Information-Theoretic Determination of Minimax Rates of Convergence Author(s): Yuhong Yang and Andrew Barron Reviewed work(s): Source: The Annals of Statistics, Vol. 27, No. 5 (Oct., 1999), pp. 1564-1599 Published by: Institute of Mathematical Statistics Stable URL: . Accessed: 24/10/2012 14:43 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Institute of Mathematical Statistics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Annals of Statistics. TheAnnalsofStatistics 1999,Vol.27,No. 5, 1564-1599 INFORMATION-THEORETIC DETERMINATION RATES OF CONVERGENCE1 OF MINIMAX BY YUHONG YANG AND ANDREW BARRON Iowa State University and Yale University Wepresentsomegeneralresultsdetermining minimaxboundson statisticalriskfordensityestimationbased on certaininformation-theoretic considerations. Theseboundsdependonlyonmetricentropy conditions and are used to identify theminimaxratesofconvergence. 1. Introduction. The metricentropystructureofa densityclass determinesthe minimaxrate ofconvergence ofdensityestimators.Here we prove such resultsusingnew directmetricentropyboundson the mutualinformationthatarisesbyapplicationofFano'sinformation inequalityin thedevelopmentoflowerboundscharacterizing theoptimalrate.No specialconstruction is requiredforeach densityclass. We here studyglobal measuresof loss such as integratedsquared error, squaredHellingerdistanceor Kullback-Leibler(K-L) divergencein nonparametriccurveestimationproblems. The minimaxrates of convergenceare oftendeterminedin two steps. A good lowerbound is obtainedforthe targetfamilyof densities,and a specificestimatoris constructed so thatthe maximumriskis withina constant factorofthe derivedlowerbound.For globalminimaxriskas we are consideringhere,inequalitiesforhypothesistestsare oftenused to deriveminimax lowerbounds,includingversionsofFano'sinequality.These methodsare used in Ibragimovand Hasminskii(1977, 1978), Hasminskii(1978), Bretagnolle and Huber(1979),Efroimovich and Pinsker(1982),Stone(1982),Birge(1983, 1986), Nemirovskii(1985), Devroye(1987), Le Cam (1986), Yatracos(1988), Hasminskiiand lbragimov(1990), Yu (1996) and others.Upper bounds on minimaxriskundermetricentropyconditionsare in Birge(1983, 1986),Yatracos(1985), Barronand Cover(1991),Van de Geer (1990), Wongand Shen (1995) and Birge and Massart (1993, 1994). The focusofthe presentpaper is on lowerboundsdetermining the minimaxrate,thoughsomenovelupper boundresultsare givenas well.Parallelto thedevelopment ofriskboundsfor globalmeasuresofloss are resultsforpointestimationofa densityor functionalsofthedensity;see, forexample,Farrell(1972),Donohoand Liu (1991), Birgeand Massart (1995). Received November 1995; revised July 1999. in partbyNSF GrantsECS-94-10760and DMS-95-05168. 1Supported AMS 1991subject classifications.Primary62G07;secondary 62B10,62C20,94A29. Key words and phrases. Minimax risk, density estimation, metric entropy,Kullback-Leibler distance. 1564 MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE 1565 In its originalform,Fano's inequalityrelates averageprobability oferror in a multiplehypothesistest to the Shannonmutualinformation fora joint ofparameterand randomsample[Fano(1961); see also Coverand distribution Thomas(1991), pages 39 and 205]. BeginningwithFano, thisinequalityhas been used in information theoryto determinethe capacityofcommunication channels.Ibragimovand Hasminskii(1977, 1978) initiatedthe use ofFano's ofminimaxrates ofestimationfor inequalityin statisticsfordetermination certainclasses offunctions.To applythis technique,suitablecontrolof the is required.FollowingBirge (1983), statisticianshave Shannoninformation statedand used versionsofFano's inequalitywherethe mutualinformation is replacedby a bound involvingthe diameterof classes of densitiesusing the Kullback-Lieblerdivergence.For success of this tacticto obtain lower boundson minimaxrisk,one mustmake a restriction to small subsetsofthe functionspace and then establishthe existenceof a packingset of suitably As Birge(1986) pointsout,in thatmanner,theuse ofFano's largecardinality. inequalityis similarto the use ofAssouad'slemma.As it is notimmediately apparentthatsuchlocalpackingsetsexist,thesetechniqueshavebeenapplied on a case bycase basis to establishminimaxratesforvariousfunction classes in the above citedliterature. In thispaperwe providetwomeansbywhichto revealminimaxratesfrom globalmetricentropies.The firstis byuse ofFano's inequalityin its original formtogetherwithsuitableinformation inequalities.This is the approachwe take in Sections2 through6 to get minimaxboundsforvariousmeasuresof loss. The secondapproachwe take in Section7 showsthat globalmetricentropybehaviorimpliestheexistenceofa localpackingset satisfying conditions forthe theoryofBirge(1983) to be applicable. Thus we demonstrate fornonparametric function classes (and certainmeasures ofloss) thatthe minimaxconvergence rate is determined by the global metricentropyoverthe wholefunction class (or overlarge subsetsofit). The advantageis thatthe metricentropiesare available in approximation theory formanyfunction classes [see,e.g.,Lorentz,Golitzchekand Makovoz(1996)]. It is no longernecessaryto uncoveradditionallocal packingpropertieson a case by case basis. The following proposition is representative oftheresultsobtainedhere.Let Y be a class offunctions and let d(f, g) be a distancebetweenfunctions [we = required(f, g) nonnegative and equal to zeroforf g, butwe do notrequire it tobe a metric].Let N(E; Y) be thesize ofthelargestpackingset offunctions separatedby at least E in S, and let E satisfy82 = M(En)/n,whereM(E) = logN(e; S) is theKolmogorov 8-entropy and n is thesamplesize. Assumethe targetclass Y is richenoughto satisfyliminf 0 M(E/2)/M(6) > 1 [which is true,e.g.,ifM(e) = (1/6)r K(?) withr > 0 and K(8/2)/K(8) -> 1 as ? - 0O]. This conditionis satisfiedin typicalnonparametric classes. For convenience, we will use the symbols>- and -, wherean >- bnmeans bn= O(an), and an bnmeans both an >- bnand bn>- an. Probabilitydensities are takenwithrespectto a finitemeasure,uin the following proposition. Y. YANG AND A. BARRON 1566 rate is PROPOSITION1. In the followingcases, the minimaxconvergence in termsofthecriticalseparationEn as follows: characterized bymetricentropy minmaxEfd2(f, f)-2n. f fey (i) Y is any class ofdensityfunctions boundedaboveand below0 < C < f < C forf Y. Hered2(f, g) is eitherintegrated squarederrorf(f(x) g(X))2 squaredHellingerdistanceor Kullback-Leibler divergence. dA,u, (ii) Y is a convexclass ofdensitieswithf < C forf e Y and thereexists at least one densityin Y boundedaway fromzeroand d is theL2 distance. (iii) Y is any class offunctionsf withI f I< C forf E Y fortheregression model Y = f(X) + 8, X and e are independentX - Px and e - Normal (0, cr2), (T > 0 and d is theL2(Px) norm. E Fromthe aboveproposition, theminimaxL2 riskrateis determined bythe metricentropyalone,whetherthe densitiescan be zeroor not.For Hellinger and Kullback-Leibler(K-L) risk,we showthatbymodifying a nonparametric class of densitieswithuniformly boundedlogarithmsto allow the densities to approachzeroor even vanishin someunknownsubsets,the minimaxrate mayremainunchangedcomparedto thatofthe originalclass. Now let us outlineroughlythemethodoflowerboundingthe minimaxrisk usingFano's inequality.The firststepis to restrictattentionto a subsetSO of theparameterspace whereminimaxestimationis nearlyas difficult as forthe wholespace and,moreover, wheretheloss function ofinterestis relatedlocally totheK-L divergence thatarisesin Fano'sinequality.(Forexample,thesubset can in some cases be the set ofdensitieswitha boundon theirlogarithms.) As we shall reveal,thelowerboundon the minimaxrateis determined bythe metricentropyofthe subset. The prooftechniqueinvolving Fano'sinequalityfirstlowerboundstheminimax riskbyrestricting to as largeas possiblea finiteset ofparametervalues { O .... 0m } in So separatedfromeach otherbyan amountEn in the distance ofinterest.The criticalseparationEn is the largestseparationsuch thatthe hypotheses{ 01,..., Om} are nearlyindistinguishable on the averageby tests as we shall see. Indeed,Fano's inequalityrevealsthisindistinguishability in termsofthe K-L divergencebetweendensitiespo(x1, .( . ., X") = Hnp6(xi) and the centroidofsuch densitiesq(xl, , xn) = (1/m) ..., I p((xi, xn) o [whichyieldsthe Shannonmutualinformation I(e; X1, ..., Xn) between0 and X1, ..., Xn witha uniformdistribution on 0 in {01, ., Jm}]. Here the keyquestionis to determinethe separationsuchthatthe averageofthisK-L divergenceis small comparedto the distancelogm thatwouldcorrespondto maximallydistinguishable densities(forwhich0 is determined by XI). It is criticalherethatK-L divergencedoes nothave a triangleinequalitybetween thejoint densities.Indeed,coveringentropypropertiesofthe K-L divergence (underthe conditionsofthe proposition)showthat the K-L divergencefrom everyPo ((Xi,..., xn) to the centroidis boundedby the rightorder2nE2, even though the distance between two such poi(x1, ..., xn) is as large as n,f MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE 1567 where 1 is the K-L diameter of the whole set {p1, ..., po }. The proper convergencerate is thus identifiedprovidedthe cardinalityof the subset m is chosensuch that ne2/logm is boundedby a suitableconstantless than 1. Thus E is determinedby solvingforn82/M(8s) equal to such a constant, whereM(?) is the metricentropy(the logarithmofthe largestcardinalityof an e-packingset). In thisway,the metricentropyprovidesa lowerboundon the minimaxconvergence rate. ApplicationsofFano's inequalityto densityestimationhave used the K-L diameter n,f of the set {pn1, ..., pn } [see, e.g., Birge (1983)] or similar rough bounds[such as nI(O; X1) as in Hasminskii(1978)] in place ofthe average distanceof p'1, ..., p' fromtheircentroid.In that theory, to obtaina suitable bound,a statisticianneeds to findifpossiblea sufficiently large subset { 01, . . . Om} forwhichthe diameterofthis subset(in the K-L sense) is ofthe same orderas the separationbetweenclosestpointsin thissubset(in thechosen distance).Apparently, such a boundis possibleonlyforsubsetsofsmall diameter.Thus by that technique,knowledgeis needednot onlyofthe metric entropybut also ofspecial localizedsubsets.Typicaltoolsforsmoothness classes involveperturbations ofdensitiesparametrized byverticesofa hypercube. Whileinteresting, such involvedcalculationsare not needed to obtain the correctorderbounds.It sufficesto knowor boundthe metricentropyof the chosenset S0. Our resultsare especiallyusefulforfunction classes whose globalmetricentropieshave been determined but local packingsets have not been identified forapplyingBirge'stheory(e.g.,generallinearand sparse approximation sets offunctions in Sections4 and 5, and neuralnetworkclasses in Section6). It is not our purposeto criticizethe use ofhypercube-type argumentsin general.In fact,besides the success ofsuch methodsmentionedabove,they are also usefulin otherapplicationssuch as determining the minimaxrates ofestimatingfunctionals ofdensities[see,e.g.,Bickeland Ritov(1988),Birge and Massart (1995) and Pollard(1993)] and minimaxrates in nonparametric classification [Yang(1999b)]. The densityestimationproblemwe consideris closelyrelatedto a data compressionproblemin information theory(see Section3). The relationship allows us to obtainbothupperand lowerboundson the minimaxriskfrom the minimaxredundancyof data compression, upper-bounding whichis related to the globalmetricentropy. Le Cam (1973) pioneeredthe use oflocal entropyconditionsin whichconvergencerates are characterizedin termsofthe coveringor packingofballs ofradius 8 byballs ofradius 8/2,withsubsequentdevelopments byBirgeand others,as mentionedabove.Such localentropy conditions provideoptimalconvergencerates in finite-dimensional as well as infinite-dimensional settings. In Section7, we showthat knowledgeofglobal metricentropyprovidesthe existenceofa set withsuitablelocalentropyproperties in infinite-dimensional settings.In suchcases, thereis no need to explicitly requireor construct such a set. Y. YANG AND A. BARRON 1568 The paper is dividedinto 7 sections.In Section2, the main resultsare presented.Applicationsin data compression and regressionare givenin Section3. In Sections4 and 5, resultsconnecting linearapproximation and minimax rates,sparse approximation and minimaxrates,respectively, are given. In Section6, we illustratethe determination ofminimaxratesofconvergence forseveralfunction classes. In Section7, we discussthe relationship between the globalentropyand local entropy. The proofsofsomelemmasare givenin the Appendix. 2. Main results. Suppose we have a collectionof densities{po: 0 E 0} definedon a measurablespace Y withrespectto a o-finitemeasure,u.The parameterspace 0 could be a finite-dimensional space or a nonparametric space (e.g.,the class ofall densities).Let X1, X2, ..., X, be an i.i.d. sample frompo, 0 E 0. We want to estimatethe true densitypo or 0 based on the sample.The K-L loss,thesquaredHellingerloss,theintegratedsquarederror and someotherlosses willbe consideredin thispaper.We determine minimax boundsforsubclasses{p6: 0 E S}, S c 0. Whenthe parameteris the density itself,we mayuse f and 7 in place of 0 and S, respectively. Our technique is most appropriatefornonparametric classes (e.g., monotone,Lipschitz,or neuralnet; see Section6). Let S be an actionspace forthe parameterestimateswith S C S C 0. An estimator0 is then a measurable mappingfromthe sample space of X1, X2, . . ., Xn to S. Let Sn be the collectionofall such estimators.For nonparametricdensityestimation,S = 0 is oftenchosento be the set of all densitiesor sometransform ofthe densities(e.g.,square rootofdensity).We considergeneralloss functions d, whichare mappingsfromS x S to R+ with d(6, 0) = 0 and d(O, 0') > 0 for0 =A6'. We call such a loss function a distance whetheror notit satisfiespropertiesofa metric. The minimaxriskofestimating0 C S withactionspace S is definedas rn = minmaxEod2(, 0). OESn OeS Here "min"and "max"are understoodto be "inf"and "sup,"respectively, ifthe minimizeror maximizerdoes notexist. DEFINITION separation E 1. A finiteset N. c S is said to be an 8-packingset in S with > 0, if for any 0, 6' C N,, 60 06',we have d(6, 0') > E. The logarithmofthe maximumcardinalityofe-packingsets is called thepacking orKolmogorov e-entropy capacityofS withdistancefunction d and is denoted Md(e). DEFINITION2. A set G,,c S is said to be an 8-netforS ifforany 6 E S, thereexistsa 00 E G, such that d(6, 00) < 8. The logarithmofthe minimum cardinalityof 8-netsis called the covering8-entropyof S and is denoted Vd(E). MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE 1569 to see that Md(c) and Vd(W) it is straightforward From the definitions, in 6 and Md(E) is rightcontinuous.These definitions are nonincreasing are ofthemetricentropynotionsintroduced slightgeneralizations byKolmogorov and Tihomirov we informally (1959). In accordancewithcommonterminology, "metric"entropiesevenwhenthe distanceis nota metcall these 6-entropies ric. One choiceis the square rootof the Kullback-Leibler(K-L) divergence whichwe denoteby dK, whered2(0, 0') = D(pHI0tpo)= fp0log(p0/po)dl-. Clearly dK(6, 0') is asymmetricin its two arguments,so it is not a metric. Other distanceswe considerinclude the HellingermetricdH(6, 0') = 1/2 /f2 and the Lq(Q) metricdq(6, 0') = (f Ipo- POlqdA)Iq Po _ po)2 dA) forq > 1. The Hellingerdistanceis upperboundedbythesquarerootoftheKL divergence, thatis, dH(6, 0') < dK(6, 0'). We assumethedistanced satisfies the following condition. CONDITION 0 (Local triangleinequality). There exist positive constants A < 1 and 6Q suchthatforany 0, 6' E S, 6 C S, ifmax(d(H, 0), d(6', 0)) 0, thend(6, 6) + d(6', 0) > Ad(6, 0'). REMARKS.(i) If d is a metricon 0, thenthe conditionis alwayssatisfied C 0. (ii) For dK, the conditionis notautomaticallysatisfied.It holdswhenS is a class ofdensitieswithboundedlogarithmsand S C 0 is any actionspace, includingthe class ofall densities.It is also satisfiedby regressionfamilies as consideredin Section3. See Section2.3 formorediscussion. with A = 1 forany S When Condition0 is satisfied,the packingentropyand coveringentropy have the simplerelationshipfor6 < 6o, Md(2A/A) < VA(S) < Md(A6). We will obtainminimaxresultsforsuch general d and then special results will be givenwithseveralchoicesofd: the square rootK-L divergence, Hellingerdistance and Lq distance.We assume Md(A) < 00 forall 6 > 0. The square root K-L, Hellingerand Lq packingentropiesare denoted and Mq(e), respectively. MK(?), MH(6) 2.1. Minimax risk under a global entropycondition. Suppose a good up- per bound on the covering6-entropy underthe square rootK-L divergence is available. That is, assume VK(E) < V(?). Ideally,VK(W) and V(?) are of the same order.Similarly, let M(?) < Md(8) be an available lowerboundon 6-packingentropywithdistanced, and ideally,M(?) is ofthe same orderas Md(?). Suppose V(?) and M(?) are nonincreasing and right-continuous functions.To avoid a trivialcase (in whichS is a small finiteset), we assume M(?) > 2 log2 for? small enough.Let 8, (called the criticalcoveringradius) be determined by ?n= V(8n)/n. The trade-off here betweenV(?)/n and s2 is analogousto that betweenthe squared bias and varianceofan estimator.As will be shownlater,282 is an Y. YANG AND A. BARRON 1570 upperboundon the minimaxK-L risk.Let gn,d be a separations suchthat M(En,d) = 4ns2 + 2 log 2. withthe criticalcovering We call ?n d the packingseparationcommensurate radius sn. This ?2 determinesa lowerboundon the minimaxrisk. In general,the upperand lowerrates r2 and 2d need notmatch.Conditionsunderwhichtheyare ofthe same orderare exploredat the end ofthis the minimaxrate forL2 subsectionand are used in Section2.2 to identify distanceand in Sections2.3 and 2.4 to relate the minimaxK-L risk to the minimaxHellingerriskand the Hellingermetricentropy. THEOREM1 (Minimaxlowerbound). Suppose Condition0 is satisfiedfor thedistanced. Thenwhenthesamplesize n is largeenoughsuch thatEn,d < 2e,- theminimaxrisksforestimating6 E S satisfies minmax Po{d(6, 6 OES 0) > (A/2)n, 1/2 d}1 and consequently, 6) minmaxE0,d2(, 0 (A2/8)n d, wheretheminimumis overall estimatorsmappingfromXn to S. PROOF. Let be an En, d-packingset withthe maximumcardinality in S underthe givendistanced and let Gn be an en-netforS underdK. For any estimator0 takingvalues in S, define0 = argmino_ d(H',0) (if Nn, d thereare morethanone minimizer, chooseanyone),so that 6 takes values in the finitepackingset Ne d. Let 0 be any pointin Ne d. If d(6, 0) < AEn,d/2, thenmax(d(6, 0) d(6, t)) < An, d/2 < eo and hencebyCondition0, d(, 0^)+ d(6, 0) > Ad(6, 6), whichis at least Ar- d if 0 #0. Thus if 0 :#0, we must have d(, 0^)> AEn d/2, and minmaxPo{d(6, 0) > (A/2), E 6 d} > min max Po{d(6, t0)> (A/2)8n,d} d O9NEn, =min max PO(6) 0 >min w(6)Po(6 # H) ONenfd -min Pw (0 7&a where in the last line, 0 is randomlydrawn accordingto a discreteprior probabilityw restrictedto NE d and Pw denotesthe Bayes average probabilitywithrespectto the priorw. Moreover, since (d(6, 0))' is notless than MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE ((A/2)n, 1571 d)1l{0+0}, takingthe expectedvalue it followsthatforall / > 0, minmaxE6d1(0, 6) > ((A/2)En,d) minPw(0 o 6 OES 6). By Fano's inequality[see, e.g., Fano (1961) or Cover and Thomas (1991), pages 39 and 205],withw beingthediscreteuniform prioron 0 in thepacking setNen,d wehave (1) P (0#6) >1 w I(0; Xn)+log2 ~~~log IN,ndI where 1(0; Xn) is Shannon'smutual information betweenthe randomparameterand the randomsample,when 0 is distributedaccordingto w. This mutual information is equal to the average (with respectto the prior)of the K-L divergencebetweenp(xn I0) and pw(xn) = IIw(0)p(xnI0), where p(x8jO) = p6(xn) = n=L~ and x8 = (xl, ..., xn). It is upperboundedby p09(xi) the maximumK-L divergence betweenthe productdensitiesp(xn 0) and any joint densityq(xn) on the samplespace tn. Indeed, I (08;Xn) =E?w( 0) 0 p(xn l0)1log p(xn l0)/ pw(xn))A(d xn) p(x' |0)1q(Xn))I(d J0)1log( ~<YEw(0)p(xn 0 Xn) < max D(PxnIo11Qx) GE n,d The firstinequalityabove followsfromthe fact that the Bayes mixture density p"(xn) minimizesthe average K-L divergenceover choices of densities q(xn) [any other choice yields a larger value by the amount f pw(xn)log(pW(xn)/q(xn))A(dXn) > 0]. We have w uniformon NEnd . Now choose w1 to be the uniformprior on Gn and let q(xn) = pw(xn) Zow1(0)p(xnI0) and Qxn be the corresponding Bayes mixturedensityand distribution, respectively. Because G is an En-netin S underdK, foreach = d%(0, 0) < E2. Also by 0 E S, thereexists 0 E G such that D(pjllp) definition, logIGn I < VK(En). It followsthat D(Pxn10 Qxn) =E log (2) p(X i0) (1/1GJn)ZEOEG, <Elog p(XnI0') p(X 0) n (11/GE n)P(X 10) =logjG I+ D(Pxn10IIPxn1J) < V(E71) n? + 2 Thus,by our choiceofen di (I(0; Xn) + log2)/log INE sion follows.This completesthe proofofTheorem1. 0 dI < 1/2.The conclu- 1572 Y. YANG AND A. BARRON REMARKS.(i) Up to inequality(1), the development hereis standard.Previoususe ofFano'sinequalityforminimaxlowerboundtakesone ofthefollowingweak boundson mutualinformation: I(O; X8) < nI(f; X1) or 1(0; Xn) < n max6,/Eo D(Px, 11Px1I6) [see,e.g.,Hasminskii(1978) and Birge(1983),reAn exceptionis workofIbragimovand Hasminskii(1978) where spectively]. a moredirectevaluationof the mutualinformation forGaussian stochastic processmodelsis used. (ii) Our use of the improvedboundis borrowedfromideas in universal data compressionforwhichI(0; Xn) representsthe Bayes average redundancyand maxo,SD(Pxn 11Pxn) representsan upperboundon the minimax redundancyCn = minQxnmaxo,sD(Pxnj6IQx.) = max. Iw(6; Xn), where the maximumis over priorssupportedon S. The universaldata compression interpretations ofthese quantitiescan be foundin Davisson (1973) and Davisson and Leon-Garcia(1980) [see Clarke and Barron(1994), Yu (1996), Haussler (1997) and Haussler and Opper(1997) forsomeofthe recentwork in that area]. The bound D(Px,1o0IPxn) < V(sn) + nE' has roots in Barron [(1987),page 89],whereit is givenin a moregeneralformforarbitrary priors, that is D(Pxnlo 11Pxn) < log 1/w(Qfrg)+ n82, where IO,E = {O':D(pI|p0 P) < 82} and PXn has densitypw(xn) = f p(xn'6)w(d6). The redundancy bound n2 can also be obtained from + use of a two-stagecode of length V(8n) logIG8 + mino8G log1/p(xnIO,)[see Barronand Cover(1991), SectionV]. (iii) Frominequality(1), the minimaxriskis boundedbelowbya constant timess2 d(l - (Cn +log 2)/Kn), whereC, = maxwIw(0; X8) is the Shannon capacityof the channel { p(xn 0) ) 6 E S} and Kn = logIN, d is the KolmogorovE d-capacityof S. Thus E d lowerboundsthe minimaxrate provided the Shannoncapacityis less than the Kolmogorovcapacityby a factorless than 1. This Shannon-Kolmogorov characterization is emphasizedby lbragimovand Hasminskii(1977, 1978). (iv) For applications,the lowerbounds may be applied to a subclass of densities{po: 0 E So} (S0 c S) whichmaybe richenoughto characterizethe oftheestimationofthedensitiesin thewholeclassyetis easyenough difficulty to checkthe conditions.For instance,if{po: 0 e So} is a subclassofdensities < T forall 0 E S0, then thathave supporton a compactspace and IIlogPoK11 the square rootK-L divergence,Hellingerdistanceand L2 distanceare all equivalentin the sense that each ofthemis bothupperboundedand lower boundedby multiplesofeach other. We nowturnour attentionto obtaininga minimaxupperbound.We use a uniform priorw1 on the ?-netGC forS underdK. For n = 1,2, ...,let p(xn) = E W1(6)P(Xn8) = 0,EG,n 1 En I OeG,n be the corresponding mixturedensity.Let (3) n-1 p(X) = n-1 E pi(x) i=o p(xn 6) MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE 1573 be the densityestimatorconstructedas a Cesaro average ofthe Bayes predictivedensityestimatorspi(x) = p(Xi+jIXi) evaluatedat Xi+1 = x, which equal p(Xi, x)/p(Xi) fori > 0 and pi(x) = p(x) = (l/GI) p(xI6) for p(xG = 0. Note that pi(x) is the averageof p(xlI) withrespectto the posterior distribution p(6IXt) on 0 C G, n THEOREM2 (Upperbound). Let V(e) be an upperboundon thecovering entropy of S underdK and let En satisfyV(En) = n?2. Then minmaxE D(p6^1p) < 2?2 wheretheminimization is overall densityestimators. Moreover, if Condition 0 is satisfiedfora distanced and Aod2(6,6') < dK(6, 6') forall 0, 6' E S, and if theset Sn ofallowed estimators(mappingsfromXn to S) contains constructed in (3) above,thenwhenEn,d< 280, (AoA/8)82 0) < minmaxE6dKj, 0) < 2r2. (AO A/8)fn,d < AOminimaxEod2(6, K dOn-S nIe The conditionthat Sn contains - in Theorem2 is satisfiedif {p: 0 E S} is convex(because is a convexcombination ofdensitiesp0). In particular, this holds if the actionspace S is the set of all densitieson X. In whichcase, whend is a metricthe onlyremainingconditionneededforthe secondset of inequalitiesis Aod2(6,0') < d2(0, 0') forall 0, 6'. Thisis satisfiedbyHellinger distanceand L1 distance(withAo = 1 and Ao = 1/2,respectively). Whend is thesquare rootK-L divergence, Condition0 restricts thefamilypO: 0 E S (e.g., to consistofdensitieswithuniformly boundedlogarithms), thoughit remains acceptableto let the actionspace S consistofall densities. PROOF. By convexity and the chainrule [as in Barron(1987)], EOD(pol1jp) < EO(n= n (4) I In-1 D(Px.+llPilx) Elog Ei=O Zn-1 p(Xi+1 6) Xi) p(Xi+1JI = n-nElog p(XnI0) p(Xn) = n-1D(Px0lIo Pxn) < n-1(V(E,) + n2) = 2 2 wherethe last inequalityis as derivedas in (2). Combiningthisupperbound withthelowerboundfromTheorem1, thiscompletesthe proofofTheorem2. [ If ? d and 2r2 convergeto 0 at the same rate,thenthe minimaxrate of convergenceis identifiedby Theorem2. For 8vnd and En to be of the same 1574 Y. YANG AND A. BARRON thatthe following twoconditionshold(fora proofofthis order,it is sufficient simplefact,see Lemma4 in theAppendix). 1 (Metricentropyequivalence). Thereexistpositiveconstants CONDITION a, b and c suchthatwhenE is small enough,M(8) < V(bs) < cM(a8). CONDITION2 (Richnessofthe function class). For some0 < a < 1, lim inf M(a8)/M(e) > 1. Condition1 is the equivalenceofthe entropystructureunderthe square rootK-L divergenceand under d distancewhen e is small (as is satisfied, forinstance,whenall the densitiesin the targetclass are uniformly bounded aboveand awayfrom0 and d is takentobe HellingerdistanceorL2 distance). Condition2 requiresthe densityclass to be large enough,namely,M(e) approachesoc at least polynomially fastin 1/ as e -- 0, that is, thereexists a constant8 > 0 such that M(e) > 8-8. This conditionis typicalofnonparametricfunctionclasses. It is satisfiedin particularif M(E) can be expressed -as M(e) = 8-rK(8), where r > 0 and K(a8)/K(E) 1 as 8 -1 0. In most situations,the metricentropiesare knownonlyup to orders,whichmakes it generally not tractable to check lim inf 0 Md(a8E)/Md(8) > 1 for the exact packingentropyfunction. That is whyCondition2 is statedin termsofa pre- sumed known bound M(?) < Md(E). Both Conditions 1 and 2 are satisfiedif, forinstance, M(?) with r and K(?) as mentioned above. V(?) --rK(E) COROLLARY 1. AssumeCondition0 is satisfiedfora distanced satisfying Aod2(0,6') < d2%(0,0') in S and assume {po: 0 E S} is convex.UnderConditionsI and 2, we have minmax Eod2(0, ) 6E OES where 8Enis determinedby the equation Md(En) finiteand supOES minmaxEOdK(, 11log = nEn. In particular, if ,u is < o0 and Condition2 is satisfied,then POj1,,, 0) AminmaxEOdH(6, 0) minmaxE0OjpO- mP2 n where 8,, satisfies M2(E,,) = ne2 or MH(En) = nE8. Corollary1 is applicableformanysmoothnonparametric classes as we shall see. However,fornot veryrich classes of densities(e.g., finite-dimensional familiesor analyticaldensities),the lowerbound and the upper bound derivedin the above way do not convergeat the same rate. For instance,fora finite-dimensional class, both MK(E) and MH(8) may be of orderlog(1/8)m forsomeconstantm > 1, and thenEn and En, H are notofthe same orderwith 8, I,(log For smoothfinite-dimensional modn)/n and E H =n o(1/-). els, the minimaxrisk can be solvedusing some traditionalstatisticalmethods (such as Bayes procedures, Cramer-Raoinequality, Van Tree'sinequality, MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE 1575 etc.),but these techniquesrequiremorethan the entropycondition.If local resultscan be entropyconditionsare used insteadofthoseon globalentropy, obtainedsuitableforbothparametricand nonparametric familiesofdensities (see Section7). 2.2. MinimaxratesunderL2 loss. In this subsection,we deriveminimax boundsforL2 riskwithoutrequiringK-L coveringentropy. Let Y be a class ofdensityfunctions f withrespectto a probability measure ,u on a measurableset X such as [0,1]. (Typically Y will be taken to be a compactset, thoughit need not be; we assume onlythat the dominating measure ,u is finite,then normalizedto be a probabilitymeasure.)Let the packingentropyofY be Mq(8) underthe Lq(A.)metric. To deriveminimaxupperbounds,we derivea lemmathatrelates L2 risk fordensitiesthatmaybe zeroto the corresponding riskfordensitiesbounded away fromzero. In addition to the observed i.i.d sample X1, X2, ..., Xn from f, let Y1, Y2, . . . Yn be a sample generatedi.i.d fromthe uniformdistribution on X withrespectto p. (generatedindependently of X1, ..., Xn). Let Zi be Xi or Yi with probability(1/2,1/2)accordingto the outcomeof Bernoulli(1/2) randomvariables Vi generatedindependently fori = 1,..., n. Then Zi has densityg(x) = (f(x) + 1)/2. Clearlythe new densityg is boundedbelow (away from0), whereasthe familyofthe originaldensitiesneed not be. Let = {g: g = (f + 1)/2,f e Y} be the new densityclass. LEMMA1. The minimaxL2 risksof the two classes Y and Sy have the followingrelationship: minmaxExnlff f f~E9 < 4minmaxEzn 12g- ge52 g wheretheminimization on theleft-hand side is overall estimatorsbased on . . . XX and the minimization on the right-hand side is overall estimators , X, based on n independent observations fromg. Generally, forq > 1 and q 0 2, we have minmaxExn lf-f ll4 < 4qminmax EZn lg- - jjq PROOF. We changethe estimationoff to anotherestimationproblemand showthatthe minimaxriskofthe originalproblemis upperboundedby the minimaxrisk ofthe new class. Fromany estimatorin the new class (e.g.,a minimaxestimator),an estimatorin the originalproblemis determinedfor whichthe riskis notgreaterthan a multipleofthe riskin the new class. Let g be any densityestimatorof g based on Z1, i = 1, . . . n. Fix q > 1. Let g be the densitythatminimizesIlh- gllq overfunctions in the set 4 {h: h(x) > 1/2,f h(x) dp.= 1}. (If the minimizerdoes notexist,thenone can chooseg_within? oftheinfimum and proceedsimilarlyas followsand finally obtainthe same generalupperbound in Lemma 1 by lettingE -+ 0.) Then - Y. YANGAND A. BARRON 1576 by the triangleinequalityand because g E X, llg - ^IIq < 2q-lllg_ gllq + < 2qllg - gllq.For q = 2, this can be improvedto IIg - g12 < Hilbert space convexanalysis [see, e.g.,Lemma 9 in Yang and lIg gL12by Barron(1997)]. We now focuson the proofofthe assertionforthe L2 case. The proofforgeneralLq is similar.We constructa densityestimatorforf. Note that f(x) = 2g(x) - 1, let frand(x) = 2g(x) - 1. Then frand(X) is a nonnegativeand normalizedprobabilitydensityestimatorand depends on Xl, ... . Xn, Y1, ..., Yn and the outcomes ofthe coin flips V1,..., Vn. So it is a randomizedestimator. The squared L2 loss offrand is boundedas follows: (f(x) - frand(X)) d/A=f(2g(x) - 2g(x))2dA < 4JI g-2 To avoidrandomization, we mayreplacefrand(x)withits expectedvalue over and coin flips V1,..., Vn to get f(x) with ., Yn Yl, Ex, || f - f 2 = EXn || f - Eyn, vnfrand < EXn Eyn Vn| f- = Ez 2 frand 2 |I f - frand 2 < 4EZnll0g- g 112v wherethe firstinequalityis by convexity and the secondidentityis because frand dependson Xi, Yn, Vn onlythroughzn. Thus maxf, Exn 1f - f 2 4 maxgE Ezn g i2. Takingthe minimumoverestimatorsg completes the proofofLemma 1. C - Thus the minimaxrisk of the originalproblemis upper boundedby the minimaxrisk on F. Moreover,the 8-entropiesare related. Indeed, since + 1)/2 - (f2 + 1)/2112= (1/2)| f1 - f2112,forthe new class S9, the V1(f1 E-packingentropyunder L2 is M2(A) = M2(2E). Now we give upper and lower bounds on the minimax L2 risk. Let us first getan upperbound.Forthenewclass,thesquarerootK-L divergence is upper boundedby multiplesofL2 distance.Indeed,fordensitiesg1,g2 E Y, D(g,11g2) < j(1 g )2 d <2J(g1 - 92)2dA, where the firstinequalityis the familiarrelationshipbetween K-L divergenceand chi-squaredistance,and the second inequalityfollowsbecause g2 is lower bounded by 1/2. Let VK(E) denote the dK covering entropyof 5F. Then VK(8) < M2(8/V) = M2(V?). Let 8n be chosen such that M2(vX-8n) = n82. From Theorem2, there exists a density estimator ^O such that maxge~ EznD(gI ^g) < 282. It followsthat maxgE5FEZnd2(g, RO) < 2?2 and maxg, Ez-llg 011 < 8E2. ConseI quently,by Lemma 1, minfmaxf Exn f - f < 8V8 3 . To get a good estimator in terms of L2 risk,we assume SUpf l << L < oo. Let g be MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE 1577 the densityin Y thatis closestto A0in Hellingerdistance.Then by triangle inequality, maxEZn,d2 (g,g) < 2maxE .d2(g,gO)+ 2maxE gEy~ gef9 < gEfJ 4maxEznd2(g, g0) < 82 Ago) 8d( . gEY NowbecausebothIgII,,and JJgjj1 arebounded by(L + 1)/2, f(g - 2d/ g- f(4 ? g)2( g) dp < 2(L + 1)dH(g,g) Thus maxgE Ez.l g- _I12 < 16(L + 1)82. Using Lemma 1 again,we have an upperboundon the minimaxsquaredL2 risk.The actionspace S consists ofall probability densities. THEOREM3. Let M2(s) be theL2 packingentropy ofa densityclass 5 with respectto a probabilitymeasure.Let En satisfyM2(V2 ) - ne2. Then minmaxExn,t, f - f 118<8Ve8n f fEY Ifin addition, SUpfEY1if 0 < L < o, then minmaxEff i$ - fEY' fj2 < 256(L + 1)8n. The above resultupperboundsthe minimaxL1 risk and L2 risk (under forL2) usingonlytheL2 metric entropy. Using the relationship between Lq norms namely,Ilf1 -2-for fq If -f < I q < 2, underSUpf IfKII < 0, we have <o SUpfE5 lifjjff for 1 < q < 2. / fE/ To get a minimaxlowerbound,we use the followingassumption,which is satisfiedby manyclassical classes such as Besov,Lipschitz,the class of monotonedensitiesand more. minmaxExnhlf-f112-<r2 CONDITION3. There exists at least one densityf* E 9 with minXE f *(x) = C > 0 and a positive constanta C (0, 1) such that o {(1 - a)f* + ag: g c 7} C 7. For a convexclass ofdensities,Condition3 is satisfiedifthereis at least one densityboundedawayfromzero.UnderCondition3, the subclass'70has L2 packingentropyM(e) -M2(8/a) and fortwodensitiesf1 and f2 in 57, D(f11f2)<' Jf1f2)2 d, < (1 f)CfI - f2)2d Thus applyingTheorem1 on 3o, and thenapplyingTheorem2, we have the following conclusion. Y. YANG AND A. BARRON 1578 THEOREM4. Suppose Condition 3 is satisfied.Let M2(E) be the L2 packing entropyofa densityclass Y withrespectto a probabilitymeasure, let En satisfy - a)C/a) = n2 and ? be chosensuch that M2(E,/a) = 4nE ? M2(2(1 2 log2. Then minmaxExnllf-fI- / fEff >- n/8. iftheclass Y is richusingtheL2 distance(Condition2), thenwith Moreover, ?n determinedby M2(9n) = nE2n: (i) If M2(A) M1(s) holds, then mini maxfEy EXnllf < oo, then minfmaxfEy EXnllf (ii) If SUPfEY IIf Kloo - n. -fIll f 2 ?n Using the relationshipbetweenL2 and Lq(l < q < 2) distancesand apcorollary. plyingTheorem1, we have the following COROLLARY 2. Suppose Y is rich using both the L2 distance and the Lq distance for some q E [1, 2). Assume Condition 3 is satisfied. Let n, q satisfy Mq (fn q) = n?2n.Then 82 q< -n,q minmax / fEY Exn llf- 128 q < n If the packingentropiesunder L2 and Lq are equivalent(whichis the classes; see Section6 forexamples), case formanyfamiliarnonparametric then the above upper and lowerbounds convergeat the same rate. Generupper boundeddensityclass Y on a compactset, beally fora uniformly we knowM1(8) < M2(8) < cause f(f - g)2d.L < (IIf + gI)f If - gId,tL, boundforL1 riskmayvary lower Then the corresponding f Klo). M&?2/ supy 11 from8n to 82 depending on how differentthe two entropies are [see also Birge (1986)]. 2.3. MinimaxratesunderK-L and Hellingerloss. For the square rootKL divergence,Condition0 is not necessarilysatisfiedforgeneralclasses of densities.Whenit is not satisfied(forinstance,if the densitiesin the class lemmais helpfulto lowerboundas well have different supports),thefollowing as upperboundthe K-L riskinvolvingonlythe Hellingermetricentropyby relatingit to the coveringentropyunderdK. We considerestimatinga densitydefinedon X withrespectto a measure ,t with 4u(X)= 1 forthe restofthis sectionand Section2.3. < V2, there LEMMA 2. For each probabilitydensityg, positive T and 0 < flloo < T and exists a probabilitydensityg such thatforeverydensityf with 1I dH(f, g) < 8, the K-L divergenceD(f Ig) satisfies 8 D(fIIg) < 2(2 + log(9T/482))(9 + 8(8T - 1)2)82. MINIMAXRATESOF CONVERGENCE 1579 Bounds analogousto Lemma 2 are in Barron,Birgeand Massart [(1999), Proposition1], Wongand Shen [(1995),Theorem5]. A proofofthislemmais givenin the Appendix. We now showhow Lemma 2 can be used to giverates ofconvergence under Hellingerand K-L loss withoutforcingthe densityto be boundedaway fromzero. Let Y be a densityclass with IfKl,, < T foreach f E Y. Asthat the metricentropyMH(E) under dH is of order sume, forsimplicity, 8-1/a for some a > 0. Then by replacingeach g in a Hellingercovering withthe associatedg, Lemma 2 impliesthat we obtaina dK coveringwith VK(0) ? ((log(j/_))1/2/,)l/a and we obtainthe associatedupperboundon the K-L risk fromTheorem2. For the lowerbound,use the factthat dK is no smallerthan the Hellingerdistanceforwhichwe have the packingentropy. (Note that the dK packingentropy, whichmay be infinity, may not be used here since Condition0 is not satisfied.)Consequently, fromTheorem1 and Theorem2, we have (n log n) 2/(2a+l) < minmaxEdH(f, f) < minmaxED(f 1f) f fE/ ffE/f n-2a/(2a+1)(10g n)l/(2a+l). Here,the minimization is overall estimators,f; thatis, S is the class ofall densities. Thus even ifthe densitiesin Y maybe 0 or near 0, the minimaxK-L risk is withina logarithmic factorofthe squaredHellingerrisk.See Barron,Birge and Massart (1999) forrelatedconclusions. 2.4. Some moreresultsforriskswhendensitiesmaybe 0. In this section, we showthatby modifying a nonparametric class ofdensitieswithuniformly boundedlogarithmsto allowthe densitiesto approachzeroat somepointsor evenvanishin somesubsets,theminimaxratesofconvergence underK-L and Hellinger(and L2) may remainunchangedcomparedto that ofthe original class. Densitiesin thenewclass are obtainedfromtheoriginalnonparametric class by multiplying bymembersin a smallerclass (oftena parametricclass) offunctionsthat may be near zero. The resultis applicableto the following example. EXAMPLE. (Densitieswithsupporton unknownsetofk intervals.)Let Y = < ak = {h(x) Ei- 1bi?bl{aj<x<ai+}/c: h E , O= ao < a, < a2 < > < 1, ' b +l(ai + Pyand 0 ai) bi < Y2, 1 < i < k} (c is the normalizingconstant).Here Y is a class of functionswithuniformly bounded k is a positiveinteger,-y and Y2 are positiveconstants.The conlogarithms, stantsYiand Y2forcethedensitiesin Y tobe uniformly upperbounded.These densitiesmaybe 0 on someintervalsand arbitrarily closeto 0 on others. Notethatifthedensitiesin J are continuous, thenthedensitiesin Y have at most k - 1 discontinuous points. For instance, if Jr,' is a Lipschitz class, thenthe functions in Y are piecewiseLipschitz. 1580 Y. YANG AND A. BARRON Somewhatmoregenerally, let 4 be a class ofnonnegativefunctionssatisfyingjigII0< C and fg d1u> c forall g e 4. Thoughthe g's are nonnegative, theymay equal zero on some subsets.Suppose 0 < c < h < C < o forall hE V. Consider a classofdensities withrespectto/t: = { f(x) = h(x)g(x) f h(x)g(x)dthL hE ~ g ?4 S Let 4 = {g g/ f g d: g E 4} be the densityclass corresponding to 4 and similarlydefineX. Let M2(8; V) be the packingentropyofX underL2 distanceand let VK(E; Y) and VK(E;4) be coveringentropiesas definedin Section2 ofY and 4, respectively, underdK. The actionspace S consistsof all probability densities. THEOREM 5. SupposeVK(,; 4) < A1M2(A2e;V) forsomepositive constantsA1,A2 and supposetheclass X is richin thesensethatliminf,0O M2(ag;X)/M2(8; ') > 1 forsome0 < a < 1. If 4 contains a constant function,then minmaxEfD(f If f /fEY Y minmaxE (,f, Ef where?n is determined byM2(sn;Y) = f) minmax EfIlf fEY - f 112 ?2 , nE2. The resultbasicallysays that if 4 is smallerthan the class Y in an 8entropysense, then forthe new class, being 0 or close to 0 due to 4 does not hurtthe K-L risk rate. To apply the result,we still need to boundthe coveringentropyof 4 under dK. One approachis as follows.Suppose the Hellingermetricentropyof4 satisfiesMH( /log(1/E);4) < M2(Ar; 4) for someconstantA > 0. FromLemma 2, VK(E; 4j) < MH(A'E/ log(1/r);4!) for someconstantA' > 0 whens is sufficiently small(notethattheelementsg of the coverfromLemma 2 are notnecessarilyin Y thoughtheyare in the set S ofall probability densities).Then we have VK(8; 4) < M2(AA'E; Y). This coverstheexampleabove(forwhichcase,4 is a parametric family)and it even allows 4 to be almostas largeas %. An exampleis X = {h: log h E Ba, q(C)} and 4 = {g:g e B , q (C), g > 0 and f gd,u = 1} witha' biggerthan but closeto a (fora definition arbitrarily ofBesovclasses,see Section6). Notethat herethe densitycan be 0 on infinitely manysubintervals. Otherexamplesare givenin Yang and Barron(1997). PROOF. By Theorem2, we have mini maxfEyEf D(f ||f) n< I whereEn satisfiesVK(?n; Y) = nk2. Undertheentropy condition that4 is smallerthan X, it can be shownthat VK(E; Y) < A1M2(A28;Y) forsome constantsA1 and A2 [see Yang and Barron(1997) fordetails].Then underthe assumption of the richness of , we have en = O(8n). Thus en upper bounds the minimax risk rates underbothd2 and d2. Because 4 containsa constantfunction, g is a subsetofF. Since the log-densities in 4Vare uniformly bounded,the MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE 1581 L2 metricentropies of Y and Y are of the same order.Thus taking S0 = 4?, the lower bound rate under K-L or squared Hellinger or square L2 distance is of order E2 by Corollary 1. Because the densities in Y are uniformlyupper bounded, the L2 distance between two densities in Y is upper bounded by a multiple of the Hellinger distance and dK. Thus under the assumptions in the theorem,the L2 metric entropyof Y satisfies M2(E; Y) < VK(AS; S) --< M2(A'E; X) forsome positive constants A and A'. Consequently,the minimax L2 risk is upper bounded by order 82 by Theorem 3. This completes the proof of Theorem 5. 0 3. Applications in data compression and regression. Two cases when the K-L divergenceplays a directrole include data compression,where total K-L divergenceprovides the redundancy of universal codes, and regression with Gaussian errors where the individual K-L divergencebetween two Gaussian models is the customary squared L2 distance. A small amount of additional work is required in the regressioncase to converta predictivedensity estimator into a regression estimator via a minimum Hellinger distance argument. 3.1. Data compression. Let X1, ..., Xn be an i.i.d. sample of discrete random variables frompo(x), 0 E S. Let qn(Xl, ... xn) be a density (probability mass) function.The redundancy of the Shannon code using density qn is the differenceofits expected codelengthand the expected codelengthofthe Shannon code using the true density p0(x1, . .., x,), that is, D(p'Ilqn). Formally, we examine the minimax propertiesof the game with loss D(pn (qn) forcontinuous random variables also. In that case, D(pn Iqn)corresponds to the redundancy in the limit of fine quantization ofthe random variable [see, e.g., Clarke and Barron (1990), pages 459 and 460]. The asymptoticsof redundancy lower bounds have been considered by Rissanen (1984), Clarke and Barron (1990, 1994), Rissanen, Speed and Yu (1992) and others. These results were derived for smooth parametric families or a specificsmooth nonparametricclass. We here give general redundancy lower bounds fornonparametricclasses. The key propertyrevealed by the chain rule is the relationshipbetween the minimax value ofthe game with loss D(pn 11 q, ) and the minimax cumulative K-L risk, n-1 =mmn max i-),E6D(pI I minmax D(pn 11qn) q~~~Ons ~ i=O iOS where the minimization on the left is over all joint densities q"(x1,..., x,) and the minimizationon the rightis over all sequences ofestimators Pi based on samples of size i = 0, 1, . . ., n - 1 (fori = 0, it is any fixeddensity).Indeed, one has D(pn IIqn) = ,nZ-1 ED(p0 11Pi) when q,(xl X... Xn) = Fli? kxi(xi+l?) [cf.Barron and Hengartner (1998)]. Let Rn = minq En max6EsD(p'Ilqn) be the minimax total K-L divergence and let rn = minp max0es E0D(p0jlp) 1582 Y. YANGAND A. BARRON be the individualminimaxK-L risk.Then n-I (5) nrn-1< Rn < E: ri i=O Here the firstinequalityrn-1 < n-1Rn followsfromnotingthat as in (4), foranyjoint densityqn on the sample space of X1,..., Xn, thereexistsan forall 0 E S. The second estimator such that EOD(poll ) < n-1D(ponIlqn) inequalityRn < 7iyn-1 ri is fromthe factthat the maximum(over 0 in S) of the sum ofrisksis notgreaterthan the sum ofthe maxima. In particular, we see thatrn Rn/nwhenrn n-1L ' ri. Effectively, this means thatthe minimaxindividualK-L riskand 1/ntimesminimaxtotalKwhen rn convergesat a rate sufficiently L divergencematchasymptotically slowerthan 1/n(e.g.,n-P with0 < p < 1). Now let d(6, 0') be a metricon S and assume that {po: 0 E S} contains all probabilitydensitieson X. Let Md(r) be the packingentropyof S under d and let V(?) be an upper bound on the coveringentropyVK(E) of = V(En)/n and choose n,d such that S under dK. Choose C enr, such that = 4n?2n + 21og2. Based on Theorem1, (2) and inequality(5), we Md(En d) have the following result. 3. AssumethatD(pollp,) > Aod2(6,0') forall 6, 6' E S. Then COROLLARY we have (Ao/8)nE2d < minmaxD(pJ qn) 2n wheretheminimization is overall densitieson Xn. Two choicesthat satisfythe requirements are the Hellingerdistanceand the L1 distance. Wheninterestis focusedon the cumulativeK-L risk(or on the individual riskrnin the case that r n-1En'Iri), directproofofsuitableboundsare possiblewithoutthe use ofFano's inequality.See Haussler and Opper(1997) fornew resultsin that direction.Anotherproofusing an idea of Rissanen (1984) is in Yang and Barron(1997). 3.2. Applicationin nonparametricregression. Consider the regression model Yi = U(xi) + 'i i=1..n. SupposetheerrorsEi, 1 < i < n, are i.i.d.withtheNormal(O,u-2)distribution. The explanatoryvariablesxi, 1 < i < n, are i.i.d. witha fixeddistribution P. The regressionfunctionu is assumed to be in a functionclass 4. For this case, the square rootK-L divergencebetweenthejointdensitiesof(X, Y) in the familyis a metric.Let IIu - v112= (f(u(x) - v(x))2 dP)1/2 be the L2(P) distancewith respectto the measure inducedby X. Let M2(E) and similarly for q > 1 let Mq(r) be the 8-packing entropyunder L2(P) and Lq(P), MINIMAXRATESOF CONVERGENCE 1583 respectively. AssumeM2(e) and Mq(E) are bothrich(in accordancewithCondition 2). Choose En such that M2(En)= nEn. Similarly let En,q be determined by Mq(fn,q) = nE2n THEOREM6. Assume |ulO supUEII < L. Then hl minmaxEllu -u112 2 ~i n UE4 For theminimaxLq(P) risk,we have ? minmaxEllu- utiq lq>_-n,q ii If further, M2(E) UE4 Mq(E) for1 < q < 2, thenfortheLq(P) risk,we have minmaxEluu utiq n a ue6l PROOF. Withno loss ofgenerality, supposethatPx has a densityh(x) with respect to a measure A. Let pu(x, y) = (2lTo2)y1/2exp (-(y - u(x))2/2uf2)h(x) denote the joint density of (X, Y) with regressionfunctionu. Then = D(pullp,) (1/2uf2)E((Y - u(X))2 - reduces as is well (Y - v(X))2) knownto (1/2o-2)f(u(x) - v(x))2h(x)dA, so that dK is equivalentto the L2(P) distance.The lowerrates then followfromTheorem1 togetherwith the richnessassumptionon the entropies. We nextdetermineupperboundsforregressionby specializingthe bound fromTheorem2. We assume hlul,,< L uniformly foru c 4. Theorem2 providesa densityestimatorPn such that max> ED(pIi3n) -< 2r2. It follows that maxUE4Ed (p>, Pn) < 2s2. [A similarconclusionis available in Birge(1986),Theorem3.1.] Here we take advantageofthefactthatwhenthe densityh(x) is fixed,pn(x, y) takes the formofh(x)g(ylx), whereg(ylx) is an estimateofthe conditionaldensityof y givenx (it happensto be a mixtureofGaussians using a posteriorbased on a uniformprioron 8-nets).For givenx and (Xi, Y )4i=1,let in(x) be the minimizerofthe Hellingerdistance dH(gn(.Ix), 4?_)between gn(ylx)and the normal0,(y) densitywithmean z and the givenvarianceoverchoicesof z with izj < L. Then ii(x) is an estimatorofu(x) based on (Xi, Yi)n By the triangleinequality,givenx and ( Xi, Yi )n= ' dH(ck u( ifi (x)) + < dH(4u(x) 9n(.lx)) < 2dHf (ou(x), S n( x)) - dH(fU(x), gn ( lx)) It followsthat maxU4EEd2(pu, P n) < 4 max>E-Ed2(p, jPUA ) 8rn. Now Ed2 (pU, PU) = 2E f h(x)(1 - exp (-(u(x) - i7ni(x))2/8ur2)) dA. The concave function(1 - e-v) is above the chord (v/B)(1 - e-B) for0 < v < B. Thus using v = (u(x) - iun(x))2/8of2and B = L2/2U2, we obtain maxE (u(x) - in(X))2h(x) dA < 2L2(1 - exp(-L2/2a-2))-1 maxEd 2 (pu, Pu) UE4 H .< 82n Y. YANG AND A. BARRON 1584 This completesthe proofofTheorem6. 0 4. Linear approximation and minimax rates. In this section,we apto givea generalconclusionon plythemainresultsand knownmetricentropy the relationshipbetweenlinearapproximation and minimaxrates ofconvergence.A moregeneraland detailedtreatment is in Yang and Barron(1997). Let (F = 1 = 1, 02.-., Ok, ...} be a fundamentalsequencein L2[0, 1]d (thatis, linearcombinations are dense in L2[0, I]d). Let r = {yo, ..., Yk.i. k be a decreasingsequenceofpositivenumbersforwhichthereexist0 < c' < c < 1 such that (6) C Yk < Y2k < CYk, as is true for Yk k-a and also forYk - k-a(logk)I, a > 0,13 E R. Let fork > 1 be the kthdegree i 112 min{aI} ||f -_kL1ai ofapproximation off E L2[0, l]d bythesystem(F. Let y(r, (F) be all functions in L2[0, 1]d withthe approximation errorsboundedby r; thatis, no(f = Ilf 112 and 7k(f) = S~(F, (F) = {f C L2[0, 1]d: 'k(f) < Yk, k = 0, 1, .. They are called the fullapproximation sets. Lorentz(1966) gives metricentropyboundson these classes (actuallyin moregeneralitythan statedhere) and theboundsare used to derivemetricentropyordersfora varietyoffunctionclasses includingSobolevclasses. Suppose the functionsin Y(F, (F) are uniformlybounded, that is, 1g1100 < p for some positive constantp. Let Y(F, (F) be all supgkEy(rFq) the probabilitydensityfunctionsin S7(F, (F). When yo is large enough,the L2 metricentropiesofS~(F, (F) and Y(F, (F) are ofthe same order.Let knbe chosensuchthat -y k/n. THEOREM 7. The minimaxrateofconvergence fora fullapproximation set is determined offunctions simplyas follows: min max Ellf -f f fES(F,V) kn/n. A similarresultholdsforregression. Notethatthereis no specialrequirement on the bases (F (theymayeven notbe continuous).For such a case, it seems hard to finda local packingset forthe purposeofdirectlyapplyingthe lower boundingresultsofBirge(1983). The conclusionof the theoremfollowsfromTheorem4. Basically,from Lorentz,the metricentropyof Y(F, (F) is order ke = inf{k:Yk < 4} and by M(En) Y(F, (F) is richin L2 distance.As a consequence,En determined ns2 also balances y2 and k/n. As an illustration, fora system(F, considerthe functions that can be approximated bythe linearsystemwithpolynomially decreasingapproximation error'Yk- k-, a > 0. Thenminimaxfi(Fr,4)E f -f 2 - n2a/(l?2a). Similarlywehaveraten-2a/(1+2a)(log n)-2,f/(1+2a)if Yk k- (logk)P. MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE 1585 As we have seen, the optimalconvergence rate in this fullapproximation settingis ofthe same orderas mink(yk+ k/n),whichwe recognizeas the faformeansquarederror.Indeed,for miliarbias-squaredplus variancetrade-off in with = regressionas Section3, yi u(xi) + Ei, u E Y(F, UP),approximation estimatesthat achievethis rate.This systemsyieldnaturaland well-known is familiarin the literature[see, e.g., Cox (1988) forleast squares trade-off regressionestimates,Cenov(1982) or Barronand Sheu (1991), formaximum likelihoodlog-density estimates,and Birgeand Massart (1996) forprojective densityestimatorsand othercontrasts]. The bestrate knis ofcourse,unknownin applications,suggestingtheneed tochoosea suitablesize modeltobalancethe ofa goodmodelselectioncriterion based on data. For recentresultson model twokindsoferrorsautomatically see for selection, instance,Barron,Birge,and Massart (1999) and Yang and rates forvarious Barron(1998). Thereknowledgeofthe optimalconvergence situationsis still of interest,because it permitsone to gauge the extentto classes. whichan automaticprocedureadapts to multiplefunction To sum up this section,if a function class 7 is containedin Y(F, q)) and containsY(F', V') forsomepair offundamental sequences"Pand V' forwhich the Yk, yk sequencesyielden -n then s, providesthe minimaxrate forS and moreover(underthe conditionsdiscussedabove) minimaxoptimalestimatesare availablefromsuitablelinearestimates.However,someinteresting functionclasses do not permitlinearestimatorsto be minimaxrate optimal [see Nemirovskii(1985), Nemirovskii, Polyakand Tsybakov(1985), Donoho, Johnstone, Kerkyacharianand Picard (1996)]. Lack of a fullapproximation set characterization does notprecludedetermination ofthemetricentropyby otherapproximation-theoretic means in specificcases as will be seen in the nexttwosections. 5. Sparse approximations and minimax rates. In the previoussection,fullapproximation sets offunctionsare definedthroughlinear approximationwithrespectto a givensystem(D. There,to get a givenaccuracyof approximation 6, oneuses thefirstk8basis functions withk8= min{i: Yi < 6}. This choiceworksforall g E Y(F, (D) and these basis functionsare needed to get the accuracy6 forsome g E Y(F, (D). For slowlyconverging sequences occursespeYk,verylarge k8 is neededto get accuracy6. This phenomenon functionapproximation. ciallyin high-dimensional For instance,if one uses fullapproximation withany chosenbasis fora d-dimensionalSobolevclass withall a (a > 1) partial derivativeswell behaved,the approximation error withk termscan not convergefasterthan k-a'd. It thenbecomesofinterest to examineapproximation usingmanageablesize subsetsoftermssparse in comparisonto the total that would be needed withfullapproximation. We nextgiveminimaxresultsforsomesparsefunction classes. Let (F and F be as in the previoussection.Let Ik > k, k > 1 be a given nondecreasing sequence of integers satisfyingliminf Ikik = o (Io = 0) and let f = {I1, I2, .. .}. Let r)J(g) = min11<11,<Ik min{ai} 11 g -Ei=L1 ai4k1112 be called the kthdegreeofsparse approximation ofg E L2[0, i]d by the system 1586 Y. YANGAND A. BARRON (. Here fork = 0, thereis no approximation The kthterm and ?j0(g) = 11g92. used to approximateg is selectedfromIk basis functions.Let Y(F, (D) = in L210, 1]d withthe sparseapproximation J2(r, 'F,J) be all functions errors boundedby F, thatis, k = 0, 1, . . Y'(F, () = {g E L2[0, ld. 1k(g) < Yk, We call it a sparse approximation set offunctions(fora fixedchoiceof J). LargerIk's provideconsiderablemorefreedomofapproximation. In termsofmetricentropy, a sparse approximation set is notmuchlarger than the corresponding fullapproximation set Y(F, (D) it contains.Indeed, as will be shown,its metricentropyis largerby at mosta logarithmic factor undertheconditionIk < kTforsomepossiblylarger> 1. Iffullapproximation is used instead to approximatea sparse approximation set, one is actually a class with much approximating a largermetricentropythan J(F,(D) if Ik is muchbiggerthan k [see Yang and Barron(1997)]. For a class ofexamples,let T be a class offunctions uniformly boundedby v witha L2 8-coverofcardinalityoforder(l/)d' [metricentropyd' log(1/8)] forsome positiveconstantd'. Let 4 be the closureof its convexhull. For k> 1,let Ik1+1' ... Ik in ( be the membersofa v/(2k1/2)-cover ofT. Here Ik - Ik-i is oforderkd'/2. Then 4 c J(F,(D) withYk = 4v/k1/2.That is, the closureoftheconvexhulloftheclass can be uniformly sparselyapproximated by a systemconsistingofsuitablychosenmembersin the class at rate k-1/2 with k sparse termsout of about kd'/2 manycandidates.This containment result,4 c /J(F,(D),can be verifiedusinggreedyapproximation [see Jones (1992) or Barron(1993), Section8], whichwe omithere.A specificexampleof T is {fu(ax + b):a E [-1, 1]d, b E R}, whereo-is a fixedsigmoidalfunction satisfyinga Lipschitz conditionsuch as ((z) = (ez - 1)/(ez + 1), or a sinusoidal functionc(z) = sin(z). For metricentropyboundson 4, see Dudley(1987), withrefinements in Ball and Pajor (1990). Now let us provemetricentropyboundson J(F, (D). Because Y(F, (D) c Y"(F, (D),the previouslowerboundforS(F, (F) is a lowerboundforY(F, (D). We next derivean upperbound.Let 1i < Ii, 1 < i < k, be fixedfora moment. Consider the subset Al 11 of J(F, () in the span of .. 0, that has approximationerrors bounded by Yl, ..., Yk, using the basis if and only if g = L la>*f01 forsome coeffi?kyl, , ffiI(i.e., g E 41k L' cientsa* and minm a gai 112 < Ym for 1 < m < k,). From the 1, i ai_,am previous section,we know the s-entropyof .1Ik is upper bounded by order k? = inf{k:Yk < 8/2}. Based on the construction, it is nothardto see thatan ?/2-net in Ul. < Ii 1<i<k_, .1k., is an 8-netfor f(F, (D). Thereare fewerthan (Ik,) manychoicesofthe basis 4i, 1 < i < k8,thus the e-entropy of J(F,(D) is upperboundedbyorderk, + log(1ke) O(k_)log(E-1)undertheassumption Ik < kTforsome r > 1. As seen in Section4, if Yk ka(log k)-P, we have that k is oforderE-?l/a(log(E-1))-P/a. Then the metricentropyof J(F, (D) is - bounded by order 8-1/a(log(-1))1-,/a. MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE 1587 Thus we pay at mosta priceofa log(s-1) factorto coverthe largerclass J(F, (F) witha greaterfreedomofapproximation. in J(F, (F) are uniformly For densityestimation,supposethefunctions upthe functions be all in per bounded.Let J(F, (F) probability density J(F,(F). Whenyois largeenough,the L2 metricentropiesofY'(F, (F) and /J(F,(F) are ofthe same order.Let s, satisfynr2n= k log(E-1) and s satisfyke = n?. Then applyingTheorem3 togetherwiththelowerboundon Y(F, (F), we have result. derivedthe following THEOREM 8. The minimaxrateofconvergence fora sparseapproximation set satisfies e2 -< min max Ellff- _<r2 f f2 (n) As a special case, if Yk n-<2a/(1+2a) - a > 0, then k-a, <min max Ellf - f fE (F,()2 i112< (n/log n)-2a/(1+2a). Note thatupperand lowerboundrates differ factor. onlyin a logarithmic From the proofsof the minimaxupperbounds,the estimatorsthereare constructedbased on Bayes averagingover the 8n-netof J(F,(f). In this context,it is also natural to considerestimatorsbased on subset selection. Upper bound resultsin this directioncan be foundin Barron,Birge, and Massart (1999),Yang (1999a) and Yang and Barron(1998). A generaltheoryof sparse approximationshould avoid requiringan asofthebasis functionsi, i > 1. In contrastwiththe sumptionoforthogonality storyforfullapproximation sets whereY(F, (F) is unchangedby the GramSchmidtprocess,sparse approximation is notpreservedbyorthogonalization. ofthosefunctions Nonetheless,consideration that are approximatedwell by oforthonormal sparse combinations basis has the advantagethat conditions can be moreeasily expresseddirectlyin termsof the coefficients. Here we discussconsequencesofDonoho'streatment(1993) ofsparse orthonormal apforminimaxstatisticalrisks. proximation Let {I1, 42, .. .} be a givenorthonormal basis in L2[0, 1]. For0 < q < 2, let y4(C1, -~'qCl C2, I3) = Ci -x E =l 00 00 i-l <i=l <Ci: E I iIq < C, and Ei - <1C2l forall l > 1 Here C1, C2 and /3are positiveconstantsthough,Bmay be quite small,for example,s/d withs smallerthan d. The condition>2, 1112 < C2h- is used to make the targetclass small enoughto have convergent estimatorsin L2 norm.Roughlyspeaking,the sparsityofthe class comesfromthe condition that L=1lfiq < C1 whichimpliesthat the ith largestcoefficient satisfies q < and that selection of the k are coefficients sufficient to C1/i largest 16(I) achievea small remainingsum ofsquares.The conditionEll (i 12< C2h- is used to ensurethatit suffices to selectthe k largestcoefficients fromthefirst Ik = kT termswithsufficiently large T. Y. YANG AND A. BARRON 1588 The class YI(C1, C2, 13)is a special case offunctionclasses withuncondiboundedfunctionclass and <D = {f1 = tional basis. Let 4 be a uniformly 1 02,...} be an orthonormal basis in L2. The basis 4) is said to be an un1 (iti conditionalfor4 if forany g = i?? 0i c 4, then E 4 forall (= (41, (2, *..) with lIjI < 6i, . Donoho(1993, 1996) gives resultson metric entropyof these classes and provesthat an unconditionalbasis fora funcof the functionsand tion class gives essentiallybest sparse representation estimatorsare nearlyoptimal.We hereapply showsthatsimplethresholding the main theoremson minimaxrates in this paper to these sparse function classes usinghis metricentropyresults. Let q* = q*(4) = inf{q: supi,1 il/lq (i)l < oo}, where 6(1)' ((2), ... are the coefficientsordered in decreasing magnitude 14(1)1> 16(2)1> .... This q* is called the sparsityindexin Donoho(1993, 1996). Let a* = a*(a) = sup{a: M2(E) = 0(?-1/a)} be theoptimalexponentoftheL2 metricentropyM2(s) of4. From Donoho (1996), if 4 furthersatisfies the condition 1j6? ,12 < Cl-3 for all 1 > 1, then a* = l/q* - 1/2, that is, for any 0 < < < a* < a2, 8-1/a2 M2 < ?-1/a,. Let c, = {f: f/C' E 4 and f is a density}.Then whenC' is largeenough,Sc, has the same metricentropyorderas thatof4. Thus under the same conditions, we have n-2a2/(2a1+l) -< minmaxEllf / fEYC, - f112 < n-2a/(2ai+l) forany 0 < a, < a* < a2. The firstorderin the exponentofthe minimaxrisk is -2a*/(2a* + 1). For the special case ofYq(Cl, C2,,3),betterentropyboundsare available based on Edmunds and Triebel [(1987), page 141] [see Yang and Barron (1997)], resultingin a sharper upper rate by n-2a/(2a+l)when ,3/2> l/q - 1/2 and by (n/ log n)-2a/(2a+l)when 0 < /3/2< l/q - 1/2, where a = l/q - 1/2. 6. Examples. In thissection,we demonstrate theapplicationsofthetheoremsdevelopedin the previoussections.As will be seen fromthe following examples,once we knowthe orderof metricentropyof a targetclass, the minimaxrate can be determined rightaway formanynonparametric classes withoutadditionalwork.Forresultson metricentropyordersofvariousfunctionclasses,see Lorentz,Golitschekand Makovoz(1996) and references cited there. 6.1. Ellipsoidal classes in L2. Let {lo = 1, 42' ..., ,kk .. .} be a complete orthonormalsystemin L2[0, 1]. For an increasingsequence of constants bk with b1 > 1 and bk ?? oc, definean ellipsoidal class &({bk}, C) = {g = ,(p,:E,j62 2 < C}. Define m(t) = sup{i:bi < t} and let l(t) = fot m(t)/td t. Then fromMitjagin(1961), one knowsthat the L2 coveringmetricentropyof '({bk}, C) satisfies1(1/2E) < V2(E) < 1(8/e). For the special case with bk = ka (a > 0), the metric entropyorder -1/a deter- minedabove was previouslyobtainedby Kolmogorovand Tihomirov(1959) forthe trigonometric basis. [Whena > 1 or bk increasessuitablyfast,the MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE 1589 entropyrate can also be derivedusing the resultsof Lorentz(1966) on full approximation sets.] 6.2. Classes offunctions withboundedmixeddifferences.As in Temlyakov (1989),definethe function classes H' on -Td = [-_T,,1]d havingbounded mixed differences as follows.Let k = (k1,..., kd) be a vectorof inte= rv < ru+1 < gers, q > 1, and r = (rl,..., rd) with r1 = < rd. Let Lq(-lTd) denote the periodic functionson 17d with finitenorm lgIILq(lTd) = dx)l/q. Denote by Hr1 the class of functions (2lT)d(fd g(x)(f E = dxi g(x) 0 for 1 < i < d, and Itg(X)IlL (rd) < Lq(lTd), 7d g(x) fld= tjIrj (1 > maxj rj), where t = (t1, ..., td) and Al is the mixed lth differAl ...1g(x, ence withstep tj in the variablexj, thatis, Alg(x) = Ald ' From Temlyakov (1989), for r = (rl,..., rd) with r, > 1, 1 < p < oo and , 1 < q < oo, Mp(r; H~r) (1/E)l/rl (log 1/,)(1+1/2r1)(v-1) Functionsin thisclass are uniformly bounded. 6.3.Besovclasses.Let zr(g, x) = r (r (k) r-kg(x+ kh).Thenthe r-thmodulusof smoothnessof g E Lq[O,1] (O < q < oc) or of g E C[O,1] if q = oo is definedby wt(g, t)q = supo<h<t zlAX(g,)Iq Let a > 0, r = [a] + 1 and 1 1IB dt~ /00 w /(t-a 1 1r r(g, t)q)(Jd) sup t&)r(g, t)q, t>O i/CT , for 0 < a < o0 foro-= o0. Then the Besov normis definedas 11gl1BI llgllq + IBa [see DeVoreand Lorentz(1993)]. Closelyrelatedare Triebelor F classes, whichcan be handled similarly.For definitions and characterizations ofBesov (and F) classes in the d-dimensionalcase, see Triebel(1975). Theyincludemanywell-known functionspaces such as Holder-Zygmund spaces, Sobolev spaces, fractional Sobolevspaces or Bessel potentialspaces and inhomogeneous Hardyspaces. For 0 < cr,q < oo(q < o0 forF) and a > 0, let Ba q(C) be the collections of all functionsg E L[O, l]d such that 11g1IBa < C. Buildingon the conclusionspreviouslyobtainedforSobolevclasses by Birmanand Solomajak (1974), Triebel(1975), withrefinements in Carl (1981), showedthat for 1 < Ur< o00 1 < p, q < o0 and a/d > ll/q-l lp, Mp(c; Ba q(C)) 6.4. Bounded variation and Lipschitz classes. The functionclass BV(C) consists of all functions g(x) on [0,1] satisfying 11gh10,< C and V(g) := sup Em1 lg(xi+,) - g(xi))l < C, where the supremum is taken for all finite sequences xl < x2 < ... < xm in [0,1]. For 0 < a < 1, let Lipa q(C) {g: 11g(x+ h)- g(x)lq < Cha and lIgIlq< C} be a Lipschitzclass. Whena > I /q- l /p, 1 < p, q < o0, the metricentropysatisfies MP(E; Lipa q(C)) - 1590 Y. YANGAND A. BARRON [see Birmanand Solomajak(1974)]. Forthe class offunctions in BV(C), with ofthe value assignedat discontinuity suitablemodification pointsas in DeVoreand Lorentz[(1993),Chapter2] one has Lip1 j,(C) c BV(C) c Lip,,1(C) and since the Lp (1 < p < oc) metricentropiesof Lip1 1(C) and Lipl OO(C) are bothoforder1/e,the Lp (1 < p < oo) metricentropyofBV(C) is also of order1/e. 6.5. Classes offunctionswithmoduliofcontinuity ofderivativesbounded by fixedfunctions. Instead of Lipschitzrequirements,one may consider more general bounds on the moduli of continuityof derivatives.Let be the collectionof all functionsg on [0,1d Ci...Cr) r,= Ar,(Co whichhave all partialderivativesIIDkgjj2? Ck, Iki= k = 0,1, ..., r,andthe modulusofcontinuity in the L2 normofeach rthderivativeis boundedby a functionw. Here w is any givenmodulusofcontinuity see [fora definition, DeVoreand Lorentz(1993), page 41]. Let 8 = 8(E) be definedbythe equation 8'rw(5)= E. Then if r > 1, again fromLorentz(1966), the L2 metricentropy ofAd,2 is oforder(8(r))-d. 6.6. Classes offunctionswithdifferent moduliofsmoothnesswithrespect to different variables. Let kl, ..., kd be positive integers and 0 < Pi < ki, 1 < i < d. Let k = (kl,..., kd) and = Let V(k, 3, C) be the (1, .,d). collectionofall functionsg on [0, if' withIIgIlx< C and suplhl<tIIA'h9gII2 < Cti, whereAhkiis the kithdifference withsteph in variablexi. FromLorentz [(1996),page 921], the L2 metricentropyorderofV(k, f, C) is (1/8)E=131 6.7. Classes E ' k(C). ofperiodicfunctions ?00 g(xi, . . ., x = X = E ,,md--o Let Edak(C) (a > 1/2and k > 0) be the collection (dd am .md cos( i-1 sin( mixi) + i_1 mixi ? b I__ < C(m. ? 1), )-a) (logk(ri .d) where m = max(m,1). The L2 metricentropyis of order (1/,)1/(a-1/2) log(2k+2a(d-1))/(2al)(l/r)by Smoljak (1960). Note that forthese classes, the dependenceof entropyorders on the input dimensiond is only through logarithmic factors. on [0, 27T] with 2a2.Old 6.8. Neural networkclasses. Let N(C) be the closurein L240, 1]d ofthe set ofall functionsg: Rd -* R ofthe formg(x) = co + >Zicic(vix + bi), with Icol+ Li icil < C, and ivi = 1, where a is a fixedsigmoidalfunctionwith o-(t) - > 1 as t -- oc and o-(t) -O 0 as t -> -oc. We further require that a is eitherthestepfunctiono*(t) = 1 fort > 0, and o(*(t)= 0 fort < 0, or satisfies the Lipschitzrequirementthat lo(t) - o(t')l < Cllt - tjl forsome C1 and to I0(t) - o.*(t)I< C2ItK-forsomeC2 and y > 0 forall t 0 0. Approximations in N(C) using k sigmoidsachievesL2 errorboundedby C/k1/2 functions [as MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE 1591 shownin Barron(1993)],and usingthisapproximation bound,Barron[(1994), page 125] givescertainmetricentropybounds.The approximation errorcan not be made uniformlysmaller than (l/k)l/2+lld+? for 8 > 0 as shown in Barron[(1991), Theorem3]. Makovoz[(1996), pages 108 and 109] improves the approximation upper bound to a constant times (1/k)l/2+l/(2d) and uses theseboundsto showthatthe L2 metricentropy oftheclass N(C) witheither the step sigmoid or a Lipschitz sigmoid satisfies (1/8)1/(1/2+1/d)? M2(r) z (1/8)1/(1/2+1/(2d)) log(l/s). For d = 2, a betterlowerboundmatchesthe upper bound in the exponent (1hr)4!3 log-2/3(1/r) ? M2(8) z d = 1, N(C) is equivalentto a boundedvariationclass. (1/8)4/3 log(l/s). For Convergence rates. We giveconvergence rates fordensityestimation.Unless statedotherwise,attentionis restricted to densitiesin the corresponding class. Normparametersofthefunction classes are assumedtobe largeenough so that the restriction does not changethe metricentropyorder.For regression,the rates ofconvergence are the same foreach ofthesefunction classes assumingthe designdensity(withrespectto Lebesguemeasure)is bounded above and away fromzero. 1. Assumethe functions in &({bk}, C) are uniformly boundedby C0 and assume that l(t) satisfiesliminft0 l(/pt)/l(t)> 1 forsome fixedconstant 1B3>1. Let Enbe determinedby l(41/n) = n?2; we have max E IIf-f2 min f fE,f({bk},C) n Specially,ifbk= ka, k > 1 and the basis functions satisfysupk,l 1I'kk K < oo, then when a > 1/2,functionsin &({bk}, C) are uniformly bounded. Then the rate ofconvergence is n-2a/(2a+). See Efroimovich and Pinsker (1982) formoredetailedasymptotics withthetrigonometric basis and bk = ka, see Birge (1983) forsimilarconclusionsusing a hypercubeconstruction forthe trigonometric basis and Barron,Birge and Massart [(1999), Section3] forgeneralellipsoids. 2. Let Hq(C) = { f = eg/fegdl: g E Hq(C)} be a uniformly boundeddensity class. The metricentropyof Hq(C) is ofthe same orderas forHq(C). So for r1> 1 and 1 < q < o <,1 < p < 2, by Corollary 1, we have minmaxElIff f feHf p n-rl/(2r+l)(log n)(v- 1)/2 For this densityclass, the minimaxriskunderK-L divergenceor squared Hellingerdistanceis also ofthe same orderas thatunderthe squared L2 distance, n-2r1/(2r1+l)(log n)(V- 1) 3. When ald > l/q, the functionsin Ba q(C) are uniformly bounded.For < oo,1 < p < 2 and a/d> l/q, 1 < oa < o <,1q min max Ellf-fp f fEBa0,q(C) -2a(2a+d) 1592 Y YANG AND A. BARRON min max Ellf /fEBa0,q(C) flIlpn/(2dn Whenl/q - 1/2< a/d < l/q,somefunctions in Bc1q(C) are notbounded; nevertheless, thisclass has the same ordermetricentropyas the subclass Ba j(C) withq* > d/a whichis uniformly bounded.ConsequentlyforC sufficiently large the metricentropyof class of densities in Ba q(C) is still the same orderas forB,, q(C). From Theorem4, forL1 risk we have, when a/d > l/q - 1/2, the rate is also n-a/(2a?d). From the monotonicityproperty ofthe Lp normin p, we have forp > 1 and a/d> l/q- 1/2, - f1> max In particular, when q > 2, the last -a/(2ad). minf fEyEllf l twoconclusionsholdforall a > 0. Donoho,Johnstone, Kerkyacharianand Picard (1993) obtainedsuitable minimaxbounds forthe case of p > q, a > l/q. Here we permitsmallera. The rates forLipschitzclasses were previouslyobtainedbyBirge(1983) and Devroye(1987) (thelatterforspecial cases withp = 1). If the log-density is assumedto be in Ba q(C),then byCorollary1, fora/d > 1/q,theminimaxriskunderK-L divergenceis of the same ordern-2a/(2a+d), whichwas previouslyshownby Koo and Kim (1996). 4. For 1 < p < 2, the minimaxrateforsquare L riskor L riskis oforder or n113. Since a class ofboundedmonotonefunctions nhas the same ordermetricentropy as a boundedvariationclass,we concludeimmediately thatit has the same minimaxrate ofconvergence. The rate is obtainedin Birge(1983) by settingup a delicatelocal packingset forthe lowerbound. 5. Let ?n be chosen such that (6(?))-d = ne2. Then for r > 1, the minimax square L2 risk is at rate s2. 6. Let a-1 = yd>1 -31;thentheminimaxsquare L2 riskis at rate n-2a/(2a+l) 7. The class Ea, k(C) is uniformly boundedwhena > 1. Then mmn max f faEE F lf- f{-A2 -(a-1/2)/a log(n+a(d-1))1a (C) 8. We have upperand lowerrates n-(1+2/d)/(2+1/d) (logn)-(1+1/d)(1+2/d)(2+1/d) -< min max El / fEN(C) f -f112 f2 < (n/logn)-(1+1/d)/(2+1/d) and ford = 2, usingthe betterlowerboundon the metricentropy, we have n3/5 (log n)-910 -< min max E F f fcEN(C) - f 2 -< (n/ log n) For this case, it seems unclear how one could set up a local packing set for applying Birge's lower bounding result. Though the upper and lower rates do not agree (except d = 2, ignoringa logarithmicfactor),when d is moderately large, the rates are roughlyn-1/2,which is independent of d. MINIMAX RATES OF CONVERGENCE 1593 7. Relationship between global and local metric entropies. As the previoususe ofFano's inequalityto derivethe statedin the introduction, minimaxrates of convergenceinvolvedlocal metricentropycalculation.To ofspeciallocal packingsets capturingthe applythistechnique,constructions essentialdifficulty ofestimatinga densityin the targetclass are seemingly requiredand theyare usually done with a hypercubeargument.We have the minishownin Section2 thatthe globalmetricentropyalone determines max lower rates of convergencefortypicalnonparametric densityclasses. Thus there is no need to put in effortsin search of special local packing ofan earlyversionofthis paper whichcontained sets. Afterthe distribution the main resultsin Section2, we realized a connectionbetweenthe global metricentropyand local metricentropy.In fact,the global metricentropy ensuresthe existenceofat least one local packingset whichhas the property requiredforthe use ofBirge'sargument.This factalso allows one to bypass Here we showthis connectionbetweenthe global the special constructions. metricentropyand local metricentropyand commenton the uses ofthese metricentropies. For simplicity, we considerthe case whend is a metric.Supposethe global packingentropyofS underdistanced is M(E). DEFINITION at 6 E S is thelog(Local metricentropy). The local E-entropy arithmofthelargest(8/2)-packing set in B(O, e) = {H' E S: d(6', 0) < E}. The local 8-entropy at 0 is denotedby M(E I 0). The local 8-entropy ofS is defined as MloC(E)= maxo,s M(8 i 0). LEMMA3. The global and local metricentropieshave thefollowingrelationship: M(E/2) - M(?) < M"(8) < M(812). PROOF. Let N. and N/2 be the largest8-packingset and thelargest8/2in S. Let us partitionN,12into IN,8 partsaccording packingset respectively to the minimumdistancerule (the Voronoipartition).For 0 E NE, let Ro = {O': 0' ES, H= argmin8N, d(6', O)} be thepointsin N8,2 thatare closestto 6 (ifa pointin N,12has the same distanceto twodifferent pointsin N., any rule can be used to ensure R0 n Ro = f). Note that N,12 = U0ENRO. Since N. is the largestpackingset,forany 6' E N/2, thereexists0 E N, suchthat d(6', 6) < 8. It followsthatd(6', 0) < E for6' E R0. Fromabove,we have INE12 1 INEIl IN IR01. |EIOc=N Roughlyspeaking,the ratioofthe numbersofpointsin the twopackingsets characterizesthe averagelocal packingcapability. From the above identity, thereexists at least one 6* E N. with IR0* > 6 > M(8/2) - M(?). On the otherhand, NE/2/NE 1.Thus we have M(8 O*) Y YANG AND A. BARRON 1594 by concavityofthe log function, M(2) - M(?) = log LIRI) log(IR0I). of is upperboundedbythe difference Thus an averageofthe local s-entropies twoglobalmetricentropiesM(c/2) - M(?). An obviousupperboundon the local s-entropiesis M(8/2). This ends the proofofLemma3. 0 that The sets Ro in theproofare local packingsetswhichhave theproperty the diameterofthe set is ofthe same orderas the smallestdistancebetween anytwopoints.Indeed,thepointsin Ro are 8/2apartfromeach otherand are within8 from0. This property togetherwiththe assumptionthat locallydK is upperboundedby a multipleofd enables the use ofBirge'sresult[(1983), Proposition2.8] to getthe lowerboundon the minimaxrisk. we assume thereexistconthe minimaxrates ofconvergence, To identify stants A > 0 and 80 > 0 such that D(pollp,) < Ad2(0, 0'), for0, 6' c S withd(6, 0') < 80. FromLemma 3, thereexist 0* E S and a subsetSO = R* at leastM(E/2) - M(?). Using witha localpackingset N oflog-cardinality as Fano's inequalitytogetherwiththe diameterboundon mutualinformation distributedrandomvariableon N, when in Birge,yieldswith0 a uniformly 8 < 80, I(E); X') < n max D(po p0po)< nA max d2(6, 0') < nA82, 0, 0'eN 0, 0'ESo and hence, choosingsn to satisfyM(8n/2) - M(8n) = 2(nA?2 + log2), as in the proofof Theorem1, but with S replacedby SO = R0*,one gets minbmaxojsoEod2(6, 0) > 8n/32, whichis similarto our conclusionsfrom in theboundjust obtainedcompared Section2 (cf.Corollary1). The difference withthe previousworkofBirge'and othersis the use ofLemma 3 to avoid ofthe local packingset. requiringexplicitconstruction ofan 8-ballwiththelargestorder Ifone doeshave knowledgeoftheentropy 8/2-packing set,thenthe same argumentwithSO equal to this 8-ballyields the conclusion (7) minmaxEod2(6 0) wz OES0 0 where e = in is determinedby Mloc(kn)= n?, providedD(pollpoi) < Ad2(060') holdsfor0, 6' in the chosenpackingset. The above lowerboundis oftenat the optimalrate even whenthe target class is parametric.Forinstance,the 8-entropy ofa usual parametricclass is oftenofordermlog(1/), wherem is the dimensionofthe model.Then the metricentropydifferenceM(E/2) - M(8) or Ml1c(E) is of order of a constant, 1/ln and En yieldingthe anticipatedrate 8n 1/a/ii. The achievability of the rate in (7) is due to Birge [(1986), Theorem3.1] underthe following condition. MINIMAXRATES OF CONVERGENCE CONDITION4. There is a nonincreasing functionU: (0, ox) 1595 - [1, oc). For any s > 0 withnE2> U(E), thereexistsan E-netS, forS underd such that forall A > 2 and 0 E S, we have card(S8 n Bd(6, As)) < AU(8).Moreover, thereare positiveconstantsA1 > 1, A2 > 0, a 00 E S and forA > 2 there existsforall sufficiently small E, an s-packingset N, forBd(6o,As) satisfying card(N, n Bd(6O,A,)) > (A/A1)U(8)and d2(0, 0') < A2d2(6,0') forall 0, 6' in NE. 2 (Birge). Suppose Condition4 is satisfied.If thedistanced PROPOSITION is a metricboundedabovebya multipleoftheHellingerdistance,then minmaxEd2(0, H) _<2 OESn 'ES where?n satisfiesns2 = U(s,n). The upperboundis fromBirge [(1986), Theorem3.1] using the firstpart of Condition4. From the secondpart of Condition4 with A = 2, we have betweendK and d in a maximal MlOc(2s) U(s) and a suitablerelationship orderlocal s-net,so the lowerboundfollowsfrom(7) by the Fano inequality boundas discussedabove in accordancewithBirge[(1983),Proposition2.8]. When liminf8OM(s/2)/M(s) > 1 (as in Condition2), the upperbounds givenin Section2 are optimalin termsofrates when d and dK are locally in considering equivalent.For suchcases,thereis no difference globalorlocal metricentropy.The conditionliminf8-OM(s/2)/M(s) > 1 is characteristic of large functionclasses, as we have seen. In that case, the threeentropy quantitiesin Lemma 3 are asymptotically equivalentas s -* 0, M(s/2) - M(E) MlOC(e) M(s/2). In contrast,whenlim80 M(E/2)/M(e) = 1 as is typicaloffinite-dimensional parametriccases, M(s/2) - M(e) is ofsmaller orderthan M(s/2). In this case, one mayuse (7) to determinea satisfactory lowerboundon convergence rate. From the above results,it seems that for lower bounds,it is enough to know the global metricentropy, but forupper bounds,when liminf0,O M(s/2)/M(E)= 1, undera strongerhomogeneousentropyassumption(Condition4), the local entropyconditiongives the rightorderupper bounds, while using the global entropyresultsin suboptimalupper bounds (within a logarithmic factor).However,forinhomogeneous finite-dimensional spaces, no generalresultsare available to identify the minimaxratesofconvergence. Besides beingused forthe determination ofminimaxrates ofconvergence, local entropyconditionsare used to provideadaptive estimatorsusing differentkinds of approximating models[see Birge and Massart (1993, 1995), Barron,Birgeand Massart (1999) and Yang and Barron(1998)]. Y. YANG AND A. BARRON 1596 APPENDIX Proofs of some lemmas. PROOFOF LEMMA2. The proofis by a truncationof g fromabove and be- low.Let G = {x: g(x) < 4T}. Let g = gIG + 4TIG,. Thenbecause dH(f, g) < 8, we have JGC(YIf g/)2 dA < ?2. Since f(x) < T < g(x)/4 forx C GC,it fol- )2 d1 < 82. Thus fGCgd/ <482, lows that f0C(f 7/fxc&f which implies 1 - 482 < f dp,u< 1 and f(,g - v/g)2d,u. < IGC g dp < 42. Let g = (g + 482)/(f g d,u + 482). Clearly g is a probabilitydensityfunction with respect to ,t. For 0 < z < 4T, by simple calculation using 1 - 482 < fgd,u < 1, we have 1 - (z?+2)/(fgd/u ?2)j + < 2(8T - 1)8. Thus g)2 < 1)282. Therefore,by triangle inequality, _ d/it 4(8T - 2 2J(f - 2)2db ? 4f( +4f(V < 22 + 16E2 + 16(8T - - d - 1)2?2. That is, d2(f, g) < 2(9 + 8(8T - 1)2)82. Because f/g is upper bounded by + 482)) < 9T/(482), the K-L divergenceis upper bounded bya T/(482/(f d,u/ multiple of the square Hellinger distance [see, e.g., Birge and Massart (1994), Lemma 4 or Yang and Barron (1998), Lemma 4] as given in the lemma. This completes the proofof Lemma 2. 0 LEMMA4. Assume Conditions 1 and 2 are satisfied.Let 8? satisfies ?2 = V(8n)/n and ?nd be chosen such that M(?f d) = 4n82 + 2log2. Then8? d ?n~~~~~ n.n > 1. Under the assumption PROOF. Let ar = liminf8O0M(a8)/M(E) > 21og2 when 8 is small, we have 4n82 + 21og2 < 6n 2n when > (1/C)V(En) > n is large enough. Then under Condition 1, M((a/b)8n) < > 6c. Then M((alb)ak8n) (6c)-1M(Sn, d). Take k large enough such that Sk > M(Sn d). Thus (a/b)akn_ < n d' that is, ?n = (?n d). SimakM((a/b)8n) ilarly, M(En/b) < V(En) = n82 < (1l/4)M(8n, d) <M(fn, d ) SO 8nlb > En, d, that is, En d = O(8n). 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