Diss. ETH No. 14234 Cloning and functional analysis of bacterial genes involved in alkane oxidation A dissertation submitted to the SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY for the degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences Presented by THEODORUS HENRIKUS MARIA SMITS M.Sc. Bioprocess technology Born June 22, 1973 Citizen of The Netherlands Accepted of the recommendation of Prof. Dr. B. Prof. Y. Dr. N. Dr. J.B. Witholt, examiner Barrai, co-examiner Mantei, co-examiner van Beilen, co-examiner Zürich 2001 ZÜRICH ii Ill Acknowledgements "De laatste it is hard to Looking back, I wegen het zwaarst" is loodjes simply At the first place they to Zürich to Yves Barrai, who kindly agreed perform Eppenberger The person I expression at this owe a as that fits at this place. Biotechnology where really I would like to thank all position, people were. I have to thank Prof. Bernard Witholt to come Dr. H.M. Dutch turn your back to the Institute of spent four very fine years. Therefore, that made these years what a this work. on My give me opportunity to thanks also go to Dr. Ned Mantei and Prof. co-examinator for the being the exam. I also thank Prof. head of the examination committee. lot to is Dr. Jan nearly daily "group-meetings" in Beilen. He van our taught at the corridor lab, me or research at the best. Our in his office brought me many aspects of the real lab-life: experimental setup and planning, self-criticism, logic thinking, and doing His patience taught me those control the valuable lesson that theories more only our to be lab: Urban practical our are ever think of but that should be done. preliminary good, ideas and conclusions but first you have to prove them. new help with sequence and greatly acknowledged. They brought "Lehrlinge" work. A for her sequencing. an even As this thesis larger amount of control Thanks also to the students who Fritsche, Jasminka Kovac, Alessandro Franchini, Markus and Daniel Lüscher. thanks goes to of the Röthlisberger about 65 kilobases of reactions, her help has Seeger would I will take for the rest of my life. I have to thank Martina worked in no-one with my often very enthousiastic and This and much contains experiments big Stefanie "thank you" the right atmosphere Balada, who helped to all me to the lab. A very with a special substantial amount present and former IBT members, for their support, discussions, encouragement, lunches, basketball games and other fun activities. IV Special thanks to Helena Zuber for the technical and administrative aspects and her encouraging role in organizing Mosenbacher and Monica solving Hartwig for cleaning the glass ware has, against all public opinion, still acknowledge my family a private holidays were and are have had nothing to do: our endless discussions about your still very welcome. weekends. I also want to thank Ruth's especially when I needed This work was National early Foundation, project at age 26. family, My dear who became position numerous I would of letters and Ruth, without you I would work, a our common second family walks, the for me, one. supported by This work is dedicated to life. At this in Holland. Their support, care, common too and to Peter Koller for the technical failures. A Ph.D. student like to lots of social events for the lab. Thanks also to Helen the Swiss nr. Priority Program in Biotechnology of the Swiss 5002-037023. Martijn S. van der Gaag (1973-2000), who passed away much V Table of contents Page Summary vi Zusammenfassung vii Abbreviations viii Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Molecular 1 screening Gram-negative Chapter 3 New and for alkane hydroxylase Gram-positive alkane-responsive expression genes in bacteria 21 vectors for Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas Chapter 4 Cloning and functional Gram-negative Chapter 5 43 Functional and analysis analysis of alkane hydroxylases from 55 Gram-positive organisms of rubredoxin reductases involved in alkane oxidation Chapter 6 Functional characterization of genes involved in alkane oxidation by Chapter 7 Pseudomonas Cloning 8 Factors 9 by influencing hydroxylase Chapter 83 aeruginosa and characterization of genes involved in alkane oxidation Chapter 75 Summary long-chain Pseudomonas fluoréscens CHAO the substrate range and of Pseudomonas and conclusions activity putida (oleovorans) 93 of the alkane GPol 117 129 References 141 Curriculum vitae 171 VI Summary bacteria Many Pseudomonas an linear n-alkanes can use putida (oleovorans) GPol, to clone new alkane hydroxylases highly degenerate oligonucleotides genes homologous to the GPol alkane medium (C6-C11) peptides with 37.1-100 % sequence AlkB. Using several or the PCR Gram-negative expressing all proteins and GPol alkB substrate give on and probes, All alkanes. catalysis. were newly alkanes to the analysis. amplify growth. study For this purpose, internal PCR In catalyzed by fragments bacteria able to grow yielded of on fragments encoding corresponding fragment of the GPol homologs from strains. Four recombinant host strains on alkanes except developed an alkane for the functional cloned alkane Sequence comparisons as for The aim of this have cloned the alkB we growth vectors first indications binding identity necessary for hydroxylase homologs. of the hosts to grow as to hydroxylase. Many Gram-positive alkane-responsive expression alkane developed long-chain (C12-C16) fragments hydroxylase (AlkB). for structure-function were source the first step of alkane oxidation is non-heme iron alkane integral-membrane was sole carbon and energy as hydroxylases and in vivo to which amino acid residues hydroxylase analysis are of the enable at least mutagenesis important and one of the for Vil Zusammenfassung Viele Bakterien wachsen auf n-Alkanen. Der erste Schritt des Alkanmetabolismus wird in Pseudomonas Eisen putida (oleovorans) GPol von einer Alkan-Hydroxylase (AlkB) katalysiert. Hydroxylasen analysieren. zu klonieren Das Ziel dieser Studie welche der GPol sind. Aus einer Vielzahl Gram-negativen mittellangen (C6-C11) PCR-Fragmenten, Bestätigung, von oder deren korrespondierenden aus Teil der GPol dass die Gram-positiven Alkanen Alkan- zu 37.1-100 % Identität und zwei Colony Bakterien die auf zu dem erhalten werden. Mittels Blotten wurden Gram-positiven homologe Alkan-Hydroxylasen ähnlich wachsen, konnten solche Alkan-Hydroxylase haben, Gram-negativen homologe Bakterien kloniert. Zur auch wirklich Alkanen oxidieren, entwickelt, welche mit Ausnahme der Alkan-Hydroxylase alle für das Wachstum auf Alkanen auf die für und als Sonden für das Southern und fünf Alkan-Hydroxylasen Sequenzanalysen neue Alkan-Hydroxylase Gensequenz langkettigen (C12-C16) Proteinsequenzen wurden vier Wirt-Stämme klonierten es, beziehungsweise Struktur-Funktionsbeziehungen Genfragmenten amplifiziert, alkB Gene war nicht-Häm- wurden, mittels hoch degenerierter Oligonucleotiden, interne Dazu PCR-Fragmenten membrangebundenen und in vivo Substratbindung notwendig des GPol alkBs Katalyse wichtige Die Funktion der exprimieren. wurde in den vier Wirt-Stämme Mutagenese und Proteine neu erfolgreich getestet. ergaben Aminosäuren. zudem erste Hinweise Vlll Abbreviations Ap ampicillin bp base C5 pentane C6 hexane C8 octane CIO decane Cll undecane C12 dodecane C14 tetradecane C16 hexadecane C18 octadecane C20 eicosane C24 tetracosane C28 octacosane C30 triacontane C32 dotriacontane Cm chloramphenicol (k)Da (kilo)dalton DCPK dicyclopropylketone DMMZ Department DOPh dioctylphthalate EMBL European dNTP deoxynucleotide triphosphate FAD flavin adenine mononucleotide G+C guanine-plus-cytosine Gm gentamycin HPLC-MS high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy IPTG isopropyl-ß-D-thiogalactopyranoside pair(s) of Medical Molecular Microbiology Zürich Biology Laboratory IX kb kilobasepairs Km kanamycin LB Luria-Bertani broth MALDI-TOF matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation, time-of-flight mass spectrometry Chemotaxis MCP methyl-accepting protein MT metal traces NAD(H) nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (reduced form) NCBI National Centre for Information OMP outer membrane ORF open-reading-frame PCR polymerase SDS-PAA sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Tc tetracycline v/v volume per volume w/v weigth Biotechnology protein chain reaction per volume X Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Theo H. M. Smits 2 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 of Origin hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons atoms. chemistry chain or geochemical n-alkanes alkanes, terpenes and aromatic compounds processes, while others as constitutent of the present in plant wax. plant wax has a different The gas methane is greenhouse organic occurs methane has doubled A large amount of by large annum, but hydrocarbons tanker comes from and storage tanks and natural sources, The consists of resins and this feature can communities large quantities by over a the last 200 years, the the major length n-alkanes, are as well found be used marker as a (54). microbial constituent of major (212). The being decomposition conditions, e.g. in landfills, marshlands and ends up in nature petroleum enters the sea. by oceans. It natural-gas deposits. atmospheric human activities. The major part accidents, which constitute 'only' municipal discharge principally composition even-chain alkanes complete plant in odd-chain very-long- concentration of (166). 35 million metric tons of released of in many coal formations and is due to human activities Largely though composition, produced material under anoxic mainly very-long are between 25 and 37 carbon atoms, As each varies from trace amounts to waxes Plant n-alkanes species composition also produced produced by synthetic organic sterols and flavonoids triterpenes, esters, to determine the of are are natural constituents of waxes, which also contain fatty acids, alcohols, ketones, amount of n-alkanes (54). like hydrogen processes. produce varying of carbon and ubiquitous organic compounds consisting Many hydrocarbons by biological Plants are in the environment of and industrial wastes and dirty seepages, of mineral oil is ballast and only bilge dependent on million metric tons per runoffs, leaks in pipelines waters. Oil the oil well around of this oil is not input accounts for 0.5 million tons paraffins, cycloalkanes (naphthenenes), asphaltenes) (101). one Annually, to the sea from annually (218). (206). Mineral oil generally aromatics and other compounds (e.g. 3 1.2 Biodegradation of hydrocarbons Many petroleum hydrocarbons components are are more degraded are less decomposed readily degraded more readily readily than aromatic polycyclic Its recalcitrance is due to the low rates are compounds directly proportional determined by and structure and molecular than aromatic chain for Saturated and branched chains compounds, reflects the biodegradability. Particularly petroleum to the molecular availability hydrocarbons. weight. compounds (37). fraction of hydrocarbon (PAH) solubility on than unsaturated straight The residence time of individual oil the the oil readily degraded by microorganisms. However, degraded differentially depending are Aliphatic paraffins compounds are weight of the biological uptake (9). the balance of the substrate easily degraded. compound, mainly Microbial degradation and substrate transfer to the cells. The substrate transfer in turn is limited by soil matrix. As low, halflife times of individual compounds degradation vary between less than 1.2.1 Microbiology The presence of one of oil after an oil soil (225). spill, in pristine fungi and occurs soil by studies frequently brings can increase populations mixed cultures isolates with are usually Gram-positives are found less frequently. or The In nature, an in situ relatively low level magnitude biodégradation of and in the presence of other are rare. can One example is overgrow bacteria in hydrocarbon-degrading species belonging yield about three orders of slowly (218). mixed on by alkane-degrading yeasts have been isolated in the past polluted soil and then decreases which showed that Numerous (105). in the environment organic compounds. However, study, of the substrate from the spills hydrocarbons predominantly recent desorption hydrocarbon-utilizing microorganisms. hydrocarbon degraders directly are year and infinite hydrocarbons selective enrichment for of rates of PAH the uptake is not to the a sandy bacteria, yeasts, (37). Enrichments of microorganisms from pristine varying substrate pseudomonads, specificities (217). These isolates while members of other bacterial species 4 Genetic approaches to Several authors have tried to find presence of genes fragments gene the xylE occurs gene, in degradation potential assess a relation between coding for aromatic and probes for Southern as the aromatic encoding large populations of biodégradation capacity aliphatic degradation pathways using colony blotting (98, 243, 247). or ring-cleaving oil-degrading is the alkane probe section, which enrichment highly on was crude oil 1.2.2 Anaerobic bacteria isolated from contaminated gene alkB of P. putida (oleovorans) GPol (see organisms after (243). The results indicated that hexadecane mineralization is occurred when strains long of degradation been assumed that degradation of hydrocarbons aromatic and able to degrade ß- and 3-subclasses of proteobacteria (reviewed The initial attack of the anaerobic succinate) to the degradation The anaerobic degradation bacteria proteobacteria. understood. (247, 273). not take in have been in the absence of and belong to the (108)). a compounds does not involve cellular metabolite the initial enzyme This mechanism is sequenced. under microorganisms sulphate reducing by coupling encoding place activity general (for toluene for toluene for all degraders (108). between hexane and degrading Genes or of aromatic degradation have been cloned and anaerobic toluene denitrifying but is achieved hydrocarbon. decane aliphatic hydrocarbons organisms are can the last ten years several oxygen. Most of these oxygen-dependent step, on hydrocarbons isolated that are able to grow were over as aquifers at much lower levels. One found in up to two third of the culturable anaerobic conditions. However, an found that was correlated to the presence of alkB. However, other authors found that hybridization only It has hydroxylase It known catechol-2,3-dioxygenase, enzyme (98, 243). Other gene probes also give specific signals, but such and the of n-alkanes has been eicosane, although only were obtained a reported for alkanes in the range few pure cultures of anaerobic alkane (2, 71, 242), all of which belong to the 3-subclass of The biochemical basis of anaerobic alkane metabolism is still Dehydrogenation described for P. of the alkane to aeruginosa 196Aa (205) a 1-alkene and most probably hydratation was an to artefact poorly an 1-alcohol (11). Based on 5 the fatty acid pattern of strain from even-chain alkanes, Hxd3, which shows formation of odd-chain fatty acids carboxylation a (2). This would then correspond pathway in which can coupling enrichment an unknown component to the alkane culture, that fumarate dodecylsuccinnic acid Degradation Several of shown for was pathways was coupled known for the aerobic The TOL plasmid xylene encodes the monooxygenase XylMA, a of benzoic is oxidized to form mt-2 is A a dioxygenases. The upper pathway (38). todABClC2)(94), The lower pathway and the genes for the ß-ketoadipate pathway, pathway to give for the which in the degradation case of P. of putida (182). compounds a is large initially gene oxidized to family of a dihydrodiol by multicomponent Rieske non- (39, 93), of which toluene dioxygenase (encoded by benzene place level. acid, the end product of the upper pathway (38). Here, dioxygenase (encoded by bedABClC2)(252) (encoded by nahAaAbAcAd)(231) takes These encodes the meta-pathway, responsible can systems. The dihydrodiol is subsequently converted opening genetic pathway benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase XylB These enzymes form heme iron oxygenases di oxygenase or located number of aromatic compounds. catechol, which is subsequently opened ortho-pathway chromosomally large fatty acid, molecule, forming of aromatic intermediates that enter the central metabolism. A second benzoate is the a bacterial the biochemical and the on encode the enzymes of the subsequent degradation ring in via the ß-oxidation degraded to the dodecane degradation benzaldehyde dehydrogenase XylC (102, 251). the resulting which oxidize toluene and its dérivâtes. These xy/-genes divided in the upper and lower xylXYZLTEGFJQKIH is or strain AK- hydrocarbons have been well characterized both are acids biosynthesis reducing sulfate-reducing, dodecane-grown a pathways genes fatty proposed (146). of aromatic are reaction has been reversed mechanism of the alkane then be found back in the cellular (241). Recently, it 1.2.3 a carbonylation A different mechanism found in the sulfate plants (212). 01 involves the to or similar to that of the xylene be considered to lower a as and naphthalene prototype enzyme catechol, after which pathway. a ring 6 1.2.4 Degradation of alicyclic hydrocarbons Although cyclic alkanes isolated that degrade grow on can cyclic are a these components the past years system, yielding a cyclic cyclic oxidized be further metabolized key steps in alkane induced strains by a The can breaks a dehydrogenation step yields or by an yielding esterase, cycloalkane oxidation oxidize ring are the is done cyclic compounds enzymes not are monooxygenase is an oxidation of the the keton, which is The resulting ring- lactone is which co-hydroxy fatty acid, ring-oxidation by can a an fungi (48, 254, 279). Recently, several able to grow Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase. Several alkane- on because cyclic compounds, present. oxygen-dependent one atom of oxygen. monooxygenase which Baeyer-Villiger species belonging Baeyer-Villiger on and the when the alkane oxidation system is monooxygenases have been isolated from several organisms an these strains do not grow carbon-carbon bond and inserts cloned from utilized via are (48, 206). metabolizing Baeyer-Villiger involves Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenäse. (259, 264), although downstream to enrich strains able to degradation usually reaction. The initial oxidation of the oxidizing (217). The failure (101). However, several pure cultures have been isolated alcohol. A hydrolysed spontaneously The two few bacteria have been (206, 227)(van Beilen, unpublished results). The initial reaction of subsequently petroleum, alkanes led to the conclusion that in nature these substrates cooxidation and commensalism over of major component to the bacteria and were monooxygenase genes cycloalkanes (36, 47)(J. B. van Beilen, unpublished results). 1.3 Aerobic The degradation degradation attention from of linear and bioconversion of microbiologists microorganisms aliphatics to very common, and use a aliphatic hydrocarbons and biochemists for many decades. The aliphatic hydrocarbons (alkanes) large number of species beloning as to been described to utilize alkanes. Some excellent reviews published in the past (31, 37). has received a great deal of capacity carbon and energy of source is bacteria, yeasts and fungi have on this field have been 7 1.3.1 The for alkane oxidation Pathways of n-alkanes degradation pathway alcohol. In most cases, this takes generally place at the terminal carbon oxidation of alkanes has also been described perform and soluble non-heme iron alkane hydroxylases can bacteria, cytochrome P450s perform some while for monooxygenation (section 1.3.2), an atom, but subterminal Several enzyme systems (section 1.3.5). this initial attack. In yeasts, but also in the initial starts with oxidation of the alkane to some bacteria integral-membrane have been described (sections 1.3.3 and 1.3.4). The terminal fatty alcohol, the product of the first monooxygenase reaction, is converted acid via (CoA) by an aldehyde. fatty acyl-CoA synthetase, an the ß-oxidation cycle dioxide and energy phospholipids, chain-length while The is acid is and enters the ß-oxidation acetyl-CoA, which can they alkanes will even-chain-length reflect the yield more alkanes chain-length odd-chain yield a higher The ratio between saturated and unsaturated shifts 1.3.2 more towards saturated Cytochrome Cytochrome P450 fatty cycle. enter the Krebs (23). Alternatively, the fatty acids where activated with subsequently on fatty are to yield a A product of carbon directly incorporated into the which the strain is grown: odd- acid moieties in the amount of even-chain fatty Co-enzyme The end cycle to acid moieties in the acids when n-alkanes are used as phospholipids, fatty acid moieties. phospholipids carbon source (63). systems P450 enzymes are ubiquitous in nature (180). While broad substrate spectrum cytochrome P450s in mammals oxidize many xenobiotics and steroids, cytochrome P450s in microorganisms Bacterial P450s often reaction of the occur growth can in catabolic substrate Alkane-oxidizing cytochrome have a more narrow pathways, catalysing substrate the initial specifity (130). hydroxylation (180). P450s are nearly exclusively found in yeasts, but some reports describe the presence of alkane-oxidizing cytochrome P450s in bacteria. In the yeasts Candida rugosa and Yarrowia lipolytica, several orthologs have been found, but only few of those maltosa are cytochrome proven to be involved in alkane oxidation P450 (122, 196). The Candida 52A3, which is involved in the initial oxidation of n-alkanes to 8 alcohols, also can catalyze more than one step, yielding also aldehydes, fatty acids, a-co- diols, ro-hydroxy-fatty acids and a-co-dicarboxylic acids (221). Bacterial cytochrome P450s involved in alkane oxidation 19067 identified in Rhodococcus rhodochrous ATCC are (44) and in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB104 (179). 1.3.3 Non-heme iron oxygenases The large group of non-heme iron oxygenases can be divided in two chain non-heme iron monooxygenase systems and the subgroups: integral-membrane the short- non-heme iron oxygenases. Short-chain non-heme iron monooxygenase Several short-chain hydrocarbon detail. Several enzyme systems systems oxidation systems have been characterized in great can be distinguised: soluble and particulate methane monooxygenases and alkene monooxygenases. Methane is oxidized to methanol monooxygenase soluble MMOs extensively components: a MMO is an a and a and soluble or a particulate site of the enzyme hydroxylase The a-subunit contains (181). The diiron an to date possess a enzyme a those from OB3b (reviewed complex consisting serves an "effector" consists of three subunits non-heme in of three or arranged oxygen interact to form methanol at the active including conserved glutamate or (EX^-(D/E)EXRH-XJ00-EX^-(D/E)EXRH)(33). by a aspartate and This enzyme system is expressed only when the copper-to-biomass ratio is low. Soluble MMO has extremely broad substrate substrates such as specificity in bis-/^-hydroxo-bridged centre in soluble MMO is coordinated conserved amino acid sequence motif histidine residues are Methylosinus trichosporium the so-called Protein B, which binuclear iron centre where methane methane widespread (181). iron-containing reductase. The a2ß2Y2 configuration. less are non-heme hydroxylase, regulatory role, a characterized soluble MMO enzymes Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) (160)). Soluble either (MMO). While virtually all methanotrophs studied particulate MMO, The two most by and can oxidize a wide range of alkanes, alkenes and aromatic compounds. non-growth an 9 Particular MMO is mainly expressed copper-to-biomass ratio is subunits, and contains binding compounds MMO has relatively a likely narrow carbons but not aromatic Xanthobacter sp. a approximately 15 copper atoms per mol. substrate range, oxidizing alkanes and alkenes of up to 5 compounds (181). (238): a chain-length monomeric coupling protein are alkanes reductase, required a as B-276 consists of reductase component epoxidize a variety a ferredoxin, for full two-component epoxygenase, alkenes, but not can Both epoxygenases mentioned above have that of methane monooxygenases and histidine. Based on the hydroxylate can a an a2ß2Y2 structured (formerly Nocardia coupling protein B-276 alkanes can and a enantioselectively (89). binuclear non-heme iron center similar to a (90, 291) with iron coordination via glutamate/aspartate homology of the monoxygenase component of these enzyme systems and the coordination of the non-heme iron center, heme iron oxygenases epoxides, activity. (178). Whole cells of R. rhodochrous of propene to (267). The enzyme system consists The alkene monooxygenase system of Rhodococcus rhodochrous corallina) Copper- to be involved in the stabilization of the enzyme. Particular but is not able to oxidize similar epoxygenase and under conditions where the is able to oxidize short-chain alkenes such Py2 of four components methanotrophs The membrane-bound enzyme system consists of three high. two iron and are in a large family be defined which also includes the benzene- of soluble (bmo), non- toluene-4- (tmo), toluene/benzene- (tbu) and phenol (phi) monooxygenases and soluble acyl-ACP desaturases (232, 292). Non-heme iron integral membrane oxygenases All members of the non-heme iron hydrophobic substrates using one integral membrane oxygenases oxidize atom oxygen originating from molecular oxygen. The other oxygen atom is reduced to water using includes similar enzyme families a large number of monooxygenases 251), fatty fatty acid structurally relatively two electrons from NAD(P)H. This group (232): alkane (143, 207, 213), xylene monooxygenase and related enzymes (66, 124, modifying enzymes such acid monooxygenases and as double- and triple-bond forming desaturases, epoxidases (35, 156, 233), steroid oxygenases (19, 162), 10 ß-carotene hydroxylases and ketolases (120, 128, 176, 177) and aldehyde decarbonylases (1). The electrons necessary for the NADPH. These reductase are b5 in the case rubredoxin reductase in the case ferredoxin reductase fusion protein Three, four or six membrane acid sequences of with varying probably xylene for proteins belonging also contain family from NADH (233), rubredoxin and hydroxylases (91, 147) xylene monooxygenases elements can and or either ferredoxin and ferredoxin acid desaturases fatty or a ferredoxin- (66, 124, 251). be identified in all primary amino to the membrane-bound non-heme iron oxygenases, eight highly involved in iron coordination. are (233, 261). All conserved histidine residues which They grouped are are in three sequence motifs essential for the function of these enzymes Wubbolts, personal communication). For the Pseudomonas putida mt-2 W. XylM, monooxygenase directed of alkane spanning (HX3.4H, HX2.3HH, HX2.3HH) (233)(M. of by come numbers of amino acids between each transmembrane helix members of this most reaction transferred to the monooxygenase cytochrome or monooxygenation mutagenesis (M. is also conserved in all W. a ninth essential histidine residue was identified by site- Wubbolts, personal communication). This histidine residue that proteins can be classified as integral-membrane non-heme iron monooxygenases. It is not known which residues are involved in the substrate bound non-heme iron enzymes. For the soluble five amino acids formed was sufficient to (40). Replacement of seven converted a strict desaturase to activity a unmodified to The Pseudomonas the coupled bifunctional acid position of the membrane- desaturases, the mutagenesis of at which the double bond one was of the membrane-bound enzymes desaturase-hydroxylase comparable in hydroxylase (35). GPol alkane hydroxylase (207) is a prototype of non-heme iron monooxygenases. The enzyme contains six spanning segments (261). Mössbauer studies have shown that dinuclear iron cluster is present in the heme iron proteins a the amino acids in putida (oleovorans) integral-membrane membrane change fatty specificity proteins (231). It was proposed contain these diiron clusters. protein that all an exchange- of the type present in soluble integral-membrane non- non-heme iron 11 1.3.4 Non-heme iron The P. The most integral membrane alkane monooxygenases putida (oleovorans) thoroughly described GPol alkane microorganism growing putida (oleovorans) GPol, previously organism hydroxylase system (18). catalyse: ranging the alkane of branched terminal olefins (oleovorans) methyl ethers; (228, 260). This hydroxylation hydroxylase system the oxidation of terminal alcohols to the demethylation n-alkanes is Pseudomonas from pentane to dodecane In addition to the alicyclic compounds (158, 173, 259), on named P. oleovorans GPol is able to oxidize linear alkanes the alkane hydroxylase system of by virtue of aliphatic and has been shown to corresponding aldehydes; sulfoxidation of thioethers, and epoxi dation of (131, 132, 171, 172). Although the substrate range of the P. putida GPol (TF4-1L) alkane hydroxylase system has been investigated in detail, it is not clear to what extent it is determined solubility, uptake and by factors such as host strain, substrate regulation. AlkL Œ0- Chemotactic response? ,^— . f alle F G alWH alkJ alkK alkL alkN alkT alkS J' inducer Figure 1.1: alkane degradation by Pseudomonas putida AlkS (oleovorans) GPol. J ^—** AlkN 12 All genes involved in the conversion of alkanes to CoA-activated by two gene clusters clusters cloned in were pGEc47 (69, 260). fragment alkane contains located (figure 1.1), pLAFRl Mini cell as hydroxylase system (the and encodes the third component of the alkane and start of the alkBFGHJKL operon levels in the transcription during Interestingly, S1 nuclease mapped by was the controls the OCT-plasmid a components of the AlkG) 16.9 kb and fragment rubredoxin reductase an whole flanking regions PI alk genes, the latter strain Alkane which allows increased identified as well (42). GPol is putida (oleovorans) 45 only alk genes and the (74, 143, 202). This suggests that the alk genes originate from found in the putida (oleovorans) was content of DNA around the host, and entered the OCT-plasmid was considerably (42, overlapping AlkS-dependent promoter, the G+C content of the alk genes of P. as a and of the alkS gene expression studies protection as-dependent promoter, exponential phase, %, which is clearly lower than the G+C putida to create AlkB and the rubredoxin hydroxylase system (the stationary phase (43). Recently, positively hypothesis The gene AlkS, which regulates expression of the alkBFGHJKL operon (68, 202). The low levels of low G+C two (70, 142, 143, 258). The 143), while the alkS gene itself is under control of which encoded are revealed that the 18 kb partial sequencing hydroxylase enzymes involved in further metabolic steps AlkT) fragments, alkBFGHJKL, which encodes alkane acids OCT-plasmid (20, 45, 73). 18 kb and 16.9 kb EcoRl experiments operon named an the on fatty GPol as a transposon. Evidence for this of the P. containing a putida (oleovorans) alk genes closely GPol and P. related to those of P. (260). hydroxylase systems related to the P. GPol alk- putida (oleovorans) system Biochemical studies on P. strains isolated in the 60's and 70's describe aeruginosa enzyme systems that are similar to those from P. (269)). These strains are able to grow on chain alkanes. Chemical mutants of P. grow either on medium-chain alkanes concluded that P. aeruginosa putida (oleovorans) medium-chain aeruginosa or on ATCC 17423 contains (reviewed alkanes, but also grow ATCC 17423 long-chain GPol alkanes more than were no (186). one It on longer was alkane in long- able to therefore hydroxylase 13 system. More recently, the medium-chain alkane-degrading P. aeruginosa strains shown to contain alk systems (262). The GPol alkB gene (nearly) probe chromosomal DNA from the identical to that of P. did not detect any strictly long-chain putida (oleovorans) specific signal alkane were GPol in Southern blots with dégrader P. aeruginosa PAOl (262)(chapter 6). Several other strains able to degrade long-chain alkanes systems similar putida (oleovorans) GPol to that of P. (reviewed Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 69-V (49, 138), where alkane-inducible rubredoxin and rubredoxin reductase hydroxylase system hydroxylase, called of Acinetobacter sp. ADP1 was particulate GPol AlkB on the of the strain regulator AlkR was by by a hydroxylase gene downstream genes estB and XcpR, ADP1, was as (204). This protein esterase (91), and form oxyR (92). were no impaired growth was longer It an on an are operon A subunit of the degradation secreted. The rubAB and shown that, hydroxylase (214). not encoded in close together The proximity with the two general secretory pathway, of dodecane of Acinetobacter sp. hexadecane and abolished shown to be necessary for was alkanes, the substrate range the substrate range of the alkane found to be necessary for the deletion monooxygenase, amino acid level to the P. broad range of rubredoxin rubA and rubredoxin reductase rubB genes to the alkane as (213), and is regulated by AlkR, the positive regulator of is inducible determined (263)), such (91, 213). The alkane (214), which is encoded directly upstream of alkM (213). although in to contain enzyme found. The alkane were cloned AlkM, has 41 % sequence identity putida (oleovorans) alkM a a reported were growth on general protein secretion, xcpR genes are dodecane as lipase and constitutively expressed (91, 204). Catalytic model of the alkane hydroxylase Three classes of diiron clusters have been class II as recognized: class I as is present in hemerythrin, in ribonuclease reductase R2, methane monooxygenase and soluble desaturases, and class III as molecules in the latter class in membrane-bound non-heme iron are most probably coordinated by proteins (33). the eight The iron histidine residues, 14 as concluded from the isomer shifts of reduced alkane hydroxylase in Mössbauer studies (231). For the alkane been hydroxylase of P. putida (oleovorans) GPol, proposed (12, 85, 86) (figure 1.2). First, generated (figure 2). leaving a subsequently C-OH bond. The second electron of the form back the initial situation. During oxygen attacks the substrate from the Fell! excesses ranging FelV «Fein radical mechanism has high-valence FeIV-oxo This activated oxygen attacks carbon radical. This radical enantiomeric a a a carbon atom and extracts attacks the Fem-0 Fem-0 bond shifts to the the oxidation of terminal re face, to from 70 to 100 % ^FelV intermediate is give mainly a H», to form the bond, neighbouring iron, to olefins, the activated the R enantiomers with (85, 86). Fein \ FelV ^FelH Fell! (JL» Figure 1.2: catalytic model for alkane hydroxylases. 1.3.5 Subterminal oxidation of alkanes Most enzymes oxidizing n-alkanes catalyze the reaction at the 1-position of the n-alkane (see above). However, subterminal oxidation of n-alkanes also takes place. conjecturable what is the overall terminal oxidation importance (84, 169). P. aeruginosa in addition to of tridecane by compared to (169). The subterminal oxidation of alkanes products of subterminal oxidation It is NCIB 9904 products Burkholderia yields secondary produces significant of terminal oxidation cepacia alcohols and ketones and P. as products amounts of subterminal (84). The pathway for degradation aeruginosa Sol 20 included a primary 15 oxidation of the alkane to the tridecanone undecyl (82). This in acetate turn is oxidized acid, which hydroxylases compounds molecules like (137). Li et of interest for of P. versatility, methyl al. (158) groups pregrown Other on octane acid, a an intermediate of production Several problems substrates are requiring GPol has can be heterocycles of production high regio- and of to a fatty The the regio- products and are complex organic (89). broad substrate a The produced. has been optically active Lonza AG iV-benzyl-3alkane-oxidizing be used to can specificity enzymatic patented by GPol and other produce when the strain is stereospecificity strains used in commercial NRRL B-16531 for the pharmaceuticals production limit the only poorly As most alkane aromatic of herbicides (bio)surfactants (see compounds putida (oleovorans) very erythropolis NCIMB12566 for the for the esterase, (46, 158). alkane-degrading Rhodococcus other other fine chemicals many on P. manufacturing strains, Sphingomonas sp. HXN-200, alcohols with alicyclic acetate they perform hydrocarbons (281). putida (oleovorans) described the hydroxypyrrolidine using strains. One of these or because biocatalysis, precursors for the as e.g. hydroxylase oxidation of monooxygenase to 1- biocatalysis pharmaceuticals Due to this (259). are to 2- cycle. oxidation of non-functionalized stereospecific The alkane Baeyer-Villiger a (234, 235). Undecanol is further degraded enters the ß-oxidation 1.4 Alkane oxidation and valuble by dehydrogenated was (32, 81, 83), which is the substrate for the undecyl 1-undecanol and acetate yielding Alkane 2-alcohol, which subsequently use of oxidized of products are 2-phenyl-l-propionic and Rhodococcus rhodochrous which phenoxy propanoic acids, are intermediates (119). of alkane hydroxylases 1.5; chapter 8) hydroxylases production ibuprofen, water soluble. This section are the cofactor NADH for reactors will be limited of as production problem or the biocatalysis. First, could be solved by most of the the addition of two-liquid phase systems (29, 222, 268). membrane-bound catalysis, for use multi-component of purified (222). This would make it necessary enzyme systems enzymes in enzyme to use whole-cell systems for 16 the production of the of target product by compounds. Here, a suitable host is required to avoid degradation downstream metabolism. 1.5 Additional factors involved in alkane oxidation As described above, the oxidation of alkanes takes place membrane. One of the uptake limiting of n-alkanes. The factors in solubility alkanes. Medium-chain n-alkanes growth (245). However, Generally, are biosurfactant-mediated to have a hydrophobic uptake supernatant fluids have high or called accommodated or used by of the extent that the aqueous phase traverse the outer membrane of a alkanes. The interfacial accession contact to substrate in although some cases interfacial but culture fluids have hydrocarbon uptake, solubilized culture supernatant fluids is chain-length surface tension. This mechanism is hydrophobicity, For biosurfactant-mediated an long-chain production (biosurfactant-enhanced medium generally simply surface, allows direct high a cytoplasmic have been considered: interfacial accession and the rhodococci and Acinetobacter spp., biosurfactant can hydrocarbon uptake (28). cell in the alkanes is the solubilization and on soluble to such this may not be true for two modes of or of n-alkanes decreases with the concentration is sufficient that the alkanes cell at the hydrocarbons. a requires droplets. widespread cell a Culture e.g. among it is combined with uptake). Here, cells have a low to medium surface tension. microorganism has contact with so- In this case, the surface tension of low, and cells remain hydrophilic (28). This mechanism is Pseudomonas spp., but also by other genera. 1.5.1. Biosurfactants Surfactants are amphiphatic hydrocarbon) moieties that with different degrees of molecules with both partition preferentially polarity interfaces. Biosurfactants are a and at the hydrogen bonding structurally synthesized by microorganisms (77). structures: hydrophilic and hydrophobic (generally interphase such as between fluid oil/water or air/water diverse group of surface-active molecules A biosurfactant may have one of the following mycolic acid, glycolipids, polysaccharide-lipid complex, lipoprotein lipopeptide, phospholipid or phases the microbial cell surface itself or (129). These molecules 17 reduce surface and interfacial tensions in both aqueous solutions and mixtures. Biosurfactants have several lower toxicity, higher biodegradability, foaming, high selectivity (57). Potential and food play The better environmental specific activity at extreme cover of biosurfactants compatibility, stronger temperatures, pH and salinity the genetics, biochemistry, production (17, 77, 129, 165). Here, discussed in are more specific two aeruginosa cultures: health and possible biosurfactants that biosurfactant strains (59, 193, 265). rhamnolipids moiety 2) respectively. have also been derived from they rhamnolipids enhance the interaction is more major glycolipids Two rhamnolipid short, precursors of of the bioavailability (290). with hydrophobic LPS from the outer substrates are produced in as rhamnolipids 1 and ß-hydroxydecanoyl two modes of action increase the hydrocarbons, are as, in contrast to required more of solubility The second mode is to become by by hydrophobic (289). The mechanism of this membrane, increasing the relative more important for in solubilization, only low to alter the cell surface has been described in detail withdrawn from the ß-oxidation units from one hydrocarbons. First, they cell, causing the cell surface rhamnolipids are products having to (3). The second mode of action may be concentrations biosynthesis rhamnosyl easily of the cell situ bioremediation of more (193). Rhamnolipids have degradation by extracting hydrophobicity Two 1 and 2 with the bacterial and to associate produced by described, although these may represent degradation products hydrocarbons, thereby increasing interacting are L-rhamnosyl-L-rhamnosyl-ß-hydroxydecanoyl-ß-hydroxydecanoate and 1 and Rhl (Rhl The pollutants, detail. L-rhamnosyl-ß-hydroxydecanoyl-ß-hydroxydecanoate, referred which as Rhamnolipids Pseudomonas 2 surfactants, such of biosurfactants include enhanced oil recovery, crude oil rhamnose-containing glycolipid liquid chemical processing (17). role in this thesis a over surfactant-aided bioremediation of water-insoluble Several recent reviews applications and applications drilling, lubricants, care advantages hydrocarbon by RhlG thymidine-diphospho-L-rhamnose by (165). (41, 192, 194, 195). (41) and coupled the In to two rhamnosyltransferases 1 18 and 2, encoded by rhlAB and rhlC, regulated by RhlR, autoinducer Rhll synthetase network also regulatory which in turn is activated LuxR-type regulator (194), a is respectively (165, 192). Rhamnolipid biosynthesis The RhlR/Rhll system is part of (195). the regulating expression a by the complex very of virulence-associated traits (30, 165). "Protein activator of alkane oxidation" In the case of Pseudomonas oxidation", PA, plays a activator of the alkane protein, an 120 which has pig/ml) hexadecane 1.5.2 A made oxygen-uptake It has PA (103). This role a was exported a large cloned from P. less studies dominating 50 growth phase on slower PG201 and on a hexadecane role in hexadecane rhamnolipids. as barrier for consists of a uptake cell wall and addition to the of the one or lipopolysaccharides (LPS). shows a hydrophobic two lipid cytoplasmic membrane, peptidoglycan layer (190). very low an substances is the cell membranes. The two membranes are toward separated by lipophilic LPS, hydrophobic compounds. molecular mass smaller than 600 Da to diffuse (189). The cytoplasmic membrane shows molecules, but apolar compounds Specific transport hydrocarbons, diffusion of the processes could can a passively low permeability easily penetrate play a The the a have, in phospholipids thin the outer membrane Low specificity porins polar solutes with in a the outer membrane for polar and charged lipid bilayer (236). role in the mineralization of low concentrations but the transport activities may not compounds. across which bacteria outer membrane that consists of Due to the presence of the permeability envelope, Gram-negative the outer membrane form water-filled channels which allow small of (between amounts aeruginosa only slightly as (114). The in the initial especially mutant grew which proves that it has in aeruginosa S7Bl5 Uptake major and liquid. in power, is emulsifying activator of alkane "protein isolated first from P. was hydroxylation activity weak was the so-called protein (113). The gene encoding wildtype, assimilation role. This to the culture knockout mutant than the a aeruginosa, general opinion easily be revealed due to is thus that uptake of passive hydrocarbons is a 19 process, i.e. passive represents a dissolve in the cell membrane. The cell membrane of bacteria they hydrophobic phase surrounding aqueous which accumulates nonpolar compounds phase (236). Recent studies have shown the presence of genes encoding (OMPs) in hydrocarbon catabolic opérons (125, 127, 274). homologous fatty acids to the E. coli FadL involved in toluene utilization protein is upon exposure to toluene protein (AlkL), alkL negative specific transport of are long-chain (22). By analysing the expression levels of tbuX, it was that the speculated levels, and that the protein levels increase significantly of the mutant alk-system which is proteins (127). Although deletion of the tbuX gene resulted in significantly impaired growth not been shown. In the outer membrane Some of these OMPs by Ralstonia pickettii PKOl, at low always present which allows protein, the outer membrane across from the of P. homologous mutants did not show on toluene, the exact role of the to putida (oleovorans) GPol, OmpW of Vibrio cholerae, an a protein has outer membrane was found. However, phenotypic changes (258). 1.6 Aim and scope of this thesis The initial aim of the aspects of growth Chapter and on alkanes 2 describes the fragments of alkane Gram-negative Chapter 3, we use Chapter 4, regions is the n-alkanes members of the non-heme iron alkane of a catalytic properties broader range of organisms are of an enzyme known. All considered. highly degenerate gene homologs PCR primers from a to clone internal gene broad range of Gram-positive strains. cloning alkane by new describe the construction of reported. constructing are hydroxylase heterologous expression on to clone most effective when sequences from are In was Studies about the structural and family. monooxygenase In project of proteins in both E. coli and Pseudomonas of novel alkane Functional alkane-responsive expression hydroxylase homologs expression of alkane hydroxylase negative hosts, alkane hydroxylases from that could be Gram-negative species. and their hydroxylases vectors for was flanking achieved complemented and Gram-positive by for growth strains. 20 Chapter 5 describes the functional coli strains containing all analysis of rubredoxin reductases in recombinant E. of P. GPol alk-genes putida (oleovorans) except for the rubredoxin reductase gene. The Chapters 6 and 7 two Gram-negative flanking regions ability to grow is on give a more strains. For P. detailed description aeruginosa PAOl of the alkane oxidation genes of (Chapter 6) a shown, and environmental and clinical isolates alkanes and for the presence of alkane detailed are hydroxylase analysis of tested for their genes. For P. 7), characterization of the knockout mutants KOB2 and fluorescens CHAO KOB2A1 is described, while characterization of culture supernatant and overexpression (Chapter of PraA and PraB shows that P. fluorescens CHAO hexadecane. In the knockout In biocontrol on Chapter 8, rhamnolipids hydroxylase Appendix we to activity chapter are 7, some produces only and in on initial data about the effect of the alkB shown. describe additional intrinsic and extrinsic factors including the effect of and the host strain that influence the apparent substrate range of the alkane of P. putida (oleovorans) GPol. We also describe mutations in the AlkB which allows P. fluorescens KOB2A1 recombinants to grow Finally, PraB when grown Chapter Gram-negative 9, we summarize all strains collected knowledge over about the last years. on hexadecane. alk-systems in Gram-positive 21 Chapter 2 MOLECULAR SCREENING FOR ALKANE HYDROXYLASE GENES IN GRAM-NEGATIVE AND GRAM-POSITIVE STRAINS Theo H.M. Smits, Martina Röthlisberger, Bernard Witholt and Jan B. Parts of this work are published van in Smits et al. 1999. Environ Microbiol 1 Beilen (4): 307-316 22 SUMMARY We have developed highly degenerate oligonucleotides genes related to the Pseudomonas alkane chain n-alkanes fragments sequence alkane were and identity with to the on Strains that were to alkane those isolated phylogenetic PCR products on of the and found to encode of the P. unable to grow hydroxylase short-chain on on medium expected peptides n-alkanes did not yield shows that all Acinetobacter sequences tree, like the sequences from size. The PCR putida (oleovorans) not or with 37.1-100 % genes. Several alkane alkanes, did (C6-C11) GPol yield PCR degraders, PCR are fragments clustered in Gram-negative either. one strains able to medium-chain alkanes. In contrast, sequences obtained from the fluorescent pseudomonads divergent as The alkane were sequenced strains able to grow corresponding fragment phylogenetic analysis group of the as (C12-C16), yielded homology predominantly grow GPol and Acinetobacter sp. ADPl putida (oleovorans) Gram-positive cloned and hydroxylase. products The internal segments of hydroxylases. Many Gram-negative long amplify to or sequences found in the complete hydroxylase cloned using containing all P. single Gram-negative or Gram-positive strain are collection. genes of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB104 and P. the PCR hydroxylase negative a products mutant of as probes. The two genes allow Acinetobacter sp. ADPl and an an putida PI alkane E. coli recombinant putida (oleovorans) alk-genes except alkB, respectively, to grow on n- alkanes, showing that the cloned genes do indeed encode alkane hydroxylases. INTRODUCTION Many bacterial strains are able grow on medium or long chain-length strains, P. putida (oleovorans) GPol (TF4-1L), which pentane to dodecane can grow on (228), has been studied in detail with respect enzymology (173, 208, 255, 256) and the genetics n-alkanes. Of these alkanes ranging from to both the of n-alkane metabolism (142, 143, 23 263), mainly because the strain has proven (85, 136, 210, 259). of non-heme iron xylene to be an interesting and versatile biocatalyst addition, the alkane hydroxylase AlkB is the prototype of In membrane monooxygenases which includes the P. integral (251) monooxygenase and the alkane hydroxylase class a putida mt-2 of Acinetobacter sp. ADPl (213). Genes with high sequence fraction of the microbial colony blots aeruginosa, identity to the alkane population putida, P. aureofaciens to distantly that they or substituted phenoxy of production other high acid large by On the other as alkB-gene probe, an unrelated are biocatalysts synthesis of or to convert pharmaceuticals (89). Examples include Rhodococcus rhodochrous propane to herbicides, stereoselective oxidation propionic with hybridize into valuable intermediates for the NCIMB12566, which, when pregrown the not related to alkB. These enzyme systems could be useful other fine-chemicals a demonstrated (226, 262, 273). contain alkane oxidation enzyme systems that inexpensive compounds as in occur alkB have been cloned from P. and P. mendocina hand, DNA of other alkane-degrading strains does suggesting (alkB) gene in oil-contaminated environments (243), while genes almost identical P. hydroxylase or on can to stereoselectively phenoxy propanoic acids, compounds R. erythropolis reactions, such (119), which n-alkanes, is able are used for B-16531, which carries the oxidation of as be used to NRRL that cumene to oxidize out similar 2-phenyl-l- produce pharmaceuticals (e.g. ibuprofen) or value fine-chemicals. None of the enzyme systems involved have been characterized. As only few enzymes that oxidize medium- characterized, a hopefully with degradation or superior properties. soil-ecology can In One method that can be used to isolate hydroxylases or convenient methods distantly well with new putida (oleovorans) GPol are more help us available to isolate their genes. comparison degenerate between the alkane (70) and Acinetobacter sp. to biocatalysts, members of this related genes is PCR with conserved sequence elements. A of P. us be studied in greater detail when known, on are addition, the role of alkane hydroxylases in oil are based n-alkanes function, evolution and structure, and provide class of enzymes primers, long-chain with related enzyme systems in other bacteria will comparison understand their or ADPl (213) 24 allowed were us to previously desaturases (oleovorans) on shown to be essential for the function of the we n-alkanes used in this gene while such genes n-alkanes. In study addition, we can related large proportion are plasmids not be amplified related to the P. from strains that hydroxylase by complementation used in this Strain putida are genes of P. unable to putida PI that these indeed encode study Growth on alkanes3 C8 Pseudomonas putida (oleovorans) GPol Pseudomonas putida (oleovorans) GPol2 Pseudomonas oleovorans ATCC 8062 PpGl C12 PCR Plasmid product15 derived 550 (228) bpc - 289 bpc Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAOl Pseudomonas aeruginosa PG201 «800bpcg 550 bpe 550 bpe 550 bpc 550 bpc Pseudomonas aeruginosa KSLA473 not tested Pseudomonas putida PI Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO Burkholderia cepacia ATCC 25416 550 Burkholderia cepacia RR 10 550 Comamonas testosteroni DSM 50244 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia DSM Ralstonia eutropha JM134 (pJP4) 50170 350 bpc bpc bpc - (141) - (155) - (216) - pPl pCHAO pTS4 pTS2 - p25416 pRRlO (118) (97) (253) (198) (288) (246) - (246) - - (62) - (126) - (213) Acinetobacter sp. WH405 not tested Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 69-V 550 p69-V Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB102 bpd «600bpfg Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB 104 550 pEB104 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB 114 «600bpfg bpc - Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NCIB 8250 550 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus CCM 2355 «600bpfg Acinetobacter sp. 2796A 550 Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2 550 Xanthobacter flavus strain 5 550 Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 12566 289 NRRL B-16531 550 erythropolis study (250) - not tested Prauserella rugosa NRRL B-2295 (14) This - Acinetobacter sp. ADPl Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB6 Reference C16 - Pseudomonas putida KT2442 Rhodococcus of bacteria hydroxylases. Table 1: strains and Pseudomonas putida a possess genes that cloned the alkane and A. calcoaceticus EB104 and showed functional alkane could show that structurally alkB, which encodes the catalytic component of the alkane hydroxylase system, on centered around two histidine clusters that regions, basically (233). Using this method able to grow grow such identify 559 bpc bpc bpc bpc bpc bpc bpc - (139) (139) - (139) - (139) p8250 h (139) - p2769A pSK2 pXf5 (484 bp) - pl6531 p2295 (76) (139) This study (284) This study (50) (119) (119) 25 Rhodococcus sp. 1BN R. erythropolis 550 n.t. 550 23-D bpc bpc (6) plBN p23-Dl, p23D-2, (226; p23-D3 (226; p35-0 erythropolis 35-0 Gram-positive 42-0 R. erythropolis 50-V R. erythropolis 62-0 R.fascians 115-H R.fascians 154-S FfXN 100 (CNM group) HXN 200 (Sphingomonas sp.) FfXN 300 (Gram-negative) 550 FfXN 400 (P. aeruginosa) 550 bpc pFfXN400 FfXN 500 (Mycobacterium?) (Mycobacterium sp.) 550 bpc bpc bpc pFfXN600 pFfXNlOOO pFfXNUOO R. FfXN 600 550 550 550 550 550 bpc bpc bpc bpc bpc bpc (226; p42-0 p50-V h (226; (226; p62-0 pll5-H(240bp) (226; (226; pl54-S (211 (211 (211 (211 (211 (211 FfXN 1000 (CNM group) 550 FfXN 1100 (P. mendocina lineage) 550 FfXN 1200 (211 FfXN 1300 (Rhodococcus sp.) (not identified) FfXN 1400 (Comamonas?) (211 FfXN 1500 (Mycobacterium sp.) (Ochrobactrum?) (211 (211 FfXN 1900 (Alcaligenes?) (not identified) (Rhodococcus sp.) FfXN 2000 (CNM group) FfXN 1600 FfXN 1700 FfXN 1800 (211 (211 (211 (211 (211 (211 550 bpc pFfXN2000 (211 Plasmids: Genotypea Reference pGEc47 pGEc47AB Tc, alkBFGHJKL!alkST (P. putida (oleovorans) GPo 1) in pLAFR 1 (69) Tc, alkFGHJKLIalkST (P. putida (oleovorans) GPo 1) in pLAFR 1, deletion in alkB (261) Ap, ColEl, alkBFGH (P. putida (oleovorans) GPol) Tc, alkB (Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ff37Rv) pGEc48 pSCYB 11 pGEM7-Zf(+) Cloning vector, Ap Ap, 3.0 kb EcoVl-Hind\ll pEB 1 alkRM (A. calcoaceticus in (209) Promega insert in EB pGEM7-Zf(+), This 104) pEB7 pWH1274 pWH968 pEB 1 AEcoRV-Ecom, 1.7 kb insert, alkM (A. calcoaceticus Ap, Tc, oriA, ColEl, shuttle vector for Acinetobacter Ap, oriA, ColEl, alkRM (Acinetobacter sp. ADPl), rubAB pWFfEB7 Ap, oriA, ColEl, alkM Cloning Ap, ColEl, pBR322 pPlEH 1.7 kb insert of (A. calcoaceticus vector, EB pEB7 in tetracycline, n.t.: not tested. combinations used f are: - This 104) : no PCR study study (121) (214) This 104) Ap, Tc, ColEl alkBFGHJ (P. b EB pWH1274, study (25) putida PI) in This pBR322 Footnotes:a Abbreviations: C8: octane, C12: dodecane, C16: hexadecane, Tc: (70) pBR322 fragment; Fragment study bp: basepairs, Ap: Ampicillin, fragment observed. Primer size: PCR cTS2S/DeglRE;dTS2Smod/DeglRE;eTS2Smod/(DeglRE/DeglRE2, 1:1; mix); TS2Smod2/DeglRE.8 PCR fragment was observed, (length in parentheses behind plasmid name) but not cloned. h smaller size fragment cloned 26 MATERIAL AND METHODS Strains, growth media and materials. Strains and plasmids used study listed in Table 1. E. coli JM101 are and the production n-alkanes of plasmid used or were as DNA for (151), supplemented throughout. growth medium octane were on an and n-hexadecane open erlenmeyer with a of the Petri dish. All cultures were transformed used at with carbon «-octane, n-dodecane by placing grown by electroporation (64). 100/^g/ml. sources or or was supplied through «-octane in aerobically a sealed at 30°C To select E. coli done on was or Boehringer Mannheim synthesized by Microsynth, and I from = and used as done as previously the tested was and from the gel, and EcoRl, PCR products and isolated purified again by were purified electroelution over a 1% agarose cloned between the Sacl and EcoRl sites of according Isolation Kit if sequenced on a to Birnboim and sequencing grade gel, on (204). = T was Li-Cor 4000L sequencer PCR gel in + C, R or fragments isolated from using required. using was were were + G obtained cut out cut with Sacl gel by electroelution, and Plasmid DNA was the Roche High Pure Plasmid Both strands of the inserts IRD41- were A = TBE-buffer, pGEM7-Zf(+) (Promega). Doly (21), DNA 1% agarose (220). The Growth of supplier. Oligonucleotides Y was described dideoxynucleotides oligonucleotides over a n- n-alkane in the lid Inosine, basepairing with all four nucleotides. Taq DNA polymerase Promega. isolated ligase phase (for piglm\ ampicilline. n-dodecane specified by Switzerland. In the used 37°C. E. coli strains with metal solution 44 from were transformants, ampicillin LB with 300 Restriction enzymes, T4-DNA (Luria Broth) (220) \i\ Acinetobacter minimal medium biology. on container, for n-dodecane on Molecular cloning able to grow the vapor Acinetobacter sp. ADPl, and mutants thereof, supplemented used for n-hexadecane, Petri dishes with E2 Transformation of Acinetobacter (199). Selection of transformants are antibiotics Whatman 3MM filter disc with 200 were were All other strains sequencing. incubated at 30°C with n-alkanes by placing (Gibco BRL) controls in the PCR reactions. LB negative and E2 medium For constructed in this (endA, hsdR, supR, thi-1, A(lac-proAB) and DHIOB V(traD36,proAB, lacP, lacZM15) (285) or (IRD800-) labelled were -40 forward 27 and -40 (agggttttcccagtcacgacgtt) Biotech) and the Amersham Chromosomal DNA according first step was to Desomer et (58). If strains failed to 0.2%, and/or cells identified fragments were restriction fragments isolated (Promega) case resulting in Southern a blotting. of A. calcoaceticus EB104, Plasmid plasmid pEBl. Xhol and BamHl, a a pEB7 over shuttle vector for Navigator amino acid sequences BLAST Cancer (5). fragment on an were were was appropriate identified gel enriched genebank, sites of all preparative a pGEM7-Zf(+) (Gibco BRL). by colony blotting. To made. and and restriction cut out from fragment constructed from was religated. ligated cloned, was pEBl by digestion The insert of in Sall-BamHl pEB7 with was cut digested Acinetobacter, resulting in pWHEB7. For P. putida cloned, resulting in pPlEH. was were from DNASTAR compared BLAST searches analyzed and compared using (Madison, Wisconsin, USA). Nucleotide and with the EMBL, SwissProt and GenBank databases were carried out at ISREC (Swiss Foundation for Research). PCR. PCR reactions Elmer easy-to-clone 3.0 kb EcoRl-Hindlll The nucleotide and amino acid sequences LASERGENE were using Klenow, purified 7.5 kb EcoRl-Hindlll using the EDTA concentration in the To construct were inserts, deletion and subclones , genes, between the the desired genes containing pWH1274 (121) PI strains Gram-negative and transformed into E. coli DHIOB EcoRl and EcoRW, made blunt out with lyse, in the range around the desired size pBR322 (25) or Transformants In the by hydroxylase by electroelution, ligated sequence the and incubated at 60°C for 30 minutes. were To clone intact and functional alkane gel, Gram-positive kit. increased to 10 mM, the end concentration of SDS in the second step was doubled to Thermosequenase cycle sequencing isolated from al. (gagcggataacaatttcacacagg) primers (MWG- reverse GeneAmp were PCR carried out System 9600. as described in Innis et al. Degenerate oligonucleotides amino acid sequences conserved between the P. Acinetobacter sp. ADPl alkane a Sacl were putida (oleovorans) hydroxylases (Figure 1). TS2Smod and TS2Smod2 contain (123) using The forward a Perkin designed based GPol and the primers TS2S, site, and four additional bases to allow reliable 28 of the cleavage site, while the reverse site and three additional bases. For PCR used: 4' and primers DeglRE these using primers, 95°C, 25x(45" 95°C, 1' 40°C, 1' 72°C), 5' 72°C, PCR, 1 ]A (out of 20 \il) of product was used in contain DeglRE2 oo the following 4°C. After second round of PCR a a an EcoRl was program first round of using the same primers. sequencing 16S rDNA amplification were was done 16F27 and according to Karlson et (130). The primers used for al. 16R1525; primers used for sequencing were 16F355 and 16R1488(107). Southern and appropriate colony blots. Chromosomal DNAs restriction enzymes and loaded were digested 1% agarose on a to completion in TAE-buffer gel Acetate-EDTA) (167). After washing the gel for 10 minutes in 0.25 N minutes washes with 0.5 N NaOH, the DNA blotted to membrane min. For After (Roche Diagnostics). blotting, colonies colony hybridisation, was were the filters a Diagnostics) according to the manufacturer. Colonies picked from the Nylon original plates. using the Roche DIG-kit using standard Membrane for and phosphatase coupled baked at 120°C for 30 or colony to Anti-DIG antibodies were blots colony blots - were carried out was Hybridizations at 68°C with about 250 plates in the buffer without formamide at 60° C alkB) HCl, and three 15 Plaque Hybridisation (Roche positive to the manufacturer. Southern blot with M. tuberculosis H37Rv Alkaline were Detection of Southern and according hybridization Colony (Tris- positively charged nylon transferred from LB 500 transformants onto with carried out were (non-stringent, only (stringent, all other used with CSPD as blots). the chemiluminescent substrate. Probes were prepared as follows: alkB pGEc48 (70) using primers (gcactctttgtgagagaattcaac), sp. ADPl using primers B5/1 cosmid (gatgtcgagagtgagagtg) the alkM alkMfE2 (aataggcctgcagtcacttagactctctt), fragment the alkB gene amplified from from chromosomal DNA of Acinetobacter homolog MTalkBfw2 (gtagaagcttcccgggcaccggtagg). was and B3R/EcoRI (ccggaattcactatgaatgcacctgta) pSCYB 11 (209) using primers MTalkBrv (P. putida (oleovorans) GPol) Other and alkMrPS of M. tuberculosis H37Rv from (cggaattcatatgaccacgcaaatcggc) fragments were obtained from the and 29 and pl6531 (R. fragment with EcoRl Plasmids pTS2 (P. aeruginosa PG201), pCHAO (P. fluorescens CHAO) erythropolis NRRL and Sacl. All DNA labeled by B-16531) by excising fragments the random Sequences. Sequences priming GenBank under the study P. degenerate following and AJ293344 putida PCR gel, kit labeling comparisons products electroeluted and (Roche Diagnostics). available in EMBL under are AJ002316 determined in this accession numbers: AJ009579 NRRL (alkM, study deposited are in (P. fluorescens CHAO); NCIB 8250); B-16531), AJ009585 AJ009587 (Pr. (Acinetobacter rugosa NRRL (B. cepacia ATCC 25416). The sequence of the A. calcoaceticus deposited under accession number AJ233398. The sequence of PI alkBFGHJ genes is deposited The 16S rDNA sequences determined in this AJ009588 the DIG 69-V); AJ009584 (A. calcoaceticus EB104 alkRM genes is the P. for 1% agarose putida (oleovorans) GPol), 2769A); AJ009586 (R. erythropolis B-2295) using PCR (P. aeruginosa PAOl); AJ009581 (P. aeruginosa PG201); AJ009582 (A. calcoaceticus sp. (alkB, over a bp ADPl), Z95121 (alkB, M. tuberculosis H37Rv). The sequences of the AJ009580 purified method used in this accession numbers X65936 Acinetobacter sp. were the cloned 550 under accession number AJ233397. study are available under accession numbers (A. calcoaceticus 69-V); AJ009589 (A. calcoaceticus EB104); AJ009590 (Acinetobacter sp. 2769A) and AJ009591 (R. erythropolis NRRL B-16531). As the 16S rDNA sequences of strains Acinetobacter sp. ADPl and A. calcoaceticus NCIB 8250 were identical to the previously determined sequences, these were not submitted. RESULTS Selection of strains. We tested 55 n-dodecane (C12) and n-hexadecane (C16). Twenty-six strains collections, five were isolated by enrichment with «-octane isolated from oil-contaminated soil were strains, listed in Table 1, for growth isolated from a near a hexane air filter in as were n-octane (C8), obtained from strain the C-source, gas station in Bremen Stuttgart (211). on (226), and Several strains seven were seventeen reported to be n- 30 alkane degraders were not able to grow 8062 and A. calcoaceticus strains belong of which species to on n-alkanes in hands our (P. oleovorans ATTC EB102, EB114, EB6, and CCM 2355). Other strains strains specific were found to be able to grow previously on n- alkanes. Design of degenerate iron alkane PCR hydroxylases primers. have been (oleovorans) GPol) (70), AlkM Three sequences of integral in the sequence databases: AlkB deposited (Acinetobacter sp. H37Rv. As the to this homolog gene functionality its sequence study, with it either. The S. in the and on the chromosome of In not considered in the N246 alkane maltophilia nor of this enzyme in the are was primer design, hydroxylase alkane an tuberculosis not confirmed prior but does not conflict sequence phylogenetic analysis, significantly addition, Mycobacterium of the M. tuberculosis H37Rv gene was primer development properties is present (P. putida ADPl) (213) and AlkBpm (Stenotrophomonas (Pseudomonas) maltophilia N246) (157). hydroxylase membrane non-heme not considered was because both the sequence different from those of other alkane hydroxylases. Sequence alignments of the amino acid sequences of the P. and the Acinetobacter sp. ADPl alkane conserved. We chose two 320 (HSDHH) The forward develop to primer TS2S lysine codon, three regions the hydroxylases glycine codons, mainly on AlkM replace the codons. The contains the TCI serine DeglRE length alkM a of the sequences) and DeglRE2 expected is 557 PCR are well and amino acid Figure the AlkB sequence, and GPol 1. ignores the AAA two leucine codons and the serine codons of the codons. TS2S has TS2Smod and TS2Smod2 have DeglRE shown in lysine codon, and additional TS2Smod2, the TCI serine codons corresponding glycine regions (HEL(G/S)HK) degenerate oligonucleotides AlkM sequence. TS2Smod includes the AAA leucine codons. In show that several around amino acid 145 is based putida (oleovorans) degree of a degree of degeneracy degeneracy to glycine position and 153 of of 64, whereas of 1064. The reverse primer codons, while DeglRE2 contains the AGY serine have a degree of degeneracy product including basepairs (bp). the of 64 and 32, primers (based on respectively. the alkB and 31 primers AlkB 134 alkM 436 alkB 40 A: Forward AlkM 146 55' 438 146 L..N..T..G..H..E..L..G..H..K..K..E..T. 55' 3' gtgaataccgcgcatgaattgagccataaagcagatcga 474 158 V..N..T..A..H..E..L..S..H..K..A..D..R. TS2S 5 . TS2Smod 5 . TS2Smod2 5 . B: Reverse 3' ctcaatacaggacacgaactcggtcacaagaaggagact aayagagctcaygarytrggtcayaacf 3 ' aayagagctcaygaritiggicayaar 3 ' aayagagctcaygarititcicayaar 3 ' primers alkB 925 AlkB 309 alkM 961 AlkM 321 5' 3' cttcagcggcactcggatcaccacgcgcatccaacacgt 963 321 .L..Q..R..H..S..D..H..H..A..H..P..T..R. 5' 3' ttacaacgacattcagatcatcacgcttatccgacgcgt 999 333 .L..Q..R..H..S..D..H..H..A..Y..P..T..R. deglRE 3' gtracfictrgtrgtrcgcttaaggtg. deglRE2 3' gtrtcrctrgtrgtrcgcttaaggtg. ... 5' ... 5' 1: conserved regions of AlkB (P. putida (oleovorans) GPol) and AlkM (Acinetobacter sp. ADPl) design the degenerate primers. The amino acids are shown below the second nucleotide of the codon. Nucleotides coding for restriction sites are shown in italic print. The differences between TS2S, TS2Smod and TS2Smod2, and DeglRE and DeglRE2 are underlined. Primer TS2S does not include 2 leucine, 3 glycine, 6 serine and 1 lysine codons, whereas primer TS2Smod includes all codons except 6 serine codons. Primer TS2S includes 4 serine codons, and does not include 4 glycine codons. Primer DeglRE does not include 3 alanine and 2 serine codons, whereas DeglRE2 does not include 3 alanine and 4 serine codons. A: forward primers; B: reverse primers. Figure that were Using used to the PCR program described in the material and methods sequences from 27 strains that primer combination clearly different sizes grow on able to grow were TS2S/DeglRE (see were obtained as Table Southern blots Another 8 alkB gene (chapter 4; J. B. sequences. These sequences van are 1). n-alkanes, in most we strains, In several cases, PCR homologs we were obtained 29 cases using products well. From the eleven strains that n-alkanes and 12 hexane air filter expected length. on section, did not obtain PCR were of unable to products obtained from 6 strains of the using Beilen, unpublished results)(168, 273) and genome also included in the phylogenetic analysis. 32 generated with CLUSTAL and manually optimized. by roman capitals I, II and III. The hydrophobic stretches are marked by solid bars. Peptide numbering refers to the position in the cloned PCR fragment rather than to that of the full-length enzyme. Figure 2: of alkane alignment The three histidine-boxes hydroxylase sequences, underlined and marked are DNA sequence determination and pGEM7-Zf(+), and bp including primers), contained fragments fragment cloned from unique one encode the P. while an sequence. BlastX peptides that have genes. Other were cloned and were fragments not cloned. In fragment was encoding a we ignored A 550 was the bp this cloned and gene did not based on sequenced, case, a fragment, of correspond was only fragment probably originates identified among from our For DNA sequence a for that binding at from this use as a cepacia yielded corresponding region proteins (see below). was not primer was to hydroxylase shown) in addition to the 550 of the forward of In these, ranging from 289 primers (data appeared than to a and bp region 167 in AlkB. In further work obtained as well. subsequently used as a template, as probe to clone strain, but the sequence of the complete alkB probe RR 10 of the more fragments RR10 chromosomal DNA cepacia fragment length (557 fragment PCR one to the position bp fragment sequence did not fragment (168), in Southern and yield (data the not even colony though shown). the blots. Primers expected fragment The PCR contaminating Gram-positive strain, with fragment most which could not be strain collection. alignments primer annealing identity one to that of the cloned PCR high enough the PCR than more showed that all of cloned PCR (EHXXGHH) The PCR hydroxylase same cloned in In two cases, the PCR and in two cases, this bp fragment obtained with B. sequenced. alkane bp longer. were and found to be unrelated to the alkane product 350 of the were obtained. Three of were when the 550 fragment chromosomal DNA from B. the the fragments site, respectively, and only part of the level of sequence cloned and found to be due to PCR homology alignments (5) similar histidine motif complete EcoRl 9 was In several cases, fragments were one or products AlkB and Acinetobacter sp. AlkM putida (oleovorans) bp, product sequenced, were high a several cases, different size 350 PCR sequenced. strain particular a one internal Sacl cloned and was Most of the PCR sequenced. The PCR comparisons. sites were and phylogenetic analysis, removed before the sequences comparing corresponding the sequences, because they to P.putida (oleovorans) GPol GHH ....T..D L . III .LQRH.DHHA. RYERCAPAHSWNSDHIVTNIFLYHLQRHSDHHAN LMSVVLFGALIAIFGPVVIPFLIIQAVYGFSLLETVNYLEHYGLMRQKTASG 97 . SYVRCSPEDSWNSDHVVSNLFLYQLQRHSDHHAN AMSVVLFGSLIAAFGWEIAPWLAVQAIAGFTFLETANYLEHYGLLRAKRPDG 97 N. SFVKARPEDSWNSDHLVSNLFLYQLQRHSDHHAN SLSAALFGTLITLFGWQILPWLLLQTLAGITFLEAANYLEHYGLLRVRRQDG 97 SWN RYERAAPEHSWNSDHICTNIFLYHLQRHSDHHAN LMSVVLFGVLVAVFGLSVLPFLVLQAVFGFCLLETVNYLEHYGLKRRRLDSG 97 NY.EHYG. .R RYERCTPAHSWNSDRICTNVFLYHLQRHSDHHAN LMSVVLFGVALAVFGIGIAPYLVIQAFIGFSLLEAINYLEHYGLLRQKTASG 97 Q RYERCTPQHSWNSNHWTNLFLYQLQRHADHHAN LMSAVLWSVMIAWLGIGVLPYLLIQAVVGFSLLEIVNYMEHYGMLRQKRGSPERRRYERVDPSHSWNSNNIATNVLLYHLQRHSDHHAN 97 G RYERCSPRHSWNSNRIVTNIFLFQLQRHSDHHAN RYERTTPEHSWNSNFLLTNLFLFHLQRHSDHHAY AISALFLLGFSLAFGWLGAIFFLGQSVMAFTLLEIVNYVEHYGLHRRRLDNG 97 LYNVVLWGVLIAWLGAAVIPFLVIQGIYGFSLLEVVNYVEHYGLLRQKQPNG RYERTNHTHSWNSNFVFTNLVLFHLQRHSDHHAF LLSLALLVGFGWAFGWLGMVFFLGQAFVAVTLLEIINYVEHYGLHRRKGEDG 97 AMTVVVWGIAIAIGGVWIPFLVIQAVYGASLLEVVNYVEHYGLGRRRLPDG RYEHQKPHHSWNSNHIVSNLVLFHLQRHSDHHAH VITWLYTLLLAFFGPKMLVFLPIQMAFGWWQLTSANYIEHYGLLREKMADG 97 97 QYERTMPEHSWNNNNVVTNLFLYQLQRHSDHHAN GMSAAFHASMVGIFGKGTIPYLATQAFYGISLFEIINYIEHYGLLRQKKENG 97 RYERCAPVHSWNSDHIVTNLFLYHLQRHSDHHAN LMSVVLWGGLIAVFGPALIPFVIIQAVFGFSLLEAVNYLEHYGLLRQKSANG I 180 101 I 170 97 I I E..R NYERTMPEHSWNNNNIVTNLFLYQLQRHSDHHAY 160 150 F GMSAAFHSSIIAIFGKGTIPYLVTQAFYGISLFEIINYIEHYGLKRQKRADG I II . 140 EH. I . 130 F. 97 . RYEHQKPHHSWNSNHIVSNLVLFHLQRHSDHHAH I I Y. IITVILYAVLLALFGPKMLVFLPIQMAFGWWQLTSANYIEHYGLLRQKMEDG 120 110 . 97 I . N IHNDVLNAW AHELGHKKTELERWLAKITLAQTFYGHFYIEHNRGHHVRVATPEDPASSRFGESFWTFLPRSVWGSLKSSWELEKTRMQRLGKSTWS 1 . Rhodococcus sp YRNNILNAW AHELGHKSEKLEKWLAKVALAQSFYGHFYVEHNHGHHVRVATPEDPASSRYKENFWFFLPRSVIGGLRSGWRIESARLRRQGRRTWS 1 L. R- PRNNIVQAW AHELGHKSSRLERRLAKIVLAQSFYGHFYIEHNYGHHVNVATPRDPASARFGESFWLFLPRSVFGGLKSGWRIESARLRRQGSPALS 1 HK R. IRNDVLHSW AHELGHKKDDLERWLSKITLAQSFYGHFYIEHNRGHHVRVATPEDPASSRFGESFWTFLPRSVWGSLRSSWSLEKARLDRLGKKPWT 1 . NRRL B-16531 AlkB2 NRRL B-16531 AlkB3 erythropolis erythropolis R. IKNDVLNAW AHELGHKKESVERWLSKIVLAQSAYGHFYLEHNRGHHVRVSTPEDPATSRFGETLYGFWPRSVGGGLKSAWHLEKTRFERLGTTHWS 1 HE. NRRL B-1653 1 AlkBl erythropolis R- IGNDVLNAW AHELGHKKESHERWLSKIALAQSFYGHFYIEHNRGHHVRVATPEDPASSRVGESFYRFWPRTVVGSLRSAWRLERKRYARRDRHPFR 1 . Pr. rugosa NRRL B-2295 erythropolis B. WRNEVLHAW AHELGHKTNRFERWLAKITLAPVAYGHFFVEHNRGHHVRVATAEDPASARYGESFWAFLPRTVVGSVRSAWRLERTRLARLGRSPWT 1 CHAO 1BN Pi aeruginosa PAOl AlkBl cepacia RR 10 Consensus 1BN erythropolis NRRL B-16531 erythropolis NRRL B-16531 erythropolis NRRL B-16531 erythropolis NRRL B-16531 Rhodococcus sp R. R. R. R. Pr. rugosa NRRL B-2295 B. aeruginosa PAOl AlkB2 P. fluorescens CHAO P. P. P.putida A. calcoaceticus EB 104 M. tuberculosis H37Rv Acinetobacter sp ADPl GPol AlkB4 AlkB3 AlkB2 AlkB 1 NRRL B-16531 AlkB4 RR10 P.putida (oleovorans) Consensus cepacia aeruginosa P. fluorescens P- PAOl AlkB2 WKNGVLSAW AHELGHKNRGMAKFLAKLALASTFYGHFFVEHNRGHHVRVATPEDPASSRLGESFWSFLPRTVWFSLSSAWHLESQRLEKLGLPTLH 1 PAOl AlkB 1 WRNELIWWY SHELIHKDPQLEQNAGGLLLAAVCYAGFKVEHVRGHHVHVSTPEDASSSRYGQSLYSFLPHAYKHNFLNAWRLEAERLKRKGLPALH Pi aeruginosa 1 P. FDNEILQPM WQNELIWWY GHELGHKKEAFDRWMAKIVLAWGYGHFFIEHNKGHHRDVATPMDPATSRMGENIYKFSTREIPGAFRRAWGLEEQRLSRRGQSVWS AHELIHKDSALEQAAGGILLAAVCYAGFKVEHVRGHHVHVSTPEDASSARFGQSVYQFLPHAYKYNFLSAWRLEAVRLRKKGLPVFG 1 P.putida A. calcoaceticus EB104 M. tuberculosis H37Rv Acinetobacter sp ADPl 1 LDNELLQGW AHELGHKHDRIDHILSHLALVPTGYNHFRIEHPYGHHKRAATPEDPASSRMGETFYEFWPRTVIGSFKSAIEIEKNRLKRKGKEFWS L 100 AHEMGHKKDSLERWLSKITLAQTCYGHFYIEHNRGHHVRVSTPEDPASARFGETLWEFLPRSVIGGLRSAVHLEAQRLRRLGVSPWNPMTYLRNDVLNAW I 90 1 I 80 1 I 70 KDNELLQGW I 60 AHELSHKADRLDHILSHLALVPTGYNHFRIEHPYGHHKRAATPEDPASSQMGETFYEFWPRTVFGSLKSAIEIETHRLKRKGKKFWS I 50 1 I 40 FDNEILQPM I 30 GHELGHKKETFDRWMAKIVLAVVGYGHFFIEHNKGHHRDVATPMDPATSRMGESIYKFSIREIPGAFIRAWGLEEQRLSRRGQSVWS I I 1 20 10 34 differ from the the original chromosomal sequence. The nucleotide peptide alignment (see below), fragments using of sequence the because in many Wilbur-Lipman identity. The resulting method (278) cases was pairwise alignment levels of DNA sequence based on of PCR due to the low level possible not was alignment identity range from 45.0 to 100 %. In a number of cases, three PCR clones from the showed that on average less than due to the PCR. Possible errors analysis significantly, except length introduced for by change were per PCR the PCR will not microorganisms, point by sequencing organism related genes. Since closely genes from several selected artefacts at this nucleotide one same sequenced. fragment had occurred the phylogenetic change we This intend to clone full did not attempt to resolve PCR we additional clones. R R H erythropolis erythropolis erythropolis NRRL B-16531 AlkBl 23-D AlkB3 35-0 P rugosa NRRL B-2295 HXN1000 R Rhodococcus sp 1BN erythropolis 23-D AlkBl Gram positive 42-0 erythropolis 50-V IRR NRRL B-16531 AlkB2 erythropolis R M tuberculosis H37Rv M bovis AF2122/97 HXN600 unknown source B cepacia ATCC 25416 j •— B cepacia RR10 h: P fluorescens CHAO R erythropolis 62-0 è c^ R R HXN2000 R erythropolis NRRL B-16531 AlkB3 R fascians erythropolis 23-D AlkB2 B-16531 AlkB4 NRRL erythropolis R fascians 154-S 115-H — Acinetobacter sp 2769A A calcoaceticus EB104 A calcoaceticus NCIB 8250 Acinetobacter sp ADPl A calcoaceticus 69-V HXN1100 _J P putida (oleovorans) I HXHXN400 P putida GPol Pi P aureofaciens RTWH 529 A borkumensis API AlkBl X flavus strain 5 ^ L 1166100 aeruginosa PAOl AlkBl P aeruginosa PG201 P aeruginosa PAOl AlkB2 LP ^^—^^— A borkumensis API AlkB2 pneumophila Philadelphia-1 80 60 40 20 Figure 3: phylogenetic tree generated by CLUSTAL from the alignment of peptide sequences obtained this study and published sequences. The primer encoded sequences are excluded from the alignment. in 35 For comparison a sequences were of the translated. In all contiguous open-reading-frame compared based the a series of Southern The blotting. Figure 3, probe figure and remaining hydroxylase by the were to use as only enough gave similar results M. tuberculosis H37Rv gene acid phylogenetic signals homologs (chapter 6), we tree by phylogenetic (data probes a probe not detect experiments. aeruginosa putida alkB gene aeruginosa source strain. strains probe derived PI and in P. strains, which previously to shown (262), in addition probe the alkM can be blotting. probe to derived weak explained by identity ranging in Southern signal was PG201. The Using tree in Southern while the n-hexadecane, and putida (oleovorans) to detect in Southern is, unlike other P. aeruginosa strains, able detects the rugosa NRRL B-2295. These two mycolic alignment, probes PG201 is selective for the P. derived from P. not be detected in other strains. A fragment 2. For the gene should detect they detected in the other Acinetobacter alkM sequence, and with the alignment produced using different branches of the presence of related genes with levels of DNA sequence to the a were the amino acids encoded GPol detects related genes in P. probe from P. fluorescens CHAO signals aeruginosa gene identical to the P. the genes detected cloned, sequences (AlkB, AlkM), excluding fragments are on KSLA 473. The latter strain a was 3. «-octane in addition to n-dodecane and to contain resulting peptide sequences of all sequences, chosen such that putida (oleovorans) on bp (559 bp) fragment strains. Table 2 summarizes the result of these derived from P. aeruginosa grow are the nucleotide sequences from all branches of the We selected six DNA and detects both alkane from P. fragments, from M. tuberculosis H37Rv. An alignment shown in in the blotting 550 obtained. The (see Table 2). The six sequences shown in a hydroxylase representative the manual on primers, blots hydroxylase the PCR (111), and manually optimized, is shown in Figure CLUSTAL selected was by when cases with the known alkane alkane putative encoded peptides the from 68 to 80 % Related genes could derived from the A. calcoaceticus 69-V PCR shown). The R. fragments probes containing actinomycetes (J. in the R. also gave B. erythropolis van NRRL B-16531 and erythropolis signals strain and in P. with several high G+C, Beilen, unpublished results). 36 Table 2: summary of Southern blots. Strain Growth P. putida (oleovorans) GPol P. putida (oleovorans) GPo 12 Probe2 on «-alkanes1 GPol3 C5-C12 +++ P. oleovorans ATCC 8062 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - no - P. putida PI C8 P. fluorescens CHAO C12, C16 P. aeruginosa PAOl C12-C16 P. aeruginosa KSLA 473 +++ C8-C16 C12-C16 C12-C16 Acinetobacter sp. 2769A C12, C16 ATCC 25416 C10-C16 eutropha JM134 R. erythropolis - - +++ - - +++ * - * - * + - * - * - ++ - - - + - - * * - * - - - - - - - - * * - * - - - - no - - - - - - C8,C12 - - - - - - - - - - + ++ - - - - ++ + C8,C12,C16 Pr. rugosa NRRL B-2295 - no (pJP4) NRRL B-16531 - - - no R. rhodochrous NCIMB 12566 +++ - +++ Acinetobacter sp. ADPl R. * no KT2442 DSM 50170 . * putida maltophilia . - P. S. . - no C. testosteroni DSM 50244 . - putida PpGl cepacia . 165313 - P. B. CHAO3 PG2013 H37RV3 no - A. calcoaceticus 69-V ADPl3 C12 - ': Abbreviations: C5: pentane, C8: octane, CIO: decane, C12: dodecane, C16: hexadecane; strong signal, + signal, *, aspecific signal, no signal;3: probes derived from: GPol: P. putida (oleovorans) GPol; ADPl: Acinetobacter sp. ADPl; CHAO: P. fluorescens CHAO; Footnotes: 2: +++ very strong PG201 : P. signal, aeruginosa ++ - PG201 ; H37Rv: M. tuberculosis cosmid pSCYB 11 ; 16531 : R. erythropolis NRRL B-16531. Cloning alkane alkane and functional hydroxylase hydroxylase hybridisation, restriction analysis gene gene homologs. homolog cloned from of the A. calcoaceticus EB104 and P. an A 3.0 kb EcoRl -Hindlll of A. calcoaceticus EB104 enriched genebank containing fragments by colony blotting, open-reading-frames was identified alkM, respectively. To establish the function of alkM, by the Southern all 2.5-3.5 kb EcoRl-Hindlll sequenced. Sequence analysis respectively (213). PI fragment, containing that have 59.6 % and 72.6 % DNA sequence Acinetobacter sp. ADPl alkR and alkM, and and putida identity The ORFs we revealed two to were transformed labelled alkR an alkM 37 negative mutant of contains only containing Acinetobacter sp. ADPl alkM (A. calcoaceticus 8.5 same an WH405 for EB104) encodes calcoaceticus from As EB104). a with a way, enriched growth alkane an positive control, plasmid pWH968, used (214). Both dodecane, proving that AlkM (A. fragment of P. putida with EcoRl-Hindlll restriction kb, and sequenced. This fragment has alkBFGHJ genes of P. was hydroxylase. 7.5 kb EcoRl -Hindlll genebank on which pWHEB7, the Acinetobacter sp. ADPl alkRM and rubAB opérons, plasmids complemented In the (WH405) (213) on PI was identified, cloned fragments ranging average 80 % DNA sequence putida (oleovorans) GPol, and complemented an from 6.5- identity to the E. coli recombinant, containing all P. putida (oleovorans) GPol aWc-genes except alkB (GEcl37[pGEc47AB]) (261) 16S rDNA sequencing. on (2769A) has a growth Nocardia NRRL culture collection. On could grow for globerula plating n-alkanes after octane. on two was The PCR fragment (Nocardia strains: Therefore, strain 2769A, and found that it had haemolyticus ATCC 17922 Acinetobacter to (100 % (Ace. 8250, Ace. to DN-22 nr. nr. (Ace. Ace. determined sequence nr. a 60 % G+C) and is fragment partial identity of which to more closely obtained from 16S rDNA sequence of Acinetobacter Z93436), indicating that 2769A is an species. X81660)), X81659) nr. were obtained from Acinetobacter strains Acinetobacter sp. Acinetobacter sp. DSM587 Acinetobacter sp. 10090 30007 highest (99.9 %, Partial 16S rDNA sequences ADPl we one obtained from this strain related to the Acinetobacter sp. ADPl alkM gene than the PCR A. calcoaceticus strain 69-V. obtained from the types of colonies appeared, only purification. G+C-content of 37.1 % NRRL B-2769 (Ace. Z93449)), NCIB 8250 and R. X89240)) nr. (=ADP1, (100 % erythropolis EB 104 to Ace. nr. (99.8 % X89709)), to A. 69-V baumannii DSM Acinetobacter sp. DSM590 NRRL B-16531 to confirm their classification. (100 % (100 % to (=NCIB Rhodococcus sp. 38 DISCUSSION We have developed degenerate oligonucleotides related to the P. homologous internal segments of genes amplify GPol alkB and the Acinetobacter sp. ADPl alkM putida (oleovorans) genes, which encode to membrane-bound non-heme iron alkane We found that most Gram-negative contain genes related to alkB and alkM. Strains unable to grow one or more those that including did not yield PCR were reported fragments Several strains able to grow fragment nor a subsets of the were negative regions that were calcoaceticus EB104 soluble alkane actinomycetes, contain integral-membrane the TS2S and n-alkanes, in our bp PCR dimer an as was develop alkane expected or properties 550 amplifying hairpin the primers certain gene may be a formation. hydroxylase are specific that interfere with the not hydroxylase belonging proposed hands, Alternatively, gene homologs in well conserved. so to a different enzyme for R. rhodochrous ATCC 19067 and A. in Acinetobacter sp. Ml as the data presented (164), or other here show that many n-alkanes, including several high G+C, mycolic acid containing homologous but related enzymes distantly to the class belonging non-heme iron monooxygenases. peptide alignment primers neither the be effective in (44, 179), dioxygenases on so on n-alkanes alkM. may have hydroxylases. Nevertheless, strains able to grow or yielded primer used to cytochrome P450 n-alkanes but failed to do in the PCR may contain alkane class: The on on in Southern blots. This may be due to the fact that because of pool the strain may contain of n-alkanes principle Finally, a to grow degenerate oligonucleotides selected out of the which the on bacteria able to grow Gram-positive related to alkB positive signal PCR. Primers that could in strains that and hydroxylases. shows that certain DeglRE allowed regions amplification this paper, the first and the third histidine boxes, be well conserved. The second histidine-box AlkB sequence, is also highly NYXEHYG(L/M) starting motif is conserved in all at are on well conserved in all sequences. As of the PCR which these proteins that primers (EHXXGHH), starting conserved in all sequences, position fragments as at are described in based, position must 167 in the is the motif 269 in AlkB. The histidine residue of the latter can be classified as integral-membrane non-heme 39 iron proteins cases it is of case and contain the three histidine motifs defined preceded by a stretch of AlkB, has been shown Site-directed mutagenesis hydrophobic complete for the function of the related alkane tree based on mean that the hydroxylases to the low G+C content of these are Pseudomonas P. from high are as a role. The the G+C content of the P. may constitute a putida putida (oleovorans) from on identical or genes that strain, as (M.G. Wubbolts, residues more a a (figure 3). are (111), This could be due %, while nearly all other case of the clearly G+C content that is much lower than low G+C host gene (260, 263). The fragments to sequences from related to each other than to and OCT-plasmid, have a high Gram-positive some of the sequences strains. observed for some higher homology Gram-positive strains. P. than sequences found aeruginosa strains able medium-chain n-alkanes and A. borkumensis API contain genes that closely essential horizontal gene transfer cepacia alkB higher homology are with CLUSTAL chromosome and the found in different strains often show same to grow genes only slightly Gram-negative Sequences in the are xylene sequences within the genus aWc-genes, transposon which originates from sequences of the P. fluorescens CHAO and B. strains, which group which is around 40 PI in the well. one from these strains have G+C content, and appear to have mt-2 sequences from two different genera. In the GPol and P. aWc-genes putida generated organisms. However, divergent as putida (oleovorans) plays G+C fragments, In all (261) (figure 2, solid bars). corresponding as the DNA sequences, (233). shown), which, not inactivation of the enzyme shows that all Acinetobacter sequences cluster in sequences Shanklin et al. to traverse the membrane twice which could personal communication), phylogenetic (data of this histidine residue in the P. monooxygenase leads to the The residues by related to the P. identical or closely putida (oleovorans) related to the P. are GPol alkB gene, in addition to aeruginosa PAOl alkBl and alkB2 (262) (chapter 6). To evaluate the metabolism, fragments as we use of the cloned PCR fragments carried out Southern blots probes. We found that probes using in detecting genes involved in alkane several different PCR derived from a particular fragments gene or only give gene 40 information about the presence as the cloned alkane hydroxylase to each other. homology isolates able to grow genes that are too probably on n-alkanes, related genes in positive strains (J. B. that alkB2 only was one one strain, on a gene is by probably probes as is the case from a single PCR with the alkB When strains able to grow study are amplified For genes. Therefore, we putida PI, additional genes from strains, purpose we hydroxylase set up several in vivo homologs demonstrate that the alkane can or and n-alkanes. pseudomonads, sequenced. example, cloned the alkane and showed then, it is in A. borkumensis API the homologs. gene fragments and Gram- fragments hydroxylase part of are genes of A. by complementation experiments hydroxylases. constructing We are currently hydroxylases. For this in which the alkane This allowed from A. borkumensis API (chapter 4), and P. fluorescens CHAO that knock-out mutants of functionally expressed (chapter 4). hydroxylase homologs AlkB2) (chapter 6) Even Gram-positive complementation systems be and Gram- (significant) a long-chain n-alkanes, from many M. tuberculosis H37Rv, P. rugosa NRRL B-2295 (AlkBl is the P. exception very useful to clone alkB gene number of strains and a hydroxylase Gram-negative to establish that these genes also encode alkane gene environmental degenerate primers. Nevertheless, the cloned genes did indeed encode functional alkane these used. An strains. However, this does not prove that these gene calcoaceticus EB104 and P. cloning screen contains alkane for several strain is either medium- on related to alkB and alkM could be hydroxylase strains, plasmid. amplified efficiently. described in this related do not show clear DNA sequence Beilen, unpublished results; chapter 6), unless oligonucleotides alkane the closely is that this method does not show the presence of two fragments obtained are by or cannot be used to each strain be detected approach van number of cloned PCR negative as due to the fact that it is located or more only homologs gene host original GPol alkB gene, which has been found in several A limitation of the PCR possible absence of the Therefore, the probes divergent to putida (oleovorans) or P. aeruginosa (chapter 7) us (AlkBl), PAOl do indeed oxidize to 41 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank Dr. sp. ADPl prior to Wolfgang publication. Hillen for access to the sequence data of We also thank Dr. Michael Kertesz Switzerland), Suzanne Schorcht Plaggenmeier and Prof. Karl (University of Bremen, Engesser (University of Moore (National Research Centre for for (ETH, Zürich, Germany), Thorsten Stuttgart, Germany), Ratajczak (Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany) (Karl-Marx University, Leipzig, Germany) Acinetobacter providing us with Andreas and Dr. Otmar Asperger strains, and Dr. Edward Biotechnology, Braunschweig, Germany) for support with 16S rDNA sequencing. This research was supported by National Science Foundation the Swiss Priority Program in Biotechnology of the Swiss 42 43 Chapter 3 NEW ALKANE-RESPONSIVE EXPRESSION VECTORS FOR E. COLI AND PSEUDOMONAS Theo H. M. Smits, Markus A. Seeger, Bernard Witholt and Jan B. Published in Smits et al. 2001. Plasmid 46 (1): 16-24 van Beilen 44 SUMMARY We have the developed Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas alkane-responsive expression vectors Pseudomonas were KOB2A1 with fluorescens putida (oleovorans) tested in several E. coli pKKPalk but pCom8, pCom9 were levels of clearly more lower for strains, P. putida GPo 12 and P. in E. coli and than 10 % of total cell and protein on promoter PalkB. The GPol catechol-2,3-dioxygenase (XylE). between 100 and 2700 for vectors based expression pCom8 pComlO were Induction factors in Pseudomonas in E. coli. ranged strains, XylE expression obtained for E. coli well as as for Pseudomonas strains. INTRODUCTION Escherichia coli is the most production of frequently content of target genes may lead as they have In can high-level not be used for all incomplete processing or due proteins and export of addition, the different codon usage and G+C to low a it host for levels. Pseudomonas strains expression high G+C content and are export extracellular proteins large quantities (79). Unfortunately, only are the nahR (55), the a few Pseudomonas regulated expression and the tac -based vectors all based or bodies, proteins (100, 116). suitable alternatives in prokaryotic heterologous proteins. However, to the formation of inclusion extracellular used the on pUCP specially total cell on available. the lac-based and Higher additional are pMMB Examples pVLT series series (8, 15), copy number vectors like plasmids containing a lad gene constructed host strains. putida (oleovorans) GPol alkB promoter (PalkB) (143) controls of the alkBFGHJKL operon, which encodes degradation (reviewed expressed pHAlO, pHA12, pKT240 (53, 229, 277) depend The Pseudomonas expression vectors pKMY319 (286), number vector RSF1010. low-copy series vector expression in a correctly protein, E. coli and P. in (263)). In E. coli extremely high putida (oleovorans), involved in alkane W3110, alkane hydroxylase could be folded form from PalkB which is proteins for the PHA an (its own integral polymerase promoter) to 10-15 % of membrane protein (185). PhaCl could be In expressed 45 from the same to 15 and 10 % of total cell promoter de Roo, B. Witholt and B. expressed styrene monooxygenase (StyAB) active form The of and is most regulatory proteins, from PalkB in E. coli in an as haloalkanes, ethylacetate, ethylether and AlkS is closely member of the a related to LuxR-UhpA family MalT, the regulator of the regulon (202). Expression from PalkB is wild type strain P. coli, expressed PalkB, AlkS (67, 202), is activated by C7-C12 n-alkanes, dicyclopropylketone (DCPK) (96, 283). E. levels from other promoters, and high (202, 203). positive regulator maltose to also were alkenes, and gratuitous inducers such of G. Kessler, unpublished results)(144). Xylene monooxygenase which could not be (XylMA), protein, respectively (Q. Ren, by carbon catabolite putida (oleovorans) GPol, especially catabolite no influenced negatively repression was repression in LB-medium observed with the carbon sources in the (244, 287). In glucose, lactate, glycerol and pyruvate (244). Several vectors based which PalkB be used for the can detection and integration strains on production purification (184). of the expression (201, 202). constructed were of VSV-G previously, such tagged proteins Another PalkB vector system developed complementation hydroxylase systems are their counterparts from other enzyme systems (chapter 4), easy-to-use and E. coli putida (oleovorans) promoter were for E. coli characterized cytoplasmic constructed. These well as vectors based as for on the P. plasmids Pseudomonas, as are useful as for coli and Pseudomonas Because these vectors could not be used for expression E. coli vector, to allow easy was cassette in the chromosome of E. studies in which components of various alkane as an replaced by Pseudomonas GPol alkB general expression the PalkB function in both vectors species is well- (69, 143, 287) and yields high induction and expression levels of both and membrane proteins (184, 202). MATERIALS AND METHODS Strains, plasmids and media. Strains and plasmids used in this study table 1. E2 medium glucose (0.5 % w/v) supplemented or citrate with metal traces (0.2 % w/v) and LB (151) (220) and were are listed in glycerol (0.3 used % throughout w/v), this 46 study. the 0.1 % Yeast extract following concentrations: tetracycline (12.5 //g/ml) (oleovorans) transformed (oleovorans) was or added to the E. coli cultures. Antibiotics gentamicin (10 piglml by electroporation (64, 117), Table 1: strains and by three plasmids Strain: used at ampicillin (200/^g/ml), kanamycin (50/^g/ml), for E. coli, 100 piglml for P. putida and P. fluorescens). E. coli and P. fluorescens KOB2A1 GPo 12 were while plasmids parental mating using used in this were RK600 as (chapter 4) introduced in P. the were putida helper plasmid (61). study. Reference: Genotype: E. coli strains: strain Gibco BRL DHIOB cloning GEcl37 TGI fadR, thi (69) W3110 prototroph Lab collection Pseudomonas strains: P. P. GPol cured of OCT putida (oleovorans) GPo 12 fluorescens KOB2A1 Plasmid: plasmid (141) CHAO, alkB gene deleted chapter 4 Characteristics: pBGHEAN pBGl 1 Reference: with EcoRl site and mutated Ndel site, alkS (202) pSPZ2E pEXlOOT pEX18Tc pCK217 pGEc47 pGEc74 pKK223-3 pUCP25 pSPZ2 harbouring xylE Knockout plasmid, oriT Knockout plasmid, TcR Knockout plasmid, ApR, KmR (201) alkBFGHJKL, alkSTm pLAFRl (69) aZfcST in (69) RK600 Helper plasmid, tra+, mob* pKK223-3 derivative with PalkB, ApR pKKPalk, xylE in Ndel-Pstl sites pKKPalk, rep and aacCl from pUCP25, GmR pCom5, oriT from pEXlOOT pCom7, alkS from pBGl 1EAN pCom8, xylE in Ndel-Hindlll sites pCom8; TcR instead of GmR pCom9, xylE in Ndel-Hindlll sites pCom8; KmR instead of GmR pComlO, xylE in Ndel-Hindlll sites pLAFRl Expression vector, Vtrc, pMB 1 (115) (145) ori (34) E. coli-Pseudomonas shuttle vector pKKPalk pKKPalk-XylE pCom5 pCom7 pCom8 pCom8-XylE pCom9 pCom9-XylE pComlO pComlO-XylE DNA methods. Restriction enzymes, T4 DNA fragment), (230) T4 DNA polymerase and ligase, (277) (78) this this this this this this this this this this DNA dideoxynucleotides study study study study study study study study study study polymerase (Klenow were from Roche Molecular 47 Biochemicals (Rotkreuz, Switzerland). Oligonucleotides Microsynth (Balgach, Switzerland). PCR-products gel, cut with appropriate and cloned into restriction enzymes, purified purified again suitable vector. Plasmid DNA a were synthesized by were 1% agarose over a 1% agarose over a isolated with the Roche was gel, High Pure Plasmid Isolation Kit. PCR reactions using was a were carried out with the Roche Perkin Elmer used (4' 95°C, GeneAmp 25x (45" 95°C, Tm), 1' 72° C), 5' 72° C, Cor 4000L sequencer PCR oo 4°C). 1' All cloned PCR (gccagctcgtgtttttccagcagacg) pKKPalk derived pKKPalk was and was LASERGENE fragments were sequenced as pKKRev (gagttcggcatggggtcaggtg) follows: ATG of and polymerase, ligated to alkB), generated Bglll site) with Bamrll and containing a with was digested The remaining part pUCP25 (277) Plasmids orientation of the pKKPalk Fspl was of the Sspl, to plasmid digested contains the Pseudomonas were a and PCR with digested was The ligated. with origin Fspl resulting fragment containing primers pGEc47 (69) PalkB PalkRBS as the inserted PalkB replicate remove was of with with Ndel EcoRl template, fragment sites) and and cut were insert, and sequenced using primer pKKRev. derivative able to and for Plasmid pComlO. plasmid pKK223-3 (34) Palk5 ( g g gttttg gagatctccaatcgtg, right kit (ccctcggtcccccagatagcc), (cgggatcccgggcgcgccaagcatatggaattctcc, Bamrll, Smal, Ascl, Ndel, Bglll. Li- Navigator (DNASTAR, Madison, Wisconsin, USA). linearized with Bamrll and (271 bp upstream of the To construct on a Thermosequenase cycle sequencing pKKPalk, pCom7, pCom8, pCom9 constructed checked for the 5°C below plasmids (MWG-Biotech, Ebersberg, Germany). Sequences and Smal, made blunt with Klenow DNA plasmid PCR, the following program and IRD800-labelled PalkFw2 PalkFw3 Construction of 9600. For annealing temperature (usually the Amersham using (Amersham, Rainham, UK) analyzed using System kit Expand High Fidelity Polymerase in pseudomonads, most of the ampicillin replication (rep) plasmid resistance gene. purified by gel electrophoresis. and SacII, and the 2.8 kb the Plasmid fragment, and the aacCl gene, which was isolated, made blunt with T4 DNA polymerase and ligated in the large fragment of pKKPalk, resulting restriction analysis. in pCom5. The orientation of rep and aacCl was determined by 48 A 566 the bp fragment containing and traK (88)) was from amplified of transfer origin (oriT, intergenic region of traJ with pEXlOOT (230) primers oriTfw3 (cattgatgcatgccaggtaccgctcgagctcatagtccac, Sphl, AspllSl, Xhol, oriTrv2 cloned in the sequenced sites of Sphl-Bcll with the mutagenized to in pCom5, resulting with Bamrll and internal Ndel site, was The onT pCom7. and PalkFw2. The primers pKKRev remove an site), digested Bamrll (ctttgggatcctctctcgcct, regulatory amplified from and sites) Sacl and Sphl was gene then alkS, plasmid pBGllEAN (202) with primers alkSfw3 (ggaaatgggtaccgcgagctact, AspllSl site) and alkSrv Xhol (cgggatcctcgagtatacttttcactatatc, Bamrll, the alkS gene and 248 and cloned in called part of alkS A pCom9 the aacCl gene, Clal site) and and was was amplified with pCom9. In the same Clal from as manner, the the pCom8 npt gene was To construct with Clal and PCR was fragment was Clal which resulted in pKKPalk-XylE, the xylE was and cloned in the gene To construct gene was the vector, assays. Strains pCom8, pCom8-XylE, pCom9-XylE containing appropriate 1.0) and induced with 0.05 % pCom8, except The tetracycline and restriction by to a Clal site). was analysis. digested PCR pCK217 (145), amplified site) and pComlO. cut from Clal pCK217rv The orientation of the pSPZ2E (201) with Ndel plasmid pCom8-XylE, pCom9-XylE cut from respective expression Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase medium ligated analysis. xylE and PalkFw2. resulting plasmid determined restriction the site). The ligated. by pComlO-XylE, was primers pEX18Tcfw resistance gene npt of site), pKKPalk. Clal with also determined and Pstl and cloned in primers pKKrev pEX18Tcrv (gattggcatcgattcttggagt, primers pCK217fw (ctggtatcgatgggaagccctgc, Clal and Xhol resulting plasmid follows: most of pEX18Tc (115) kanamycin AspllSl primers pCom8fw (cgcttategattggatgcccgaggc, The orientation of the tet gene (gttgggcatcgattggtcggtca, - with the fragment, containing with enzymes. The constructed and site) digested were fragment containing 0.5 digested was same sequenced were amplified was fagments called and with the pComlO (atacatcgatatatgtatccgc, with promoter, own pCom8rv (tgattatcgattggtaactgtcagacc, resistance gene The PCR of its pCom7, digested pCom8. Plasmids bp This PCR sites). pKKPalk-XylE with Ndel digested with the same and Hindlll enzymes. harbouring plasmids pKKPalk-XylE, pComlO-XylE antibiotics to the were grown in E2 minimal mid-logarithmic phase (OD450 DCPK. After 2 and 5 hours, 30 ml samples ~ were 49 harvested, washed phosphate buffer once with 10 mM The cells (pH 7.5). recovered extract was protein concentration MgS04 determined in bead-mill and the crude cell a minutes in using cooled a Bradford reagent München, Germany). Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase activity Nozaki One unit (191). in 0.6 ml 50 mM resuspended disrupted were by centrifugation (10 was and (U) of activity corresponds was (Biorad Laboratory, measured according to catechol converted per pimol to 1 The microfuge). minute. SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis stacking gels. About 10 pig protein Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 The sequences of Sequences. deposited in was was carried out using loaded per lane. Gels 12 % were running and 6 % stained with (104). and pKKPalk, pCom7, pCom8, pCom9 pComlO were GenBank, and received the accession numbers AJ299425, AJ299426, AJ299427, AJ302086 and AJ302087, respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Construction of pKKPalk, pCom7, pCom8, pCom9 pKKPalk (figure la) resistance, and can is a 2.7 kb be used in E. coli strains trans, either inserted in the chromosome such as pGEc74 (69). The the ribosome binding terminator of pKK223-3, readthrough derivative pKK223-3 site and an Ndel site or on a site from the PalkB into to the deletion of the rop gene regions during overlapping amounts isolated with standard procedures (data pCom7 (figure la) gentamicin resistance and P. fluorescens and P. is an E. coli replicates and the - regulator second compatible plasmid, includes replication based of the plasmid. on has Due a plasmid Pseudomonas shuttle vector which confers in Pseudomonas putida (197, 277), by plasmid pCom7 EcoRl site at shown). strains, such virtue of the as P. aeruginosa, pUCP25 (pRO 1600)(197, 277) origin of replication. The origin of transfer (oriT) of plasmid enables transfer of an plasmid, pKKPalk pUC series, not gene alkS in with the start codon. The rrnB construction of the pBR322 Plasmid multiple cloning site, prevents necessary for copy number between those of Plasmid the (figure lb) located downstream of the pComlO. (34) which confers ampicillin harbouring (201) multiple cloning and from E. coli to Pseudomonas RP4 by (78, 88) three parental 50 tet Ndel. tac BamHl' lac pKK223-3 4586 bp rrnB lacZa •Smal pUCP25 4036 bp term. aacCl bla Fspl rep Delete Ndel-Smal PalkB PCR \ fragment in BamHl site BcR Sphl MCS Fspl fragment Sphl and oriT PCR between BcR sites Pstl Pstl alkS PCR between fragment Asp! 181 and Xhol sites MCS BamHl B EcoRl Ndel Ascl Smal j Sail Pstl Hindlll TTGGAGAATTCCATATGCTTGGCGCGCCCGGGATCCGTCGACCTGCAGCCAAGCTT RBS Start •Sacl 51 1. A: construction of Figure ribosomal binding site additional Pstl sites are and pKKPalk, pCom7 (RBS) and start codon are of transfer of helper plasmids. To use gene, located either on (oleovorans) GPol) or Two derivatives of 7675 (pComlO; pCom7 this growth are plasmid, pCom8 was factors, xylE or on a inserted in were plasmid coli strain or glucose- and cloned in was the cause pCom8 assays. To test and a and used as a bp) use a strain kanamycin or gentamycin resistance xylE levels and induction pComlO. gene showed no measurable Recombinant showed very low were tested containing XylE activity. XylE result, glycerol was were E. activities under measured 2 hours after used for all further E. coli cultures. carbon-source for Pseudomonas recombinants repression was pseudomonads of PalkB as it does not (244). tested in the E. coli strains DHIOB, GEcl37 and W3110, P. putida (oleovorans) containing pCom8-XylE showed circumstances, with values of up were to pCom8 (figure la). Recombinants to 4.2 GPol2 and P. high XylE or fluorescens activities under U/mg protein. induction, specific activities of around 10 U/mg protein protein (P. putida number of control strains glycerol-grown cells, respectively, E. coli strains induced in same copy of the alkS possible expression pKKPalk, pCom8, pCom9 without the pCom8-XylE and in the a OCT 8121 constructed because the with the circumstances, while activities of 0.34 and 0.75 U/mg protein for catabolite Plasmid be tetracycline (pCom9; resulting plasmids induction. Because of this was as pCom7, resulting GEcl37[pGEc74, pKKPalk-XylE] non-induced such always catechol-2,3-dioxygenase (XylE) activity (table 2). Citrate or rates and final cell densities. containing pKKPalk pLAFRl host strains must also contain that confer bp) resistance, than those of As it may not pGEc74 (69). Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase activity for site of the vectors. The the tra and mob genes, like RK600 higher the chromosome alkS in trans, alkS containing strains multiple cloning (78). Frequencies reduces B: present in alkS. mating using helper plasmids containing RK2013 pCom8. underlined and marked below the sequence. Two KOB2A1. non- 5 Hours after 10 to 25 % of total cell found, with induction factors ranging from 2.3 to 16 (table 2, figure 2). GEcl37[pGEc74, pKKPalk-XylE] Table 2: overview of results from the Strain E. coli [pCom8-XylE] induction experiments. Time after XylE Carbon induction 52 Specific activities (U/mg total cell protein) Induction factor (% Percent XylEa protein) of total cell n.d. Induced -20 >25 Non-induced -5 Induced 2-5 -10 >25 Non-induced -5 >25 n.d. 8.3 -5 2-5 -10 2-5 n.d.b 7.6 1 850 1.9 9.1 16 < -10 0.34 1.1 10.3 2.3 3.1 <1 -20 0.0004 0.25 6.0 15 2-5 2 5 0.63 9.7 35 2-5 >5 -20 2 1.9 1.2 7.0 <0.1 -5 5 4.2 2.8 27.3 <0.1 n.d. 2 0.08 3.6 <0.1 4.3 5 0.08 13.9 1566 2700 <0.1 1500 2 0.51 2.7 111 4.7 5 0.51 4.7 56.7 0.75 2 0.001 2.0 1.1 5 0.003 3.8 0.0005 2 0.018 2 5 0.067 > 10 >5 10 2 > 5 2 (h) source Glucose Glycerol Glycerol Glycerol Glycerol W3110[pCom8-XylE] GEcl37[pCom8-XylE] E. coli DH10B E. coli E. coli Glycerol Glycerol [pCom9-XylE] DH10B[pComlO-XylE] E. coli DH10B E. coli Citrate not determined putida (o/eovora«s)GPol2[pCom8-XylE] b n.d.: P. from SDS-PAGE; Citrate estimated fluorescens KOB2Al[pCom8-XylE] a P. Footnotes: 53 Similar activities but obtained with induction factors pCom9-XylE and pComlO-XylE calculated with the U/mg protein), protein. slightly higher specific activities of the measured from 7.0 to 35 in E. coli DHIOB (table 2). were When highly purified catechol-2,3-dioxygenase (227 activity corresponds The difference with the ranging expression to approximately 4-6 % of total cell level estimated from SDS-PAGE may be due to the formation of inclusion bodies. Figure 2: protein gels of the pCom8-XylE recombinants. Non-induced (-) and induced (+) samples, 2 and 5 hours after induction, were loaded. strain containing pCom8 without insert, after 5 hours induction with DCPK. The high background activities, and in E. coli strains may be due to the Previously constructed copy number expression consequently high plasmid pBR322 (202), low induction factors of copy number of the vectors containing or were M: marker. No PalkB dependent on pCom8-XylE positive regulator were based on alkS encoded xylE: alkS. the medium- on the 54 chromosome or on a pGEc74 (184). study In for separate low-copy number plasmid, such These vectors showed control of tight the pLAFRl-derived also observed in this as was pKKPalk-XylE. pseudomonads, induction factors 2700 for P. where pUCP25 derivatives have a lower copy number clearly higher (up to 110 for P. putida (oleovorans) GPol2). The absolute U/mg protein. were In non-induced cultures of XylE], XylE is not visible as a activity data, while XylE a clear visible in induced cultures band on band the SDS-PAA accounting (figure 2). Previously activities for Pseudomonas were (229), the and up to fluorescens KOB2A1, expression gels, levels reached 4.7 and GPol2[pCom8-XylE] KOB2Al[pCom8- in accordance with the for up to 10 % of total cell described Pseudomonas systems only reached induction values of around 12 In PalkB, as to protein expression 40, although the absolute XylE comparable (8, 175, 286). conclusion, plasmids pKKPalk, pCom7, pCom8, pCom9 and pComlO constitute useful alternative expression system Pseudomonas. The medium to high as high plasmids large scale, expensive such as high as sites, probably as expression fully sequenced, yield expression are compatible IPTG, or ethylacetate to methods that background or are DCPK levels as can be activities and an on a high or pComlO are pseudomonads. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Martina the Swiss project nr. Röthlisberger for sequencing. Priority Project 5002-037023. in Biotechnology a with cumbersome coli, pKKPalk is well suited, while pCom8, pCom9 in have also with RSF1010 based Pseudomonas PalkB with n-alkanes, inducers such a in E. coli and are 2700. The vectors heat shock activation. For low induction factors in E. useful for as and most vectors. Induction of alternative to heterologous expression have convenient restriction 25 % with induction levels expression for copy number in E. coli and Pseudomonas, and pLAFR-derivatives (RK2), is This research project was of the Swiss National Science supported by Foundation, 55 Chapter 4 CLONING AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF ALKANE HYDROXYLASES FROM GRAM-NEGATIVE AND GRAM-POSITIVE ORGANISMS Theo H. M. B. van Smits, Stefanie B. Balada, Alessandro G. Franchini, Bernard Witholt and Jan Beilen Manuscript in preparation 56 SUMMARY We have cloned hydroxylase of the Pseudomonas homologs from Pseudomonas Alcanivorax borkumensis API, rugosa NRRL B-2295. Pseudomonas alkane remaining alkane related to the P. case hydroxylases are as developed and of the express all alkane necessary for hydroxylases supplied by growth enable at least hydroxylase, suggesting alkane strains, based rubredoxins from other alkane proteins as to the that in this place. on electron transfer components of the GPol alkane replaced by related to each other hand, the A. borkumensis enzyme is closely GPol alkane (putative) three recombinant host show that the three comparisons distantly On the other horizontal gene transfer has taken analysis tuberculosis H37Rv and Prauserella Mycobacterium putida (oleovorans) For the functional GPol alkane aeruginosa PAOl, Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO, Sequence analysis hydroxylases. putida (oleovorans) one hydroxylase genes, the observation that have one of the hydroxylase system, rubredoxin, hydroxylase systems. on we alkanes except an of the hosts to grow on can be The three host strains alkane hydroxylase. All alkanes, using electrons the rubredoxin and rubredoxin reductase of the host strain. INTRODUCTION Bacterial oxidation of n-alkanes is and is a major recycled process in common phenomenon in soil and water even more the entire significant and other biosphere. Apart hydroxylases are versatile are the alkanes important biocatalysts (mainly because organisms, from their (37), terms: the estimated amount of alkanes that is geochemical produced by plants, algae they waxes or are a paraffins) available to bacteria in role in the carbon which carry out oil-spills cycle, alkane wide range of useful oxidation (119,281). Biochemical and alkane very per year amounts to several million tons from natural oil seepage and (218). Perhaps reactions a genetic hydroxylases, studies have thus far focussed such as the Pseudomonas on a very limited number of putida (oleovorans) GPol alkane 57 which oxidizes C5-C12 n-alkanes to hydroxylase (207), host to grow on these is the prototype of compounds. It has become (251), fatty The P. acid putida integral membrane of Acinetobacter sp. ADPl hydroxylases Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB104 and P. oxygenases and apparent only recently that this enzyme very diverse collection of related non-heme iron a oxygenases which includes the alkane monooxygenases 1-alkanols, thereby allowing the (213), (239), but also xylene PI desaturases, fatty acid monooxygenases, steroid decarbonylases (232). putida (oleovorans) GPol alkane consists of three hydroxylase system components: alkane hydroxylase (AlkB), rubredoxin (AlkG) and rubredoxin reductase (AlkT). AlkB is a non-heme iron transfers electrons from AlkT to (256). The are detected in a closely large membrane AlkB, and AlkT is protein (143, 173, 261). an related to the alkane fraction of the microbial hydroxylase population AlkG (207) NADH-dependent flavoprotein of this enzyme system has been reviewed genetics Genes that integral gene by van Beilen et al. (263). of GPol have been (alkB) in oil-contaminated environments (243) and in several fluorescent pseudomonads (226, 239, 262, 273). More related genes strains able to grow on n-alkanes which found in many ranging amplify these PCR from we and genome and Gram-negative results), fragments Gram-negative (239)(chapter 2) using highly degenerate primers of alkane hydroxylase homologs. sequencing Gram-positive data to clone alkane on degrading hydroxylases expression a In this study, we used number of alkane the observation that rubredoxins GPol rubredoxin in alkane oxidation have constructed hosts and the novel alkane and diverse group of bacteria. Based a putida (oleovorans) Gram-positive from C6 to C30 internal fragments hydroxylases from were distantly strains (J. B. can van replace the P. Beilen, unpublished vectors that allow us to test whether oxidize n-alkanes. MATERIAL AND METHODS Strains, plasmids and media. Strains used in this study Bertani broth) (220), sources or antibiotics E-medium were used are listed in table 1. LB (Luria (272) and E2-medium (151), supplemented with carbon throughout. MT trace elements (151) were added to 58 minimal media. All cultures were grown alkanes, Petri dishes with E2 medium through octane the vapor ]A in the were a at 30°C sealed by placing (C14) and «-hexadecane (C16) by placing flasks with E2 medium and 1 % Rhamnolipids (97) were added to a growth an open (v/v) on n- supplied erlenmeyer with n- n- Whatman 3MM filter disc with were «-alkanes concentration of 0.1 % a 37°C. For container, for «-dodecane (C12), «-alkane in the lid of the Petri dish. Recombinants Erlenmeyer or incubated at 30°C with «-alkanes of «-octane case (C8) and n-decane (CIO) in tetradecane 200 phase, aerobically as cultured in baffled carbon (w/v) source. to solubilize long-chain «-alkanes. Table 1: list of strains and plasmids Strain P. P. used in this Relevant aeruginosa PAOl putida (oleovorans) study Reference phenotype alk (118) GPol cured of the OCT GPo 12 plasmid (141) CHAO alk (250) KOB2A1 alkB knockout mutant of CHAO This Acinetobacter sp. ADPl alk (126) Alcanivorax borkumensis API alk (284) Prauserella rugosa NRRL B-2295 alk (119) E. coli JM101 endA, hsdR, supR, thi-1, A(lac-proAB) E. coli DHIOB P'(traD36,proAB, lacf, lacZM15) cloning strain E. coli SF800 W3110 P. P. fluorescens fluorescens (285) Gibco BRL Laboratory polA thi,fadR E. coli GEcl37 study (67) Plasmid Characteristics pGEM7-Zf(+) Cloning vector, Ap Promega pUC18Sfi Cloning vector, Ap (110) pZero2.1 Cloning vector, Km pKKPalk Expression vector using PalkB, Ap pCom5 Expression vector using PalkB, Gm pCom7 Expression vector using PalkB, Gm pCom8 pCK217 pEX18Tc pUCP24 Expression using PalkB, pUC18Sfi containing res-npt-res gene replacement vector pJMSB8 Ap pUCP24ParA pCHAO pPFl Reference vector Invitrogen Gm (240) (240) , , oriT (240) oriT, alkS (240) (145) (115) E. coli-Pseudomonas shuttle vector , (277) (145) PaI/04/03'-'-ParA mpJMSA8 EcoRl-Hindlll in fragment pUCP24 fragment 4.5 kb Xhol-BamHl fragment of P. fluorescens CHAO in pGEM7-Zf(+), alkB Gm , parA as CHAO PCR This study (239) This study collection 59 pPFlAS/'/I-S'tal, res-npt-res in alkB pPFlrnrB Pvul fragment in pEX18Tc Plasmid containing alkG (API) 5.0 kb Ncol-EcoRV fragment of A. borkumensis API in pZero2.1, alkS, alkBl 7.5 kb Bglll fragment of A. borkumensis API in pZero2.1,a/fcGff/ 4.6 kb Nhel fragment of A. borkumensis API in pZero2.1, 'alkS pPFlrnrB pEXPFlrnrB2 pAFl pAPUl pAPlSl pAPlTl Tc pPrul 3.0 kb Sacl-BamHl fragment fragment of P. rugosa NRRL B-2295 in pGEM7-Zf(+), alkB alkBFGHJKLIalkST (GPol) in pLAFRl pGEc47, deletion in alkB alkB gene (CHAO) with own promoter in pCom5 alkBl gene (PAOl) in pCom7 alkB2 gene (PAOl) in pCom7 alkB gene (GPol) in pCom7 alkBl gene (API) inpCom7 alkM gene (ADPl) in pCom7 alkBl gene (PAOl) in pCom8 alkB2 gene (PAOl) in pCom8 alkB gene (GPol) in pCom8 alkM gene (ADPl) in pCom8 alkB gene (H37Rv) in pCom8 alkB gene (2295) in pCom8 pPF21 pCom7Bl (PAOl) pCom7B2 (PAOl) pCom7B (GPol) pCom7alkBl (API) pCom7M (ADPl) pCom8Bl (PAOl) pCom8B2 (PAOl) pCom8B (GPol) pCom8M (ADPl) pCom8MT (H37Rv) pCom8B (2295) E. coli strains and P. putida (oleovorans) GPol2[pGEc47B] electroporation according transformed according to H0jberg (117). (API) and pCom7M (ADPl) GPol2[pGEc47AB] by three coli CC118[RK600] the containing grown with as the appropriate was 10 used at 100 manipulations. fragment), helper T4 DNA strain antibiotics tetracycline (12.5 piglml) DNA parental matings and For P. 12.5 fluorescens Restriction enzymes, T4 DNA and study This study van Beilen (69) (261) This This This This This This This This This This This This study study study study study study study study study study study study transformed by were the donor and E. selected on pillml; ampicillin (Ap) were ligase, E- harbouring plasmids KOB2A1 dideoxynucleotides as were putida (oleovorans) gentamycin (100 piglml) polymerase This J. B. with E. coli DHIOB (tetracycline (Tc) piglml. study putida (oleovorans) (61). Transconjugants Vox P. This (239) were antibiotics. E. coli strains piglml). van pCom7B2 (PAOl), pCom7alkBl transferred to P. appropriate piglml; gentamycin (Gm) gentamycin were Plasmids Beilen J. B. CHAO and KOB2A1 (64). P. fluorescens to Dower study study (209) P. rugosa NRRL B-2295 PCR pGEc47 pGEc47AB medium This alkB, rubA, rubB (M. tuberculosis H37Rv) pSCYBll p2295 , This were 100 recombinants, GPol2 recombinants, used. DNA were polymerase (Klenow from Roche Diagnostics 60 and used (Rotkreuz, Switzerland) isolated with the Roche was to Sambrook et al. (220). High Fidelity Polymerase kit on a Perkin Elmer used (4' 95°C, following below PCR program was Tm), 1' 72°C), 5' 72°C, cut with the respective 4°C). oo enzymes, PCR reactions possible 4000L sequencer using labelled -40 forward primers for PCR artefacts clones and (gccagctcgtgtttttccagcagacg) or PCR 1' were System were isolated Expand annealing temperature (5°C 1% agarose over gel, All PCR reverse 1% agarose gels, and cloned into fragments were on a Li-Cor kit and IRD800- (gagcggataacaatttcacacagg) (tggcgcaagcgtccgattag), pKKRev (gagttcggcatggggtcaggtg) PalkFw3 for pKKPalk-derived plasmids (MWG-Biotech, Ebersberg, Germany). Nucleotide and amino acid sequences Navigator from DNASTAR sequences were BLAST Cloning (5). compared were To clone fragments were fragments as fragments of the desired size from between the (Invitrogen, Leek, Transformants same complete probes. by alkane homologs hydroxylase Southern The sites of a and construction of using genes, easy-to-clone were constructed preparative gel. expression restriction cloned DNA by isolating The DNA restriction fragments were pGEM7-Zf(+) (Promega, Madison, USA) Netherlands) containing LASERGENE Nucleotide and amino acid blotting (220) using previously Enriched gene banks appropriate compared using carried out at NCBI. gene plasmids. probes. and with the EMBL, SwissProt and GenBank databases hydroxylase identified analyzed (Madison, Wisconsin, USA). BLAST searches of alkane were and transformed into E. coli DH10B the target genes Both strands of the inserts were were identified sequenced. to 9600. The both strands of the inserts and -40 according the Roche Thermosequenase cycle sequencing PalkFwd or was using purified pKKPalk (240). (agggttttcccagtcacgacgtt) pGEM7-ZF(+) over a by sequencing the Amersham carried out (45" 95°C, products purified again or were GeneAmp 25x PCR pGEM7-Zf(+) (Promega, Madison, USA) checked for Pure Plasmid Isolation Kit High for Pseudomonas recombinants. Chromosomal DNA Birnboim-Doly (21) according supplier. Oligonucleotides Switzerland. synthesized by Microsynth, Balgach, Plasmid DNA the specified by as or ligated pZero2.1 (Gibco BRL). by colony blotting using the 61 The alkBl and alkB2 genes of P. aeruginosa chromosomal DNA combinations using primer and AlkBpaRv2 (ctgcccgaagcttgagctat) PAOl amplified by AlkBpaBfw (ggagaattctcagacaatct) and alkMrPS alkM of Acinetobacter sp. ADPl amplify were PCR from AlkBpaFwd (aactggaattcacgatgtttga) AlkBpaBrv (gaggcgaatctagaaaaaactg) respectively. (ccggaattcactatgaatgcacctgta) (249) To and Primers alkMfE2 (aataggcctgcagtcacttagactctctt) (213). and amplify used to were alkBl of A. borkumensis API, primers alkBlfw (caaggtgatccatatgtcagagaac) and alkBlrv (gcggatcctcaaagtgtgaaagc) 2295fwEco were were used. For alkB of P. rugosa NRRL B-2295 (ggagaattcagatgagcgacgacgcac) and 2295rvBam used. The M. tuberculosis H37Rv alkB gene was primers (cggcgaggatccggtccagctc) amplified from cosmid pSCYBll (209) using primers MTalkBfw2 (cggaattcatatgaccacgcaaatcggc) and MTalkBrv3 The P. (cagaccgggatccggtaggcgg). from pGEc47 (69) using primers (tttgtgaaagctttcaacgcc). All PCR putida (oleovorans) B5-Eco pCom7 EcoRl and Xbal sites of pUC18Sfi, or alkB gene of P. fluorescens CHAO including sites of 133 bp upstream digested with with T4 DNA (Klenow) a res pCom8 (240); alkB2 and recloned in was cloned with the (PAOl) as a respective was pCom8 using directly and B3-Hind restriction cloned first in the EcoRl and Hindlll. The 1.6 kb Munl-Sall P. fluorescens CHAO alkB knockout mutant. Plasmid and Stul to Sfil remove a fragment, the fragment 2.1 kb res-npt-res cassette, cut from digestion of the Km selection. A Southern blot was in Smal and PCR to have (data not was shown). to a blunt-ended with Hindlll and Ecll36ll. with Pvul and treatment with digested pEX18Tc (115). Km-resistant, Tc-sensitive colony alkB gene ligated introduced into P. fluorescens CHAO hybridisation cassette in the ligated was pCK217 (145) resulting plasmid (pPFlrnrB2) was pPFl 0.5 kb internal segment of alkB and blunt-ended polymerase. Subsequently, plasmid, pEXPFlrnrB2, by digested amplified of the alkB gene, and inserted in the EcoRl-Sall restriction Klenow, the large fragment using were was pCom5 (240). Construction of After (ggagaattccaaatgcttgag) fragments enzymes and inserted in GPol alkB gene a was The final by electroporation obtained, which was shown chromosomal insertion of the res-npt- This mutant was named P. fluorescens 62 KOB2. To remove parA gene was pJMSB8 (145) isolated over kanamycin supplied on resistance gene with its The latter pUCPParA. with EcoRl and Hindlll. The gel, resistant colonies Km. One the and ligated were in plasmid transcriptional terminator, was fragment containing pUCP24 digested with the same tested for absence of the Km-cassette cured of positive colony, subsequently fluorescens KOB2A1. Sequences. Unfinished genome searches constructed were pUCPParA, done at NCBI study available at EMBL under the are following sensitivity designated to P. (http:// Nucleotide sequences www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Microb_blast/unfinishedgenome.html ). used in this was Gentamycin enzymes. was by digesting the parA gene PCR and by the accession numbers: Acinetobacter sp. ADPl: alkRM: AJ002316; Alcanivorax borkumensis API: AJ295164; Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv: alkB (Rv3252c): Z46863; Prauserella NRRL B-2295: AJ009587; Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAOl: alkBl (PA2574): rugosa AE004685; alkB2 (PA 1525): AE004581 ; Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO: AJ009579; Pseudomonas putida (oleovorans) Pseudomonas putida PI: GPol: alkBFGHJKL, alkN, alkST: AJ245436; alkBFGHJKL, alkST: AJ233397 RESULTS Selection of strains. For this study, strains from different environments fields organisms, putida strains GPol and PI, which the alkane hydroxylase 260). Alcanivorax borkumensis almost exclusively on habitats API is «-alkanes, but is of interest CHAO as a marine a same and forms (101). P. fluorescens number of In the are case a and different research common soil and water sequenced y-Proteobacterium (284), bacterium major part was alkane-oxidizing of Acinetobacter sp. isolates of genes have been cloned and «-alkanes. The geographic locations, a (soil, seawater, cow-rumen), (biodégradation, biocatalysis, pathogenicity). ADPl and P. many have selected we originally was isolated from of the biomass in (213, which grows sea water at oil-polluted not studied for the biocontrol strain which excretes before ability secondary marine to grow on metabolites 63 toxic to soilborne is of clinical importance (27), but is also found in the plant pathogens (99). in common selected because it is propionic Cloning P. acid aeruginosa alkB2) cloned one as water and a alkane useful a are biocatalyst that were Of these genes, with a other alkane among the example was of the isolated from cumene analysis (249) encodes of the two alkane These putative alkane Mycobacterium included in the hydroxylase fluorescens CHAO Southern and an alkane encodes two which were cloned amplify 2-phenyl-l- and (51) hydroxylase genes were hydroxylase homologs not further were The hydroxylase (alkBl investigated and Burkholderia each. These but not in the functional studies. two rubredoxin genes and proteins a are likely to regulatory encoded downstream of using PCR-fragments and rubredoxin a 550 bp CHAO alkB blots. Downstream of the alkane PraB) with homology aeruginosa OmpPl proteins (239)(J. B. are van previously homologous Beilen, segment containing the alkane hydroxylase of P. using and obtained internal segments of genes that hydroxylase cloned proteins (PraA to the by that is similar to other genes for alkane oxidation" of P. homologous rumen, and cow flanking regions. hydroxylase homolog phylogenetic analysis, A 7.8 kb DNA was colony to slow-growing genes. GPol alkane unpublished results). pseudomonads the H37Rv alkB gene is located close to other genes that TetR-signature putida strains Legionella pneumophila Philadelphia-1 degenerate primers which identical to the M. tuberculosis H37Rv alkB. The unfinished hydroxylase Other alkane species while the genome sequence of M. tuberculosis H37Rv (nearly) only a In contrast, M. tuberculosis is not converts genes, and hydroxylase be involved in alkane oxidation: it is followed to the P. represents «-alkanes. on K96243 also contain pseudomallei with plants. and notorious hydroxylase homolog. genome sequences of protein PAOl described in the Materials and Methods section. Alkane they sequences on P. rugosa NRRL B-2295 in the genome sequences of other because typical PAOl genome sequence homologs, gene encodes soil, (119) if it is grown of novel alkane aeruginosa primary opportunistic pathogen environment, but is pathogenic Mycobacteria. was the as P. of PAOl fragment (239) hydroxylase, an "protein outer membrane Haemophilus influenzae. probe in the cloned DNA to the so-called (103), and as a activator protein 64 Figure 1: organization of a/fc-genes in different organisms. The scale is in basepairs. putida (oleovorans) GPol and P. putida PI. alkB: alkane hydroxylase, alkF: rubredoxin 1, alkG: A: P. rubredoxin 2, alkH: aldehyde dehydrogenase, alkf: alcohol dehydrogenase, alkK: acyl-CoA synthetase, protein, alkS: regulatory protein, alkT: rubredoxin reductase. B: A. borkumensis API. alkS: putative regulatory protein, alkBl: alkane hydroxylase, alkG: rubredoxin, alkH: putative aldehyde dehydrogenase, alkf: putative alcohol dehydrogenase. C: P. fluorescens CHAO. 'estFl: esterase, alkB: alkane hydroxylase, praA, praB: "protein activators of alkane oxidation", ompPl: outer membrane protein, yaflT: acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. D: P. aeruginosa PAOl. PA2575: hypothetical protein, alkBl: alkane hydroxylase 1, tlpS: methylaccepting Chemotaxis protein, hupRl: regulatory protein of hydrogen uptake, PA 1526: regulatory protein of GntR family, alkBl: alkane hydroxylase 2, xdhA: xanthine dehydrogenase homolog, glcEFG: genes homologous to the glcEFG genes of E. coli; rubAl: rubredoxin 1, rubAl: rubredoxin 2, rubB: rubredoxin reductase, PA5347, PA5346: hypothetical proteins. E: P. rugosa NRRL B-2295. alkB: alkane hydroxylase, tetR: putative regulatory protein of TetR family, reg: putative regulatory protein. F: M. tuberculosis H37Rv. MTCY20B 11.28c: cationic transporter, alkB: alkane hydroxylase, rubA: rubredoxin 1 ; rubB: rubredoxin 2, tetR: putative regulatory protein of TetR family. alkL: outer membrane In the case of A. borkumensis API, fragment encoding cloning and assembled. strain is an Sequence analysis the rubredoxin gene alkF (258), immediately upstream Instead, by a of this (142)(J. fragments, van are not sequence of 11.2 kb encoding an organization was in this (figure 1)(260). However, as well outer membrane of alkBl. It is transcribed in the opposite direction, as the protein acylof and is not alkT, unlike in P. putida strains GPol and PI. terminator (a strong inverted repeat) is located directly alkS, while further downstream DNA has homology with a Vibrio antiporter. chromosomal DNA van contiguous Beilen, unpublished results) The Prauserella rugosa NRRL B-2295 alkB gene fragment using probe. Sequence analysis hydroxylase a Beilen, unpublished results). By present in API. More surprisingly, alkS is located possible transcriptional cholerae Na7H+ as a van 3.5 kb £coRI-.BamHI a strains GPol and PI the rubredoxin reductase gene downstream of cloned showed that the alk gene region putida B. B. (J. gene alkK and the alkL gene, unknown function followed DNA similar to that of P. CoA-synthetase previously AlkG-like rubredoxin sequencing adjacent quite we with a the 559 of the 3 kb bp was cloned as a EcoRl-Sacl alkB fragment C-terminal extension that is 3.0 kb Sacl-BamHl fragment of showed that it encodes highly homologous p2295 (239) an alkane to rubredoxins (J. B. Beilen, unpublished results). The region immediately downstream of the alkB gene encodes a possible regulatory protein with a TetR signature at its N-terminus F E B - alkB 500 I t 1000 I 2000 I alkG glcF alkB alkS alkB alkBl alkS alkF |i alkBl alkT rubAl xdhA praB rubA | rubB tetR > rubB alkH PA5347 PA5346 hupRl ompPl alkG * 5500 I Pi 5000 I alkJ 4500 _J_ y//////?t * 4000 I >^H rubAl glcG glcG 3500 I alkH 3000 I praA 2500 I ÎSSSSÏ8SSSSS 1500 I MTCY20B11.28c glcE PA1526 'estFl k I . I alkJ ' f- ' ) l 9000 aeruginosa PAO 1 GPol M. tuberculosis H37Rv P. rugosa NRRLB-2295 P. P. fluorescens CHAO A. borkumensis API P.putida (oleovorans) P. putida VI l l •- 8500 8000 alkL 7500 ~y-\ 7000 I yafil' alkK 6500 I r 6000 I 0\ 66 to the (pfam00440), quite homologous TetR-protein tuberculosis H37Rv alkB-rubAB genes (26% encoded downstream of the M. sequence full-length sequence identity) (figure 1). Comparison alkane of alkane hydroxylases (figure 2), hydroxylases sequence was identity generated monooxygenase sequence peptide was alignment of the full length new alkane from 37 % to 99 %. The closest hydroxylases ranged that does not oxidize hydroxylases, and the P. of known and (111) and manually optimized. The peptide also included in the to the alkane pneumophila Philadelphia-1 phylogenetic analysis a sequence with Clustal hydroxylases (XylM), identity a among the alkane relative of the alkane For hydroxylases. «-alkanes, xylene analysis. and is most aeruginosa It has 20 % to 26 % closely peptide related to the L. PAOl enzymes. P. rugosa NRRLB-2295 A M. tuberculosis H37Rv B. pseudomallei K96243 P. fluorescens CHAO Acinetobacter sp. ADPl '— A. calcoaceticus EB104 ï— putida PI aureofaciens RWTH529 P. putida (oleovorans) GPol J P. l_P P. 1 *- ' A. borkumensis API pneumophila Philadelphia-1 aeruginosa PAOl AlkBl aeruginosa PAOl AlkB2 L. P. ï P. 167.2_ T 160 Figure 2: P. putida mt-2 XylM T T T T T T T 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 1 0 phylogenetic tree of published and hypothetical alkane hydroxylases, generated by alignment of the (putative) alkane hydroxylases. XylM is included as outgroup. Clustal from the manual The alignment (oleovorans) shows that the six membrane GPol alkane spanning segments hydroxylase (figure 3)(261), identified in the P. putida three histidine motifs conserved 67 among the hydrocarbon NYXEHYG(L/M) oxygenases and desaturases motif identified in the alkane (233), and the additional hydroxylases (239) are well conserved in all sequences. Most insertions and deletions of each sequence, relative to the other AlkBsequences, are located in transmembrane helix. alkane predicted cytoplasmic Only periplasmic are located between the conserved histidine motifs. A 40 amino acid insertion in the P. fluorescens CHAO AlkB is periplasmic domain between the third and fourth terminal end of the alkane domains before the third in the M. tuberculosis H37Rv and P. rugosa NRRL B-2295 insertions hydroxylases or hydroxylases 2 probably putative also varies located in the transmembrane helices. The C- strongly in length and composition. 3 ^AJ^V COOH NH^ Figure 3: topology model of the P. putida (oleovorans) GPol alkane localization of the histidine motifs. Numbers indicate the membrane phoA fusion Alkane protein studies (273)) are P. putida PI, clustered in the hydroxylases from Interestingly, alkane divergent as quite closely alkane hydroxylase tree (figure 2), degrading strains aureofaciens while the are (P. putida putative RWTH529 alkane highly divergent. genes cloned from fluorescent pseudomonads are as collection, while the A. borkumensis API alkane hydroxylase is related to the P. analysis expression A. borkumensis API and P. phylogenetic long-chain the entire In vivo functional functional (261)). from strains that oxidize medium-chain alkanes hydroxylases (oleovorans) GPol, hydroxylase. Grey dots indicate the spanning segments (based on lacZ and putida alkane of alkane of alkane hydroxylases. hydroxylases. hydroxylases that the second component of the P. were Three different systems for the developed, putida (oleovorans) based on GPol alkane the observation hydroxylase 68 system, the electron transfer protein rubredoxin (AlkG), from other alkane hydroxylase systems (J. broad-host range cosmid of the alkane pGEc47AB, gene alkB hydroxylase rubredoxin and rubredoxin a/adi?-mutant chain-length fatty acids and «-alkanes of the as in Pseudomonas GPol2 is cells, activity (< 0.01 U g the alkane hydroxylase or gene of P. length, GPol used in this GPol could strains, based on on growth study. medium if the strain contains activity)(261). putida (oleovorans) not Alkane same less than 0.06% of full activity Table 2: functional were pGEc47. Both OCT-plasmid. did not show any detectable alkane of both recombinant (data Two hosts species. derivative of GPol, cured of the a hydroxylase activity assays that lacks part pGEc47 (69) of E. coli DH-1, which allows it to grow containing pGEc47AB ' Beilen, unpublished results). The reductase, and other proteins involved in the degradation of E. coli GEcl37 is host strains rubredoxins replaced by (261), expresses the P. putida (oleovorans) as putida (oleovorans) van deletion derivative of alkanes, in E. coli P. well a B. be can hydroxylase Plasmids fully rates encoding restore alkane «-octane and on shown). analysis of alkane hydroxylases. hydroxylase System for functional E. coli GEcl37 P. [pGEc47AB] (oleovorans) analysis ' P. fluorescens putida KOB2A1 GPol2[pGEc47AB] P. putida (oleovorans) GPol alkB ++ (C8- C12) ++ PI alkB ++ (C8) n.t. A. borkumensis API alkBl ++ (C8-C12) ++ P. putida Acinetobacter sp. ADPl alkM P. aeruginosa PAOl alkBl P. aeruginosa PAOl alkBl P. fluorescens CHAO alkB - Footnote: - : no between brackets All alkB gene (oleovorans) (240), and a growth; were + : poor homologs GPol alkane gratuitous (C8 - C12) n.t. - (C12 - C20) (C12-C16) ++ (C12 - C20) - + (C12-C16) ++ (C12 - C20) n.t. ++ (C12 - C14) n.t. ++ (C12) : good growth; expressed from hydroxylase, using inducer of (C10-C16) + growth; ++ positive. were + n.t. - n.t. tested and C12) n.t. - P. rugosa NRRL B-2295 alkB - - - M. tuberculosis H37Rv alkB (C8 ++ n.t.: not tested. The substrates indicated PalkB, the promoter of the P. putida the vectors pKKPalk, pCom7 and pCom8 PalkB, dicyclopropylketone (DCPK)(96). The medium- 69 chain length alkane hydroxylases the alkB deletion in E. coli GPol2[pGEc47AB] recombinants for on alkane putida (oleovorans) these on alkanes, even fluorescens KOB2A1, as PI and A. borkumensis API C12-C16 and P. «-alkanes, did containing if added an were similar E. coli genes cloned from strains able to grow GPo 12 recombinants rhamnolipids complement putida (oleovorans) (table 2). However, «-octane hydroxylase long-chain «-alkanes, including P. putida GEcl37[pGEc47AB] growth containing of P. not grow the same on C12-C16 «-alkanes. genes (table 3). Therefore, alkB deletion mutant of P. fluorescens CHAO, only a grew third was «-alkanes, unlike the wild-type, but could be complemented for growth alkanes the by the native long-chain constructed or hydroxylases, P. putida P. fluorescens KOB2A1 strains: the P. of P. fluorescens KOB2A1 recombinants albeit often with CHAO (table 2, growth table rates doubling Strain CHAO GPol2[pGEc47AB] times of on at least below that of the one a «- For much better all allowed of the «-alkanes wild-type «-octane, but showed weak wild-type tested, strain P. fluorescens - - alkBl (PAOl) Doubling alkBl on on times CIO and C12. «-alkanes (td) (hours) C14 C16 19 b 20 31 10 33 63 >200 19 28 78 >200 (PAOl) 176 37 44 (PAOl) 21 22 15 (CHAO) alkBl growth and alkB recombinant strains Additional gene alkB KOB2A1 these P. fluorescens CHAO, M. hydroxylases C12a PAOl C10- 3). The KOB2A1 recombinant containing the P. putida (oleovorans) GPol alkB gene did not grow Table 3: clearly on to be proved aeruginosa PAOl, tuberculosis H37Rv and P. rugosa NRRL B-2295 alkane growth on on (CHAO) alkane hydroxylase gene, cloned in pCom5 (table 3). alkane host than E. coli poorly host, P. described in the Material and Methods section. KOB2A1 is not able to grow C16 on alkB (CHAO) 42 24 13 alkB (2295) 72 n.g. n.g. alkB (H37Rv) 80 Footnotes:a C12: dodecane; C14: tetradecane; C16: hexadecane. 176 b -: not tested; n.g.: n.g. no growth 70 However, short-chain alkane hydroxylases did on Possibly, «-octane. not cloned yet, are not allow KOB2A1 recombinants to grow the CHAO rubredoxin and rubredoxin reductase, which not induced under these conditions. The related P. we fluorescens Pf0-1, the genome of which has been sequenced, possesses such genes, but does encode an reductase alkane are hydroxylase homolog. related to closely hydroxylation (J. B. van proteins have strain not As the Pf0-1 rubredoxin and rubredoxin that were shown to function in alkane Beilen, unpublished results), this strain may have lost its alkane hydroxylase. DISCUSSION Functional analysis of alkane hydroxylases. The alkane GPol and Acinetobacter sp. ADPl have been cloned (oleovorans) cloning methods. In both cases, cosmids that restored alkanes were selected from development of Firstly, strains some overlapping a using were cosmid library (69, 213). found to contain more Two main long-chain than one medium-chain length the conversion of alkenes to possibly because strongly limited developed substrate by based hydroxylases epoxides mass on are or poorly transfer. enzyme reasons hydroxylase can be assayed alkane soluble in water, and and not was use reverse with in vitro, (259), possible such hydroxylases, activity genetics genes. difficult. the co-oxidation of NADH long-chain on necessitated the hydroxylase genetic approach Therefore, it activity, alkane putida traditional using alkane hydroxylases for membrane-bound substrates long-chain alkane genes of P. of chemical mutants growth substrate ranges, which made the classical methods could not be alkane a PCR method to clone additional Secondly, although e.g. hydroxylase to is purify the to clone the genes. Here, we used PCR products obtained with and information from genome hydroxylases genes were from a quite cloned based highly degenerate primers sequencing projects to clone a diverse collection of strains. This on sequence similarity, not on described earlier, number of alkane implies that all of these function. Knockout mutants of 71 the alkB gene homologs could in encode functional alkane for molecular principle genetic studies, exclusively as pneumophila «-alkanes on tools several strains contain or methods recently not are (yet) pathogens, multiple (at least up to sum Heterologous expression only or in a few cases of all and available. This is the sea (induced) unequivocally can be hydroxylase hydroxylases is generated, van may not only give complicated by hydroxylase systems putida (oleovorans) J. B. activities. from genome sequence data. with the P. addition, five) alkB homologs (chapter 2; alkane of the novel alkane complementation experiments case water, and grows difficult to cultivate. In are all three components of the alkane could be identified accessible easily while in vivo substrate range studies would phenotypical changes, information about the not (284). Other strains, like M. tuberculosis and L. Beilen, unpublished results). Here, knockout mutants, if they show are been isolated from human important are many strains hydroxylases. However, for A. borkumensis API, which has almost be used to prove that these genes indeed the fact that were Fortunately, GPol alkane cloned, earlier hydroxylase system have shown that rubredoxins from various Gram-positive and Gram-negative alkane degraders oxidation (J. B. can van replace Based these on equivalent proteins considerations, hydroxylases. «-alkanes. Here, growth or electron donors for novel alkane novel alkane on putida (oleovorans) of a we we have E. coli a developed on and P. any growth from GPol2 on also able to grow factors (porins or so an quite slowly. similar expression in vitro assay) activity is of growth needed for proteins) of the recombinants on «-alkanes putida (oleovorans) GPol2[pGEc47AB] hydroxylase added, but do several hosts for the hydroxylase activity. hosts to test medium-chain alkane are related to the GPol enzyme. the absence of (in should be able to «-octane is around 10-20 % of the full GPol alkane level of alkane GEcl37[pGEc47AB] are sources have observed that the minimum level of recombinant significant from other hydroxylases The best assay hydroxylase activity (257). Therefore, indicates GPol rubredoxin in alkane Beilen, unpublished results). This implies that the GPol rubredoxin and rubredoxin reductase serve as the P. alkanes It is that likely are genes ranging that not (table 2). of suitable Recombinants derived from C12 to C16 if uptake are longer rhamnolipids «-alkanes present in GPol2. For this requires reason, we 72 constructed non-polar a alkB knockout mutant of P. fluorescens CHAO, in which the alkane solubilization and allow quite complementation diverse makes it type integral and expression possible However, growth on alkanes longer to compare sequences to strains gain insight of this class of enzymes. Alkane our present knowledge hydroxylases that are but the membrane divergence, on membrane (261) histidine boxes hydroxylases, are highly binding analyzed folding and are likely are likely exchanged are This putida (oleovorans) (231). study of these alkane are the four medium show It is not be chain-length likely by likely appears to follow the to span the same (231). sequence cytoplasmic is true for the four nitrogen-rich ligand sphere yet possible distinguished residues conserved and the essential for enzymes related to the alkane to identify are hydroxylase systems alkanes of this class of significant hydroxylases to be conserved between all alkane easily relationship of the two active-site iron atoms in this to contribute to the between alkane these residues cannot distinguish hydroxylases. folding topology (261) aspects of alkane hydroxylase function. Residues that to to demonstrate that us of the P. conserved in all sequences. The (233, 239), which di-iron center rubredoxin 3). in the structure-function the structure-function pattern: the six hydrophobic stretches that be allow table cloned from well-studied, mainly because of their potential applications in biocatalysis. are The alkane can hydroxylases (table 2, hydroxylases membrane oxygenases is limited to the catalytic alkane by complementation systems involvement of conserved histidines in same is left intact. This host does indeed of the GPol alkB gene indeed encode functional alkane relationship GPol for organisms, including Gram-positive In summary, the homologs (putative) uptake system residues involved in other involved in binding hydroxylases, as are of rubredoxins from all strains tested. However, from other conserved residues. hydroxylases of the too closely Similarly, related to each other chance from residues conserved because of functional constraints. The organization different alkane degradation of genes involved in alkane oxidation varies degrading seem bacteria to be distributed (figure 1). over In most strongly among the strains, genes involved in alkane the genome. None of the rubredoxin reductases is 73 located close to and pathways, are located require Interestingly, the because regulation. downstream of the alkane encoded alk-genes directly upstream of A. borkumensis have encoded putative on a A. borkumensis significantly a alk-genes well. However, in this essential enzyme, as B. organization organisms. Alkanes to utilize these why are highly polluted with oil on unrecognized While the compounds earlier an PCR-studies previous putida (oleovorans) homologs constructed in this are in the alkane-degrading relic of aeruginosa as functional, and allow long-chain (C12-C16) us us and degrading this to demonstrate that «-alkanes. These pneumophila as common soil or source. hydroxylase are available J. B. shows that hydroxylases. nearly experiments are likely explains of M. M. tuberculosis still has strains possess study they This water pristine soil, aquifers recently lifestyle. Alternatively, to show that as PAOl may reflect the water. The alkane hydroxylase, as almost carbon-sources, such carbon and energy strains from sea an environment, and microorganisms indeed encode functional alkane allowed sequence. The P. seawater. pathogens show that many alkane study of P. horizontal gene transfer (239), and later results (chapter 2; GPol alkane as be considered reservoir in the environment where alkanes unpublished results) of such a can by very few other and P. human (217) and oil-polluted tuberculosis may be an omnipresent reduced it is easy to isolate as alk-genes well as in the genome sequences of L. pseudomallei K96243, organisms are (260). These comparisons suggest that the may have ended up in this strain this bacterium grows double nature of these genes. Those that very similar to the pyruvate, and is found mainly in oil-contaminated Philadelphia-1, In contrast, most rubredoxin genes lower G+C content than the rest of the genome, and catabolic transposon hydroxylases also involved in other are hydroxylase strain, the alkane hydroxylase The presence of alkane they of rubredoxin reductase genes. are strains GPol and PI, with respect to gene putida alk-genes are are hydroxylase, perhaps different type of a immediately located elsewhere putida alkane an all alkane a as van C-sources. Beilen, homologs of the P. random selection The three host systems hydroxylase homologs oxidize medium-chain also show that (C5-C11) long-chain alkane or 74 hydroxylases show little thereby provide cloned alkane us with activity a with medium-chain powerful hydroxylases, and length alkanes, selection method to identify change and vice versa, and the substrate range of the residues involved in substrate binding. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Martina of A. for Röthlisberger for sequencing, P. Golyshin for his gift borkumensis, H. P. Schweizer for pUCP24 and pEX18Tc, J. M. Sanchez-Romero pCK217 the Swiss project nr. and pJMSB8 and S. T. Cole for Priority Program 5002-037023. in pSCYBll. Biotechnology This research was supported by of the Swiss National Science Foundation, 75 Chapter 5 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF RUBREDOXIN REDUCTASES INVOLVED IN ALKANE OXIDATION Theo H. M. Smits, Stefanie B. Balada, Bernard Witholt and Jan B. van Beilen 76 SUMMARY The rubredoxin reductase AlkT of Pseudomonas component of the alkane hydroxylase system. Homologs of AlkT alkane degrading strains, but also show that rubredoxin reductase occur in other bacteria. In vivo homologs GPol is putida (oleovorans) are an essential present in several complementation cloned from Pseudomonas aeruginosa assays PAOl and Acinetobacter sp. ADPl transfer electrons to the rubredoxin component of the GPol alkane hydroxylase system. However, the flavorubredoxin reductase from E. coli K-12 and the ferredoxin reductase subunit of the chlorobenzene sp. P51, which ADPl closely are as reductases, cannot dioxygenase related to the GPol rubredoxin reductase replace of Pseudomonas as the PAOl and AlkT in vivo. INTRODUCTION The Pseudomonas putida (oleovorans) electrons from NADH to rubredoxin GPol rubredoxin reductase (68, 256), is The other two components hydroxylase system. protein (AlkB) (143, 173, 261) and rubredoxin an AlkT, which transfers essential component of the alkane are a non-heme iron (AlkG) (207), a integral small red membrane protein which transfers electrons from AlkT to AlkB.The enzyme system oxidizes C5-C12 «-alkanes to 1-alkanols, thereby allowing the host Spinach ferredoxin and ferredoxin reductase reductase of P. (20, 207). putida (oleovorans) In in vivo pGEc47AT, rubredoxin activity octane GPol assays with which contains all as an alk-genes on can these compounds. replace (257). degrading strains oxidation, even In this activity in in vitro assays growth was on pGEc47, alkanes except the found in E. coli and P. sufficient to allow growth of the recombinant addition, rubredoxins from Gram-negative and Gram-positive alkane can replace though they unpublised results). proteins AlkT deletion derivative of necessary for was even the rubredoxin and rubredoxin electron transfer reductase, considerable background activity putida recombinants, on to grow the P. show putida (oleovorans) as little as GPol rubredoxin in alkane 43 % sequence identity (J. This suggests that reductases cloned from other B. van Beilen, organisms might also 77 be able to we replace investigated the rubredoxin reductase of P. alkane degrading rubredoxin reductase gene putida (oleovorans) Therefore, GPol. strains and genome sequences for the presence of and tested whether homologs, they can the GPol replace rubredoxin reductase. Rubredoxin reductases involved in alkane oxidation. Several rubredoxin reductases have 91, 260)(J. B. putida the van now been cloned from alkane are of alkane positive regulator rubredoxin reductase gene is in located directly downstream of the alkS gene degradation (260). an In Acinetobacter sp. downstream of immediately (rubAl and rubA2) genes (J. B. van alkane an hydroxylase (alkBl) encoding ADPl, the operon structure with rubredoxin genes 6). The rubredoxin reductase gene rubB of Rhodococcus erythropolis (91)(chapter NRRL B-16531) is and two rubredoxin Beilen, unpublished results). We also searched relevant genome sequences for rubredoxin reductase NCBI : (68, Beilen, unpublished results). The rubredoxin reductase genes of P. strains GPol and PI located strains degrading homologs (at http: //ww w.ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/MicrobjDlast/unfinishedgenome. html ) .The rubredoxin reductase of Pseudomonas of two rubredoxin genes structure, are Two genes the genome sequence of homology (36.1 erythropolis tuberculosis H37Rv identity, respectively) NRRL B-16531 These (figure 1). hydroxylase Interestingly, the genomes of several its C-terminus hydroxylase homologs, oxygen stress during This protein anaerobic that operon hydroxylases and Rv 1869c) in have significant are not encoded in the is growth are not able to grow on proximity n-alkanes, do contain rubredoxin reductase (24) encodes of flavorubredoxin (95, 275). (51) putative to the rubredoxin reductase of R. proteins organisms named flavorubredoxin reductase stop-codon a downstream and the rubredoxins. The genome sequence of E. coli K-12 with the directly encoding hypothetical proteins (Rv0688 of the alkane homolog, of either of the two alkane vicinity Mycobacterium and 35.8 % do not possess alkane PAOl is encoded (rubAl and rubA2). These genes, organized in not located in the (249)(chapter 4, 6). aeruginosa a (orf377). homologs. rubredoxin reductase gene The start codon of orf377 overlaps (orf479), which has possibly involved in the response of E. coli to or as or a rubredoxin-like domain at regeneration system for NADH during 78 0.05 l—l ORF377 RubB 1 RubB _P (P. syringae pv. RubB AlkT AlkT DC3000) (P. putida KT2440) (A. calcoaceticus S19) RubB *— tomato (P. fluorescens Pf0-1) RubB2 r \ (P. aeruginosa PAOl) (+) RubB I (-) (P. putida KT2440) RubB I (E. coli K-12) (Acinetobacter sp. ADPl) (+) (P. putida PI) (+) (P. putida (oleovorans) GPol) (+) -HcaD(£. coli K-12) RubB — t — — — { (M. tuberculosis H37Rv) CumA4 (P. fluorescens IP01) TcbAd (Pseudomonas sp. strain P51) TodA (P. putida Fl) BedA (P. putida ML2) TerA CamA (-) (Pseudomonas sp.) (P. putida ATCC 17453) FAD-containing reductases, generated with ClustalX from the alignment homologous proteins. Not all known peptide of ferredoxin reductase have been included in the phylogenetic tree. The results of the homologs sequences with coli E. complementation assays GEcl37[pGEc47AT] is indicated by (-) and (+). Names and descriptions of the proteins (accession numbers): TerA: terpredoxin reductase (P450-TERP) of Pseudomonas sp. (P33009); CamA: putidaredoxin reductase (P450-CAM) of P. putida ATTC 17453 (P16640); CumA4: cumene dioxygenase, ferredoxin reductase subunit of P. fluorescens IPO 1 (BAA07078); TodA: toluene 1,2-dioxygenase, ferredoxin reductase subunit of P. putida Fl (P13452); BedA: benzene 1,2-dioxygenase, ferredoxin reductase subunit of P. putida ML2 (Q07946); TcbAd: chlorobenzene dioxygenase, ferredoxin reductase subunit of Pseudomonas sp. P51 (U15298); Rv0688: hypothetical protein of M. tuberculosis H37Rv (C70640); Rv 1869c: hypothetical protein of M. tuberculosis H37Rv (E70667); RubB: rubredoxin reductase of R. erythropolis NRRL B16531 (AJ009586); HcaD: 3-phenylpropionate dioxygenase, ferredoxin reductase subunit of E. coli K-12 (P77650); AlkT: rubredoxin reductase of P. putida PI (CAB69078.1); AlkT: rubredoxin reductase of P. putida (oleovorans) GPol (CAB54063.1); ORF377: flavorubredoxin reductase of E. coli K-12; RubBl: putative rubredoxin reductase 1 of P. putida KT2440; RubB2: putative rubredoxin reductase 2 of P. putida KT2440; RubB: putative rubredoxin reductase of P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000; RubB: putative rubredoxin reductase of P. fluorescens Pf0-1 ; RubB : rubredoxin reductase of P. aeruginosa PAO 1 Figure manual 1: unrooted B-16531) (M. tuberculosis H37Rv) — — Rv0688 NRRL Rvl869 — — (R. erythropolis phylogenetic tree of of the rubredoxin reductases with (AAG08734.1); RubB: rubredoxin reductase of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus rubredoxin reductase of Acinetobacter sp. ADPl (CAA86926.1). S19 (CAA75809); RubB: 79 aerobiosis via a Another E. coli ferredoxin to the putative one (95). AlkT-homolog, HcaD, 3-phenylpropionate dioxygenase (60) (figure 1). homologs were a also found in the genomes of Pseudomonas proteins findings the function of these indicate that rubredoxin reductase roles in addition to alkane hydroxylases because the levels need not be very expression GPol rubredoxin reductase AlkT was Phylogenetic analysis. proteins (> proteins homologs they are A is unknown. have diverse The P. oxyR, that are identity (245). oxidation) %). Within higher (typically In Acinetobacter sp. (flavo)rubredoxin 30 %). not pathways, or ADPl, the transcriptionally degradation (92). of the rubredoxin reductases and related one of the rubredoxin reductases known to showed that the rubredoxin reductases one another each of the two groups, the levels of sequence over are cultures, but its not necessary for alkane to at least physiological putida (oleovorans) also detected in non-induced phylogenetic analysis 20 % sequence role in alkane rubredoxin KT2440 do not contain also involved in other high (245). two groups which have low sequence identities with and 45 putida of rubredoxin and rubredoxin reductase is constitutive and linked to two genes, estB and a because rate increased 4-fold after induction expression related to the P. most rubredoxin reductases degradation. Possibly, located close to alkane play quite closely pv. tomato DC3000, P. fluorescens Pf0-1 and P. hydroxylase homologs, synthesis are pv. tomato DC3000 syringae PAOl rubredoxin and rubredoxin reductase. As the genome sequences of P. aeruginosa syringae putida KT2440, rubredoxin domain. Rubredoxin and rubredoxin reductase gene and Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1. These These We identified two rubredoxin reductases in the unfinished genome sequence of P. of which is fused to alkane transfers electrons from NADH can (ranging be divided in between 18 homology are much One group contains the chromosomal encoded reductases of Gram-negative bacteria, including the PAOl and ADPl reductases, while the second group includes the rubredoxin reductase of R. erythropolis NRRL B-16531 (J.B. van Beilen, unpublished results) and the alk- transposon encoded rubredoxin reductases of P. putida strains GPol and PI (260). The second group has highest (up to 37 %) but all the same low sequence identities to FAD- 80 which transfer electrons to other oxygenases like containing reductases, P450s and class II aromatic Functional ring dioxygenases (39)(figure 1). of rubredoxin reductases. Strains and analysis in table 1. For the functional derivative of analysis which lacks pGEc47, a of rubredoxin 355 used plasmids reductases, an hydroxylase activity significant of the at 10% of the remaining activity chromosome can was basepair fragment corresponding introduced in E. coli GEcl37 recombinant E. coli resulting activity measured with E. coli primer (rubB) (91) were and rubB IE The alkane GEcl37[pGEc47AT] by recombinants GEcl37[pGEc47AT] rubB of P. supplemented amplified by was quite The the E. coli and cloned in PCR from chromosomal DNA (151) pKKPalk (240). and growth exposed on and RubCrev and rubBrB plasmid encoding a PAOl showed with MT trace elements and of (caatcacagaggaacgcatatgagc) containing aeruginosa (rubB) (249) (ctacggagaattctaatgcacc) (aaaaaggatcctcagatgaatg), respectively or of P. (AlkT) GEcl37[pGEc47], PAOl aeruginosa combinations RubCfwd (ctgcgcaagcttcgtccgacaa) sp. ADPl to the (257). Acinetobacter sp. ADPl the (257). be attributed to unknown reductases encoded The rubredoxin reductase genes of P. using described are alkT deletion translation start site and amino acids 1-113 of the rubredoxin reductase putida (oleovorans) GPol, cytochrome E. coli rubB of Acinetobacter E2 minimal medium plates to «-octane vapor after three days. These results show that these two rubredoxin reductases deletion, even GPol AlkT as though these to other proteins are as FAD-containing distantly reductases (figure 1), strain GEcl37 with we amplified primers Ecoli-AlkT-RV-Hin complement related to the P. the alkT putida (oleovorans) (figure 1). As the flavorubredoxin reductase of E. coli K-12 has reductases can high homology to rubredoxin the gene from chromosomal DNA of the K-12 derived Ecoli-AlkT-FW-Eco (gtcgcatccgaaagcttaggcacag) (ggcatcgaattcaaaatgagtaacgg) and cloned it in and pKKPalk (240). However, when expressed from the PalkB promoter, the flavorubredoxin reductase did not complement the AlkT deletion although the protein can transfer electrons from 81 NADH to the rubredoxin of clear what causes the Based Desulfovibrio gigas (95). background activity these on results, it is still in E. coli. Possible candidates for this role HcaD, the ferredoxin reductase subunit of the 3-phenylpropionate dioxygenase (60) other reductases, which have even not are or lower sequence identities to the rubredoxin reductases involved in alkane oxidation. Table 1: list of strains and Strain P. plasmids Relevant name aeruginosa putida (oleovorans) or pGEc47, pGEc47, as (257) deletion in alkT (257) (276) (PAOl) in This rubB gene (ADPl) in pKKPalk This gene (K-12) in pKKPalk proteins from can distantly replace related and ferredoxin reductase TcbAd has 30.4 % (276) or RubB in the E. coli strains from replace dioxygenase which sequence identity to the (ADP1)(29.0 %) (figure the tcbAaAbAcAd genes, which (pTCB144)(276), (20, can dioxygenases, protein Because (TcbAd) reductase, which is similar (PA01)(31.7 %) plasmid containing systems. assay. The chlorobenzene GPol rubredoxin study study study AlkG and AlkT in vitro to the benzene and toluene dioxygenases (39). between AlkT and RubB This of Pseudomonas sp. strain P51 complementation highly homologous more (TcbAc) dioxygenase system from the lacZ promoter (69) deletion in alkG rubB gene orf377 a (240) pLAFRl pUC19 pKKPalk class IIB We introduced ApR tcbAaAbAcAd genes in putida (oleovorans) homology 1). alkBFGHJKL/alkST (GPol) in AlkT in the in vivo classified to the P. Reference tested whether the ferredoxin enzyme system is are Expression of electron transfer the chlorobenzene AlkG (67) using PalkB, vector ferredoxin and ferredoxin reductase we (141) Gibco BRL Characteristics pKKPalk pGEc47 pGEc47AG pGEc47AT pTCB144 pRubB (PAOl) pKKRubB (ADPl) pKKEcRubB (K-12) 207), (126) plasmid cloning strain thi,fadR name spinach (118) GPol cured of the OCT GPo 12 £. co//GEcl37 Exchange Reference phenotype alk* E. coli DHIOB Plasmid study alk* PAOl Acinetobacter sp. ADPl P. used in this can be expressed GEcl37[pGEc47AG] and 82 E. coli recombinants GEcl37[pGEc47AT]. cultivated on containing pTCB144 produced indigo LB, which indicates that the dioxygenase system is functionally intact. However, the electron transfer proteins of the chlorobenzene dioxygenase did the deletion in either alkG complement «-octane. The results show that alkane components are not able to interact in transfer of electrons to the alkane AlkG 1-type rubredoxins (J. B. van AlkG/AlkT in vivo replace or in alkT to the extent necessary for hydroxylase and chlorobenzene not growth on dioxygenase vivo, possibly because structural features prevent The hydroxylase. same conclusion was reached for Beilen, unpublished results) and for XylA, the electron transfer component of the P. cannot when putida xylene mt-2 monooxygenase, which also (257). Conclusions Rubredoxin reductases can transfer systems in in vivo It thus seems so differ that these reductase of the alkane degradation tree (J. B. structural replaced by experiments, although the that both rubredoxins and rubredoxin hydroxylase system, geometry not be are more van significantly homologs from homologs protein from other electron sequences reductases, that homologs present are part of the alkane or Beilen, unpublished results), could also be mutagenesis experiments are studies necessary to docking rubredoxin The fact that rubredoxins involved in alkane related to each other than to other rubredoxins in the phenomenon. Therefore, crystallization homologous. in nature in the cannot interact with either rubredoxin hydroxylase system. are on an indication for this the alkane investigate phylogenetic hydroxylase system these interactions in more and detail. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Martina for plasmid pTCB 144. Biotechnology Röthlisberger This research was for sequencing supported by of the Swiss National Science and Hans-Peter Köhler the Swiss Foundation, project Priority Program nr. in 5002-037023. 83 Chapter 6 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF GENES INVOLVED IN ALKANE OXIDATION BY PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA Theo H. M. Smits, Bernard Witholt and Jan B. van Beilen 84 SUMMARY Many Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAOl indeed do oxidize (rubAl and rubA2) and putida (oleovorans) hydroxylase genes GPol are strains tested in this counterparts in «-alkanes. long-chain hydroxylase (alkBl long-chain alkanes, rubredoxin reductase a medium- and on shows that two alkane Heterologous expression of P. strains grow aeruginosa and alkB2) homologs while two rubredoxin (rubB) homologs replace can «-octane oxidation. The two their P. alkane long-chain present in all environmental and clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa study. INTRODUCTION Pseudomonas among the aeruginosa pseudomonads, is of clinical but is also importance a common (27). Environmental and pathogenic isolates and molecular techniques (80, 112). property. Enrichments from soil P. aeruginosa carbon source strains. or Conversely, is used to fluorescence and oxidase assays degradation by P. aeruginosa. make them available for "protein Most the of P. ability water and soil, as to plants chemotaxonomic the carbon aeruginosa on use relevant a source often paraffins as yield sole isolates, in combination with other methods like not much is known about «-alkane fact, only compounds which solubilize «-alkanes and as rhamnolipids (140, 290) activator of alkane oxidation" PraA and the so-called (103, 114) have been studied in some detail. reports dealing with the biochemistry of alkane degradation by P. aeruginosa concern strains able to grow these P. aeruginosa P. in indistinguishable by water with «-alkanes such uptake, primary opportunistic pathogen organism (170). Nevertheless, In the In both contexts, alkane oxidation is clinical identify are as GPol alkane not involved in (oleovorans) C6-C10 «-alkanes strains contain alkane putida (oleovorans) probably on growth GPol alkane (269). Recently, it hydroxylases hydroxylase (262). of these strains hydroxylase only on that are shown that was virtually identical to the This enzyme system, long-chain alkanes, oxidizes alkanes with a as chain however, is the P. putida length from 85 hexane to dodecane (C6) up (C12) (259). P. aeruginosa long-chain alkane hydroxylases have not been characterized biochemically or genetically. Growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and clinical P. isolates listed in table 1 for the long-chain aeruginosa alkanes. P. minimal medium aeruginosa plates (151) strains on alkanes. We tested the environmental ability to grow medium- and on PAOl and most of the clinical isolates grew with on «-dodecane, «-tetradecane and «-hexadecane carbon and energy source, which is consistent with previous data (170). E2 as None of the clinical isolates grew with «-octane and «-decane vapor. In contrast, the environmental isolates described earlier hexane to «-decane as that it showed weak Cloning well growth yielded based PG201 PCR that the P. aeruginosa independent cosmids Cosmid degenerate alkBl but significant conserved fragment homolog regions , used as a contains alkB an which was cross-reactivity identity The two genes are (249). the designated with aeruginosa in Southern PAOl with the P. blots, which showed to the GPol alkane No additional alkB components for activity: a homologs. homologs GPol alkane with the pTSlOO contains 65 % overall DNA sequence hydroxylase were a was a used as no GPol alkB gene in a 37.4 % and 67.7 % to each other. aeruginosa found same identity (278). AlkBl and AlkB2 show Genome (figure hydroxylase requires rubredoxin and Two to the PG201 putida (oleovorans) method Highly homologs in the internal gene segment that also present in the Pseudomonas putida (oleovorans) in PAOl and PG201 genebank (271) alkBl. Cosmid only gene in the Southern blot. Both genes show Wilbur-Lipman identity a PAOl. hydroxylase homolog, corresponding designated alkB2, DNA sequence amino acid sequence probe by screening significantly higher homology the «- exception was an aeruginosa of alkane with P. fragments was isolated were pairwise alignment by The P. on fragment, probe, explaining sequence «-alkanes. Strain PG201 longer PAOl genome contains two related alkB gene pTS200 PCR second alkB to medium-chain «-alkanes from with octane and decane. almost identical PCR (239). The probe. the as on on of genes involved in alkane oxidation from P. degenerate primers earlier (13, 163, 266, 269) grew la and Project (PAGP) lb). two electron transfer rubredoxin reductase. We inspected the 86 PAGP database for the presence of consisting gene of two rubredoxin Acinetobacter sp. ADPl 65 % sequence identity rubredoxin sequences most closely and rubA2) one are most possible rubredoxin reductase closely operon (rubB) related to RubA of - with other rubredoxins involved in alkane oxidation. All extant are more distantly related. The sequence identity) (91) rubredoxin reductase is putative (RubB) of Acinetobacter sp. ADPl and the rubredoxin reductase (AlkT) of P. putida (37.1 %) (68). GPol Table 1: list of Pseudomonas aeruginosa medium with 0.2 % citrate «-alkane vapor Labname and a (70-72 % protein sequence identity) (91) and show between 50 related to the rubredoxin reductase (40.1% protein (oleovorans) (rubAl The two rubredoxins homologs (figure lc). and found corresponding homologs, or Official name3 strains and as growth carbon Isolated from behavior on E2 minimal source Growth Citr. on C8 withb E2 medium Reference CIO C12 C14 C16 PAOl ATCC 15692 Infected wound ++ + ++ +++ +++ (118) PG201 DSM 2659 Soil ++ + + ++ +++ +++ (97) KSLA 473 KSLA 473 Y-harbor, Amsterdam ++ +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ (266) Sol 20 NCIMB 8704 Soil ++ +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ (13) 196Aa NCIMB 9571 Soil ++ +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ (269) ATCC 17423 ATCC 17423 Soil ++ +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ (163) CPAld DMMZV10 18600 Urine ++ - - + ++ ++ This CPA2 DMMZV07 19924-1 Ethmoid tissue, CF ++ - - CPA3 DMMZ V07 19924-4 Ethmoid tissue, CF CPA4 DMMZ V07 19925-2 Ethmoid tissue, CF ++ CPA5 DMMZ V07 19939 Urine ++ ++ ++ This CPA6 DMMZ V07 19941 Urine ++ ++ ++ This CPA7 DMMZ V07 19965 Pleural fluid ++ CPA8 DMMZ V09 20207 Urine ++ CPA9 DMMZ V09 20227-1 Bronchial secretion ++ CPA10 DMMZ V05 20348-2 Urine ++ CPA11 DMMZ V05 20391-2 Tracheal CPA12 DMMZ V07 21517 Tracheal a b c d DMMZ: Department of Medical CF: - This - This aspirate aspirate Microbiology Zürich; - This This This This ++ ++ ++ cystic This ++ ++ This ++ This study study study study study study study study study study study study fibrosis Citr.: 0.2 % citrate; C8: octane; CfO: decane; Cf2: dodecane; Cf4: tetradecane; C16: hexadecane Growth was Clinical P. after 90 h. incubation. aeruginosa Functional alkane analyzed strains analysis. are Based hydroxylase systems identified on good growth, ++ average growth, according to (f f 2) at DMMZ, Zürich +++ + weak growth, - growth no the observation that the electron transfer components of can be exchanged (J. B. van Beilen, unpublished results), we 87 have developed recombinant hosts that express two of the three alkane components (chapters 4 and 5; J. B. us to test novel alkane for the or ability to E. coli were expression (PAOl) were fluorescens or alkane transfer electrons from NADH to hydroxylase. The alkane cloned in the EcoRl and Hindlll sites of vector KOB2A1, (chapter 4) E2 minimal medium homologs rubredoxin, hydroxylase pCom8, a genes Pseudomonas- (240). The resulting plasmids pCom8Bl (PAOl) and pCom8B2 introduced in CHAO an Beilen, unpublished results). These strains allow rubredoxin and rubredoxin reductase gene hydroxylate «-alkanes, from rubredoxin reductase to alkBl and alkB2 on hydroxylase, van hydroxylase plates Table 2: other strains and as an alkane hydroxylase negative described before with 0.5 % mutant of P. (117). Both recombinants a-cyclodextrin plasmids oligonucleotides were and 0.05 % «-alkanes used in this plated ranging study Strains E. coli DH10B strain E. coli GEcl37 P. Reference Phenotype Name fluorescens KOB2Af cloning thi,fadR Gibco BRL alkB~ chapter 4 (69) Plasmids Name Characteristics Reference pGEM7-Zf(+) pKKPalk pCom8 pGEc47 pGEc47AG pGEc47AT pGEc48 pTS2 pTSlOO pTS200 pRubAl (PAOl) pRubA2(PA01) pRubB (PAOl) pCom8Bl (PAOl) pCom8B2 (PAOl) Cloning vector, Apr Expression vector using a/fc-promoter, Apr pCom7 with alkS from pBGf f EAN alkBFGHJKL/alkST in pLAFR f pGEc47, deletion in alkG pGEc47, deletion in alkT alkBFGH'inpER322 PG201 PCR fragment in pGEM7-Zf(+) Cosmid harboring alkBl gene Cosmid harboring alkBl gene rubAl gene in pKKPalk rubAl gene in pKKPalk rubB gene in pKKPalk alkBl gene in pCom8 alkBl gene in pCom8 Promega from C12 to C24 under promoter(96). «-alkanes dicyclopropylketone The recombinant strain ranging vapor, (240) (240) (69) (263) (263) (70) (239) This study study This study This study This study chapter 4 chapter 4 This a gratuitous inducer of the alkB KOB2Al[pCom8Bl (PAOl)] from C16 to C24, while was KOB2Al[pCom8B2 (PAOl)] able to grow grew on C12 on - 88 C20 «-alkanes. specificities. This trend Thus, the also obvious in fast as as PAOl P. fluorescens CHAO. To analyse reductase three whether the P. (rubB) proteins alkane in the are were same aeruginosa able to function tested for their hydroxylase system derivatives of where of P. pGEc47 having rubredoxin reductase gene a on all substrates tested PAOl rubredoxin as electron transfer ability the replace to growth wild-type proteins were B. van cloned minimal medium with «-octane coli GEcl37[pGEc47] and GEcl37[pGEc47AT]. constructs and the negative controls. Table 3: doubling on was recombinants the gas phase. used, while the negative controls Growth lag resulting on «-octane while very times of P. was were were was PAOl and P. we of the used or the Beilen, unpublished a into the pKKPalk, and plated rubA2) on or E2 positive control, E. GEcl37[pGEc47AG] observed after three slight growth aeruginosa oxidation, the separately As The aeruginosa (pGEc47AG) GEcl37[pGEc47AG] (rubAl supplied through positive control, and The grew (table 3). corresponding components a/&r(pGEc47AT), respectively (J. GEcl37[pGEc47AT] (rubB). plates. and rubredoxin in alkane EcoRl and Ascl, the EcoRl and Pstl and the Ndel and Hindlll sites of E. coli P. (rubAl, rubA2) deletion in the rubredoxin gene alkG and transferred to E. coli on GPol. For this purpose, putida (oleovorans) results; chapter 5). The rubAl, rubA2 and rubB genes respectively (240) substrate KOB2Al[pCom8B2 (PAOl)] those found with the as range overlapping showed stronger KOB2Al[pCom8Bl (PAOl)] times were appear to have consistently liquid cultures, doubling or hydroxylases The AlkB2 recombinants was about twice two alkane days with all observed with the fluorescens recombinants alkanes. Strain Additional gene time (td) C14 and lag time (in parenthesis) C16 in hours C18(10%) C20(10%) in DOPh in DOPh 19.1(150) -b 19.5(240) 35.2(80) 10.6(40) alkBl (PAOl) 176.2(40) 36.6(180) 43.7(20) 18.8(100) 19.2(100) alkBl (PAOl) 20.6(8) 21.6(8) 15.4(30) 12.9(45) 11.9(20) PAOl KOB2A1 Doubling C12a - Footnotes:a C12, dodecane; C14, tetradecane; C16, hexadecane; C18 dioctylphthalate; C20 (10%) in DOPh, 10% eicosane in (10%) dioctylphthalate; b -, in DOPh, 10% octadecane in not tested. 89 Gene organization and flanking the initial alkane oxidation step over the chromosome of P. possible exception, tlpS, a are directly indirectly or (alkBl, alkB2, rubAlA2B,praA, rhlABRI) aeruginosa genes indicates that these have one genes. Genes that no coding dispersed are (249). Analysis of regions flanking these PAOl obvious relation to alkane gene involved in for a Chemotaxis methyl-accepting protein (MCP) (282) (figure la). The intergenic region between alkBl and tlpS is only basepairs, and no clear inverted repeats, which could terminator, could be found between the I lkb I B PA2576 PA2577 PA2575 rC Y PA1527 c a 111 r«o-dependent downstream of the MCP, two I PA2578\ PA2579 towards Directly two ORFs. I^J0C^><^ZH a point with degradation (figure 1), glcC alkBl H PA1526 )lZZ> -^=H glcD glcE % >J " tlpS Jr I alkBl xdhA 1)— H hupRl hupTl )Œ^J~ j£ xdhB PA1522 )fo^LZ^fo>^ glcF glcG I rubAl rubB rubAl I h PA5347 PA5346 PA5348 1: analysis of the open reading frames surrounding the P. aeruginosa PAOf genes involved in degradation. The data were obtained from the P. aeruginosa genome sequence (www.pseudomonas.com) (249). A: Alkane hydroxylase 1 (alkBl ; PA2574; from 29f f876 to 29f0728) and flanking region. Other genes: tlpS: methyl-accepting Chemotaxis protein; hupRl: two-component regulatory system involved in the regulation of the fNiFe] hydrogenase activity; hupTl: sensor protein involved in repression of hydrogenase synthesis. PA2577: putative transcriptional regulator of the AsnC family; PA2579: homologous to human tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase; PA2578, PA2576, PA2575: hypothetical proteins. B: Alkane hydroxylase 2 (alkBl; PA1525, from f 660546 to f 6594f3) and flanking region. Other genes: PAf 527: homologous to yeast chromosome separation protein SMC; PA 1526: putative transcriptional regulator of the GntR family; xdhA: homologous to the N-terminal domain of eukaryotic xanthine dehydrogenases (XDH); xdhB: homologous to internal fragments of eukaryotic XDHs and total XDH of Rhodobacter capsulatus; PAf522: homologous to the N-terminal domain of R. capsulatus XDH. Figure alkane C: The rubAlAlB gene cluster 60f 8996 to 60f 8829; rubB: (rubAl: PA5351; from 60f9347 to 60f9f80; rubAl: PA5350; from PA5349; from 60f 8777 to 60f 7623) and flanking region. Other genes: homologous to the glcRDEFG genes of E. coli involved in glycolate oxidation; PA5348: protein HU from P. aeruginosa; PA5347, PA5346: hypothetical proteins. glcCDEFG: genes homologous to histone-like 90 clear inverted repeats opposite as P. orientation. aeruginosa hexadecane (J. TlpS B. van in the gene, which is transcribed in the hupRl could be involved in Chemotaxis towards PAOl and other P. Genes involved in the not be located at the end of the are aeruginosa strains show strong Chemotaxis towards Beilen, unpublished results). of the P. regulation aeruginosa PAOl identified, although the alkB2 gene is preceded by opposite alkBl, alkB2 PAOl alkBl IalkBl and P. aeruginosa carried out Southern blots using GPol alkBFGH' procedures, digested membranes probe. bands octane (data detected were not shown), in all P. fragments alkanes Most clinical P. because in accordance with they are PAOl, which is not a ability (figure 2). It is genes that are possible directly mutations in the are to grow on and isolated to on «- (262). PAOl, PG201, and The alkBl probe. putida P. according probe hybridized the strains that did not grow able to grow long-chain «-alkanes, on as on these substrates well, were on isolated a not grow with on in well as on longer lag-time, perhaps (170). All other strains, except on «-alkanes, and thus these substrates. Even though were some of the alkanes, they do contain both alkane hydroxylase genes that these strains have mutations in the alkB genes or a positively charged nylon (4). However, the clinical strains did to grow well clinical strains did not grow probe we With the GPol alkBFGH'- results the environmental strains and had adapted was aeruginosa, study 1). isolates clinical isolate for their band with this a table (figure 2, as previous aeruginosa strains, including aeruginosa alkanes preselected Chromosomal DNA strains. To in the four environmental strains able to grow only accordance with literature data long-chain PG201 alkBl with BamHl, and blotted onto the clinical strains did not show long-chain aeruginosa (Roche Diagnostics, Rotkreuz, Switzerland). probe, two the P. putida aeruginosa the presence of alkB genes in environmental and clinical isolates of P. standard gene, transcribed putative regulatory a GPol alkB in environmental and clinical P. (oleovorans) rubAlA2B could or direction. Southern blot detection of P. (oleovorans) long-chain «-alkanes, indirectly or in other involved in the initial alkane oxidation. For rhamnolipid biosynthesis pathway can lead to reduced or example, abolished 91 growth % on «-alkanes (140, 192). citrate, and may have an One strain (CPA3) did not grow on E2 medium with 0.2 auxotrophy. © ^h r* Q.Q.Q.Q.Q.Q.Q.Q.Q.Q- Q. Q. UÜUUUÜUUUÜ uu ""'it * ^ff£m"**fê "-I êêé ,; M " ~- Figure 2: Southern blot of chromosomal DNA of environmental and clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa digested with BamHl. As a probe, the 550 bp internal segment of alkBl from P. aeruginosa PG20f was used. The marker (M) is digoxigenin-labeled lambda DNA digested with Hindlll; marker sizes are indicated in kb. For strains PG20I, f 96Aa and ATCC f7423, weak bands of around 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9 kb, respectively, were CPA6 and CPA9 of P. as visible well on aeruginosa physiological role than (not shown). The signal for the large fragment (±23 kb) of strains the film, but could not be enhanced for the remarks. Based Concluding ability observed was on the results of this strains to grow on only degradation long-chain of oil alkanes. The genome sequences of the clinical pseudomallei common soil K96243 and or water on aeruginosa medium are are chain-length often P. pollutants or be concluded that the have might a larger naturally occurring microorganisms «-alkanes is aeruginosa such as clearly a «- Burkholderia which are also hydroxylase homologs (chapter not found in the genome sequences of anaerobic isolates: strains isolated from carbon source, might alkanes do also contain alkane parasitic clinically important microorganisms, to grow it Legionella Pneumophilia Philadelphia-1, organisms, 4), while AlkB homologs study, figure. or strictly Clostridium. In contrast, the ability property of environmental P. gasoline spills with hexane strains that contain or octane alk-genes (nearly) as sole identical to 92 the P. putida (oleovorans) degradation GPol alk-syslem (243, 262). The relevance of alkane in clinical and natural environments has therefore to be studied in more detail. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Dr. G. Funke of the providing us with the clinical isolates of P. Microbiology, Martina Department ETH Zürich for Röthlisberger for providing sequencing of Medical aeruginosa, us with the Zürich Microbiology, (DMMZ) for Dr. M. Kertesz of the Institute of genebank of P. aeruginosa PAOl, and Alessandro G. Franchini and Stefanie B. Balada for technical assistance. This research project was supported by the Swiss National Science the Swiss Foundation, project Priority Program nr. 5002-037023. in Biotechnology of 93 Chapter 7 CLONING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF GENES INVOLVED IN LONG-CHAIN ALKANE OXIDATION BY PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS CHAO Theo H. M. Smits, Raquel Sanjuân, Bernard Witholt and Jan B. van Beilen 94 SUMMARY Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO is chromosomal DNA hydroxylase (alkB), gene «-alkane fragment containing was it contains two outer membrane an cloned and "protein protein gene CHAO alkB knockout mutant a degrading of the homolog analysed. biocontrol strain. A 7.8 kb GPol alkane P.putida In addition to the alkane activator of alkane oxidation" genes (ompPl), was and two incomplete found to have lost the alkanes, but could be complemented for growth on (praA gene and praB), an genes. A P. fluorescens ability to grow these «-alkanes on C12-C16 «- by plasmids the P. fluorescens CHAO alkB gene. containing A 16 kDa protein identified as in the supernatant of PraB. PraA hexadecane-grown P. fluorescens cells on gels SDS-PAA In the presence of Triton was not detectable. When inoculated in the presence of was supernatant containing PraB, P. fluorescens CHAO cultures showed However, hydroxylase PraB was detectable only X-100, the alkB knockout in the a shorter spent lag-phase. stationary phase. mutant showed weak growth on hexadecane, while the addition of dioctylphthalate allowed the wild-type P. fluorescens as well as the alkB knockout strain to grow This indicates that CHAO possesses a on very-long-chain second alkane «-alkanes (C18-C28). hydroxylase. INTRODUCTION While the biochemistry studied in strains such and as about membrane-bound genetics Pseudomonas long-chain Acinetobacter sp. ADPl alkane alkane hydroxylation by because it inhibits grows on PCR with of putida (oleovorans) alkane hydroxylases, hydroxylase (213). ranging fungal pathogens In this in the based putida (oleovorans) on alkane study, a degradation is well (263), little is known GPol with the exception we focus of the on long-chain strain which is of interest plant rhizosphere (99, 250). from dodecane to hexadecane degenerate primers genes of P. length Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO, growth «-alkanes of medium-chain CHAO (239). the sequences of the alkane GPol and Acinetobacter sp. hydroxylase (alkB) ADPl, yielded PCR 95 fragments to grow be of alkB on and Such alkanes microorganisms all factors necessary for practically must were reported containing lipopeptides to have surfactant 16 % fluorescens long-chain use species, including P. fluorescens, two (215), elucidated. Pseudomonas alkanes P. fluorescens, growth or properties as protein well on uptake problems, long-chain alkanes it is accessible for long-chain on (77, 193), but also excrete the so-called source (viscosin (183, 188). lipids and (28). Several small extracellular protein case was of viscosinamide) A surfactant called AP-6, isolated from the P. produce rhamnolipids "protein genetic the latter mechanism. In the and 40 % strains was alkanes. but the molecular structure of this surfactant aeruginosa an hydrophobicity. Therefore, their carbon as use of these genes could not biosurfactant-mediated with antibiotic function 34 % carbohydrate, isolate PG-1 as insoluble in water due to their direct interfacial contact use solubilization to be able to Pseudomonas strain able to grow strains able Gram-negative due to alkane We chose CHAO for this purpose, produces are a and expression putida, presumably knockout mutant of required (chapter 4). Gram-positive As functional (239). in E. coli and P. hydroxylase engineering from several alkanes long-chain accomplished alkane homologs was not to solubilize alkanes activator of alkane oxidation" PraA, which stimulates hexadecane oxidation in a respiratory experiments (103, 114). In this study, CHAO alkB gene gene alkB and hydroxylase of the P. a aeruginosa knockouts and hydroxylase, flanking DNA, PG201 PraA complementation while the overexpression fragment (239) of the used to clone the CHAO alkane which encode two (103), and an and PraB) protein (OmpPl). Gene homologs (PraA outer membrane show that the CHAO alkB encodes alkane-solubilizing proteins was a functional alkane effect of both PraA and PraB was shown after in E. coli. MATERIAL AND METHODS Strains, plasmids and media. Strains and plasmids used in this study 1. LB (Luria with carbon Bertani broth) (220), sources or antibiotics E-medium were used are listed in table (272) and E2-medium (151), supplemented throughout this study. MT trace elements 96 Table 1: strains and Strain plasmids used in this study Reference: Properties: : P. CHAO alk* (250) P. KOB2 alkB-, KmR This KOB2A1 alkB" KOT1 alkB" praAB" ompPl" KOT2 alkB" praAB" ompPl" fluorescens fluorescens P. fluorescens P. fluorescens P. fluorescens study Chapter 4 This study This study E. coli DHIOB cloning E. coli GM48 thr, leu, thi, lacY, galK, galT, strain Gibco E.coli JM101::alkS-Km JM101, alkS integrated ara, J. Davison tonA, tsx, dam, dem, supE44 Plasmids: Relevant genotype: pGEM7Zf(+) pZeROf pKKPalk pCom5 pEXI8Tc pCK217 pPFl Cloning Cloning vector, ZeocinR Expression vector, ApR Expression vector, GmR vector, on chromosome, KmR (200) Reference: ApR Promega fnvitrogen (240) (240) TcR (115) res-npt-res cassette in (145) Knockout vector, pUC18Sfi 4.5 kb Xhol-BamPH fragment of P. fluorescens CHAO in pGEM7Zf(+), 'estFl-alkB-praAB-ompPl alkB gene in pGEM7, deletion clone of pPFf ompPl fragment in pGEM7, deletion clone of pPFf 4 kb Pstl fragment of P. fluorescens CHAO in pZeROl, ompPl-yafH' 7.8 kb fragment of P. fluorescens CHAO in pGEM7Zf(+), 'estFl -alkB-praAB-ompP 1 -yafH' 1.8 kb Munl-Sall fragment in pCom5, alkB 2.8 kb Munl-Pstl fragment in pCom5, alkB-praAB 4.0 kb Munl-Xhol fragment in pCom5, alkB-praAB-ompPl res-npt-res cassette in Sfil-Stul sites of pPFf pEXf8TC with Pvul fragment of pPFrnrB Sail deletion clone of pPF20 Aspll 8-EcoRV deletion clone of pPF3f npt-gene. of pCK217 as Xbal fragment in pPF32 praA in pKKPalk praB in pKKPalk praAB in pKKPalk This ' pPF7 pPF8 pPFHO pPF20 pPF21 pPF22 pPF23 pPFrnrB pEXPFrnrB2 pPF3f pPF32 pPF32npt2 pPFf05 pPFf06 pPFf07 (151) were 37°C. For added to all minimal media. All cultures growth with «-alkanes on grown «-alkanes, Petri dishes with E2 medium supplied through erlenmeyer with were «-octane the vapour (C8) in a sealed phase (for \A study This study study study study study study study study study study study study This This This This This This This This This This aerobically at 30°C or incubated at 30°C by placing an open container, for «-decane (C10), «-dodecane (C12), «-tetradecane (C14) and «-hexadecane (C16) by placing disc with 200 This This were «-octane This study study study This «-alkane in the lid of the Petri dish. a Whatman 3MM filter 97 P. fluorescens CHAO and recombinants derived from this strain medium. «-alkanes Liquid alkanes Very-long-chain cases, (w/v) to and added to rhamnolipids (97) improve E. coli strains strains the were uptake of P. fluorescens CHAO a liquid concentration of 1 % (v/v). dissolved to 10% concentration of 0.2 % long-chain added to were grown with appropriate pillml; ampicillin (Ap) transformed was a (v/v) (v/v) E2 in to the medium. In concentration of 0.1 % alkanes. by electroporation according were 12.5 piglmï), tetracycline (Tc) a were Triton X-100 or transformed harbouring plasmids piglmï). added to the medium to (C18 and longer) dioctylphthalate (DOPh) some were grown in were to Dower antibiotics (64). E. coli (kanamycin (Km) piglml; gentamycin (Gm) 100 according to H0jberg (117). 50 10 To select transformants, kanamycin (50 piglmï), gentamycin (100 piglmï) and tetracycline (100 piglmï) DNA were added to the medium. Restriction enzymes, T4 DNA manipulations. fragment), T4 DNA polymerase and Diagnostics (Rotkreuz, Switzerland) Oligonucleotides were PCR-products were purified again over a dideoxynucleotides and used as purified over 1% agarose 1% agarose gel, Plasmid DNA according isolated Pure Plasmid Isolation Kit to obtain were sequenced on a cycle sequencing (agggttttcccagtcacgacgtt) pGEM7-Zf(+) clones or and -40 PalkFwd (gagttcggcatggggtcaggtg) for (IRD800-) labelled reverse pKKPalk from DNASTAR sequences were (5). compared BLAST searches were according Doly (21), enzymes, or to Desomer were High the Amersham Thermosequenase -40 forward and for pKKRev plasmids (MWG-Biotech). analyzed and (Madison, Wisconsin, USA). compared using LASERGENE Nucleotide and amino acid with the EMBL, SwissProt and GenBank databases carried out at NCBI. (58). with the Roche (gagcggataacaatttcacacagg) primers derived or DNA. Both strands of the inserts (tggcgcaagcgtccgattag) Nucleotide and amino acid sequences Navigator isolated sequencing grade using appropriate pGEM7-Zf(+) (Promega) to Birnboim and Li-Cor 4000L sequencer kit and IRD41- was supplier. Switzerland. cut with the and cloned into polymerase (Klenow from Roche Molecular the specified by gels, Chromosomal DNA DNA were synthesized by Microsynth, Balgach, pKKPalk (240)(chapter 3). was ligase, using BLAST 98 PCR. PCR reactions GeneAmp 1' PCR were System carried out 9600. The was visible after verified Cloning by hydroxylase identified isolating restriction fragments were Madison, USA) coli DHIOB ligated cloned using To construct the digested pPF8 as a as a plasmid pPF20, pPFl fragment, an as the 25x When 4°C). To clone the resulting plasmid, electroporation, The complete clone was called cultured fluorescens of fragment An was digested pPFl 10 The constructed The DNA was were were identified and cloned 4.0 kb Pstl over pPF32npt2 were LB until the was fragment kanamycin the was was ligated digested pPF20 with kanamycin kanamycin. resistance was A with a was AspllS and was ligated resistance. The introduced in P. fluorescens CHAO selected with using gel. knockout mutant. Plasmid the by plasmid, pPFl 10. purified resulting plasmid identified sequenced. with BamHl and Nsil, and and by and transformed into E. the target genes in fragments pGEM7-Zf(+) (Promega, overlapping pCK217, containing integrants on a P. fluorescens restriction were Netherlands) probe, resulting cut from religated. fragment and in fragments EcoRN, treated with Klenow and religated. This plasmid, digested wiihXbal, Xbal product no template preparative gel. a sites of containing probe. alkB-praAB-ompPl with Sail and to the small (45" 95°C, studies the Roche Both strands of the inserts probes. same the insert of Construction of used Enriched gene banks appropriate Transformants pCHAO (239) 3.3 kb BamHl-Pstl oo flanking regions, easy-to-clone A 4.5 kb Xhol-BamHl chromosomal DNA of (4' 95°C, expression of the desired size from between the (Gibco BRL). fragment was genes for pZeROl (Invitrogen, Leek, or used Perkin Elmer used. The sequence of cloned PCR was blotting (220). fragments colony blotting using PCR product flanking regions. gene and Southern by kit was program a sequencing. of the alkB gene and CHAO alkane were DNA of pil amplify complete Expand High Fidelity Polymerase (123) using Tm), 1' 72°C), 5' 72°C, first round of PCR, 1 a second round of PCR. To was following below annealing temperature (5°C described in as kanamycin by resistant lost, resulting in P. KOTl and KOT2. The extent of the deletion in these mutants was confirmed 99 by PCR with Hindfw primers (tcgaagcttcaagagcaagttgag) and mutCrv (ccgccgtactgcttgggaatgat). Construction of containing pPF20 was Fragments alkB (pPF21), alkB-praAB (pPF22) cut with M««I and of the right size (240)(chapter 3), digested was expression and PraBrv, and with the Southern and and appropriate with the same fragment used as agarose dUTP probes gel, using pCHAO (239) for Southern 1 % agarose the DIG gel as by was as follows: praB using primers digested fragments using to completion Molecular phosphatase coupled according to Anti-DIG antibodies chemiluminescent substrate. was called pPF7 (alkB) fragments priming and were was The 550 method with (Roche carried out using as the were 1% over a digoxigeninMolecular standard colony to the manufacturer. Alkaline used with CSPD bp pPF8 (ompPl) purified were with Diagnostics, previously (220). and chemiluminescence detection kit the Roche DIG-kit PraBfw were were buffer without formamide at 65°C. Detection of Southern and earned out praA pKKPalk in TAE buffer. DNA (Roche the random Diagnostics, Rotkreuz, Switzerland). Hybridizations hybridization constructed praAB respectively. described All DNA pCom5 alkB-praAB-ompP 1 resulting plasmids were membrane hybridisation. labelling were and and the inserts of electroeluted and labelled in alkB-praAB fragment. enzymes. The positively charged nylon from ligated and PraBrv. The PCR blots. Chromosomal DNAs on an Xhol, respectively. restriction enzymes and cloned in Rotkreuz, Switzerland) by alkaline transfer PCR and PraAfw and PraArv; primers praAFw restriction enzymes and loaded transferred onto and praAB praA, praB pPF107 encoding praA, praB colony gels, with EcoRl and Sail for the alkB and with (240)(chapter 3), digested pPF105, pPF106 M««I and or isolated from agarose pPFl using primers praAB purified, digested Sail, Muni and Pstl, were vectors for from amplified alkB-praAB-ompPl (pPF23), plasmid or and with EcoRl and Pstl for the containing fragments, E. coli fluorescens expression plasmids vectors. To construct P. expression blots 100 Protein About 10 pig protein StrataClean resin gel electrophoresis SDS-PAA analysis. was in Jolla, USA) La (Stratagene, loading buffer and loaded Electrophoresed proteins transferred to a according loaded per lane. To concentrate supernatant was and incubated at 37°C for 30 minutes. The resin resuspended done was were on to Laemmli samples, pil added to 0.5 ml culture supernatant, was collected 15 % SDS-PAA by centrifugation, gels. stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 PVDF filter membrane for 5 (149). subsequent or N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis. For MALDI-TOF cut from the Coomassie stained bands analysis, proteins resulting were mixture subjected was dihydroxybenzoate Sequence. PraA and/or PraB washed with 100 mM ammonium acetate, then with gel, with 50 mM ammonium acetate in The containing as to a 50 % acetonitrile to mass for three hours at 37°C, and the spectrometry analysis (MALDI-TOF) using 2,5- matrix. The sequence of the 7.8 kb Xhol-Pstl determined in this acetonitrile, and solution, and subsequently dried. in-gel trypsin digestion subjected were study was deposited fragment of P. fluorescens CHAO in GenBank and received the accession number AJ009579. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and sequence Cloning fluorescens fragment, amplify clone a protein, CHAO encoding of the a 7.8 kb chromosomal DNA alkB, praAB and ompPl obtained earlier from P. fluorescens CHAO internal fragments of alkB 4.5 kb Xhol-BamHl an sequence overlapping was to the homologs (239), fragment. 4.0 kb Pstl To incomplete complete fragment found to contain six open named estFl is identity analysis reading due to the Xhol lactone-specific esterase was used ORF cloned frames cloning site, (estFl) genes. A 550 bp of P. PCR using degenerate primers was an fragment as as a probe encoding well. The an to which identify and outer membrane complete 7.8 (ORFs)(figure 1). kb The first ORF and has 69.7 % DNA sequence of P. fluorescens DSM50106 (135). The 101 alignment suggests that the N-terminal 40 amino acids of the P. fluorescens CHAO EstFl missing. are Xhol Sail Muni estFl y \prafy \praB) alkB y I I Muni Sail 1 Pstl Sail Pstl I pPF23 % protein 1 hydroxylase Xhol 1 1 gene alkB is located 295 identity sequence fluorescens J 1 Figure 1: organisation of the 7.8 kb Xhol-Pstl fragment encoding the complementation plasmids pPF21, pPF22 and pPF23. The alkane yaflT y I Muni pPF22 ompPl PjstI Sail Muni pPF21 Xhol Pstl DSM50106 to the (135) hydroxylases (chapter 4). partial downstream of sequence of and 40-60 % Like its bp protein homologs, the alkB gene and extent of the inserts of a putative sequence estFl, and has 64.0 alkB gene of P. identity to other alkane the CHAO AlkB sequence contains the conserved histidines, which active site (233, 239). Six transmembrane helices could be identified and suggest that the CHAO AlkB has the CHAO alkane likely ligands topology with other alkane Comparison fluorescens same are as the P. for the two non-heme iron atoms in the putida (oleovorans) hydroxylases (chapters hydroxylase has a large 4 and GPol AlkB (261). 9) showed that the P. insertion between the third and fourth transmembrane helices. Two ORFs located directly 30.7 and 44.8 % sequence PraA of P. and praB. including aeruginosa downstream of the alkane identity PG201 The three Pra to the "protein hydroxylase have no other homologs PraA and PraB aeruginosa strongly ORFs were in the sequence the unfinished genome sequences. PraB of CHAO is related to PraA of P. proteins activator of alkane oxidation" (103) (figure 2). Therefore, these proteins encode clearly with protein named praA databases, more closely PG201 than the CHAO PraA. The N-termini of both resemble signal peptides (SIGNALP: http://www.cbs.dtu.dk) 102 (187). The predicted cleavage site is indicated with aeruginosa % PG201 PraA and P. fluorescens an arrow CHAO PraB are GSTAP) and contain very few charged residues (7 and 2). The CHAO PraA contains significantly more charged in figure 2. The mature P. rich in small amino acids 4 % (55 DEKR, respectively) (table amino acid residues (18 % DEKR). 10 20 I 30 I 40 I fllfA 1 MKSIKSLPSFAALALCLSVSSMAS 1 M-SISPLFTAQLFVVLVGISLMGAAE 1 MKGIKTLVSATAIVACLGAASMAS M..I..L aIa l_ PVNSAFT PraA (PG201) RIE--PANTEF T PraA (CHAO) SIAIDGANPDGPFT PraB (CHAO) TIT aIa M..A 50 FT 60 I 70 I 37 APG-TISVSSPASLNLPVT 38 AKG 41 TPGGTITVRSPSSFN ..G Consensus 80 I l_ CNITFKGKTAADGSYASI PraA (PG201) PISFAKSIINADCTIQVSGKVSPDGSFASV PraA (CHAO) (CHAO) P. QPVT S 90 CNINFSGNIA GGVASI PraB C.I. G. Consensus ..G 100 I .AS. 110 I 120 I l_ 73 DSVTVSGSNTLCSVPQMTGLPWKLTVSSTTAGKVDGVGFK PraA (PG201) 71 EKVDFSGGLK-CGQVEATHLPWKLIAKDETSGAMSGIQVT PraA (CHAO) 76 TGATVSGSNALCNLPKITGLPWTLSASSTTAGTVTNVGYT PraB (CHAO) SG....C T.LPW.L 130 140 I 113 T.G Consensus 150 I 160 I l_ SSTCGPSTVNGSWSNATNTLS-ASNQSLAGNCKI PraA (PG201) 110VHAPLVGGDCGPSTAEGSWNNSTGKLE-AAQVSLDGGCTI PraA (CHAO) 116ISF-FPATNCGPTTINVAWSNVTHSLSLSTPQTLSGGCSV PraB (CHAO) IL CGP.T....W.N.T..L L.G.C.. Consensus 170 I 148 NSLSVKPTPAFVVNP PraA (PG201) 149 KTVSIQMPPTFRVAP PraA (CHAO) 155 DVLNAKPSPQVSVI PraB (CHAO) P Figure alignment 2: . . . of the P. V . aeruginosa Arrows indicate the sequences predicted cleavage determined in this study. The fifth ORF, family. A encoded PG20f PraA with the P. site of the designated ompPl, to several identity Consensus . prepeptide. encodes Haemophilus influenzae a peptide has weaker sequence outer membrane % downstream of the pra gene in P. homology to FadL CHAO PraA and PraB. are the N-terminal which has 23-25 % sequence highly homologous hypothetical protein (68 immediately fluorescens The underlined sequences proteins peptide of the sequence aeruginosa PAOl OmpPl identity) is (249). OmpPl (21 % sequence identity), the long-chain fatty 103 acid uptake protein of E. coli (22), and to a set of aromatic catabolic opérons, which include TodX SalD TbuX (125, 127, 274). by (21 % sequence identity), TbuX and shown to be involved in was encoded hypothetical proteins uptake of toluene into the cell (127). Table 2: amino acid PraA composition (P. fluorescens CHAO) and Basic Acidic of the mature PraB peptides of PraA (P. aeruginosa PG201), (P. fluorescens CHAO). Polar Apolar KRDEHNSTYQCGAVLI MFWP PraA(PG20I) 7 1 PraA (CHAO) PraB (CHAO) 0 3 0 23 18 1 2 4 11 12 13 9 926724 14 11 0 5 4 15 14 11 692529 2 20 20 1 3 4 15 12 12 8 13 0 The outer membrane of LPS, and constitutes CHAO OmpPl membrane alkanes has a 0 11 1 12 Gram-negative barrier for homology to a product to the fatty Strong 2 5 0 12 and fluorescens the outer over similar function in the transport of 10 2 phospholipids As the P. FadL, which transports fatty acids of the long-chain sixth, incomplete, ORF directly downstream of ompPl, has hypothetical protein YafH of E. coli very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenases chain of 10 4 the outer membrane. The translation homology mainly hydrophobic compounds (190). (22), OmpPl may have over bacteria consists 6 acids (24) and to several mammalian involved in the metabolism of very-long- (7, 52). inverted repeats located are directly downstream of estFl and ompPl but are not present downstream of alkB, praA, and praB. Therefore, alkB, praA, praB and ompPl may be transcribed from We did not succeed in a single transcription cloning site upstream of alkB. the P. fluorescens CHAO rubredoxin and rubredoxin reductase genes, the electron transfer components of the alkane PCR with highly degenerate primers for rubredoxins (T. hydroxylase system using H. M. Smits and J. B. van Beilen, unpublished results). However, the genome sequence of another P. fluorescens strain (Pf0-1) though does contain it does not possess homologous (around 80 a rubredoxin and an %) alkane a rubredoxin reductase gene hydroxylase homolog. to genes encoded by the P. These genes aeruginosa homolog, are PAOl even highly genome(249), 104 which complement deletions of the P. rubredoxin reductase genes GPol rubredoxin and putida (oleovorans) (chapter 6). Alkane-solubilizing compounds in the of P. fluorescens CHAO cultures. supernatant P. fluorescens CHAO possesses two genes related to the so-called alkane oxidation" PraA of P. which is found in large strains aeruginosa aeruginosa amounts in the culture (113). A 16 kDa band (figure 3A), not shown). but was was were protein is extracellular an fluorescens concentrated and not detected when CHAO was analysed grown Addition of 1 ml culture supernatant of for the presence of these a citrate on J ] 40 \ 20- on or filter sterilized «-alkanes dodecanol (data hexadecane-grown B 100^ 60 protein, CHAO also excretes Pra visible in supernatants of cultures grown 80 activator of supernatant of hexadecane-grown P. To determine whether P. proteins, supernatant samples proteins. PG201. This "protein s s? !"- CD N. | j; ilklilUJuJAj. 1000 ! S 2000 60000 mix C lf211 50000 40000 30000 20000 -I - 10000^ 1 15000 10000 Figure 3: Analysis of supernatant from A: 15 % SDS-PAGE of extracellular sample analysis of the f6 of the protein (panel C). CHAO: CHAO grown B: HPLC-MS mass C: Molecular mass on hexadecane-grown P. fluorescens CHAO. proteins from hexadecane-grown P. fluorescens hexadecane. The kDa protein. arrow Asterisks indicate the determined from the LC-MS spectrum. The calculated molecular weight of PraB after removing the CHAO. M: marker, indicates the 16 kDa band. signal peaks peak used to determine the molecular at f42f f Da sequence corresponds (14213 Da). to the 105 culture P. fluorescens CHAO to time and an increased growth a fresh 50 ml culture resulted in rate (8 32 hrs. vs. lag-time The addition of culture supernatant from citrate- or 7 , clearly a 10 hrs. vs. dodecanol-grown reduced lag- doubling time). P. fluorescens CHAO cultures did not have this effect. The N-terminal sequence of the 16 kDa band PraB sequence, after the sequence. To investigate just absent, HPLC-MS. PraA molecular predicted signal peptidase recognition was not detectable weight (14211 Da) weight Heterologous expression were minimal medium these methods either of PraB measured of the mature by (figure based on «-alkanes, we constructed not influenced lower by whether 3D). The well to the praA, praB and Introduction of these pKKPalk (240)(chapter 3). praAB plasmids (200) allows expression from the P. putida (oleovorans) containing glycerol clearly 3B and corresponds HPLC-MS or PraA protein (14213 Da). as the carbon induction with 0.05 % DCPK, E. coli PraB showed underlying growth were grown on source. JM101::alkS-Km[pPF106] expressing only rates. The growth rate of the other two recombinants the addition of DCPK. SDS-PAGE analysis of the culture supernatants of all recombinants showed that in cultures expressing the praA gene and the praAB genes, a 16 kDa protein The N-terminal sequence of this was prominent (up protein PraA at the predicted position (sequence fluorescens CHAO to 10 % of indicating lysis supernatant proteins). confirmed the cleavage of underlined in figure 2). In contrast to the P. supernatant, many additional proteins culture supernatants, in MALDI-TOF and analysed by promoter after induction with DCPK. All three strains GPol alkB (underlined of PraA and PraB in E. coli JM101::alkS-Km. To determine in E. coli JM101::alkS-Km was samples by whether PraA and/or PraB solubilize expression plasmids an site whether the N-terminal sequence of PraA is blocked culture supernatant calculated molecular Upon to amino acids 26 to 55 of the The N-terminal sequence data did not show evidence of figure 2). PraA is exactly corresponds of induced cells. were a signal sequence in observed in the E. coli 106 A praA praB praAB + B Pure M PraB + 227516 t t 1922 78 2291 21 2027 86 25^ I |«ppüi| 2366 25 ^VMw*UwWv' *mm c 2027 54 ^W^to^wwww» WvV* Figure 4: expression A: f 5 % SDS-PAGE of PraA, PraB and PraAB in E. coli JM101 : :alkS-Km gel of supernatant samples. Induced (+) and not-induced (-) samples were applied. respectively. M: marker after trypsin treatment. Peaks indicated by an arrow correspond to Boxes indicate PraA, PraB and PraAB analysis of PraA fragments expected from PraA. C: MALDÎ-TOF analysis of PraAB after trypsin treatment. Peaks indicated by an arrow correspond to fragments expected from PraA. The peak indicated by an asterisk correspond to a fragment expected from B: MALDI-TOF PraB. D: Emulsification test of supernatants containing PraA, PraB and PraAB. Negative control is a supernatant of non-induced cells. In supernatant of cultures expressing PraB only but N-terminal MALDI-TOF sequencing in E. coli faint band could be and MALDI-TOF confirmed the analysis (figure 4C) simultaneously a identity showed that PraA and PraB JM101::a/fcS'-Km[pPF107]. However, were seen (figure 4A), of this protein. expressed the relative amounts 107 could not be determined. These results show that E. coli processes and exports PraA well PraB, as as was In emulsification determined. found for PraA of P. a Supernatants containing fast PG201 (103). experiments (59), the emulsification ability of the protein solutions stable emulsification of showed aeruginosa either PraA, PraB or sites (145), hexadecane, while negative controls (non-induced samples) phase separation (figure 4D). was in was both PraA and PraB all showed Construction of alkB knockout mutants. A knockout mutant of P. (chapter 4) as constructed by inserting a kanamycin fluorescens resistance gene, flanked the alkB gene. This mutant, named KOB2, did not grow on CHAO by two C12-C16 res «- alkanes. —O— CHAO —A—KOB2 o —A— KOB2[pPF21 —•— KOB2[pPF22] —— KOB2[pPF23] 5 in t Q O 4 3 - 300 Figure 5 growth curves andKOB2[pPF23] of P. fluorescens CHAO, KOB2 and recombinants KOB2[pPF2f ], KOB2[pPF22] 108 To test whether the knockout mutant could be KOB2 was AlkB and (encoding plasmids equipped restored containing pPF21 pPF22 or with the pCom5 growth was «-alkanes. However, the on This is probably (145) genes, which suggests that the observation that KOB2 recombinants growth least under these lag-time, growth rates are is in accordance with the results of of CHAO and alkB-praAB gene were experiments from the polar on the resulting and compared a polar effect of the and containing pPF22 play not a effect were on the affected et al. region in transcriptional alkB-parAB operon. The have almost identical role in alkane degradation, expression of the as only praAB at of the pra-genes bp upstream 132 expression of the alkB incomplete. genes for the the resolvase gene using expression could be due to limited may therefore be alkB deletion mutant KOB2A1 with CHAO and 60-100 hours), 168 after (estimated containing (103). The difference between the KOB2[pPF23] or was KOB2[pPF21]. complementation kanamycin resistance gene (145), expressed transformed with The 200 the h). polar As the lag-time growth from the lac- inoculation, but to be tenfold less KOB2[pPF21] only at t = still is not in was longer than that of CHAO completely. at time PraB was points t = 120 A very weak PraB band strong than for CHAO and KOB2Al[pPF21]) 216 and later were much shorter than that KOB2Al[pPF21] KOB2[pPF21]. pPF21 (chapter 4), rates of the three strains effect may not be eliminated detected in the culture supernatant of CHAO and = an pPF23 the reduced by hydroxylases (chapter 4), removed KOB2[pPF21] (around and t All three of the downstream encoded part of are genes similar, but the lag-time of KOB2Al[pPF21] (around 100 h) (around OmpPl). plasmid pUCPParA. The of «-alkanes, of the recombinant lag-time expression pCom5-derived plasmids, with other alkane and its terminator promoter praAB Hardegger KOB2[pPF22] cloned. The promoter To reduce the on on circumstances, and for the tested alkane, hexadecane. The fact that the but not the wild-type due to suggests that the ompPl gene does curves PraAB and than that of the recombinants significantly longer pPF23 (figure 5). growth plasmids pPF21 (encoding AlkB), pPF22 PraAB) and pPF23 (encoding AlkB, terminator in the res-npt-res cassette praAB derived for complemented timepoints (data not shown). was observed 109 Figure 6: growth rates fluorescens CHAO and 0 180 ! 0 160 _ é. S KOB2Af 0 140 on of P. alkanes. Upper panel: growth rates long-chain alkanes. Cl2: 0 120 0 100 0 080 on ICHAO dodecane; C16: hexadecane; I K0B2A1 TX100: Triton X-100. c I panel: growth rates very-long-chain alkanes, Lower 0 060 (3 0 040 on - added as 10 % solution in 0 020 dioctylphthalate (DOPh). 0 000 C18: octadecane; C20: eicosane; C24: tetracosane; C28: octacosane. Substrate ICHAO I K0B2A1 C18 in DOPh C20inDOPh C24inDOPh C28 in DOPh Substrate Characterization of P. fluorescens KOB2A1: the absence of additives to not grow on improve growth any of the alkanes a second alkane which tested, However, when KOB2A1 rate ten times lower than that of CHAO are solid at supported growth dioctylphthalate. with increasing data we 30°C, do not some grown was observed, with alkanes on a (C18-C28), support growth of CHAO. However, these alkanes The difference in length, growth was (figure 6). Longer of both KOB2A1 and CHAO when chain In «-alkanes, P. fluorescens KOB2A1 does on hexadecane in the presence of 0.1 % Triton X-100, growth hydroxylase system? and growth they were dissolved to 10 % in rates between CHAO and KOB2A1 decreased disappeared for C24 and C28 conclude that P. fluorescens CHAO possesses a (figure 6). From these second alkane oxidation system, 110 which oxidizes they are alkanes. These alkanes made accessible to CHAO, for organic phase. alkanes, very-long-chain or Attempts soil, they may be accessible because they In to clone the second alkane alkane hydroxylase primers signals other than that % sequence analysis (239), identity CHAO alkB gene (data not C-sources if as the alkanes in occur using gene (239) were inert an with shorter together hydroxylase PCR with the degenerate not successful. As to the cloned CHAO the second alkane to the alkane be used solubilizing compounds. hydroxylase described before corresponding only example,by dissolving because CHAO excretes different Southern blot can alkB gene hydroxylase genes used as were specific no found during gene must have less than 70 the cloned probes, including shown). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Martina sequencing, Armengaud, Stefanie IBS Röthlisberger, Balada, ETH Zürich, Switzerland for technical assistance, Jean Grenoble, France for MALDI-TOF, Michael Kertesz, ETH Zürich, Switzerland for his gift of P. fluorescens CHAO, Rene Switzerland for N-terminal Switzerland for his help sequencing with LC-MS. and Vittorio Special 037023. in Biotechnology Brunisholz, ETH Zürich, Ravellino, Hewlard Packard, thanks for White, NRC, Montreal, Canada. This research project Priority Project Zürich, Switzerland for DNA ETH helpful was of the Swiss National discussion to supported by Lyle the Swiss Foundation, project nr. 5002- Ill Appendix to chapter 7: Influence of alkB knockout mutations fluorescens Theo H.M. CHAO: initial an on disease suppression by Pseudomonas study Smits, Stefanie B. Baiada, Monika Maurhofer, Geneviève Défago, Bernard Witholt and Jan B. van Beilen INTRODUCTION Biocontrol is the suppression rhizobacteria which disease (at the protection, root tips), effectively Soils compounds (99). colonize roots and containing right root diseases fungal pathogens causing plant produce such rhizobacteria are the biocontrol strain must be present at the sufficient numbers of time (before the (105-106 colony forming pathogen extracellular called on units per gram antifungal suppressive the roots at the causes certain by too much soils. For right location damage) and in soil). One of the best characterized biocontrol strains is Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO This strain, isolated from suppressive soil in Morens (Switzerland), is colonizer and such as produces a wide range of secondary extracellular metabolites have fluorescent fluorescens CHAO which lost the The to grow were proteins on are able to grow gene Alkane alkanes still able to grow encoded and references antibiotic function hydroxylase (chapter 4, 7). ability (C16), while they an pseudomonads characterized the alkane longer). effective root antifungal properties, 2,4-di acetyl phioroglucinol, pyoluteorin, pyrrolnitrin, hydrogen cyanide, and phenazines (e.g. phenazine-l-carboxylate)((99) Many metabolites with an (250). by praAB (alkB) as on on and (183, 188). flanking regions from dodecane ompPl, from P. knockout mutants very-long-chain and but many other «-alkanes. We isolated and hydroxylase ranging well therein), which (C12) alkanes are were generated, to hexadecane (octadecane and located downstream of 112 alkB, could play a role in solubilization and been proven unequivocally (chapter 7). Alkanes ubiquitous waxes are in natural environments, (212). These alkanes could be involved in biocontrol. To test this and the alkane ability. Here hydroxylase hypothesis, hydroxylase negative we possible a of uptake alkanes, although their role has they as carbon are for source assayed we natural components of not plant bacteria rhizosphere P. fluorescens strains CHAO mutants KOB2 and KOB2A1 for their biocontrol report first results, which indicate that inactivation of the alkane gene has significant a effect on the biocontrol ability of P. fluorescens CHAO. MATERIAL AND METHODS P. fluorescens strains CHAO, KOB2 and KOB2A1 7). Tobacco and wheat plants containing or artificial soil inoculated with the percentage of measured as a fungus which plants causes were (133). After harvesting, the plants the average amount of infected; 2 main root stem strongly (134) in the presence pathogen (134) and wheat plants tritici, which var. were rating colony forming assayed for wheat and G. graminis var. = 10-25% of roots infected; 4 base; 6 = = > infected; 3 50% of roots black, Lesions all around stem and chlorotic and severely stunted; 8 = = tritici 0 25-50% or = as No or weight, Plant dead described in Keel et = < 10% roots black and at least chlorosis of or was experiment. symptoms; 1 all main roots starting were take- causes for fresh units per gram soil per (133) has been used for scoring the Ggt disease index: one gnotobiotic system inoculated with the black root rot (250)(Chapter root infection and bacterial root colonization. Root colonization A modified disease of roots a of quartz sand and vermiculite pathogens Gaeumannomyces graminis all desease in wheat on composed described before grown for three weeks in absence of biocontrol strains. Tobacco Thielaviopsis basicola, al. were were nearly infected; 5 leaves; 7 dead. = = Lesion Plant 113 Table 1: effect of alkB knockout pathogen T. basicola Microorganisms on biocontrol P. fluorescens ability by against tobacco . added Plant fresh Root infection weight Bacterial root colonization P. T. basicola fluorescens (mg) 537 (%) (x 108 cfu/g soil) 0 a 0 none + 126 d 89 a 0 CHAO + 391b 17 b 4.3 KOB2 + 215 c 53 11.5 KOB2A1 + 253 c 46c none - c 4.9 a a a Data of two experiments were pooled. The means of twenty repetitions (ten répétions per experiment, plant per repetition) are presented. Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P 0.05 (Fisher's protected LSD test, Systat). one = RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Two gnotobiotic by systems were used to assay the biocontrol strains CHAO, KOB2 and KOB2A1 fluorescens caused test the pathogen Thielaviopsis Geaumannomyces graminis var. wild-type show significantly knockout on reduced the clearly plant protection. mutation, which would point fresh on separately. average is In table wheat the soil of 10 As this results in able to reduce the amount of infected roots weight, Root colonization to a not to be affected role of the alkB gene in plants, two data seems are based on a in shown. Here, similar results mutant KOB2 has KOB2A1. the biocontrol, but it has single point and is not measured for each points by total, the standard per plant error of this quite large. assay: both mutants have polar only while both alkB knockout mutants 2, the results of the P. fluorescens biocontrol experiments are by black root rot of tobacco is shown in to be noted that the root colonization measurements experiment, by pooling root rot of tobacco tritici. strain CHAO is and the effect of infection (133, 134): black of the P. basicola and take-all disease of wheat caused The effectiveness of P. fluorescens biocontrol table 1. The ability a a can be observed lower biocontrol significant ability as take-all disease of with the tobacco biocontrol than the lower biocontrol on wildtype. Interestingly, ability than the non-polar the mutant 114 Table 2: effect of alkB knockout graminis var. tritici added Microorganisms P. fluorescens G. by on biocontrol ability against the wheat pathogen G. P. fluorescens. graminis Plant fresh weight Disease index Bacterial root (see M&M) colonization (x 108 cfu/g soil) (mg) \ar. tritici a Ö none + 1930 d 4.2 CHAO + KOB2 KOB2A1 none 2550 - Ö a 0 2435 ab 3.2 d 1.7 a + 2103 cd 3.9 b 2.0 a + 2259 be 3.6 2.6 a c Data of three per experiments were pooled. The means of f 2 repetitions (4 repetitions per experiment, 5 plants repetition) are presented. Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P 0.05 = (Fisher's protected LSD test, Systat). The behaviour of the P. fluorescens strains in the biocontrol assays several • can be explained by hypotheses: Plants excrete exudates can example, a number of compounds, known as root exudates be divided in water-soluble and water-insoluble excretes around 20 % of its total assimilated (174). These root compounds. Wheat, for carbon, 75 % of which is water-extractable, and 25 % water-insoluble. The water-extractable fraction contains carbohydrates (sugars), organic fraction not characterized. In the was the bacteria added. acids and amino acids during Possibly, degraded by root colonization gnotobiotic system, are root lost the the bacteria. However, plant wax seems ability to grow on the not to be affected same order of magnitude. «-alkanes C12-C16 n-alkanes by units per gram soil for the forming as no only the alkB are carbon extra carbon sources as an «-alkanes, that deletion, wild-type as are mainly very-long-chain mutants (chapter 7). Furthermore, important for sources are (212), while the alkB knockout colonization of the roots, which is described (161), exudates, the the insoluble fraction of the root exudate contains alkanes in the range between C25 and C37 only (174), but the insoluble the factor for biocontrol the numbers of colony and both knockout mutants are within 115 • The alkane a role in the metabolites. However, the important secondary metabolites has been elucidated a function for the alkane Degradation products production of hydroxylase of the %)(99). for biosynthetic pathways We observed similar and alkB mutants. However, the enhanced larger pathways long time on antifungal secondary KOB2 and KOB2A1 still as 2,4derive from antifungal compounds of the levels of the a block in metabolites secondary ability (generally up to 30 ability by the two and laboratory experiments, additional mutation in an are ability. important metabolites produce be excluded. However, the highly complex significant A as general and not fully a pathway or trait of P. fluorescens strains instability of the gacA/gacS regulatory for the global regulators (154). Laboratory experiments antibiotics that are regulatory production under control of the so that a of showed that both gacA/gacS gacA/gacS cascades of P. fluorescens CHAO mutation are understood. difference in the effect of the two alkB knockout mutants in the wheat inserted in the alkB gene. This terminator affects the downstream of alkB, such the solubilization and as uptake the of praAB-ompPl long-chain expression genes, which alkanes or cassette of genes located are (chapter 7). putative very-long-chain acyl-coA dehydrogenase, further are even regulatory system is correlated with the presence of the terminator in the res-npt-res of the can antifungal compound pyoluteorin regulatory system (M. Maurhofer, unpublished results), test precursors for the as losses in biocontrol rich medium is the system (65). GacA and GacS A unlikely. (M. Maurhofer, unpublished results). cultivated for • is It has been described that not affected in cascade which affects the biocontrol can for the most ((99) and references therein), loss of the biocontrol even are The mutant strains could have the all other production production the alkB knockout mutants by in these ((99) and references therein). partial (often insignificant) cause a (some of) the (some of) the antifungal secondary metabolites, such other precursors one of biosynthetic pathway of alkane oxidation could be necessary diacetylphloroglucinol (75, 133). Nearly • biosynthesis antifungal secondary and • could have hydroxylase possibly Even the involved in expression other genes located downstream, could be affected by the inactivation of alkB. 116 CONCLUSION Based on the results of this study, influences the biocontrol ability chemical plant composition of we can and/or yet explain why the mutation in alkB of P. fluorescens CHAO to the observed extent. The root exudates needs to be measurements would have to be made for fluorescens not fungal pathogen. plants determined, and similar grown in the presence of either P. A role for PraAB or OmpPl can not be excluded at this stage, and knockout mutants will be useful to show the effect of these deletions biocontrol. As second alkane a hydroxylase system is present in P. fluorescens CHAO, it will be necessary to clone the gene and construct knockout mutants wild-type CHAO clearer view biocontrol on as in the mutant KOB2A1. These experiments the influence of inactivation of the alkane ability of P. fluorescens CHAO. on as well, both in the may in the end hydroxylase genes give on the a 117 Chapter 8 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE SUBSTRATE RANGE AND ACTIVITY OF THE ALKANE HYDROXYLASE OF PSEUDOMONAS PUTIDA Theo H.M. (OLEOVORANS) GPol Smits, Bernard Witholt and Jan van Beilen 118 SUMMARY Intrinsic and extrinsic factors such of P. hydroxylase rhamnolipids, enhance induction of the effect on putida (oleovorans) growth alk-system by product «-dodecane. In accumulation rates of the substrates. However, GPol and an expressed, In five at host strain, substrate on to grow on «-tetradecane substrates, but independent 55 to a mutants, serine or in in vivo (TGG -> TCG) or positive assays with activity putida (oleovorans) hydroxylase Therefore, we C14 and C16 on mutation single point a are genes tested a the GPol alkB gene. It also does not mutants able to grow a «-alkanes, and also enable do not allow P. «-hexadecane. containing as addition, rhamnolipids have E. coli recombinant in which the GPol alkane these position Biosurfactants, such alk-system rhamnolipids recombinant P. fluorescens strain on GPol. of all recombinant strains high logP grow regulation, uptake, and downstream metabolism influence the apparent substrate range of the solubility alkane as changed the cysteine (TGG -> can be selected. tryptophan TGC or residue TGT) residue. INTRODUCTION The substrate range of the P. putida (oleovorans) system has been investigated in detail, but it is determined the host of by the dimensions of the substrate (TF4-1L) alkane hydroxylase not clear to what extent it is binding site or by factors depending on strain, substrate solubility, uptake and regulation. Besides the hydroxylation aliphatic and been shown to alicyclic compounds (173, 259), catalyse: epoxidation of branched of terminal olefins Some of these compounds putida (oleovorans) GPol, dodecane, a induce the methyl ethers; because they even has corresponding sulfoxidation of as carbon substrate for the alkane putida (oleovorans) hexadecane sources do not induce the alk-genes efficiently (248, 283). tetradecane, and hydroxylase system thioethers, and (131, 132, 171, 172). cannot be utilised reasonably good substrate for P. the alkane the oxidation of terminal alcohols to the aldehydes; demethylation growth GPol (173), which same were the alk-genes. wild-type For hydroxylase (150), GPol because this The by example, is not compound P. a does not could also be true for oxidised at around 22 and 3 %, 119 respectively, of the activity with «-octane, based on the other cases, the downstream metabolism cannot handle the oxidation reactions. For instance, in contrast to of the initial products ethylbenzene, substrate, substituted ethylbenzenes and isopropylbenzene allow of NADPH. In disappearance are which is a growth oxidised, but do not growth (87). A third factor is the solubilisation and and E. coli recombinants (69) do not probably produce equipped surfactants with the P. because medium-chain alkanes cytoplasmic alkanes, which must be solubilised studied biosurfactants are (reviewed by (193)). concentration (around 40 membrane the of alkanes. P. simply on rhamnolipids growth alk-system alkanes, this is not true for The most by (bio)surfactants (28). enhances GPol traverse the outer membrane and (245). However, Addition of GPol medium-chain rhamnolipids, produced by mg/1) putida (oleovorans) putida (oleovorans) (223), but grow well diffuse into the strains uptake of P. long-chain thoroughly Pseudomonas aeruginosa above the critical micelle aeruginosa on «-alkanes (109, 290). In this study, we test the influence of rhamnolipids on the growth rates of the wild- type P. putida (oleovorans) GPol and the recombinant host strains E. coli GEcl37 and P. fluorescens KOB2A1 (oleovorans) GPol, on expressing the alkane of P. putida to determine the effect of the extrinsic factors mentioned above the apparent substrate range of the alkane AlkB mutants with hydroxylase expanded an hydroxylases. substrate range by In selection addition, on longer we obtained «-alkanes. MATERIAL AND METHODS Bacteria and growth conditions. P. GEcl37[pGEc47] (69) were used in this (220). 12.5 study. To select for piglmï For P. Recombinants and P. fluorescens LB with pGEc47 appropriate in E. were antibiotics coli, tetracycline grown in 50 ml baffled 10 piM CaCl2 of E. coli GEcl37, thiamine was GPol (228), E. coli KOB2Al[pCom8B (GPol)] (chapter 4) was fluorescens KOB2A1, gentamycin (220) supplemented with case putida (oleovorans) added to a precultures concentration of used at 100 piglmï flasks with either M9 medium piM FeS04 a used for added to was Erlenmeyer and 10 was or E2 medium (151). concentration of 0.001 % In the (w/v). As 120 carbon sources, 1 % (C14) hexadecane or the medium. % w/v. For rpm in used, supplied via the gas phase Rhamnolipids were added to the medium in optical density described before cell OD450 was measured Methods for (chapter 4). experiments. with 10 supplemented overnight preculture alk-system 0.1 % % substrate at For in vivo alkane were piM CaCl2 The cell suspension and 10 was sequencing piM FeS04 in 50 mM taken out were were was acidified to 0.01 % 2-octanol glucose used. respectively a Subsequently, harvested three hours incubated in 10 ml added to Pyrex a 10 mM tubes with 1 concentration of after 1, 2, 4 and 21 hours and frozen pH as « 2, and products internal standard. were extracted with 1 ml Samples (Chrompack, Middelburg, separate the extracted compounds, Gas was were were an and incubated at 30°C in tetracycline, Na-phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, were (220) inoculated with 2 ml of was were capillary gaschromatograph equipped column CP-Wax CP52 increment of 10°C per measurements, E. extracted. Fisons HRGC MEGA 2 series analysed using hydroxylase activity source, 0.5 % Portions of 1 ml were were containing conditions. pellet sequencing pCom8B (GPol) 30°C, 200 rpm. Rhamnolipids Tubes samples capillary spun down at 15000 was grown in M9 medium. 200 ml M9 medium of the strains in LB with glucose. until the hexane liquid isolation and DNA Primers used for resuspended MgS04, (w/v). end concentration of 0.1 the alkane and alkane-surfactant including induced with 0.05 % DCPK. Cells was after induction and 0.01 % added to (280). plasmid rotary shaker for 8 hours. As carbon (v/v) directly or pKKrev (240). coli strains GEcl37 and K19 the an removed. After addition of 0.5 ml water, the cell manipulations. PalkFw3 and measurements, 1 ml culture and 0.5 ml supernatant and the resuspended (C8), decane (CIO), dodecane (C12) tetradecane were were Resting octane (C16) microfuge, a micelles DNA (v/v) a The was with a To to 200°C with used. Products Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) on a fused Netherlands). temperature gradient from 60°C minute, after 2 minutes 60°C, analysed were under the same an 121 Chemicals. All linear Fluka. DCPK extraction alkanes, alkenes, from Aldrich. was procedure from P. and /?-cymene cumene Rhamnolipids aeruginosa gift were a PG201 was obtained from were from Dr. Urs Ochsner. The described before (97). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Influence of rhamnolipids Rhamnolipids alkanes. aeruginosa on alkanes are on the growth biosurfactants which facilitate the ranging rhamnolipids promote growth from C16 to C20 of a by and C12, C14 and C16 on grown the addition of alk-system (96) to experiments, are whether study oxidising strain on «- C8, CIO and C12 supplied via dicyclopropylketone (DCPK), guarantee that the alk-genes To on of Pseudomonas added to the medium directly absence of the biosurfactant. In these or presence induced phase, was alkane length GPol growth (109, 289, 290). medium-chain alkanes, P. putida (oleovorans) GPol the vapour putida (oleovorans) of P. a the alk-genes gratuitous to the expressed (table 1) in the were inducer of the same level in all experiments. Growth of P. the medium putida (oleovorans) was significantly GPol on C8-C12 vapour and C12 added faster in the presence of absence. However, the biosurfactant did not allow P. grow on C14 and C16. As C12-C16 1-alkanols this may be due to either The growth rates of P. an putida (oleovorans) somewhat lower than the 1.5 uptake problem growth factor for growth on higher growth Effect of an strain, on both C8 and CIO vapour mass as a second phase (C8: transfer of C8 and CIO is Apparently, rhamnolipids to the were liquid phase a facilitate and/or the cells, resulting rate. rhamnolipids absence of phase GPol to substrates for this rates found with C8 and CIO transfer of alkanes from the vapour a GPol alkane vapour. than in its putida (oleovorans) growth to the substrate range of AlkB. h., CIO: 2.2-2.5 h. (150, 224)) suggesting that limiting in or are rhamnolipids directly on the induction of the inducer. Dodecane is but it cannot induce the a alk-system in the presence substrate of the alkane alk-genes efficiently (96, 283). or hydroxylase (150, 259), This could be due to the geometry of the inducer binding site of AlkS, but could also be uptake-related: C12 a : 122 E. coli +DCPK, b +DCPK, -Rhl b +DCPK, +Rhl GPol +DCPK, 1.6(2) putida (oleovorans) +DCPK, n.g. -Rhl P. -DCPK, +Rhl GEcl37[pGEc47] -DCPK, 1.6(2) +DCPK, b +DCPK, P .fluorescent [pCom8B (GPol)] 17 (90) (90) - +Rhlc (290) 17 n.g. +Rhl 28 (400) (170) 9.3 (8)d - 10(16) 88 - 101 (700) (180) 158 32 46 (500) (700) round hexadecane; 138 - - - - -Rhl : (32) n.g. 14 11(4) (2) 3.3(2) - n.g. n.g. tetradecane; C16 n.g. 2.8 +Rhl 16 - 1.8(2) (32) (2) 22(4) 2.7 11(8) - 17(8) - 21(8) 19 (8) n.g. 11(4) (24) n.g. 43(4) dodecane; C14 n.g. - decane; C12 n.g. n.g. : - - - octane; C10 : n.g. : 107 C8 : -Rhl KOB2A1 Table 1: doubling and lag-times (hours) of P.putida (oleovorans) GPol,.E. GEcl37[pGEc47] and P. fluorescens KOB2Al[pCom8B (GPol)] during growth on «-alkanes. coli Substrate C8 vapour CIO vapour a C12 vapour C12 liquid C14 liquid liquid C16 Footnotes: b - : not tested; values are doubling times in hours, values in : n.g. : no growth; parenthesis are lag-times in hours;c : these values are growth rates of cultures after one d of adaptation; : growth rate after multiple rounds of adaptation 123 may not reach AlkS. with and without allow growth a Therefore, rhamnolipids rate on we grew P. shows that C12, if directly Growth of system a solubilised, can only recombinant E. coli mutant strain of with «-alkanes slower on poorly on cosmid - C12 supplied growth on This (table 1). significant extent, and GPol did not grow on to grow on GPol alk- in E. coli pGEc47 minimal medium via the vapour «-alkanes in is toxic for E. coli significant for phase (69). liquid cultures, on longer are highly in not grow in We with and in the Pseudomonas and that the Pseudomonas may be the low toxicity a alk-system supplied as a C8 of P. second stationary phase (72). Possibly, C8 while this effect is less by rhamnolipids, of the above results is that medium-chain for on the «-alkane. rhamnolipids causes only cultures liquid alkanes. The toxic effect may be neutralised containing grew However, in the containing liquid cultures, traverse the cell membranes of E. and the GPol. sensitive to «-octane, when glucose, especially simplest interpretation Therefore, the main GEcl37[pGEc47] putida (oleovorans) GEcl37[pGEc47] which form micelles (245) E. coli CIO vapour. E. coli strains on GPol phase during growth (236). rate putida (oleovorans) the P. alk-genes rhamnolipids, «-alkanes than P. putida (oleovorans) coli a putida (oleovorans) biosurfactant, GEcl37[pGEc47] did vapour and very simply to DHl, enables this strain from C6 ranging in the presence of absence of the The rhamnolipids rhamnolipids. Generally, slightly growth alk-genes containing also tested this recombinant strain for without C12 vapour, added to the medium in the absence of DCPK. GEcl37, afadR plates doubles the induce the alkanes. Introduction of the on on C12 that is five times faster than that obtained without thus is available to the cells and AlkS. P. C12 GPol and DCPK. In the absence of DCPK, The addition of DCPK rhamnolipids. putida (oleovorans) coli have a by positive difference in (nearly) influence growth specific activity of medium-chain diffusion easily alkanes as for the diffusion rates. rates between E. of the alkane length on as length coli and hydroxylase system in E. alkanes to the E. coli recombinants 124 The effect of rhamnolipids the P. containing (oleovorans) on growth putida (oleovorans) GPol nor E. coli alkanes of on alkB-gene. GPol GEcl37[pGEc47] hexadecane. This may be due to an the substrate range of the alkane hydroxylase. is the alkane from strain able to grow a KOB2A1 fluorescens (oleovorans) alkanes As the on a grow mutant P. hydroxylase from C8 to C16. No growth of these alkanes uptake the P. encoding for (pCom8B (GPol)) was observed on which is derived putida growth C8 with not grow on «- rhamnolipids. C8 to CIO on either, the rubredoxin and rubredoxin reductase genes, which encode the other components of the alkane hydroxylase system necessary for activity, may time, and induced. was resulted in Initially, growth on C14 and C16 started significantly higher growth an adaptation rates with shorter codon (TGG) into acid into TCG single point a a a mutation at cysteine small residue. In other no changes change position codon (TGT), thus changing AVLI TGG -> TTG were not found (chapter 9), suggesting plasmid containing on 48 hours with after the same substrate was was changed to allow sequenced. Indeed, the a same a tryptophan large hydrophobic codon TGC codon a/fcB-sequence. (possible a changed twice to (cysteine). Other a In all five possible one-basepair amino acids at the changed amino by a one-basepair corresponding that additional mutations might include (W55L). KOB2A1, growth only found in the to the CSGRL). Amino acids present in other AlkBs are When the hydroxylase 165. This mutation independent cultures, were in the W55 codon are position changes the long lag- adapted KOB2Al[pCom8B (GPol) codon, encoding serine (W55S) and twice cases, on a lag-times (table 1), hexadecane, the alkB gene of pCom8B (GPol) sequence of the alkB gene isolated from the showed after not be process. To check whether the sequence of the GPol alkane on only slow. However, further cultivation of all cultures presumably by growth to or We tested P. (chapter 4) parent strain of P. fluorescens KOB2A1, CHAO, does efficiently of tetradecane and fluorescens KOB2A1, derivative gene putida The ideal host to test these alternatives «-alkanes pCom8 Neither P. on unknown barrier for long-chain containing GPol alkane ranging alkanes two hydroxylase negative recombinant P. fluorescens a the W55C mutation hexadecane in presence of a long lag-phase doubling time of 56 was transformed back into rhamnolipids hours, similar in the initial cultures. Apparently, started after to the growth a lag-time rate observed the mutation enables the P. 125 putida (oleovorans) GPol alkane hydroxylase to oxidize hexadecane with is sufficient to allow the P. fluorescens recombinant to grow Prediction of residues involved in substrate for the alkane residue at of P. hydroxylase position binding. putida (oleovorans) GPol this substrate. on Based rate that a on the topology model (261), the tryptophan 55 is located in the second membrane helix. Table 1 shows that cultures grown hexadecane, while cultures tetradecane need the on start to grow same dodecane after on a long lagtime very short lagtime. as This suggests that dodecane fits in the substrate binding pocket, while tetradecane and hexadecane Supposing are too large, and need the mutation of W to C that linear alkanes bind in a fully dodecane molecule is about 17 A. Also segments of AlkB fold molecule corresponds transmembrane of the core core a on a dodecane of the comparisons sequence. Counting from the periplasmic end of the W55, the to are at 10 and 14 residues from or correct distance to position position a the activated oxygen extended dodecane molecule. Transmembrane (TM) helices often form well-packed bundles. sequence tend to be neighbours In the alkane antiparallel. residue, a-helix. Based 4, and position 24 for helix 6, position corresponding an 1.5 A per sequence of a-helices 4 and 6, the essential histidines 20 and 24 for helix at the end of perfect a-helices, rising an conformation, the length of that the six transmembrane assuming to 11 amino acids in S to be able to bind. stretches, the W is located about 10 residues from the periplasmic end hydrophobic hydrophobic as extended or in the structure hydroxylases, (153), all three and are TM helices adjacent in consequently proposed periplasmic loops are quite short, which suggests that the integral membrane domain of the AlkBs consist of three antiparallel as far TM helix as can pairs. All six TM helices have be estimated from the approximately multiple alignments. This the implies same that the the TM helices relative to the membrane surface must be similar and is length, angle probably of close to 90°. The W55C and W55S mutants show that the enzyme accommodates the highly apolar alkane substrates in hydroxylases, distantly related a hydrophobic pocket which is formed by inside the membrane-domain of the residues on helix 2 and other helices. In the desaturases, the segment corresponding to helices 1 and 2 is not present. Recent studies with desaturase chimeras of the A6 fatty acid desaturase and A8 sphingolipid desaturase from Borago officinalis indicate that TM helices 1 and 2 126 (corresponding forming the substrate in the alkane are to TM helices 3 and 4 in the alkane active as hydroxylases The site of these enzymes may play the same hydroxylases, the substrate involved in are helices 3 and 4 (159). Therefore, role. It is dimers, and the active site is located while in the alkane protein binding hydroxylases) that the desaturases possible at the interface of the two binding pocket is located in subunits, one unit. cofactors in the alkane only hydroxylases are the two irons that are bound by the histidine clusters located downstream of TM helices 4 and 6. As the histidine motifs and W55 delineate the vertical boundaries of the substrate AlkB, other residues involved in substrate binding may be located helix 2 as W55 (residues 58, 59, 62, 66) 89-98), and the last previous in vivo solubility activity on in vivo study, we investigated same side of (residues (residues 128-137). activity assays the effect of substrate addition of 0.05 % Triton X-100 without this the on the first 10 amino acids of helix 3 , 10 amino acids of helix 4 Influence of substrate in the GPol binding pocket of the alkane solubility knowing why the link between the was hydroxylase. reduced this is effective hydrophobicity by In the (245, 259). of alkane In hydroxylase substrates, expressed in logP values (148, 270), and the in vivo activity of the alkane hydroxylase in E. coli The observed of activity of the alkane rhamnolipids (table 2), with Triton X-100 was was (245, 259). in the range obtained before in similar With of the some formed due to further oxidation of the logP value of the substrate. The low converted with logP value high higher Rhamnolipids substrate cumene, amounts rates, while no a negative logP on perhaps by increasing substrates more experiments than one product were strongly dependent cumene and cymene was converted at a were lower oxidises these substrates with lower cumene efficiency (259) cycle logP in the membrane to toxic activity, probable less efficient. It has to be noted that the ß-oxidation a low rate. accumulation rates with the low a on could be observed for substrates with the level of (236). High logP substrates gave hydroxylase substrates, rhamnolipids activity effect rhamnolipids. primary products (table 2). than that of octane, which showed absence of or towards C8 and C10, in the presence hydroxylase The accumulation rates in the absence of the in the presence GEcl37[pGEc47], or as the alkane because in the strain is still uptake fully is 127 Table 2: in vivo activities of the alkane (+ Rhl) or absence Substrate hydroxylase in (- Rhl) of rhamnolipids. Substrate Accumulation rate of total logP Products Accumulation rate products per (U/g CDW) + 3.4b Cumene + 6.4 8.1 12.1 Effects ofRhT product (U/i;CDW) -Rhl 7.8 4.5 Octane Rhl 3.9 4.1 Cymene in presence GEcl37[pGEc47] 2.6 Decane 5.6 10.3 < 0.01e Dodecene 6.2 7.0 <0.01 Rhl -Rhl 2-phenyl -1 -propanol 0.5 0.8 2-phenyl-1propanoic acid 2-(4-methylphenyl)1-propanol 2-(4-methylphenyl)1-propanoic acid 3.5 5.6 0.4 0.2 7.3 7.9 Octanol 1.6 Octanoic acid 10.5 Decanoic acid 10.3 1,2-epoxydodecane 2.5 11-dodecenoic acid 4.3 11,12-epoxy- 0.2 d X + 2.6 + - + - dodecenoic acid Dodecane 6.6 5.3 <0.01 Tetradecene 6.7 0.4 <0.01 Dodecanoic acid 5.3 1,2- 0.3 + - + epoxytetradecene 13-tetradecenoic 0.1 - acid Tetradecane Footnotes:a below 7.6 < n.d.e negative effect, x: no effect, d detection limit. : no products.e : not : -: active, and fatty acids In 0.01e can +: No positive effect. b - : estimated value, n.d. - no literature value. ° : determined. be oxidised further, which may affect the obtained activity. addition, epoxides might be oxidised These results show that products rhamnolipids at the co-position. extend the substrate range of the alkane hydroxylase by making hydrophobic compounds more soluble and thereby more accessible for the host strain. CONCLUDING REMARKS Rhamnolipids significantly P. putida (oleovorans) experiments as well as influence the GPol alkane the in vivo availability of hydrophobic hydroxylase system, activity assays. as shown Expression substrates for the by the growth of the GPol alkane 128 hydroxylase in P. fluorescens KOB2A1 allowed the selection of alkB mutants that able to oxidize hexadecane, while repeated cultivation of hexadecane resulted in fluorescens CHAO growth rates that such as an enzyme, the alkane comparable of these mutants with that of the on wildtype P. (chapter 7). As the host strain and substrate range of are one are mapping by have a large effect on the apparent substrate and modification of the substrate range of enzymes, hydroxylase, the target substrates solubility should be accompanied by studies on the uptake of the host strain. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank Martina Röthlisberger technical assistance. This research Biotechnology was for sequencing supported by of the Swiss National Science and Stefanie Balada for the Swiss Priority Program Foundation, project nr. in 5002-037023. 129 Chapter 9 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Theo H. M. Smits 130 Although the degradation of medium- and attention from researchers in the fields of and biochemistry, bioremediation, concentrated relatively on a molecular microbiology, biocatalysis, genetics, most of these studies have small number of strains. The most alkane oxidation system is that of Pseudomonas in alkanes has received much long-chain described extensively putida (oleovorans) (reviewed GPol (263)). Highly degenerate (oleovorans) PCR GPol primers on five non-heme iron alkane colony hybridizations, flanking regions were (168)(chapter 4; J. B. a shows that the full-length alkane as hydroxylase and us to show that some cases J. B. van up to Beilen, in Southern and probes Gram-positive Comparison divergence, monooxygenase sequence identity, oxygenases, such Based hydroxylases integral-membrane sequence gene sequences and Gram-negative strains indeed hydroxylase homologs on as the and other of the alkane with protein hydroxylases (251) acid as even non- (chapter 4) have low as 35 %. The substrates, the P. putida only have around 25 % integral-membrane desaturases, have some sequences hydroxylases that oxidize other and related enzymes, homology, alignments (table 1, figure 2), hydroxylase sequence identities while the other related fatty integral-membrane non-heme iron alkane define thirteen different subclasses of the oxygenases fragments showed that all tested alkane closest relatives of the alkane identity. (213), enabled alkanes. heme iron oxygenases. protein ADPl putida Beilen, unpublished results). Functional analysis by Structural features of alkane xylene of the PCR some total of 17 van of P. hydroxylases «-alkanes contain at least one, and in obtained from several heterologous expression mt-2 the alkane hydroxylase homologs (239)(chapter 2; unpublished results). Using significant on (143) and Acinetobacter sp. many strains able to grow hydroxylate based non-heme iron lower levels of sequence and the function of these enzymes, integral-membrane we could non-heme iron structural features of which will be discussed below. The alignment of the manually optimized alkane complete based hydroxylase (261). spanning segments on alkane the hydroxylase topology sequences shown in model for the P. In all AlkB sequences, the six could be identified easily. Most figure 1 putida (oleovorans) hydrophobic hydrophobic was GPol membrane residues are not well monooxygenases Xylene hydroxylases 9 2 C5 steroid oxygenases Cholesterol 7 6 A9 desaturases Q-3 desaturases 359-453 355-510 374-443 272/298 VT(Y/f)LHH H(R/k)THH representatives parentheses: residues not possible that of a HV(I/a)HH(L/i)F GEG(F/Y)HN(Y/F)HH (T/v)H(V/i)XHH(L/i)(F/s) HHD(L/M)HHS H(T/ad)XHH HDXHH YTPSYHSLHH certain subclass many more are known. b: capitalized letters: absolutely small letters: minor residues. sequences sequences of the 4 histidine boxes. The sequences used to determine the consensi absolutely conserved, capitals: predominant residues, of each subclass, and it is well conserved residues; in are consensus GDHCGHG NS(A/L)AHXXG HR(I/A)HH(R/K) HR(L/m)W(S/A)HR TX(L/v)(Q/H)HT H(R/d)(R/n)HH EDHSGY (f/d)H(D/t) H(E/D)C(G/a)H(H/k) H(A/K)XHH H(R/m)XLH 271-365 H(S/C)GY HKVHH YK(Y/kn)(I/v)H(K/s)XHH HR(L/G)(L/F)H DF(L/M)RCLGH(C/S)NVEI YTPS(F/Y)HSLHH H(H/W)EHH FGT(W/Y)LPH(K/R)P DFMNNMGHCNFEL AHXLHH AHR(L/M)HHAV EITNHX(N/D)HH LQRH(S/A)DHH H4 YMFVHDGLVH HLLFffT YHS(H/F)HHSS H(R/K)X(L/F)H 524/566 253-406 YHS(H/F)HHSS H(R/K)X(L/F)H 567-622 HXSHH HXXHH H(R/K)A(I/L)WH HXSHH H(R/K)(W/Y)fMHG FfDCMHG 242-320 308-322 NYXQHYG(L/Q) H(I/V)XXHH FfELXH (L/V)HDG(L/V)VH NYXEHYG(L/M) EHXXGHH H3 HE(L/m)XHK no. H2 Histidine box Hlb non-heme iron oxygenases Footnotes:a: No seqs: number of sequences used to determine the 9 A12/Ê2-6 desaturases hydroxylases 8 C4 steroid oxygenases 3 5 5 162-176 369-377 5 6 355-490 Length 16 seqsa 2 CER-like No. integral-membrane Decarbonylases, Glossy-like Decarbonylases, Carotene ketolases Plant carotene hydroxylases Bacterial carotene hydroxylases subclass Alkane Enzyme Table 1: sequence motifs of 131 50 MNAPVHVDQNE'EEVINAARSMEŒIDR^YIOTIISPALPVIGIGIT^ ^ELMPVPASMEŒIDRE^YIMMISPALPVIGIJGILA. 1 GEDFNNPPF^V-VFiaZKFJ^YYRVLTYLTVPMHYAALIVSAMMÏTa GEDYSNPPESV-VPKLEQDRYYKVLTYLTVPIHYAALIISAWWVS'IQ GKDASNPTSF£-lKQI^lsDPYYA[lLVKSFIPLQYIAlslVYACYLVSRK GKDARMTOF£-IKIIZKDPYYSRLVKSFIPIÛYAANIYACYLTSRK GDDI^NPPEDV-VPHLFJM^YYRLIVYIATLVEWAFFM^VRIVG'IH GVDSENPPESI-VPRffiSroYYRYVVYIATFWWÄFAGATWIVÄIQ GEDASNPPESA-VPDl^QPYYKFnArSCÄVLS^ GTXiI^NPPDDV-LEQI^lsDRYYRV^ITAYLPIQYAGFWALWLIMRG GPK^NPPDEV-TDRIEISDKYYRYCTYIYIPFQYLSVVIJGAYLFTAA GE^PANPDF£TQTTQIZßQGYYVIIjTLATVPVLIGTLVWAAGVF^ GRDPANPF^^EVPFJŒ^^YYRVI^I^TVPU MDSVNPTt^FÖ-F^FiiJ^KFFKYITCÄYVPIQITimYGVYIVSTQ PKDFSARKVSPFFADL 40 72 79 78 64 64 64 79 81 64 64 48 45 M3 TQYIÛLPLMIGLYGLLVFGVElSlGRIE GEDFNNPPF^V-VFiaZKF^YYRVLTYLTVPMHYAALIVSAMMÏIQ 67 -D. .NP 130 GEDFMsrpPFZV-VPKI^S^YYRVLTYL^ 120 67 110 MDTLRYYLIPWTACGLIGFYY 1 100 MDDU^KYSFLLVYLLIPLPFVSLYL 1 90 MFASJ^SAOTOÏU^TCYWIWLIAVrjGIPISYWWS 1 Ml MFENFSPSIMLAIKKYAYWLWIZZALSMPFNYWMA. 1 • MIVSVAAPGVWTDSKRHU^nJGTLPMITPLESGIF MSDDAPAAASRPMASIIPAATGGTEEWTDR^YIWLIGLVVPSLVFIAIGL 1 i 60 J_ P..D... -IWYGLVLIIWYGLVPLIDTML -IFYGLVLAVWYGVLPIJXAMF -IFYGLVLAVWYGVLPIJXAMF -IFYGLVIXVWYGALPIJXAMF i 70 GGY GGW IfiSDYPN QDSAHPA 140 ^VWIWIGPIVILVWELLDLVA VFWWSGVLVIFGLIPLIDGIM VFWWPGP^AFGVIPVLDLLI ^VFWWPGPLFAFGVIPILDTLI 150 cepacia RR10 pseudomallei K96243 P. fluorescens CHAO D P A D L N TR QE aureofaciens RTWH529 cepaciaRRlO pseudomallei K96243 P. fluorescens CHAO aeruginosa PAOl AlkBl aeruginosa PAOl AlkB2 L. pneumophila Philadelphia P. putida mt-2 XylM p p. M. tuberculosis H37Rv P. rugosa NRRLB-2295. B. B. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB 104 Acinetobacter sp. ADPl A. borkumensis API p. P.putida (oleovorans) putida PI Consensus GPol aeruginosa PAOl AlkBl aeruginosa PAOl AlkB2 L. pneumophila Philadelphia P. putida mt-2 XylM P. P. M. tuberculosis H37Rv P. rugosa NRRL B-2295. B. B. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB 104 S K RTWH529 GPol Acinetobacter sp. ADPl P. P aureofaciens A. borkumensis API P. P.putida (oleovorans) putida Pf P. Consensus S P NLSWLGFDGA 160 M2 WW-LGAATFPAIWVLDVIL YSFLPFFIVFAFIPLIDA-F AWFWLVISWFGLIPILDAIV FWAFSLVIAVFGIGELLDMLF GWHAAAfy/PT MTGPTT J ,YOT ,T ,PT ,T ,nT RF RFATGWG ALTIGVQ AtSTGWH AtSTGFH GVHFGPRPT .KKWAT GGPT J J .HWTPATnTTT GYQFSPRPIKKIFALGGPIVLHIIIPVIDTII VSQTGWS— ANETGWG-- ANETGWG-- ANETGWG-- Nn^nTG<^PKAPRPPFA7FFMRnKKRYT NT MTX .TAPTAT ,\AMT ,PT .TMnMNIQT MMQQPVSATJra^Tt^YV^lIZJGALTITLPLVAALL 1 1 MATSDAPAASWSOa^YIWLDGALTITLPIFAAQL 1 -MIMNAPVNVQQ 1 1 1 WPATPMIGIWL MSENILTEPPI^DADNEGYVDRt^RHUttlSVIMPATPIIGLYL 1 _1_ MNGKSSVIXiSAPEYVDKKKYFWIISTEWPATPMIGIWL i 40 1 l_ 30 MI^^HRVIXiSAPEYVDKKKYIWnT^TEMPÄrPMIGIWL i I 1 20 10 180 I 230 Y. .F. .EH. .GHH I 220 T. .D I 240 G F... l_ 250 cepacia RRf 0 pseudomallei K96243 P. fluorescens CHAO -T^lsELLQGWGMSAAFHASM\Ä3IPGKGTIPYT^T^ÄFYGISLFEIIlsrYIEH^ -WRTSE^LHAWAMTWVWGTATAIGGVWIEFLVIQAVYGASLI^^^^ TVIGSFKSAIEIEKNRIKÏKGKEFWS- TV\Ä3SVRSAMy^KTRLARTJGRSPWT- T\mKIASAMy^3^ARLARSGRSÄWS- T\^^SJ^SAMiLESQRIEKlJGLPTLH- TV\ÄKLRSAWRLERKRYARRDRHPFR- SOTGGT RS A\7HT F AQRT RRT ra7SPWNTCWrVT RNTft/T ,NAWT M£\ A/T MGGT ,T A\/FGPAT .TPFCT TQA\7FGFST T F A\7MVT FHYGT T R 209 195 195 232 210 221 IHNNFWWILTVPmiCn^IIKK^^ 180 173 AT\Ä3SVKDAIKIEAETLRRKGQSPW M5 M6 H3 NT .SNKTyQYVAT T T AT .PGT VSYT GGPAT 0[ .OTTAÇMTTAKGT\7FGFMVFQHYnT WRNELBTOWAISÄLFIJJSFSLAT^^ 198 AYKHNFTJslAMy^MmKRKGLPALH TJJJGSFQSALILEEKRlßHKNYSIWS ^WQNELB^rYIXSLAJJLVGFGWAFGWDGMVFFljGQÄFVAVT^ 198 AYKYNFTJslAMy^ÄVRLRKKGLPVPG -IGKDVLNAWUeAVmSVMIümjSIGV^ -WKNGVLSAWLYSVVOO^TAWDGAAVIEFLVIQGIYGFSLI^^^ ^- -KDlsELLQGWGMSAAI^SSITAIPGKGTIPYLVTQÄFYGISLFEIIlsrYIEHYGT^ TVPGSn^SAJEIETHRIKÏKGKKFWS- 210 -WRISE^LQAWAMTVAWSAATAFGGAKVVEFIJLIQAAYGAST^^ P. aureofaciens GPol RTWH529 cepacia RRf 0 pseudomallei K96243 P. fluorescens CHAO aeruginosa PAOl AlkBl aeruginosa PAOl AlkB2 L. pneumophila Philadelphia P. putida mt-2 XylM P. P. M. tuberculosis H37Rv P. rugosa NRRL B-2295. B. B. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB 104 Acinetobacter sp. ADPl A. borkumensis API P. putida (oleovorans) putida PI Consensus -]^NFA^m:iXTWLYAAIXAFFGEr^ A. ..E..R .R L 340 -FnNF TT qpmottctt .ytt t t affgpkmt s/ft PTQMAFGwwnr .ts anvtfhygt t r l 330 171 EIPGAFRRÄWGLEEQRIßRRGQSVWS- l 320 203 EIPGÄFKRÄWGLEEQRISRCGKSVWS- G l 310 P. .N l 300 -FFINF TT QPMOTTS A/T YTT J T AFFGPKMT \TVT PTQMAFGWMrj .TS ANVTFHYGT J R .. l_ 290 198 EIPGAFRRÄWGLEEQRIßRRGQSVWS- l_ 280 198 EIPGAFIRÄWGLEEQRIßRRGQSVWS- l_ 270 H2 NY.EHYG. Q -FDlsEILQmiITVILYAVIXAIKÏPKMLVFT^lQMAFGWVO^TSANYIEH^ i_ 260 Hl SEPLQVAGCILSLAMjSGVPTLEVSHFIMIRRHWLFRKMAQT^^ M4 LVVflÄnJSFT^LSLISGGVGIIOTAHFM^ aeruginosa PAOl AlkBl aeruginosa PAOl AlkB2 L. pneumophila Philadelphia P. putida mt-2 XylM P. M. tuberculosis H37Rv P. rugosa NRRL B-2295. B. B. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB f 04 P. 88 RTWH529 GPol Acinetobacter sp. ADPf 113 WnW\7GQT GWTT .<^7GTS7Mr!ATGTTVSHFT .THKnPQT FQMAGGT 95 aureofaciens putida (oleovorans) putida PI A. borkumensis API P. P. P. Consensus 113 VOŒ^RlJGWILSMGTVMGAVEIVVAHFilHKDSA^ J J .AA\7r.YAGFTa7FH\7RGHH\7H\/RTFFnAq.q.qRVITKr YSFT PH LSWAGKlJSVÄLSVGVLGG-VGnOT^ LAWYDYIGFÄFSLSAATG-ISIOTAHFJGHKre^ 111 137 LAWYDYVGFÄLSLGAATG-ISINTAHF1JGHKTNRFERWLM 111 IGWFTYIfiMAMSTGAATG-IAINIAHFljGHKNRGMAKFLAKT^^ TSFJ^KIIIßlSMGMNG-IAINTAHFlßHKHDRIDHILSHLALVP^ 125 T^TVDKVGLMT\fëCVGG-IG]OTA^ TSFIDKIIIßlSMGMNG-mVNTAHFlßffi^ADRIDHILSHLALV^ 126 126 IGVFEFIJffALSDSn/NG-L^^ 119 148 MSWFEIGALÄLSDSn/NG-L^^ 87 L MSWFEn/ALÄLSDSn/NG-:^^ I 210 114 HE. .HK I 200 MSW^IGALAT^LGIVNG-LÄLNIGHELGHKKETFDRWMAKIVT^^ G.. .G I 190 114 _l EKLPNG QKRADG QKKENG RRLPDG RQLPTG QKQPNG QE^GSEFT^RRYERVDPSHSl^S^TATNVI^YHLQRHSDHH^ QKSANG RKGEDG RRLDNG KMLSNG VRDLDQ 284 291 290 276 276 313 291 306 279 279 261 252 I 460 M Acinetobacter sp. ADPl cepacia RR10 pseudomallei K96243 P. fluorescens CHAO aeruginosa PAOl AlkBl aeruginosa PAOl AlkB2 L. pneumophila Philadelphia P. putida mt-2 XylM VLATjr^DœiTOANIQPGKRFiaT^ VI^HYGGDITRVNLHPRVRTiKALARYGASA VRAYYAGVEFQLTAEQSERPAAS VRAYYAGEEYQLTDTQRI VLAYRIQEiRQEiEQL LRI»D^YATPGERETJSMAA2s|T^^ 387 360 360 342 330 , .T^Yf^.qNTTnqriTat 375 357 vr,AHY.qmvRT,anmhpatcrttft ,t VVAJJYRGÏSIMAQSNIKPSIRDKVLAQYPAPA WAHYGAOlAQSNIKPSIRigcVLAH 357 394 VT^HYKGDKSIK^ISEKRRAKIFKKFGVGG 371 cepacia RR10 pseudomallei K96243 P. fluorescens CHAO aeruginosa PAOl AlkBl aeruginosa PAOl AlkB2 L. pneumophila Philadelphia P. putida mt-2 XylM P. P. M. tuberculosis H37Rv P. rugosa NRRL B-2295. B. B. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB104 Acinetobacter sp. ADPl A. borkumensis API putida (oleovorans) GPol putida PI aureofaciens RTWH529 VraHYIŒDLTKANIYPKRRAKlTJSKFGLTDFNIENGK P. P. Consensus P. P. M. tuberculosis H37Rv P. rugosa NRRL B-2295. B. B. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EB104 372 L 510 putida (oleovorans) GPol putida PI aureofaciens RTWH529 A. borkumensis API P. P. P. Consensus P. Rubredoxin domain (57 a.a.) i_ 500 P 420 VMEWABGDINKIQIQPGMREFYEQKFGVK GSESPDTTVAK I 490 410 365 I 480 P. .P.GY 400 290 I 470 VVNWANGDLSKIQIEDSMRAEYIKKFTHNVGADDKRGA^ I 450 360 I I VVIXmGGDTJslKIQIDDSMRETYTja^GTS-SAGHSSSTSAVAS 440 430 H4 PILLHHAIflNHMGTBZRPLGCEITNH^ QYFiCVNPNHSrotrANHWL^^ RYFTOTTEHSWSNFIiTirrjFIjFH^ RYraTNHfflSWSNFVFTOTLVLF^ RYraOffVHSWSDHBrarr^YHLC^ RYFT^CSERHSWSMRBraJIFljFi^^ RYraCir^HSWSNHWTtTT^YCP^^ RYraCir^HSWSNHWTtTT^YCP^^ QYERTMPEHSWNMSINWI^^ lsrYFT^TMraHSTONMsIN RYEH^HHSWSNHVMarLILFHLQRHS^^ RYEHQE^HHSlftNSNHIVSNLVLFHLQRHSDHHA 360 V. EKMADG 252 Q.LR 390 RYEHQE^HHSI^SNHWSDTLVLFHLQRHSDHHATTPTT^YOSIiR^ EKMADG .LQRH.DHHA 279 N. .L. RYEH(3ŒHHSWSNHWarLVLFHLQR^ HSTON 380 QKMEDG 370 360 279 YE 350 135 Figure 1: mulitple alignment of full-length alkane hydroxylases, generated by ClustalX and manually optimized. The consensus is based on the full-length alkane hydroxylases. Membrane-spanning segments (M1-M6) based on the topology model for the P. putida (oleovorans) GPof alkane hydroxylase are marked by solid bars, while the histidine boxes (H1-H4) are underlined. The dot in the ruler indicates the position of the P. putida (oleovorans) GPof AlkB W55 residue. conserved, but are transmembrane replaced by similar residues, while helices, often glycine and proline, are membrane non-heme iron oxygenases contain 3, 4, 5 which are below). a number of other residues in the well conserved. The other or 6 membrane located between the histidine boxes H2 and H3 A third membrane helix is always located (figure helices, 2 and integral- two of explanation of the first histidine directly upstream box. All AlkB sequences contain the eight previously residues in three histidine boxes that are contain conserved The a ninth histidine residue in corresponding (table 1). In the immediately essential for histidine residue of the P. shown to be essential for the communication) a and has topology a in all putida are of the as helps hydroxylases (CrtZ) the latter (239). was Wubbolts, personal non-heme iron oxygenases this residue is located surface, a position equivalent role in the analysis of peptide catalytic centre sequences subgroups (table 1), newly sequenced by directly flanking and can be used the as genomes. N-terminus, C-terminus, and the regions between the histidine boxes and membrane helices also carotene a well conserved in each of the sequences in the functional length W. sequence motif monooxygenase hydroxylases (261) the iron atoms in the active site. The histidine boxes The (M. xylene but also box, which is located immediately after transmembrane helix 4. This supports the hypothesis that this residue plays signature mt-2 after transmembrane helix 6 at the membrane to the first histidine coordinating catalytic activity (233), integral-membrane model for the alkane conserved histidine highly NYXEHYG(L/M) of this enzyme activity pendant identified typically can have very classification into subclasses. For be long distinguished from the N-terminal extensions. plant example, carotene Similarly, the bacterial hydroxylases, the A9 desaturases have far fewer residues between histidine box H2 and the third transmembrane helix than the other desaturases. However, within each large subclass, like the fusion rugosa NRRL B-2295 alkane variations in length of these regions can also occur to the rubredoxin domain at the C-terminus of the P. hydroxylase. 136 The alignment of the alkane medium-chain alkane hydroxylases hydroxylating does not allow the identification of enzymes from the sequence, solely sequence identities between long-chain hydroxylases and hydroxylase. a medium-chain alkane W55C) is required hydroxylate longer are as addition, only In to allow the medium-chain alkane alkanes such as tetradecane or transmembrane helices supported by the findings are one as (figure 1), we (159) transmembrane helix 1 and 2 of desaturases research is necessary to map the substrate are a or peptide long-chain mutation (W55S or from GPol to As W55 is (chapter 8). involved in the substrate of Libisch et al. the as between point hydroxylase hexadecane located in the middle of the second membrane helix hydrophobic low long- conclude that the This is binding. who found indications that involved in substrate binding site of the alkane binding. Further hydroxylases in more detail. Structural features of the transmembrane are clearly integral-membrane helices, and the localization of the catalytic connected to the role of these enzymes in substrates, which are soluble in the membrane In contrast, oxidation of the alkenes Ml can M2 oxygenases, such also be M3 M4H1 more catalysed by H2 as the presence of centre close to the membrane oxidizing relatively hydrophobic bilayer, but hardly dissolve in water (236). water-soluble short-chain alkanes and short-chain soluble non-heme iron monooxygenases MS M6 H3 (160, 178, 267). H4 Alkane hydroxylases (AlkB) Xylene monooxygenases Bacterial carotene Plant carotene (XylM) hydroxylases (CtrZ) hydroxylases (CrtZ) Carotene ketolases (CrtW) Decarbonylases (CER-type) Decarbonylases (Glossy type) C4 steroid oxygenases C5 steroid oxygenases Cholesterol hydroxylases A12/Q-6 desaturases A9 desaturases Q-3 desaturases Figure 2: linear representation of integral-membrane non-heme iron oxygenases. White bars represent the membrane helices, while grey circles represent histidine boxes. Drawing not to scale. 137 Role of substrate chain alkanes is strains uptake in alkane oxidation. The largely dependent yielded growth rates on on growth the mode of alkane hexadecane of rates of bacteria uptake. maximally 0.06 surfactants, growth h"1 (td literature values of h)(chapters 4, 6, 7, 8). However, 10 = Acinetobacter strains on hexadecane are All Pseudomonas h"1 (td presence of exogenous surfactants. Without long- on = 5 in the h) rates did not exceed 0.03 growth in the order of 0.3-0.4 h"1 (td by rates = 1-1.5 h)(10, 16, 214). The main difference between both genera is the mode of uptake. Acinetobacter strains take up alkanes via surfactant-mediated direct interfacial Pseudomonas strains Both the growth production limited of biosurfactants and cell surface a growth In contrast, or on cell surface membrane second rather diffusion of the alkane vast amounts of biosurfactants uptake by phase maximum over puts a (245). Growth rates of P. rate of (td = 1.5 Pseudomonas strains alkane the degenerate hydroxylases PCR approach, we were related to the alkane (chapter 2). Although these organisms simply putida (oleovorans) h)(151, 223), on glucose or by to be substrate traverse the GPol on octane as which is close to the citrate (223). membrane alkane integral seem the bacteria. these alkanes hydroxylases. able to show that many bacteria contain hydroxylase were on rates addition, the production of not to be limited seems hydrophobicity. Apparently, may therefore limit surface; the growth metabolic burden in the order of 0.4 h"1 growth cell (28). Pseudomonas cultures cannot the outer membrane. In medium-chain n-alkanes diffusion are hydrophilic Environmental relevance of non-heme iron Using hydrophobicity rates. The addition of exogenous surfactants to by while many biosurfactants to enable solubilization of the alkanes produce compensate for the effect of uptake, of P. isolated from a putida (oleovorans) large variety GPol of environments, the relative importance of strains harboring integral-membrane non-heme iron alkane hydroxylases A few other enzyme systems oxidizing cytochrome systems are bacteria as in these environments has not been determined yet. are P450 enzymes most often found in well known to oxidize n-alkanes. Of (44, 179). In a were described in yeasts (122, 196), but sandy soil some seem these, the alkane detail. These enzyme to have their counterparts in microcosm, alkane assimilating yeasts were 138 able to overgrow bacteria such C10/C14 mixture dependent on composition, important The use on in the the ecology GPol did not the alkane hydroxylases tree. An failed H. M. Smits and J. B. can be used to attempt the low on van or gene families is yield a probe a based on alkane hydroxylase (239) show that due 2 hydroxylase sequences, to create specificity a Alkane alkane and hydroxylases internal hydroxylase as a some has a been used for the (50). analysis, a of of (98, 243, specific derived from branch in for all alkane hydroxylases (T. and water The P. can phenylpropanoic B. van and hybridisation diversity of samples. putida (oleovorans) oxidize GPol hydrocarbons regio- interesting for the (281). Alkane oxidizing strains have already of fine-chemicals such laboratory (J. hydroxylases, would reveal the This makes this class of enzymes production our or perspective. A strain collection of around 200 alkane put together in of that fluorescence in situ broad substrate spectrum and of fine-chemicals (56, 89), phenylpropanol hydroxylase probe of the alkane of the alkane and contaminated soil biocatalysts: stereoselectively (259). biocatalytic production developed biodégradation ability molecular hydroxylases to detect be can single oligonucleotide probe fragments restriction pristine as used to the low sequence denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) in probes in the environment (FISH) hydroxylases commonly a the alkane correlation between techniques alkane are organisms (106, 152). molecular or highly Beilen, unpublished results). However, the degenerate primers amplify such soil genes detects alkane hydroxylase only phylogenetic (239) specific particular identities of the individual alkane single are of the contaminant of n-alkanes in the environment 247). The results described in chapter a bioavailability the available sequences. However, alkanes and presence of this experiments a studies. To elucidate the role of non-heme iron alkane degradation putida (oleovorans) in the oxidation of of the soil used for these studies. Soil biodégradation by to detect probes in microbial hydroxylases P. content, pore size and influencing pseudomonads the results of such physicochemical properties water factors rhodococci and (225). Nevertheless, of molecular technique based the as acid as octanoic acid (219), epoxyalkanes (119) and phenoxy propanoic acids degrading strains in microtitre plate format, Beilen, W. Duetz, personal communication), has 139 been screened successfully benzylpyrrolidines of the most contains a A strains in this alkane activity use more of than a a library product alkane hydroxylase (chapter 2). single wild-type activities which of would single alkane require are superior catalytic properties a clone principle hydroxylase, can 1-alcohols, as some The alkanesum of all where as a alcohol or a library or enantioselectivity, different regio- of recombinant strains hosts, in which the oxidized has been proven effective to test the host complementation experiments (chapter 4) Nevertheless, they hydroxylase genes would be useful. The setup of such the construction of suitable strain has been used oxidation of n-alkanes to organism present under the applied conditions. This could hydroxylase substrate range of the GPol alkane used for the This strains thus reflects the opposite stereo-selectivity is not further metabolized. This dehydrogenase negative pyrrolidones (46). One was strains in the strain collection is that for the desired reaction. For this reason, expression clone wild-type one because the enzymes may have the for the sp. HXN-200, that is not related to the GPol alkane the detection of enzymes with selectivity A^-benzyl-3-hydroxypyrrolidine (158). Beilen, unpublished results). measured with hydroxylase preclude van limitation of the of these strains contain inducible active study, Sphingomonas hydroxylase Z. Li and J. B. potential and stereoselective oxidation of N- used for the oxidation of A^-substituted soluble alkane (D. Chang, regio- produce optically to promising subsequently for the a medium-chain alcohol (26, 259). The recombinant hosts would not be suitable for the dehydrogenase activity be used to convert non-metabolizable is present. compounds into high-value fine-chemicals. CONCLUSION In the last few years, alkane These and a large body of information has been gathered on the genetics of oxidation, and many alkane hydroxylase genes have been cloned and expressed. experiments uptake, and illustrate the essential roles of electron regulation in alkane transfer, alkane solubilization degradation. Mutagenesis experiments have given us 140 a first insight structure of substrate other better This in the location of the substrate an alkane hydroxylase binding, catalysis, proteins. binding pocket. 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Py2 is closely monohydroxylation 65(4): 1589-1595. of related to aromatic benzene, toluene 171 Curriculum vitae Name: Smits First Theodorus Henrikus Maria name: June, 22 1973 Born in 1977-1985 Primary 1985-1991 Gymnasium St. 1991 -1997 Vlijmen, school The Netherlands Vlijmen, 's Janslyceum, The Netherlands Hertogenbosch, Landbouwuniversiteit The Netherlands Wageningen, The Netherlands Study Bioprocess technology Orientation M.Sc. in 1997-2001 Molecular-Cellular, suborientation Microbiology Bioprocess technology Eidgenössische Ph.D. position Technische Hochschule Zürich at the Institute of Since March Post-doc fellow at the 2001 IATE/Pédologie (ETHZ): Biotechnology École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne