DELEGATED LIST : LIST NO W394 DATE 13 September to 19 September 2012 Planning Applications and Other Items dealt with by the Director of Planning and Transport Services under Delegated Powers ****** Below the address an abbreviation of the Ward appears in brackets. Below the application number the date of the application appears in brackets. Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 16 Description Application No. (Ward) 13/09/20 G (Date of App) 1 1680a Wimborne Road Alterations and single storey 7-2012-12302-M (KN) extension to bungalow (23/07/2012) Decision & Date G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 13/09/2012 2 Land at Bournemouth & West Hampshire Water, Francis Avenue (KS) Alterations to elevations and external refurbishment of Quadrant offices including replacement rainwater goods, doors, windows and cladding 7-2012-16166-I (20/07/2012) G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Informative Note: No storage of materials on footway/highway 3. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 13/09/2012 3 23 Glenferness Avenue (TB) Non material amendment to 7-2012-16239-L application 7-2008-16239-H (16/08/2012) (App/G1250/A/09/2094656/NWF to add 3 roof lights and repositioning of imitation chimney stacks R 1. Not a non-material amendment 13/09/2012 4 15-17 The Crescent (BW) Application for a certificate of Lawfulness for Existing Use of premises as four self contained flats G 13/09/2012 7-2012-20804-D (23/07/2012) Page 1 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 21 Description Application No. (Ward) 13/09/20 G (Date of App) 5 21 Southill Road Alterations and single storey 7-2012-24870-A (MO) extension to dwellinghouse (24/07/2012) Decision & Date G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 13/09/2012 6 16 Somerset Road (BE) Alterations and erection of a single & two storey extension to dwellinghouse. 7-2012-25003 (19/07/2012) G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Materials to Match 3. Informative Note: No storage of materials on footway/highway 4. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 13/09/2012 7 5 Markham Avenue (KN) Pruning of one Corsican Pine 7-2012-25020 (02/08/2012) G 1. Time Limits 2. All Work to BS 3998; 2010 3. Prior Notification of Tree Work 13/09/2012 8 Avonlea, 1 Rothesay Road Pruning to one Holly 7-2012-6493-C (31/07/2012) G 1. All Work to BS 3998; 2010 2. Prior Notification of Tree Work 13/09/2012 Reduce overhanging branches on 7-2012-8626-Q group of Cypresses overhanging 1 (06/08/2012) Milner Road. G 1. All Work to BS 3998; 2010 2. All Work to BS 3998; 2010 13/09/2012 (TB) 9 8-8a McKinley Road (WC) Page 2 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address O Description Application No. (Ward) G 14/09/20 G (Date of App) 10 Opposite 3a Bodorgan Siting of a single 7-2012-18550-IZ Road telecommunications DSLAM (23/07/2012) (CE) Cabinet - Prior Approval (Conservation Area) Procedure 11 Opposite St Augustin's Church, St Augustin's Road (CE) (Conservation Area) Siting of a single telecommunications DSLAM Cabinet - Prior Approval Procedure 7-2012-18550-JA (23/07/2012) Decision & Date G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 14/09/2012 G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 14/09/2012 Page 3 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 68 Description Application No. (Ward) 14/09/20 G (Date of App) 12 68-68a Surrey Road Minor material amendment to vary 7-2012-24438-B (TB) condition no. 1 of application in accordance no. 7-2010-24438 to include first floor garden room and new door to access room, second floor terrace over bin store and alterations to roof of buildings Decision & Date G 1. Decision Notice Expiry (20/07/2012) 2. Development to be carried out with plans as listed 3. On site working hours (inc demolition) restricted when implementing permission. 4. Access, turning, parking 5. Method Statement 6. Cycle store to be erected prior to occupation 7. No Permitted Development for Enlargements of the dwelling(s) 8. Surface Water Drainage (SUDS Implementation) 9. Water Efficiency 10. Tree Protection measures 11. Tree Planting 12. Soft landscaping 13. Landscape Maintenance Plan 14. Informative Note: Highway and Surface Water/Loose Material 15. Informative Note: dropped kerb 16. Informative Note: No storage of materials on footway/highway 17. Informative Note: Kerb and footway reinstatement 18. Informative Note: Kerb and footway 19. Informative Note: Water efficient systems and fittings 20. Informative Note: Contributions 14/09/2012 Page 4 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 30 Description Application No. (Ward) 14/09/20 G (Date of App) 13 30 Ravine Road Erection of a replacement 7-2012-24619-A (BE) garage/workshop (25/07/2012) 14 25 Rosebery Road (BE) Alterations, single storey 7-2012-24985 extension, conversion of premises (20/07/2012) to three flats, modification of Representations vehicular access and formation of parking spaces Decision & Date G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Informative Note: No storage of materials on footway/highway 3. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 14/09/2012 G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Materials to Match 3. Access/Parking 4. Pedestrian Inter-visibility Splays 5. Boundary /Subdivision Treatment (Location & Type to be approved) 6. Refuse Bin Store 7. Cycle store to be erected prior to occupation 8. Informative Note: No storage of materials on footway/highway 9. Informative Note: Highway and Surface Water/Loose Material 10. Informative Note: dropped kerb 11. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 14/09/2012 Page 5 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 78 Description Application No. (Ward) D 14/09/20 G (Date of App) 15 78 Wick Lane Listed building consent for the 7-2012-29-AF (ES) installation of replacement (20/06/2012) (Conservation Area) window and internal works Decision & Date G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Details to be submitted approval prior to works commencing unless otherwise agreed 3. Regulation 2 of The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2003 14/09/2012 16 36 Ashley Road (BE) Minor Material Amendment to vary 7-2012-6085-O condition 1 of application 7-2007- (27/07/2012) 6085-N to provide balcony and Representations balustrade to flat 5 - Existing unauthorised structure R 1. Unsympathetic design and visual impact 2. Out of keeping appearance street frontage/character 3. Harmful to residential amenity outlook/oppressive 4. Contrary to Policies 4.19, 6.2 and 6.10 of the District Wide Local Plan 14/09/2012 17 28 Marlborough Road (WC) Pruning to one Strawberry Tree G 1. All Work to BS 3998; 2010 2. Prior Notification of Tree Work 14/09/2012 18 6 Frances Road (EC) Erection of a new boundary 7-2012-959-U wall/railings and gates and (27/07/2012) formation of forecourt with parking space - Revised application R 1. Prejudicial Impact on Highway Safety 2. Contrary to Policy 8.23 of the Bournemouth District Wide Local Plan 14/09/2012 7-2012-7325-U (03/08/2012) Page 6 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address Ar Description Application No. (Ward) 17/09/20 G (Date of App) 19 Arlington Hotel Exeter Alterations to hotel at lower 7-2012-1834-U Park Road ground floor level to provide a (23/04/2012) (CE) cafe with external seating areas, Representations retractable canopy formation of new staircase and balustrading and alterations to the entrance from Exeter Lane. 20 Arlington Hotel Exeter Park Road (CE) Erection of externally illuminated 7-2012-1834-V entrance sign and one non (23/04/2012) illuminated menu board Representations Decision & Date G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Prior Approval of Materials and Design (Railings and Gate) 3. Prior Approval of Materials, Colour and Design (Retractable Canopy) 4. Hard Landscaping 5. Soft Landscaping 6. Implementation of the approved Arboricultural Method Statement 7. Informative Note: No storage of materials on footway/highway 8. Informative Note: Highway and Surface Water/Loose Material 9. Informative Note: Work affecting public highway 10. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 17/09/2012 G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Sign Not to Flash 3. Illumination during Business Hours Only 4. Informative Note: No storage of materials on footway/highway 5. Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 17/09/2012 Page 7 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address Ar Description Application No. (Ward) 17/09/20 G (Date of App) 21 146 Tuckton Road (ES) Alterations, roof extension to 7-2012-22263-C form additional flat, erection of (23/07/2012) external staircase and cycle store and formation of additional parking space Decision & Date R 1. Out of character 2. Overly large and bulky dormer extension 3. Harmful to visual amenities 4. Poor Design 5. Open space/recreation 6. Heathlands mitigation 7. Transport infrastructure 8. Affordable Housing 9. Contrary to Policies 3.13, 3.15, 3.16, 4.19, 6.10, 7.21 and 8.13 of the Bournemouth District Wide Local Plan, Policies CS13, 30, 31 and 38 of the emerging Core strategy, the Open Space SPG, Dorset Heathlands Interim Planning Framework, the South East Dorset Transport Contributions SPG, Affordable Housing SPG and Residential Development: A Design Guide. 17/09/2012 Page 8 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 94 Description Application No. (Ward) 17/09/20 G (Date of App) 22 946 Castle Lane East Erection of a dwellinghouse with 7-2012-22741-B (LI) integral garage, formation of new (23/07/2012) vehicular access and erection of a Representations garage for existing dwellinghouse Decision & Date G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. On site working hours (inc demolition) restricted when implementing permission. 3. Method statement to be submitted to include operatives’ car parking, noise reduction measures, storage of materials 4. Drainage Hard surfaced areas 5. Prior Approval of Materials (Bricks & Tiles) 6. No Permitted Development for Enlargements windows, rooflights, dormers to the dwelling 7. Access/Turning/ Parking/Garaging 8. Pedestrian Inter-visibility Splays 9. Obscure glazing of lower part of windows 10. Informative Note: Highway and Surface Water/Loose Material 11. Informative Note: dropped kerb 12. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 17/09/2012 Page 9 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 35 Description Application No. (Ward) 17/09/20 G (Date of App) 23 355 Castle Lane West Alterations and extensions to 7-2012-25004 (TM) bungalow to include formation of (23/07/2012) new 1st floor level and installation of roof lights 24 18 William Road (LI) Alterations and extensions to dwelling house 7-2012-25005 (23/07/2012) Decision & Date G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Materials to Match 3. Informative Note: No storage of materials on footway/highway 4. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 17/09/2012 G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Materials to Match 3. Access/Parking 4. Informative Note: Kerb and footway reinstatement 5. Informative Note: Highway and Surface Water/Loose Material 6. Informative Note: dropped kerb 7. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 17/09/2012 Page 10 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 23 Description Application No. (Ward) 17/09/20 R (Date of App) 25 232 Wallisdown Road Alterations and two storey 7-2012-7394-B (WW) extension to HMO to create (23/07/2012) additional bedroom. Representations 26 23 St Winifred's Road (CE) Felling of one Maritime Pine 7-2012-10208-E (02/08/2012) Decision & Date R 1. Poor Design 2. Harmful to the appearance of the original building 3. Harmful to the character and appearance of the area 4. Contrary to Policy 4.19 of the District Wide Local Plan (2002) 17/09/2012 G 1. Prior Notification of Tree Work 2. All Work to BS 3998; 2010 18/09/2012 Page 11 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 37 Description Application No. (Ward) 18/09/20 G (Date of App) 27 37 Grand Avenue Minor material amendment to vary 7-2012-14540-F (WS) condition no. 1 of application no. (26/04/2012) 7-2010-14540-E to relocate the previously approved cycle store and bin store and a new arrangement to car parking Decision & Date G 1. Decision Notice Expiry - Minor Material Amendments 2. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 3. Materials to Match 4. Drainage Hardsurfaced areas 5. Access/ Turning/Parking 6. Provision of Refuse Bin Store 7. Cycle store to be erected prior to occupation 8. Footway Crossing 9. Pedestrian Inter-visibility Splays 10. Off-Site Works a Pre-Requisite of Development 11. Holiday Accommodation Only 12. Informative Note: No storage of materials on footway/highway 13. Informative Note: Highway and Surface Water/Loose Material 14. Informative Note: dropped kerb 15. Informative Note: Work affecting public highway 16. Informative Note: Subject to Section 106 agreement/payment relating to application 72010-14540-F regarding open space/recreation provision, heathland mitigation strategy, and transport infrastructure 17. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 18/09/2012 Page 12 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 37 Description Application No. (Ward) 18/09/20 G (Date of App) 28 21 Wilson Road (EC) Alterations and 1/2 storey 7-2012-24871 extension to extend existing (09/05/2012) dwellinghouse and create an additional dwellinghouse and formation of vehicular access and parking space Decision & Date G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. On site working hours (inc demolition) restricted when implementing permission. 3. Drainage Hard surfaced areas 4. Materials to Match 5. Prior approval of walls/fences 6. Access/Parking 7. Pedestrian Inter-visibility Splays 8. Informative Note: No storage of materials on footway/highway 9. Informative Note: Highway and Surface Water/Loose Material 10. Informative Note: dropped kerb 11. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 18/09/2012 Page 13 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 2 Description Application No. (Ward) 18/09/20 G (Date of App) 29 2 Belvedere Road Minor material amendment to vary 7-2012-24919-A (TB) condition no 1 of application 7- (16/07/2012) 2012-24919 to form balcony to flat 3 30 8 Western Avenue (RN) Alterations and two storey extension to dwellinghouse 7-2012-25008 (25/07/2012) Decision & Date G 1. Decision Notice Expiry 2. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 3. Privacy Screens 4. Balcony area restricted 5. Access/parking to be provided 6. Hard surfacing 7. Completion of conversion prior to occupation 8. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 18/09/2012 G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Materials as Specified 3. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 18/09/2012 Page 14 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 14 Description Application No. (Ward) 18/09/20 G (Date of App) 31 14 Lowther Road Alterations, three storey and roof 7-2012-7101-F (QP) extensions to building to convert (26/07/2012) first floor maisonette to two flats Representations - Revised application Decision & Date G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Materials to Match 3. On site working hours (inc demolition) restricted when implementing permission. 4. Access/parking 5. Pedestrian Inter-visibility Splay 6. Cycle store to be erected prior to occupation 7. Refuse Bin Store (wheeled/Euro bins) *add informative note 8. Windows on Elevation to be High Level Type 9. Informative Note: No storage of materials on footway/highway 10. Informative Note: Highway and Surface Water/Loose Material 11. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 18/09/2012 Page 15 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 12 Description Application No. (Ward) 18/09/20 G (Date of App) 32 121 Charminster Road Change of use from A3 7-2012-8948-D (TB) (Cafe/Restaurant) to mixed use A3 (27/06/2012) (Restaurant) and A5 (Takeaway) Representations 33 12 Meyrick Park Crescent Felling of one Cypress and pruning 7-2012-11371-G of one Cypress (01/08/2012) (TB) Decision & Date G 1. Temporary Permission for A5 use expiring 1 year 2. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 3. Hours of Use (Restaurants etc) 4. Odour control specification (extraction) 5. Fume extraction confirmation 6. No external areas to be used by customers 7. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 18/09/2012 G 1. Time Limits 2. All Work to BS 3998; 2010 3. ReplantingOne Lawson Cypress 4. Prior Notification of Tree Work 19/09/2012 Page 16 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address B Description Application No. (Ward) Q 19/09/20 G (Date of App) 34 Bournemouth Arcade Old Listed Building Consent for 7-2012-14234-G Christchurch Road removal of existing central lamp (17/04/2012) (CE) columns and installation LED strip Representations (Conservation Area) lighting above cornices to the light the roof bays G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Sample black floor tiles required prior to removal of central lamp posts 3. Method Statement for removal of lamp posts required 4. No pendant lighting to be installed until existing lamp columns removed 5. Details of the pendant lighting required 6. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 19/09/2012 35 R 1. Overly bulky extension 2. Out of character 3. Overbearing impact 4. Poor Design 5. Visual amenities 6. 6. Contrary to Policies 4.19 and 6.12 of the Bournemouth District Wide Local Plan, Policy CS38 of the emerging Core Strategy and the Council’s guidance document ‘Residential Development: A Design Guide’. 19/09/2012 1 Clifton Road (WS) Alterations and extensions to Residential Care Home 7-2012-14972-X (25/07/2012) Decision & Date Page 17 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 15 Description Application No. (Ward) 19/09/20 G (Date of App) 36 1502 Wimborne Road Change of use from Optician (Use 7-2012-1769-AI (KN) Class A1) to Dental Surgery (Use (26/07/2012) Class D1) Representations Decision & Date G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. This use only 3. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 19/09/2012 37 18 Queens Gardens (TB) Pruning of one Holly (T6 on TPO) 7-2012-25014 (26/07/2012) G 1. Time Limits 2. All Work to BS 3998; 2010 3. Prior Notification of Tree Work 19/09/2012 38 217 Pine Road (WE) Alterations and first and second floor extension to dwellinghouse 7-2012-2670-C (26/07/2012) G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 19/09/2012 39 412 Wimborne Road (WE) Alterations to front elevation to replace shop front 7-2012-6166-F (26/07/2012) G 1. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 2. Materials as Specified 3. Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003 19/09/2012 Page 18 of 19 Plans Under Delegated Powers Note: Conditions of Approval are shown only in abbreviated form. Item Address 1 Description Application No. (Ward) 19/09/20 G (Date of App) 40 1 Tuckton Gardens Non Material Amendment to 7-2012-853-M (ES) application 7-2012-853-L to alter (22/08/2012) window and rooflights position on Representations the North elevation Decision & Date G 1. The proposal is a non material amendment 2. Development to be carried out in accordance with plans as listed 19/09/2012 Page 19 of 19