Light Seeking Robot Table of Contents Introduction This report is a detailed description of our robot mini project “Light Seeking robot”. Our robot sensing the light and directed to the high luminance area. Our robot has sensors to detect the luminance density. Also, it has ultrasonic sensors that will allow it to avoid any obstacles that may prevent it to reach the high luminance area successfully. This paper will present some approaches done by ourselves. Integrating System This section gives a description of the interfaced components of our robot: Our robot has different components to implement the following tasks: ¾ Three LDR sensor to detect the luminance difference around the robot. These three sensors were separated by 120 degrees to easily detect the light around it. ¾ Sonar Range Finder – One SFR04 ultrasound sensors is used navigate the robot without any collision. ¾ Motor controller: We used 2 stepper motors to drive the robot and ULAN2003A used to control the stepper motor. Mobile Platform The platform consists of three wheel and a fiber glass plate. This plate hold all the components of the system, such as the microcontroller, battery, motor driver, etc; one fiber glass holder the ultrasound sensor. Sensors Devantech SRF04 Range Finder The SRF04 was designed to be just as easy to use as the Polaroid sonar, requiring a short trigger pulse and providing an echo pulse. The SRF04 Timing diagram is shown below. You only need to supply a short 10uS pulse to the trigger input to start the ranging. The SRF04 will send out an 8 cycle burst of ultrasound at 40khz and raise its echo line high. It then listens for an echo, and as soon as it detects one it lowers the echo line again. The echo line is therefore a pulse whose width is proportional to the distance to the object. By timing the pulse it is possible to calculate the range in inches/centimeters or anything else. If nothing is detected then the SRF04 will lower its echo line anyway after about 36mS. Beam Pattern LDR We used three LDR sensors to detect the luminance difference around the robot. These three sensors were separated by 120 degrees to easily detect the light around it. To isolate the LDR voltage variation from the PIC controller we used LM229 comparator. Comparators constantly compare pairs of voltages and provide a digital indication ('1' or '0') of which voltage is higher. Using the dedicated chip frees the microcontroller, which is now only interrupted when the digital signal changes. The LM239 is a quad, single-supply comparator. Quad: Can compare four different pairs of voltages. This comparator can operate up to 36 volts (or +18 V to -18 V). Since we intend to connect it to a microcontroller, so we made this as +5 V and GND. The LM239 is pin compatible with MC3303, LM339, and LM2901 chips. Although their operating temperature ranges differ (and a few other differences) they'll all work fine in this project. This is our final source cods of the PIC controller '**************************************************************** '* Name : lightseeking.BAS '* Date : 6/27/2006 * '* Version : 1.0 * '* Notes : * '* : * '**************************************************************** A var byte B var Byte C var Byte X var byte input Y var byte Z var byte 'input signal from front light sensor 'input signal from back right side light sensor 'input signal from back left side light sensor 'input from buffer switch right back side 'input from buffer switch left back side input 'input from front SRF sensor input FM var Byte 'stop motion status variable CWF var byte 'clock wise fast rotatwe status variable CWS var byte 'clock wise slowrotatwe status variable CCWF var byte 'counter clock wise fast rotatwe status variable CCWS var Byte 'counter clock wise slow rotatwe status variable MF var byte ' move forward status variable MB var byte 'move reverse status variable RS var byte 'rotate robot status variable CW var Byte 'clock wise rotate rotate status CCW var Byte 'counter clock wise rotate status OAS var byte ' bumper switch status F var byte R var byte CF var byte CCR var Byte CCF var Byte CR var word CRC var word stepArray var byte(8) Rcm_10 var word Rcm_10_total var word Rcm_10_Average var word i var byte j var byte Tm var word k var word Zavr var word[5] period var word NL var word FL var word symbol EchoPin = PORTC.7 'difine port C pin 7 as SRF echo input symbol TrigPin output = PORTB.0 'difine port B pin 0 as SRF trigure symbol Motor_out = PORTD Symbol OBSLed * = PORTE.1 TRISD = 0 ' Define the port D as output TRISC = 255 'Define the port C as input TRISB = 0 'Define the port B as output TRISE = 0 'Define portD aa output PORTD= 0 'set the port D output to 0 PORTB= 0 'set the port B output to 0 PORTE = 0 'set the port E output to 0 Main: gosub read_inputs if FM = 1 then gosub Free_move If RS = 1 then gosub rotate IF MF = 1 then gosub Move_forward goto main read_inputs: if PORTC.0 = 1 then a = 1 else A=0 endif if PORTC.1 = 1 then B = 1 else B=0 endif if PORTC.2 = 1 then c = 1 else c=0 endif 'b = PORTC.1 'c = PORTC.2 if (PORTC.0 = 0) and (PORTC.1 = 0) and (PORTC.2 = 0) then NL = 1 else NL = 0 endif FL = A&B&C FM = FL|NL gosub Read_frontSRF if z = 1 then gosub Avoid_Obstale CWF = (~A)&C CWS = A&(~B)&C CCWF = (~A)&B&(~C) CCWS = A&B&(~C) CW = CWF|CWS CCW = CCWF|CCWS RS = CWF|CWS|CCWF|CCWS MF = (~B)&(~C)&A return Move_forward: gosub Move_forward_accelerate gosub Move_forward_constant gosub read_inputs 'IF MF = 1 then Move_forward_constant return rotate: If CWF IF CWS if CCWF if CCWS = = = = 1 1 1 1 then then then then gosub gosub gosub gosub Clockwise_Fast Clockwise_Slow C_Clock_Fast C_Clock_Slow gosub read_inputs If RS = 1 then gosub rotate goto main Move_forward_accelerate: for j = 100 to 20 step -10 stepArray[0] stepArray[1] stepArray[2] stepArray[3] = = = = %11001001 %01100011 %00110110 %10011100 for i = 0 to 3 step 1 PORTD = stepArray[i] period = j pause period next i next j return Move_forward_constant: for i = 0 to 3 step 1 PORTD = stepArray[i] pause 20 next i gosub read_inputs IF MF = 1 then Move_forward_constant return Clockwise_Fast: gosub Clockwise_Fast_accelerate gosub Clockwise_Fast_constant gosub read_inputs If CWF = 1 then gosub Clockwise_Fast_constant if RS =1 then GOSUB rotate goto main Clockwise_Fast_accelerate: for j = 100 to 30 step -10 stepArray[0] stepArray[1] stepArray[2] stepArray[3] = = = = %11000000 %01100000 %00110000 %10010000 'Clock wise with Fast motion' for i=0 to 3 step 1 PORTD = stepArray[i] period = j pause period next i next j gosub read_inputs 'if RS =1 then GOSUB rotate return Clockwise_Fast_constant: stepArray[0] = %11000000 stepArray[1] = %01100000 stepArray[2] = %00110000 stepArray[3] = %10010000 for i=0 to 3 step 1 PORTD = stepArray[i] pause 30 next i gosub read_inputs If CWF = 1 then gosub Clockwise_Fast_constant if RS =1 then GOSUB rotate return C_Clock_Fast: gosub C_Clock_Fast_accelerate gosub C_Clock_Fast_constant gosub read_inputs If CCwF = 1 then gosub C_Clock_Fast_constant if RS =1 then GOSUB rotate goto main C_Clock_Fast_accelerate: 'Clock wise with Fast motion' for j = 100 to 30 step -10 stepArray[0] = %00001100 stepArray[1] = %00000110 stepArray[2] = %00000011 stepArray[3] = %00001001 for i = 3 to 0 step -1 PORTD = stepArray[i] period = j pause period next i next j gosub read_inputs if RS =1 then GOSUB rotate return C_Clock_Fast_constant: stepArray[0] = %00001100 stepArray[1] = %00000110 stepArray[2] = %00000011 stepArray[3] = %00001001 for i= 3 to 0 step -1 PORTD = stepArray[i] pause 30 next i gosub read_inputs If CCWF = 1 then gosub C_Clock_Fast_constant if RS =1 then GOSUB rotate return Clockwise_Slow: stepArray[0] = %11000000 stepArray[1] = %01100000 stepArray[2] = %00110000 stepArray[3] = %10010000 for i= 0 to 3 step 1 PORTD = stepArray[i] pause 60 next i return C_Clock_Slow: stepArray[0] = stepArray[1] = stepArray[2] = stepArray[3] = %00001100 %00000110 %00000011 %00001001 for i= 3 to 0 step -1 PORTD = stepArray[i] pause 60 next i return Free_Move: gosub Move_forward for k = 0 to 50 step 1 gosub read_inputs if FM = 1 then gosub Move_forward_constant else goto main endif next k gosub read_inputs if FM = 1 then gosub Clockwise_Fast_accelerate gosub Clockwise_Fast_accelerate else goto main endif return Read_frontSRF: Tm = 0 Rcm_10 = 0 Rcm_10_total = 0 PulsOut TrigPin,10 ' sonar output, 10 us PulsIn EchoPin, 1, Tm If Tm = 0 Then gosub OverRange If Tm > 1800 Then gosub OverRange Rcm_10 = Tm * IF 10 / 58 ' assumes 10 us per tick on pulsin ( Rcm_10 <= 25 ) and ( Rcm_10 > 0 ) Z OBSLed = 1 = 1 else Z OBSLed = 0 = 0 endif pause 10 return OverRange: Rcm_10 = 0 return Avoid_Obstale: gosub Clockwise_Fast_accelerate gosub Clockwise_Fast_accelerate gosub Move_forward gosub read_inputs gosub Move_forward goto main then Further Development 1. Improvement of light sensing can be made with a array of LDR sensors. That will give a high accuracy of readings. 2. We can use separate PIC controllers for Light sensors, sonar sensors, and motor controller. Conclusion Our overall experience making this robot has been a great learning opportunity. We made several mistakes and was able to correct some of them. If we were to design and build this robot again we would have built the platform very early in the semester because that was the most time consuming portion of the robot. As far as enhancements go, Overall, it was a great learning experience and this project has helped me further realize the importance of good time management. Appendix A Vendor Information: Devantech SRF04 Ultrasound Sensor Acroname Inc. 4894 Sterling Drive Boulder , CO 80301 Part #:R145-SRF08 $42.50