Introduction to Arabic Morphology & Syntax – LG-581 – Spring 2015 Prof. Steven Blackburn – 860-509-9560 – 4:30-6:00pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays Office Hours: MWF 2:30-4:30pm and by Appointment Textbook: Al-Kitaab fi ta`allum al-`arabiyya by Brustad et al. Dictionary (recommended, but not required): A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic (Wehr), edited by J M. Cowan In this course students will continue their foray into the world of two modes of Arabic: the “Standard” language based on the Classical Arabic of the Qur’an, and a spoken version “colloquial” from the educated classes of Egypt. No one can be said to “know” Arabic unless both types, “standard” and “colloquial”, have been mastered. This semester continues the lengthy process of doing just that. Your work will be weighted as follows for your final grade: Homework assignments 25% Vocabulary quizzes 25% Attendance and class participation 25% Final Exam 25% Attendance Policy: We meet only twice per week for just over an hour each session. Missing the equivalent of six 90-minute sessions may result in a failure to pass. Please be in touch with the Professor in order to make up any missed work if you know in advance that you will not be able to attend a particular session. As per Seminary policy, official student Hartford Seminary email addresses will be used for all class-related correspondence. Enrollees will need to check their Seminary email accounts regularly. While every attempt will be made to adhere to the following schedule, adjustments may have to be made during the course of the term. Week of: Assignments January 20/22 Review of First Semester January 27/29 Vocabulary Quiz, Lesson 1, al-Kitab February 3/5 Completion of Lesson 1 February 10/12 Vocabulary Quiz, Lesson 2, al-Kitab February 17/19 Completion of Lesson 2, al-Kitab February 24/26 Vocabulary Quiz, Lesson 3, al-Kitab March 3/5 Completion of Lesson 3, al-Kitab March 10/12 Vocabulary Quiz, Lesson 4, al-Kitab March 17/19 Completion of Lesson 4, al-Kitab March 24 Review March 26 Mid-Term Exam, Lessons 1 – 4, al-Kitab March 31/April 2 Reading Week / Maundy Thursday break: NO CLASSES April 7/9 Vocabulary Quiz, Lesson 5, al-Kitab April 14/16 Completion of Lesson 5, al-Kitab April 21/23 Vocabulary Quiz, Lesson 6, al-Kitab April 27/30 Completion of Lesson 6, al-Kitab May 5 Final Exam, Lessons 1 – 6, al-Kitab When learning a language, it is (infinitely?) better to work a little each day than to cram on weekends or over large chunks of time. In other words, an hour each day of review and preparation during the week is to be preferred over spending the entirety of a Saturday or Sunday trying to catch-up. Also, in learning a language, it is better to use your out-of-class time to work on material that has already been presented in class, rather than to “work ahead”. Working ahead risks internalizing faulty linguistic input: This is NOT a “teach yourself” course! “I’m not here to hand out bad grades” is one of my mottos. Every effort will be made to keep you all up to speed, that being one of the luxuries of having a small class. Most importantly: HAVE FUN! Even though Arabic is NOT an easy language, it CAN be enjoyable. I’ll try to make it that way; if you work, there is that much more chance of making it that way for yourself