MINUTES Northern Cambria School District April 17, 2001 Mr. Richard Shea, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. An executive session for personnel and legal reasons was held prior to the meeting at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mr. Kirsch was directed to call the roll and reported the following Board Members in attendance: Mrs. Arlene DeSalvo, Mr. Ronald Dolansky, Mr. Delvin Lockard, Mrs. Rita Montanaro, Mrs. Dolly Sasway, Mr. John Sedlock, Mr. Richard Shea and Mr. Eugene Zanella. Absent was: Mr. Ted Pawlikowski. Administration: Dr. Joseph DiBartola, Superintendent; Solicitor, Vasil Fisanick; Mr. Dale R. Kirsch and Mr. Robert Williams. Guests: Six guests and patrons including representatives from the press. MINUTES Mr. Zanella moved, seconded by Mrs. DeSalvo: BE IT RESOLVED, the Minutes of the Meetings of March 6, 2001, March 15, 2001 and March 20, 2001 be approved as presented, received and filed. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Aye Motion Approved Montanaro Aye Pawlikowski Absent Sasway Nay Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Aye 7 - 1 TREASURER’S REPORT Mr. Sedlock moved, seconded by Mr. Dolansky: BE IT RESOLVED, the Treasurer’s Report for the month of March 2001 be approved as presented, received and filed on pages 1543 through 1547. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 1533 FINANCIAL REPORTS Mrs. DeSalvo moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the Financial Reports for the months listed on each be approved as presented, received and filed on pages 1548 through 1564. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. PERSONNEL REPORTS Mrs. Sasway moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Personnel Report for the month of March 2001 be approved as presented, received and filed on pages 1565 through 1591. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. GUESTS AND PATRONS Frank Bonanno presented a check from the Track/Sports Complex committee to cover the balance of the cost for the bleachers. He asked if a date had been set for a dedication and when the lights were going to be installed. Dr. DiBartola responded there is a track site meeting this Friday to discuss outstanding issues. The weather has affected any plans for a dedication ceremony. He thanked the committee for the donation on behalf of the School Board. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs. Sasway moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education enter executive session for personnel and legal reasons at 7:11 p.m. This motion was passed unanimously by voice vote. The Board of Education returned to the meeting at 7:22 p.m. I. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Dr. DiBartola reported the April 23 track and field meet is going to be moved to Cambria Heights rather than be a home meet. An announcement to the community about use of the track will be in tomorrow’s newspaper. Mr. Lizik has applied for and obtained $42,000 of special education contingency funds. 1534 Changing all the Kindergarten classes to full day would not effect the charge to Title 1 for salaries. The administration is discussing options if one of the schools would be out of electric power. II. ENROLLMENT: ENROLLMENT REPORTED SAME TIME LAST YEAR Kindergarten Elementary Middle School High School (Extended Day) (AM) (Pre-Sch) (1-4) (5-8) (9-12) TOTAL 75 13 30 76 13 28 118 388 384 450 117 388 416 454 1340 1375 41* 34* 45* 75* SPECIAL EDUCATION Elementary Middle Secondary TOTAL • 120* (included in above total) 44* 119* Included in above total 1535 III. Action Agenda: CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION: Mrs. Dolly Sasway A. Kindergarten Program Transition 01-4-1 Mrs. Sasway moved, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorize the administration to plan for the transition from a ½ Day and Extended Day Kindergarten Program to a Full Day Kindergarten Program during the 2001-02 school year. A bi- monthly report will be presented beginning the November, 2001 Committee of the Whole Meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Education implement a Full-Day Kindergarten Program beginning the 2002-03 school year. This motion failed for lack of a second. FINANCE: Mr. Richard Shea A. 2001-2002 Tentative Budget 01-4-2 Mrs. DeSalvo moved, seconded by Mr. Lockard: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education adopt a tentative budget for the Northern Cambria School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002. The tentative budget reflects: Anticipated Revenue Anticipated Opening Balance Anticipated Expenditures $11,765,400.00 $ 2,052,000.00 $13,817,400.00 This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. Carpet Quote 01-4-3 Mr. Lockard moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education award the carpet quote to Alliance Quality Flooring, Johnstown per their quote of $ 9,300.00. The other quotes received were $9,693.30 from P.J. Stevens, Carrolltown and $9,860.75 from The Carpet Outlet, Johnstown, Pa. 1536 This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. C. Rescind Motion 01-4-4 Mrs. DeSalvo moved, seconded by Mr. Zanella: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education rescind the March 20, 2001 motion awarding bleacher bids because the bid awarded does not include a center aisle and hand rail as required by B.O.C.A. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vo te. D. Bleacher Quote 01-4-5 Mr. Zanella moved, seconded by Mrs. DeSalvo: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education award the quote for bleachers that include a hand rail and center aisle to Dant-Clayton Corporation, Butler, PA per their low quote of $4,123.00 each for two (2) 5-row bleachers 27’x49”x97”. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. LEGISLATION & POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Ronald Dolansky Mr. Delvin Lockard PERSONNEL: Mr. Ted Pawlikowski A. Appoint Federal Program/School-Wide Instructional Leader/Grant Writer 01-4-6 Mrs. Sasway moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education appoint Marilyn Wargo as the Federal Program/School-Wide Instructional Leader/Grant Writer beginning July 1, 2001 at a salary of $48,496.00 for 184 days. An additional twenty (20) days will be scheduled by the Superintendent and paid at a per diem rate. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. Summer Technology Support Positions 01-4-7 Mr. Sedlock moved, seconded by Mr. Dolansky: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorize the administration to advertise for two (2) Summer Technology Support Positions at a salary of $5.15/hour. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 1537 C. Summer College Custodial Student Worker 01-4-8 Mrs. Montanaro moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorize the administration to advertise for two (2) summer college custodial student workers at a salary of $5.15/hour. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Nay Motion Approved D. Montanaro Aye Pawlikowski Absent Sasway Aye Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Aye 7 - 1 Accept Retirements 01-4-9 Mr. Zanella moved, seconded by Mr. Lockard: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education accept with regret, the retirement of the following personnel: Mrs. Alberta Bernard Mrs. Katherine Dolansky Mrs. Rita Mundok Mr. James Davis (Cleaner) (Cafeteria) (Teacher) (Custodian) This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. E. Elementary Guidance Counselor Mr. Zanella moved, seconded by Mrs. DeSalvo: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorize the administration to post and advertise for an Elementary Guidance Counselor. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. F. Deny Grievance Mr. Zanella moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education deny grievance #00-01-01. 1538 DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Aye Nay Montanaro Aye Pawlikowski Absent Sasway Aye Motion Approved G. Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Aye 7 - 1 Temporary Cafeteria Management Mr. Zanella moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorize the administration to subcontract for temporary cafeteria management as soon as possible due to Ms. Cox’s leave of absence. Mr. Lockard moved, seconded by Mr. Zanella: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education amend the Temporary Cafeteria Management motion for the daily rate not to exceed the current Cafeteria Manager’s per diem rate, including benefits. The vote on the amendment was as follows: DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Nay Aye Motion Approved Montanaro Aye Pawlikowski Absent Sasway Nay Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Aye 6 - 2 The vote on the original motion, as amended, was as follows: DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Aye Nay Aye Motion Approved Montanaro Aye Pawlikowski Absent Sasway Nay Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Aye 6 - 2 Mr. Dolansky stated he voted no because this just came up tonight. We knew about this two weeks ago at the committee meeting and even longer ago. 1539 STAFF DEVELOPMENT: Mrs. Rita Montanaro A. Board Members’ Lodging 01-4-10 Mrs. Montanaro moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorize over-night lodging for Board Members to attend the Summer 2001 workshop at UPJ on July 18-20, 2001. DeSalvo Dolansky Lockard Nay Nay Aye Motion Approved Montanaro Pawlikowski Sasway Aye Absent Aye Sedlock Shea Zanella Aye Aye Aye 6 - 2 Mr. Dolansky stated he voted no because he can’t believe we would even consider paying overnight lodging to Johnstown. Mrs. Sasway stated she voted yes because the workshop may involve late evenings and early arrival the next day. STUDENT ACTIVITIES: Mr. Eugene Zanella A. Varsity Wrestling Team Lodging 01-4-11 Mrs. DeSalvo moved, seconded by Mr. Zanella: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education authorize one night’s Lodging for the Varsity Wrestling Team for December 27-28, 2001 Southmoreland Wrestling Tournament. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. State History Day Competition Mrs. DeSalvo moved, seconded by Mr. Zanella: BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approve Dr. Mark Previte’s request to attend the State History Day competition with seven (7) students at Penn State University on May 9 and 10, 2001 at an approximate cost of $1,138. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. Mr. Zanella asked if we still participate in the Hugh O’Brien leadership conference. 1540 Mrs. DeSalvo stated she had asked for a three-tier policy on awards and recognition to be placed on the May committee meeting, but we need to approve something sooner to give recognition this school year. TRANSPORTATION: Mr. Delvin Lockard Mr. Ronald Dolansky BUILDINGS/GROUNDS AND CAFETERIA: Mr. John Sedlock Mr. Kirsch present ed the RFP package for contracted food service management and reviewed the document. At least three people are needed to serve on a committee to review the proposals and make a recommendation to the Board. Mr. Shea appointed Mr. Sedlock chairman of the committee and advised anyone interested to contact Mr. Sedlock. Dr. DiBartola recommended Mr. Kirsch and himself serve on the committee. Mr. Zanella announced that Stiffler and McGraw will present the results of their inspection of the high school roof at the May committee meeting. COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Mrs. Arlene DeSalvo Mrs. DeSalvo stated the public is enjoying the track. Mrs. Sasway requested all-day Kindergarten be placed on the May committee meeting agenda. PAYMENT OF THE BILLS Mrs. Sasway moved, seconded by Mr. Sedlock: BE IT RESOLVED, the Payment of the Bills for the month of April 2001 be approved as presented, received and filed on pages 1592 through 1608. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. PRIDE IN OUR SCHOOLS Dr. DiBartola reported that Dennis Anderson, a Superintendent in New Jersey and a Northern Cambria graduate submitted a letter congratulating the boys basketball team on their district championship. ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Sasway moved, seconded by Mrs. Montanaro: BE IT RESOLVED, the meeting be adjourned at 8:21 p.m. This motion was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 1541 __________________________________________ Richard J. Shea, Board President _________________________________________ Dale R. Kirsch, Business Manager/Board Secretary 1542