transport of proteins and nucleic acids through plasmodesmata

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Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 1997. 48:27–50
Copyright © 1997 by Annual Reviews Inc. All rights reserved
Soumitra Ghoshroy, Robert Lartey, Jinsong Sheng, and Vitaly
Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, State University of New York, Stony
Brook, New York 11794-5215
KEY WORDS: cell-to-cell movement of plant viruses, intercellular communication, protein
transport, nucleic acid transport
Despite a potentially key role in cell-to-cell communication, plant intercellular
connections—the plasmodesmata—have long been a biological “black box.”
Little is known about their protein composition, regulatory mechanisms, or
transport pathways. However, recent studies have shed some light on plasmodesmal function. These connections have been shown to actively traffic proteins
and protein–nucleic acid complexes between plant cells. This review describes
these transport processes—specifically, cell-to-cell movement of plant viruses
as well as endogenous cellular proteins—and discusses their possible mechanism(s). For comparison and to provide a broader perspective on the plasmodesmal transport process, the current model for nuclear import, the only other known
example of transport of large proteins and protein–nucleic acid complexes
through a membrane pore, is summarized. Finally, the function of plasmodesmata as communication boundaries within plant tissue is discussed.
STRUCTURE OF PLASMODESMATA.................................................................................
Viral Cell-to-Cell Movement Proteins.................................................................................
Phloem Proteins ..................................................................................................................
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Other Cellular Proteins .......................................................................................................
Highlights of Nuclear Import ..............................................................................................
Implications for the Mechanism of Plasmodesmal Transport.............................................
FUTURE PERSPECTIVES ......................................................................................................
Plasmodesmata are cytoplasmic bridges that span the walls separating plant
cells. Bernhardi suggested the existence of such channels, as well as the
possibility of intercellular communication that they would permit, almost two
centuries ago (6). Three quarters of a century passed before Tangl first observed plasmodesmata (104), and it was not until the turn of the century that
Strasburger gave them their present name (102). Although the existence of
such cell wall bridges has long been known, the isolation of plasmodesmata
and the elucidation of their constituent proteins and regulatory mechanisms
have remained elusive to this day. In recent studies, plasmodesmata have been
implicated not only in transport of small molecules such as water, ions, and
photoassimilates, but in intercellular traffic of proteins, nucleic acids, and
protein–nucleic acid complexes. This ability to transport large molecules and
multimolecular complexes has been described for only one other biological
channel, the nuclear pore.
In this review, we summarize the structure of plasmodesmata, discuss their
function in intercellular transport of macromolecules, and describe possible
similarities between the mechanisms for nuclear import and plasmodesmal
transport. In addition, the role of plasmodesmata as conduits for viral infection
is discussed.
Plasmodesmata are large membrane-lined pore structures that interconnect
adjacent plant cells. The current structural model of a simple plasmodesma
derives from the electron microscopy experiments that used high-pressure
freezing to preserve fine details of tobacco leaf plasmodesmata (28). According to this study, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) passes through the plasmodesma and is both surrounded by and filled with regularly spaced globular
particles approximately 3 nm in diameter. This membrane-protein complex is
called the desmotubule or appressed ER (Figure 1). The particles associated
with the outer leaflet of the appressed ER appear to be connected to those on
the inner leaflet by proteinaceous filaments. Further, globular particles are
embedded in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane, greatly restricting the
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Figure 1 Structure of a simple plasmodesma. See text for details. Adapted from References 11,
17, and 28.
open space (28). In addition to the ER, plasmodesmata may associate with
cytoskeletal elements. The presence of actin in plasmodesmata has been proposed (114), and recent results suggested that myosin, which interacts with
actin and produces force through hydrolysis of ATP, also colocalizes with
plasmodesmata (88).
Plasmodesmata follow a complex developmental pathway. There are two
types of plasmodesmata, which may be defined morphologically as simple and
branched, or developmentally as primary and secondary (25, 63). Primary or
simple plasmodesmata are found predominantly in young tissue and consist of
a simple, single channel, as pictured in Figure 1 (25). The creation of primary
plasmodesmata is a function of cell plate formation during cytokinesis (37, 62,
64). The ER is positioned across and perpendicular to the cell plate (52, 86). It
then becomes appressed by the developing cell plate and, together with the
plasma membrane, provides cytoplasmic continuity between cells. Thus, the
primary plasmodesma is essentially an incomplete separation between two
daughter cells. Secondary or branched plasmodesmata are found in older tissues and show a higher degree of variability, often with many channels leading
into a larger central cavity (25). Because the number of plasmodesmata in a
given area is constant in both older and younger tissue, it is believed that
secondary plasmodesmata are derived in most cases from preexisting primary
plasmodesmata (26, 63). The secondary plasmodesmata differ functionally in
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several ways from simple plasmodesmata, most notably in response to viral
infection (25) (see below).
Transport through plasmodesmata appears to be very complex. Ordinarily,
only small microchannels are available for passive transport between the
globular particles. This unassisted transport through plasmodesmata, studied
using microinjected dyes and fluorescently labeled dextrans, appears to be
limited to molecules up to 1.5–2.0 nm in diameter, equivalent to a molecular
mass of 0.75–1.0 kDa (105, 116). Several factors decrease plasmodesmal
permeability. These include divalent cations (Ca2+, Mn2+, and Sr2+), phorbol
esters, aromatic amino acids, and phosphoinositides (5, 33, 62, 107). Only one
known endogenous plant protein, KN1, encoded by the maize knotted-1 homeobox gene, increases plasmodesmal permeability (61; see also below).
However, many plant viruses have evolved the ability to increase the plasmodesmal size exclusion limit during local and systemic spread of infection.
The mechanism by which this increase in plasmodesmal permeability occurs is
unknown. For example, it is possible that a conformational change in the
aforementioned filaments enlarges the permeable space of plasmodesmal
channels by pulling the globular particles into the appressed ER (Figure 2)
Our present knowledge of plasmodesmal structure and composition is
purely descriptive and has been derived mainly from electron microscopy
studies. No functional plasmodesmal proteins have been definitely identified.
However, many initial reports on cloning plasmodesmata genes or purifying
plasmodesmata-associated proteins (67, 68) either have been disputed or require further substantiation (73). This is in contrast to the animal counterparts
of plasmodesmata—gap junctions—which have been long since purified and
characterized, and whose encoding genes have been cloned (57). The main
reason for such difference is technical. Unlike gap junctions, plasmodesmata
are firmly embedded in the plant cell wall and are thus recalcitrant to purification. One way to circumvent this difficulty is to use plant viruses, which
specifically interact with plasmodesmata during infection, as a molecular tool
to identify and characterize the plasmodesmal transport pathway and its protein components.
Viral Cell-to-Cell Movement Proteins
Katherine Esau first postulated that viruses moved throughout the plant via
plasmodesmata (34). Since then, viral spread through plant intercellular con-
Figure 2 A model for plasmodesmal transport of proteins and protein–nucleic acid complexes. For explanation, see text.
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nection has been shown to occur in two major steps: local and systemic
(Figure 3). Following initial infection, usually by mechanical or insect-mediated inoculation, many plant viruses spread from cell to cell through plasmodesmata until they reach the vascular system; the viruses are then transported systemically through the vasculature. Presumably, viral spread through
the vascular tissue is a passive process, occurring with the flow of photoassimilates (reviewed in 59). In contrast, the cell-to-cell movement is an active
function, requiring specific interaction between the virus and plasmodesmata.
This interaction is mediated by virus-encoded nonstructural movement proteins that act to increase plasmodesmal permeability and transport viral nucleic
acids through the enlarged plasmodesmal channels (reviewed in 11, 63, 64).
movement protein is the 30-kDa protein (P30) of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
(22). To date, P30 has been suggested to possess three biological activities. It is
thought to bind TMV RNA, forming an extended P30-RNA complex that can
penetrate the plasmodesmal channel (12, 16). It also may interact with the
Figure 3 Cellular routes for local and systemic movement of plant viruses. T, trichome; E,
epidermal cells; MC, mesophyll cells; BS, bundle sheath cells; PP, phloem parenchyma cells; CC,
companion cells; SE, sieve elements. Arrows indicate viral movement. Viral spread between
trichome, epidermis, and mesophyll cells represents local, cell-to-cell movement. Plasmodesmata
between bundle sheath and phloem parenchyma cells are thought to mediate transition from local
to systemic movement, which then proceeds through the sieve elements to other plant organs (25,
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cytoskeletal elements to facilitate transport of the P30-TMV RNA complexes
from the cell cytoplasm to plasmodesmata (51, 66). Finally, P30 functions to
increase the size exclusion limit of plasmodesmata (116). On the basis of these
activities, a model for the P30-mediated intercellular transport of TMV RNA
has been proposed (Figure 2) (11, 18, 117). In the initially infected cell, P30 is
produced by translation of the invading genomic TMV RNA. This protein then
associates with a certain portion of the viral RNA molecules, sequestering them
from replication and mediating their transport into the neighboring uninfected
host cells. In vitro studies showed that P30 binds both RNA and single-stranded
DNA (ssDNA), but not double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), cooperatively and
without sequence specificity (12, 16). This sequence-nonspecific binding explains the observations that coinfection with TMV can allow cell-to-cell movement of plant viruses that normally do not spread through plasmodesmata
(reviewed in 3, 10). Electron microscopic experiments revealed that P30 binding
unfolds the nucleic acid molecule, creating an extended protein-RNA complex
of 2.0–2.5 nm in diameter (16) (Figure 2). Because the free-folded TMV RNA
has been estimated to be 10 nm in diameter (40), association with P30 likely
shapes it in a thinner, transferable form capable of being transported through
plasmodesmal channels.
Following the demonstration that TMV P30 binds single-stranded nucleic
acids (12, 16), cell-to-cell movement proteins from many other plant viruses
were also found to exhibit similar activity. For example, P1 of cauliflower
mosaic virus (CaMV) was shown to associate with both ssDNA and RNA in
long, thin complexes that closely resemble P30-ssDNA and P30-RNA complexes (13, 106). P1 binding affinity to RNA was higher than that toward
ssDNA, which suggests that P1-CaMV RNA complexes may be involved in
the cell-to-cell spread of this virus (13). This TMV-like mechanism for cell-tocell movement may coexist with the better-characterized spread of CaMV in
the form of a whole viral particle through virus-modified plasmodesmata (56).
In addition to TMV and CaMV, the movement proteins of alfalfa mosaic virus
(AMV), red clover necrotic mosaic dianthovirus (RCNMV), and several other
viruses have been shown to bind single-stranded nucleic acids (81, 83, 97).
Similar to P30, these movement proteins bound nucleic acids cooperatively
(13, 81, 97) [though the movement protein of RCNMV did not appear to
significantly extend the bound RNA molecules (38)]. Thus, transport through
plasmodesmata via formation of movement protein–nucleic acid intermediates
may represent a common mechanism for cell-to-cell spread of many plant
Although practically all examined movement proteins most likely function
to transport viral nucleic acids, the degree of transport selectivity varies. For
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example, the P30 protein of TMV can bind and, by implication, transport any
single-stranded nucleic acid (12, 16). In contrast, the RCNMV movement
protein is capable of trafficking only ssRNA but not ssDNA or dsDNA (38),
whereas the bean dwarf mosaic geminivirus (BDMV) BL1 movement protein
facilitates transport of dsDNA but not ssDNA or ssRNA molecules (79). In the
latter case, the transport of dsDNA seems incompatible with biochemical and
genetic evidence obtained with another bipartite geminivirus, squash leaf curl
virus (SqLCV), for which the transported form has been proposed to be viral
genomic ssDNA (83). Because BL1 only weakly binds nucleic acids (83), it
interacts with the second geminivirus movement protein—BR1 (95)—which
directly associates with the transported nucleic acid molecule (83). BR1 most
likely binds the viral nucleic acid to transport it out of the host cell nucleus
where geminiviruses, such as SqLCV, replicate (44). BR1-ssDNA complexes
(or BR1-dsDNA complexes, in the case of BDMV) then associate with BL1,
which mediates the plasmodesmal transport (see also below).
Because TMV RNA
translation and, therefore, the production of P30 occurs in the host cell cytoplasm
(82), P30-TMV RNA cell-to-cell transport complexes most likely are formed in
the cytoplasmic compartment. How, then, do these complexes arrive at plasmodesmata before the cell-to-cell movement? Recent data suggest that P30
interacts with microtubules and, to a lesser extent, with actin (51, 66). This
interaction was inferred from colocalization of the wild-type P30, transiently
expressed in tobacco protoplasts, primarily with microtubules and, occasionally,
with actin filaments (66). P30 association with tubulin and actin was also
demonstrated using in vitro binding assays (66). Furthermore, P30 tagged by
translational fusion with the jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) formed a
filamentous network following transient expression in plant protoplasts. These
filamentous arrays of P30-GFP were best detected 18 to 20 h following expression; after 48 to 72 h, most P30-GFP appeared as aggregates along the periphery
of the protoplasts (66). Finally, P30-GFP was introduced into the TMV genome,
and the resulting modified virus retained infectivity (51). The fluorescent
P30-GFP expressed in tobacco protoplasts and leaf tissue following infection
formed an intracellular network that coaligned with cellular microtubules (however, no association of P30 with F-actin was detected in these experiments) (51).
Although movement proteins of other plant viruses have not yet been tested for
interaction with cytoskeleton, it is likely that such interaction will be found for
many viral species.
Taken together, these observations suggest that P30 may interact with the
cytoskeletal elements in the host cell cytoplasm and use them as tracks to
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migrate to the cell periphery and, ultimately, to plasmodesmata (Figure 2).
Because P30 is most likely associated with the viral RNA during infection, it is
the P30-TMV RNA complex that may interact with the host cell microtubules
and microfilaments during transport to plasmodesmata (Figure 2). Alternatively, interaction with the cytoskeleton may anchor P30 or P30-TMV RNA
complexes in the cytoplasm, gradually releasing them in response to as yet
unidentified signals for the plasmodesmal transport to occur. In this case,
association with microtubules and microfilaments would function as a regulatory mechanism for plasmodesmal transport rather than the targeting apparatus. Similar regulation by cytoplasmic anchoring has been described for nuclear import of the NF-κB transcription factor (reviewed in 29) (see also
Once the P30-TMV RNA cellto-cell transport complex reaches the plasmodesmal channel, it must traverse it
to enter the neighboring host cell. Although the estimated 2.0–2.5 nm diameter
of this nucleoprotein complex (16) is relatively small, it still is incompatible
with the 1.5-nm diameter of the intact plasmodesmal channel (116). To allow
movement, therefore, P30 increases plasmodesmal permeability (Figure 2).
Originally, the ability of P30 to increase plasmodesmal size exclusion limit was
detected by injection of fluorescently labeled dextrans into leaf mesophyll of
transgenic tobacco expressing P30 (116). Unlike the wild-type tobacco mesophyll plasmodesmata that can traffic dextrans of up to 0.75–1.0 kDa, the P30
transgenic plants exhibited plasmodesmal size exclusion limit of almost 10 kDa
(116). These transgenic plants are responding to P30 steady state expression,
accumulation, and activity. Thus, it remained unclear whether the increase in
plasmodesmal size exclusion limit was due to activation of an endogenous
plasmodesmal transport pathway or induction of a specific host response to this
viral protein. Experiments using wild-type tobacco plants and in vitro–produced
P30 suggested an answer to this question. Direct microinjection of purified P30
into the wild-type tobacco mesophyll resulted in a relatively fast (3–5 min) size
exclusion limit increase up to 20 kDa, which suggests that P30 functions via an
existing plasmodesmal transport machinery (111). Importantly, the increased
size exclusion limit of 10–20 kDa (111, 116) corresponds to the 5–9 nm–diameter of the dilated channel, potentially allowing unrestricted traffic of 2.0–2.5
nm–wide P30-TMV RNA complexes (16).
P30 microinjection experiments provided another important clue to its
function. It was noted that large fluorescent dextrans not only moved into the
cells adjacent to the microinjected cell but traveled as far as 20 to 50 cells
away from the site of injection (111). The observations suggested that P30
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itself must have moved through plasmodesmata to induce the increase in size
exclusion limit in the distant mesophyll cells, providing the first evidence that
these plasmodesmata can traffic protein molecules. An alternative and unlikely
possibility that P30 induced an intracellular signaling pathway without its own
cell-to-cell movement was ruled out later by immunolocalization experiments
that showed that microinjected P30 does move between plant cells (112).
Similarly to single-stranded nucleic acid binding, the increase in plasmodesmal size exclusion limit is most likely a property of many viral movement proteins. Presently, the cell-to-cell movement proteins of RCNMV,
AMV, cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), tobacco rattle virus (TRV), potato virus
X, and the BL1 movement protein of BDMV were shown to enable transport
of large fluorescent dextrans between plant cells (2, 23, 38, 79, 85, 109).
RCNMV, CMV, and BDMV movement proteins were also shown to move
from cell to cell themselves (27, 38, 79, 112). Collectively, these experiments
have established the use of large fluorescent dextrans as an assay for interaction between plasmodesmata and viral movement proteins. Recent observations, however, questioned the biological relevance of this approach. P30 was
coinjected with fluorescent dextrans into the tobacco trichomes that are arranged in a linear file of cells and, consequently, allow better visualization of
intercellular transport (112). Surprisingly, no size exclusion limit increase
could be detected, although trichome cells support viral infection and cell-tocell movement. However, when P30 was fused translationally to a reporter
β-glucuronidase (GUS) enzyme, the microinjected GUS-P30 protein efficiently moved between trichome cells (112). This result strongly suggests that
P30 is a cis-acting mediator of plasmodesmal transport. That is, P30 must be
physically associated with the transported molecule such as viral RNA or the
reporter GUS enzyme. This idea is consistent with most known examples of
protein transport and targeting. For example, the increase in the nuclear pore
size exclusion limit during nuclear import does not allow passage of protein
molecules that are not directly associated with the nuclear localization signal
(NLS) sequence (43). Cell-to-cell transport of large fluorescent dextrans coinjected with P30 into the leaf mesophyll, then, may be only an “afterglow” of
the P30 biological activity when mesophyll (but not trichome) cell plasmodesmata remain open following microinjection or overexpression of the movement protein. The true plasmodesmal transport, then, likely requires direct
interaction between the movement protein and the transported molecule.
Phloem Proteins
Viral movement proteins are by far the best studied example of protein and
protein–nucleic acid transport through plasmodesmata. However, in host-
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pathogen interactions, the invading microorganism generally does not invent
novel metabolic pathways; instead, it insinuates into existing cellular processes and adapts them for use in its life cycle. Thus, the plasmodesmal transport of viruses probably reflects the ongoing traffic of macromolecules between plant cells. Although it is logical to assume that such transport may have
an important function in plant growth and development, there is surprisingly
little evidence to support this idea. The first indication of plasmodesmal trafficking of endogenous macromolecules derives from the studies on the
phloem. This specialized plant tissue, which functions to transport photoassimilates from the source leaves to the rest of the plant, is composed of sieve
element cells interconnected by large (0.35–1.00 µm) pores derived from
primary plasmodesmata (63). During differentiation, the sieve elements lose
their nuclei, tonoplasts, microtubules, microfilaments, and ribosomes. Only
the plasma membrane, a parietal endoplasmic reticulum, plastids, and mitochondria remain in the functional sieve element cell (35). Yet these mature
sieve elements function for many months or even years (90). Thus, the maintenance of these cells must involve transport of all necessary proteins from the
neighboring companion cells (Figure 3), which are connected to sieve elements by specialized deltoid-shaped plasmodesmata (63).
Newly synthesized proteins have been found in rice, castor bean, and wheat
sieve element cells (36, 74, 94). The rice phloem sap contains more than 100
different proteins, ranging from 10 to 70 kDa (74), whereas the soluble proteins from the wheat sieve elements are enriched in 34–36 kDa species (36). A
recent study attempted to identify the transported proteins. Using immunodetection techniques, ubiquitin and several chaperonins, such as HSP70 and
GroEL homologs, were detected in the castor bean sieve element exudates
(96). The ubiquitin-to–total protein ratio in the exudate was significantly
higher than that in the surrounding plant tissue (96). Accumulation of ubiquitin
in the sieve elements suggests that the intercellular transport of this protein is
an active process rather than a simple diffusion down the concentration gradient. However, because ubiquitin is a relatively small molecule (8.5 kDa),
facilitated diffusion through the companion cell–sieve element plasmodesmata
cannot be excluded. Finally, this study did not detect ribulose-1,5-biphosphate
carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) in the phloem sap (96). Although Rubisco
resides in the chloroplast, its small subunit is encoded by the nuclear genome
and produced in the cell cytoplasm (48). The lack of its transport into the sieve
element, therefore, supports the idea that protein traffic through the companion
cell–sieve element plasmodesmata may be specific and that not all companion
cell proteins can cross this cellular boundary.
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Protein transport from companion cells into the sieve elements may occur
by a mechanism similar to that of the cell-to-cell transport of plant viruses.
Unlike plant virus movement proteins, however, the phloem sap proteins most
likely do not mediate transport of nucleic acids such as messenger RNA
(mRNA) molecules. Because sieve elements lack ribosomes, transporting
mRNA into these cells will have little biological sense. Although the pumpkin
phloem lectin PP2 protein was detected both in the companion cells and in
sieve elements (101), its mRNA was localized exclusively in the companion
cells (7).
Other Cellular Proteins
Until very recently, viral movement proteins and nucleic acids and phloem
exudate proteins were the only macromolecules known to traverse plasmodesmata. One approach to identifying additional proteins that move from cell to
cell is to compare the cellular distribution of a protein to that of its mRNA. The
presence of the tested protein but not its mRNA in a certain type of cell would
suggest intercellular transport. Using this criterion, a protein encoded by the
maize knotted1 (kn1) homeobox gene (110) was identified as a candidate for
intercellular movement. Immunolocalization studies have detected the KN1
protein both in the outer (epidermal) layer and in the adjacent interior layer of
the maize shoot apical meristem (61). In contrast, the kn1 mRNA was found
only within the interior cell layer (61). The possibility of KN1 intercellular
transport was then directly tested by microinjection of the fluorescently labeled KN1 protein into tobacco and maize leaf mesophyll. Technical difficulties precluded microinjection into the apical meristem, the natural functional
site of KN1. Microinjected KN1 moved very rapidly (within 1–2 s) between
leaf mesophyll cells both in maize and in tobacco (61). It is puzzling that
practically no nuclear import of KN1 was detected in these experiments (61)
(since KN1 is a transcription factor, it must function exclusively in the cell
nucleus). While it is possible that KN1 nuclear targeting in the leaf mesophyll
is not efficient, ectopic expression of KN1 in tobacco leaves has been shown to
alter cell fate, suggesting functional nuclear import of this protein (100).
Microinjection of unlabeled KN1 induced cell-to-cell movement of 20–39kDa fluorescent dextrans as well as a 20-kDa cytosolic protein (soybean trypsin inhibitor), which indicates that KN1 dilates plasmodesmata similarly to the
movement proteins of plant viruses (61). Like the viral movement proteins that
transport viral nucleic acids through plasmodesmata, KN1 was shown to traffic RNA molecules. Unlike viral movement proteins, however, KN1 transported only its own mRNA (61). If both KN1 and kn1 mRNA move between
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cells, it is unclear why only the protein is found in the outer layer of the shoot
apical meristem in vivo (see above). Furthermore, neither KN1 nor kn1 mRNA
are detected in the expanding leaves which flank the shoot apical meristem
(61). If microinjected KN1 can move through leaf plasmodesmata (61), there
must be a mechanism to prevent such movement in vivo.
Cell-to-cell transport of KN1 supports the idea that plasmodesmata may
function as conduits for developmental signals and morphogens. Preliminary
data suggest that protein products of deficiens (DEF) and globosa (GLO)
genes of Antirrhinum, which are involved in floral organ specification, traffic
intercellularly and can increase plasmodesmal permeability (70). Based on the
ability of DEF and GLO to move from cell to cell, it has been proposed that
most floral regulators traverse plasmodesmata and function by creating an
intercellular signal gradient leading to specific pattern formation (70).
The mechanism by which macromolecules are transported through plasmodesmata is unknown. However, it may be possible to predict the key features of
this process by comparing it to nuclear transport, the only other known example of traffic of large proteins and protein–nucleic acid complexes through a
membrane pore. Before making such predictions, we first summarize the
mechanism of the nuclear import process.
Highlights of Nuclear Import
Molecular transport across the nuclear
envelope involves a great diversity of proteins and nucleic acids. This transport
is bidirectional and occurs exclusively through the nuclear pore complex (NPC).
While relatively small molecules (up to 60 kDa) (reviewed in 1, 42, 78) diffuse
through the NPC, transport of larger molecules occurs by an active mechanism
mediated by specific nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequences contained in
the transported molecule (reviewed in 39). Transport of some small endogenous
nuclear proteins such as the H1 histone (21 kDa) also occurs by an active process
With few exceptions (e.g. influenza virus nucleoprotein NLS, yeast Gal4
protein NLS), all NLSs can be classified in two general groups: (a) the SV40
large T antigen NLS (PKKKRKV) motif and (b) the bipartite motif consisting
of two basic domains separated by a variable number (but not less than 4) of
spacer amino acids and exemplified by the nucleoplasmin NLS (KRX10KKKL). The first domain of a bipartite NLS usually consists of two
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adjacent basic residues, whereas the second domain contains three out of five
basic amino acids (reviewed in 30). To date, most NLSs found in plant proteins belong to the bipartite type (89).
NLS RECEPTORS NLS receptors, which have been implicated in protein
nuclear import in several organisms, belong to a multiprotein family that
includes animal karyopherin α (importin 60) and yeast Kap60 (formerly Srp1)
(32, 45, 87 and references therein, 91, 113). They are thought to recognize and
bind the NLS sequence of the transported protein molecule and direct it to the
nuclear pore. Once the receptor-NLS–bearing protein complex is at the nuclear
pore, animal karyopherin β (importin 90) or yeast Kap95 proteins mediate
binding to the NPC proteins, nucleoporins. This binding is followed by translocation into the nucleus, which requires the GTPase Ran (or its yeast homolog
Gsp1) (20, 69, 71) and the Ran-interacting protein p10 (75). During translocation, karyopherin α is thought to enter the nucleus together with the bound
NLS-containing protein while karyopherin β remains at the nuclear pore orifice
Thus, nuclear import involves two discrete steps: (a) binding of NLSs to the
cytoplasmic receptors, which then direct the transported molecule to the NPC,
and (b) transport through the nuclear pore (76, 92). While interaction with
NLS receptors and NPC binding is energy independent, the actual translocation requires metabolic energy in the form of ATP and GTP (69, 77).
REGULATION OF NUCLEAR IMPORT Many nuclear proteins function only at a
specific developmental stage or in response to certain external stimuli such as
hormones. Nuclear entry of these proteins, therefore, is tightly regulated. Signal
masking and cytoplasmic anchoring represent the two major mechanisms for
regulation of nuclear import (29). Regulation by NLS masking is exemplified
by the nuclear import of the glucocorticoid receptor. In the absence of hormone,
this protein is bound in the cytoplasm to the HSP90 chaperone protein, which
masks the NLS (9, 84). When activated by the binding of a steroid hormone, the
receptor molecule is released from HSP90, and its NLS is revealed, directing
the receptor-hormone complex into the cell nucleus to activate gene expression
(49, 84).
Nuclear import of the NF-κB transcription factor is a paradigm of regulation by cytoplasmic anchors. NF-κB, which usually consists of 50- and 65kDa subunits (41), is present in the cytoplasm of nonactivated cells as a
complex with an inhibitory protein I-κB (4). I-κB contains ankyrin repeats
(50) originally found in the erythrocyte membrane anchoring protein ankyrin
(65). These repeats are thought to promote association of I-κB, and its cognate
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by Sun Yat-Sen University Library on 07/19/09. For personal use only.
NF-κB, with the cellular matrix (115). Stimulation of cells with a variety of
agents (e.g. phorbol esters, interleukin 1) activates cellular kinases that phosphorylate I-κB, resulting in the release of NF-κB and its migration into the cell
nucleus (98). Thus, the selectivity of the nuclear pore is itself constant, and the
regulation of transport involves conversion of the transported molecule from a
nontransferable form to a transferable form (29).
Implications for the Mechanism of Plasmodesmal Transport
Similar to nuclear import, transport through plasmodesmata most likely consists of two major steps: (a) recognition of the transported molecule in the cell
cytoplasm and its targeting to the plasmodesmal channel and (b) translocation
(Figure 2). Proteins and protein–nucleic acids complexes destined for cell-tocell transport may be recognized by their putative targeting sequence, the
plasmodesmata localization signal (PLS). Although no such signal has been
identified, mutational analysis of KN1 by alanine scanning identified only one
mutant unable to increase plasmodesmal permeability (61). This mutation
affected three basic amino acids of the putative KN1 NLS (61), raising a
possibility that basic amino acid residues are involved in plasmodesmal targeting as well. Consistent with this idea, the carboxyl terminal part of the
100–amino acid–long P30 domain required for interaction with plasmodesmata (111) also contains many (9 out of 19) basic residues (93). PLSs may also
mediate transport of nucleic acids associated with the PLS-containing protein,
such as P30-TMV RNA and KN1-kn1 mRNA complexes (Figure 2). Similar
transport of nucleic acids via protein import pathway has been proposed for the
nuclear import of Agrobacterium T-DNA associated with the bacterial VirD2
and VirE2 proteins (15, 17, 19, 47, 54, 119), as well as for the influenza virus
genomic RNA-NP nucleoprotein complexes (80).
The putative PLS potentially interacts with specific cytoplasmic receptors
(Figure 2). These as yet unidentified receptor proteins may function to transport the PLS-containing protein to the plasmodesmal annulus. Alternatively,
the transported protein may be guided to plasmodesmata simply by association
with cytoskeletal tracks (see above). In this case, the question of specific
targeting, i.e. whether there are microfilament and microtubule arrangements
that are specific for or lead only to plasmodesmata, remains to be resolved.
Once at the plasmodesmal channel, the transported protein or protein-PLS
receptor complexes must increase plasmodesmal permeability to allow translocation. By analogy with nuclear import, GTPase and/or ATPase activities may
be involved. An ATPase activity has been localized to plasmodesmata (24,
118), but further studies are necessary to ascertain the molecular nature of this
enzyme. It is also possible that interaction of the transported protein with
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cytoskeleton actively affects the plasmodesmal annulus, increasing its size
exclusion limit for translocation. The actual mechanism of plasmodesmal gating will be elucidated only with purification and characterization of the protein
components of this channel.
Like nuclear import, which is tightly controlled, plasmodesmal transport
should also be stringently regulated. Interaction of viral movement proteins
with plasmodesmata may interfere with normal intercellular communication
and, thus, be detrimental to the host plant. It is therefore likely that a mechanism exists to regulate the activity of P30 and, possibly, cellular proteins
capable of plasmodesmal transport (see above). Irreversible deposition of P30
in the central cavity of secondary plasmodesmata has been proposed to represent one such mechanism (14). Electron microscopy studies have localized
P30 to the secondary but not primary plasmodesmata (25). Conversely, microinjected P30 increases plasmodesmal permeability in young tobacco leaves
devoid of secondary plasmodesmata (111). Thus, secondary plasmodesmata
may represent a cellular compartment where P30 is inactivated or sequestered
following its function. It is also possible that P30 inactivation is mediated by a
phosphorylation reaction (Figure 2). A plant cell wall–associated protein kinase has been shown to specifically phosphorylate P30 at its carboxyl-terminal
serine and threonine residues (14). This P30 kinase activity was developmentally regulated (14), correlating with the formation of secondary plasmodesmata within tobacco leaf (25). The possibility that the P30 kinase is a functional component of secondary plasmodesmata is being tested.
By analogy to nuclear import, another possible mechanism for plasmodesmal regulation is cytoplasmic anchoring. P30 interaction with cytoskeleton
may serve such function by immobilizing P30 in the cell cytoplasm. This
interaction may also mask the putative PLS sequence on the transported protein. Regardless of its molecular basis, the regulation of plasmodesmal transport probably determines the various communication domains thought to exist
in plants.
For decades, the interconnection of plant cells has been thought to form a
single continuum, termed symplast (72). Recent data, however, suggest that
intercellular communication and transport are modulated to produce specific
tissue domains. The best-characterized cellular domains are those in the leaf
tissue (25, 62, 63, 112), though other plant organs have been shown to contain
similar subdivisions or symplastic domains (108). Individual domains within a
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plant leaf are thought to be delimited by boundaries with different plasmodesmal permeability. Figure 3 and Table 1 summarize our knowledge about these
The first cellular boundary in a leaf is specified by plasmodesmata between
trichome, epidermal, and mesophyll cells. Plasmodesmal permeability within a
five-cell-long tobacco trichome has been found remarkably different from that
in the mesophyll and epidermal cell layers. Whereas only small molecules
with the molecular mass of up to 0.75–1.0 kDa pass freely within mesophyll
and epidermis (105, 116), significantly larger 3-kDa dextrans have been shown
to move between trichome cells. No movement of these molecules into the
adjacent mesophyll and epidermal tissues was detected (112). Another difference between trichome and mesophyll plasmodesmata was revealed using
direct microinjection of the P30 movement protein. Unlike its ability to increase plasmodesmal size exclusion limit and allow diffusion of 10–20-kDa
dextrans (111, 116), P30 completely failed to dilate trichome plasmodesmata
(112). P30 itself, however, efficiently moved between trichome cells (112).
These observations indicate functional differences between plasmodesmata of
trichomes and the adjacent epidermal and mesophyll cells.
The second cellular domain as defined by plasmodesmal permeability of its
constituent cells is mesophyll tissue. As mentioned above, the apparent plasmodesmal size exclusion limit in mesophyll cells is 0.75–1.0 kDa (105, 116).
This threshold can be raised to 10–20 kDa by direct microinjection or stable
expression of viral cell-to-cell movement proteins (111, 116). In addition, this
tissue has been shown to traffic the KN1 transcription factor that was also
found to increase the size exclusion limit of mesophyll plasmodesmata up to
39 kDa (61). As the most convenient substrate for microinjection and electron
microscopy, mesophyll plasmodesmata are perhaps the best-studied type of
plant intercellular connections.
Another transport boundary is between mesophyll and vascular tissue. In
higher plants, phloem and xylem are arranged in bundles delimited from other
tissues by a ring of cells termed the bundle sheath. Bundle sheath cells,
therefore, are located at the physical border between leaf mesophyll and vasculature. In terms of plasmodesmal function, however, this boundary is not
apparent. No significant differences in the size exclusion limit or interaction
with viral movement proteins have been detected between bundle sheath and
the mesophyll (25). Plasmodesmata between bundle sheath cells and the adjacent phloem parenchyma, however, may represent a significant transport
boundary. It has specifically been shown that these intercellular channels
interact with the TMV P30 movement protein differently than plasmodesmata
in the mesophyll or between mesophyll and bundle sheath (25).
Bundle sheath—
phloem parenchyma
Phloem parenchyma–companion
Companion cell–
sieve element
MP transport
MP Accum- Apparent
increase in
SEL (dKa)
Sieve tube
proteins move
from CC to SE
? (No protein
traffic from CC
into PP)
Transport of
requirement cellular
for viral
PD, plasmodesmata; SEL, size exclusion limit; MP, viral cell-to-cell movement protein; CP, viral coat protein; CC, companion cells; PP, phloem
parenchyma; SE, sieve elements.
Type of PD
Table 1 Summary of structural and functional characteristics of leaf plasmodesmataa
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Within mesophyll as well as between mesophyll and the bundle sheath, P30
is solely responsible for the increase in plasmodesmal permeability and, consequently, for the cell-to-cell movement of the virus (25, 111, 116). TMV mutants that lack coat protein (CP) move normally from cell to cell in these
tissues (21, 31, 103). To move systemically, however, the virus must enter the
phloem tissue. This event requires the presence of the viral CP (53). Microinjection and electron microscopy studies demonstrated that P30 accumulates
within the central cavity of the secondary plasmodesmata that separate bundle
sheath cells from the phloem (25). The accumulation pattern was identical to
that observed within mesophyll plasmodesmata. In contrast to its activity in
mesophyll cells, however, P30 was unable to dilate the bundle sheath–phloem
parenchyma plasmodesmata (25). This observation suggests that plasmodesmata between bundle sheath and phloem parenchyma cells represent a critical
boundary for the onset of viral systemic movement. Once this barrier is
crossed, the virus enters the host plant vasculature, resulting in systemic infection. It is tempting to speculate that TMV CP mediates viral movement
through these boundary plasmodesmata. Furthermore, because P30 also recognizes these connections (25), it is possible that CP and P30 act in concert to
affect plasmodesmal permeability and viral transport. It is also likely that this
mechanism governs both the viral entry into the phloem and exit from the
vascular tissue into the mesophyll of uninfected leaves.
Plasmodesmata separating phloem parenchyma from companion cells differ from those between phloem parenchyma and the bundle sheath. Sieve
element–companion cell plasmodesmata have a characteristic deltoid shape
(63) and allow diffusion of 3-kDa dextran molecules; unfortunately, the exact
size exclusion limit for these channels has not been determined because of
technical difficulties (55). They do not accumulate P30 (25) and may not
require it for viral transport. Thus, CP alone may be sufficient to allow viral
movement through these channels. Moreover, the plasmodesmata at the
phloem parenchyma–companion cell boundary do not allow traffic of companion cell endogenous proteins (63). In contrast, these proteins constantly move
through plasmodesmata connecting the companion cells and sieve elements
(36, 74, 94, 96) (see above).
In recent years, the previously dormant field of plasmodesmal macromolecular
traffic has gained much impetus. Solution of plasmodesmal transport mechanisms will profoundly affect our understanding of intercellular signaling and
plant-pathogen interaction. Undoubtedly, biochemical and structural charac-
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terization of plasmodesmata and microinjection studies will continue to enhance our knowledge of intercellular communication and its role in plant
development and morphogenesis. The true progress, however, may come from
future applications of the genetic approach to dissect the molecular pathway
for plasmodesmal transport. For example, Arabidopsis mutants may be isolated that are resistant to viral systemic and/or cell-to-cell spread, potentially
because of specific blockage in transport through plasmodesmata. Presently,
several such mutants have been identified, and their characterization is under
way (RT Lartey, J Sheng & V Citovsky, unpublished results). In addition,
several Arabidopsis ecotypes have been described in which viral systemic
spread is restricted (58, 60, 99). Ultimately, isolation of additional mutants will
saturate the entire plasmodesmal transport pathway and reveal its functional
We thank Gail McLean for critical reading of this manuscript. Our research is
supported by grants from National Institutes of Health (Grant No. R01GM50224), US Department of Agriculture (Grant No. 94-02564), and US-Israel Binational Research and Development Fund (BARD) (Grant No. US2247-93) to VC.
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