CECS 311 Fall 2011 Schedule V 1.0

CECS 311
Ethics, Social and Legal Aspects on the Electronic Frontier
University of Louisville
Spring 2014
Topic Outline/Class Schedule
Note: This schedule is subject to change during the semester. Check web page/class listserv for updates.
highlights any items added or revised after January 6, 2014.
01-06 M
Will provide
overview on
01-08 W
Introduction to Class/
Review Course Plans
Also see online reading and resource list which is updated during the
Visit UofL Blackboard web site
https://blackboard.louisville.edu/ and
Visit CECS311 Class Home Page:
Review resources for class available on the Blackboard Class
The class will use this CECS311 Topic Outline/Class
Schedule (the PDF on Blackboard in the Syllabus section)
for the general topic and class schedule of topics and reading
assignments. Particular assignments and specifics will be
provided in class and via the Blackboard class web site. For
example, see class website on Blackboard regarding reading
assignments in Course Documents that are contained in
publications of the ACM and legal decisions sections of
Course Documents.
See [CACM Bruckman] - verify you can access Course
Documents and find the reading assignments.
See Blackboard Course Documents regarding service
learning project. Discuss formation of teams.
Send e-mail to Professor King by 5:00 PM on 01-09
Thursday with your e-mail address for class listserv.
King, Losavio
Information provided/discussion regarding team service
Legal Framework – Overview of U.S. Legal System
01-08 W
Overview of the U.S. Legal
Applying the Law to an
overflow into Online World
The pace of technology
01-13 M
change versus the pace of
legal change
Case study - The Online
Provider- Broadcaster,
Publisher, Bookstore,
Distributor, or Common
Drawing analogies from
prior fact situations
King & Losavio
01-13 M
01-15 W
King &
Procedural and
Jurisdictional Issues
Whose Law Applies?
Federal District/Court of
Appeals/Supreme Court
Federal Practice Toolbelt for the Sixth Circuit
U.S. Constitution
Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute
Court of Justice, Commonwealth of Kentucky
The Role of Analogies in Legal Analysis: The Internet as a
"Copier:" Religious Technology Ctr. vs. Netcom On-Line Comm.
Servs., 1997 U.S. LEXIS 23572 (N.D. Cal. 1977)
Read the highlighted segments of the 3 cases in Legal
Analogies on Blackboard Course Documents section for
Wed 01-08.
For Monday 01-13
Read International Shoe Supreme Court case – See
Blackboard Course Documents Law Cases Jurisdiction
MGM vs. Grokster Triology– Read only the District court
opinion specified. See Blackboard Course Documents Law
Cases Jurisdiction Cases.
01-20 M
Martin Luther King Holiday – No Class
01-22 W
Jurisdictional Examples
Translating Geographical
Jurisdiction Concepts to
Specific cases will be assigned to individuals for sharing
with on the listserv/Blackboard Discussion Board and/or in
class. (Focus only on the jurisdiction aspects of the case.)
Your cases to be presented in class on Wednesday, 01/22.
due 1/22 by
First Electronic Comment to be sent to CECS311 Listserv and post on Blackboard
forum (topic and method of submission to be supplied) This Jurisdiction Assignment
counts as this Electronic Comment.
Professional and Ethical Issues Relating to Computer Technology
01-27 M
Ethical Philosophy
01-29 W
Is Computing a
Profession? Should it be?
The interplay of Law, Ethics and Daily Life
1. Book I, Nicomachean Ethics By Aristotle
Translated by W. D. Ross
2. Book I, Part 1, Metaphysics By Aristotle Translated
by W. D. Ross
See Blackboard class web site for Communications of the
ACM reading assignments: [CACM Denning 1], [CACM
Denning 2], [CACM Laudon], [DB Conger], [DB
Linderman], [DB Ellis]
Are “Computer Ethics” different from other “Ethics”?
Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions (Illinois
Institute of Technology)
Will be
Second Electronic Comment/Assignment (either via e-mail to Class CECS311
providedvia Listserv or posting on Blackboard Class Discussion Board.) (Topic will be provided.)
At End of Class - Deadline for finalizing team membership – team leader to send e-mail
01-27 M
with team membership for team project. (Send list of team members by e-mail to
Professors King and Losavio.)
02-03 M No Overview of Ethical Issues "Thinking Like an Engineer: The Place of a Code of
Ethics," Michael Davis, discussing the Challenger Disaster,
and Ethical Decision
Copyright 1991 Princeton University Press
Making relative to
Information Technology
Additional readings on subsequent NASA investigations
02-05 W
(assigned in class)
What makes a
02-10 M
ACM Code of Ethics
available via ACM web site - link via CECS 311 Reading &
Codes of Ethics
Resource Page).
Professional Standards
IEEE Software Engineering Code of Ethics of Engineers
King & Losavio
(PDF) (Also available via CECS 311 Reading & Resource
Focus on ACM Code of
Ethics and Case Studies
Losavio & King
See Blackboard class web site for Communications of the
ACM reading assignments: [CACM Payne]
02-09 Sun
Case Studies/Fact Situations (Handouts)
Sun Feb 9 - 4:00 PM Deadline for sending individual paper topic by email to
Professors King and Losavio.
Intellectual Property Interests & Disputes in Cyberspace
02-12 W
02-17 M
02-19 W
02-24 M
02-26 W
Intellectual Property Law See Blackboard Class site for assignment regarding MGM
and Legislation Involving vs. Grokster Triology– Read Court of Appeals and Supreme
Computers and Electronic Court opinions.
Information Dissemination
See Blackboard class web site for Communications of the
ACM reading assignments: [CACM Samuelson 1], [CACM
Burk], [CACM Davis], [CACM Benkler], [CACM
Froomkin], [CACM O'Rourke], [CACM Samuelson 2].
Trademark/Service Mark
Trade Secrets
Other Proprietary Rights
Copyright Law sections
Patent Law sections
Digital Musical Recordings Ky Trade Secrets Act
Lanham Act (Trademarks)
Framing & Linking
Domain Name Disputes
Digitial Millenium
Feist Publications Inc. v. Rural Tel Serv Co.. 499 U.S.340
Copyright Act
Circumvention of
Sega Enterprises Ltd. v. Maphia, 857 F.Supp.679 (N.D.Cal.
1994), 948 F.Supp.923 (N.D.Cal. 1996)
Playboy Enterprises Inc. v. Frena, 839 F.Supp. 1552
Copyright management
(M.D.Fla. 1993)
Fonovisa, Inc. v. Cherry Auction, Inc., 76 F.3d 259, 264 (9th
Cir. 1996)
02-22 Sat
Midnight Sat Deadline for E-mail submission of outline and bibliography for
“Regular” paper. Send via e-mail to Professors King and Losavio and to your
designated “peer.”
Will be
Third Electronic Comment to CECS311 Listserv or Blackboard forum (topic and
providedvia method of submission to be supplied)
02-28 Fri
5:30PM Deadline for return of peer comments on outline to the person with whom
you were reviewing. Provide e-mail of comments to Professors King and Losavio as
Criminal Law with Emphasis on CyberCrime and CyberRelated Crimes
03-03 M
03-05 W
03-17 M
03-19 W
Possible FBI Guest Speaker
Criminal Law and
Legislation Involving
Computers and Electronic Ky Computer Crime Law
Information Dissemination
KRS 434.840--.860 (WWW)
Computer Fraud & Abuse Act: 18 USCS § 1030, Credit Card
Abuse: 18 USCS § 1029, Electronic Communications
Privacy Act: 18 USCS § 2510--2521 and § 270 –2710;
Economic Espionage Act
Steve Jackson Games v. U.S. Secret Service
U.S. v. Robert Morris
U.S. v. LaMacchia
03-10 M
03-12 W
03-19 W
03-24 M
Spring Break March 10-16 No class
5:30PM Recommended date for sending draft of individual paper to your designated
peer for his/her review by email and sending draft of paper via e-mail to Professors
King and Losavio. Use SafeAssign assignment in Blackboard to check your paper.
5:30PM Deadline for sending draft of individual paper to your designated peer for
his/her review by email and sending draft of paper via email to Professors King and
Losavio. Use SafeAssign assignment in Blackboard to check your paper.
Contracting and Licensing
03-26 W
Licensing and Contractual Salesforce Cloud Computing agreement
ProCD, Inc. v. Zeidenberg
Draft UCITA (formerly Article 2B) § 112, 308 (WWW)
03-31 M
Salesforce Presentation
Regulating Commerce and Speech in Cyberspace
04-02 W
04-07 M
Freedom of Expression
Inflammatory, Offensive,
Indecent or Obscene
King & Losavio
Communications Decency
Child Pornography Statute
FCC Obscenity Regulations
Miller v California
Communications Decency Act (WWW)
ACLU v Reno
Faghri v. Univ. of Conn., 621 F.3d 92 (2d Cir. 2010)
Privacy and Cyberspace
04-07 M
04-09 W
Rights to Privacy and
Accuracy of Information;
E-mail in the Workplace
and Personal Autonomy
EFF Materials on Privacy (WWW)
TrustE materials (WWW)
U.S. v. Jones, 565 U.S. __ (2012)
04-07 M
U.S. v. Stanley, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 162317 (W.D. Pa.
Nov. 14, 2012)
U.S. vs. European approach
See Blackboard class web site for Communications of the
Children's Online Privacy
ACM reading assignments: [CACM Touretzky].
Protection Act (COPA)
4:30PM Deadline for you to send comments back on individual paper draft to your
peer. Send comments to your peer as well as send via e-mail with your comments or
suggested edits to paper draft to Professors King and Losavio.
Comments back from Professors Losavio/King on individual paper draft.
04-14 M
Note: If you submitted your draft before due date (early), you are more likely to get
comments back before this date.
Team Presentations (See end of schedule below.)
King &
04-16 W
Will be
Fourth Electronic Comment to CECS311 Listserv or Blackboard forum (topic and
providedvia method of submission to be supplied)
Civil Liability
04-09 W
04-21 M
Civil Liability and Laws
and Legislation Impacting
Electronic Information
Cubby v. Compuserve
Stratton Oakmont v. Prodigy
Religious Technology Center v. Netcom On-line
Communications Services, Inc.
Informational Torts
Invasion of Privacy
False Light
Will be
Possible Fifth Electronic Comment to CECS311 Listserv or Blackboard forum (topic
providedvia and method of submission to be supplied)
The Intersection of National Security and Sharing on the Internet
Encryption, Personal
Security and National
EFF Materials (WWW)
Bertstein v US Dept of State
Karn v US Dept of State
King & Losavio
Junger v Christopher
5:30PM Deadline for submission of “Regular” final paper. Send via e-mail as
04-21 M
attachment (include your name in the attachment) to Professors King and Losavio and
bring two hard copies to class. Don’t forget to also submit it to Safe Assign on
Blackboard. Don’t forget page numbers.
04-23 W
Last day to receive submission of “Regular” final paper without drop of one letter
grade for being late.
Service Learning Team Presentations
04-14 M
Class Presentations by teams
04-16 W
04-21 M
Approximately ½ hour presentations
2 per class period
Could have to extend class one night if we have go to 5
Last day of class
Any final assignment distributed due on date of final exam at 5:30PM
Last revised: March 25, 2014