-Telegram editorial] 1984 “President’s men urge Congress to reject budget” [StarTelegram article] 1984 “The Budget That Wasn’t” [Post article] 1984 National debt reprint [articles] 1985 “The Deficit: First Priority” Rotary Club speech 1985 “Talking Wright” [Washington Post Magazine article] 1983 “The Wright stuff” [Dallas Times Herald article] 1982 “Moderate Philosophy Key to Wright’s Rise” [Fort Worth Star-Telegram article] 1980 The Wright Slant [newsletter] 1980 Instructions to the conferees on Gramm-Rudman 1985 “Jim Wright, Activist…” [Wall Street Journal article] 1981 Jim Wright biography 1984 “An Orator May Blossom Into Speaker, or More” [New York Times article] 1984 On the road to speaker [article] 1984 “Jim and Betty Wright: Independent Politics” [Washingtonian Magazine article] 1984 Legislative mail 1967 Legislative and opinion mail 1971 892 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 125 Legislative and opinion mail 1972 Legislative and opinion mail 1978 Legislative opinion mail 1973 Legislative and opinion mail 1974 Legislative mail lists 1975 Legislative and opinion mail 1976 Mail count 1977 Legislative and opinion mail 1979 Dorothy [summary of mail counts] 1980 Legislative and opinion mail 1981-1986 Numerical files, 13000 – 17921 [correspondence] 1988-1989 893-901 Unanswerable [correspondence] 1988-1989 902 Social Security amendments of 1977 [special 1978 report] 1978 903 Focus on Tarrant County: A Year’s Review and a Look Ahead [The Wright Slant] 1978 What Sort of Fellow is Jimmy Carter? [The Wright Slant] 1978 The economy – unemployment, inflation, energy, taxes [The Wright Slant] 1978 Manned bomber, defense spending, Postal Service, Congress [The Wright Slant] 1978 Energy: The Unfinished Task [The Wright Slant] 1978 The Need for Welfare Reform [The Wright Slant] 1978 Peace in the Middle East – Open Letter to Two Friends [The Wright Slant] 1978 The CIA; Lessons from Iran; Deficit is Down [The Wright Slant] 1979 Two Ways to Save; China, Taiwan and us [The Wright Slant] 1979 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 126 Spending cuts, peace, draft and energy [The Wright Slant] 1979 Energy, The Big Problem [The Wright Slant] 1979 Energy, The Big Problem; Decontrol; Marginal Wells, etc. [The Wright Slant] 1979 American Policy for Energy Independence [The Wright Slant] 1980 Which Way Nicaragua – and Central America; Budget in Balance [The Wright Slant] 1980 Energy Independence Fair; Some Good News [The Wright Slant] 1980 The Job of Majority Leader [The Wright Slant] 1980 Questionnaire 1981 re: budget 1981 Social Security; Mortgage Rates; Tax Cuts [newsletter] 1981 Thanks for Your Great Response!; Gramm-Latta II; Tax Cut; Social Security [newsletter] 1981 Letter to President Reagan re: tax cut; DFW Foreign Trade Zone [newsletter] 1981 Let’s Help People Get Back to Work [newsletter] 1982 Budget [newsletter] 1981 Spending Cuts; Vietnam Veterans; Social Security; Zip Codes; Hemphill Street; Royalty Tax, South Side [newsletter] 1981 Working Together; Move of FAA Office Opposed; New Tax Break; Good News on Energy; Federal Seed Money [newsletter] 1981 The Budget – Tax Cuts and Deficits [newsletter] 1982 In Search of Common Sense – and Common Ground [newsletter] 1982 Texas Teamwork; Ugly Truth; Fort Worth-Dallas Rail Link [newsletter] 1983 Organized Crime; Social Security; Congress and President; 1983 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 127 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean Air [newsletter] Education and National Security; Central America; Budget [newsletter] 1983 Question of Priorities; Phone Rates; Computers; Larry Hagman; Watson Post Office [newsletter] 1983 One Small Step Toward Peace; American Airlines; AIMCO; Small Business [newsletter] 1985 War on Drugs [newsletter] 1985 June 1982 newsletter [with photos] 1982 August 1981 newsletter 1981 “Sam Houston, Unorthodox Hero” [by Wright] n.d. Jim Wright newsletter copy 1980 Jim Wright newsletter 1980 Copy for Jim Wright – newsletter for June 1983 March newsletter file 1981 BBQ [with photo] 1982 Opening – Congressional art exhibit [photos] 1982 Student honor winners [photos] 1982 May newsletter material 1982 February 1983 newsletter copy 1983 Copy for Jim Wright mailer 1981 March 1982 newsletter 1982 Calendars of the United States House of Representatives and History of Legislation [10 - for 91st Congress to 100th] 1969-1988 Weekly compilation of Presidential Documents (17) 1988-1989 Newsletter index 1955-1976 Terry 1974-1979 904 905 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 128 Newsletter masterfile (84th – 85th) 1955-1958 Newsletters (84th – 1st) 1955 Newsletters (86th – 2nd) 1960 Newsletters (86th – 1st) 1959 A Letter to Ivan [newsletter] 1958 The Wright Slant on Washington [newsletter] 1958 Newsletters (85th – 2nd) 1958 Newsletters (85th – 1st) 1957 Newsletters (87th – 1st) 1961 Jim Wright newsletters (3) 1962-1977 Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions (4) 1984-1986 906 Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions (5) 1981-1983 907 100th Congress, A to C [bills] 1987-1988 908 Whip advisories 1987-1988 Whip advisories 1989 100th Congress, D to H [bills] 1987-1988 100th Congress, I to R [bills] 1987-1988 100th Congress, S to W [bills] 1987-1988 101st Congress 1989-1990 Bill correspondence guide 1982-1985 Bill index – 100th Congress 1987-1988 Whip advisories [in folders] (3) 1987-1989 Democratic Study Group Record Votes, U.S. House of Representatives [97th to 100th Congress] 1982-1988 909 Abortion 1973-1986 910 Art contest 1989 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 129 Ballard, Joseph 1987 Bureau of Engraving and Printing n.d. Congressional pay raise 1989 Dallas Spinal Cord Injury Center 1988 Funding requests 1989 101st Congress, 1st session grant requests – Texas delegation 1989 Immigration bill – Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (S.A.V.E.) 1986 Japanese internment 1983-1987 Jeff’s projects [Richard, Jeffrey] 1989 Jim Wright bills [H.J.Res. 523] 1988 Jim Wright accomplishments 1980-1987 Jim Wright questionnaire responses 1984 Jim Wright schedule [daily] 1989 Letters to members 1989 MATCH program 1985-1986 Mail list 1989 National Endowment for the Humanities 1989 Priorities, 101st Congress 1988 Office rules n.d. Office visits 1989 Press conferences [transcripts] 1988 Tax and budget clips 1988-1989 Fort Worth warehouse project 1986 Task forces 1989 Computer letter index 1986 911 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 130 Old text 1981-1983 Wright responses to issue letters [in binders] A to C 1982-1986 M to R 1982-1986 S to Z (2) 1984-1986 Paragraphs [on various issues] 1979 Energy letters [green binder] 1969-1979 Case paragraphs [on various issues] 1980 H. Res. 84 1989 Democratic Study Group – Special Report [on tax agreement] 1986 Democratic Study Group – Fact Sheets 1980-1986 Congressional Quarterly – Weekly Reports (56) 1988 Bill books [in binders] 912 913 97th Congress 1981-1982 99th Congress 1985-1986 Bill books [in binders] 914 93rd Congress (2) 1973-1974 94th Congress 1975-1976 95th Congress (2) 1977-1978 Unfiled material left by departing former office manager Pat Perry [Marshall Lynam] 1976-1985 915 Whip notices and working papers [98th Congress, 1st session to 99th Congress, 2nd session] (4) 1983-1986 916 Floor schedules [98th Congress, 1st session] 1983 Suspensions [99th Congress, 1st and 2nd sessions] (3) 1985-1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 131 Calendars of the United States House of Representatives and History of Legislation [96th to 99th Congress] (4) 1979-1986 Elections [results and expense reports] 1964 Jim Wright intro [speech and press release] 1965 Cookerly poll 1967 Kudos [to Wright] 1967-1976 Voting and attendance record 1955-1962 General (6) 1985 “The New Right in the States” 1983 Reservists [court documents] 1970 Voting records, key issues [87th to 89th Congress] 1963-1976 Opinion poll ca. 1961 Stevenson, Adlai n.d. Alex Louis poll 1965 Wright Congressional Club, 90th Congress 1967-1978 “Thank you, Congressman Jim Wright” n.d. Campaign outline 1965 Federal expenditures in Texas 1965 Return forms for volunteer workers 1965 Fort Worth Appreciation Dinner 1962 Jim Wright Appreciation Dinner 1965 Fort Worth list [addresses] n.d. Radio tapes – Jim Wright campaign 1982 Miscellaneous Jim Wright notes n.d. Super Collider 1987 Fort Worth Treasury Printing Plant n.d. 917 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 132 Committee and Department documentation 1965 918 General [news clippings, correspondence, printed material] 1959-1965 919 Hunger in Texas 1968 920 Operation Breakthrough 1969 Pepper-Smathers campaign – 1950 [three theses] 1969 Highways – Arizona hearings 1960-1963 Highways – confidential 6th interim report 1963 Highways – scandals, master copies of newsletters 1961 Newsletter ideas (2) 1961-1974 NATAPROBU – Boren, James 1970-1971 National debt 1966-1967 National Guard - reserves 1959-1972 Newsletter payment vouchers 1975 North Texas Council of Governments [State of the Region report] 1968 Nuclear accidents 1971 Organization of American States (OAS) 1967 Oceans 1967-1969 Oil 1968-1974 Older Americans 1965-1967 Highways – Hearings #1 1961-1964 Highways – Hearings #2 1963-1964 Highways – Federal highways in Texas 1962-1973 Highways – General (3) 1955-1974 Parks 1968 Peace Corps 1967-1970 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 133 Opinion polls 1965-1969 Congressional colleague correspondence (4) 1982, 1989 Official correspondence [Congress, White House, committees, Departments, organizations, etc.] (6) 1988-1989 Committee request correspondence (4) 1978-1979 Committee assignment materials 1978 Committee assignment material and correspondence (2) 1979 Committee request correspondence and thank you notes (2) 1978-1979 Committee assignment materials 1979 Committee request correspondence (6) 1982 Committee request correspondence and thank you notes (2) 1982-1983 Thank you notes [from Wright] 1985-1986 Personal 1984-1989 Publicity 1983-1989 Congressional matters 1986-1989 Harry Truman Centennial Committee [with photos] n.d. Correspondence (2) 1983-1989 Dear colleague 1982-1984 Alaska Pulp Corporation 1988-1989 Task Force on Minority Set-Asides 1988 Op/Ed in The Christian Science Monitor 1985 Actual U.S. flags n.d. 923 Trade 1985-1986 924 Guatemala 1985 White House – notes 1986 Jewish Community Religious Council 1986 921 922 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 134 Labor 1986 LaRouche 1986 Reagan economic inconsistencies 1985 Reagan – education budget 1986 Reagan – defense budget 1986 Religious Right [Time article] 1985 Russia [Time article, Soviet ambassador handout] 1985-1986 Nicaragua – aid to the Contras 1986 Salt II 1986 South Africa 1986 Speeches [by Wright] 1985-1986 Statements [by Wright] 1986 Aviation safety 1985 Agriculture [Post article] 1985 Anti-tax reform bill n.d. Tax bill [survey] 1985 U.S. – Mexico Interparliamentary [Congressman Bermudez speech] 1963 Budget (2) 1985-1986 Budget – deficits 1985 Budget – House positions, Gramm-Rudman n.d. Budget – Gramm-Rudman 1981, 1985 Budget – White House conference, Wright proposals 1984 Democratic Caucus 1986 Democratic Policy Commission 1986 Education and tuition costs 1985 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 135 Energy – domestic oil 1986 The gun bill 1986 “The Wright House” [Texas Monthly article] 1986 Shopper’s Guide to Used Equipment 1986 NATO’s defense response [special report] 1986 National Association of Arab Americans 1986 Bishop Edmond Lee Browning [installation address at the Washington Cathedral] 1985 Democratic Study Group [reports, bulletins, fact sheets] 1986 Drug bill [in brown folder] 1986-1987 Issue brief on crime and drugs [by Wright] 1986 Correspondence on legislation [Working Mother’s Day, Vietnam memorial, National Coin Week] 1980 Congressional housekeeping bills (2) 1979-1980 H.R. 1 – campaign financing 1979 H.R. 1264 – subsequent spouse bill 1979 H.R. 2479 – to help maintain peace in Taiwan 1979 H.R. 2789 – Ilan Silberstein 1979 H.R. 3357 – CIA employee confidentiality 1979 H.R. 3567 – bottle franchise 1979 H.R. 3873 – Jan Kutina 1979 H.R. 3930 – synthetic fuels 1979 H.R. 4113 – additional water pollution funds 1979 H.R. 4370 – Coal Pipeline Act of 1979 1979 H.R. 4484 – duty on imported crude for use in synthetic fuel production 1979 H.R. 4509 – amend Safe Drinking Water Act 1979 925 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 136 H.R. 4537 – implementing trade agreements 1979 H.R. 4568 – purchase of synthetic fuels 1979 H.R. 4792 – Bob Casey Federal Building 1979 H.R. 4981 – Bicentenary Commission 1979 H.R. 5130 – special venue for environmental cases 1979 H.R. 5314 – church retirement plans 1979 H.R. 5315 – church plans 1979 H.R. 5316 – church retirement plans 1979 H.R. 5630 – Chrysler Corporation Credit Assistance 1979 H. R. 5499 – Japanese internment committee bill 1979 H.R. 5726 – Energy Conservation Bank 1979 H.R. 5805 – Chrysler Loan Guarantee Act 1979 H.R. 6206 – exempt limited amounts of oil from windfall profits tax 1979 H.R. 6250 – fusion energy research 1980 H.R. 6288 – African Development Foundation 1980 H.R. 6374 – gold medal for Ambassador Ken Taylor 1980 H.R. 6479 – special venue in environment 1980 H.R. 6657 – pro rata expenditure reduction 1980 H.R. 6818 – Northeast Corridor and high-speed rail transportation 1980 H.R. 7414 – Jones Federal Building 1980 H.R. 8024 – Ray Roberts Lake 1980 H.Con.Res. 165 – self-determination for Puerto Rico 1979 H.Con.Res. 249 – 1980 Winter Olympics 1980 H.Con.Res. 252 – Earth Day, April 22 1980 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 137 H.Con.Res. 272 – release Andrei Sakharov from exile 1980 H.Con.Res. 366 – promote auto industry competitiveness 1980 H.J.Res. 19 – National Lupus Week 1979 H.J.Res. 167 – Taiwan resolution 1979 H.J.Res. 220 – National Energy Education Day 1980 H.J.Res. 283 – US commitment to North Atlantic Alliance 1979 H.J.Res. 423 – Franklin Roosevelt 100th birthday 1979 H.Res. 493 – resolution on release of US personnel in Iran 1979 H.Res. 528 – designating membership on a committee 1980 Liberal list [contact list] n.d. Mailing lists [for election and book mailings] 1973 Congressional record (4) 1971-1974 Congressional Record (5) 1975-1978 926 Hydrogen research at A&M 1987-1988 927 National Weather Service funding 1984-1989 Organ Procurement 1987-1988 Joseph Ryan case 1988 Public transportation funding 1989 Tariff bill markup 1988 Mothers and Their Children (MATCH) program 1985 Letter templates [in black binder] 1979-1989 House Resolutions by Wright 928 H.R. 16264 – revise Federal Elections law 1966 H.R. 17080 – relief of Standard Meat Company 1966 H.R. 11928 – Texas to use funds for National Guard 1964 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 138 H.R. 12887 – relief of Benjamin Leach, Diogracias Leach, Rogelio Leach and Maximo Leach 1962 H.R. 10156 – relief of James and Leatha Gordon 1965 H.R. 2098 – tax credit for taxpayer with college children 1965 H.R. 3618 – amend Tariff Act of 1930 1965 H.R. 3692 – relief of William F. Kuhlman 1965 Issues 1979 New Mexico highways 1961 Wright Appreciation Committee finances 1980 Jim Wright personal – highway investigation 1961 Highway programs 1960-1961 Committee on Public Works 1962 Grand Prairie airport 1963 Publicity 1974-1979 Jim Wright personal [correspondence] 1964, 19711975 News clippings [on sunken tankers, oil pollution, elections] 1967, 1974, 1980 Correspondence 1974, 1980 Senator Tower voting record 1958-1965 Committee on the Judiciary n.d. Energy Independence Fair 1980 Merrill Lynch Options Commentary 1980 Department of Housing and Urban Development – condominiums 1968-1974 “You and Your Congressman” – teacher’s guide n.d. 1974 campaign 1974 929 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 139 House Resolutions by Wright H.R. 17971 – Puerto Rico 1966 H.R. 10284 – Fritz Garland Lanham Federal Office Building 1966 H.R. 10533 – IRS code for firemen 1965 H.J.Res. 822 – southwestern rail transportation 1966 H.R. 13105 – water pollution control 1966 H.R. 13179 – Federal Water Pollution Control Act 1966 H.R. 13412 – amend River and Harbor Act 1966 H.R. 13413 – amend title II of Social Security Act 1966 H.R. 13590 – milk program for children 1966 H. Con. Res. 769 – South Vietnam elections 1966 H.R. 16490 – amend IRS code of 1954 1966 H.J.Res. 1117 – create delegation to convention of North Atlantic nations 1966 H.R. 17102 – amend Public Buildings Act of 1959 1966 H.R. 17575 – establish incentive program for pollution control 1966 H.R. 5259 – Grand Prairie airport 1963-1964 H.R. 1750 – increases in annuities 1965 H.R. 3695 – relief of Francesco Rizzuto 1965 H.R. 4844 – relief of Mrs. Parvaneh Moshfegh Rashti 1965 H.J.Res. 148 – amendment to Constitution for election of President and Vice President 1965 H.J.Res. 241 – right of states to apportion one house of legislature on factors other than population 1965 H.R. 5718 – relief of Mrs. Enrico L. Pabalate 1965 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 140 H.R. 6805 – appropriations for river basin plans 1965 H.R. 7314 – grants in economically distressed areas 1965 H.R. 7924 – repeal of tax on passenger automobiles 1965 H.R. 9573 – participation of U.S. in HemisFair 1965 H.R. 9143 – Texas to use funds for National Guard 1963-1965 Election Reform Act of 1966 1966 Congressional Record 1963 Social functions [receptions, room reservations] 1977-1980 Lady Bird Johnson event 1988 American Committee on the French Revolution 1988-1989 Assignments completed 1988 Correspondence file (2) 1988 Fort Worth economic development efforts – Polytechnic Heights 1987-1988 Assignments completed (3) 1988-1989 931 National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances 1972 932 Science Advisory Panel 1974 Tanker disaster [with maps and photos] 1967 Tanker research [with maps] 1967 General (3) 1979-1980 Civil Aeronautics Board [Southwest Airlines automatic market entry investigation] 1979 Operation Dialogue 1970 Oil pollution – tanker operation 1967 Correspondence 1980 Business matters 1980 930 933 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 141 Press releases, newsletters 1978-1978 Defense issues 1962, 1979 New Dallas-Fort Worth customs office 1979 Social Security data 1979 Politics – Eddie Chiles, district maps 1980 General 1979-1980 Miscellaneous speeches 1979 Press releases 1979 Housing issues 1979 Opinion clippings on Wright 1979-1980 Energy 1979-1980 Songs, poems 1979 Letters 1979-1980 Budget balancing 1979 Memos 1979 Jim Wright bills 1989 99th Congress bills 1985-1986 H.R. 2932 – relief of Mohammad Reza Rowghani 1984-1986 Jim Wright bills 1985 H.R. 10 – amend Public Works and Economic Development of 1965 and Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 1985 H.R. 13 – to regulate the manufacture and importation of Armor Piercing Ammunition 1985 H.R. 25 – abandoned shipwreck act 1985 H.R. 281 – National Labor Relations Act, collective bargaining in construction industry 1985 934 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 142 H.R. 1616 – labor-management notification and consultation 1985 H.R. 1768 – international narcotics control 1985 H.R. 442 – implement recommendations of the Commission on Wartime Relocation & Internment of Civilians 1985 H.R. 1340 – U.S. Scholarship Program for Developing Countries Act 1985 H.R. 1519 – Lake Erie to Ohio River waterway 1985 H.R. 1562 – economic recovery to U.S. textile industry 1985 H.R. 2268 – implement free trade agreement between U.S. and Israel 1985 H.R. 2451 – countervailing duties 1985 H.R 2956 – to provide additional funding and authority for the FBI to improve counterterrorist capabilities 1985 H.R. 3008 – to promote equitable pay practices and to eliminate discrimination within the Federal Civil Service 1985 H.R. 3035 – to restore balance in international trade, improve operation of the trade agreements program 1985 H.R. 3324 – Maldonado relief 1986 H.R. 3515 – Fair Exporting Finance Act 1985 Private bills 1981-1983 H.Con.Res. 34 – Federal Home Loan Bank Board 1985 H.Con.Res. 104 – maintain international education and exchange programs 1985 H.J.Res. 159 – 75th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America 1985 H.J.Res. 221 – to designate the month of October as “National Make-A-Wish Month” 1985 H.Res. 1 – referring member of 8th District of Indiana to Committee on House Administration and other 1985 H.Res. 5 – Congress ready to receive any communication 1985 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 143 from President H.Res. 7 – adopting the rules of the House of Representatives for the 99th Congress 1985 Legislative action [resolutions and co-sponsorship requests] 1983-1984 H.R. 10 – National Development Investment Act 1983 H.R. 174 – Gladys Noon Spellman Parkway 1983 H.R. 717 – foreign trade zone, ad valorem taxation 1983 H.R. 881 – education improvement 1983 H.R. 999 – American Conservation Corp Act 1983 H.R. 1010 – coal transportation, public lands 1983 H.R. 1027 – Record Rental Amendment 1983 H.R. 1029 – consumer video sales-rental amendment 1983 H.R. 1030 – Home Recording Act 1983 H.R. 1176 – Housing Finance Opportunity Act 1983 H.R. 1183 – Tax Rate Equity Act 1983 H.R. 1390 and H.R. 2926 – National Commission on Neurofibromatosis 1983 H.R. 1404 – state unemployment compensation funds 1983 H.R. 1631 – Calvin Graham 1983 H.R. 1935 – Matagorda Island 1983 H.R. 1984 – Olympic Committee $1 check-off 1983 H.R. 2053 – Air Travelers’ Security Act 1983-1984 H.R. 2225 – IRS capital gain or loss treatment 1983 H.R. 2262 – malt beverage interbrand bill 1983-1984 H.R. 2291 – IRS, split interest to charity (holographic wills) 1983 H.R. 2299 – steel pipe and tube imports 1983 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 144 H.R. 2417 – computer bill (Tandy) 1983 Balanced Monetary Policy Act of 1982 1982-1983 H.R. 2546 – Federal Reserve Act amendment 1983 H.R. 2769 – Caribbean basin initiative 1983 H.R. 3108 – to protect the U.S. Caribbean possessions 1983 H.R. 3151 – Jack D. Watson Post Office Building 1983 H.R. 3194 – historic shipwreck 1983-1984 Dorothy files [legislative aide] 1980-1982 Sam Rayburn 100th birthday 1981 Drunk driving bill 1981 H.R. 4 – intelligence identities 1981 H.R. 779 – Benbrook Lake 1981-1982 H.R. 1484 and H.R. 1485 – Young/Cazimir 1981-1982 H.R. 1824 – clerk hire, American Samoa delegate 1981-1982 H.R. 1981 – mid-course budget corrections 1981 Jim Wright bills 1969 [resolutions and correspondence] 1969 84th Congress Jim Wright bills [list] 1955-1956 F-111 [correspondence, investigation papers, photos] 1963-1964 Liberia [agreement with Dynalectron] 1977 Emergency Medical Service Program – Tarrant County group 1974-1978 Harris Poll on energy 1975 City of Keller 1974 Kimbell Art Museum [Chinese bronze exhibit] 1979-1980 Lakeview Reservoir 1977 Lakeshore Management – Army Corps of Engineers 1974-1976 935 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 145 Latin America: Jim Wright proposal on educational television programs beamed via INTELSAT 1970 A-7D aircraft 1973-1977 Lake Worth Independent School District [Carswell Communications property) 1972 LTV – ground transportation 1974-1977 GI forum 1974 Gary Job Corps Center Report 1969 Grapevine (Walter Hall) 1971-1976 Grapevine Lakeshore Management Plan – special project 1976 Greater southwest airport 1966-1971 Hurst-Euless-Bedford Hospital 1970-1973 F-111 project 1963-1968 Loop 820 1970-1976 Fort Worth VA Outpatient Clinic 1971 Hearings on Omnibus Rivers and Harbors and Flood Control Bills (3) 1965 Hearings on Solar Satellite Power System Concepts 1976 Foreign mail (envelope) 1988 The White House tour information packet 1988 November – completed tours [White House and Capitol] 1988 Completed tours (3) 1988-1989 Tour arrangements to be filed 1988-1989 White House tour records 1988-1989 Daily schedules 1988 Intern files 1989 Pay raise vote [Congressional Record] 1989 936 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 146 Invitations, regrets (4) 1986-1988 Correspondence (2) 1989 General 1989 Speaker’s press conferences (10) 1978-1985 937 Martin Frost mailing in support of Wright 1989 938 Steering and Policy Committee staff assignments 1989 939 House Office Building Commission, House Administration 1987-1988 Democratic Caucus 1988-1989 Committee assignments 1989 Committee requests 1987-1989 Speaker’s mail 1988-1989 Infrastructure 1986-1988 Infrastructure report 1988 International Labor Conference, Geneva 1987 Dallas flood control – Corps of Engineers 1988 Airline computer reservations [legislation] 1987 Rural telephone 1986-1987 Hickey, Robyn 1987 Dr. Roy Basi [Alaska U.S. – Soviet conference] 1986-1987 Chapter 1 reauthorization [education] 1987 Egypt 1987 Highway conference [Texas] 1987 Schedules 1987 Texas Conversations – Raye Virginia Allen 1986-1987 Kahle, Keith 1986-1987 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 147 Mack, John 1987-1988 Democratic Policy Commission briefing book [binder] 1986 Official Proceedings to the 1988 Democratic National Convention [book] 1988 Democratic National Committee 1989 Legislative veto 1983-1984 Democratic National Committee members 1988-1989 Democratic National Committee meetings 1986 Democratic leadership organizations 1986 Fort Worth legislative matters 1987 Writings and correspondence 1954-1989 Playboy Magazine 1976 Correspondence (4) 1982-1989 General Congressional matter 1979-1989 Replies [from FAA, FCC, etc.] 1987 Kuhnreich, George 1982 U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) [letter from office visitor] 1988 Texas Industries 1982 Mendenhall [report on disgruntled Bell employee] 1982 Spinks [Fort Worth defense company] 1982 Prison transfer 1982 Unmanned systems 1986 DFW/Non-stop 1985 Record of legislative accomplishments 1984 Gramm-Latta substitution package 1981 Effective schools [H.R. 747] 1983-1985 940 941 942 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 148 Public Works – National Development Investment Act 1985 Grants/education 1985-1986 Impact Aid 1985 Post office 1984-1985 Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica 1982-1984 Infrastructure hearing [in Fort Worth] 1985 John Glenn fundraiser 1985 Thank you note correspondence 1985 Offshore oil [binder] 1984 Wright interview and speech transcripts [brown folder] 1987-1988 Narcotics 1984-1989 Veterans 1989 Small business 1989 Foreign affairs 1989 Energy and commerce 1989 Debt [newspaper clippings] 1989 Public works 1989 Trade task force 1989 Build America Trust Fund commission 1989 Infrastructure task force 1989 Caribbean Basin Initiative [blue folder] 1989 Investments n.d. Claude Pepper Center 1988 Steering and Policy schedule file 1988 Assets forfeiture/customs 1989 943 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 149 Lehman letter – airline protection 1988 Latin America – politics and economics 1989 Procter, Ben [legislative assistant, Democratic Steering and Policy Committee] 1988-1989 Friends list n.d. Transportation matters 1988 Kildee, Dale [on appointment to Budget Committee] 1988 Iran-Contra 1988 Poland 1987-1988 Student financial assistance 1988 Golf 1988-1989 Colonias 1988 Drug people – Fort Worth 1988 Pickle (J.J.)/ T.V. preachers (James Dunn) 1987 English language and history for immigrants 1987 Texas delegation lunch and Hogan issues lunch 1987 Overseas Development Council issue briefs 1987 Persian Gulf notes n.d. United States – Mexico Institute 1987 Fort Worth printing plant 1987 Fort Worth musicians 1988-1989 Tanya Rahall – Lebanon 1989 Negative press 1987 Angola 1987 General 1988 Finances 1976-1982 944 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 150 Wright genealogy n.d. News clips 1989 Invitations and scheduled events [brown folder] 1985 Dorn: Of the People [book] 1988 Photos [world leaders, committee meetings, etc.] 1986 Miscellaneous 1986-1987 Miscellaneous articles on Jim Wright 1979-1988 Sherman, Norman [speech writer] 1986 Mobil ads 1986-1987 Trip – El Paso 1987 Trip – San Francisco, Cleveland 1987 Trip – Dade County 1987 Trip – Corpus Christi, Laredo 1987 Trip – Bell Helicopter 1987 Trip – Las Vegas 1987 Trip – Mississippi 1987 Democratic Caucus and new members 1986 Costa Rica 1987 Ross, Steve [memo on lunch with Chief Justice Rehnquist] 1987 Greenbrier 1988 Trip – USSR 1987 Trip – Berlin 1987 Trip – Madrid 1987 Trip – Vincennes 1987 HR bills sponsored by Jim Wright [93rd Congress] 1973 945 946 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 151 93rd Congress, 1st session (3) 1973-1974 93rd Congress, 2nd session 1974 85th Congress 1957-1958 86th Congress 1959-1960 87th Congress 1961-1962 Bills introduced in 87th Congress 1961-1962 88th Congress 1963-1964 Bills introduced during 88th Congress 1963-1964 89th Congress 1965-1966 90th Congress 1967-1968 91st Congress 1969-1970 92nd Congress, 1st session 1971 H.R. 12335 – Big Thicket National Park 1971 H.R. 12436 – broadcast license 1972 H.R. 12829 – amend Occupational Safety and Health Act 1972 H.R. 13481 – amend Communications Act of 1934 1972 H.R. 13538 – highway safety projects 1972 H.R. 13634 – community planning and development 1972 H.R. 13636 – when President impounds funds 1972 H.R. 7368 – amend Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 1971 H.R. 9044 – sale of electric power 1971 H.R. 9290 – drug abuse prevention 1971 H.R. 9341 – retirement of FBI and CIA employees 1971 H.R. 9559 – Pan American Highway 1971 H.R. 8536 – streambank erosion 1971 947 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 152 H.R. 9402 – farm-raised fish 1971 H.R. 9782 – restore income tax credit 1971 H.R. 9922 – extend Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 1971 H.R. 9951 – communication with U.S. Postal Service 1971 H.R. 10301 – study of biomedical research 1971 H.R. 10323 – facilitate economic recovery 1971 H.R. 10835 – consumer interest agencies 1971 H.R. 11020 – amend IRS code for military 1971 H.R. 11220 – Audie L. Murphy Veterans’ Hospital 1971 H.R. 11133 – amend Education of the Handicapped Act 1971 H.R. 11160 – school buses 1971 H.R. 11448 – amend Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act 1971 H.R. 11724 – shoreside facilities at Pearl Harbor 1971 H.R. 11896 – amend Federal Water Pollution Control Act 1971 H.R. 11956 – teaching moral and ethical principles 1971 H.R. 12000 – renewal of broadcast licenses 1971 H.R. 12034 – Big Thicket National Park 1971 H.R. 6688 – National Science Foundation research 1971 H.R. 2645 – additional U.S. district judges 1971 H.R. 9886 – water supply in Benbrook Reservoir 1971 H.R. 6838 – payments in lieu of taxes 1971 H.R. 6839 – extend payments in lieu of taxes 1971 H.R. 6954 – D.C. convention center/sports arena 1971 H.R. 7139 – amend the Natural Gas Act 1971 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 153 H.R. 7368 – law enforcement officers 1971 H.R. 7408 – benefits for killed/disabled law enforcement 1971 H.R. 7414 – amend State Technical Services Act of 1965 1971 H.R. 7550 – Neighborhood Youth Corps 1971 H.R. 7556 – ocean mammals 1971 H.R. 7677 – Social Security payment for chiropractor 1971 H.R. 7757 – payments in lieu of taxes 1971 H.R. 7758 – payments in lieu of taxes 1971 H.R. 7836 – IRS code and housing improvements 1971 H.R. 7910 – ethics and financial disclosure in campaigns 1971 H.R. 7911 – television program time for candidates 1971 H.R. 7912 – reduced postage for campaign literature 1971 H.R. 7913 – tax credits for political contributions 1971 H.R. 7923 – amend IRS code of 1954 1971 H.R. 9201 – abolish U.S. Postal Service 1971 H.R. 12428 – kidney disease 1969 H.R. 47 – Institute for Continuing Studies of Juvenile Justice 1971 H.R. 808 – regulation of dumping in waters 1971 H.R. 853 – IRS and blood donations 1971 H.R. 1656 – amend Truth in Lending Act 1971 H.R. 1658 – careless and erroneous billing 1971 H.R. 2177 – location of duty stations for armed forces 1971 H.R. 3093 – relief of Serna family 1970-1972 H.R. 3120 – Lincoln Home National Historic Site 1971 H.R. 3173 – extend civil service benefits to former Members of Congress 1971 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 154 H.R. 3612 – IRS and providing higher education 1971 H.R. 3659 – Conquest of Cancer Act 1971 H.R. 4133 – national catastrophic illness insurance program 1971 H.R. 4135 – federal crime to kill law enforcement 1971 H.R. 4238 – prohibit emergency detention camps 1971 H.R. 4459 – emergency telephone number 911 1971 H.R. 4700 – Sam Rayburn Library and 50-cent pieces 1971 H.R. 4810 – assistance to areas of high unemployment 1971 H.R. 5021 – amend Older Americans Act of 1965 1971 H.R. 5064 – incentives for industrial and commercial establishments in rural areas 1971 H.R. 5081 – incentives for industrial and commercial establishments in small towns and rural areas 1971 H.R. 5089 – ethics and financial disclosure in campaigns 1971 H.R. 5092 - television program time for candidates 1971 H.R. 5095 – reduced postage for campaign literature 1971 H.R. 5098 – tax credits for political contributions 1971 H.R. 5376 – extend Public Works Acceleration Act 1971 H.R. 5713 – amend Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 1971 H.R. 5714 – narcotic addicts 1971 H.R. 6135 – farm-raised fish 1971 H.R. 6283 – President’s Federal reorganization plans 1971 H.R. 6250 – manufacturing milk 1971 H.R. 6688 – Conversion Research and Education Act 1971 H.R. 7368 – law enforcement officers 1971 H.R. 7408 – law enforcement killed or disabled 1971 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 155 H.R. 6508 – relief of J.B. Riddle 1971 H.R. 7713 – abandoned automobiles 1971 H.R. 9201 – abolish U.S. Postal Service 1971 H.R. 9504 – tax deduction for air pollution control 1971 H.R. 9591 – highway safety programs 1971 H.R. 10034 – recycled paper for Congressional Record 1971 H.R. 11020 – IRS and armed forces 1971 92nd Congress, 2nd session 1972 H.R. 11160 – schoolbuses 1971 H.R. 12000 – renewal of broadcast licenses 1971 H.R. 14200 – establish a Department of Health 1972 H.R. 14481 – military assistance to Israel for resettlement of Russian refugees 1972 H.R. 15109 – construction to convey saline water 1972 H.R. 12434 – blood donations 1972 H.R. 15731 – non-point source pollution 1972 House concurrent resolutions, 92nd Congress 1971-1972 House resolutions, 92nd Congress 1971-1972 House Joint Resolutions, 92nd Congress 1971-1972 National Voter Survey [election preview, wave VII, post election study] (5 binders) 1988 “A Survey of Public Attitudes in the 14th Congressional District” 1988 “Benchmark Poll: Texas 26” 1988 Report of the Special Outside Counsel 1989 Computer addresses 1987 Fire: May 5, 1988 [photos] 1988 948 949 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 156 Personnel Committee 1988 San Antonio fundraiser – Jim Dublin 1985, 1988 Sherwood Van Lines (2) 1986-1989 Ethics 1989 Correspondence (2) 1987-1989 Diary of the Bicentennial of the French Revolution [book] 1988 South Korean postage stamps [book] 1986 First Day Stamp Ceremony 1989 “Viva Tejas: The Story of the Tejanos, the Mexican-born Patriots of the Texas Revolution” [book] 1985 Commemorative U.S. Postage Stamp collection (19 books) 1987-1989 Publicity 1979-1980 951 Correspondence [Wright responses] (10) 1978-1987 952 Publicity 1977-1980 953 Democratic response to State of the Union 1987 954 Speaker’s rooms “…declared war on drugs” 1987 Trinity River n.d. Star-Telegram drug articles 1986 America in the 1980s [Time article and Wright remarks on Soviet television] 1987 Wright speech – MX missile debate 1985 Wright on crime – “Take ‘cop-killer’ bullets away from criminals” 1985 Wright to Rotary Club – “On Protest and Patriotism” 1967 Speech on the Middle East 1957 Wright to National Press Club – “Pillars of National Security” 1986 950 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 157 Wright speech to Texas letter carriers 1959 Wright article – “Reagan’s poor trade policies hurting workers” [Boston Globe] 1985 Wright for National Prayer Breakfast – “Thou art the one” 1977 Wright remarks on high interest rates 1980 “Senator ties defense to road repair” [Plain Dealer article] 1986 “What Congress Really Thinks of Itself” [U.S. News and World Report article] 1980 Mail counts for history 1980-1981 Legislative praise 1976 Wright to Scholastic Achievement and Improvement Program – “The Best That You Can Be” 1978 Wright to American Legion – “Price of Peace” 1959 Congressional Club – Betty Wright 1981 Wright – “A Labor Day call for bold industrial revival” [Star-Telegram] 1985 War on drugs articles [Star-Telegram] 1986 Wright remarks – “Tax bill untimely, misses the point” 1985 Publicity 1970-1987 955 Correspondence concerning air travel 1987 956 General correspondence (2) 1987 Correspondence with The Saturday Evening Post 1962 H.R. 352 – establishment of National Humanities Foundation 1965 Miscellaneous notes and clippings [in folder] 1962 U.S. – Mexico Interparliamentary book [news clippings] 1977 Remarks on the President’s proposed oil import fee 1980 Remarks on vote- waste less, produce more, reduce our dependence 1978 957 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 158 “Stripper-well waste costs” [Star-Telegram] 1978 Wright statement to Federal Energy Administration (FEA) on domestic crude oil prices 1976 Opposition to oil pricing policy 1975 Comments on a bill that would create a new category of wells-marginal 1975 Wright remarks on oil - “Don’t Kill the Family Cow” 1974 Udall-McNamara oil letters 1964 Oil imports – Letter to President Kennedy 1962 Environment testing continues at Fort Worth plant – press release from Air Force 1983 Response to Wright’s position on acid rain remarks of Lou Hudson (Star-Telegram) 1982 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) agreement to give federal grants to Texas cities for water pollution control [Wright remarks] 1978 Water Act agreement [Wright remarks] 1976 Oversight hearings set on water pollution law [Wright remarks] 1976 Trinity Valley progress [Wright speech] 1971 Pure Water, the First Priority [Wright remarks] 1969-1971 Man’s Environment and Man’s Choice [Wright remarks] 1970 Earth Day [Wright remarks at UTA] 1970 TCU seminar on “A Quality Environment” [Wright remarks] 1970 The Seventies: Let’s Defuse the Environmental Bomb [The Wright Slant newsletter] 1970 Water Pollution Act speech 1965 On behalf of Stream Pollution Control Bill and against damaging amendments [Wright remarks] 1959 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 159 To Clean Up the Streams – Chapter 6 of The Coming Water Famine n.d. Dedication of new post office to Jack D. Watson [Wright remarks] 1983 Remarks of Wright to Subcommittee on Postal Service 1974 Consolidation of Hurst Post Office with Fort Worth Post Office [letter to Postal Service from Wright] 1976 Letter to Postmaster General Blount re: postal employee contact with Congress 1971 Telegram to Jack Watson re: postal strike 1970 The Post Office – A Service, Not a Business [Wright remarks] 1970 The Post Office: A Service Institution [Wright remarks] 1969 Post Office and People [Wright speech] 1967 Postal Workers Need Raise [Wright remarks] 1960 Wright speech to Texas Association of Letter Carriers 1959 Get a Trained Man for the Job [Wright remarks on selection of Fort Worth Postmaster] 1956 From Saddlebags to Satellites [Wright speech] 1965 The Presbyterian Constitution and Digest 1956 Federal Data Banks and Constitutional Rights (2 books) 1974 Presidential Campaign Activities of 1972 [Watergate Investigation, Campaign Practices, Milk Fund Investigation] (5 books) 1973-1974 Committee on the Judiciary – Impeachment Inquiry (5 books) 1974 Notice of 1975 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement: International Harvester Company 1975 The Presbyterian Constitution and Digest 1956 Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church 1956 958 959 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 160 Fort Worth flood n.d. Freedom and Union Magazine 1956 Proposed Federal Office Buildings (3) 1954-1956 Poverty and Welfare 960 Wright “awaiting Presidential Task Force on Hunger” 1983 Remarks re: food stamps cuts 1980 The Harsh Reality of Food Stamp Expiration 1980 The Need for Welfare Reform [The Wright Slant] 1978 Southwest Regional Conference, American Public Welfare 1978 The Sickness of New York [Wright remarks] 1977 Wright Foresees Full Funding of Head Start [StarTelegram] 1974 Wright address at annual meeting of Goodwill Industries n.d. Wright Rebuts Tower’s Poverty Program Charges 1965 Jobless Father of Five Almost Desperate Enough to Steal [Wright remarks] 1958 Public Works The Rebuilding of America [Wright editorial] 1987 The Rebuilding of America [Wright speech] 1987 Renewing America’s Promise [Wright remarks] 1986 Meet the Press [Wright television broadcast] 1982 List of grants from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to Texas 1980 Testimony to Subcommittee on Transportation and Commerce concerning expansion of Amtrak 1980 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 161 Betty Wright’s retirement from House Public Works Committee 1977 Public Works jobs bill 1976 Humphrey-Hawkins bill 1976 Subcommittee on Public Works, Committee on Appropriations 1976 H.R. 5247 Public Works Employment Act 1976 Sign it, Mr. President [Wright remarks] 1976 Fact and Fiction on H.R. 5247 1976 Subcommittee on Economic Development [Wright statement] 1975 Your Brother’s Keeper [a discussion of disaster relief programs] 1970 Cities of Tomorrow [Wright comments] 1969 Statement on behalf of H.R. 15225 [increase in bonds issued by Tennessee Valley Authority] 1966 “Federal Participation in Public Works” [article in The Texas Engineer] 1965 On Behalf of Fiscal Responsibility in Public Buildings [Wright remarks] 1958 Anti lease-purchase device 1958 On behalf of floods in the southwest [Wright remarks] 1957 Fact sheet on water projects – office summary, Conte-Derrick Amendment n.d. Public Works Jobs bill needed [Wright testimony] n.d. Questionnaires 1981 questionnaire 1981 Questionnaire – summer 1978 1978 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 162 Congressional questionnaire 1977 Questionnaire 1977 1977 Questionnaire 1975 1975 Summer 1974 questionnaire results 1974 1974 questionnaire 1974 Questionnaire 1969 1968 questionnaire 1968 A Report from Your Congressman – opinion questionnaire 1965 Congressional questionnaire 1963 Questionnaire results 1963 Questionnaire file 1960 May I ask your opinion? 1959 Remarks of others Give 100th Congress Credit for Its Good Work [Star-Telegram editorial] 1988 100th Congress: Lawmakers can be proud of accomplishments [Dallas Morning News editorial] 1988 Who needs Jim Wright? 1988 The Speaker of the House: His Powers and Duties 1987 Wright Congressional Club remarks by Lee Iacocca 1986 Wright’s Democratic response to State of US 1986 Lane Kirkland’s speech 1986 Reprint of Sam Houston’s letter to Brother Baines 1857 Thanksgiving Day letter 1985 The De-industrialization of America by Lee Iacocca 1985 News story in hiring Betty Wright 1984 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 163 Panetta announces national foreign language conference 1984 Lebanon and Long commission report [remarks by Tip O’Neill] 1984 The Lawmakers [PBS broadcast] 1983 The Lawmakers [television broadcast] 1982 Amon Carter’s address at 1982 meeting of Wright Congressional Club 1982 How to Repay the National Debt [Newsweek] 1982 We’re Cheating Ourselves [Washington Post] 1982 Shaping Up the Democrats [Post editorial] 1982 Keynote address by Vernon E. Jordan 1981 Wright forms cornerstone in move toward balanced budget [Dallas Morning News] 1980 Announcement of the location of the Small Business Administration office in Fort Worth 1980 Revelations of the Bradshaw accusations in the 1980 campaign 1980 Billy Graham’s comments on the energy independence fair 1980 $1.5 million dollars from the urban mass transit administration for surtran 1980 Wright’s expressions of Fort Worth and its heritage 1985 Myers FBI interview transcript 1980 Congressional delegation visits Fort Hood 1980 An Energy Diary [The Atlanta Constitution] 1979 A special report: summary of 1977 Social Security amendments 1978 General (2) 1979, 1989 961 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 164 “Ethics Wars in Congress” [Newsweek] 1989 “Full Speed Ahead: Jim Wright’s Second Year” [National Journal] 1988 Invitations 1989 News clips 1983, 1989 Press contacts 1988 Wright remarks to Democratic Leadership Council [folder] 1989 Correspondence 1957-1962 Press releases 1957 Address lists 1962 Official and business correspondence 1961-1962 Rumph, Dr. Mal 1957 General [correspondence, opinion polls, etc.] (#) 1957-1962 Fort Worth Army Depot Installation Information Brochure 1962 Legislative requests and correspondence 1962 Wright – “Awaiting Presidential Task Force on Hunger” 1983 Remarks re: food stamps cuts 1980 “The harsh reality of food stamp expiration” floor remarks 1980 “The Need for Welfare Reform” – The Wright Slant 1979 Jim Wright Slant on Washington 1978 Southwest Regional Conference, American Public Welfare 1978 The Sickness of New York – Wright remarks 1977 “Wright foresees full funding of Head Start” [Fort Worth Star-Telegram] 1974 Wright address at annual meeting of Goodwill Industries n.d. Wright rebuts Tower’s poverty charges [news release] 1965 962 963 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 165 “Jobless father of five almost desperate enough to steal” 1958 “The Rebuilding of America” – Wright editorial 1987 “The Rebuilding of America” at Public Works Committee 1987 “Renewing America’s Promise” 1986 Meet the Press – Wright television remarks 1982 List of grants from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration 1980 Testimony to Subcommittee on Transportation and Commerce concerning expansion of Amtrak 1980 Betty Wright’s retirement from House Public Works Committee 1977 Public Works jobs bill – Wright press conference remarks 1976 “Sign it, Mr. President” 1976 Humphrey-Hawkins bill – Wright remarks 1976 Subcommittee on Public Works, Committee on Appropriations 1976 H.R. 5247 – Public Works Employment Act – Wright remarks 1976 Fact and fiction on H.R. 5247 1976 Subcommittee on Economic Development – Wright statement 1975 “Your Brother’s Keeper” – a discussion of disaster relief programs 1970 Statements on behalf of H.R. 15225 1966 “Federal Participation in Public Works” [article] 1965 “On Behalf of Fiscal Responsibility in Public Buildings” 1958 Southwest flood of 1957 – Wright report 1957 On behalf of floods in the southwest – Wright remarks 1957 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 166 S. 1861 – Disaster Relief Act – Wright remarks 1957 Fact sheet on water projects – office summary n.d. Public Works jobs bill needed – Wright testimony n.d. Questionnaires 1963-1981 Jim Wright Asks Your Advice on National Issues questionnaire 1985 May I Have Your Opinion? 1959 “Give 100th Congress Credit for its Good Work” [StarTelegram editorial] 1988 “100th Congress Lawmakers can be Proud of Accomplishments” [Dallas Morning News editorial] 1988 “Who Needs Jim Wright?” [D Magazine article] 1988 The Speaker of the House: His Power and Duties 1987 Wright Congressional Club remarks 1986 Wright’s Democratic response to State of the Union 1986 Lane Kirkland’s speech 1986 Reprint of Sam Houston’s letter to Brother Baines 1986 Thanksgiving Day letter with quotes from Washington, Lincoln, JFK, 1985 “The De-industrialization of America” – Iacocca speech 1985 News story on the hiring of Betty Wright 1984 Panetta Announces National Foreign Language Conference 1984 Lebanon and Long commission report 1984 The Lawmakers – Wright television remarks 1983 The Lawmakers – Wright television remarks 1982 Amon Carter’s address at Wright Congressional Club 1982 How to Repay the National Debt [Newsweek] 1982 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 167 “We’re Cheating Ourselves” [Washington Post] 1982 “Shaping up the Democrats” [Washington Post editorial] 1982 Keynote address by Vernon E. Jordan 1981 “Wright forms cornerstone in move toward balancing budget” [Dallas Morning News article] 1980 Announcement of the location of the Small Business Administration office in Fort Worth 1980 Revelations of the Bradshaw accusations in the 1980 campaign 1980 Billy Graham’s comments on the Energy Independence Fair 1980 $1.5 million from the Urban Mass Transit Administration for Surtran 1980 Meyers FBI interview 1980 Wright’s expressional of Fort Worth and its heritage 1985 Congressional delegation visits Fort Hood 1980 An Energy Diary [Atlanta Constitution] 1979 “Change of Pace” [New York Daily News] 1979 Wright remarks 1969 A Special Report – summary of 1977 Social Security amendments [mailing piece] 1978 Wright speeches (4) 1965-1989 Historical speeches 1952-1977 Wright interviews and transcripts 1987 News articles 1977, 1987 General [with photos] 1987-1989 News clippings (2) 1989 Reagan budget proposal 1989 Emergency supplemental appropriations 1989 964 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 168 Ethics Committee report: Wright record in Congress 1989 Law and Ethics in America – Wright remarks 1989 How Our Laws are Made [10 booklets] 1974 Our American Government [10 booklets] 1974 Essential Calvin Graham materials 1978-1988 H.R. 10162 – Calvin Graham 1977-1988 H.R. 2393 – 9-digit zip code 1981 H.R. 2451 – 1,100 barrel a day exemption; oil royalty owners; windfall profits tax 1981 H.R. 2828 – permit national banks to underwrite revenue bonds 1981-1982 H.R. 3116 – federal cost reduction and productivity increase 1981 H.R. 3269 – malt beverage bill 1981 H.R. 4147 – airline deregulation 1981 H.R. 4230 – coal pipeline bill 1981 H.R. 4320 – Malt Beverage Interbrand Competition Act 1981 H.R. 4541 – subsequent spouse (Dorothy Bowden) 1981 H.R. 5059 – Social Security changes 1981 H.R. 5062 – relief of estate of Samuella Frelich Simon 1981-1982 Jim Wright bills 1975 Jim Wright bills 1973 H.R. 8570 – inclusive tour charters 1973 H.R. 3348 – gold medal for family of Leo J. Ryan 1983 H.R. 3502 – patent law restoration 1983 H.R. 3755 – Social Security Disability Benefits Reform Act 1984 H.R.3795 – Wine Equity Act 1983-1984 965 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 169 H.R. 3871 – pay comparability 1983 H.R. 4030 – Land-sat 1983 H.R. 4078 – energy tax credit 1983 H.R. 4102 – Communications Act amendments, universal telephone service 1983 H.R. 4210 – L. Richardson Preyer Federal Building 1983 H.R. 4510 – Alamo commemorative coin 1984 H.R. 4851 – to provide assistance to state and local educational agencies for drug, alcohol and tobacco educ. 1984 H.R. 4877 – move U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem 1984 H.R. 4908 – collective bargaining agreements under Chapter 11 bankruptcy 1984 H.R. 5077 – educational services for immigrant children 1984 H.R. 5345 – equal access bill 1984 H.R. 5678 – American Passbook Savings Act 1984 H.R. 5845 – to regulate armor piercing ammunition 1984 H.R. 5890 – commission to assist in first observance of Martin Luther King holiday 1984 H.R. 6428 – Congressional Capital Investment Program 1984 Housekeeping bills 1983-1984 H.Con.Res. 40 – nutrition/domestic hunger 1983 H.Con.Res. 87 and 91 – FY 84, 85, 86 budget 1983 H.Con.Res. 126 – 100th anniversary of Harry S. Truman 1983 H.Con.Res. 176 – Kampuchea 1983 H.Con.Res. 168 – weather forecasting 1983 H.Con.Res. 177 – to allow pianist Vladimir Feltsman freedom to travel to U.S. to perform 1983 H.J.Res. 1 – equal rights amendment 1983 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 170 H.J.Res. 311 – National Agriculture Day 1983 H.J.Res. 321 – 200th anniversary of Treaty of Paris 1983 H.J.Res. 328 – Jackson commission 1983 H.J.Res. 345 – drunk and drugged driving awareness week 1983 H.J.Res. 353 – Korean Airlines disaster 1983 H.J.Res. 364 – war powers/Lebanon 1983 H.J.Res. 383 – Florence Crittenton Mission Week 1983 H.J.Res. 394 – gold medal for Lady Bird Johnson 1983 H.J.Res. 434 – Freedom of Information Day 1983 H.J.Res. 520 – National Education Day 1984 H.J.Res. 566 – National Neighborhood Housing Services Week 1984 H.J.Res. 590 – National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week 1984 H.J.Res. 635 – transmittal of budget reports 1983 H.Res. 366 – encourages goals and ideals of international Olympic competition 1983 H.R. 5067 – amend IRS code on minister exclusion 1981-1982 H.R. 5133 – domestic content for motor vehicles sold in the U.S. 1982 H.R. 5540 – Defense Industrial Base Revitalization Act 1982 H.R. 5705 – home audio and video recordings 1982 H.R. 5900 – Caribbean Basin revitalization 1982 H.R. 6482 – to improve worker training 1982 H.R. 6967 – amend Federal Reserve Act 1982 H.R. 7033 – higher education assistance for certain institutions 1982 H.R. 7339 – ad valorem taxation exemption for certain 1982 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 171 property held in foreign trade zones H.R. 7377 – Joe Pool Lake 1982 H.R. 7397 – Caribbean Basin bill 1982 H.R. 7420 – Don H. Clausen Fish Hatchery 1982-1983 H.R. 316 – record maintenance 1981 H.Con.Res. 397 – gratitude to Philip Habib 1982 H.Con.Res. 240 – support for Poland 1981 H.Con.Res. 200 – death of Anwar el-Sadat 1981 H.Con.Res. 227 – George Washington 250th birthday 1981 H.J.Res. 345 – National Construction Industry Week 1981 H.J.Res. 516 – National Coin Week 1982 H.J.Res. 514 – Department of Labor urgent supplemental 1982 H.J.Res. 562 – Labor urgent supplemental 1982 H.J.Res. 533, 534 – equal rights 1982 H.J.Res. 521 – nuclear freeze 1982 H.J.Res 513 – magnetic fusion energy 1982 H.J.Res. 355 – strategic petroleum reserve 1981 H.J.Res. 272 – National Medic Alert Week 1982 H.J.Res. 221 and H.Con.Res. 220 – FDR 100th anniversary 1981 H.Res. 457 – social security benefit reductions 1982 H.Res. 237 – change House outside earning limit 1981 H.Res. 234 – commending Cultural Laureate program 1978-1981 H.Res. 181 – restoration of social security minimum benefits 1981 H.Res. 127 – Teague tributes 1981 97th Congress housekeeping bills 1981-1982 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 172 H.Res. 611 – establishing a Page Board 1982 Texas Triangle [for high speed rail passenger service] (2) 1976-1980 Maid service 1980 Poll results 1981 Conservative Democratic Forum [member list] n.d. F-16 1977-1980 Courthouse [Tarrant County] 1979-1980 Money supply 1964-1979 Thank you’s 1979 Expulsion, etc. [of House members] 1976-1979 Foreign aid 1978 Farms 1978-1979 Army recruitment 1979 Dana Corp speech 1978-1979 Emir – immigration 1979 Credit 1977-1979 Hatch Act, etc. 1972-1979 Humor 1979 Al Gore workshop booklets 1977-1981 Alcohol fuels 1980 Speech ideas 1980-1981 Campaign 1980 1980 Public documents inquiring about red tape 1971 House resolutions 1983-1986 Wright resolutions (2) 1985-1987 966 967 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 173 “The Speaker of the House…” 1987 Congressional Quarterly (23) 1982-1987 Office of the Clerk [legislative profiles and status info] 1984-1988 Public Hearings on Highway Beautification [book] 1970 Wright correspondence with news media 1972-1981 Swords and Plowshares 1956-1967 Wright campaign material n.d. Jim Wright awards 1971-1988 Wright ethics 1988 Wright ethics – mailing to press on book 1988 Nader’s 1974 report 1974 Letter templates (6) 1962-1987 Daily summary of legislative mail 1986-1987 General correspondence 1966-1987 Legislative status information reports 1986 General 1984-1986 Office computer instructions [binder] n.d. Wright ‘Dear colleague’ letters (2) 1985-1986 Wright bills, amendments introduced or cosponsored (4) 1977-1982 Letter templates [black binder] 1980-1982 Correspondence and letter templates 1969-1985 Medicare correspondence [gray binder] 1989 Fort Worth matters [correspondence] 1983, 1987 Fort Worth unanswerable (2) 1982-1987 U.S. Global Change Research Program 1989 968 969 970 971 972 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 174 Prospector, Cowhand, and Sodbuster [book] 1967 Faith Walks the Land: The Christian Communities in Israel [book] 1964 Tungsten: The Story of an Indispensable Metal [book] 1955 Ocean resolutions and reports 1989 Hungary resolutions 1989 Savings and loan 1984-1986 Thank you’s 1984-1988 Cossolotto, Matthew 1984-1986 Contacts [address lists] 1982 General 1983-1989 Wright Congressional Club 1982-1983 Fundraising summaries 1986 Givers invited [fundraising] 1982 Fundraiser prospects 1982 Thank you letters for fundraiser 1982 Publicity 1963-1988 973 Graham, Calvin (2) 1977-1988 974 H.R. 2200 – for the relief of Calvin L. Graham 1981 Letter templates 1979 General [Dorothy Biard] 1978-1980 Church issues 1980 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance 1988 Federal data banks and constitutional rights 1974 Presidential campaign activities 1972-1974 Bicentennial mailing 1989 975 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 175 Art in the United States Capitol [book] 1976 General information on House members 1963-1965 Others’ speeches [Lincoln and others] 1951-1965 California flood disaster 1964-1965 “The Other Side of the Hill” [by Wright] n.d. Wright book chapters and writing materials n.d. Interparliamentary meeting [U.S. and Mexico] 1963-1964 Civil Service Retirement System 1965 H.J.Res. 106 – providing for the election of President and Vice President 1961 News clippings and articles 1965 Campaign materials 1962 Fort Worth before the Civil Aeronautics Board 1964 Report of Committee III [Wright speech on Mexico] n.d. Wright speeches 1963-1964 General correspondence 1961-1963 General 1961-1964 Newsletter suggestion – “paperwork” 1964 Presbyterian church 1956-1965 Social Security [Congressional Quarterly] 1983 Congress: The Sapless Branch [book] 1964 Campaign memorabilia 1984 News clippings [Larry King] 1962-1964 Biographical Directory of the American Congress: 17741971 [book] 1971 The Great Controversy [book] 1950 976 977 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 176 Graffiti 2 [book] 1980 Press releases 1966 Humphrey visit to TCU 1966 President’s remarks at TCU 1968 Wright statements 1966, 1970 Wright book materials n.d. News clippings [envelope] 1965 Meet the Press 1981 Publicity (2) 1959-1985 Jim Wright remarks (5) 1959-1988 Congressional Leadership Debates 1982 News articles 1957-1987 Deceptive Deficits, by Robert J. Samuelson 1982 Remarks on behalf of aid to El Salvador 1984 Remarks of Congressman Jim Wright, Co-Chairman of Texas Democrats for Humphrey 1968 Crank letters 1982-1987 Congratulations and condolences 1982-1987 Fort Worth unanswerable (4) 1982-1988 Grants 1987 Governor 1987 Caucuses 1987 Summer jobs – 1982 interns 1982 Colleagues 1981-1982 Democratic campaign 1986 Woodie Woods – legislative correspondence 1979-1981 978 979 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 177 Resumes 1985-1989 Military cases [closed until 2010] 1974-1978 980 General correspondence [Numerical files 114904-115572] 1987 981 The Lincoln Commission 1971 982 Essay contest 1978 Correspondence 1970-1980 Essay contest 1977 Financial matters 1978-1980 Articles 1979-1989 Wright speeches 1975-1979 Background on Inter-American Highway Authority 1971 Latin American matters 1968-1971 Wright Latin American speeches 1971 Latin America trip briefing book 1970-1971 Kerry, Henry 1977 Dinner for new Democratic members of Congress 1978 Academy nominations [with photos] 1978 Air Force Association reception 1978 Luncheons 1976, 1978 Majority Congress Committee reception and dinner 1978 Texas-style reception 1980 Academy referrals 1978-1980 Academy inquiries 1981 Address lists n.d. General [with photos] 1971-1980 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 178 Congressional Quarterly 1987-1988 983 Vietnam resolution (2) 1969 984 Binder of correspondence paragraphs 1987-1988 Population dispersal 1968-1972 Coalition for a Democratic Majority 1973-1975 United Democrats 1973 Federal Water Pollution Control Commission 1973-1975 Wright speech bookings 1972-1973 Texas Exes 1987 Printed material [includes speeches, Congressional Record, newsletters and news clippings] 1978-1982 985 Correspondence (5) 1985-1989 986 Congressional and Parliamentary 1957-1958 987 Lincoln Commission 1971-1972 “You and Your Congressman” notes 1965 Wright letter to Judiciary Committee re: Gerald Ford for Vice President 1973 Book notes n.d. Background, research and rough copy for “Other Side of the Hill” 1963-1964 Operation Dialogue 1970 First copy of Fort Worth Press [autographed] 1975 “You and Your Congressman” – revision, manuscript and notes 1975 Remarks on the President’s proposed oil import fee 1980 Remarks on National Energy Act 1978 “Stripper-well waste costs” [Star-Telegram article] 1978 988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 179 Wright statement to Federal Energy Administration on domestic crude oil prices 1976 Opposition to oil pricing policy [Wright remarks] 1975 Comments on a bill that would create a new category of wells – marginal 1975 “Don’t kill the family cow!” [Wright remarks on oil] 1974 Oil imports letter to President Kennedy 1962 Udall-McNamara oil letters 1964 Environment testing continues at Fort Worth plant [Air Force press release] 1983 Response to Wright’s position on acid rain 1982 Environmental Protection Agency agreement to give Federal grants to Texas cities for water pollution control 1978 Water Act Amendment [Wright remarks] 1976 Oversight hearings set on water pollution law [Wright remarks] 1976 Trinity Valley Progress [Wright speech] 1971 Pure Water, the First Priority [Wright remarks] 1971 Pure Water, the First Priority [article] 1970 Man’s environment and man’s choice [Wright remarks] 1970 Earth Day [Wright remarks] 1970 TCU seminar on “A Quality Environment” [Wright remarks] 1970 On behalf of steam pollution [Wright remarks] 1957 Pure Water, the First Priority [Wright remarks] (2) 1970 The seventies: let’s defuse the environmental bomb 1970 Pure Water, the First Priority [Wright remarks] 1969 Water Pollution Act speech 1965 On behalf of stream pollution control bill and against 1959 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 180 damaging amendments [Wright remarks in House] Chapter Six of “The Coming Water Famine”: To Clean up the Streams (2) n.d. Dedication of new Post Office to Jack D. Watson 1983 Wright remarks to Subcommittee on Postal Service 1974 Consolidation of Hurst Post Office with Fort Worth Post Office [Wright letter] 1976 Letter to Postmaster General Blount re: postal employee contact with Congress 1971 Telegram to Jack Watson re: postal strike 1970 The Post Office: A Service, Not a Business [Wright remarks] 1970 The Post Office: A Service Institution [Wright remarks] 1969 Post Office and People [Wright speech] 1967 Postal Workers Need Raise [Wright remarks] 1960 Wright speech to Texas Association of Letter Carriers 1959 Get a trained man for the job selection of Fort Worth Postmaster [Wright remarks] 1956 From Saddlebags to Satellites [Wright speech] 1965 Invitations (3) 1978 Jim Wright personal correspondence (3) 1977-1978 Betty Wright personal correspondence 1977-1978 Speeches [correspondence about] 1977-1978 Requests 1977-1978 Office appointments 1977-1978 Thank you [correspondence] 1977-1978 Visitors [correspondence] 1977-1978 Conservative Democratic Forum n.d. 989 990 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 181 National Conservative Political Action Committee 1981 Birthday [poems] n.d. Department of Health, Education and Welfare 1980 Pay raise [for Congress] 1977-1981 Helpful clips [news clippings] 1979 Stockyards 1977-1979 Jim Wright’s car 1979 Grants (how to) 1977-1981 Eddie Chiles 1979 Amtrak 1979 San Francisco speech 1981 Medicare 1981 National Labor Relations Board 1980 Cemetery n.d. Transport terminal 1979 Love Field 1979-1988 Inter-American Highway [with photos] 1961-1962 Census figures for Texas 1960 General [speech, clippings, etc.] 1963 General [trade, energy, speeches, etc.] 1980-1986 Subversive Activities Control Board case 1955 The Report of the U.S. Study Commission – Texas 1962 Campaign letters 1974 Comments on development of Trinity River (red book) 1963 Bicentennial binder 1985 991 992 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 182 Approaching legal limit on honoraria [private memo to Marshall Lynam] 1982 Wright articles 1982-1989 Wright info 1958-1985 Wright background n.d. Wright voting record 1963-1986 Wright speakership [articles] 1986 Wright, Betty [articles] 1984-1987 Christmas card 1987 Speech list – old 1970-1977 Wright family history n.d. Wright book – biography 1987 Wright remarks 1985 84 Campaign [publicity] 1982, 1984 Wright schedule n.d. Wright floor remarks 1982 Wright schedule 1984 Wright honors, awards, commissions, etc. 1987 Wright appreciation reception 1973, 1976 Wright as Majority Leader and Fort Worth Congressman 1976-1988 Majority Leader race 1976-1977 Material prepared relative to Majority Leader race 1975 Majority Leader 1973-1985 Campaign 1978 Wright at Kennedy Center 1984-1987 Articles – Wright to speakership 1983-1988 993 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 183 Speaker’s ethics 1989 Wright Fort Worth fundraiser 1987 Words of Jim Wright 1974-1981 Wright personal 1969-1988 What the Senate election means to the Democratic Party in Texas 1961 Senate election map 1961 Statement on Senate race 1966 Senate race – telecast and press release 1965 Statement on filing for re-election 1964 Senate candidacy announcement 1960 “The Politics of Disruption” 1968 “The Riots” 1967 Remarks celebrating 20 years of Medicare and Medicaid 1985 20th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid 1985 Commitment to elderly [Wright statement] 1985 President Reagan to restore long-term financial stability to Social Security 1984 Changes in Social Security practices [Wright remarks] 1983 In support of H.R. 181 [Social Security benefits] 1981 Democratic Caucus opposes taxing Social Security benefits 1980 H.R. 10 – respecting the wishes of professional people in Social Security coverage 1955 “No time to spare” [remarks on soil conservation] 1968 Report and recommendations to President’s advisory committee on natural resources 1961 Man and Earth: A New Relationship 1967 994 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 184 “Let’s Not Cripple Soil Conservation” 1955 “Tax Bill Untimely, Misses the Point” 1985 Opposition to tax bill – reduce budget first 1985 Statement in tax bill for Evans and Novak 1985 Large corporations paid no taxes 1985 Jack Kemp’s remarks re: Wright’s “terminological inexactitude” 1983 Reagan’s proposed tax cut [Wright remarks] 1982 Unidentified tax increases should be exposed 1981 Federal sales tax 1981 Good luck, Mr. President! 1981 Wright’s letter to Dan Rostenkowski 1981 Democratic Caucus acts to oppose taxing Social Security benefits [Wright remarks] 1980 Responsible way to cut taxes [Wright remarks] 1978 The tax bill [Wright remarks] 1977 Wright floor remarks re: 5% surtax on corporations and higher income individuals 1974 Prospects for tax reform 1969 Taxes 1967 “Let’s Repeal the Auto Excise Tax” [Wright speech] 1965 Speech by Wright on the bill to provide $300 tax credit to parents for every child in college 1964 Jim Wright’s statement on opposition to 1963 tax cut 1963 A Break for Teachers: Tax Deductions for Further Training 1957 Voluntary retirement assist for self-employed 1957 A Tax Break for the Average American [Wright speech] 1955 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 185 General correspondence 1941-1961 Wright speeches 1944-1974 Personal notes and writings 1942-1964 Articles and clippings 1938-1962 Miscellaneous (2) 1941-1963 Material for Fort Worth trip 1962-1963 Material for Mexico trip 1961-1963 Wright personal papers - academic and military [in leather portfolio] 1938-1952 Member’s Personal Voting Record (8 books) 1971-1986 996 Jim Wright voting record 1987 997 100th Congress voting record 1987 Speeches and newsletters Statement on Senate race 1966 Senate race 1965 Statement on filing for re-election 1964 Senate candidacy announcement 1960 Senate election map 1961 What the Senate election means to the Democratic Party in Texas 1961 Script for TV show n.d. The politics of disruption 1968 The riots 1967 In support of HR 5050, to prevent incursion into Social Security trust fund 1986 Impact of LTV bankruptcy on retirees 1986 Remarks celebrating the 20 years of Medicare and 1985 995 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 186 Medicaid 20th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid 1985 Commitment to elderly 1985 President Reagan to restore long-term financial stability to Social Security 1984 Changes in Social Security practices 1983 Guyana massacre 1973 Social Security reform legislation 1983 Social Security – presidential action 1982 Claude Pepper’s arrival in Fort Worth to speak on Social Security 1982 In support of H.R. 181 1981 Democratic Caucus opposes taxing Social Security benefits 1980 Restoration of Social Security minimum benefits 1981 Respecting the wishes of professional people in Social Security coverage 1955 The soil and man’s future 1960 No time to spare 1968 Man and earth: a new relationship 1967 Soil and water conservation activities 1967 Report and recommendations to President’s advisory committee of natural resources 1961 Society for Private and Commercial Earth Station 1985 The Ballard tax case set straight 1988 Tax bill untimely, misses the point 1985 Opposition to tax bill – “reduce budget first” 1985 Statement on tax bill for Evans and Novak 1985 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 187 65 large corporations paid no taxes 1985 Jack Kemp’s remarks re: Wright’s “terminological inexactitude” 1983 Support for reducing military spending increase by 3% 1983 Support tax reform H.R. 4170 1983 Support of rule for H.R. 1183, Tax Rate Equity Act 1983 Inaccuracy of Post article re: Wright’s position on tax bill 1982 Reagan’s proposed tax cut 1982 Unidentified tax increases 1981 Federal sales tax 1981 Good luck, Mr. President! 1987 Wright’s letter to Dan Rostenkowski 1981 The small royalty/ owner tax victim 1980 Democratic Caucus acts to oppose taxing Social Security benefits 1980 Responsible way to cut taxes 1978 The tax bill 1977 Wright floor remarks re: 5% surtax on corporations and higher income individuals 1974 Prospects for tax reform 1969 Remarks at Texas State Teachers Union 1968 Taxes 1967 Let’s repeal the auto excise tax 1965 Speech by Wright on the bill to provide $300 tax credit to parents for every child in College 1965 Statement of opposition to 1963 tax cut 1963 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 188 A break for teachers: tax deductions for further training 1957 Voluntary retirement assist for self-employed 1957 Jenkins-Keogh tax reform bill 1957 H.R. 9 and H.R. 10 1955 On behalf of a tax reduction 1959 A tax break for the average American 1955 Social Security and Medicare 1986 What the Senate election means to the Democratic Party in Texas 1961 Correspondence – national affairs (2) 1983-1988 Newsletter correspondence 1982 Office 1982-1987 Personal (6) 1982, 1986 Letters to the White House 1981 Requests 1983-1988 Congratulations 1986-1988 Requests: student packets 1983, 1987 Resolutions and petitions 1983-1985 Texas state matters 1982-1988 Youth: not a time of life but a state of mind n.d. Telegram exonerating Wright in Korean investigation 1977 Letter from Richard Nixon to Jim Wright [on Vietnam] 1973 Original essays of young Americans 1970 Letter to Jim Wright from the chief U.S. probation officer 1968 President’s visit to Fort Worth 1968 998 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 189 Columns on Bobby Kennedy and the Far East 1968 Hubert Humphrey’s remarks to TCU 1966 Remarks of Rob B. Anderson at dedication of library 1957 Immigrant children education 1983-1984 Wright’s workable plan to balance the budget 1982-1986 Charts [on deficits, budgets, programs] 1985 Immigration 1983-1984 H.R. 4170 – the tax package 1984 Reconciliation 1984 FY ’85 budget 1984-1985 Jim Wright’s speeches [index in binder] 1952-1988 Wright ethics inquiry [clippings and publicity] 1989 Soviet trip – TV speech, letters, pins 1987 Armed services 1989 Tax matter 1983 Children’s Nutrition Lab (4) 1978-1989 People of the Tongrass: Alaska Forestry Under Attack [book] 1988 H.R. 987 – Tongrass National Forest Wilderness 1989 H.R. 980 – national global change research plan 1989 H.R. 967 – Amistad National Recreation Area 1989 H.R. 964 – private law correction, Lamar County, Alabama 1989 H.R. 952 – trail development, Council Bluffs, Iowa 1989 H.R. 932 – Puyallup Tribe land claim settlement 1989 H.R. 921 – add private lands to wilderness land in Texas 1989 H.R. 920 – surface water transportation easement, Big 1989 999 1000 1001 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 190 Thicket H.R. 919 – add Village Creek Corridor, Big Sandy Corridor and Canyonlands units to Big Thicket 1989 H.R. 915 – extend termination date for Pacific Crest national Scenic Trail Advisory Council 1989 H.R. 881 – restoration of Ciquille Tribe 1989 H.R. 876 – American Heritage Trust Act 1989 H.R. 875 – Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania battlefields memorial 1989 H.R. 857 – abortion 1989 H.R. 850 – display flag at Vietnam Vets Memorial 1989 H.R. 829 – make permanent authority under the Temporary Emergency Wildlife Suppression Act 1989 H.R. 828 – appropriations for Bureau of Land Management 1989 H.R. 810 – Great American Flag Association monument at Oxen Cove Park, D.C. 1989 H.R. 807 – exchange lands between Forest Service and Salt Lake City Corporation, Utah 1989 H.R. 792 – Lake Andes-Wagner Unit and Marty II Unit, South Dakota Pumping Division, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program 1989 H.R. 780 – designate certain California desert lands as wilderness, Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Mojave National Parks 1989 H.R. 775 – grazing fees for domestic livestock on the public rangelands 1989 H.R. 761 – designate segment of Niobrara River, Nebraska in National Wild and Scenic Rivers System 1989 H.R. 745 – establish Petroglyph National Monument in New Mexico 1989 H.R. 738 – authorize construction of Mid-Valley Unit of Central Valley Project 1989 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 191 H.R 737 – amend Stock Raising Homestead Act to resolve subsurface estates problems 1989 H.R. 734 – disallow Secretary of Interior from issuing oil and gas leases in an area off the Pacific coast of California 1989 H.R. 722 – 10-year moratorium on oil and gas leasing off New Jersey coast 1989 H.R. 717 – American Conservation and Youth Service Corps 1989 H.R. 648 – amend water service contract for Frenchman Unit 1989 of Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program H.R. 644 – designating segments of East Fork of Jemez and Pecos Rivers in New Mexico as components of National Wild and Scenic Rivers System 1989 H.R. 643 – amend section 37, Mineral Leasing Act re: oil shale claims 1987-1989 H.R. 610 – National Topsoil Preservation Act 1989 H.R. 609 – National Forestry Development and Employment Opportunity Act 1989 H.R. 577 – Separation of Powers Act 1989 H.R. 544 – Mineral Leasing Act of Acquired Lands amendment (Fish and Wildlife Assistance Fund) 1989 H.R. 538 – reclamation of surface coal mines when the operator and his surety are bankrupt 1989 H.R. 519 – increase federal payments in lieu of taxes to units of general local government 1989 H.R. 513 – Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act amendments 1989 H.R. 512 – Rio Grande American Canal Extension Act 1989 H.R. 498 – strengthen Department of the Interior law enforcement authority 1989 H.R. 491 – establish a mining experimental program on critical minerals 1989 H.R. 490 – Coal Trade Equalization Act 1989 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 192 H.R. 489 – Federal Coal Equity Act 1989 H.R. 438 – funds to restore Fort McHenry 1989 H.R. 424 – Peaceful Atom Act 1989 H.R. 419 – add land to Harry S. Truman National Historic Site in Missouri 1989 H.R. 402 – Coal Pipeline Act 1989 H.R. 379 – establish Thomas Cole National Historic Site and Commission in New York 1989 H.R. 367 – modify O’Neill Unit, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, Nebraska 1989 H.R. 310 – remove a restriction from land in Roanoke, Virginia to convey to Virginia for use as a veterans’ nursing home 1989 H.R. 245 – require Secretary of Energy to convey to California naval petroleum reserve lands and treat money like other public land sales 1989 H.R. 121 – prohibit Department of the Interior from spending funds on Mid-Atlantic coast offshore oil and gas lease sale number 121 1989 Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs 1984-1990 H.R. 98 – Guam Commonwealth Act 1988-1989 H.R. 89 – Endangered Species Protection Act 1989 H.R. 76 – study eligibility of St. Marys River in Florida and Georgia for inclusion in Wild and Scenic Rivers 1989 H.R. 49 – oil and gas leasing in Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1989 H.R. 39 – designate certain lands in Alaska as wilderness 1989 H.R. 37 – U.S. Geological Survey water resources research activities 1989 H.R. 27 – acquire property adjacent to Andrew Johnson National Historic Site in Greeneville, Tennessee 1989 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 193 H.R. 26 – Geothermal Energy Control Act 1989 H.R. 21 – prohibit investments in South Africa 1989 Subcommittee on Insular Affairs [budget oversight] 1989 Gingrich, Newt 1987-1989 Johnson Space Center (NASA) n.d. Wright remarks 1980-1989 Historic shipwreck file 1988 Indian scandals 1989 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1989 Alaskan oil spill 1989 Interior appropriations 1989 Story lines 1987 Environmental publications 1985-1989 H.J.Res. 175 – Palau Compact 1989 H.R. 1763 – Panama Canal authorization 1989 H.R. 1549 – Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) authorization for FY 90 and 91 1989 H.R. 1485 – sale of federal lands to Clark County, Nevada for national defense purposes 1989 H.R. 1472 – Grand Island National Recreation Area 1989 H.R. 1455 – Pasqua Yaqui Indians of Arizona 1989 H.R. 1431 – Great Western Scenic Trail 1989 H.R. 1430 – Great Western Scenic Trail 1989 H.R. 1408 – establish American Conservation Corps 1989 H.R. 1404 – sale of Sly Park Unit, Central Valley Project, California 1989 H.R. 1381 – prohibit excavation of Indian burial sites and 1989 1002 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 194 content removal H.R. 1376 – make coal mining without a permit a criminal offense 1989 H.R. 1368 – sell timber in Tongass National Forest 1989 H.R. 1364 – study of historic military forts in New Mexico 1989 H.R. 1345 – Virgin Islands Reunification Act 1989 H.R. 1338 – disposition of excess federal land on Guam 1989 H.R. 1330 – land transfer, Los Padres National Forest 1989 H.R. 1315 – use of abandoned mine reclamation fund moneys to replace water supplies 1989 H.R. 1310 – Clara Barton parkway 1989 H.R. 1285 – Ute Indian water rights 1989 H.R. 1241 – Calumet National Historic Park 1989 H.R. 1235 – Navaho and Hopi relocation moratorium 1989 H.R. 1159 – Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail 1989 H.R. 1143 – Lake Meredith salinity control project 1989 H.R. 1135 – remove restrictions on export of Alaskan North Slope oil 1989 H.R. 1109 – California National Historic Trail and Pony Express National Historic Trail 1989 H.R. 1102 – Price-Anderson financial accountability amendments 1989 H.R. 1101 – Water Resources Research Act authorization through FY 1993 1989 H.R. 1098 – uranium enrichment enterprise management 1989 H.R. 1097 – property restriction release, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana 1989 H.R. 1076 – Global Warming Prevention Act 1989 H.R. 1066 – wildlife refuge revenue sharing 1989 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 195 H.R. 1037 – prohibit sale for export of unprocessed timber from federal lands 1989 H.R. 1031 – reformulation of Cedar Bluff Unit, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, Kansas 1989 H.R. 999 – historic property preservation 1989 H.R. 988 – Camp W.G. Williams Land Exchange 1989 H.R. 991 – withdrawal of Eddy County, New Mexico public lands 1989 Info on Wright [article, biography] 1980 Voting and article records 1955-1979 Newsletter masterfile 1959-1968 Accomplishments (7) 1984-1988 Merchant marine, H.J.Res. 100 1989 H.R. 1486 – Maritime Administration authorization for 90 1989 H.R. 1405 – extend U.S. territorial sea to 12 miles 1989 H.R. 1225 – Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act authorization 1989 H.R. 1224 – Anadromous Fish Conservation Act through 1992 authorization 1989 H.R. 1223 – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration appropriations through 1992 authorization 1989 H.R. 1004 – grants for chronic coastal erosion 1989 H.R. 1003 – federal impact on global environment 1989 H.R. 840 – FY 1990 Federal Maritime Commission authorization 1989 H.R. 827 – increased retirement pay for Coast Guard officers cited for extraordinary heroism 1989 H.R. 824 – conserve U.S. coastal wetlands 1989 H.R. 811 – requiring port-of-entry interviews of certain aliens apprehended in territorial waters 1989 1003 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 196 H.R. 749 – South Carolina Commission on forestry land transfer 1989 H.R. 703 – Coast Guard junior reserve officers training program in Dade County, Florida 1989 H.R. 597 – repeal additional cargo preference on certain agricultural exports; allocation to Great Lakes ports 1989 H.R. 544 – establish State Fish and Wildlife Fund 1989 H.R. 543 – Interim Abandoned Mines Reclamation Act 1989 H.R. 519 – increase Federal payments in lieu of taxes to units of general local government 1989 H.R. 444 – cargo preference law amendment re: components or ingredients to be included under existing requirement 1989 H.R. 441, H.R. 668 – mechanism for non-profit organizations for merchant marine memorials 1989 H.R. 439 – equitable treatment of U.S. ocean freight forwarders by ocean carrier conferences 1989 H.R. 440 – Cargo Preference Amendments 1989 H.R. 431 – licensing of a vessel for employment in the coastwise trade and fisheries of the U.S. 1989 H.R. 403 – ocean discharge criteria 1989 H.R. 312 – treatment of certain furskins under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 1989 H.R. 288 – Chesapeake Bay Medical Waste Control Act 1989 H.R. 188 – U.S. rights and interest under a conservation easement in Wood County, Texas 1989 H.R. 187 – conveyance of interests in lands for use by Fish and Wildlife Service 1989 H.R. 161 – Oyster Disease Research Assistance Act 1989 H.R. 132 – to promote fisheries and wildlife conservation 1989 H.R. 89 – Endangered Species Protection Act 1989 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 197 H.R. 49 – Arctic Coastal Plain Leasing Act 1989 H.R. 48 – California Ocean Sanctuary and Fisheries Enhancement Act 1989 H.R. 44 – Merchant Mariners Fairness and Memorial Act 1989 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee appropriations and budget 1989 Foreign-trade zone 1968-1987 Office matters 1986-1988 Mail summaries (2) 1987-1988 DFW customs appraisement service 1982-1989 Correspondence concerning DFW customs service 1982-1985 Information on customs service (5) 1983-1985 H.R. 2577 – appropriations bill 1985 DFW port of entry hearing 1988 DFW airport file 1978-1987 Acid rain 1983-1984 Matagorda 1982, 1988 Legislative matters (3) 1982-1989 Foreign-trade zone 1988 General correspondence 1982-1988 Agency reports 1979, 1989 Organization publications 1989 Office 1988-1989 General 1989 Abortion 1973-1986 Appropriations (2) 1988-1989 1004 1005 1006 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 198 Federal expenditures by agency in Texas 1968 Tarrant County ranking 1978-1982 Administrative law judges 1987 Aging Committee 1986 AIDS (2) 1987-1988 Agriculture 1963-1988 Airline regulations 1968-1983 Airline safety 1985-1986 Air pollution – DFW area 1987 Alaska lands 1979 Amtrak 1978-1980 Anti-trust 1976 Appropriations (5) 1983-1988 Archives 1987 Arbitrage regulations 1979 Arena Stage 1986 Armed services 1969-1980 Arms control 1987 Arts 1977-1988 Art contest [with photos] (7) 1982-1988 Asbestos 1984 Assassinations 1972-1978 Athletics 1973 Atlantic Union 1973-1976 Austin trip 1984 1007 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 199 Autograph requests 1982-1983 Auto matters, no fault insurance 1977-1986 Ballard estate 1987 Banking and money 1965-1988 Bankruptcy judges 1983 Bell (Helicopter) strike 1984 Bill list [Wright introduced] 1969-1970 100th Congress bills – Wright profile 1987-1988 99th Congress – Wright profile 1985-1986 Biographies 1985 Birthday file 1972 Bicentennial flags 1987-1988 Black issues 1986 Bureau of Land Management (BLM)/ payments in lieu of taxes 1982-1983 Block captain program 1976 U.S.-Mexico Border Committee 1975-1976 Braniff (Airways) 1981-1987 Budget (13) 1980-1989 Budget effect on Fort Worth 1986 Budget Conference (2) 1981-1986 Budget charts 1985 Budget Committee 1975-1982 Interesting facts about the budget 1957-1988 Bureaucracy 1975 Busing/school prayer 1971-1979 1008 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 200 Buy America 1982 Cable TV legislation 1982 Campaign (2) 1974-1986 Campaign financing 1974-1987 Cancer 1977 Canning lid shortage 1975 Capital punishment 1973-1978 Caribbean Basin 1983-1984 Carswell Air Force Base noise 1976 Carter 1977, 1979 Catch 62 1981 Cattle hides 1979 Caucuses 1979 Carswell – property acquisition 1984 Cartoons [of Wright] 1976 Catastrophic healthcare (2) 1987 Medicaid/Medicare 1986-1987 Census 1978-1987 Central America (3) 1982-1988 Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) 1979 Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), Burpee 1983 Cherniavsky, Emma 1989 Child development legislation 1971-1978 Child support 1976 Chrysler 1979 1009 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 201 Christmas project 1982 China trip – Dorothy 1981 China 1978-1985 China Lake/Henry Kerry 1980 CIA 1975-1976 Civic Leaders trip 1985-1988 Civil disorders 1968-1971 Civil rights (2) 1968-1988 Civil rights project 1963-1988 Civil Service issues 1988 Civil Service 1969-1986 Close Up 1987 Colleagues 1983-1985 Colleagues (old) 1977-1982 Clearinghouse on the future 1983, 1985 Dear colleagues (5) 1980-1988 Colleague letters 1985 Curriculum vitae 1987 Columbia Dam – Judge Rayburn 1985 Communism 1964-1988 Computer 1980-1987 100th Congress bills [Jim Wright as a sponsor] 1987 Congress (3) 1973-1988 Congressional award 1983-1987 Letters to committees 1987 1010 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 202 Good words for Congress 1978 Congressional pay 1979-1988 Congressional reform 1956-1978 Congressional pay raise 1969-1983 Constitution 1987 Congressional drug/sex scandal 1982 Consumer matters 1971-1979 Conservative organizations 1978 Congressional salaries 1977-1983 Consumer protection 1977, 1979 Contracting out 1985 Contra aid 1987 Convention II (2) 1982-1986 Copyrights, patents, trademarks 1962-1983 Corps of Engineers 1979 Corporate foreign bribery 1976, 1978 Courts n.d. Anti-crime legislation summary 1986 Crime 1968-1986 Anti-crime bills sponsored by Wright 1967-1985 Congressional Research Service (CRS) 1988 Customs 1980-1986 Cuba 1977 Daylight Savings Time 1974 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) 1987-1988 1011 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 203 Deepwater ports 1970 Debt 1979, 1987 Defense spending 1977-1988 Defense (3) 1983-1988 B-1 [missile] 1976-1977 Democrats 1987-1988 Democratic Convention [Atlanta, Georgia] 1988 Democratic Leadership Council 1986 Democratic Party 1984, 1988 Depository libraries 1985-1986 DFW/ Love Field 1978-1988 DFW Aero Mart n.d. Discharge petition 1976 District of Columbia (2) 1986-1988 Dollar photograph [of Fort Worth] 1988 Draft 1967-1979 Wright education amendment 1983-1984 Illiteracy Education (2) 1969-1987 Elderly 1978, 1984 Elections 1984 Electoral College 1969-1981 El Salvador 1988 Energy issues 1979-1987 Emergency Detention Act 1971, 1973 1012 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 204 Texas Electric Service Company 1981 Energy conservation and oil policy act 1974-1976 Natural gas deregulation 1975-1976 Energy (2) 1977-1979 Energy: fuel shortage 1981 Environment 1982-1987 Essay contest 1985 Home insulation 1975-1976 Energy – nuclear (2) 1976-1983 Energy – solar 1973, 1986 Marginal wells – Stripper amendment 1974-1978 National energy package 1977-1978 Energy pieces 1974-1981 Synthetic fuels 1979 Alternative sources [of energy] 1981 Jim Wright on energy 1977-1980 Coal 1975-1983 Energy - geothermal 1974-1979 Energy bill 1977 Education 1957-1988 Drug legislation 1971-1988 Partial list of economy votes 1974 Drug effort 1984-1987 Deviant behavior 1962-1983 Drunk driving 1985 1013 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 205 Economic data (2) 1980-1987 Economics (7) 1980-1988 Economy 1965-1981 Economy plan 1973-1975 Reagan misstatements 1982 Energy – natural gas 1977-1981 Oil and gas 1973-1988 Energy: H.R. 12069 1973 Energy plan of action 1973-1975 Energy task force plan 1975 Energy: synfuels 1982-1984 Solar [energy] 1984 Energy: consumption and conservation 1974-1979 Energy legislation 1973-1980 Heating and cooling amendment 1980 Nuclear waste disposal 1980-1984 Energy bill 1975 Environment 1969-1972 Water pollution (2) 1966-1976 Environment - air pollution 1971, 1983 Episcopal church 1988 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) 1970-1978 Esoteric grants 1974 Ethiopia 1984 Export-import bank 1984-1985 1014 1015 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 206 Exports 1982, 1984 Far East trip 1983 Executive [branch] 1968-1976 Federal Union 1983-1984 F-111 1968-1970 Family and Medical Leave Act 1987 FDA vitamin regulations 1973 Federal funds to Texas 1987 Federal regulation writing [Wright remarks] 1977-1978 Fellowships, etc. 1988 File list n.d. 55 MPH speed limit 1976, 1979 First Lady [information on the position] 1957-1988 Fire prevention n.d. Fireworks n.d. Fishing 1978 Federal Election Commission 1974, 1976 Wetlands 1976 Form cards [correspondence] 1982, 1984 Food prices 1973 Food n.d. Food stamps 1976 Foreign aid (2) 1962, 1977, 1988 Foreign debt 1982 Foreign investors in U.S. 1978 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 207 Foreign policy 1967-1988 Precedents on foreign policy resolutions n.d. Fort Worth (3) 1959-1988 Fort Worth I-30 highway relocation 1981 Fort Worth Junior League [on homelessness] 1987 Fort Worth procurement conference 1985 Fort Worth projects 1980-1987 Fort Worth air pollution project 1987-1988 Fort Worth-Dallas airport 1973-1987 Fort Worth – Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 1982-1984 Fort Worth organ procurement n.d. Fort Worth Veterans Administration outpatient clinic 1987 Franking privilege 1983 Fredrick, Bill 1975-1984 Free speech [article] 1970 Frederick, Thomas W. 1981 Friendship Force 1982-1986 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) (2) 1986-1987 Fur seals 1979 Future Foundation 1987 Future projects 1987 General Accounting Office (GAO) 1988 Garnishment of Federal pay 1975 General Dynamics hazardous waste 1983 Geneva arms talks 1985 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 208 German as the U.S. official language n.d. Gold 1973-1979 Government studies – wasteful [spending] 1974 Grace Commission 1985 Government operations 1974 Grace Commission 1984-1986 Graham, Calvin (2) 1987-1988 Gramm-Rudman 1985-1986 Grapevine Reservoir 1955 Gun control 1976-1986 Grenada 1983 Gray market cars 1985 Guns [crime] 1968, 1986 Consumer education materials of the Federal Reserve n.d. Harrington, Brooks 1988 Harris, Betty (UDAG) 1985 Hatch Act 1973, 1977 Hazardous waste 1985 Highways 1968-1987 Highway bill 1973 Highway – urban transportation 1973 Highway beauty 1965-1974 Hemophilia n.d. Health benefits 1983 Health care (2) 1972-1988 1016 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 209 Health Fair 1984-1988 Homeless measures 1987 Bouchey, Francis and Congressman Crockett n.d. Homesteading n.d. Hospital cost containment 1978 House 1980, 1984 House rules 1988 Housing (2) 1973-1988 Housing 1974-1987 National Endowment for the Humanities 1986 Human rights 1979, 1986 HUD 235 n.d. Humor 1985 Hunger 1983-1986 Huston-Tillotson College funding project n.d. International Monetary Fund (IMF) 1983 Immigration (3) 1980-1985 Imputed interest 1985 Impeachment 1973-1974 Impoundment of funds 1972-1973 Independent contractors 1978 Immigrant education 1985, 1987 Indians 1986 Intelligence agents 1980 Inflation 1970-1978 1017 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 210 Information sheets 1985-1986 Infrastructure (2) 1985-1988 Intelligence 1987-1988 Interest rates (2) 1969-1982 Interfaith Action 1986 Inter-Parliamentary Conferences 1965, 1981 Interns (4) 1987-1988 Investigations and oversights 1971-1984 Japan 1988 Jeff 1987 Jersak, Rosemary (missing medal) n.d. Jobs bill (Humphrey-Hawkins) 1975, 1978 Iran 1987 Iran Contra hearings 1986-1987 Christmas letter 1958 Jobs 1978-1988 Jobs bill (2) 1976-1978 Accelerated construction starts 1975-1976 Junketing 1972, 1978 Kahle, Keith 1986-1988 Keith, Sam 1984 Martin Luther King 1979, 1983 Korea 1978-1979 Labor issues 1987 Labor 1965-1987 1018 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 211 Landolt, Bob 1987-1988 Landsat [satellite] 1987 LaRouche (2) 1982, 1986 Latin American scholarships 1985 LBJ lecture 1984 Letters to save 1987 “LBJ” election law 1975 Legislative process 1985 Legislative profiles 1987-1988 Letter to Ivan 1958 McIntosh, Martha Anne [resume] n.d. Letters from prominent people 1987-1988 Library Commission 1985-1986 Library surplus books 1983 Lists [miscellaneous] (2) 1978-1988 Little Fossil Creek/Trinity River 1982 McClosky/McIntire [Indiana recount] 1985 Mail projects 1987 Mailing lists 1972, 1979 Mack, John 1987 Mailing pieces 1987 Maldonado relief 1985-1987 Mallick – SMU 1987 Manville [Corporation] 1986 Marshall’s Monday meetings 1987 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 212 Mass mail n.d. Matthew 1983, 1985 Medicare 1986 Memos (2) 1987-1988 Monetary exchange rates 1986 Metric system 1977 Mexico [H.R. 1006] 1987 Middle East 1967-1984 Midlothian trade zone 1983-1984 Mock Congress – Gloria Kirshner 1982-1987 Moonies 1988 MX [missile] 1982 Moral Majority 1984 Military moving 1986 Mozambique 1988 National airport 1986 National debt 1973-1986 National guard 1986 National service 1988 National Water Alliance 1987-1988 National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC) 1981 Newsletter [includes index] 1955-1986 News media 1970-1972 New York City – fiscal assistance 1975-1979 New York City aid n.d. 1019 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 213 Nicaragua 1983-1988 Nicaragua peace plan 1987 National Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting 1986-1987 Nuclear freeze 1982 Ocean dumping 1987 Office 1988 Opinion polls 1984-1985 Nighttime prowler 1975 Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1970-1979 Overton Ridge 1987 Ozone depletion 1987-1988 PACs 1986 Pages 1965 Panama Canal (3) 1975-1979 Pan American highway 1982 Park fees 1968-1974 Patel, Meenakshiben private relief 1987-1988 Patents and trademarks 1975-1980 Payne, David 1982 Pensions 1974, 1985 People for the American Way 1987 Right-wingers’ favorite tales 1975-1982 Sanctuary movement n.d. SALT [arms control agreement] 1986 South Africa 1985 1020 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 214 SDI (Star Wars) 1987 School prayer 1962-1983 Sea Grant Program 1986 Schedule (2) 1987-1988 Interesting facts about science and technology 1988 Securities 1986-1988 Semiconductors 1987 Senior citizen intern 1983 SEMATECH 1987-1988 Shipwreck bill (2) 1986-1989 Essential shipwreck material (3) 1983-1988 Savings and Loans 1987 Shipwreck legislative history and diving 1985, 1987 Shipwreck legislative history 1983-1987 Historic Shipwreck Act – H.R. 3194 1983-1986 Shipwreck bill 1983-1985 H.R. 3194 – Historic Shipwreck Preservation Act (2) 1975-1988 Shosid n.d. Smoking 1986 Social Security 1983-1988 Southern Methodist University (SMU) n.d. Southern Africa 1988 Soviet Union (2) 1985-1988 Soviet Union letters [requests] 1987 Individual cases to be taken up with Soviet government by Speaker Jim Wright 1986-1987 1021 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 215 Individual cases taken up with Soviet government by Speaker Jim Wright – refer onto Helsinki Commission 1987 Divided spouses – supporting documents (2) 1986-1987 Soviet Union trip 1987 Soviet letters [children’s] 1987 Soviet trip file 1985-1987 Soviet Union Romanian cases 1987-1988 In prison 1987 Soviet student letters – borrowed 1988 Soviet refusniks 1987-1988 Soviet pins 1988 Russian narratives 1987-1988 Moscow clips 1983, 1987 Speaker’s press conferences (2) 1987-1988 Social Security (2) 1980-1985 Soviet human rights violations 1987 Space industries 1987 Speech file computerization 1984, 1986 Small business 1974-1977 Space 1986-1987 Speaker’s fireplace [Star-Telegram article] 1987 Material concerning the duties of the Speaker of the House n.d. Speech file list 1955-1966 Sports bill 1973-1974 State Department 1982-1983 Stock transaction tax n.d. 1022 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 216 Subsidies 1970-1976 Subliminal advertising 1958, 1976 Sun Belt [states] 1976-1977 Superfund 1985 Supercollider 1987-1988 Supreme Court 1980-1983 Surplus property 1985 Synfuels Corporation 1981 Taiwan 1985 Taxes (10) 1969-1988 Terrorism 1985-1986 Texas Office of State-Federal Relations 1985-1988 Texas A&M University 1987 Texas Wesleyan oil trust taxation 1987 Texas Homeport 1985 Texas Wildlife Corridor (Rio Grande) 1988 Task forces 1987 Texas offshore oil revenues 1985 Stockyards [articles] 1987 Texas redistricting 1965-1973 Thanksgiving Day 1985-1986 Third World debt 1984-1988 Trade bill 1987 Trade (3) 1970-1988 Texas and Pacific (T&P) Building 1986 1023 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 217 Tourism 1980, 1985 Toxic waste 1985 Transportation 1968-1976 Trilateral Commission (2) 1977-1980 Trinity River 1965-1978 Trivia n.d. Truck size and weight 1968-1975 Truck deregulations 1976-1979 Trust territories 1978 Turkish arms embargo 1978 12th District 1978 Television (TV) 1969-1978 Twelfth District lines 1970-1985 UFOs 1984 Unemployment 1976-1977 United Fund 1972 United Nations 1962-1986 United Nations visits 1987 U.S.-Mexican border health program 1987 U.S.-Soviet arms reduction 1982-1985 User fees n.d. Variable rate mortgages 1981 Veterans 1970-1985 Vetoes 1972-1985 Vietnam (3) 1966-1986 1024 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 218 Visitors 1987-1988 Voting 1962-1986 Voting records 1981-1986 Voting records (issue groups) [article] 1980 Wage and price controls 1971, 1973 Watergate 1972-1975 Water bill – Breaux amendment 1975-1978 Water resources and use 1971-1976 Water projects 1977-1978 1977 water bill 1977 Waterway user fees 1976, 1978 Women 1971-1987 Welfare 1968-1987 Weisner (possible private relief) 1988 Windorf – surplus vehicles 1988 World Development Forum 1986 Watson Post Office certificate 1983 Wildlife n.d. World affairs 1988 World Net 1985 Zip code list 1983 Yuppie Myth [Wright speech and background info] 1985-1986 Landolt, Bob n.d. Methenitis, Bill/ Dennis Konopatzke 1989 Taylor, Pat [resume] n.d. 1025 1026 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 219 Youth exchange program 1986-1989 Morse, Affiant 1988-1989 Cherniavsky, Emma [recommendation letters] 1989 Quotations n.d. Bills ordered (holding) 1989 Autographs [copies of] 1989 AIDS Commission 1989 FY 1990 appropriation requests 1988 Banking issues, etc. 1988 Bicentennial of the U.S. Congress 1989 Budget 1989 Committee rules 1989 Congressional pay 1989 Moonies 1989 National Governors Association [news clippings] n.d. Passports [applications] n.d. Rules 1989 Speaker’s press conference 1989 Staff list 1989 Opening of the 101st Congress – statement of the Speaker 1989 Jim Wright speech files 1989 Polling 1987 Office information n.d. Schedules n.d. Task forces, boards, commissions 1989 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 220 Steering and Policy 1987-1989 Staff reports to John 1989 Jim Wright 1989 Employee training 1989 United States government budget tables 1990 Democratic Caucus 1987 Democratic Study Group (DSG) reports 1988 Education 1989 Energy issues 1988 History in the House 1989 House women 1989 Immigration [news clipping] 1989 Inauguration 1989 Jim Wright appointments n.d. Longworth office n.d. Members 1989 Crime [speeches, correspondence and general] (47) 1961-1988 Statement on historic shipwreck legislation 1988 Let’s save our historic treasures [Wright remarks] 1959 Defense [speeches, correspondence and general] (24) 1957-1988 Energy issues [speeches, correspondence and general] (82) 1971-1988 F-11 and B-58 [speeches, correspondence and general] (32) 1961-1986 Correspondence addressed to Maurice White [one small box] 1947-1951 Government spending [speeches, correspondence and general] (25) 1957-1988 Handicapped and homeless [speeches, correspondence and 1957, 1988 1027 1028 1029 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 221 general] (6) Hospice and home care [magazine article] 1987 Support for preserving CHAMPUS bill 1985 Congress acts on medical care and Vietnam 1965 Highways, mass transit [speeches, correspondence and general] (23) 1963-1986 Government at work [speeches, correspondence and general] (81) 1949-1989 1030 Highways [speeches, correspondence and general] (23) 1955-1974 1031 House matters [speeches, correspondence and general] (25) 1976-1989 Housing [speeches, correspondence and general] (13) 1958-1984 Jokes for winter Gridiron [humor] 1984 Wheelbarrow bet on Cowboy game [humor] 1983 Individuals [speeches, correspondence and general] (127) 1946-1988 Inspiration [speeches, correspondence and general] (22) 1955-1988 Wright speeches 1032 1033 Community Development: The Time for Action 1974 New Challenge to Federalism: Make Things Work 1974 Annual state convention for Reserve Officers Association 1973 Fort Worth Downtown Rotary 1973 Southern States Apprentice Conference 1972 Annual Chamber of Commerce banquet 1971 Rioters Need to Learn U.S. Not Made of Sugar Candy 1971 Making the System Work 1971 Pay for Federal Employees 1971 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 222 Where Shall We Put 300 Million People? 1970 Forth of July 1970 Other Dark Days in America 1970 Other Dark Hours 1970 Strife in Our Nation: Cause and Effect 1970 State Young Democratic Convention 1969 Flag Day Ceremony 1969 Fort Worth Kiwanis Club 1969 Toward a Universal Aristocracy 1969 Flag Day Ceremony 1969 Liberty and Law: Camelot’s Ordeal 1969 Cities of Tomorrow 1969 State Young Democratic Convention (3) 1968-1969 Outlook for the New Year 1968 The Federal Employee and his Congressman 1968 A Sense of Community 1967 Notes for Rotary Club speech 1967 UAW Retirees’ banquet 1967 What Makes A Great Society? 1967 Today’s Realities and Tomorrow’s Hopes 1966 Lubbock Democratic Club – Decline of the Cliché 1965 Four New Realities 1965 Waco Rotary Club 1965 Report on the Great Society 1965 The Great Society 1965 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 223 Report on the Great Society 1965 University of Texas law students 1965 Remarks to Jewish Federation Banquet 1965 A Few Kind Words for America - Thanksgiving 1963 Appreciation Dinner excerpts 1961 Accomplishments of Congress and the President 1961 Building a Brighter Tomorrow 1960 Summons to Greatness 1960 The Challenge of the Sixties 1960 National Cultural Center 1958 Inter-American Highway Program 1958 State CIO Convention 1956 Jefferson-Jackson Day 1956 Age of recurrent crisis and rapid fire development 1955 Forward to a Better Future 1946 Responsibility, The Inseparable Companion of Power [Wright speech] 1965 In Defense of Davis-Bacon [Wright remarks] 1961 A Practicing Lawyer Looks at the Labor Board 1957 Latin America [speeches, correspondence and general] (49) 1960-1988 LBJ [speeches, correspondence and general] (11) 1958-1969 Miscellaneous [speeches, correspondence and general] (55) 1949-1988 Statement regarding the Kal airliner [terrorism] 1983 Texas [speeches, correspondence and general] (27) 1956-1986 Trade and Commerce [speeches, correspondence and general] (62) 1954-1988 1034 1035 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 224 Trinity [speeches, correspondence and general] (18) 1955-1976 Trinity [speeches, correspondence and general] (19) 1956-1972 Wright campaigns [speeches, correspondence and general] (12) 1976-1982 Wright record in Congress [speeches, correspondence and general] (49) 1959-1988 Twelfth District projects [speeches, correspondence and general] (77) 1956-1987 Veterans [speeches and general] (4) 1976, 1987 Vietnam and Southeast Asia [speeches, correspondence and general] (20) 1966-1984 1036 1037 Water resources [speeches, correspondence and general] (15) 1974-1986 Inspiration [speeches, correspondence and general] (34) 1944-1979 Jim Wright urges legislative measures to protect undercover intelligence personnel [intelligence] 1980 Interparliamentary [speeches, correspondence and general] (8) 1963-1977 Investigation [speeches, correspondence and general] (10) 1971-1976 Labor [speeches, correspondence and general] (24) 1965-1989 What Makes a Country Great [speech by Barry Bailey] 1978 Thornton’s ERA remark about Wright [Wright’s response] 1978 Cactus Pryor – Majority Congress Committee fundraiser 1978 Mr. Lanham’s speech on Texas Independence Day n.d. The Good Soil, by V.C. Marshall 1947 The Growing City and the Growing Club [Lions International monthly letter] 19502 Mrs. Wright’s first presidential reception 1955 The women of the Bible [Wright in Congressional Record] 1956 1038 1039 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 225 Texas Man Johnson [Wright in Congressional Record] 1956 Jefferson-Jackson Day speech 1956 Federal financial help urged for city water 1957 Remarks of Robert Anderson at dedication of library 1957 Abraham Lincoln 1958 Agricultural research and education in India 1958 Bits of verse for speeches 1958 Liberalism and the Civil State 1959 Texas taxes [letter to Wright from Steve Mathews] 1959 Various issues and remarks on the floor 1956-1960 On behalf of the role of the Democratic Party 1960 What is American anyway? 1960 Hubert Humphrey’s remarks to TCU and area colleges, Wright introduction 1966 Columns on Bobby Kennedy and the Far East 1968 President’s visit to Fort Worth 1968 Letter to Jim Wright from the Chief U.S. probation officer 1968 Original essays of young Americans 1970 Letter from Richard Nixon to Jim Wright 1973 Book file: Government is People [Foreign Service stores] 1967 Telegram exonerating Wright in Korean investigation 1977 Youth: Not a time of life but a state of mind n.d. Speeches and remarks given by others 1966-1975 Fact Sheet: Drug Bill Compromise 1988 The Historic American Position [Wright speech] 1955 “The House Comes Through” [Washington Post article] 1963 1040 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 226 John McLaughlin, “One on One” 1986 “Key Provisions of Civil Rights Bill” [Post article] 1968 Memorial for Congressman Claude Pepper 1989 Miami conference remarks 1987 New opportunities for bipartisanship in foreign policy 1989 Plain words on Civil Rights 1963 The politics of positive performance [Wright speech] 1989 Public accommodations [Wright remarks] 1964 The rebuilding of America [Wright remarks] 1987 Religious freedom [in Congressional Record] 1960 The Wright Slant on Washington 1962 Speeches (6) 1955-1989 The insanity of racial hatred 1963 Remarks of Congressman Jim Wright 1961 Wright speech to the LBJ School of Public Affairs 1987 Statement to Democratic Caucus 1989 Statement on H.R. 2516, Civil Rights and Anti-Riot bill 1968 Statement of Wright on the opening of the 101st Congress 1989 Trust the People [Wright remarks] 1981 Wright asks protection for officials fighting riots [article] 1967 Speeches and writings (6) 1956-1988 Correspondence 1986 Writings 1977-1988 Letter from Fiji n.d. Letter to Volcker re: inflation 1980 1041 1042 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 227 Letter to President Reagan re: decrease interest rates 1980 Letter to Tinsley [editor of Fort Worth Star-Telegram] 1981 Tax Reform Act 1969 Rise in “real” buying power [Post article] n.d. On store games [article] 1972 Nixon – Welfare overhaul 1969 Thoughts for retirees – “Middle age not the end” [article] n.d. Crime and police action newspaper articles 1969 “Budgetary Odyssey” by George Will 1984 Subversive Federal Debt [Wright article] n.d. Spotlight on Tarrant County n.d. The Texas Campaign – as seen by Jim Wright n.d. Speech - highways n.d. Statement of House Majority Leader n.d. Congressional Bicentennial press conference n.d. Election material n.d. Wright calls for immediate deportation of rioters 1980 Deliberations on antidrug bill 1986 Federal Power Commission control of natural gas prices 1954 The crisis in trade – speech at Democratic Leadership Conference 1986 Wright statement re: trade deficit 1987 Pay commission statement 1986 Trade legislation speech to Democratic Leadership Council 1986 The Man of the House [NYT Magazine article] 1986 Eyes of Texas are on Jim Wright 1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 228 The New Speaker [Fort Worth Star-Telegram article] 1986 Wright, picked as House Speaker, urges limit in tax cuts for rich [New York Times article] 1986 Geological Society speech 1969 Tax Reform Act 1969 Items of possible interest to League of Women Voters n.d. Ethiopia speech n.d. What kind of American am I? [article on book burning] n.d. Toward a Universal Aristocracy [Wright commencement address] 1969 Appraisal of current trends in business and finance [Wall Street Journal article] 1969 What your Congressman can do for you [Parade Magazine article] 1955 Wright lining up support to succeed O’Neill as Speaker n.d. Wireless file from U.S. Information Agency 1987 The Challenge of Public Service [Federal Managers Quarterly] 1987 Introductory speech to new members of 97th Congress 1980 Anti-crime bills sponsored and co-sponsored by Wright 1967-1986 Anti-crime legislation passed with Wright’s support 1986 Letter on Indiana’s 8th Congressional district election crisis 1985 Letter to Speaker from Wright about defense spending 1985 Schedule – Democratic Organizing Caucus 1986 Letter re: drug problem, Americans arrested abroad 1986 Letter to Downey for appointment to Arts Caucus Committee 1987 Resolutions on Surface Transportation Act and Federal 1987 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 229 assistance for homeless Letter to colleagues – background information for speech at Greenbrier 1987 Questionnaire to Democratic colleagues 1987 Report – tariffs, world trade 1962 Report on energy 1979 Report on Jimmy Carter 1978 Report on inflation 1966 Candidates Forum at Tarrant County Junior College 1986 Report on Speaker Rayburn 1959 Report about Speaker Rayburn 1962 Remarks to Council on Competitiveness 1986 Radio response 1985 Whip issue summary 1986 Anti-crime legislation 1967-1986 Dallas Morning News article on Jim Wright 1986 Jim Wright’s appeal [Dallas Morning News article] 1986 Federal Managers Quarterly 1987 The Constitution: Our Quest for a More Perfect Union [Wright remarks] 1987 A Change in the Weather [Time Magazine] 1987 Foreign policy precedents n.d. Wright forms cornerstone in move toward balanced budget [Dallas Morning News article] 1980 H.R. 5313 – racial discrimination in schools 1982 MLK Day [Wright remarks] 1979 Introductory speech to the new members of 96th Congress 1978 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 230 Congressional Record 1981-1986 Letter – Let’s Protect our Protectors 1969 Farm surplus [Wright speech] n.d. Reflections on U.S. political system n.d. Speech at Goodwill annual meeting n.d. Speech on communism n.d. Letter re: military buildup 1984 Response to Reagan’s radio broadcast 1985 Let’s restore COLA’s to our retiree’s 1986 Press release on U.S. foreign aid n.d. Newsletter on Asia 1983 Speech to League of Texas Municipalities 1954 Jefferson-Jackson Day speech 1956 Drama of Tom Jefferson [article] 1955 Interviews as House Speaker 1987 Caribbean Basin 1986 Remarks by Mr. Lee Iacocca 1986 National energy plan of action 1973 Letter on crime 1985 Summary of House/Senate activities 1985 Articles on the new Speaker’s role in Congress 1985, 1987 Hearings on infrastructure problems in U.S. 1985 Build Bridges, Not Walls [Wright speech] 1984 Transcript of Wright’s testimony before Budget Committee 1986 The Man Who Would be Speaker [Boston Globe Magazine article] 1985 1043 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 231 Report from Washington 1983 Jim Wright’s appeal [Dallas Morning News article] 1986 Education, Our Best Investment 1969 Lincoln and the Beatitudes [National Prayer Breakfast] 1981 Speech at election as Speaker 1987 Letter from Wright on Asia 1983 Questionnaire to Democratic colleagues 1987 Reprint of Sam Houston’s letter to Brother Baines 1857 Congressional Record (12) 1955-1981 Correspondence (5) 1984-1986 General correspondence 1985-1986 Wright speeches and writings 1967-1987 Congressional rules [blue binder] n.d. Austin College, Honorary Doctor of Laws 1988 White House briefings 1977-1979 Letters to President Carter 1976-1980 White House – general 1977-1981 Letters from President Carter 1977-1981 Correspondence with Vice President Mondale 1977, 1981 MX missile statement 1985 Drug material (2) 1985-1988 Burton, Sala (California) 1983-1986 National Economic Commission 1988 Meet the Member [Wright biography] 1969 WBS Corporation [Wright statement] 1963 1044 1045 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 232 Wright as a leader 1983, 1987 Pay raise – Congressional 1986-1987 Soviet trip 1987 Ortega, Daniel 1984 General 1979-1989 Wright speeches (2) 1981-1989 News clippings 1988-1989 Wright notes n.d. General (2) 1958-1989 The Carter Center – Latin American and Caribbean program [binder] 1989 The Message in the Watch [Wright article] 1956 Rayburn, Sam 1987 Church and state and Constitution 1987 Asia articles 1983 Wright speeches 1974-1988 General [news clippings, transcripts, etc.] (2) 1941-1986 Mahon, George 1985 Thoughts on a Mexican Sunset [Wright poem] n.d. Wright speech index 1954-1982 Mo Udall is respected and revered [Wright remarks] 1985 Jim Wright and “the sleaze factor” [several ethics articles] 1988 Re: the end of the budget conference by Senator Domenici over Social Security benefits [Wright remarks] 1985 Statement on Navy decision to base ships at Corpus Christi, Houston, Galveston [Wright remarks] n.d. Diplomat praises Italy’s war on terrorism [article on 1985 1046 1047 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 233 Wright’s Europe trip] Remarks on override of veto – concerning the item veto 1978 Resolution authorizing U.S. participation in Latin American parliamentary conferences [Wright speech] 1961 New leadership in Washington [radio broadcast] 1979 Wright response to Reagan’s economic agenda speech at Jefferson Memorial 1987 Transcript of Meet the Press dealing with the first weeks of the Reagan Administration 1981 Second budget resolution for 1982 [Wright remarks] 1981 Letter to Cyrus Vance – Middle East 1979 Public Works hearings 1971 Wright pamphlets 1984, 1987 Private greed vs. public need 1966 High school essay contest winners 1971 Rayburn, Sam 1962 Trade Expansion Act 1962 Amendment to standby public works bill 1962 Bill to prohibit transportation of gambling devices 1962 Tribute to land-grant colleges 1962 B-58 breaks barriers 1962 Berlin Wall 1962 Johnson puts space effort on target 1962 Mexico and the alliance for progress 1962 United Nations bonds 1962 Bill to preserve objects and lands of historic value 1962 Latin America: threat and promise 1962 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 234 Cuba resolution 1962 Bill to print history of House chaplaincy 1962 First year of Alliance for Progress 1962 Lyndon’s 25th anniversary in Congress 1962 Homer Thornberry honored 1962 Not stalemate, not containment, but victory 1962 Increasing White House police force 1962 Oppose increase in national debt limit 1962 Congressional Record 1986-1987 1048 1987-1988 1049 Correspondence (2) 1987 Articles Declaring a Frontal Assault on Illicit Drugs 1986 Drowning in the Deficit 1987 Subversive Debt 1987 Override the Veto 1982 The place of legislation in dealing with Contemporary Moral Issues 1963 Congressional report- Quick- Starting Speaker 1987 How Fort Worth can become more sophisticated in National and state Political arenas 1986 Our Ships and Industries Must Compete 1987 Speeches Opportunity Door open for America 1959 What I am Thankful for 1986 1050 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 235 Address to the South West Chapter of The American Helicopter Society Arlington, Texas 1986 Education and Trade: Keys to American Leadership 1987 Remarks on Soviet Television Prints 1987 Accelerated Business Collection and Delivery Mail Ceremonies 1963 Remarks on the floor re: Fritz G. Lanham 1963 Speech to the Wabbash Valley Association at the Annual Meeting 1963 Speech to the conference on Air Transportation and Economic Development in the Caribbean 1985 Remarks to the American Legion 1985 Democratic Caucus 1986 Remarks to Texas Legislature 1985 Freedom and Restraint 1960 A Foreign Policy for Peace 1955 Remarks on the floor re: The Common Market drastically reducing the existing tariffs… 1962 Remarks on the floor re: Increasing the Public Debt limit 1962 Remarks on the floor- Concerning Oil 1962 The Deficit: The First Priority-Search for a Bipartisan Consensus 1985 Statement in defense of the Mix Missile Democratic National Convention 1980 The Search for American Economic Revival 1981 Remarks on the floor in response to President Reagan’s speech on the economy 1981 Holocaust Remembrance Day 1981 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 236 Dedication of the Fort Worth Hyatt Regency 1981 Remarks on the floor in support of HR 109 1981 Remarks to the council on competitiveness 1986 Remarks at the regional science fair 1960 Speech to the Dallas Democratic forum on the divided congress 1980 Draft comments for the fort worth air fest re: the exhilaration of fight 1986 Remarks to the Carswell AFB- Dining in Ceremony 1963 The constitution: Our Quest for a more perfect union 1987 Chester Wisch: A life remembered 1986 The constitution 1987 JW’s remarks on the floor- FAA Najeeb Halaby 1962 God and Ceaser (a meditation on church and state) n.d. A grass roots approach to foreign assistant programs 1962 Response to the president’s weekly broadcast 1985 The Trinity River Project 1962 JW’s remarks on the floor regarding the D.C. bill of acquisition of sites for public buildings 1962 JW’s remarks on the floor re: Jerry Holleman Ass’t. Secretary of Labor in support of his integrity 1962 Let’s revive the American dream 1986 Address- cattleman’s industry n.d. The democratic principle 1960 Remarks for swearing in ceremony 1987 The crisis in trade 1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 237 JW’s and St. Germain’s statement to the banking Committee 1987 Joint statement of JW/ Michael re: House member delegation to the arms control negotiations in Geneva 1985 Remarks to the independent Bankers 1985 Pay raise statement 1986 Statement as majority leader to the emergency meeting on narcotics 1986 President Reagan breaking the salt II limits 1986 Remarks to the state democratic Convention Austin, Texas 1986 President Reagan’s Summit in Reykjavk… 1986 Undergraduate scholarship program for modestincome students- international students 1985 Press Releases Trip to Soviet Union 1987 Commenting about the president’s plan to build…. 1985 Education statistics. Illiteracy 1963 The death of Cong. Gillis Long 1985 Passage of a house bill 1987 Release of American hostages in Iran 1981 Restoration of public confidence n.d. Northeast Texas Bar Association convention 1961 Perspective on a new year 1976 Special session of congress – Iran/Contra crisis 1986 Interviews Face of the Nation 1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 238 Face the Nation interview on tax cuts 1981 JW’s biography 1987 Essays by JW – Congress and Conscience n.d. Freedom and Restraint 1960 Kansas State Democratic convention 1960 Hard money policy 1960 JW’s newsletter – a step toward decency (increase in pornographic material in the mail) 1969 JW’s newsletter – The Politics of disruption 1968 JW’s Special report newsletter – Let’s protect our protectors 1969 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 239 Young Democrats Rally and Dinner 1961 Jw’s request to enter into the record the remarks of Jack 1962 Brooks on the relationship between government and business Jw’s request to enter into the record an editorial of the Dallas White rocker, “is Americanism only for the little fellow?” 1963 Jw’s request to enter into the record secretary of state Dean Rusk’s presentation of the 1961 Silver Quill Award to Vice pres. LBJ 1962 Jw’s request to enter into the congressional record an article by Fred Orleans Diplomacy: A form of Guerilla warfare. 1962 Congressional research service reports 1982-1987 Amendment to for. aid authorizing funds 1962 Index cards filed chronologically tracking Wright’s public statements on government issues 1944-1989 Wright form letter responses to constituent correspondence 1969-1973 ADS 1981 Newsletter (2) 1982 Republic of China – FX Fighter 1981-1982 Omni-Tech 1981 1051 1052 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 240 Adjustable Rate Mortgages 1981 Wayne Newton dinner 1984 Correspondence [White House tour] 1984 Nuclear war 1982 Robin Moore 1981-1982 Vice president 1984 James Leggett bank charter 1983 Bass Brothers tax bill 1983-1984 Deficit talks 1984 Jack Bertoglio 1983 Swami 1983 Trade Adjustment Assistance 1983 Congressional record (7) 1965-1970 Speeches and writings (2) 1967-1987 “National leaders join in honoring Jim Wright” 1979 Remarks of Vice President Hubert Humphrey 1966 Helms prayer amendment 1971 “Those ‘Ridiculous’ Federal Studies” 1975 Anti Gun Control 1968 NL response anti Panama Canal treaty 1977 Synthetic fuels articles (2) 1979 #85 and #125 enclosure windfall profits 1979 “Under the Post Bill”, Washington Post article 1981 “To Combat Inflation – And The Energy Shortage” 1978 Enclosures for Jobber letter 1979 1053 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 241 Heating oil to Iran 1979 Pay raises compared c. 1979 Taiwan/China enclosure 1978 Energy news clippings (2) 1979 Foreign Ownership of U.S. Farmland 1979 Solar Letter 1977 Anti congress pay raise 1979 $.67 gas enclosures 1979 Floor remarks on President’s Standby Gas Rationing Plan 1979 KAMA Truck Plant 1979-1980 Enclosure for conservative letters 1981 JW remarks on floor re: opposing annual COLA 1980 Independents [windfall tax] 1980 JW letter to president, interest rates 1980 Elk Hills letter 1980 Food Stamps 1980 Anti $.10 gas tax 1980 Balance Budget Inflation 1980 JW remarks on floor re: Supreme court abortion decision 1980 Texas Triangle Testimony 1980 Boycott Olympics (2) 1980 African trip 1979-1980 Deficit is down newsletter 1979 Cuba, Russia’s puppet radio broadcast (incomplete) 1979 Letters from Ft. Worth Radio Broadcast 1979 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 242 Radio Broadcasts “American History As Our Future” 1979 “96th Congress -- The Work Ahead” 1979 “What’s Right With America” (incomplete) c. 1979 “International Unity On Energy” 1979 “History Repeats in Synthetics Industry” 1979 “Gasoline: An Early Warning System” 1979 “Action On Energy” 1979 “Helping Americans Beat High Interests” 1979 “Hostage To Oil” (Incomplete) c. 1979 #209 Energy mobilization board 1979 Editorial: “It’s Time For a Change: But Let’s Keep the Very Best” 1980 Criminal code revision 1980 Deport Iranian demonstrators c. 1980 Pol Pot delegation United Nations 1980 Education of alien children 1980 FB-111 remarks 1980 Article: “Congressional Salaries” c. 1980 Nicaragua 1980 Food Stamps 1980 Fort Chaffee Cubans 1980 Oil import fee 1980 Social security 1980 Balanced budget 1980 Auto industry 1980 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 243 Anti three-year pension vesting – Letter to IRS commissioner 1980 #196 enclosure: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms 1978 # 31 Tax status of private schools 1979 Gun Control 1968 Radio broadcasts (14) 1962-1979 Tax Letter to Wilbur Mills; news release on Tax 1969 “What Is a Congressman?”, Remarks of honorable Ed Edmonson n.d. Face to Face: Interview with JW 1970 JW introduces two Tax reform bills. Press release 1969 News clippings (3) 1972-1988 Press releases 1988 Publicity 1967-1969, 1988 Remarks – 101st Congress 1989 Resignation Speech 1989 National Journal 1987-1988 Congressional Record 1989 Democratic National Convention (8) 1984-1985 Booklet: 1984 Democratic National Convention 1984 Democratic Leadership Council (2) 1985 Democratic Policy Commission 1985 Election material 1985 Democratic Policy Committee 1986 Tracey Mcfarlane – US swimmer requesting citizenship 1987-1988 Process patent 1987 1054 1055 1056 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 244 Coushatta tribe settlement 1986-1987 Speeches letters and responses 1987-1988 Superconductor Super Collider: meetings & memos 1987 Letter to Caspar W. Weinberger 1987 LTV – Letter to Rodino 1987 Chinese Delegation 1987 Perot Airport 1987 Guatemala/Jose 1987 Soviet Union 1987 Taiwan metro construction 1987 JW remarks 1986-1987 Export-Import Bank information 1985-1987 Education background and comment 1987 Education / Reagan budget 1988 Peer Review 1987 Commissions codes n.d Census data and information 1987 Democratic Leadership Council 1987 Letter on behalf of Virginia Clark 1987 Dallas / Fort Worth Airport n.d. Don Fry [India/Pakistan] n.d. “Soviet Goal Articulations and Involvement at the European Disarmament Conference”, by Mark Cichock 1986 Battleship Texas [Doug Williams] 1987 Presidential Airways acc. Ronald Platt 1987 Jan Stewart / business group 1985-1987 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 245 Smithsonian stuff 1987 Veteran’s legislation 1987 Foreign relations [Central America, Soviet Union, Asian Pacific, Middle East, Philippines] (10) 1983-1986 International Management and Development Institute 1984 Clean Water Formula 1985 Polygraph 1985-1986 Background information on Central America 1985-1986 Contra aid 1986 Impact aid 1985-1986 Terrorism 1985 Congress Bicentennial 1985-1986 Moncrief 1986 Bruno [New Hampshire] 1985 Drug and Alcohol Education Act 1985 Affirmative action/Hawkins et al 1985 Student loan potential hearing 1985 Affirmative action 1985-1986 Revenue sharing [Texas] 1986 Electronics Day 1985-1986 Patents material 1974-1984 Illiteracy 1986 Appropriations request 1986-1987 Texas budget analysis 1985 Education budget 1985 Mansfield/Westinghouse 1982-1985 1057 1058 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 246 Angola UNITA 1985-1986 Railroad and civil service combine 1985 General dynamics fraud 1985 McCormick, Joe 1985 ERISA 1985 Moody, Virginia 1984-1985 ROTC 1985 Harper, Edna 1985 Gray Market 1985 Innovations magazine 1985 Angelica Dusson Scott n.d. Conrail 1984-1985 Cultural exchange [U.S./Soviet Union] 1986 Berkowitz, Laura 1986 Budget and Fort Worth 1986-1987 Japan gateway 1985-1986 COLA 1986 Gramm/Rodman Budget 1985-1986 HR1616 – Plant closing 1985 Test ban 1985 Reagan budget and Texas education pages 1985 Cafeteria workers and union 1985 Labor mail out (union value debate) 1966 Texas Lunch Bunch 1986 Register 1985-1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 247 Computers/off n.d. Contracting out 1986 McNeil 1986 Energy day 1985 Ortiz – busses 1986 Fort Worth transportation authority 1985-1986 French, Bob 1986 JW foreign policy DNC 1986 Title 1 money to Fort Worth schools 1986 Ortiz – immigration education and customs 1987 Asbestos 1985-1986 Children’s trust fund 1986 Border task force 1986 Arms control- NUKES 1985 Vocational rehabilitation 1986 Postal Rate Commission 1986 Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej 1988-1989 Eisenhower world affairs institute 1988 MIL Vickers Inc. n.d. The grand canal 1988 MSC Wiley lecture series 1983-1987 General Aviation manufacturers Association 1987 We The People (United States postal service in Philadelphia. PA) 1987 Reports (copy) 1987 Veterans 1987 1059 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 248 Arms control 1986-1987 Mr. Mack n.d. Fairness doctrine FCC 1987 Budget summit 1987 UMTA regs. 1987 Visclosky’s airport amendment 1987 Plant closing 1987-1988 Minimum wage 1987-1988 Universal premiums and student loans 1987-1988 Jobs of Doris/education 1987 VA home loans 1987 Women and minorities work education 1987 Mexican welfare (John Walker, David Amato) 1987 Education information 1987-1988 Water resources disaster relief (FEMA) 1987 Member letters/BP 1987 Central America 1987 Japan information 1987 J.C. Penney/Russ Pearson 1987 Committee for education funding 1988-1989 Star schools/Ti-In 1985-1987 1122 Plant closing 1987 Oil spill 1987 NUKES/INF 1987 Billy St. Malo/Panama 1987 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 249 Miss U.S.A 1988-1989 Actor’s fund of America 1987 Questionnaire follow-up n.d. Bishop/San Angelo 1987-1988 Eller, Don 1987 Farenthold, Sissy 1987 Bice, Charlene 1987 DAK 1987 Transfer fee/auction Sue Sadtler 1987-1988 Shrimp/turtles 1987 Reagan whoppers/press conference 1987 Angola/L.B. George et al 1987 Thailand/PRA DAP 1987 Addison Airport, Dallas 1987 Coleman [groundwater nuclear] 1987 India/Pakistan 1987 Farr, Lynn (navy) (2) 1987 Black, David 1987-1988 Lewis Armstrong Brazil case 1988 Dubose/Shannon 1987 Export information 1987 Raye, Virginia, Allen conversations with Texans 1987 Cutton, G. 1987 EEDC [employment opportunity complaint] n.d. Colleague letters [foreign policy] 1987-1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 250 Gee, Bob 1988 Sanders, Phil 1988 General 1987-1988 McCormick, Joe 1987-1989 Robert Brooks 1987 Puerto Rico 1059 Eddie Weller 1987 Wright/events 1988 Platform 1988 Members beepers 1988 Convention information (general) 1988 Action 1988 Cellular phones/Tandy 1988 Phones 1988 Marriott-layout n.d. WCC-layout ours n.d. Contract/orders 1988 Congressional delegates 1987-1988 Democratic convention 1988 Delegates at large [Democratic convention] 1988 Leadership volunteer positions n.d. Speaker office schedule [Democratic convention] 1988 Mack, John (2) 1987-1988 Democratic convention (2) 1988 Bill and introduction 1987 1060 1061 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 251 Narcotics (2) 1987-1988 OAS drug council and debt reduction 1986-1987 OAS Central American peace 1987 Rahall/Lebanon 1987 Smith/taskforce hearing n.d. Taiwan 1987 Bicentennial 1987 American Airlines/consumer protection 1987 VA/61 bill 1987 Campaign reform 1987-1988 Interns/applications card associated job hunters 1987-1988 Central America articles 1987 Constitutional symposium Smithsonian/for Deane Malpass 1987 Partners of the Americas 1986 Bogotá/Andean Paul 1987 Bell Heli re: Narcotics 1987 Drugs [sports, Government ops, Mexico] (3) 1986-1987 Noriega indictment 1988 Rangel Europe trip 1987 Puerto Rico/Bell Helicopter 1987 Viscolosky 1987 Legislative history of the Taiwan relations act [book] 1982 Urban transportation [staff report booklet] 1973 Foreign trade bill 1983 Arms control 1982-1983 1062 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 252 Social Security 1982-1983 Jobs/proposal 1983 Jobs and employment initiatives budget 1983 Labor 1982-1983 Budget (2) 1982-1984 U.S. Agency for international development [Central America, economic development] 1982-1983 U.S. Agency for international development [Central America, social development] c. 1983 National weather service 1981-1983 President Reagan c. 1983 General (3) 1982-1983 Certificates 1989-1990 JW Birthday Ty’s 1985 Wholesale beer distributors of Texas membership directory 1982 Speeches (2) 1982-1984 Requests 1979-1980 General correspondence (2) 1982-1985 Christmas correspondence 1983 Newsletter 1063 1064 The Sickness of New York 1977 Action on Energy (2) 1979 Housing; Fast track; Cuba, Russia’s Puppet 1979 Time Bomb in the Barrios 1979 Russia, The Persian Golf and US 1980 Anti Inflation Strategy, Public Trust 1980 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 253 Pre 1977 1970-1976 The Tax Bill 1977 Government Reorganization 1977 Energy, Economy and the Environment 1977 Presidential-Congressional Teamwork Pays Off 1977 Welfare Reform and the Work Ethic and Panama Canal Treaty 1977 Whitehouse conference notes 1989 Interview questions (investments) 1988 General 1988-1989 Ethics material c. 1988 Kutina private bill 1978-1980 2nd concurrent budget resolution 1980 IXTOC I blowout compensation 1979-1980 Heat wave bill 1980 National heritage policy act 1979 Resource conservation and recovery act amendments, H.R. 3994 1979-1980 H.R.2789, Ilan Silberstein 1964, 19781979 Silberstein, Ilan Private Bill 1979-1980 Solid waste disposal, S. 1156 c. 1979 Asbestos 1978-1979 Household movers 1977-1979 Howell instruments case 1976-1977 Student conference on national affairs Texas A&M 1980 Swing bed program 1978-1979 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 254 The retail act of 1980 H.R. 7235 1980 Transfer of oil and gas, H.R. 5124 1980 Marginal wells 1976-1980 Inter-parliamentary union miscellaneous 1951-1959 Inter-parliamentary union official releases from the conference 1959 Sooth bend comes back 1965 1065 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 255 News clippings [1960 election] 1958-1962 New clippings [Studebaker corporation] 1963-1965 Budget (7) 1983-1984 1066 Whip notices, working papers 1977-1982 1067 Trip to Mexico –Yucatan 1963 1068 Election returns (2) 1973-1974 Correspondence 1976 1976 election (3) 1976 JW book in progress n.d. Proceedings of the democratic national convention 1988 Briefing book of Central America democracy, peace and development initiative 1984 Nicaragua’s military build-up and support for Central American subversion-background paper 1984 Democratic national platform 1984 Moffett report 1980-1981 Hereford energy 1980-1981 Marginal oil 1980 Soviet synthetic fuels 1980-1981 Texalco Inc. 1981 Alaska gas pipeline 1980-1981 DFW fish and wildlife 1978-1982 FDR centennial (2) 1974-1982 Energy speech 1977-1979 Conoco case 1981 Tosco (colony project) 1979-1982 1069 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 256 Synthetic Fuels Bill (7) – conference action 1979-1980 s.932 documents 1979-1980 Energy oil and gas – 96th congress 1979-1982 Energy – shale 1980-1981 Energy – solar 1977-1981 Energy – synthetic fuels 1980-1982 Energy – strategic petroleum reserve 1980-1982 Energy technology hearings (Gore) 1981-1982 Energy – taxation 1977-1980 Energy – transportation 1977-1980 Crow, Don – heavy crude n.d. Front end tertiary oil 1981 Green/ Morris – energy proposals 1979-1981 SRC-1 1976-1982 Methacoal 1980-1981 Nuclear waste disposal – J.B. Williams 1981-1982 Pan handle eastern – gasification project, Wyo. 1980 Paraho 1980-1981 Quintana Minerals Corporation 1981-1982 Santa Barbara oil and gas 1979-1981 Texas Christian University [windfall profits tax] 1980-1981 Plant closings 1982 1070 1071 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 257 Telephone log books 1987-1989 Kennedy assassination 1972 JW speech index 1955-1986 JW articles file (4) 1980-1989 Trip to Australia 1988 Haltom Industries 1982-1983, 1985-1987 I-35w North interchanges 1988-1989 The Nehemiah Plan [housing] 1987 Nuclear arms freeze 1977-1978, 1983, 1987 Federal council on the AGING 1987-1989 Jackson, Jesse – 1988 convention 1988 Johnson: LBJ 25th inaugural anniversary 1988 Mr. Nguyen Duc Thinh: Mar fan’s syndrome: National institution of health 1986-1987 Manville Corporation reorganization plan 1988 Marquis, David: Philippines private peace corps/M.L. plan NIC 1987-1989 Northside file n.d. Buffton Corporation 1987 Bobby Burns: BURCO and SBA 1986-1988 Cemetery Perpetual Care n.d. Special efforts: Lucy Ching and Ah Wor in China 1987-1988 Close up foundation 1988 Colleague’s correspondence file 1988-1989 Coming home to America’s roots 1987-1988 1072 1073 1074 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 258 Constitution week: Bicentennial citizenship oath 1988 Crank mail 1987-1989 Democratic National convention 1988 Disability file # 2 1987-1988 EPA 1987 Federal express/other receipts 1988-1989 Sunbelt/federal spending letter 1987-1988 Feed the children 1987 Foreign Trade Zone 1978-1987 Worth black entrepreneurs gathering 1982-1987 Fort Worth contemporary issues file (2) 1987-1988 Fort worth federal enterprise zones 1988-1989 City of Fort Worth: job program 1988-1989 Gulf of Mexico: Gary Maurio “Don’t mess with Texas beaches” 1987 FSLIC 1987 Juneteenth 1989/Curtis Faulkner 1988-1989 King kids of Fort Worth 1988 Lankford, Mason 1988-1989 Marquis, David 1988 National league of cities: Donnelly bill 1989 Mental notes 1987-1988 Japanese rail congress 1987 Linton, Richard 1984-1988 Presidential transitions 1988 Reapportionment and redistricting: Texas 1990 1988 1075 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 259 Capitol rose garden: Betty Wright rose 1988 Sign language n.d. Small business administration 1988 Stockyards file 1986-1988 South Africa/Sullivan princ. 1987-1988 Sparkle One Incorporated 1987 I am a teacher 1989 Texas tourist development agency 1987 Taiwanese Delegation meeting Worthington 1987 Tilt Rotor v-22: NASA 1988 Washington Center internship building 1988 Air Force – Texas ROTC Problem 1988 African Methodist Episcopal Church 1988 Alcon Labs [new APPS] 1988 Peace in Angola 1987 Articles and statistics 1987-1988 Attorney’s title Illinois 1988 Ballard tax issue 1988 Mrs. Walter Barbour: community projects 1988-1989 Berry, William 3d: VA claim aseptic necrosis 1987-1988 Bicentennial coin/March 2nd JNT session 1988-1989 Bicentennial congressional publications (2) 1988 News clippings 1989 Covington, George: The tactile capitol 1987-1988 JW schedule file 1987-1988 1076 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 260 Lankford, Mason (2) 1988-1989 Housing OPP: Hope 1987 Washington Center 1988 Washington Center 1988 Odam, John 1987 National Alliance of Black School Educators 1987 National Conference of Black Mayors 1988 National Guard 1988 Overseas private investment corporation 1988 Overton project: Leonard Briscoe, Como ADV. council 1987 Radio station: Belen, Cesar Hernandez 1988 Disability reference file (2) 1987-1988 Conference on minorities with disabilities 1988 Community restitution center program 1987 Correspondence Jun-Dec 1987 Assignments completed Jun-Dec 1987 1077 Correspondence April – May 1988 1078 March – July 1988 1079 April – June 1988 1080 May – July 1988 1081 May – August 1988 1082 July – August 1988 1083 June – September 1988 1084 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 261 October – February 1988-1989 1085 January – February 1989 1086 January – March 1989 1087 February – May 1989 1088 March – April 1989 1089 April 1989 1090 June – February 1986-1987 1091 August – September 1985-1986 1092 May – June 1989 1093 April – May 1989 1094 April – May 1989 1095 May – June 1989 1096 March – October, January – December 1985- 1986 1097 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 262 March – May [tax reform and Geraldine Ballard Case] 1988 1098 Wright responses [from letter replies to constituent mail] 1976-1977 1099 Correspondence [form responses] (23) 1973-1978 1100 Wright appreciation committee (4) 1980-1985 Chambers of commerce business directories 1981-1983 Correspondence [social security, US customs service] (3) 1983-1984 Precinct enrollment sheets (4) 1984 Petitions (2) 1985 Index of constituent correspondence 1981-1982 Report of receipts and disbursements 1982 Master directory for JW [microfiche] 1979-1980 South West Airlines 1979 Correspondence (4) 1975-1979 Correspondence, Lyman 1975-1979 Writings 1979 n.d. Weekly mail summaries 1979 Campaign Seminar for democratic congressional candidates 1978 Veteran’s affairs (2) 1962-1963 Correspondence (2) 1956-1958 Public works 1959-1961 Correspondence [includes personal, requests, Texas state matters and United Nations] (27) 1954-1955 1103 Index cards tracking correspondence received ca. 19561974 1104 Wright form letter responses to constituent correspondence 1977-1984 1105 United states presidential delegation to Cairo, Egypt: funeral 1981 1106 1101 1102 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 263 services of president Anwar Sadat Texas Democratic Party [1984 Texas project] 1984 Democratic national convention (2) 1988 Caracas - Venezuela 1981-1983 Alliance airport 1987-1988 Public appearances 1987-1988 Suffolk University [JW speech “America at the cross roads”] 1988 Historic shipwreck preservation act 1987-1988 Speech (5) 1981-1988 Publicity 1979-1981 Correspondence 1981-1988 Lady Bird Johnson celebration 1988 Congressional briefing luncheon 1981 Mandate Campaign Media [radio campaign ads] 1982-1985 Johnson space center: NASA 1986 Trade law modernization act 1985 La Rouche, Lyndon 1984-1986 Allied communities of Tarrant 1982 General (4) 1981-1988 Chiles, Lawton 1986 Budget [joint economic committee, clippings] (3) 1984-1986 National voter registration project (2) c. 1983 National voter registration program [Democratic National Committee] 1983 Interest rates 1982-1984 Campaign materials 1979-1986 1107 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 264 Anti drug legislation 1986 Moore Poll 1986 “American Policy In The Middle East: Where Do We Go From Here?” 1983 Fair and firm federal tax administration 1986 Trade Bill 1985-1988 Federal excise tax 1983-1984 Omnibus drug bill 1986 General (2) 1984-1988 Democratic Caucus 1985 Visit to Australia 1988 Report to the nation – Boy scouts of America 1988 Trade 1985 Ex-student’s association – UT Austin 1988 Mexican delegation 1988 1986 campaign 1986 National voter registration project n.d. Trade deficit 1985 Public appearances 1984-1986 Iran – clippings 1986 Terrorism 1986 House select committee on narcotics 1986 Correspondence (2) 1985-1988 International exchange program 1957 Clippings 1980-1984 SALIH/ TWC 1984 1108 1109 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 265 Bartlett, Rob 1984 Operation Baby Lift 1982-1984 Air Travelers Security Act 1983-1984 Musicians 1984-1986 Smith, Gordon 1983 Gutenberg speech – North American telecomm association 1985 Voc. Ed 1984 Comparison CRS Ed report 1983 Ed bulletins 1984 Foreign affairs 1979-1982 Japan [economic relations] 1984 Foreign aid 1984 Sanders Corporation 1985 National forum on excellence in Education 1983-1984 Education proposals 1984-1985 Voc. Rehab 1983-1985 PEPPRA (2) 1983-1984 COLAs 1984 Interstate Cost Estimate 1985 Contracting out 1985 Jobs Corporation 1984-1985 Perimeter rule 1984 Geneva talks 1985 DECA 1985 Civil rights act – 1985 Hr 700 1985 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 266 Revenue forgone funding 1983 Davis/Bacon – I. Electrical cont. 1985 Congressmen’s caucus 1981-1983 Hickey, Robyn 1983 President’s council on integrity and efficiency 1985 Mass transit 1985 Caucus [Sunbelt, Steel] (2) 1981-1983 Funding for education and labor programs 1983 Celebration of the American Revolution bicentennial 1974-1976 D/FW aviation report 1973 Insurance, no fault 1970-1972 Metro 1975 Mexican American peoples 1969-1975 Middle East 1967-1970 Report on military spending 1970-1971 Medical costs 1971 Medicare 1970 Latin America, including alliance for progress 1965-1968 Drug abuse booklet 1969 Narcotics 1969-1971 Minority groups 1966 Maps 1966-1968 Fort Worth charter 1985 Boards of commissions study (2) 1986-1987 Texas land of contrast n.d. 1110 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 267 Texas live the legend n.d. Foreign trade barriers 1986 Expansion of state supervision amendments, part 5 n.d. Index tracking correspondence sent 1961-1966 1111 Correspondence [bulk 1989] 1977-1989 1112 Speeches 1977-1989 Voter opinion polls 1974-1986 Speech to interparliamentary union 1966 Suggestion to president for U.N. speech [Vietnam] 1967 Latin America n.d. Campaign material (3) 1980-1981 News clippings (trip to Egypt and Israel) 1977 Budget (fiscal year 1982) 1981 1113 Voter opinion polls 1974 1114 Pan-American highway 1958-1959 National security and general dynamics at Fort Worth 1971-1973 Planned procurement of attack fighter 1973 F-111 1970-1973 General 1966-1976 Democratic leadership presentation 1987 News letter drafts (3) 1953-1967 Inter Parliamentary Conference (7) 1963-1977 Inter Parliamentary union 1965-1971 JW Whitehouse breakfast notes (5) 1977-1989 Newspaper clippings 1985-1987 1115 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 268 Dill, John 1984 Correspondence 1984-1988 Contras 1988 Australia 1987-1988 JW notepads n.d. JW correspondence 1988 Pending Business 1988 Rotary club luncheon notes for speech 1988 Comprehensive trade policy act 1986 News briefs, vol.7 – American maritime officers service 1987 National Budget c. 1984, 1989 Speech index 1971-1986 Campaign correspondence (with democratic colleagues) (2) 1976 Contact information cards of congressmen c. 1976 Correspondence with congressmen 1116 1117 1118 Addabo, Joseph (NY) 1977-1986 Barnes, Michael (MD) 1978-1985 Breaux, John B. (LA) 1977-1985 Edgar, Robert W. (PA) 1978-1985 Bedell, Berkley (IOWA) 1977-1986 Fowler, Wyche (GA) 1978-1985 Fuqua, Don (FLA) 1977-1986 Heftel, Cecil (HAWAII) 1977-1986 Jones, James R. (OKLA) 1977-1985 Long, Cathy (LA) 1985-1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 269 Lundine, Stanley N. (NY) 1977-1986 Mikulski, Barbara A. (MD) 1977-1985 Mitchell, Parren J. (MD) 1977-1985 Reid, Harry (NEVADA) 1984-1986 Seiberling, John F. (OH) 1977-1983 Shelby, Richard (ALA) 1979-1983 Weaver, James (OREG) 1977-1986 Whitley, Charles (NC) 1977-1985 Young, Robert A. (MO) 1977-1986 Hanley, James M. (NY) 1977-1980 Daschle, Tom (S. DAKOTA) 1978-1986 O’Neil, Thomas P. Jr. (MASS) 1977-1986 Candidates 1986 Democratic Congress Campaign Committee 1986 99th Congress representatives 1986 Congressional record 1962 Darien report 1962-1963 Speeches- religious and inspirational n.d. News dispatches- Europe and Middle East 1957 Medicare 1962-1965 Desk calendars 1955-1960 Peace corps [2nd annual report to congress] 1963 H.R. 6675 1965 National Trades Day Association 1959 Correspondence 1959-1961 1119 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 270 “The other side of the hill”, by JW (4) n.d. 1120 Louisiana Department of highways report 1962-1963 Cuts for “The Final Link” [Report on the Darien Gap and Progress Toward Completion of the Inter-American Highway 1963 List appreciation dinner 1962 Analysis of Texas opinion in race for U.S. senator (3) 1963 Survey of political attitudes [Massachusetts and South Dakota] (2) 1962 Ditchley Foundation 1965 Water pollution 1965 Civil aeronautics board- DFW regional airport investigation 1964 JW personal correspondence (2) 1964 JW voting record 1964 Newsletters and speeches (2) 1962-1964 News clippings 1964 Warren commission 1964 T.F.X. (fighter plane) 1963 Confidential investigation conducted in District 04 (8 volumes) 1962 1121 JW remarks [“Tax bill ultimately misses the point”] 1985 1122 Congressional record 1960, 19861987 Star-Telegram article–“Wright calls for immediate deportation of rioters” 1980 Gemini press reference book (2) c. 1965 News clippings 1965 Correspondence (3) 1965-1966 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 271 Trinity River authority 1955 Study course exams 1954-1961 Speech material 1960-1961 Speeches 1959-1963 Speeches and extensions in record 1955 “Know your Congressmen” c. 1959 Bills introduced by JW 1955 Flood inspection trip 1957 Correspondence 1960-1964 Speeches – computer name lists 1951-1985 Speeches (2) 1946-1988 Cases pending 1985-1986 Capital to capital – a bridge to greater understanding 1988 Kansas – Landon lecture [incomplete] n.d. Costa Rica noon remarks [Spanish and English] (2) 1987 List of Standing Committees and Select Committees of the House of Representatives 1989 Nicaragua Peace talks 1988 Ephemera n.d. 1124 Wright congress club: LBJ visit to TCU 1968 1125 Vietnam (3) 1954-1966 Voting rights bill (2) 1965 Section 14-B of Taft-Hartley Act 1965 Upstream watershed data 1964-1965 Corps of engineers reports on central Oklahoma project 1965 Highway beautification 1965 1123 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 272 American road builder magazine article – Moral principles and ethical considerations 1970 Congressional matters 1975-1977 Letter on general dynamics strike 1966 Social ethics and the legislative process 1963-1969 Special kudo letters 1957-1975 Medical Care 1965 Area Redevelopment Administration / APW 1964 Auto data processing 1965 Dominican crisis 1965 “Great society” – material for speech to Social Studies teachers 1965 Excise tax cuts 1965 Correspondence 1960-1983 Speeches and clippings 1968, 19811987 Center for National Policy dinner 1986 Trip to Rhode Island 1987 Correspondence 1984-1985 Speeches 1984 White house briefing 1985 National association of Arab Americans 1984 Build America Trust Fund [background file] 1985-1986 Central America 1984-1985 Venezuela [background information] 1981-1985 Trip to Ireland, Italy, Switzerland and Yugoslavia 1985 London speech 1977, 1987- 1126 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 273 1988 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 274 JW appreciation committee (2) 1986 Soviet Union 1987 Publicity 1982-1985 Public opinion survey 1983 Fort Worth transportation authority 1983 Philippines 1985 Federal record committee files 1967-1988 The coming water famine 1988-1989 Undated complete speeches n.d. Notes and public statements 1987-1989 The Lyndon Baines Johnson foundation 1989 The Carl Albert center 1988-1989 DSC fact sheet and special reports 1989 Biographical information c. 1984 Ethics committee 1984-1988 Staff- interns 1978-1987 Beryl, Anthony 1986-1987 Possible additions for book c. 19551956 Members of congress for peace through law 1972-1974 Correspondence 1987-1989 Photograph Jimmy Carter 1977 Political cartoons 1986-1987 Letter of congratulations from Wingate Lucas 1954 Lyman, Marshall [U.S. House of Representatives Payroll Certification] 1983 1127 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 275 National Press Club Certificate 1986 Certificates of appreciation (3) 1981-1983 House rules and manual 1987 Guest book 1983-1985 Daily appointment book 1966 Distinguished Texan – realtors 1985 State of the Union response 1987 Posse Comitatus Act [Hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary House of Representatives] 1981 International Security and Development Cooperation Act 1985 Undergraduate Scholarship Programs for Disadvantaged Students-Via Worldnet 1985 Energy 1987 Education (2) 1983-1988 Trade / Competitiveness 1987 Arms control / Soviets 1987 Taxes / Deficit 1987 Welfare reform 1987 World debt 1987 “New choices in a changing America” 1986 Peace corps congressional presentation (2) 1987-1988 Worldnet 1986 Regulation 1969-1983 Immigrant education statement 1985-1987 Texas taxes and federal spending 1978-1983 Speeches/ op-eds 1982-1987 1128 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 276 Scholarships 1984-1985 Pepper, Claude 1985 Questionnaire / Survey 1983 April newsletter [“Drugs are a Destructive Force”] / Marshall 1985 Newsletter – March 1985 Deficit talks 1983-1984 Stockman, David 1981, 1984 Radio 1985 Budget economic data 1984 Worldnet hearing – Wright Kemp materials 1985 Letters to the editor 1983-1987 Presidential speeches 1961-1985 Ferraro/ Mondel photo 1984 July newsletter 1985 News clips 1986 Miscellaneous letters 1984-1985 Democratic response to president Reagan’s address [cassette tape] c. 1985 Debt and trade problems 1985-1986 Deregulation / banking issues 1983-1986 Democrats politics (2) 1985-1986 Foreign Trade 1983-1985 Deficit / budget process (2) 1981-1986 Tax Reform 1985 Hostages / terrorism 1985-1986 1129 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 277 South Africa – sanctions papers (2) 1985 Poverty 1985 Pentagon / waste procurement 1985 Drug mailing 1987 Farm crisis 1985-1986 Edwards media group 1985 Narcotics 1981-1986 Questionnaire 1986 Taxes / user fees 1986-1987 Jim Wright / speaker 1980-1986 Invitations 1998-1999 Correspondence (3) 1999 Central America 1999 Correspondence [Distinguished Service Award] 1999 News clippings [Cuba] 1988 General 1999-2001 Chapters 1 [A Place of Belonging] and 1 [When We Ate the Piano] n.d. U.S.-Mexico (4) 1963, 19771983 U.S. Canada Inteparliamentary Meeting 1982-1983 Caracas, Venezuela 1983 Correspondence 1977-1978 Foreign trips- general 1979-1981 Africa, Saudi Arabia and Ireland (2) 1978-1980 Brussels, Belgium 1978-1979 1130 1131 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 278 Middle east trip clippings 1977 President’s trip to Mexico 1979 China Trip 1979 Norway, Germany, England 1979 Ivory coast, Nigeria, South Africa, Rhodesia, Saudi Arabia, Ireland 1980 Middle East trip 1977 Photographs n.d. Miscellaneous speeches 1963 News clippings 1984, 1986 Hispanic Americans [Report: “Strengthening the ties 1986 between Hispanic-Americans and the Business Community”] Campaign information 1984 Airline deregulation 1986 Presidential appearance before the House of Representatives 1986 Draft of letter to Rev. F n.d. JW notes 1986-1987 JW schedules 1986, 1988 Conference on disarmament n.d. Legislation 1980-1986 Surveys 1980-1986 “An Issue Evening with the Honorable Jim Wright” 1985-1986 Tax reform 1986 Central America 1985-1986 Drugs 1985-1986 Synthetic fuel program 1985 1132 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 279 Water proposal 1986 Questionnaire 1986 Export enhancement act 1980 Housing for the elderly 1986 The senate budget resolution 1986 Biographical information on Majority Leader JW c. 1980 Civil liberties act 1985 General information 1981-1984 Art speech 1982 White House State Department 1979-1983 JW Remarks and statements 1969-1983 Budget 1981 Interest rates 1982 Iran, Nicaragua, Panama 1977-1980 New members NCPAC 1981 Colleague projects 1982 Energy speech – Synthetic fuels 1979-1981 Miscellaneous (5) 1979-1984 Democratic party 1959, 19801981 Budget Bill 1981 Election results 1982 1982 Suspense file 1978-1984 Social security (Wright Bill, H.R. 5059) 1981 Airport development bonds 1980 Amtrak 1979-1980 1133 1134 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 280 Federal bar association speech 1982 AAUP speech 1981-1982 Economy 1978-1982 Education 1978-1982 Emergency medical services 1976-1979 Endangered species 1981 Leadership information pack (11) 1981 Independence hall ceremony 1987 Democratic leadership conference 1986 Speeches 1984 Russian delegation – visit to Fort Worth 1985 Democratic Party economic agenda 1984 Nicaragua (“Dear comandante letter”) 1984 Foreign relations 1984-1987 Miscellaneous 1982-1987 Will Rogers Award 1986-1987 LBJ [Lyndon Baines Johnson] screening 1987 Internment Bill 1983 Photographs of fiesta [Wesley community center] n.d. News clippings 1986-1987 Wright Congressional Club 1987-1989 JW schedules and notes c. 1972 JW mail outs 1979-1984 Information on legislation 1979-1984 Democratic caucus 1983 1135 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 281 Information on elections 1974-1982 Political campaign 1986 Polls (2) 1986-1987 Moore poll 1986 Correspondence 1971-1977 Speeches n.d. “Wild Blue Yonder” [chapter 6] n.d. Publicity 1973-1974 Leadership information (15) 1981 Committee on public works and transportation 1985 Freedom of information act 1981 The Latino vote in the 1980 election 1981 News clippings 1962, 1981 City of Azle 1981 Broadcasting and government 1981 The business climate, the industrial market [Fort Worth Texas] 1980 Photographs n.d. Campaign finance 1980 Campaign related letters 1980 Newspaper and advertising information 1980 Voting records, polls, precinct information 1979-1980 Voter registration information – official ballots n.d. General election voting – sites and judges 1980 Campaign packet 1980 Miscellaneous campaign information 1980 1136 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 282 Overseas voters n.d. Setting JW’s records straight n.d. Elected officials of Tarrant County 1980 Bradshaw press 1980 Campaign material (11) 1980 1138 “You in Easter week” 1961 1139 News clippings 1980-1988 Congress and conscience 1964 “Thou art one” 1977 Energy/Wright gas well 1979-1980 National leaders join in honoring JW 1979 House election expectations 1988 Wright appreciation information 1981 Financial aid to undergraduate students 1980 Miscellaneous 1967-1970 Majority leader 1976 Fort Worth matters 1974 Congressional matters 1974-1976 Club memberships 1977 Clippings – Betty Wright 1973-1978 JW clippings 1971-1978 The New Age Magazine 1987 Canada-U.S. interparliamentary group 1983 JW remarks 1980-1986 Miscellaneous news clippings 1979-1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 283 Legislation 1983-1986 Tarrant county projects 1983 Letters to JW 1986 Democratic media center 1980-1985 Wright appreciation committee 1984 Plant closing 1988 Politics 1954, 19661977 Poor children 1985 Pornography 1969-1971 Postal service (2) 1970-1977 POW’s 1985-1986 Presidential vetoes 1974-1978 Press (2) 1988 President election background 1987 Privacy 1974 Private relief bill rules 1987 Prison match (3) 1982-1988 Presidential campaign 1988 Productivity 1979 Public works 1974-1983 Questionnaire follow-up project (11) 1966-1987 Radon 1986 Rayburn building 1987 Railroads 1975 Real estate taxes/imported interest 1984 1140 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 284 Red Cross 1987 Redistricting (2) 1984-1985 Redfish 1986 Red tape 1971-1978 Religion 1977 Requests 1985 Religious broadcasting 1977 Revenue sharing 1972-1985 Presidential campaign 1978-1980 Campaign – house seats 1977-1978 Democratic committee assignments 1980 Latin America (6) 1983-1984 Pre-election material 1979-1982 Campaign 1982 Publicity 1967-1981 Speeches 1981 Gramm-Latta amendment 1981 International Aviation Act (Love field) 1979 Synthetic fuels 1981 Budget Fiscal year 1983 1983 FEC campaign finance information 1980 Filing notice for authorized committees 1982 Federal election commission 1980 Book chapters [from unidentified book] n.d. Government relations 1981 1141 1142 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 285 Cowtown U.S.A: A concise history of the Fort Worth Stockyards 1976 Democratic fact book: issues for 1982 1982 Lawrence, Stephanie – JW report 1980 JW remarks 1980 Reports – October quarterly 1982 JW schedules and notes n.d. Campaign material (2) 1980-1981 Miscellaneous new articles 1981 Miscellaneous legislation issues 1981 Progressives for JW (2) 1980 Thank you letters to be typed 1980 Documents supporting contributions 1981 Leadership in the Texas tradition 1980 Fact sheets 1980 Texans for JW (2) 1980-1981 Forms and instructions 1982 Campaign donations (photo copies of index cards) 1980 Fort Worth air fest 1986 COLA statement 1986 SACT II 1986 Chet Wisch eulogy 1986 Education funding 1985-1986 LTV statement 1986 Japanese interment 1986 What makes freedom work 1984 1143 1144 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 286 JW – Labor day – Trade article 1985 Southern legislature conference 1986 Texas democratic convention 1986 Social security 1986 Defense 1986 Strategic minerals n.d. Trade bill H.R. 4800 1986 Miscellaneous speech file 1985 North central Texas council of governments 1986 Crime press conference 1984 Whitten roast 1984-1986 JW speech [home healthcare association] 1986 UAW (2) 1986 Labor day speeches 1985 F-16 Gunsmoke 1985 Saint Demetrious Greek orthodox 1985 Combined federal campaign 1985 Veterans 1985 Thanksgiving mailing 1985 Udall 1985 Response to presidential trade statement 1985 Home builders Rio Grande valley chamber 1985 Procurement conference – Fort Worth 1985 TCU convocation 1985 Can manufacturers 1985 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 287 JW Czech speech 1985 Space 1985 Channel 13 25th anniversary 1985 Carl Perkins room 1985 Radio response 1985 Customs service/ floor statement chronology 1985 Budget Dean colleague 1985 Medicare/ Medicaid 70th anniversary 1985 Military drug interdiction 1985 Association of Indians in America 1985 Fort Worth chamber – JW taping 1985 Bradley U. 1985 Fulbright 1985 AFSME 1985 Ethiopia 1984 Bankers 1985 DNC speech 1985 ASEAN – Kampuchea 1983 Veterans income tax 1985 Annual legion 1985 Rep. Traficant/ Mitsubishi file 1985 Long distance telephones 1985 Budget hearings 1985 Caribbean speech 1985 LBJ distinguished lecture – Walls and bridges 1984 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 288 JW Pensacola speech 1985 Colleague supporters (2) 1984-1987 Australian senate 1987 Brooks portrait 1987 Medallion Renger 1987 Winiprisinger 1987 JW quotes reference 1978-1984 Budget statement [Reagan’s whoppers] 1987 Human spirit awards 1987 Speaker’s statements 1987 Building trades 1985 Letters to columnists 1987 Loaves and fishes 1987 Trips/colleagues 1984-1985 European parliament 1987 Texas municipal league 1987 Interfirst Bank 1987 Infrastruction hearings 1987 Realtors 1987 National governments association 1987 Nicaragua peace plan 1987 Rotary club speech 1987 Cleveland speech 1986 Anecdotes [Greenbrier] 1987 U.S. conference of mayors 1987 1145 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 289 Actor’s fund 1987 Tom Law dinner 1987 Central America 1987 National tire dealers 1987 Tip O’Neill jokes 1987 Philadelphia- The great compromise 1987 Letters to Fort Worth 1987 Catastrophic health 1987 Nix special order n.d. Puerto Rico (2) 1986-1987 Florida democrats 1987 DCCC- Philadelphia 1987 Contra hearings (2) 1987 Taiwan luncheon 1987 SFDEMS 1987 National forensic league 1987 Pelosi, Nancy 1987 Fort Worth independent schools 1987 Energy independence 1987 Levine/McCloskey 1987 Smithsonian – Constitution 1987 Association executives 1987 Citizenship ceremony 1987 Mo Udall comments 1987 Commencements – University of Texas, Fort Worth independent school districts 1986-1987 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 290 Questionnaire 1986 Masons [constitution and conscience] 1987 Political cartoonists 1987 Caset 1987 Boston dinner 1987 National association of independent colleges and universities 1987 Berlin 1987 Kennedys – King 1987 Fascell portrait 1987 Las Vegas liquor 1987 Weatherford chamber 1987 Housing budget/Fannie Mae 1984-1986 Budget [privatization] 1985-1986 Drugs (3) 1986-1987 “Let’s revive the American dream” [Comments of JW on the deficit at Greenbrier] 1986 “Celebrating the community of interest” 1983 Highway bill statement 1987 ASCAP 1987 Home builders article 1986-1987 Rogers, Will 1972, 1987 GI bill statement 1987 Dallas magazine 1987 Volkner, Harold [Q and A newsletter] n.d. American Jewish congress 1987 Jennings, Randolph 1983-1987 1146 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 291 Securities industry 1985-1987 Rhode Island 1987 National league of cities 1987 West Virginia 1987 State of the union 1987 North East / Midwest Coalition 1987 Reagan’s future shock 1983-1987 Swearing in draft 1976-1987 American mining congress 1987 Budget charts 1987 Texas state society 1987 Tip O’ Neil tributes 1986 Competitiveness conference (2) 1986-1987 Democratic caucus 1986 News clippings 1987 Williamsburg – DLC 1986 Boren, Lyle 1986 “Loaves and fishes: What I’m thankful for” 1986 Iacocca, Lee [remarks at the Congressional Club] 1986 Terrorism 1985-1986 Youth – Baby boomers 1985-1986 Crime mailing 1984-1985 New York Times – yuppies 1986 Hispanic reception 1986 Reykjavik OP/Ed 1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 292 Chester Wisch 1986 Crime response 1983-1986 Texas sesquicentennial 1986 Bill Sander remarks – candidate forum 1986 Mass mailings 1986 Arab Americans 1983-1986 Harriman 1985-1986 Homeless 1986-1987 Ways and means testimony 1987 NACO – a new partnership 1987 Legislative checklist 1984 Cool font 1983-1984 Energy (12) 1977-1984 Combined federal campaign 1985-1986 Edwards Gromp media 1983-1986 NAFSA conference 1983-1986 Youth leadership council 1985-1986 General Fricaud-Chagnaud 1984-1986 Congressional staff forum on International development 1986 Arms central 1985-1987 News clippings 1983, 1987 Attendance list from JW congressional seminar 1986 “New choices in a changing America” 1986 Bundestag statement 1986-1987 Star Wars 1982-1985 1147 1148 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 293 NAACP speech (2) 1984 Miscellaneous JW speeches and background info 1982-1984 Campaign speeches 1984 Exerpts of speech at the Texas Democratic Convention 1984 Script for congressional club dinner 1984 American defense education act 1971, 1984 Education 1984 Justice Asistance 1984 Nuclear dilemma 1984 Testimony – Arms 1980-1984 Wartime interment testimony 1984 Press club speech 1986 Export security assistance speech 1983 No more excuses! 1984 Mexico 1967-1977 Teamsters 1983-1984 Convention 1984 Adult basic education graduation 1983-1984 Texas medical association 1984 American nuclear council 1984 Chemical manufacturers 1982-1984 Kelly, D.J. – British parliament 1984 Christian life commission speech 1984 Bipartisanship 1984 Texas credit union league 1983-1984 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 294 Education day/USA 1984 Bradley University 1984 Mass transit 1975, 1984 West Texas judges commission 1984 Friend of education award 1984 Close up – article 1983 Foreign language conference (2) 1983-1986 Mondale statement n.d. Savings institutions 1984 Credit unions 1983-1984 League of cities 1984 Yost award 1984 Martin Luther King bill 1983-1984 Unity means victory –Texas district convention 1984 Texas black democrats 1983 Red ink budget 1984 98th congress reviews 1984 Poverty programs 1984 Material on defense 1983 Africa 1983 Jeane Kirk Patrick 1981-1983 ASEAN resolution 1983 Deficit summit 1984 Hospital speech 1984 1 minute/ defense waste and alien education 1984 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 295 Simpson-Mazzoli survey 1983-1984 Texas home builders 1974, 1983 Max – Solar lens n.d. Combined federal campaign 1986 Voting precinct information n.d. Listing of candidates n.d. Photographs of 25 years with JW (proofs and negatives) n.d. News clippings 1974 Youngblood, Marge n.d. 1978 election (2) 1978 News clippings 1978-1980 Campaign polls 1976 Election results 1980 Committee payroll 1978 Political- telephones 1978 JW day on Northside 1978 Campaign letters 1978 JW miscellaneous tear sheets 1976-1980 Poll questionnaire- Dr. Cookerly 1974-1978 Governor Clements 1978 Political (2) 1978-1979 Chiles, Eddie 1978-1980 PAC prospects 1978 Block captain program 1974 1974 campaign 1974 1149 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 296 Advertising rates 1974 Press releases (2) 1974 Brown, Claude 1978 Application for place on primary election ballot 1976 Saints and sinners 1977 FTS telephone instructions for repayment 1975-1979 Fort Worth public school – solar energy proposals 1977-1978 Political (2) 1976-1977 AICUZ – Carswell AFB – Tarrant county committee 1975-1978 Chamber of commerce – Washington trip 1977 Privacy act- records systems dealing with military personnel 1975 General election – campaign donations 1972 News clippings on JW (2) 1965-1974 News clippings (2) 1965-1974 Miscellaneous IRS rulings sent by clerk/house 1972-1974 “Rep. JW: long shot of “54” – The news tribune 1972 Information 1970-1975 JW dinner press releases 1973-1974 Press release – disavowing stand taken by house democratic caucus re Vietnam 1972 Champus 1973 JW”s Fort Worth appearances 1973 1972 election – district 12 (2) 1972 Tickets purchased by friends for use by supporters unable to pay 1973 JW appreciation dinner (3) 1973 1150 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 297 Democratic elections 1972 Trinity River canal 1973 Films of America 1972 Vietnam [JW speech and correspondence between LBJ and Ho Chi Minh] 1967 Congressional district outlines 1973 Peace in Vietnam – letter from white house 1973 The Texas campaign n.d. JLS letters written in behalf of JW 1966 senate campaign 1966 “You and your congressman” 1966 Federal office building dedication 1966 Budget committee 1974 Newsletter mailing 1974 Campaign contribution prospects 1974 Bulk mail permit 1973-1974 JW tear sheets – news clips (3) 1974-1979 FCC materials re political advertising 1973-1974 Campaign political advertising 1973-1974 Financial statements – Personal and WCC filed with clerk of house 1976 News clippings 1976 1974 campaign 1974 I-30 west freeway elevated 1981 Carswell – Military appropriations 1981 NCPAC 1981 TCU IRS ruling 1981 1151 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 298 Military pay raise 1981 Tax Bill 1981 Public opinion polls 1978 Voting attendance records 1974 Congressional budget reform 1974 Dinner – saluting JW for 20 years of service 1973-1974 Precinct lists, campaign lists and contributions n.d. Notebook – escrow account 1974 News clippings (5) 1966-1978 Campaign literature 1962-1966 JW book royalty 1964 JW news clippings (3) 1970-1978 Questionnaire n.d. Article “Out/In” – Seth Kentor 1970 Latin America trip 1971 Volunteers (2) 1972 Campaign helpers 1974 CRC hearings 1971 Correspondence 1974 MTST and Robo letters (3) 1973-1979 District office space 1977-1978 Federal election commission – instructions and memos 1975-1976 F-111 letters (2) 1970-1978 F-16 SCAMP/general dynamics n.d. Thank you letters (3) 1970-1982 1152 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 299 Statement regarding redistricting of 12th congressional district n.d. Ticket sales 1982 Congressional Write-in essay contest winners (9) 1970-1985 Conservatives for JW 1980 Various campaign lists and contributions 1980-1989 Solicitation letter from JW 1982 News clippings (photocopies) 1950-1960 Letters to JW from government officials 1964, 1973 Campaign information 1979-1980 Salutes to JW 1965, 1973 Bills (2) 1980-1981 Art contest, Contributions, Deposits 1986 Austin fundraiser (2) 1982-1983 JG – Campaign expenses, etc. 1974 Application for Place on Democratic Party Primary Ballot 1978 News clippings 1974 JW invitations (2) 1973-1975 JW correspondence relating to reelection campaign 1976-1977 Wright appreciation committee, paid bills & receipts 1976 Youth list 1974 CWAC – “thank you for contribution” 1978 JW appreciation dinner [receipts] 1973 Newspaper financial statements 1980 TV [campaign] 1980 Houston fundraiser 1977-1980 1153 1154 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 300 Position papers c. 1976, 1980 Religion 1970, 1980 Energy campaign 1979-1980 JW campaign 1980 Jim Bradshaw press 1979-1980 Campaign support 1980 Radio 1980 IRS worth appreciation 1979 East Texas first 1983-1986 Ridglea Bank 1976-1978 Campaign contributions 1985 Testimonial dinner saluting JW 1973 Convention delegates and precinct list n.d. Fossil creek flood protection 1960 Counties of north central Texas [book] 1973 Fort Worth area directories 1966-1974 JW advertising plate for 1961 senate race 1961 Fund raisers (2) 1982 JW Congressional club (23) 1966-1982 Ariston Refrigerator 1979 FY 78 defense appropriations 1977 Miscellaneous information 1972-1975 Federal election reform 1974 Opposition 1973-1974 Correspondence 1973-1974 1155 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 301 Amateur athletics act 1972-1973 JW escrow act 1974 Newsletters and news releases 1974 JW 10th wedding anniversary celebration 1982 Campaign contribution and expenditure statements 1966-1976 JW and Betty – American Airlines air passes 1983-1988 District office rental agreement (2) 1981-1987 FEC information on Jim Bradshaw campaign (2) 1980 Wright appreciation committee (3) 1979-1980 Jim Bradshaw Quarterly federal election commission reports 1980 Potential political contributors 1978-1980 Correspondence (2) 1973-1980 President Johnson’s visit to Fort Worth 1968 Paid invoices 1980 JW portrait for state house of chambers (by Emily Guthrie Smith) 1980 Publicity [JW luncheons, receptions, fund raises, contributors, contributions, advertisements] 1979-1982 Chapters for autobiography [chaps. 1-3, 7-10, 12] n.d. Report on floods in north central Texas 1981 Various information [booklets, newsletters and clippings] 1972-1981 Campaign information 1980 JW literature 1973-1982 Wright congressional club (17) 1966-1975 JW October 6 dinner 1964, 1973 Wright appreciation dinner 1965 1156 1157 1158 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 302 AVSCOM [Army Aviation System Command] – Proposed move to Fort Worth 1972-1973 JW campaign file (general) 1962 JW Publicity file 1961-1966 Directory of labor unions 1967 Fort Worth police Tarrant county sheriff’s department 1969 Oil operators n.d. Bills 1980-1981 Title IX [education amendment] materials (7) 1972-1977 Texas Christian University – Internal Revenue Service 1975-1977 Optimum systems Inc.- Clint Murchison 1975-1979 Kelly, Dee J. 1978-1979 Leggett 1979 Fundraiser – Midland hotel 1978 Model life-care center 1976-1978 Carswell AFB – lake frontage leased from city 1977 Robo letters (2) 1979-1980 News letters 1978-1980 Chiles, Eddie 1978 Speeches 1977-1979 Congressional insight 1979 Signatures c. 1978 Wright appreciation committee [general correspondence] 1978 Wright congressional club – form letters 1972 Wright Congressional Club – Correspondence w/ Henshaw 1977 Wright Congressional Club – General 1977-1979 1159 1160 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 303 Trip to Europe 1979 Democratic National Committee 1976 “Clean Money for Congress” by JW 1967 GSA store supplies 1978-1979 Energy (6) 1977-1979 Crude oil windfall profit tax act 1980 HUD housing project/ Carswell 1979 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1979-1980 Majority Congress Committee 1977-1984 Visit of President Carter 1978 Miscellaneous material from past staff members Leon Haley and Paul Driskell (3) 1979-1982 Miscellaneous material 1982-1983 Federal government day (4) 1977-1982 Miscellaneous casework (4) 1975-1983 News clippings (4) 1962-1982 Information on education and the public schools 1982 Legislative and policy issues (2) 1958-1989 Information pertaining to Fort Worth / Tarrant County 1982 General information, invitations, letters, schedules and calendars, campaign information, telephone numbers 1978, 1982 Article on JW barbecue recipe 1981 Pictures of President Truman c. 19451953 Campaign volunteer sheets 1980 Information on how to save energy c. 1979 JW letters 1981 1161 1162 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 304 Report of Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) 1978 Budget committee task force hearing on U.S. trade (3) 1985 Information on marginal wells and crude oil prices 1975-1977 Legislation affecting the elderly, election information c. 1982 Help vote (Janet Moore) 1981-1982 Fort Worth economic development corporation 1982 McDaniel, Bruce L – Immigration services 1982 Visits to Tarrant County cities (4) 1969 Town hall meetings – General information 1969 Parking garage letter and pictures 1970 JW White Settlement visit 1969 Questionnaire 1969 Miscellaneous advertising 1959-1973 Citizens for and against JW 1980-1981 JW Speech – “American: A Job for All of Us” 1982 JW Speech – “You on Easter Week” 1961 JW Speech – Thou Art the One” 1977 Congratulatory letters on JW reelection 1982 News clips (3) 1961, 19781987 Miscellaneous information (2) 1981-1988 “Fort Worth: Our City of Colorful Yesterdays and Bright Tomorrows” (Congressional Record) 1979 “Evangelicals Marching into Political Holly War” 1980 “The Curious Story of the Next Speaker of the House” by Paul West 1985 Information on JW function n.d. 1163 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 305 Information handouts on congress, the budget, the deficit 1982, 1984 Election handouts and information (2) 1980-1988 89th congress session 1966 Information pertaining to legislation 1985-1988 Flag information 1984-1988 Schedules/ events 1987 JW remarks/ congressional record 1986-1987 Phil Duncan letters 1985-1987 Phil Duncan news release 1982 Black churches n.d. Miscellaneous casework 1987-1989 Correspondence 1983-1988 Yard sign distribution c. 1986 Office operations 1985-1988 Federal Communications Commission c. 1985 Bureau of Engraving and Printing 1988? Ex- military wives 1982-1987 Congressional research service information pack (31) 1980-1987 1164 Print media – TV, radio 1986 1165 JW literature 1980-1986 Senior citizen services 1986 Lee A. Iacocca / Taiwan 1986 Bumper sticker campaign 1986 Service labor rates 1988 Opposition materials 1980, 1986 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 306 Emergency survey on last Reagan term 1986 Yard sign storage 1986 Questionnaire 1986 FEC reports 1986 Tyson project 1986 Polling information (4) 1986 Campaign advertising 1986 Campaign 1986 (2) 1986 Campaign staff 1986 Articles on 1986 campaign 1986 Precinct lists 12th Congressional District 1986 McNeil/ FEC 1986 Letters of Support 1986 Election information concerning JW/McNeil race for Congress 1986 Election related literature 1980 Campaign literature (oversize) n.d. Editorial – “It’s time for a change: but let’s keep the very best” 1980 Air force exchange briefing 1987 Book chapters of “Legislation and the Will of God” and “Congress and Conscience” n.d. Texas Boma bluebook 1985 Various published reports [foreign policy, health care, etc.] 1980-1989 1167 Election materials 1966, 19781987 1168 Miscellaneous casework 1981-1982 1169 1166 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 307 Correspondence (7) 1981-1982 Democratic luncheon 1984 News clippings 1981 News clippings and other information on 1980 election 1980 President Reagan’s current education policy n.d. Essay contest (4) 1985-1987 Lists (2) 1981 Wright appreciation committee (4) 1979-1982 Wright congressional club (9) 1970-1982 Thank you letters (2) 1980 Complaint letters re military commissary stores 1975 Volunteers 1982 Rental allowance for members 1971 1964 elections and contributions (2) 1963-1964 IRS 1974 Campaign materials (5) 1976-1982 JW letters 1980, 1983 Legislative issues [Status of major legislation affecting the elderly] 1982 JW schedules 1982 News clippings 1976-1982 Miscellaneous casework 1969-1979 “Beans ‘N Jeans with Jim Wright” 1982 Miscellaneous 1982 Schedules 1984, 1986 Letters regarding JW speaking engagements 1985 1170 1171 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 308 Correspondence 1960-1986 Staff assignments and work forms c. 1984 Election results 1988 Campaign materials (2) 1980-1989 Opinions and attitudes of voters in the 12th Congressional District 1977 Voting comparison list of JW and Phil Burton c. 1980 Election judges n.d. Field operations bureau c. 1982 National democratic caucus 1984 Volunteer forms (2) c. 1986 News clippings (4) 1986 Statements and news items re: Ethics inquiry 1989 Polytechnic strategy committee (3) 1985-1988 National bicentennial competition on the constitution and bill 1989 of rights (2) U.S. postal service receipts for Wright Appreciation Committee and Wright Congressional Club 1983 Map contest 1988-1989 Tarrant county leaders in efforts against crime 1988 Interview with Larry King n.d. Omnibus drug bill (2) 1988 “My favorite sporting story” 1946 JW letters re: Substance abuse, Program to Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine Physicians 1989 Lists (2) 1988-1989 Various contributor lists n.d. 1172 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 309 Reports of receipts and disbursements 1974, 19851986 FEC information and JW Congressional Club 1985-1988 Tarrant county democratic precinct chairpersons 1984 Follow-up name list 1986 Wright appreciation committee (7) 1980-1988 PAC donations 1988 IRS information 1986 Voting fundraising receipts (2) 1987 Requests for payment/ reimbursement 1985-1988 East Texas/ Hargett campaign 1984-1985 Senior citizens alliance of Tarrant County and the Reagan Tax Plan 1985 District office space (2) 1983-1987 Copies of checks 1987-1988 1962 general election [correspondence] 1962 Thank you’s for campaign work and financial support (2) 1962 Campaign contributors and volunteers (23) 1962 Campaign materials (8) 1960-1968 Correspondence-1964 campaign (3) 1964 Democratic Luncheon 1964 Appreciation dinner 1965 Austin appreciation dinner 1961 FEC information (3) 1970-1988 Lists (3) 1980-1985 Precinct votes 1974 1173 1174 1175 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 310 Wright congressional club correspondence 1972-1985 Payments / receipts (2) 1984-1986 Contributions 1974-1988 Citizens for/against JW 1962, 19801985 Beans and jeans with JW 1982 News clippings – campaign 1980 Campaign literature 1981-1983 Correspondence (4) 1983-1988 JW bio c. 1987 Citations, presentations 1979-1988 Hugh Parmer roast 1985 Casework 1984, 1988 Photos of congressmen c. 1987 Texas Democratic Party in convention 1984 Notes from JW staff 1987 Casework 1974-1986 Legislative issues 1980-1985 Woolsey, C.A. 1983-1984 Tarrant county projects 1985-1986 Correspondence (4) 1977-1989 Whitehouse calendars (2) 1984 Tarrant Country Precinct guide 1978-1979 Texas congressional districts 1982 Responsibility of elected officials comments 1966 Book club 1965-1968 1176 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 311 Musical piece autographed by Franz Schubert 1952 What is a secretary – remarks n.d. News clippings (2) 1974-1982 Speeches 1967, 19801986 News clippings – Central America (7) 1980-1989 Photograph of earth from NASA, and proof for JW envelope c. 1968 “The schooling of America” n.d. Remarks on the FB-111 and the growing imbalance in strategic forces [incomplete] n.d. Fort Worth Federal Office building artist rendition n.d. “Profile of Communism: A Four Part Series” by NBC news 1962 Letter to the secretary of the Army 1962 Legislative issues (2) 1957-1968, 1980 Campaign Strategies – Plans – Literature 1968 Speeches and Press releases (4) 1969-1980 News clippings 1974-1978 Energy 1980 Agency for International Development Press Kit about Vietnam 1967-1968 Betty Wright bio n.d. Simmons, Dykes A. – Jr. record 1959-1966 North side neighborhood center incident 1967 Campaign information 1980-1986 Essay contest certificate n.d “Crossroads: a report on the state of the U.S. economy” 1988 1177 1178 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 312 “America Deserves better” 1984 Kitchens and associates strategy adjustment poll c. 1986 Elections poll result 1980 “An analysis of the national conservative political action committee and its involvement in the 12th congressional district of Texas” by James T. Kitchens c. 1980 Distribution of democratic vote 1961 Exclusive survey “What congress really thinks of itself” 1980 Event programs: Texas democrats salute JW 1983 Photo negatives of Vietnam era veterans n.d. Art contest certificates n.d. Miscellaneous: News clippings, JW, literature, campaign materials and general information (2) 1958-1988 Legislative issues 1985-1989 Letter to secretary of Army 1987 “What kind of leaders do Americans really want” – student essay n.d. Wright congressional club 1981-1984 General election vote count sheets 1980 Grenada (4) 1980-1983 Information on public law 99-514 1986 Small business association 1953 Older Americans month – Reagan’s proclamation 1985 “Made in USA posters” n.d. Correspondence – resignation from congress 1989 News clippings (5) 1962-1988 North Fort Worth development 1987 1179 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 313 Social security 1983 Legislative checklist 1986 Campaign material (6) 1980 NAACP and the black community 1980 Budget 1980 Wright congressional club 1979 Lease agreement South freeway and campaign headquarters 1980 Jaworski, Leon – visit to Forth Worth 1980 Democratic party precinct convention 1980 Remarks urging passage of H.R. 5461 1979 Correspondence (2) 1980 “Legislation and the will of God” – chapter from the book Congress an Conscience 1970 Program proposal [12th congressional district] n.d. Information on congressional races 1978 North central Texas council of governments ca. 1978 “What congress really thinks of itself” 1980 FEC information 1980 Cuba 1980 Ryan, Jim 1980 Silcox 1980 Lists n.d. Energy independence fair 1980 Correspondence (2) 1985-1987 Congressional page applicant 1987 United States service academies (4) 1987-1989 1180 1181 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 314 Casework (16) 1981-1988 Tarrant County Dept. of Health and County CommissionersClinic for Indigents on Northside Grant (L. Shannon) 1987 NAACP and the Black Community 1981 Fort Worth Economic Development Corporation Report c. 1980 Miscellaneous lists 1981 JW Remarks, Senior citizens alliance luncheon 1981 Legislative issues 1980-1990 Information on employment of a blinded civil engineer 1984-1987 Government internships 1986 JW schedules 1983-1984 Photos of Larry Gatlin and Walter Mondale visit to Fort Worth n.d. Miscellaneous Casework 1980-1981 “Favorable” - Index cards inside wooden box 1981-1982 Correspondence (8) 1971-1976 Dec. 2, luncheon 1976 Making the clean water program work 1976 The Magna Carta and the limits of government 1976 Perspective on a new year 1976 The congress in perspective 1976 Two functions of government 1976 Energy, economy and the environment 1977 Government reorganization 1977 Presidential congressional teamwork pays off 1977 The tax bill 1977 1182 1183 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 315 Defense, postal service, congress 1978 National economy front 1978 Focus on Tarrant County 1978 The sickness of New York 1977 Welfare reform (2) 1977 Spending cuts, Carter’s peace, better than the draft, energy 1979 Two ways to save 1979 Chance for peace in the mid east 1978 Energy: the unfinished task 1978 CIA, TRAN deficit 1979 Newsletters 1950-1988 1184 Newsletters 1962-1973 1185 Newsletters 1963-1975 1186 Radio broadcasts 1982 1187 “The postal service is too proud”, by Kathleen M. Conkey 1983 Education speech 1983 Financial aid administrators speech 1982-1983 Letters to heads of state 1983-1984 MIA/POW speech 1981-1983 UAW speech 1983 Fundraiser 1983 Congressional prayer vigil for soviet Jewry 1983 Covert aid amendment 1983 Education 1982-1983 EPA sanctions for August news letter 1982-1983 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 316 Productivity/ retraining 1983 Interest rates 1981-1982 Education press conference 1983 FCC/ AT&T breakup 1983 Hubert Humphrey portrait bust 1984 Interest rate testimony 1983 Alien education input aid (2) 1979-1983 Asia materials 1983 Budget process 1980-1983 Wright amendment to the vocational rehabilitation act 1983 Truckers speech 1983 Education and the deficit 1982-1983 ILGWU speech 1983 1981-1983 Reagan, Mondale/Ferraro 1984-1985 National conference of state legislators speech 1984 Office appointments 1972-1973 Appreciation dinner 1973 Colleagues (2) 1972-1974 Congratulations and condolences 1972-1973 Correspondence 1973 Contract and rewards (2) 1972-1973 U.S. department of health, education, and welfare (3) 1973 Congressional record 1972-1973 Crank letters 1972-1973 Democratic convention (3) 1972-1973 1188 1189 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 317 Democratic Study Group 1973 Texas delegation 1973 Football tickets 1973 Fort Worth Matters 1972-1973 Holiday greetings 1972-1973 Lynam 1972-1974 Administrative assistant’s association 1974 National affairs (7) 1972-1973 Report to Texas department of agriculture (2) c. 1973 New comers to Fort Worth 1972-1973 Correspondence- newsletter responses (4) 1972-1973 Office (3) 1972-1976 Correspondence- personal a-z (6) 1972-1973 Publications 1972-1973 Radio, TV, Newspapers 1973 Recommendations 1973 Correspondence- requests (2) 1972-1974 SHOSID 1972-1973 Speeches 1972-1973 Summer employment 1973 Tarrant County matters (2) 1971-1973 Criminal district attorney 1971-1973 Texas state matters (5) 1971- 1973 Thank you – correspondence (5) 1972-1973 Texas Water Resources Institute – Annual Report 1973 1190 1191 1192 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 318 Visitors 1973 White House 1972-1973 World affairs (3) 1972-1973 Correspondence (8) 1972-1973 Legislation 1972-1973 Agriculture (2) 1972-1973 Food stamp act 1973 Armed services- correspondence 1973-1974 Banking and currency 1973 Education and labor (4) 1973 Foreign affairs 1973 Pro Israel letters 1973 Government operations (2) 1973 Fort Worth skill center 1973 Judiciary (4) 1972-1973 Busing (8) 1972-1973 Impeachment – Nixon (3) 1973 Correspondence – Impeach Nixon (5) 1973 Correspondence – Pro Nixon (5) 1973 Merchant marine and fisheries 1973 Post office civil service (2) 1973 Public works (2) 1971-1973 Highway bill (4) 1972-1973 Public works (4) 1972-1973 Rules 1973 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 Jim Wright Papers (MS 2) - 319 Science and astronautics 1971-1973 Veterans affairs 1972-1973 Ways and means responses (6) 1972-1973 Opinion ballots 1973 Executive File [Correspondence with the White House] (15) 1969-1989 Wright personal 1986 Correspondence [constituent mail] (9) 1985, 1987 1198 1199 1200