Exercise Science Internship Handbook

Department of Kinesiology
Exercise Science
Internship Handbook
(A guide to the requirements for EXER 4490)
Department of Kinesiology
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
(704) 687-4695 (phone)
(704) 687-3350 (fax)
Revised 6/2010
Exercise Science Internship Handbook
Table of Contents
Introduction ……………………………………………...
Page 3
The Internship Experience………………………………..
Page 4
Student Internship Checklist……………………………...
Page 5
Student Perceived Skills Survey………………………….
Page 6 - 8
Finding Your Internship Site……………………………..
Page 9
Application for Internship………………………………..
Page 10
Internship Site Agreement ……………………………….
Page 11
Responsibilities of the Parties Involved…………………..
Page 12
EXER 4490 Course Syllabus……………………………
Page 13 - 16
Midterm Evaluation………………………………………
Page 17 - 18
Student Intern Final Report………………………………
Page 19
Final Evaluation (Site Supervisor)……………………….
Page 20 - 21
Final Evaluation (University Internship Coordinator)……
Page 22
Frequently Asked Questions……………………………..
Page 23 – 25
Pages 26 - 32
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
The internship experience is the culminating activity as you complete your Bachelor of Science Degree
in Exercise Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In an attempt to assist you
through the internship experience, this manual was put together to address the responsibilities,
activities, and evaluations that must be completed to meet the internship requirements.
The internship experience will be the practical application of the information gained in the classroom
to the exercise science field. The experience should be enjoyable, and ideally increase your
marketability for future employment. The University Coordinator from the Department of Kinesiology
and the Internship Site Supervisor will assist in the successful completion of this internship experience.
However, the ultimate responsibility of obtaining, preparing for, and completing an internship
rests with the student. This manual should be used to guide you through your preparations for
obtaining and successfully completing your internship. Also, the answers to many of your questions
can be found in this manual.
As you perform your internship responsibilities, you will improve in your performance and knowledge.
Try to get involved with as many different activities as you can and learn as much as possible in the
short time that is provided. This will greatly enhance your knowledge and experience as you complete
your internship.
Your course work has prepared you well for this experience. It is now up to you to get the most out of
this opportunity. So work hard and make the most of your internship. Keep in mind that your
Internship Site Supervisor will be a reference for you in the future, and may even become your future
employer! Good luck and make us proud.
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
The Exercise Science Internship (EXER 4490 – 6 credit hours) is the culminating activity for
individuals working towards the completion of the Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Science at
the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The student completing this course is required to spend
225 working hours during the enrollment period at an agreed upon Exercise Science related site. All
other courses for the major must be completed prior to enrolling for the Exercise Science
The purpose of this course is to help the student gain practical experience in several potential areas of
the Exercise Science field. The internship should be designed to meet the needs of each student, with
respect to their areas of expertise and future goals. Several potential internship sites are available for
the internship experience and are listed in this manual.
The student is expected to act and participate as a regular employee of the organization while serving
as an intern. Therefore, you will be expected to dress, interact, and perform in a responsible,
enthusiastic and professional manner. The student will report directly to the Internship Site Supervisor
and will comply with all company policies, including work hours, contact hours, holidays, and other
appropriate operating policies. The student should be a positive representative for the host facility, the
department, the college and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte..
Course Objectives
Interns will:
be exposed to a variety of exercise science/health fitness experiences in a practitioner setting.
be given opportunities to apply acquired knowledge and skills in a practitioner setting.
be given opportunities to enhance acquired academic knowledge and skills via working in a
practitioner setting.
be given opportunities to gain new knowledge and skills via working in a practitioner setting.
be given opportunities to network with other exercise science/health fitness professionals via
collaboration in a practitioner setting.
sit for the ACSM Health Fitness Specialist (HFS) certification exam
Desired Outcomes
Increase the knowledge, skills and practical experience of the Exercise Science student.
Develop positive references for future employment opportunities.
Develop network of exercise science/health fitness professionals in the specific area of interest.
Gain student feedback through evaluation of professional performance by site supervisor and
university coordinator to use for course performance and for future improvement.
Develop student journal which will chronicle internship activities, thoughts and future goals.
Gain experience through worksite-related project(s) to improve an exercise science/health fitness
aspect of the organization.
Gain competence in transitioning from student to field practitioner.
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Student Intern Checklist
You should begin searching for a suitable internship site at the beginning of the semester prior to the
semester you plan on doing your internship. This checklist is designed to smoothly guide you through
your internship experience.
Schedule a meeting with the Internship Coordinator. (3-4 months prior to internship)
Complete the Student Perceived Skills Survey & give to Internship Coordinator
(During Practitioner Seminar EXER 4660)
Register for EXER 4490 Exercise Science Internship. (During semester prior to internship)
Verify current Immunization & Health history records (student health services) & CPR/AEDPR, PDT & BBP certifications. Make copies for Internship Coordinator.
(Complete this step AS SOON AS POSSIBLE)
Have all necessary documents signed (included in handbook) and on file with the Internship
Coordinator and Site Supervisor. (3 months prior to the start of internship)
Obtain personal liability insurance through Healthcare Providers Service Organization
www.hpso.com. Make copy of Certificate of Insurance for Coordinator (3 months prior to
Seek appropriate internship site with the help of Internship Coordinator.
(4 months prior to internship)
Coordinate and schedule Site Supervisor evaluations. (Mid-term and Final)
Begin Internship. (Beginning of March- first week)
Complete daily journal and keep track of daily, weekly & total hours.
Complete weekly reports and send to Internship Coordinator via email.
Turn in Final Report and Project. (Due by last day of classes for the semester)
Internship Coordinator will schedule Exit Interviews during exam week.
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Student Perceived Skill Areas
Date: _________________
Use the following form to self-evaluate your perceived skills and areas of expertise.
The information given will be used to help select the appropriate internship site.
Related Course Work
Work experience
(list specific course)
(1-Expert 5-None)
1. General Skills
a. Blood Pressure
b. Resting H.R.
c. Exercise H.R.
d. % Body Fat
e. Flexibility
f. Pulmonary
g. Needs Assessment
h. Program Planning
i. Aerobic Leadership
j. Other (list)
2. Certifications
a. Aerobic/Personal
b. First Aid
c. CPR
d. W.S.I.
e. Smoking Cessation
f. Others (list)
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Related Course Work
Work experience
(list specific course)
(1-Expert 5-None)
3. Fitness Testing
a. Sub Max
b. Max Testing
c. Exercise Prescription
d. ECG Analysis
e. Other (list)
4. Health Knowledge
a. A.I.D.S.
b. Back injuries
c. Cardiovascular Health
d. Hypertension
e. Consumerism
f. Exercise
g. Safety precautions
h. Substance Abuse
i. Stress management
j. Weight Control
k. Behavior Change
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
l. Smoking Cessation
m. Nutrition
n. Other (list)
Related Course Work
Work experience
(list specific course)
(1-Expert 5-None)
5. Computer Skills
a. Email
b. Power Point
c. MS Word
d. MS Excel
e. MS Access
f. World Wide Web
g. Other (list)
6. Health Fair
Participation (list)
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Finding Your Internship Site
There are a growing number of businesses, wellness centers, industries, and health care organizations
in Charlotte and the Carolinas that offer Exercise Science Internships. The following is a partial list of
organizations / businesses that have current affiliation agreements with UNC Charlotte.
Carolina Medical Center (CMC) – University
CMC Myer’s Park Outpatient Cardiac Rehab.
CMC NorthEast – Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab.
Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates
Carolina Panthers (NFL) Strength & Cond.
Carolina’s Rehabilitation
Carolina Spine & Rehabilitation Center
Curves for Women (Rock Hill, SC)
Rowan Regional Cardiac Rehab & Wellness
Mecklenburg County Health Department
Queens College Athletic Department
Children’s Community School (Davidson)
Hendrick Motorsports
PIT Instruction & Training
Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation
Presbyterian Center for Preventive Cardiology
Presbyterian Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Precision Fitness
UNC Charlotte Strength & Conditioning
YMCA’s of Greater Charlotte
West Cabarrus YMCA (aka Cannon YMCA)
Forsyth Memorial Hospital Cardiac Rehab
Lake Normal Charter School (Huntersville)
The following sites are not available / approved for any UNC Charlotte Exercise Science
Peak Fitness
Setting Up Your Internship
Early in the semester prior to your internship, schedule a meeting with the Internship
Coordinator to discuss your career interests, strengths and weaknesses, internship opportunities
as well as other pertinent information. It is ultimately your responsibility to schedule this
meeting early enough to ensure a good internship site.
Internships come with a variety of responsibilities and requirements. Some offer a stipend and
others do not. This stipend should not be a factor in choosing your site. Also, a criminal
background check and drug screening are required prior to your internship. Some sites may
require additional criminal background checks and/or drug screenings by their vendors. The cost
of these checks and screenings is not covered by the University and will be the intern’s
responsibility. It is to your benefit to find an internship site that will meet your needs and
desired outcomes.
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
The Internship Coordinator must approve all internship placements. There must be a current
affiliation agreement on file in the College of Health & Human Services (CHHS) between the
University and site facility; additionally, there is an agreement (Internship Site Agreement)
between the Department of Kinesiology and the site facility which includes specific objectives
and job responsibilities of the internship. This is to be completed and given to the Internship
College of Health & Human Services
Department of Kinesiology
Click on Student Resources & Clinical Agency Mandates
Healthcare Providers Service Organization (Insurance)
American College of Sports Medicine
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Application for Internship
Exercise Science Major
Department of Kinesiology
Student’s name:
Student Identification Number:
Local Address:
Local Home Telephone:
Work Telephone:
Permanent Address:
Permanent Telephone:
Semester for which applying (Please circle):
Have all prerequisites been met? (Please circle):
If no, explain:
Brief Description of Career Aspirations:
Describe Goals of Internship:
List of Possible Internship Sites (names and locations):
Student’s Signature:
Return to Internship Coordinator
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Internship Site Application
Exercise Science Major
Department of Kinesiology
Student’s Name:
Local Address:
Local Home Telephone:
Semester of Internship:
Work Telephone:
Name of Internship Site:
Address of Internship Site:
Internship Site Supervisor:
Start Date:
Completion Date:
Internship Description:
Internship Objectives (may attach page if necessary):
Internship Schedule:
Approval of Internship:
Internship Site Supervisor:
University Coordinator:
Return to Internship Coordinator
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Responsibilities of Parties Involved with Internship
For an internship experience to become successful, all involved parties must work together.
Understanding the role and responsibility of each party is necessary to create a coordinated
learning environment for the intern, the university coordinator and the internship site supervisor.
Ultimately, the greatest role is played by the intern, with the remaining two parties serving as
facilitators for the internship experience.
Internship Coordinator’s responsibilities:
Assist the student in finding an internship site
Make sure all of the necessary paperwork has been completed prior to the student
participating in the internship
Interacting with the intern to monitor the internship progress with respect to the objectives
agreed upon by the student and internship site
Evaluate the student as to the performance carried out through the internship experience
Assure the internship site is receiving a proficient intern
Interact with the Internship Site Supervisor about the progress of the intern
Evaluate the performance of the internship site on achieving the goals set by the intern and
internship site
Ensure that the College/University affiliation agreements and preceptor letters are complete
Evaluate the internship site for future internship experiences
Internship Site Supervisor’s responsibilities:
Assist the intern by providing an atmosphere to achieve the agreed upon objectives
Provide weekly feedback through one-on-one meetings with the intern on their progress and
suggestions for improvement
Assist the intern in completing the agreed upon project
Interact with the University Coordinator on the progress of the intern
Evaluate the intern at the midpoint and end of the internship experience
Intern’s responsibilities:
Determine your future goals, skill level and ideal position after graduation
Interact with the Internship Coordinator to select an internship site with respect to the
student’s skills and future goals.
Contact, interview and secure an internship site
Collaborate with the Internship Site Supervisor to complete a list of objectives that will be
achieved by the completion of the internship experience
Outline and complete an agreed upon project with the assistance of the Site Supervisor
Complete a journal entry each working day that will be turned in to the Internship
Coordinator weekly
Schedule an Exit Interview with the University Coordinator at the end of the internship
Complete a Final Report that must be turned into the University Coordinator prior to the Exit
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Complete and give copies of the following to the Internship Coordinator: CPR/AEDPR, PDT or BBP cards, liability certificate of insurance, current health history,
immunization records, perceived skills survey, internship application & site
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
College of Health & Human Services
Department of Kinesiology
EXER 4490 – Exercise Science Internship
Phone / Fax:
Brenda Ward, MS
218 Belk Gym
704-687-4694 / 704-687-3350
Phone / Fax:
Tracy Bonoffski, MS, RD, LDN
217B Belk Gym
704-687-2658 / 704-687-3350
Credit Hours: 6 hours
Prerequisite: Completion of ALL course work in the Exercise Science program
Required Text:
Exercise Science Internship Handbook 2010-2011 (7th Edition)
Course Description:
EXER 4490. Exercise Science Senior Internship. (6-15) Prerequisites: Completion
of all other courses for the major. Application of acquired knowledge and skills in
practitioner settings. The internship course requires a minimum of 225 contact hours
at the internship site. Typically offered during the second half of the spring term.
(Fall, Spring, Summer)
Course Objectives: The intern will:
be exposed to a variety of exercise science experiences in a practitioner setting.
be given opportunities to apply acquired knowledge and skills in a practitioner setting.
be given opportunities to enhance acquired academic knowledge and skills via working in a
practitioner setting.
be given opportunities to gain new knowledge and skills via working in a practitioner setting.
be given opportunities to network with other exercise science/health fitness professionals via
collaboration in a practitioner setting.
sit for the ACSM Health Fitness Specialist (HFS) certification exam.
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Weekly Journal Entries
Internship Site Supervisor Midterm Eval.
Internship Project
Internship Site Supervisor Final Evaluation
Internship Coordinator Final Evaluation
Final Report
Grading Scale:
90.0 & higher
80.0 to 89.9
70.0 to 79.9
60.0 to 69.9
59.9 and less
University Grading Scale - Undergraduate: 90-100 A, 80-89 B, 70-79 C, 60-69 D, Below 60 F
Code of Student Responsibility:
“The UNC Charlotte Code of Student Responsibility (the Code) sets forth certain rights and
responsibilities in matters of student discipline. The Code defines these responsibilities and
guarantees you certain rights that ensure your protection from unjust imposition of disciplinary
penalties. You should familiarize yourself with the provisions and procedures of the Code”
(Introductory statement from the UNC Charlotte brochure about the Code of Student
Responsibility). The entire document may be found at this internet address:
Academic Integrity:
Academic integrity refers to cheating and plagiarism.
Plagiarism is when you use or borrow another persons words or ideas without giving them credit
– in other words, stealing that persons work. Regardless of where you saw or heard these words
or ideas – lecture, book, Internet, website, BLOG, chat room, letter, diary, newspaper, journal
article, on TV or radio – you must reference that material and the person who spoke or wrote
these ideas. As an author, you must cite a persons work whenever you use their idea, opinion, or
theory, quote their exact words, or use facts, statistics or diagrams, unless that information is
common knowledge, meaning something that most people could reasonably be expected to know
(e.g. the name of the President of the United States is something that most people would know
and you would not have to cite where you found this information).
It is your job to ask your teacher if you have any questions about how to cite a source.
Plagiarism is against the ethical code of the faculty, the researchers in this college, and UNC
Charlotte. Plagiarism shows a serious lack of honesty and truthfulness and it will be dealt with
harshly. The university has a process led by the Dean of Students that investigates a report and
can result in penalties from failing an assignment to being expelled from the university,
depending on how extreme the event.
Students have the responsibility to know and observe the requirements of The UNC Charlotte
Code of Student Academic Integrity. Copies of the code can be obtained from the office of the
Dean of Students. Students are expected to report cases of academic dishonesty to the course’s
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Special Needs: If you have a documented disability and require accommodation in this course,
contact Disability Services, Fretwell 230, phone: 687 4355 voice/TDD) the first week of the
Accommodations for learning will be arranged by that office and communicated to the
Information about available services may be found at http://www.ds.uncc.edu/
Diversity Statement: UNC Charlotte strives to create an academic climate in which the dignity
of all individuals is respected and maintained. Therefore, we celebrate diversity that includes, but
is not limited to ability/disability, age, culture, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion, sexual
orientation, and socio-economic status.
If English is not your native or primary language and you have concerns that it will affect your
performance in this course, you are encouraged to discuss it with the instructor.
All students are required to abide by the UNC Charlotte Sexual Harassment Policy
(http://www.legal.uncc.edu/policies/ps-61.html ) and the policy on Responsible Use
of University Computing and Electronic Communication Resources
(http://www.legal.uncc.edu/policies/ps-66.html ). Sexual harassment, as defined in the UNC
Charlotte Sexual Harassment Policy, is prohibited, even when carried out through computers or
other electronic communications systems, including course-based chat rooms or message boards.
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Explanation of Internship Requirements
Affiliation Agreement & Preceptor Letter
It is imperative that these two (2) documents are complete prior to the spring semester in which
you plan to take EXER 4490. The turn around time is typically three (3) months. That is it takes
three months for the paperwork to be generated and run through the proper university channels.
CPR-PR/AED and PDT or BBP Certification & Liability Insurance
You must provide current copies of CPR-PR/AED, PDT and /or BBP training / certifications and
certificate of liability insurance to the Internship Coordinator at least 2 months prior to
beginning your internship. These items will be placed in your file.
Health History, Immunization Records
Additionally, you must provide a health history including current immunization records. Copies
and tests may be obtained from Student Health Services. This should be provided as soon as
Criminal Background Check & 9 Panel Drug Screening
CBC must be completed by Certiphi. The Internship Coordinator will forward all student names
and banner numbers (enrolled in EXER 4490) to CHHS; they will register the names with
Certiphi so that you may request and pay for the CBC online.
A 9-panel drug screen is required and may be obtained from most urgent care facilities. A list of
facilities will be forwarded to students. Click here for more information.
Failure to have any of the above items in your file will result in a delay in the start of your
internship. In other words, if you are missing any item(s) on the initial date of your internship,
you will have to wait until all of these items have been received, registered and filed by the
College of Health & Human Services and / or the Internship Coordinator. At this time, a delayed
starting date will be agreed upon by all 3 parties involved (Student, Internship Site Supervisor
and Internship Coordinator).
This delayed starting date can range from one week to two months and will likely delay
your graduation by one semester or more.
Weekly Journal Entries
A journal is required by all interns throughout the 225 hours of internship experience. In the
journal, you should discuss the activities that you participated in during each day of your
internship experience. Explain the activity, what you did, how your performance was with
respect to expectations, and how many internship hours you worked that day. You can also
discuss other observations or personal feelings that were experienced during the day. Each
weekly set of journal entries will be e-mailed, faxed, mailed or delivered to the Internship
Coordinator in the Department of Kinesiology by 3:00PM Monday of the following week.
Each set of weekly journal entries will be graded with respect to completeness, grammatical
accuracy, and professional dialogue. The journal provides the Internship Coordinator with
information on your internship performance, and aids the Coordinator in understanding how your
internship experience is progressing.
Internship Site Supervisor Evaluations
The Internship Site Supervisor will evaluate your performance two separate times throughout the
internship. The midterm evaluation will serve as an evaluation of your performance up to that
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
point in your internship and will also serve as a guide toward areas you may need to spend more
time on. This evaluation will be completed and turned into the University Coordinator by the
time you complete 115 internship hours. It is your responsibility to make sure the Internship
Site Supervisor completes and delivers the evaluation on time. The final evaluation will be
completed at the end of your internship experience and serve as an evaluation of your full
performance throughout the complete internship experience. This evaluation should be
completed and turned in to the Internship Coordinator upon completion of the 225 hours.
University Internship Coordinator Evaluation
The University Internship Coordinator will only evaluate your performance at the completion of
your internship experience. The final evaluation will evaluate your performance throughout your
internship experience and will evaluate your progress towards completing your internship
objectives. The final evaluation will be completed during finals week for the semester you are
completing your internship.
Internship Project
The intern and the Internship Site Supervisor will agree on a list of internship objectives prior to
beginning the internship experience. Along with these objectives will be a project that the intern
will complete by the end of the internship experience. The objectives and project should
coincide with the goals of the internship site and the student intern. However, the project should
be an activity where the intern will invest a significant portion of their time on a larger scale
activity relative to the agreed upon internship objectives (i.e. design brochures on a new fitness
program, create bulletin boards describing health-related items around a common theme, devise a
new screening form to help assist with health screening, work with a group of fitness participants
to achieve a particular goal, etc.). This project should allow for a better understanding of the
organization and greater experience with the described objectives. The internship objectives and
project must be agreed upon and signed by all three parties involved (Internship Site Supervisor,
Intern, and University Internship Coordinator) prior to the start of the internship.
Final Report – Write in Prose Format
The final report will be a typed paper answering the questions listed in the “Final Report
Questions” section of the Exercise Science Internship Handbook. This typed report must be
turned in to the University Internship Coordinator by 3:00pm on the last day of classes for the
semester the intern is registered for EXER 4490. Each day the Final Report is late will result in a
one letter grade drop in the final grade.
Exit Interview
An exit interview will be scheduled by the University Internship Coordinator during final exam
week. This interview will involve a discussion between the University Internship Coordinator
and the Intern on the following items: the evaluations gathered throughout the semester from the
University Internship Coordinator and Internship Site Supervisor, the internship objectives, the
internship project and final paper. This interview must be completed to receive a grade for
EXER 4490.
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Midterm Internship Evaluation
Exercise Science Major
Department of Kinesiology
Student’s Name:
Internship Site:
Internship Site Supervisor:
University Coordinator:
Please check the appropriate box that best represents your evaluation of the student intern.
Below Average
Working relationship with
On-site supervisor
Working relationship with
Working relationship with
Attitude towards work
Professional appearance
Acceptance of criticism
Sets realistic goals
Identifies new
opportunities to contribute
Follows instructions from
Ability to learn
Quality of work
Evaluate the student’s progress on the internship project:
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
What are the student’s greatest weaknesses at this time?
What are the student’s greatest strengths at this time?
What areas should the student work on to improve their internship experience?
What is your evaluation of the intern’s performance thus far? Please feel free to assign any
number from 20 (highest) to 0 (lowest).
Other comments:
Internship Site Supervisor Signature
Student Signature
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Final Report
The Final Report is a type-written, prose format paper to be turned in to the University Internship
Coordinator by 3:00pm on the last day classes for the internship semester. You should answer
the following questions as thoroughly as possible. You will be graded on the accuracy of your
answers, completeness of work, and grammar.
1. Explain the purpose of the organization where you did your internship and how the
organization is related to the Exercise Science field.
2. Discuss the organizational structure of your internship site. Explain how each structure
participates in the major purpose of the organization, which you described in question one.
3. Describe the financial support structure responsible for the internship site’s function.
4. Describe the activities you participated in as you completed your internship experience.
5. How did the above activities help you achieve each of your internship objectives? Did you
meet all of your objectives?
6. Which experiences did you enjoy most about your internship? Why?
7. Which activities did you dislike about your internship? Why?
8. Discuss your relationships with the internship site supervisor, staff and employees during
your internship. How did these relationships impact your internship experience?
9. Remembering the Skills Sheet you filled out prior to your internship experiences, which
skills were improved with your internship? What would you attribute these improvements
10. Has your career focus changed or been strengthened by your internship experience? Explain.
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Final Internship Evaluation by Internship Site Supervisor
Exercise Science Major
Department of Kinesiology
Student’s Name:
Internship Site:
Internship Site Supervisor:
University Coordinator:
Please check the appropriate box that best represents your evaluation of the student intern.
Below Average
Working relationship with
On-site supervisor
Working relationship with
Working relationship with
Attitude towards work
Professional appearance
Acceptance of criticism
Sets realistic goals
Identifies new
opportunities to contribute
Follows instructions from
Ability to learn
Quality of work
Performance with project
Performance in response
to midterm evaluation
Discuss the student’s performance with the internship project.
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
What are the student’s greatest weaknesses?
What are the student’s greatest strengths?
Describe the student’s performance since the midterm evaluation:
Other comments:
What is your overall evaluation of the intern’s performance? Please feel free to assign any
number from 25 (highest) to 0 (lowest).
Internship Site Supervisor Signature
Student Signature
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Final Internship Evaluation by University Internship Coordinator
Exercise Science Major
Department of Kinesiology
Student’s Name: _____________________________________
Date: ____________
Internship Site: __________________________________________________________
Internship Site Supervisor: _________________________________________________
University Internship Coordinator:
Weekly Journals
Mid-term Evaluation
Internship Project Grade
Final Evaluation
Final Report:
Internship Coordinator Final Evaluation
Point Total
Letter Grade
Additional Comments:
Internship Coordinator Signature: ___________________________________________
Student Intern Signature: _________________________________________________
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Frequently Asked Questions
We have put together some of the frequently asked questions that students ask about internships.
This section might answer some current and future questions you might have.
1. I’m currently working full time at an exercise science/ health fitness company. Can I just stay
here to do my internship?
No. This internship is designed to expand your knowledge, skills, abilities, expertise and
connections in the exercise science/health fitness field. By completing a separate internship,
you are building a resume with multiple experiences, which is to your advantage. An
internship is a contractual agreement among the university, approved site, and the student. If
a person is employed in the worksite, the needs of the company (down sizing, firing, etc.)
supersede the needs of the university or the student and may jeopardize the completion of the
2. I am currently working full time to pay for school, my apartment, my car, etc. To be able to
pay for these expenses my internship is going to have to be paid, especially if I am expected
to intern ~33 hours a week. Where is a good paying internship site?
In prior semesters, it is likely that you spent approximately the same amount of time going to
classes and studying as will be required in a ~ 30 hour per week internship. Up to this point
you scheduled your work life around your academic schedule. You would be well advised to
do the same during your internship. While some internships are paid, they usually provide
only token remuneration, so do not quit your night or weekend job. Students should attain
the best possible internship to support their future careers. Often the best internships don’t
pay now but they lead to better starting positions than paid internships.
3. I can’t get my schedule to work out this semester, so I’d like to take my internship a semester
early. Can I enroll in EXER 4490 Internship earlier than my last semester?
No. The Exercise Science Internship is designed to be your culminating experience, utilizing
all the course work and skills acquired in your academic career. Working at an internship
prior to your final semester puts you at a disadvantage in two ways. First, you may not have
the necessary knowledge, skills or experiences to perform the tasks required, which could
result in a poor evaluation of your work. Secondly, should the internship lead to a full time
position, you would not be able to qualify because your degree is incomplete. Internships are
designed to transition the student between college and full time employment. Getting the
experiences in proper order and completing them well is important to your success and the
department’s reputation.
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
4. I only have one course left to take at the university. Can I do my internship and take that
course in the same semester?
All required courses in the Exercise Science major must be completed prior to the semester
of your internship. However, if you are able to work your ~ 30 hours per week for the
internship and take a course not required for the Exercise Science major, you may do so as
long as you have approval by the department faculty.
5. I have found a perfect internship but it is not located in Charlotte. Can I leave Charlotte to
complete my internship?
There are many internship opportunities in the Greater Charlotte Area. However, there are
additional internship opportunities located in areas away from Charlotte. You are allowed to
complete your internship at a location outside of Charlotte, as long as an affiliation
agreement is on file with the College of Health & Human Services and the internship
experience is ideal for your future professional goals in the exercise science/health fitness
6. If I complete my internship outside of Charlotte, do I need to return to UNC Charlotte to
fulfill the requirements of EXER 4490?
Yes. Regardless of where you do your internship you must return for the Exit Interview
before you will receive a grade for the course.
7. Now that I’ve started my internship I have realized that this is not the experience I was
looking for. What can I do?
In an attempt to ensure that you gain the experiences that you desire, we have you outline
your internship objectives and sign them with the University Internship Coordinator and the
Internship Site Supervisor. If you are working towards the completion of these objectives
and you are unhappy, there isn’t much we can do. Therefore, be thorough when completing
your internship objectives prior to the start of your internship experience.
8. What happens if I don’t complete the required 225 internship hours before the end of the
If you do not complete the internship hours before the end of the semester in which you are
enrolled in EXER 4490, you will receive the grade of “Incomplete”. Once you complete
your internship hours and the necessary paperwork, evaluations and exit interview, the grade
of “Incomplete” will be replaced with your course grade.
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
9. What if I am all set to begin my internship experience and I earn a D or F in a course required
for the Exercise Science major?
Since you must complete all courses required for the Exercise Science major with a grade of
C or better prior to beginning your internship experience, you will have to relinquish your
internship site.
10. What should I expect when the University Internship Coordinator comes for a Site Visit?
The Internship Site Visit by the University Coordinator will involve a tour of the facility, a
review of the student’s work, and a conference with the Site Supervisor. A typical Site Visit
will last approximately 30 minutes to one hour. Not everyone will have a site visit, but for
those that do, they are unannounced. Be prepared! 
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
A. Sample Preceptor Letter
B. Sample Affiliation Agreement
August 21, 2009
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
Thank you for the opportunity to arrange for a preceptorship experience at AGENCY for STUDENT
COURSE in the Department of Kinesiology, College of Health and Human Services (CHHS). While on
your premises, the student will work with you as the student’s designated preceptor. STUDENT FIRST
NAME will require a minimum of NUMBER OF HOURS hours during the semester. The student’s hours
will start on January 1, 2009 and will be completed by December 31, 2009.
Before the course begins, you will receive a copy of the course syllabus and the course objectives that the
student must meet in order to be successful in the course. FACULTY TITLE FACULTY FIRST NAME
FACULTY LAST NAME will be responsible for overall supervision of the student, including on-site
visits to be arranged. You as the preceptor shall directly supervise the student and ensure that the student
does not work independently as a professional. If applicable, you shall countersign any medical
records/notes that the student writes and indicate that s/he has seen the patient/client referred to and that
you agree with the student’s documentation. You shall complete a proficiency evaluation of the student
midway through and at the end of the preceptorship and submit it to FACULTY TITLE FACULTY
LAST NAME. If needed, please feel free to contact FACULTY TITLE FACULTY LAST NAME at
UNC Charlotte, College of Health and Human Services, currently has an existing education Affiliation
Agreement with your facility dated AA DATE. The terms of that Agreement, including LIST ALL
BACKGROUND CHECK, DRUG SCREENING), and all other requirements set forth in that Agreement
are applicable to this preceptorship.
There shall be no compensation provided to either party for engaging in the preceptorship.
CHHS shall advise the student of the importance of complying with all relevant state and federal
confidentiality laws, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA),
to the extent applicable, including the need to respect the confidential nature of all information that the
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student has access to at Agency, including but not limited to patients’/clients’ personal health information
provided to them orally, contained in patient/client medical records, or maintained on Agency’s electronic
information system. Agency may require the student to sign a confidentiality agreement. Agency agrees to
provide the student with training regarding Agency’s policies and procedures relative to HIPAA.
CHHS and Agency acknowledge that the student may use patients’/clients’ personal information for educational
purposes at Agency and at CHHS. To the extent practicable, all information used for such purposes shall be
appropriately de-identified so as to remove all data that may be used to connect such information back to the
patient/client to whom it relates.
Thank you again for the opportunity to participate in what should prove to be a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Mitchell L. Cordova, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Kinesiology
College of Health and Human Services
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook
EXER 4490 – ES Internship Handbook