MINUTES Northern Cambria School District August 21, 2001 Mr. Richard Shea, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. An executive session for personnel and legal reasons was held prior to the meeting at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mr. Kirsch was directed to call the roll and reported the following Board Members in attendance: Mrs. Arlene DeSalvo, Mr. Ronald Dolansky, Mr. Delvin Lockard, Mrs. Rita Montanaro, Mr. Ted Pawlikowski, Mrs. Dolly Sasway, Mr. John Sedlock and Mr. Richard Shea. Absent was: Mr. Eugene Zanella. Administration: Dr. Joseph DiBartola, Superintendent; Solicitor, Vasil Fisanick; Mr. Dale R. Kirsch, Mr. Dennis Colbert, Mr. Robert Williams, Mr. Joseph Homerski and Mr. Robert Lonsinger. Guests: Approximately ten guests and a representative from the press. MINUTES Mrs. Montanaro moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Minutes of the Meetings of July 17, 2001 and July 24, 2001 be approved as presented, received and filed. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. PERSONNEL REPORT Mrs. DeSalvo moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the Personnel Reports for the months of June and July 2001 be approved as presented, received and filed on pages 1816 through 1833. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 1803 GUESTS AND PATRONS Sam Rocco spoke representing Mr. Charles Miller. Mr. Miller is offering $50,000 toward the construction of a building at the track site if the plans are in place by next February. If it can be built by November, he will contribute $25,000 now and $25,000 in February. Mr. Ed Link made a presentation and answered questions regarding the CNC Machine he is requesting approval to purchase. I. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Dr. DiBartola presented documents created by Mrs. Gormish for her first grade students and by Mrs. Frontino and the journalism class. Dr. DiBartola reported that the following Elementary-Middle School students participated in the 24 Math Challenge at IUP: Heather Kuzma, Kim Dumm, Julie Paronish, Chris Lieb, Dave Hoover, Janice Lieb, Amanda Dumm and Melissa Hangey. Amanda Dumm and Melissa Hangey participated at the platinum level and Amanda Dumm, Julie Paronish and Heather Kuzma advanced to the state semi- finals. The sponsors are Mrs. Jubas, Mrs. Mattis and Ms. Achtziger. II. ENROLLMENT REPORT: III. ACTION AGENDA: (September thru June) STUDENT ACTIVITIES: Mr. Eugene Zanella A. 2001-2002 Fund Raiser Calendar 01-8-1 Mr. Sedlock moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the Fund Raiser Calendar for the 2001-2002 school year as presented in APPENDIX I. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. Student Activities Accounts 01-8-2 Mrs. Montanro moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the Student Activities Accounts listed in APPENDIX II. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 1804 TRANSPORTATION: Mr. Ronald Dolansky Mr. Delvin Lockard A. 2001-2002 Bus Schedules 01-8-3 Mr. Lockard moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the Bus Schedules for the 20012002 school year as presented. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. Mr. Lockard stated the bus contractor is requesting an early contract renewal and any public input would be welcome. BUILDINGS/GROUNDS AND CAFETERIA: Mr. John Sedlock A. Outside Flood Light 01-8-4 Mr. Sedlock moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education award the outside flood light quotes for the Elementary Middle School to ECON Services as per their quote of $9,900.00. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. 2001-2002 Breakfast/Lunch Prices 01-8-5 Mr. Sedlock moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve breakfast/lunch prices for the 20012002 school year as listed: Breakfast (All Students) Reduced Breakfast Adult Breakfast $ .75 $ .30 $1.50 Lunches: High School Middle School Elementary School Reduced Lunch (All Students) Adult $1.45 $1.35 $1.25 $ .40 $3.00 1805 This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Mrs. Arlene DeSalvo A. Annual Library Contribution 01-8-6 Mrs. DeSalvo moved, seconded by Mr. Pawlikowski: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorize the annual contribution of $1,200.00 each to the two libraries in Northern Cambria Borough. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. Little Colts Football Association 01-8-7 Mrs. DeSalvo moved, seconded by Mr. Lockard: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorize the Northern Cambria Little Colts Football Association to use the Hugh “Duffy” Daugherty Stadium and facilities at no charge from September thru October 2001 as per agreement, as amended August 25, 1999. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. Mrs. DeSalvo stated the public is making great use of the track but there is some neglect of the rules and she feels it is time to post a sign. Mr. Lockard expressed his appreciation for the people in the audience. CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION: Mrs. Dolly Sasway Mr. Pawlikowski reminded Mr. Colbert to schedule a meeting with the faculty on the curriculum changes discussed last year. FINANCE: Mr. Richard Shea A. Physical and Occupational Therapy 01-8-8 Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education hire CAMCO Physical and Occupational Therapy LLC to a 3-year contract for PT/OT service as per agreement as presented. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 1806 B. Floor Scrubber 01-8-9 Mrs. DeSalvo moved, seconded by Mr. Pawlikowski: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the purchase of a floor scrubber from Valcor Company as per the quote of $3,384.00. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. C. Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Bid 01-8-10 Mrs. Sasway moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education award the bid for gasoline and diesel fuel for the bus contractor to Barber Oil Co. as per their bid in the amount of $.929 per gallon for gasoline and $.899 per gallon for diesel fuel for one year. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. D. Coal Bid 01-8-11 Mrs. DeSalvo moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education award the coal bid to Smith Coal and Oil Co. as per their bid in the amount of $51.50 per ton, including ash removal. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. E. Fuel Oil 01-8-12 Mr. Lockard moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education award the bid for fuel oil from Penn Cambria School District Consortium to Gutman Oil per their bid of .8157 per gallon, fixed for one year. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 1807 F. Surplus Items 01-8-13 Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mr. Lockard: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorize the administration to plan/schedule a sealed bid auction of surplus items. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. G. Audit 97-98-Certification Irregularity 01-8-14 Mr. Sedlock moved, seconded by Mrs. DeSalvo: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education accept the finding listed on page 9 of the Audit 97-98 entitled Certification Irregularity, and approve the corrective measure as presented by the District Superintendent. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Aye Motion Approved Montanaro Pawlikowski Sasway Aye Aye Nay Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Absent 7 - 1 Mr. Lockard moved, seconded by Mr. Pawlikowski: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education hold no employee responsible for the violation listed on page 9 of the 1997-1998 audit. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Aye Motion Approved Montanaro Pawlikowski Sasway Aye Nay Nay Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Absent 6 - 2 Mrs. Sasway stated she voted no because she believes professionals should be responsible for their own actions. H. Audit 97-98-Errors in Reporting Instructional Time And Pupil Membership 01-8-15 Mr. Lockard moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education waive the opportunity to act on the finding listed on page 7 of the Audit 97-98 entitled Errors in Reporting Instructional Time and 1808 Pupil Membership until a response is received from the Office of Elementary/Secondary Education on the appeal dated May 21, 2001. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. Mr. Lockard moved, seconded by Mrs. DeSalvo: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education hold no employee responsible for the violation listed on page 7 of the 1997-1998 audit. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Aye Montanaro Pawlikowski Sasway Motion Approved I. Aye Nay Nay Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Absent 6 - 2 CNC Machinery Master CAM 01-8-16 Mrs. DeSalvo moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the purchase of a CNC Machinery Master CAM from Allegheny Educational Systems Inc. in the amount of $78,060.00. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. J. Authorize Change Order 01-8-17 Mrs. Montanaro moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education ratify the Superintendent’s Authorization to accept the terms and conditions of the change order with Robert Haney, Inc. as presented. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Nay Aye Aye Motion Approved Montanaro Pawlikowski Sasway Aye Aye Aye Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Absent 7 - 1 Mr. Pawlikowski stated if there was not a gag order based upon Roberts Rules of Order, he would have liked to make a motion to reduce the real estate taxes by three mills but he cannot. 1809 LEGISLATION AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Ronald Dolansky Mr. Delvin Lockard A. Cyber-Charter Schools 01-8-18 Mr. Dolansky moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education adopt the resolution, Cyber-Charter Schools as presented and listed in APPENDIX III. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Nay Motion Approved B. Montanaro Pawlikowski Sasway Aye Aye Aye Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Absent 7 - 1 2001-2002 Student-Parent-Teacher Handbooks 01-8-19 Mr. Dolansky moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the 2001-2002 Elementary/Middle and High School Student – Parent – Teacher Handbook as amended. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Nay Motion Approved C. Montanaro Pawlikowski Sasway Aye Aye Aye Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Absent 7 - 1 Open Policy #2120 Evaluation of Superintendent 01-8-20 Mr. Dolansky moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education open for review the following policy: 1) #2120 - Evaluation of Superintendent This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. D. Audio Recording Extension Mr. Dolansky moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: 1810 01-8-21 BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education extend keeping the audio recording of the July 17, 2001 Board Meeting from 4 months to one (1) year. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Aye Motion Approved Montanaro Pawlikowski Sasway Aye Nay Nay Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Nay Absent 5 - 3 PERSONNEL: Mr. Pawlikowski A. Post and Advertise 01-8-22 Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorize the administration to post and advertise (if necessary) for the following positions: 1) 2) 3) 4) A Head Cook Two (2) Part-Time Cafeteria Workers A Personal Care Aide A Weekend Worker This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. Substitute Lists 01-8-23 Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. DeSalvo: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the substitute lists as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) Aide APPENDIX IV Custodial APPENDIX V Cafeteria APPENDIX VI Professional Elem/Mid and High School - APPENDIX VII This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. C. Resignation 01-8-24 Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education accept the resignation of Fred Montanaro as the High School Student Council Advisor. 1811 This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. D. Bus Driver List 01-8-25 Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve the Bus Driver List for the school year 2001-2002 as listed on APPENDIX VIII. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. E. Re-Appoint 2001-2002 School Dentists 01-8-26 Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. DeSalvo: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education re-appoint Miles Ranck III DDS and Peter Korch DMD as school dentists for the 2001-2002 school year at a fee of $2.00 per student. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. F. Professional Employee Status 01-8-27 Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education award Professional Employee status to Mrs. Diane McMullen according to Chapter I, Article XI, Section 24 PS 11-1105 of the Pennsylvania School Code. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. G. Custodian Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education hire William Overberger as an eight-hour custodian beginning August 27, 2001 at a salary of $5.25 per hour. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. H. Housekeeper Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: 1812 BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education hire Marion Cover as a Part- Time (4-hour) Housekeeper beginning August 27, 2001 at a salary of $5.25 per hour. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Nay Motion Approved Montanaro Pawlikowski Sasway Aye Aye Aye Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Absent 7 - 1 Mr. Lockard stated he was not voting against the applicant but rather he feels we need full-time employees. I. Housekeeper Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education hire Dennis Dolansky as a Part-Time (4hour) Housekeeper beginning August 27, 2001 at a salary of $5.25 per hour. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Nay Motion Approved Montanaro Pawlikowski Sasway Aye Aye Aye Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Absent 7 - 1 Mr. Lockard stated he voted no for the same reason. J. Assistant Cheerleader Advisor Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. DeSalvo: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education hire Jean Knarr as an Assistant Cheerleader Advisor for the 2001-2002 school year at a salary of $812. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. K. Sick Day Transfer Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education grant Frank Paronish a transfer of 25 sick leave days upon commencement of his employment as per school code. Additional sick leave days may be transferred and used for illness only upon exhaustion of the original 25 days and any additional days earned at the Northern Cambria School District. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 1813 L. Sick Day Transfer Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. DeSalvo: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education grant Lea Shortencarrier a transfer of 25 sick leave days upon commencement of her employment as per school code. Additional sick leave days may be transferred and used for illness only upon exha ustion of the original 25 days and any additional days earned at the Northern Cambria School District. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. M. Assistant Football Coach Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education hire Frank Paronish as an Assistant Football Coach for the 2001-2002 school year at a salary of $2,233 prorated. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Nay Montanaro Pawlikowski Sasway Motion Approved N. Aye Aye Aye Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Absent 7 - 1 Assistant Football Coach Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education hire Drew Thomas as an Assistant Football Coach for the 2001-2002 school year at a salary of $2,223. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. O. Resignation Mr. Pawlikowski moved, seconded by Mrs. Sasway: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education accept, with regret, the resignation of Dr. Joseph DiBartola as Superintendent of Schools pending the signing of a contract at Conemaugh Township Area School District. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. Sam Rocco addressed the Board to thank Dr. DiBartola for all his help on the track project and stated he is disappointed he is leaving. 1814 STAFF DEVELOPMENT: Mrs. Rita Montanaro PAYMENT OF THE BILLS Mr. Sedlock moved, seconded by Mrs. DeSalvo: BE IT RESOLVED, the Payment of the Bills for the month of August 2001 be approved as presented, received and filed on pages 1834 through 1851. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. OTHER Mr. Shea congratulated Dr. DiBartola and wished him the best of luck. He stated it has been a productive seven years and been a pleasure. Dr. DiBartola stated he appreciated working with the folks who supported him, it was fun and he will miss it. ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Sasway moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m. This motion was passed unanimously by voice vote. _________________________________________ Richard J. Shea, Board President _________________________________________ Dale R. Kirsch, Business Manager/Board Secretary 1815