Colonial Political-Economic Policies

British Policy
01. In theory, the British Empire was meant to operate according
to mercantilist theory, which is the mother country obtains
colonies, exports goods, and secures natural resources, including
valuable minerals.
02. In practice, James I and Charles I granted charters to anyone
willing to finance colonies without necessarily being held
accountable to the mercantilist system. Why?
01. In theory, the British Empire was meant to enforce its will
over the colonies through the laws of Parliament.
02. In practice, James I and Charles I took a passive role in governing
their colonies. Why?
Colonial Response
01. Developed a variety of local industries to meet local needs.
02. Increasingly traded goods to the Caribbean illegally.
01. Created assemblies. A tradition of self-rule developed.
British Policy
Colonial Response
01. In 1660, under the direction of Charles II, Parliament passed
the Navigation Acts due to colonial smuggling activities.
Great Britain endured a significant loss in revenue.
a. All goods must be transported by English or colonial ship that
has a 3/4 English or colonial crew.
01. Became enraged. British officials who were stationed in the colonies,
however, rarely enforced this law because of bribery, intimidation, and
b. Colonies must export certain products only to Great Britain.
c. All goods traded between the colonies and Europe had to pass a
British port and thus be subject to tariffs, or a tax on imports.
British Policy
Colonial Response
01. In 1684, Charles II declared that Massachusetts was a royal
colony because of its refusal to obey laws passed by Parliament.
01. Staged demonstrations against the crown. There was little protest in the
South because this situation did not directly affect its economy.
02. In 1685, James II placed the New England colonies under a single
ruler. Sir Edmund Andros was assigned to govern the Dominion
New England. Andros outlawed local assemblies, levied high
taxes, and vigorously enforced the Navigation Acts.
02. Were ecstatic when William and Mary, who deposed James II in 1688 in
the Golorious Revolution, and agreed to a “return to normalcy”. James II
had sought to establish a Catholic absolute monarchy.
01. On one hand, Great Britain flexed its muscles to potentially punish illegal colonial trade. A Board Of Trade was created to determine whether colonial
laws overruled imperial policy. A Royal Naval Court had jurisdiction over maritime cases. In addition, Parliament passed the:
Wool Act (1699) --Forbade colonial export and restrict Irish manufacture
Hat Act (1732)--Barred hats from France; two apprentices, who served a seven-year stint, per shop, and no black apprentices
Molasses Act (1733)--Import taxes on rum, molasses and sugar from colonies to foriegn sources
Iron Act (1750)--Forbade certain iron-making practices in the colonies
02. On the other hand, Great Britain irregularly enforced these laws in hopes that the colonists would comply on their own. This policy was called salutary
neglect. When colonial governors attempted to enforce British rule, colonial assemblies, through the power of the purse, would refuse to pay his salary.
03. Great Britain’s own financial problems and involvement in several wars diverted attention away from the colonies until the mid-1750’s. From 17541763, Great Britain fought the French and her Indian allies in the French/Indian War. This war was caused by competition between the two nations
over the fur trade in the Ohio River Valley -and- disputed land claims in this same region.
04. In 1763, Great Britain emerged victorious, but as a result of this war, several issues needed to be addressed.
Q--How would it pay off its enormous debt?
A--1764 Sugar Act
Q--How would it crack down on colonial smuggling?
A--writs of assistance
Q--How would it govern the western borders of the colonies?
A--1763 Proclamation Act
Discussion Questions
01. Explain in a paragraph why British officals believed colonial economic policies were justified.
02. Explain in a paragraph why the colonists opposed British economic policies.
03. Explain in a paragraph why the growth of political and economic freedom in the colonies would come back
to “haunt” Great Britain.