Colonial America

Colonial America
Land was the greatest economic asset of the colonies, North and South
Land was distributed in different ways in different regions
§ In New England, township grants were awarded to groups who petitioned
to settle a specific area, ranging form 4 to 8 square miles
all members of the town could use the common to graze livestock
each household was also assigned strips of farmland outside of town
§ In Middle Colonies (except NY) individual land grants were easy to obtain
farms of 100-200 acres were common in colonial NJ and Penn.
§ In Chesapeake, headright system initially accounted for land distribution
system began when the Va. Co. offered 50 acres of land to each immigrant who
paid their way over, or for each person who paid the way of someone else
§ system was abolished in Md. in 1683 & Va. in 1715
§ In NY and the Carolinas, large land grants were awarded to individuals,
often court favorites, who could then do with the land what they wished
Landownership important for economic advancement, social position,
and political participation
§ by the Revolution:
70% of white males in Virginia owned land
75% "
" N. Car.
86% "
" S. C.
§ These numbers compare favorable with the North, where about 75% of
white males owned land at the time
Common Agriculture and Industry
Agriculture dominated all of the American colonies
§ Colonists adopted Indian crops, and crop-raising techniques
Indian corn (maize) was the staple domestic foodstuff in all the colonies
colonists also raised other indigenous crops
§ peanuts, pumpkins, squash, tomatoes, peppers, watermelons, potatoes
potatoes (white and
sweet), and various berries
§ Colonists also added a number of European staples:
wheat, barley, rye, oats, carrots, garlic, onions, cabbages, radishes
§ Asian crops—rice and hemp—were also planted widely in areas.
Livestock important in all the colonies
§ most farmers had milk cows, beef cattle, hogs, and some fowl
§ Livestock was raised for both domestic consumption and export
barreled pork was an exportable commodity in most colonies
sheep raised as a source of both wool and meat
beef was prepared fresh for domestic use and salted for export
Almost every colonist engaged in a certain amount of home industry
Craftsmen and artisans established themselves in colonial towns
§ spinning, weaving, making soap and candles, carpentry, beer/cider making
§ Occasionally home industries provided families with goods they could trade
or sell
§ cobblers, blacksmiths, rifle makers, cabinetmakers, silversmiths, printers
Southern Colonial Economy
► Plantations
§ Large farms which produced crop for overseas
cash crops—tobacco, rice, sugar, indigo,
§ worked by indentured servants or slaves
of acres, 100s of slaves
► Non-Agricultural
Economic Activities
§ mining, timber, and skin/fur industries
§ Merchants and craftsmen in Southern cities
Northern Colonial Economy
► Agriculture
§ Small farms developed—subsistence farming
§ Modest cash crops—livestock, apples, and corn
► Industry
§ Extractive industries
► Furs,
lumber, fish, minerals
§ Shipbuilding
§ Iron
► Iron
Act (1750)
§ restricted colonists from engaging in metal processing
Obstacles to Colonial Industry
► British
mercantilist policies
§ Navigation Acts, Iron Act, Woolen Act, Hat Act
► Inadequate
labor supply
► Inadequate domestic market
► Inadequate infrastructure
Colonial Commerce
► Obstacles
to trade:
§ No commonly accepted medium of exchange
§ British policies
► Coastal
§ Colonies did business with one another
§ Traded with the West Indies
► rum, agricultural products, meat, and fish
► Sugar, molasses, and slaves in return.
► International
to the WI
§ “The Triangle Trade”
► Rum and other goods from New England to Europe and Africa
► Manufactured goods from Europe to Africa and the Americas
► Slaves from Africa to the Caribbean
► Sugar and molasses from the Caribbean
to North America
Triangle Trade
British sought to control colonial economy
Navigation Acts, 1660 [continually modified until independence]
Mercantilism/Navigation Act helped colonies in some ways:
§ get raw materials from colonies, sell colonies manufactured goods
§ All trade between England and her colonies must be carried in ships built,
owned and manned (75%) by British subjects
§ “Enumerated articles” produced by colonists could ONLY be shipped to GB
or other British colonies
► tobacco, sugar, hemp, cotton, naval stores all put on list by 1775
§ All European goods to be imported into American colonies had to go through
Britain first
► increased profits of English shippers
► taxes levied against non-British goods
Tobacco colonies (MD, VA) had monopoly over tobacco market in GB
Government subsidies to producers of indigo, naval stores
Exclusion of foreign competition allowed shipbuilders to develop and profit