MC-MMAG5 Rev.1
4th Quarter, 2013
Greetings! Synergy between knowledge, products and procedures is fundamental to the MIS
vision. The articles, interviews and product reviews in this issue of the MNews clearly represent
that vision, and also bring to light our continued investment in technology as a precondition for
growth and innovation. For all those who attended our Global Conference in Cannes, France
this June, (and there were a lot of you), the MNews offers a recap of the event; characterized
by a high academic level, networking, recreation and fun. Product articles include the MGUIDE
MORE; increased diagnostic accuracy in our virtual dental implant planning and guided
implantology system, the expanded 4BONE brand; now an entire family of regenerative
biomaterial solutions, the C1 Narrow implant and many more exciting products. Our MIS
distributor showcase reveals what traits are common to successful business people and
explores the history and ongoing global educational programs of the Esparza Training Center
network in South America. In addition you’ll find an in-depth interview with a highly respected
KOL and pioneer in immediate loading and placement of implants; giving you a glimpse of
his vision for the future, plus many more articles we’re sure you’ll find useful and enjoyable.
MIS is committed to the continued expansion of our product range, bettering the processes by
which they are developed and produced; increasing our services
and the choices and flexibility in treatment options we can offer our
customers. To make it simple, we strive to boost quality, efficiency
and profitability for our customers worldwide.
Happy reading!
Idan Kleifeld
CEO, MIS Implants
Technologies Ltd.
04 Ride to success
3D or not 2B
the MIS portfolio of products
13 New in
Meet MIS distributor
The Cannes experience
27 A vision
for the future 33 Next generation regenerative solutions
Winners of MIS clinical case competition
It’s a great app 46 Upcoming events
© 2013 MIS Corporation. All rights reserved.
Scan QR code to download the
free LAYAR augmented reality
app. Find the pages with this
symbol, scan and enjoy.
MIS-Implants Technologies Ltd. embodies
a deep commitment to creating innovative
yet simple solutions and products aimed
at improving dental implantology. MIS also
promotes professional and social events
on a global scale to encourage networking,
knowledge sharing and moral-building.
Such was the MIS Day in Portugal.
The event took place in two picturesque
port cities: Lisbon and Oporto. MIS
presented international speakers on a
variety of implantology topics, including
general advice to help doctors achieve their
professional and personal goals. Featured
speakers were Moshe Goldstein DMD,
specialist in periodontology, and Federico
4 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
Hernandez-Alfaro MD. DDS. PhD. Feboms,
specializing in Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery. Subjects included “Oral Implants
in Potentially Problematic Sites-Surgical
Options for Optimal Restorative Results”
and “Reconstructive surgery in oral
implantology - What have we learned?”.
What made the MIS DAY really special
was the inclusion of speakers from one
of the most prestigious and inventive
automotive brands, Porsche. The pairing
up of MIS-Implants with Porsche for this
event was a big surprise, however, not really
that surprising when you consider what
they have in common; both sharing core
principles of quality, accuracy, innovative
6 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
The idea for this special joint event was inspired by MIS
and heartily welcomed by the automobile giant Porsche.
The purpose was to not only provide a scientific overview
for dental implantology professionals, but to provide a
platform for interactive socializing and the fostering of
an atmosphere of cooperation and friendship amongst
all participants. As explained by Ms. Cristina Antas da
Cunha, Director of Marketing and Sales at MIS Portugal:
“We wanted to create a unique event that was different
and stimulating, especially in light of the many challenges
facing the dental implants industry today. An event
that encourages energetic, creative thinking as a way
of problem solving; showing doctors the positive and
enthusiastic reaction to difficult situations and how to
do the best with the resources at hand. We succeeded
through innovative and motivating activities, and with the
aid of internationally recognized speakers.”
The concept of quality and simplicity through advanced
engineering are highly prized at MIS. Mr. Doron Peretz,
Senior VP of Marketing and Product Development at MIS
Implants Technologies explains. “As with many well-known
brands in all fields, our approach at MIS revolves around the
design of a simpler solution, in this case implant systems.
A good example of MIS simplicity, quality and safety, is the
C1 implant, with its conical connection and dual stability
mechanism. It provides primary stability in the collar of the
implant and secondary stability in the apical part of the
implant, along
wi th o the r
that provide
a simple
solution used
with CAD/CAM
based titanium
to zirconia
M r. Pe r e t z
“With a view
towards reducing
the investment in
quality and service,
MIS has introduced
surgical kits that are
simpler to use, assisting
dentists with clinical
procedures. What if in the future
you have the proper drill for each
implant, always sharp, clean and
safe? The dentist’s success rate increases
dramatically. Even if it takes a few more years to
accomplish, this concept depends on simplifying
the surgical procedure (not the implant itself), from
packaging, drilling, suture, graft, etc., including all
the appropriate safety and quality testing.”
Sharing a unique perspective on Implantology that he
created and developed at the School of Dental Medicine
at the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, in
Jerusalem, Dr. Moshe Goldstein, President of Europerio
2012, contributed to the event from a scientific perspective.
“Function, comfort and aesthetics are our daily goals, and
are achieved based on a step-by-step treatment plan
for every kind of implant case, from the simple to the
complex.” This was exactly what Dr. Goldstein presented
in his informative lecture and personal surgery videos.
Dr. Goldstein understands the importance of keeping up
with updates in the development of graft or regenerative
materials, guided surgery techniques, CAD/CAM, and other
restorative components newly developed in the industry.
In Oporto, Federico Hernandez-Alfaro MD. DDS. PhD.,
President of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery at the Medical Center of Teknon, Spain, and Head
of the Program of Dental Implantology at the International
University, lectured about developments in reconstructive
surgery, implant dentistry and the learning process that
led us to present day levels of expertise. Participants in
Oporto also attended a lecture by Dr. Nachum Samet, VP
of R&D at MIS Implants. Dr. Samet focused on Implant
Osteotomy, Stability, factors that have been largely achieved
with MIS Implants Technologies: The SEVEN implant
internal connection and the C1 conical connection. He
focused on the meaning behind the MIS motto: Make
it Simple, first discussed by Mr. Doron Peretz in Lisbon.
“The simplicity of the surgical procedure is built-in to the
C1 implant, whose standard package includes the ability
for immediate loading, and a specially designed final drill
for better clinical outcomes.”
Over 400 implant professionals participated in the MIS
Day event - the first of a series, highlighting scientific
research, cultural experiences, sporting events and
numerous other activities designed to educate, update,
motivate and surprise. The MIS Day event in Portugal
also made us realize how much unites MIS Implants
with Porsche. It was a stunning success enjoyed by all,
owing to the efforts of organizers and participants alike,
and is sure to be repeated in the coming years.
Function, comfort
and aesthetics are our daily
goals, and are achieved
based on a step-by-step
treatment plan for every kind
of implant case, from the
simple to the complex.
design and attention to safety. Porsche representatives
presented a fascinating insight into this iconic automotive
brand, resulting in an important knowledge exchange
and some truly unforgettable moments.
7 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
8 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
When Virtual Becomes Reality
3D OR NOT 2B...
Mr. Liron Moshe
Product Manager
The MGUIDE MORE is an advanced virtual implant planning and
guided implantology system that has been developed by MIS to
accurately transform DICOM data into 2D and 3D images that depict
real cases in a virtual environment; enabling real-time 2D and 3D
visualization for perfect implant planning. The MGUIDE system is
a timesaving measuring and diagnostic tool featuring user friendly
software, and incorporates the production of a fully validated drilling
template for a minimally invasive surgery when indicated, assuring
accurate guided implantation with predictable prosthetic outcomes.
The MGUIDE MORE offers flexible prosthetic-driven planning that
can be done either by the clinician, using our simplified stateof-the-art MGUIDE software, or through our worldwide network
of MCENTER facilities. Available in over 20 countries and five
languages, the MCENTERS are full-service technical support and
guidance facilities. Implantology professionals using the MGUIDE
software become members of an important online information
hub that connects all software users; doctors, dental laboratories,
periodontists, prosthodontists and the MCENTER. MGUIDE
software users can share cases, take part in demonstrations,
initiate discussions or consultations. They can also use a
remote access feature that allows direct connection to another
member’s computer to share in the MGUIDE planning process.
How does the MGUIDE process begin? First a single patient Cone
Beam CT scan is done. The DICOM data is then uploaded for
a 3D clinical evaluation. Next comes the implant planning and
template design stage. Integration of a scanned wax-up and stone
models enable virtual top-down planning as well as the template
design. Then the stereo-lithographic templates are produced. These
open wire-frame templates are made using advanced 3D printing
technologies to ensure optimum fit. Now the guided surgery can
be performed. Restoration can be done via immediate provisional
prosthetic solutions that have been produced in advance using
MGUIDE prosthetic tools available for laboratory technicians.
There are many clear advantages to the open wire-frame design
of the MGUIDE MORE templates. It allows an open field of view
during surgery, where anesthesia and irrigation are accessible
from all angles without removing the template. Raised flap surgery
can also be more easily performed. The template is constructed
from a strong, durable biocompatible material and the 3D CAD/
CAM design ensures the highest level of accuracy. The lightweight
template design is an added benefit for patient comfort as well.
The MGUIDE MORE surgical kit not only enhances accuracy
and safety for a worry-free guided procedure, it also
simplifies the implantology process by eliminating the
need for traditional guidance keys. Specially designed
sleeves and drills stop at the precise position and depth
planned, freeing-up hands and saving valuable time.
Many guided implantology systems today still require
conventional techniques, often compromising on efficiency
or accuracy. The MGUIDE MORE is different. It has been
specially engineered to enable doctors and clinicians
to deliver a more accurate and streamlined minimally
invasive implant placement and restoration procedure,
resulting in less chair time and fewer patient appointments.
10 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
MGUIDE Surgical Kits for
the SEVEN implant and 3D
printed surgical template
13 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
Ti-BASE: Titanium base
connecting customized
abutments to MIS
The Ti-Base abutments are MIS Titanium base units for CAD/CAM systems allowing the production of custom ceramic
abutments for a wide range of individualized solutions and greater compatibility to specific site requirements. Two
categories of Titanium Base abutments are available; for single unit restorations – with an anti-rotational mechanism
and a full implant-abutment connection, and for multiple-unit restorations – without an anti-rotation mechanism and with
a shortened implant-abutment connection. Both come in Standard, Narrow and Wide diameter sizes.
The C1 Narrow:
Implant and prosthetic
The C1 implant system is the result of an extensive research and development process that offers a unique combination of
surgical and restorative benefits. The C1 Narrow has a 3.30mm diameter and comes in lengths of 10mm, 11.50mm, 13mm
and 16mm. The narrow platform is suitable for use on narrow ridges and between closely spaced teeth or implants. The C1
Narrow features a unique conical connection, with a 4-position anti-rotational index. This enables thicker walls at the neck area,
resulting in a 3.3mm implant that is equivalent mechanically to 3.75 internal hex implants. The new implant also incorporates
the MIS dual stability mechanism (DSM) by design. When placed in full bone, the single-use final drill (supplied with each
implant) creates an osteotomy that generates mild compression at the coronal third of the implant, ensuring high initial stability,
while allowing rapid osseointegration in the apical third. This advanced technology combines the benefits of high primary
mechanical stability with an accelerated osseointegration, achieving rapid biological stability.
14 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
Zirconia abutments
The new zirconia abutments are biocompatible, customizable and have superior strength characteristics. They combine
the esthetic benefit of zirconia, with the accuracy, strength and long-term stability of a titanium-to-titanium connection
between the implant and the abutment. The zirconia abutments are constructed for incisors (interior esthetic zone) and for
pre-molars (posterior zone). The titanium base comes in a non-reflective gold finish for best esthetic results. Two titaniumzirconia abutment options are available: Non-cemented and Pre-cemented. Pre-cemented zirconia abutments come as
a ready-to-use single units, manufactured from an anatomically designed zirconia component that is pre-cemented to
a titanium base. Modification can be made by reduction only. Single unit pre-cemented abutments are available in predesigned shapes for incisors and premolars.
The OT Equators are low-profile overdenture and removable denture attachments that offer a variety of retentive solutions.
With a functional height of 1.7mm, and a 2.5 diameter engagement area, it is ideal in cases of space limitations. Each
abutment is supplied with a metal housing and five retentive nylon inserts; allowing for a wide range of retentive options.
OT Equators are available for all MIS connection types and platform sizes, and in gingival heights of between 1-5mm.
The OT Equators are the smallest attachment system on the market, and are made under license at MIS to ensure
optimum accuracy at the implant-abutment connection. The titanium-nitride coating offers exceptional resistance to
wear and ensures long-term continuous functionality.
15 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
Ms. Claudia P. Esparza
and Mr. Samy Akerman
Claudia P. Esparza, DDS, MBA and
Samy Akerman, DDS, operating MIS
Implants S.A.S in Colombia, Venezuela,
Ecuador and Mexico.
MIS is very proud of the high level of dedication
and professionalism that all our business
partners, distributors and sales reps provide
to our customers. With a world-class distributor
network in almost 70 locations spanning
16 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
5 continents, it wasn’t an easy task to select
a single outstanding candidate to showcase
for the current issue of the MNEWS.
What Characteristics Make Up
a Superstar?
Motivated with MIS from
the Start...
to dentists that we can provide them with
substantial added value: Quality, customer
support and educational strategies.
A competitive nature is common to most
successful business people, regardless of
their area of expertise or cultural background.
Whether in games, sports, or deal making,
these people truly want to win; and are
prepared to make greater sacrifices, work
harder and learn every complexity of their
industry in order to do it.
In 2003, when we first began, the field
of implant dentistry in our country was
very weak. Amongst an economically
disadvantaged population, there was little
demand for treatments. A few dental implant
companies did exist, however most were
unable to offer an appropriate infrastructure,
logistics or reliable service. Also, there
were very few trained clinicians capable
of providing predictable treatments. We
were motivated to become a distributor
with MIS from the start; providing a great
product and excellent service.
Competition is a challenge, like with most
businesses in any industry. There’s a famous
saying: “Imitation is the sincerest form of
flattery”. There are companies out there
telling customers that they are MIS but
selling cheaper implants. MIS has earned
a good name, that’s why these competitors
want to capitalize on it, or even spread
false rumors to discredit us. We need to
maintain excellent marketing exposure to
neutralize these kinds of tactics. We also
face competition from the world’s largest
implant company, who has a strong market
presence, especially locally though their
lecture circuits etc.
Typically, effective sales and marketing
people are optimistic and upbeat. They
have their down days, sure, yet they
consistently bring a positive outlook to the
table. Enthusiasm is not only refreshing, it’s
contagious. Business may be serious and
demanding but a positive attitude always
helps in building profitable relationships.
Good sales and marketing people are
also good teachers. They understand the
importance of investing time in making
their customers more knowledgeable and
informed about products, processes and
technologies. They desire to bring real value
to their business relationships by building
a strong professional reputation through
rock-solid knowledge sharing.
Furthermore, we were immediately inspired
after our first meeting with Mr. Doron
Peretz, Senior VP Marketing and Product
Development. He is such a friendly, smart
and confident man, who offered great
encouragement in our efforts to start the
business. Then, after getting to know the
rest of the people at MIS, we knew without
a doubt, we were in the right place at the
right time. Alongside MIS, we have grown
both personally and professionally, and
are confident that the future holds many
shared opportunities for us.
Steadily Branching Out for
10 Years...
MIS Implants S.A.S Partners
Claudia and Samy are Pleased
to Tell Their Story:
Dentistry Became Our
Since I was a kid, explains Claudia, I
was attracted to social services, and later
developed a deeper interest in health
sciences. At university, although I liked
medicine, I studied dentistry; which has
become my passion. As much as I have
loved practicing dentistry over the years, I
have been steadily moving from the clinical
field into the management and educational
arena, which I find very rewarding. Each and
every day is filled with wonderful experiences
and professional achievements. Samy on
the other hand, says that he first wanted
to be a doctor. But before graduating from
university realized he really didn’t want to
spend his life inside of a hospital. It was at
that point he decided to go into dentistry;
continuing in the medical field without being
confined to a hospital. Now, he enjoys the
best of both worlds.
18 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
We’ve been in business since 2003, starting
here in Colombia, and steadily branching
out in South America to include Venezuela
and Ecuador, so we have been in the
Latin American market for ten years. We
now also operate in Mexico. We have
over 100 staff members in our regional
offices and another 100 affiliates working
for us. The owners are: In Colombia and
Ecuador; partners Claudia Esparza, Sammy
Akerman and Morris Benisty. In Venezuela,
our associates are Adriana, Veronica and
Juan Carlos Tejeira; and in Mexico we have
joined with Dr. Samuel Bukrinsky and Dr.
Edgar Hernandez.
Unfair Competition & Other
Latin America generally has a lower
income population compared with the
US or Europe, and dental implants and
treatments anywhere in the world are not
cheap. Product pricing is a critical issue
for us. In order to sell more and grow our
business, we not only need to keep prices
competitive, we must also make it very clear
The Keys to Our Success...
Our Company has grown step-by-step,
based on principles of integrity and
customer satisfaction. We promote open
communication with our sales staff, such as
frequent departmental meetings to discuss
difficulties and challenges. It takes time to
get to know our market and the customers.
We encourage a creative outlook and a
commitment to building strong personal
relationships. We tell our team: it’s not a
matter of making a sale, the key to success
is in developing loyalty and trust; creating a
true partnership with our customers. If you
provide excellence in both product training
and service, then everything else seems
to fall into place more easily - making it
simple. Through our independent academic
organization, Esparza Enclosed, we work
with a passion teaching dentists the most
advanced techniques in diagnosis, treatment
planning and surgical and prosthodontic
Although there’s no magic formula for
success, we have made great progress
through an important mixture of ’good sense’
practices to achieve our business goals
which include: Having a great product with
a good ‘quality to price’ ratio, investment
in aggressive marketing campaigns,
maintaining a broad and comprehensive
stock to give customers great service,
providing top-class education and practical
training to dentists in alliance with our
distribution business, cultivating personal
relationships with university leaders, dental
clinics and public organizations, sponsoring
of our annual event; which has become
one of the largest dental implant industry
events in Colombia, and last but not least
– hard work!
Esparza Enclosed offices &
training center
Esparza Enclosed
Esparza Enclosed is a Training Center in
Implant Dentistry and Dental Continuing
Education. It is a Foundation offering clinical
courses that provide good quality treatment
to low income patients free of charge.
We began in Colombia in 2006. Our first
facility was a small rebuilt house, where
we first introduced the advantages of
the MIS system. There were only a few
commercial implant brands at that time
and MIS was new in Colombia. We knew
from the beginning that MIS offered an
excellent product and it became a priority
to teach dentists how to use it properly
in order to provide predictable treatment
for edentulous patients. We started with
lectures and hands-on treatments with
real patients, which was the most effective
method of training.
Today, there exists a strong synergy between
Esparza Enclosed and MIS Implants that
allows us to function as an independent
network linking scientific and clinical experts
in the field of oral implantology. We develop
research projects and all sorts of activities
to expand knowledge of implant dentistry
to achieve wellness for the patient. As an
independent academic organization, EE
aims for information exchange and contact
between its members, their training centers
and the dental industry.
Over 800 dentists visit our facilities annually
for training in implant dentistry including;
surgical and prosthodontic techniques,
orthodontics, esthetic dentistry, facial
esthetics, photography and more. We
currently run nine modern, well-equipped
Training Centers in Colombia, two in
Venezuela, one in Ecuador and another
in Mexico. We have an excellent team of
lecturers; most are university professors.
Our Institute is a reference center in Implant
Dentistry Education worldwide, training
dentists from Latin America, Poland, Canada,
Germany, Australia, Israel, Turkey and other
countries as well.
19 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
Continuing to Grow for
the Future…
In countries where we have an established
distribution network, MIS is very well
positioned. Customers readily identify
and associate our products with excellent
service and scientific support. When we
first started these conditions did not exist.
Today, the amount of visitors to our facilities
and the invitations we receive to take part in
global, regional and local conferences, has
demonstrated to the Latin American market
that we are well-respected contenders. The
strength of the MIS brand; our experience,
expertise and dedication to quality really
does speak for itself. The plan for the next
five years is to continue growing in the
market, overcoming the challenges related to
unfair practices by competitors, developing
more diverse leadership strategies, opening
additional offices in Colombia, Ecuador,
and Venezuela, and of course, providing
even better service, education and support
to our customers.
Claudia Recalls a Proud
Personal Moment…
We are not only hard-working business
people; we are also parents, sometimes
striving to overcome the challenges of
balancing parenthood with a successful
career. However there are certain
moments that occur in life that joyfully
combine the two. The day we bought
our new office, we placed a large
dental implant replica in the front
garden of the building; a perfect
advertisement clearly visible from
the street. My eldest daughter told
me that in the morning when her
school bus passed by our office,
she proudly announced to all her
friends: “That big implant you see
there, that belongs to my family!”
The recognition I received from
my daughter was the best
of all, and we are truly very
proud of everything we have
20 MNEWS 3rd Quarter, 2013
Ms. Claudia P. Esparza
and Mr. Samy Akerman
21 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
The conference theme, 360 Degrees
Implantology: From Science to Practice How to Make It Simple, revolved around
internationally recognized opinion leaders
22 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
sharing practical experience, new research
and best business practices. “This was no
ordinary conference,” explains Mr. Idan
Kleifeld, MIS Implants CEO. “Throughout the
world, more doctors and patients than ever
before are using and benefiting from dental
implants. This has resulted in an urgent need
for doctors and implant professionals not
only to understand emerging technologies
and techniques in theory, but to gain real
practical knowledge of the latest implant
products, tools and procedures.”
Idan continues, “MIS is unique in the industry
by consistently providing a direct response
to the needs of dental implant professionals.
We bring to market top quality products and
procedures engineered for design simplicity
and efficiency; designed specifically to benefit
doctors, laboratories, dental practices, and
of course their patients.”
“First and foremost we are a business
about people,” says Mr. Doron Peretz,
MIS Implants Senior VP of Marketing and
Product Development. “The entire MIS team
is dedicated to the values built-in to every
part of our work process - quality, service and
innovation. We are proud to be world leaders
in a business that’s doing something good
for people and we are committed to doing
it right! Integrity, quality and hard work are
the keys to building something great, as our
recent MIS Global Conference proved, and it
was a great success for everyone involved. “
The MIS Global Conference made the most
of this world renowned venue for the Cannes
Film festival by celebrating in style, with a
red-carpet grand opening fit for the stars.
It featured the unveiling of the beautifully
designed new MIS video about the inspiration,
innovation and motivation that brought to
market some of the world’s best-selling
implants. In addition, the MIS dental implants
exhibit attracted a large crowd eager to
engage with staff to learn more about MIS
implant systems, prosthetics, accessories
and bone grafting materials.
The conference fulfilled a dual purpose;
not only boosting the market image of
MIS as one of the largest global implant
manufacturers, but also offering conference
goers a marvelous vacation experience
by organizing an unforgettable line-up of
top-class entertainments. The exciting ‘Tour
De MIS’ Charity Bike Ride kicked-off the
conference, with a 50km and 70km route
along the picturesque coastline of southern
France in support of ‘Operation Smile’, a
charity that specializes in the facial and dental
reconstruction for children worldwide. The
closing party was a stunning night out at the
famous Gotha club in Cannes.
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25 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
ul A
26 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
Schnitman, DDS, MS
MIS interview with
Paul A. Schnitman,
When did you start using dental implants?
In the late 60’s and early 70’s introductory courses on dental
implants were starting to become available. In 1971, as a young
dentist working in Connecticut, I became very excited by the
idea of replacing teeth with implants instead of just fitting
dentures. I saw an advertisement for a course being given at
The Brookdale Hospital Medical Center in Brooklyn New York
by Dr. A. Norman Cranin, a pioneer in implant dentistry. After
I completed the course, Dr. Cranin invited me to be the first
resident in the new Advanced Education Training Program for
Implant Surgery and Prosthodontics that he was establishing – a
collaboration between New York University and the Brookdale
Hospital Medical Center. I accepted with great enthusiasm, and
moved with my wife Phyllis to New York to become the first
university trained implantologist.
27 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
It was there, my work with implants began
in earnest. Prior to the advent of root-form
endosseous implants, most implants were
either blade endosseous implants, in
that the shape of the metal piece placed
within the bone resembled a flat blade, or
subperiosteal implants, in which a framework
was constructed to lie upon the bone of the
jaws. We started with research on dogs,
testing blade implants with different loading
conditions, because in those years implants
were being placed in patients and restored
between 2-4 weeks with unpredictable results.
Many implants failed due to infection.
improve their patient’s quality of life by virtue
of eliminating the need for a removable
prostheses, still, results were unpredictable.
Infection often set in early on, or after 4-5
years. Implant removal was difficult and
associated with significant bone destruction
with few options at that time for grafting and
reconstruction. This was a disappointment to
me; however I became even more determined
to help solve these problems. I sought a place
to do high level research and discussed
my hopes with Dr. Paul Goldhaber, Dean
of Harvard School of Dental Medicine. He
in turn hooked me up with Dr. Leonard
Shulman, who was the Principle Investigator
of two NIH grants involved in basic clinical
research to discover the effect
of surface design on implant
acceptability in baboons, and a
clinical trial in patients of the then
new “space-age” carbon implant.
Clinical research takes years,
and the dental implant industry
was forging ahead quicker than
our ability to answer research
questions. For me it became clear
that in order to make headway, we
would need one of the then new
NIH Consensus Development
Conferences that dealt with the
reality that the clinical application
was outstripping science. We
were awarded an NIH Consensus
Development Conference grant
which became known as the
Harvard Conference on the
Benefits and Risks of Dental
Implants, and the results of participants,
clinicians, researchers, and academicians
for the day were encouraging; 75% success
rate for 5 years. As a result of this experience,
I conducted a large NIH clinical trial; around
the same time the Branemark implant with
its 2 stage protocol was being introduced in
Toronto Canada in 1982, with 90% and higher
success rates. With results like these, it became
clear we could anticipate dental implant
surgery becoming a routine procedure.
Clinical research
takes years, and the dental
implant industry was forging
ahead quicker than our
ability to answer research
You are pioneer in immediate
loading implants. How did you
come up with that idea, when
everyone else was following
standard protocols?
I was passionate about dental implants being
a superior solution, and was expanding on
the idea of using different implant designs
and loading conditions ever since my Masters
Thesis in my implantology training program:
submerging, neck-exposed with no abutment,
neck-exposed with an abutment, and a
bridge immediately placed on the implant
at insertion (with the objective of identifying
the relationship to loading).
However, moving forward at that time was a
challenge. Academia held dental implants in
little esteem, and although it was a popular
idea with dentists because it could greatly
28 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
So how did I start to immediate load 2-stage
implants? My practice in the mid eighties was
primarily full arch reconstructions for failing
dentitions, and my patients didn’t want to wear
dentures for an extended healing period. I
knew from my early loading research with
dogs and my clinical experience with blade
implants that any implant we put into bone
would stay stable for at least thee months.
Armed with that knowledge, I started to place
three implants to support a complete denture
while submerging the 5 required implants
adjacent to the immediately loaded implants.
I fully expected the immediately loaded
implants to fail, however that would only be
after the 5 submerged adjacent implants
had osseintegrated. Well, to my surprise
they didn’t fail and that was the beginning
of immediate loading of 2-staged implants.
It was during this period I began to understand
that in order to bring dental implant surgery
into the mainstream we needed to create a
standardized infrastructure for the training
and education of implant practitioners, and
not simply in order to refine basic research;
which is time-consuming, costly and complex.
Another factor was the patients themselves,
who were eager to become recipients of
implant technology, yet understandably,
didn’t want to wait for long-delayed clinical
results. With this vision for the future, I was
given the opportunity to chair the world’s
first ever university-based department of
Implant Dentistry; embodying a full spectrum
of formalized implant teaching, research
and patient care.
What do you see as being
the most important emerging
technology in implant dentistry
The first digital treatment planning and guided
surgery software was introduced in 2005. It
was revolutionary; less invasive, quicker, and
offered more precise placement. Precision
placement was the really groundbreaking
issue; elevating our success rates from freehand placement of 88% up to 100% success
rates with a virtual implant planning and
guided system – and zero failed implants.
I think that virtual implant planning and guided
implant surgery and restoration is the future,
and should be taught to everyone in the
field, not just veteran doctors. Within 5-10
years virtual planning and guided implant
surgery will be the norm. It’s a big plus for
the patient; however it will take a bit more
time to overcome some of the obstacles
to doctors; such as more prep time, new
training for support staff, interfacing between
lab and clinic, and the learning curve for new
techniques, equipment and software. Virtual
implant planning and guided implant surgery
is already easier and more economical
than it was just a few short years ago and
its evolving quickly. For the future I see this
technology being used to create 3D virtual
teeth and restorations (also to combine with
implants), eliminating the need for impressions
or waxing crowns, speeding up the procedure
and cutting down on patient visits.
MIS stands for Make It Simple.
How do you think dental
implantology can become
In my mind, we must make it simple for the
doctor by developing standardized treatment
guidelines. In this way the doctor can more
readily identify the most efficient and cost
effective course of action for routine cases
time, less trauma, a decrease in hard and
soft tissue resorption, an increase in patient
acceptance and better aesthetic results. Yet
there are still no standard protocols in place for
these procedures. According to the traditional
protocols, 3-4 months of healing is required
for the consolidation of an extraction socket.
Add to this the 3-4 month osseointegration
period and prosthetic treatment times and
patients are often waiting up to 1 year for
tooth replacement.
that will produce the best results. Then to
create similar guidelines suited to more
complex cases.
More advanced technology isn’t the only
answer. In order to keep success rates high and
achieve predictable results, we must provide
doctors with quality, standardized education
and training. Most implant companies focus
solely on product development. However
it’s equally as important to design more
streamlined procedures as well. The goal
would be to identify and categorize different
types of cases, also defining complexity
levels and extenuating conditions, and then
providing the recommended options for
effective and efficient procedures/treatments.
Another practical consideration in making it
simpler is to reduce delay times for implant
placement and loading. This is advantageous
for both patients and doctors. Today, early
or immediate loading following implant
placement and immediate implant placement
into the fresh extraction site with immediate
loading, has become more widely accepted.
It is popular due to reduced overall treatment
What are some of the challenges
affecting the future of implant
There’s not really that much new in the
industry aside from improved techniques and
materials to work with. We need to overcome
the problems inherent with the increased
usage of implants. With increased usage,
there will be a greater need for retreatment.
“Of paramount importance today is the
standardization of dental implant protocols.”
The most effective tool in tooth replacement
will be the refinement and maturation of the
education process – that’s really the key.
We need to create an industry-approved,
standardized curriculum and accepted
treatment protocols for oral implantology,
that takes into consideration the mouth as
an organ approach; not merely focusing on
an isolated implant procedure to fill a space,
often amongst other questionable teeth.
Please tell us about the MIS
Fellowship at HSDM. Why is it
important? What are the future
goals and plans of the MIS
The Harvard School of Dental Medicine
(HSDM) now has an Implantology Fellowship
sponsored by MIS Implants Technologies Ltd.
The Fellowship provides for students who
have a strong commitment to academics,
with high quality training based on rigorous
science from researchers and clinicians that
will enable future implant practitioners to
adopt new techniques and procedures that
have already been validated. The Fellowship
is an important step in creating evidencebased research for further development of
streamlined protocols that will eventually
make implants more affordable to a wider
population. For the future, these clinical studies
will help us find ways to standardize dental
implant protocols and will be a critical step in
evaluating new products and technologies.
Candidates for the MIS Fellowship are
identified by their potential to provide future
leadership in implant dentistry.
The Harvard School of Dental Medicine
(HSDM) is grateful for the confidence that
MIS Implants Technologies has placed in
the School by funding the MIS Implantology
Fellowship. These funds have allowed the
inaugural recipient to complete specialty
training in both prosthodontics and
periodontics in May 2013, providing a platform
to contribute to the dental implant community
and to become one of its future leaders.
The fellowship has made possible for the
recipient to gain experience in making
research presentations at the annual sessions
of AO 2011 and 2012, 2013, AADR 2012,
AAID 2012, and ACP 2012. Further, the MIS
Fellow has become exposed to clinical trial
research techniques through participation
in the development of the MIS randomized
controlled clinical trial protocol and IRB.
We expect to launch that study in the third
quarter of 2013. The first MIS Fellow’s work
has raised the profile of the program, and
the HSDM community is well aware of MIS
as a socially responsible implant company
advancing implant dentistry at the highest
Now that the first Fellow has completed the
program, it is appropriate to discuss the future
of the Fellowship at HSDM. Since much has
been learned about implant training during
this inaugural fellowship, I believe that it
would benefit both the field and MIS, if the
Fellowship were to be continued for at least
another year. During this time we will refine
29 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
We are excited about the potential of this
Fellowship and if it can be continued, we
have already identified a qualified advanced
graduate resident who perfectly embodies the
spirit and scholarship of the MIS Fellowship
with a commitment to a full time future in
academic implant dentistry. The student will
complete the advanced graduate program
in periodontology in 2014, and is a DDS with
a PhD in immunology. The student will then
be poised to become a leader in implant
dentistry with a research interest in the study
of peri-implantitis and implant clinical trials
research as well as academic curriculum
design. Becoming an MIS Fellow will allow
this candidate to assist in the development
of the pilot program to add in-depth implant
surgery to the HSDM Advanced Graduate
Prosthodontic Program.
the goals and objectives of the program
in our efforts to determine the optimum
training methods for academic implant clinical
scholars and to provide a model for the
future. Currently, university-based advanced
education in Implant dentistry is provided in
several ways: Dedicated implant programs
providing both surgical and restorative
components, oral and maxillofacial and
periodontal programs providing the surgical
training, and prosthodontic programs providing
the restorative elements. During the first MIS
Fellowship we looked at adding a periodontal
program to a graduating prosthodontist. Now
we would like to explore a new concept the addition of full-blown implant surgery
into a prosthodontics program in our quest
to develop exceptional implant training in
less time.
‘‘ I think that virtual implant
planning and guided implant
surgery and restoration is the
future, and should be taught to
everyone in the field...
Paul A.
Paul A. Schnitman, DDS, MSD, limits his private practice to Implant
Dentistry and is on the faculty at Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant
Dentistry, Fellow of the Academy of Osseointegration and is a Fellow
and a past President of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry
and the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry. He is
30 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
founder and former Chairman of the Department of Implant Dentistry at
the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. He has published widely, and
lectures nationally and internationally on the subject of dental implants.
© MIS Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Introducing the MGUIDE MORE, an advanced
virtual dental implant planning and guided
implantology system enabling real-time 2D and
3D visualization for perfect implant planning. Features
include user friendly software, the production of an
advanced open wire-frame template for accurate
guided implantation with predictable prosthetic
outcomes, special tool kit that eliminates the need
for guidance keys, and support from our worldwide
network of MCE NTE RS. Learn more at:
31 MNEWS 44thth Quarter,
Quarter, 2011
Ms. Mindy Spielman
MIS Biomaterials
Product Manager
MIS has broadened our product portfolio to include
the expanded 4BONE line; a total biomaterials
solution package consisting of bovine, porcine
and synthetic based products.
Bone grafting is necessary in cases where there is
a lack of adequate maxillary or mandibular bone.
Sufficient bone is needed in three dimensions
to securely integrate with the implant. Improved
bone height—which is very difficult to achieve—is
particularly important to assure ample anchorage
of the implant’s root-like shape because it has to
support the mechanical stress of chewing, just
like a natural tooth.
Bone grafting typically involves small minimally
invasive interventions that can be managed quite
easily in a dental clinic. While bone grafting in the
past may have involved harvesting and using large
quantities of the patient’s own bone (autogenous
grafts), today however, one of the popular options
available are xenografts, processed bone harvested
from animals (i.e., cows). These grafts are generally
comprised only of the mineral content of natural
bone, and have been sterilized with all organic
material removed.
Using bovine bone as a graft material has become
commonplace in most oral surgical offices today
and has been a tried and proven technique for
many years. A simplified explanation for the success
of this form of grafting is that a bovine bone graft
is placed to act as a “biological placeholder.”
Initially, it mechanically prevents the collapse of
the surrounding tissues, whether that is bone or
soft tissue. Then, through a process called “guided
bone regeneration,” the human body is fooled
biochemically to recognize the graft as natural
bone and over time resorbs and replaces it with
the patient’s own native bone.
Flexibility is a key feature of the new 4BONE
product range. 4BONE products can be mixed
together in various configurations to achieve
more flexible treatment solutions, i.e. resorption
time and types of bone matrix required. Products
are packed in varying weights and volumes, for
simple and easy delivery directly to the surgical site.
33 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
MIS regenerative products also mix
readily with other biomaterial brands.
MIS best serves our customers by
providing a wide range of quality bone
grafting materials, membranes and
accessories to answer almost any
clinical scenario. Quality equipment and
design control processes assure high
standards of sterilization and safety for
all 4BONE products; making it safer
and making it simple.
The new 4BONE series now includes
the following products:
4BONE® XBM - Bovine
Bone Matrix
XBM is an anorganic bovine bone
mineral matrix for use in bone
regeneration procedures, and
recommended for use as a bone
void filler or augmentation material in
periodontal defects and dental implant
It is produced by removal of all organic
components from bovine bone, leaving
the natural mineral component for
use as an osteoconductive material
for bone regeneration. Due to its
natural structure, 4BONE XBM is
physically and chemically comparable
to the mineralized matrix of human
bone. The trabecular architecture
with interconnecting macro and
micro pores, allows for the
optimal ingrowth of
new vascularity and
bone at the graft
site and maximizes
the potential for
4BONE® BCH - Synthetic
Bone Substitute
BCH is a fully synthetic bioactive bone
substitute composed of chemical
synthesis of 60% HA and 40% ß-TCP.
It is recommended for use as a bone
augmentation material in dental implant
procedures and periodontal defects.
With its interconnected micro and
macro porosity and osteoconductive
properties, BCH attracts osteogenic
cells and promotes the diffusion of
biological fluids, providing a guaranteed
homogenous distribution and diffusion
34 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
of the two phases. BCH has optimized
morphology and resorption properties
to provide flexibility and a predictable
healing process for a wide range of
bone regeneration procedures.
BONDBONE® - Bonding
Graft Material
BONDBONE® is an innovative synthetic
bone grafting material composed of
biphasic calcium sulfate. Due to it novel
engineering process, BONDBONE
has excellent handling properties. The
initial pliable paste is fast setting and is
not affected by the presence of blood
and saliva.
This resorbable, osteoconductive bone
grafting material takes the best qualities
of hemihydrate and dehydrate calcium
sulfate and combines them into one
unique product. When combined with
other augmentation products, it acts as
a binder to improve graft stability and to
increase volume and effectiveness of the
bone graft. BONDBONE can be used
by itself as a highly effective material
for socket preservation procedures
and the augmentation of small defects.
4BONE® RCB Resorbable Conforming
Barrier Membrane
RCB is engineered from highly
purified Type I bovine collagen. It
is a fully resorbable and adaptable
cell occlusive barrier used in guided
tissue regeneration and guided bone
regeneration procedures in the areas
of dental implants, bone defects and
ridge augmentation.
Upon hydration, the barrier membrane
easily adapts and adheres to all surgical
sites and promotes healing of bone and
soft tissue. RCB can be easily trimmed
and does not deform or adhere to itself
or instruments when hydrated. The
optimal mechanical properties and
high tensile strength of RCB allows
for easy placement and adaptability in
ridge augmentation procedures, due
to its ability to naturally conform
to the site where it is placed.
4BONE® RSB Resorbable Collagen
Barrier Membrane
RSB is a bioresorbable, cell occlusive
membrane engineered from highly
purified bovine collagen. It is indicated
for use as a barrier membrane in guided
tissue regeneration and guided bone
regeneration procedures in the area
of dental implants, bone defects and
ridge augmentations.
Due to its optimal initial rigidity and
defined stability, the RSB Membrane
is the product of choice to prevent
soft tissue ingrowth during healing in
defects that lack bony wall support.
Its semi-permeable properties permit
the exchange of essential nutrients for
healing, while the porosity qualities
effectively hinder epithelial down growth;
preventing gingiva connective tissue cell
migration into the treated site. Optimal
resorption time allows for sustained
function during the healing process.
TAPE- Wound Dressings
4BONE PLUG and TAPE products are
used following oral surgical procedures
to control bleeding, stabilize blood
clots and aid in wound healing. They
are engineered from highly purified
cross-linked type I bovine collagen with
an optimal structure and thickness to
allow the absorption of both fluid and
blood at the defect site.
These sterile dental wound dressings
are engineered from bovine Type I
collagen. They protect the oral wound
bed and controlling bleeding due the
hemostatic properties of collagen fibers.
Both the PLUG and TAPE are fully
resorbed within 10-14 days.
Starting a new tradition, MIS has established a Clinical Case Competition
to acknowledge outstanding young clinicians. The aim of the competition
is to promote clinical excellence in dental implantology, and to open up the
stage to young clinicians. Four recipients received awards on the topic of
immediate placement and loading in the esthetic zone. The winning cases
were presented at the 2nd MIS Global Meeting in Cannes, France.
*To see complete clinical cases visit our site:
38 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
First Prize:
Dr. Paolo Cardelli
“Immediate post-extraction implant with
immediate provisional and simultaneous
buccal ridge augmentation with
composite graft.”
Second Prize:
Dr. Joile Alvarez
“The combined use of MIS dental
implants and BONDBONE, for
immediate procedures in the
esthetic zone.”
Third Prize
Dr. Emilio Mateo
Dr. James R. Collins
“Minimally invasive surgery for postextraction immediate implant C1 MIS
with 4BONE graft and immediate
loading in the aesthetic zone.”
“Implant placement in the esthetic zone.
Surgical and prosthetic management.
Clinical case report.”
The MIS TABCASE gives you the ability
to show great looking, ready-made
interactive presentations for offline
viewing on IPads. It’s the new musthave tool for sales, demos, training and
general information pertaining to implant dentistry and support
products and technologies. We offer an extensive collection of
high quality presentations on a range of subjects.
Check out our collection regularly for new presentations.
42 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
28 September,
Philadelphia, USA
of Association
of Hungarian
6 September,
MIS Club
Exclusive Club
Event for MIS
3 October, 2013
Hungary, Budapest
23-26 October,
2013 Phoenix
JW Marriott,
7-10 October,
Orlando, FL, USA
WORLD 2013
Exhibition and
46 MNEWS 4th Quarter, 2013
28 October, 2013
Hotel Sheraton
Buenos Aires,
17 October, 2013
Budapest, Hungary
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
transcribed, stored in an electronic retrieval system, translated into
any language or computer language, or be transmitted in any
form whatsoever, without the prior written consent of the publisher.
Congreso de
la Asociacion
17-19 October,
Dublin, Irland
31 October,
New Orleans,
Taipei Academy
of Oral
ADF Annual
Conference and
Trade Exhibition
2 November, 2013
Taipei, Taiwan
27-30 November, 2013
Paris, France
The fifth
SECIB Sociedad
de Cirugía Bucal
28-30 November, 2013
Madrid, Spain
12-14 November, 2013
Wuhan, China
DIA Melbourne
(2 days/16 CEU)
Basic Implantology
29 November, 2013
Javits Center, New
York City, USA
23-24 November, 2013
DIA Melbourne Campus
2013 Taipei,
© MIS Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dublin, Ireland.
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We are pleased to invite you to join us in “Preparing for the Future of Implant Dentistry”,
the theme for the 22nd Annual Scientiļ¬c Congress of the EAO, to be held in Dublin,
Ireland, October, 17th to 19th 2013. Learn about MIS Implants - visit our site: