Illuminating Photosynthesis REVISED

Photosynthesis Overview Web Analysis Activity
Name: _____________________________
Period: _____________
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, some bacteria,
and some protists use the energy from sunlight to produce
sugar, which cellular respiration converts into ATP, the "fuel"
used by all living things. The conversion of unusable sunlight
energy into usable chemical energy is associated with the
actions of the green pigment chlorophyll. Most of the time, the
photosynthetic process uses water and releases the oxygen
that we absolutely must have to stay alive. Oh yes, we need
the food as well!
! Identify the molecules involved in photosynthesis
! Analyze the movement of the molecules involved in photosynthesis
! Create links and pathways of essential molecules between plants and animals
Here’s how to do it!
" Type in the following link:
" Read the introduction entitled “Illuminating Photosynthesis” by Rick Groleau and answer
the following questions.
1. What process is responsible for feeding all life on earth? ________________
2. Energy from the sun gets converted into what during photosynthesis? ______
3. What gas is generated by plants and used by animals? __________________
4. How do animals contribute to photosynthesis? ________________________
Next, click on “PRINTABLE VERSION.” This feature takes a look at the oxygen/carbon
dioxide cycle and at the process of photosynthesis. Also included are a few puzzlers
with answers that may surprise you.
" Read the introductory poem and answer the question below.
1.) This feature shows how plants create ____________ and the
____________ of ____________.
" Click on “The Cycle”.
2.) Click on each of the following items, and explain what happens with the molecules CO2
(carbon dioxide), H2O (water) and O2 (oxygen gas)—BE SPECIFIC and say WHERE
A.) The container of water: _________________________________________
B.) The girl: _____________________________________________________
C.) Sketch the diagram of the girl, water, plant, and window. Draw the flow of the
molecules and light.
3.) What gas does the child provide for the plant to use? ________________________
4.) What gas does the plant provide for the child to use? ________________________
5.) According to this animation, what 3 main things does the plant need for photosynthesis
to occur?
A.) ___________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________
C.) ___________________________________________________________
" Click on “The Atomic Shuffle”.
6.) What type of molecule is shown in the leaf? _____________________________
7.) Draw one of the molecules, as it is shown in the leaf.
8.) According to the reading, these molecules “do not come from the tap.” What two
places do they come from?
A.) ___________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________
9.) What is “stripped” from each water molecule _____________________________
10.) From where does the cell get the energy to do this? _______________________
11.) The stripped molecules form pairs. Where does it go after this? _____________
12.) What gas enters the leaf? __________________________________________
13.) This gas enters through “holes” in the leaf. What are they called? ____________
14.) What molecule is formed once again? __________________________________
15.) Another
molecule is
formed (“and
boy is it
sweet”). Draw
this molecule as
16.) What is the name of this molecule? ___________________________________
17.) Write the simplified equation for photosynthesis in the box below.
" Click on “Three Puzzlers”. Answer each of the following questions, and explain in your
own words.
18.) Can a tree produce enough oxygen to keep a person alive? Explain.
19.) Can a plant stay alive without light?
20.) Can a plant survive without oxygen? Explain.