INTRODUCTION TO WORKS CITED/WORKS CONSULTED Miss Mackowski Library Media Specialist Derby High School WHAT IS WORKS CITED/WORKS CONSULTED? n It is a list of all print and non-print sources used or consulted in writing. n Each source listed is called a CITATION. WHY IS WORKS CITED/WORKS CONSULTED NECESSARY? n It is required because it gives proper credit to the authors of the information. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Works Cited vs. Works Consulted WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WORKS CITED/WORKS CONSULTED? WORKS CITED: A list of sources that that you actually used in your work. WORKS CONSULTED: A list of sources that you actually used but also consulted in preparing your work. WHO CREATED CITATION METHOD? n MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION (MLA) n Developed a universal way for scholars to research and write. MLA Update 2009 2009 changes in MLA: § No more Underlining (only use italics) § Publication Medium must be identified (e.g. Print, Web, etc.) § New Abbreviations (e.g. “N.p.” for “no publisher given”) § No more website addresses WHERE DO I START? *Ask your teacher for specific requirements on style *Get a Works Cited/Works Consulted Guide or website or locate online citation engines *Start your writing/research and cite your sources at the same time. WARNING: DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE DONE WITH YOUR WRITING TO BEGIN CITING YOUR SOURCES! HOW DO I USE THE GUIDE? -Identify PRINT or NON-PRINT as source and turn to section of guide; -Find type of source (i.e. BOOK WITH ONE AUTHOR) and read the citation code below it; -Follow code and extract information from your source to match code. (Be sure to include all spaces, indents, and punctuations as shown in code because they include the rules from MLA). -Indent every line by 5 spaces after 1st line of citation. -Double-space citations as you write them down. LET’S DO AN EXAMPLE! PRINT or NON-PRINT? PRINT SOURCE WHAT’S THE CODE? Book with a single author Author's last name, first name. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Medium. WRITE DOWN CITATION Fritz, Jean. Brady. New York: Scholastic, 1960. Print. LET’S DO ANOTHER EXAMPLE! INTERVIEW TIME! Situation: You conducted an interview with M. Nawford to learn about technology in the library on May 6, 2009. Interview Person’s last name, first name. Name of interview. Day month year of interview. WRITE DOWN NEXT CITATION Fritz, Jean. Brady. New York: Scholastic, 1960. Print. Nawford, M. Library Technology Interview. 6 May 2009. ONE MORE EXAMPLE! ARTICLE FROM WEBSITE WEB PUBLICATION Author’s last name, first name. “Title of article.” Website. Publisher, Date of publication. Medium. Day Month Year the website was accessed. WRITE DOWN CITATION Fritz, Jean. Brady. New York: Scholastic, 1960. Print. Nawford, M. Library Technology Interview. 6 May 2009. Cohen, Elizabeth. “Ebola: Five Ways the CDC Got It Wrong.” CNN Health. CNN, 13 Oct. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. CITATIONS ARE DONE…WHAT’S NEXT? ALPHABETIZE AND FORMAT -Alphabetize citations according to first character in each citation * exclude A, An, The if only a title is listed (no author) -Double space entire document -Indent any citations that are beyond one line in length -Paginate document so that it is the last page of your paper -Use proper font type and size (usually Times New Roman; 12 pt.) EARLIER VERSION Fritz, Jean. Brady. New York: Scholastic, 1960. Print. Nawford, M. Library Technology Interview. 6 May 2009. Cohen, Elizabeth. “Ebola: Five Ways the CDC Got It Wrong.” CNN Health. CNN, 13 Oct. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. ALPHABETIZE AND FORMAT (2) Fritz, Jean. Brady. New York: Scholastic, 1960. Print. (3) Nawford, M. Library Technology Interview. 6 May 2009. (1) Cohen, Elizabeth. “Ebola: Five Ways the CDC Got It Wrong.” CNN Health. CNN, 13 Oct. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. ****************************************************************************** Cohen, Elizabeth. “Ebola: Five Ways the CDC Got It Wrong.” CNN Health. CNN, 13 Oct. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. Fritz, Jean. Brady. New York: Scholastic, 1960. Print. Nawford, M. Library Technology Interview. 6 May 2009. YOU’RE FINISHED! Mackowski 3 Works Cited Cohen, Elizabeth. “Ebola: Five Ways the CDC Got It Wrong.” CNN Health. CNN, 13 Oct. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. Fritz, Jean. Brady. New York: Scholastic, 1960. Print. Nawford, M. Library Technology Interview. 6 May 2009. Another Example of a Works Cited Document