2014 Report Penn State University Website Department name www.psu.edu Philosophy Department chair John Christman, Interim Head Faculty Robert Bernasconi, Professor • Vincent Colapietro, Professor • Nancy Tuana, Professor • Chris Long, Professor • Paul Taylor, Associate Professor • Kathryn Gines, Associate Professor • Leonard Lawlor, Professor • Emily Grosholz, Professor • Irene Harvey, Associate Professor • Sarah C. Miller, Associate Professor • Brady Bowman, Associate Professor • Mark Sentesy, Assistant Professor • John Christman, Professor • Dennis Schmidt, Professor Efforts to increase inclusiveness The Penn State Philosophy Doctoral Program enrolls the most African-American students in the country: 12. It also enrolls one African student, and we recruited an African-Canadian for this year's cohort. The Rock Ethics Institute also houses the Critical Philosophy of Race journal and critical philosophy of race is one of the Philosophy Department's research-teaching areas. Additional Information Faculty Degrees offered: Ph.D. Master's Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenure track Women 5 0 0 Financial Aid Men 9 1 3 Teaching fellowships Other gender 0 0 0 Non-teaching fellowships Unknown gender 0 0 0 Teaching assistantships African, African-American 2 0 0 Scholarships Asian 0 0 0 Students teaching their own classes 25 Native American 0 0 0 Other financial information Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 We provide summer funding and travel money. Pacific Islander 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 Multi-racial 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 Unknown race 0 0 0 LGBT N/A N/A N/A Disablity status N/A N/A N/A Total women Total men Total unknown/ other gender Total faculty 5 13 0 18 4 2 2014 Report Penn State University Ph.D. program strengths The philosophy department’s mission for the next five years is to coordinate its longstanding strength in continental philosophy with its emerging specialties in feminist philosophy and critical philosophy of race. Our signature style of pursuing these strengths involves engagement with and reflection on the history of philosophy. It also integrates our strengths with the study of ethics richly informed by a historical approach. We understand Continental philosophy to be a family of traditions of philosophy, while feminist philosophy and critical philosophy of race could be described as problematics (focusing on gender and race, respectively) that necessarily draw from multiple traditions, including analytic and American as well as Continental philosophy. Likewise, the field of ethics draws on multiple traditions, and the history of philosophy can be and is pursued by means of different problematics and diverse philosophical traditions. Our department does not aim to cover all of these areas, but we affirm that our mission statement constitutes a commitment to train our graduate students in multiple traditions, helping produce a new generation of diverse students who are philosophically “multilingual.” Ph.D. Students 2013 - 2014 Year Ph.D. tuition In state: 18270 Out of state: 31246 Women Men Other Unknown African, African-American 9 3 0 0 Asian 0 0 0 0 Native American 0 0 0 0 Hispanic or Latino 0 0 0 0 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 Online Courses White 7 11 0 0 We do not offer Ph.D. courses online. Multi-racial 0 0 0 0 Other race 0 0 0 0 Ph.D. program entry requirements Unknown race 0 0 0 0 16 14 0 0 Totals LGBT identifying Total Ph.D. Students 2013 N/A Disability identifying Total Ph.D. Students 2014 23 Number of courses required for Ph.D. 50 Transcripts: Yes Writing sample: Yes GPA: 3 TOEFL score: 12 Letters of recommendation: 3 GRE score: 150 Other requirements: 0 30 We also require a statement of purpose. Degrees awarded 2010 2011 2012 2013 Degrees awarded 6 4 5 4 2014 2 Time to completion 7 7 6 7 6.5 2014 Report Penn State University Placement Summary of Ph.D. Students 2009 to 2014 Women Men Other gender Unknown gender Entered the marketplace 5 13 0 0 Left without receiving a degree 0 0 0 0 Placed in a non-tenure track position 2 7 0 0 Placed in a tenure-track position 2 5 0 0 Were not placed 1 0 0 0 Placed in a non-academic job 0 0 0 0 Summary of MA Students 2009 to 2014 Data not provided Individual Placements for the 2013-2014 Academic Year Degree Program Ph.D. Employer Goergia College and University Type of position Tenure track. Degree Program Ph.D. Employer UC-Irvine Type of position Fellowship (e.g., post-doctoral fellowship). Duration: 1 year Degree Program Ph.D. Details Sweet Briar College Type of position Non-tenure track, continuing. All data collected by the American Philosophical Association. The data in this publication have been provided by the departments and programs listed; in the cases where no response was received to repeated requests for information, the most recent data provided, if any, can be found in the previous edition. The APA cannot guarantee the accuracy of this report; because all information has been selfreported, there may be errors or inconsistencies in these data. Readers should therefore examine the available data closely to ensure that any comparisons are made in a fair and reasonable manner. Errors or inconsistencies should be brought to the attention of the American Philosophical Association by email to gradguide@apaonline.org. For clarification, correction, updating, or supplementation of the information provided, contact the department(s) in question. © 2014-2015 The American Philosophical Association This publication of the American Philosophical Association may not be reproduced for sale or future distribution without the express written consent of the executive director. Inquiries should be directed as follows: The American Philosophical Association University of Delaware, 31 Amstel Avenue, Newark, DE 19716 Phone (302) 831-1112 • Fax (302) 831-8690 gradguide@apaonline.org Last updated January 30, 2015