Fairfax Newsletter
Cov e ri n g R ea l E st at e , L an d U s e, a n d E co n o mi c D ev el o p m en t Si n c e 19 5 5
Volume 59, Number 6 ♦ March 28, 2014
Capital One Gains Staff Support
for New Headquarters Tower
The proposal submitted last year by Capital One to allow
construction of a new 470-foot tall headquarters tower along
the I-495 frontage at its 26-acre mixed-use project in Tysons at
the McLean Metro station is headed to the planning
commission public hearing with the support of county staff.
The signature office tower, along with an adjacent full-service
hotel, is proposed just east of Capital One’s existing 14-story
headquarters building and adjoining single-story conference
center and parking structure located at the apex of the
triangular-shaped site at the intersection of the Capital
Beltway (I-495) and Dolley Madison Boulevard (Route 123).
continued growth of the financial giant, with the company
having already outgrown its current H/Q building to the point
that it has leased a couple of hundred square feet of space
elsewhere in Tysons.
According to the statement filed with the PCA/FDPA
applications submitted last year, “Accelerating employee
growth numbers have…caused Capital One to re-assess the
size and location of its proposed new office tower in Tysons
 Capital One Block B Rendering Source: Cooley LLP
To enable construction of the proposed
940,550-square foot office building,
Capital One is asking to amend the
proffers and final development plan
(PCA/FDPA 2010-PR-021) associated
with the rezoning approved in 2012 –
allowing 4.9 million-square feet of
mixed-use, transit-oriented development
on the site – in order to make
adjustments to the design, phasing, and
floor area ratio allocation.
The staff supports the request, noting in
its report that the layout
“remains…thoughtful and well
designed with quality public spaces.”
Rearranging and Reallocating.
Plans to include the new office structure
proposed in the land bay sited between
the Beltway and Capital One Drive
(called Block B) as part of the initial
phase of development is driven by
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Although the company has approval for a mixed-use urban
neighborhood that includes 3.3 million-square feet of office
space and at least 800 new residential units, the current
applications are focused on Capital One’s expansion plans,
according to attorney Antonio J. Calabrese (Cooley LLP), the
company’s representative on the previous rezoning and
revised application.
Another proposed change: the civic plaza is being replaced
with a linear park, with the idea of using the park to create a
defined “street edge” given that revised plans call for the
buildings on Block B to be set back further from the street.
The applicant has also included a vehicular drop-off area
along Capital One Drive between the office and hotel
Although there has been interest from multi-family developers
in the project’s residential opportunities, Calabrese points out
that Capital One’s business is banking, not development,
saying, “This is about accommodating their core business and
their growth projections.”
As for the timeframe for the office and hotel construction,
Calabrese says “the expectation is that the office will go
before the hotel, but we don’t have timing on it yet.”
Infrastructure work within the project is already underway,
including utility relocation and rough grading for the road
network, in order to have things ready “as soon as Capital One
pulls the trigger,” he notes.
With the proffer condition amendment, Capital One is asking
to relocate its planned expansion from Block A to Block B,
redesign Block B to accommodate the proposed buildings,
reorder the approved phasing plan, and reallocate some of the
site’s square footage to Block B.
Cap One is exploring options for a partner for the proposed
hotel, but nothing is in place on that front yet, Calabrese states.
Meanwhile, before the hotel is constructed, the company is
putting in an interim soccer field on top of the proposed
parking garage within 18 months of proceeding with
construction of the office building.
Under the revised plans, Block B will now feature the Cap
One HQ building and a 250-foot tall, 340,000-square foot fullservice hotel and conference center instead of two smaller
office buildings and hotel centered on a civic plaza.
The Block B buildings sit atop an 8-story parking podium
“with retail and active uses wrapping the podium along
Capital One Drive North and parts of Scotts Crossing Road,”
the staff report states.
The existing baseball diamond that sits in the northeast
quadrant of Route 123 and Old Meadow/Capital One Tower
Drive will be retained until that block (Block D) is developed.
Under the revised proffers, the 30,000-square feet of
community center space, that will include a gym – Cap One’s
public facility contribution – originally
planned within one of the Block B
office buildings will now be relocated
on a temporary basis to a 2-story
stand-alone building with surface
parking in the project’s Block E,
located in the northwest corner of
Route 123 and Capital One Tower
Road (a/k/a Old Meadow).
Eventually, as development progresses
at the mixed-use project, the freestanding building will be razed to
make way for construction of a
planned office building on this portion
of the property, which will ultimately
provide the permanent home for the
community center. To bridge the gap
between demolition of the freestanding center and construction of the
new building, Capital One has offered
 Capital One Revised Development Plan
Rendering; Source: Cooley LLP
toward construction of this high-priority improvement to the
Tysons road network, expected to be completed in the
2017/2018 timeframe.
to provide an equivalent square footage “generally located
within the Tysons Urban Center,” according to the report.
As part of the revised proffers, the company has agreed to
provide the community center either upon construction of the
third office building or fourth building, whichever comes first.
As part of the revised commitments associated with the PCA
application, the applicant is dedicating 1.65 acres along the
site’s frontage for a possible future Tysons Circulator route
and station.
Additionally, the company will contribute $540,000 toward
the design of Route 123 as a “super boulevard” to enhance the
corridor, according to Calabrese, an effort that also involves
Cityline Partners as part of its Scotts Run South mixed-use
project on the south side of Route 123 approved last year.
Capital One PCA/FDPA 2010-PR-021
Proposed Changes in Height and Square Footage
Source: Fairfax County
Max. SF
Max. SF
Block A (previously the Capital One expansion phase)
Building 1 (office)
281 feet
Building 2 (hotel)
111 feet
Block B (the new Capital One expansion phase)
Building 3 (office)
225 feet
0 (30,000
SF public
Building 4 (hotel)
225 feet
Block C
Building 6 (residential)
221 feet
Building 7 (residential)
221 feet
Building 8 (residential)
Block D
Building 5 (office)
Building 9 (residential)
175 feet
Building 10 (office)
305 feet
Block E
Building 11 (office)
266 feet
Public Facility
Building 12 (office)
427 feet
*increased from RZ 2010-PR-021
**decreased from RZ 2010-PR-021
 Capital One Development Plan Approved with RZ-2010-PR-022;
Source: Cooley LLP
Transportation Enhancements. The site layout under the
revised plans continue to show five new blocks (A through E)
and three new streets: Capital One Drive North and South
(running parallel to Route 123 and connecting the site to
Scotts Crossing Road), and Capital One Tower Road (the
entrance drive to the project off Route 123 formerly known as
Old Meadow Drive).
According to the staff analysis, proceeding with development
of Block B ahead of Block A has required some changes with
regard to roadway construction, noting that development of
Block A would have allowed for continuation of existing road
alignments and entrances.Moving up development on Block B
required realignment and construction of the ultimate section
for Capital One Drive North from Scotts Crossing to Cap
One’s existing buildings.
The applicant now proposes to accelerate construction of
Capital One Tower Road (with a new entrance to Route 123)
and widen the roadway from two to four lanes to
accommodate on-street parking and bike lanes. Just the rightof-way for the widening has an estimated $2.1 million value,
according to Calabrese.
Scotts Crossing Road on the eastern edge of the Capital One
site will be transformed into the Jones Branch Connector
(JBC) which will ultimately connect Route 123 to Jones
Branch Drive and provide a new crossing of the Beltway. The
county has allocated $40 million over the next three years
383 feet*
140 feet*
470 feet*
249 feet*
236 feet*
261 feet*
199 feet
325 feet
273 feet
311 feet*
Commission to Act on Controversial
Lorton Green Energy Park This Week
Saying that while the proposal for the green energy park has
“significant backing,” the announcement from ESI maintains
that it has made changes in response to the community’s
concerns, with ESI’s Conrad Mehan stating, “As a member of
the community, ESI has listened and responded.”
The planning commission on April 3rd is scheduled to make its
recommendation on the controversial proposal to extend the
life of the Lorton construction debris landfill on Furnace Road
in order to allow phased development over a 30-year period of
a green energy park.
Under the amended development conditions submitted to the
county, the company agrees to:
• Reduce the length of the requested extension by six
years, to year-end 2034 instead of 2040, with ESI
agreeing to enter into a covenant that guarantees
permanent closure of the landfill by 2034.
• Reduce the height of the landfill from the previouslyapproved height of 412 feet down to 395 feet – a 36percent reduction.
• Maintain its commitment to give up rights in perpetuity
to the mixed-waste recycling facility across Furnace
Road opposite the landfill to protect the road network
north of the landfill from being impacted by truckrelated activity from the site.
Following the commission’s February 27th hearing on the
proposal that has generated considerable energy from
opponents, Mt. Vernon District Planning Commissioner Earl
Flanagan moved to defer the decision, which turned out to be
the first of two deferrals. (See the March 5th, 2014 issue of The
Fairfax Newsletter for details on the hearing.)
The contentious debate – with proponents touting the benefits
of a green energy park on the 250-acre site and opponents
demanding closure of the landfill in 2019 as originally
scheduled and voicing concern about the proposed 70-foot
perimeter berm – convinced Fairfax Board Chair Sharon
Bulova (D-At Large) earlier this month to see if a compromise
could be brokered.
In addition, the statement says the company “remains
committed to providing significant financial contributions to
the county and local stakeholders,” including $3.2 million for
local ball fields and recreational facilities; $10 million for
community needs; and, for the county, an estimated $2.5
million in shared revenues from the renewable energy
generated and the equivalent of $7 million in electricity for use
at local county facilities.
A committee with representatives from the community, the
chamber of commerce, and the planning commission,
moderated by At Large Planning Commissioner and south
county resident Tim Sargeant, met on a couple of occasions to
discuss the issues, but no solution was reached at the meetings.
Attorney Francis A. McDermott (Hunton & Williams), ESI’s
representative on the proposed special exception amendment
application (SEA 80-L/V-061-02), says the company has
brought substantial changes to the table in response to
community concerns, but so far, he says, the other side has
failed to make similar concessions.
Not so, says Nick Firth, president of the South County
Federation. In fact, the community had offered a compromise
during the talks. In a March 28th letter to Chairman Bulova
after hearing about ESI’s changes, Firth reiterated the
adjustments the organization had offered to make, including
support for:
 Furnace Assocs. Site; Source: Hunton & Williams
• Continued operations at the facility until 2022 “to
address [ESI’s] concerns related to capacity and the
• Release of ESI from the prior obligation to turn the
landfill over the park authority after the closure for
use as a public park, and release of the bond tied to
that agreement.
Revisions Submitted Ahead of Decision. Then, after
the group stopped meeting, EnviroSolutions’ Furnace Road
Associates on March 28th announced that it filed changes
earlier in the week to the proposed green energy park proposal
based on some of the concerns expressed by citizens.
“It is “far and away a tremendous improvement” over existing
conditions, he says, pointing out that the berm will be subject
to “9 or 10 separate and distinct engineering tests” before it is
approved. Of 58 similar vegetated berms in other landfills
nationwide, only two have experienced “minor” problems,
according to the attorney.
• Development by ESI of a future recycling center on a
9-acre site across the street.
• Transfer of the money – approximately $3.5 million –
originally slated for an on-site park toward
development of a green energy component, such as
solar panels, on the Lorton workhouse site or south
county middle or high school properties.
The county staff recommends approval of the SEA to amend
the previously-approved SEA to extend the life of the
construction debris landfill, remove the previously approved
park uses and requirement for dedication of the site to the
Fairfax County Park Authority, and permit three limited
access recreational uses (batting cages, golf driving range,
and/or radio controlled aircraft field). Also recommended for
approval by the staff, the concurrent request (2232-V13-18) to
allow the solar and wind electrical generating facilities.
Firth says the community was surprised that ESI submitted
proposed changes after the group stopped meeting, therefore
sidestepping any opportunity for a meaningful discussion.
In the letter to Bulova on behalf of the Federation, Firth stated
that since the proposals from ESI - discussed “with you alone
and separately on March 24th” – weren’t “presented during the
forum,” there has been no opportunity to adequately review
and comment on the specifics.
Penzance Acquires
Reston Office Building
In the letter, Firth asks for a meeting with Bulova’s office “so
that we may discuss, as was afforded the applicant, what
transpired during the talks and where we go from here.”
In March, Penzance Companies purchased the two office
buildings – totaling 142,394-square feet – located at 11107
and 11109 Sunset Hills Road in Reston, paying $22.6 million,
or approximately $159 per square foot, to seller Piedmont
Office Realty
The Federation president says the community recognizes that
the original commitment to transform the landfill after closure
into a park is no longer an option (the park authority has
indicated it is no longer interested in the site), but stresses that
concerns remain about the proposed expansion and timeline
extension, as well as about the proposed “70-foot wall”
planned to support additional landfill capacity.
The Sunset
Corporate Plaza I
and II buildings,
built in the 1980s,
are located on the
south side of the
Dulles Toll Road,
three-quarters of a mile from the Wiehle Avenue Metrorail
station scheduled to open later this year.
McDermott dismisses the concern about the landfill berm,
calling it “an imaginary horrible thrown out by the
community.” In fact, the berm will enhance the stability of the
landfill and provide greater environmental protection, he says
(with county staff reaching the same conclusion).
Sunset Corporate Plaza I, completely leased, is a 101,194square foot, 6-story building at 11109 Sunset Hills Drive; the
2-story vacant Corporate Plaza II is located at 11107. The
4.56-acre site on which the buildings are located is zoned I-4.
According to the press release issued by Transwestern, which
handled the deal on behalf of Piedmont, the property
“provides tenants with on-site covered parking and efficient
floor plates” and offers visibility for tenant signage.
In the release, Gerry Trainor, managing executive director of
Transwestern, said, “The transaction achieves the strategic
goals of both the buyer and seller. In the case of Piedmont, the
 Furnace Associates Green Energy Park Line of Site from Lorton
Arts Foundation Workhouse South; Source: Hunton & Williams
Building Permits Issued
March 7 through 26, 2014
sale is in line with it strategic plan of exiting non-core
Penzance, in its own announcement, pointed to the building’s
location near the Metro, with Matt Pacinelli, senior vice
president for leasing at Penzance, stating, “It’s on the Dulles
Toll Road, it has high visibility and potential building signage
for prospective tenants, and features a floor plate that is
relatively scarce among properties in the area.”
New Single Family Detached
500 Riverbend Road LLC, 500 River Bend Road, Great
Falls, VA 22066; for 1 $1,200,000 SFD at 500 River Bend
Road, tax map 008-4-01-0030B (contractor: American
Majestic Construction, 10110 Nedra Drive, Great Falls, VA
ASAM LLC, P.O. Box 614, Arlington, VA 22216; for 1
$250,000 SFD at 363 Courthouse Road, tax map 038-4-070007 (contractor: DLS Construction Group LLC, 12201
Columbia Springs Way, Bristow, VA 20136);
Ahn Vu Hoang Nguyen, 6600 Reserves Hill Court,
Annandale, VA 22003; for 1 $250,000 SFD at 6600 Reserves
Hill Court, tax map 071-2-43-0008 (contractor: Georgetown
Construction LLC, 3616 Rose Lane, Washington, DC 20007);
Akhtar Rizwan, 13512 Compton Road, Clifton, VA
20124; for 1 $285,000 SFD at 13512 Compton Road, tax map
075-1-01-0002C (contractor: Botero Homes LLC, 11150
Sunset Hills Road, #160, Reston, VA 20190);
Babur Mian, 6606 Reserves Hill Court, Annandale, VA
22003; for 1 $250,000 SFD at 6608 Reserves Hill Court, tax
map 071-2-43-0004 (contractor: Georgetown Construction
LLC, 3616 Rose Lane, Washington, DC 20007);
Basheer/Edgemoore-Bull Run, 2071 Chain Bridge Road,
Suite 510, Vienna, VA 22182; for 1 $485,000 SFD at 6509
Bull Run Woods Terrace, tax map 053-1-07-0004;
Behnam Goudarzi, 8454 Holly Leaf Drive, McLean, VA
22102; for 1 $535,000 SFD at 8454 Holly Leaf Drive, tax map
029-1-11-0022A (contractor: Arcon Construction Corp., 4711
Rosedale Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814);
Bogdan Klein, 5250 Cozy Glen Lane, Alexandria, VA
22312; for 1 $400,000 SFD at 617 Hillcrest Drive, tax map
038-4-09-0027 (contractor: Serhan Kokuuslu, 209 West
Greenway Boulevard, Falls Church, VA 22046);
Brush Arbor Home Construction LLC, 3930 Pender
Drive, Suite 310, Fairfax, VA 22030; for 1 $350,000 SFD at
608 Plum Street, tax map 038-4-15-1404 (contractor: Brush
Arbor Home Construction, 38014 Hughesville Road,
Purcellville, VA 20132);
Cantwell Construction LLC, 10144 Community Lane,
Fairfax Station, VA 22039; for 1 $350,000 SFD at 5661
Glenwood Drive, tax map 082-1-04-0051A;
Cesar Montalvan, 5504 Crofton Green Drive, Fairfax,
VA 22030; for 1 $2,000,000 SFD at 950 Hickory Run Lane,
tax map 013-3-01-0009B (contractor: The Building Group,
1024A Towlston Road, McLean, VA 22102);
David Coley, 26073 Talamore Drive, Chantilly, VA
20152; for 1 $300,000 SFD at 16459 Glory Creek Terrace, tax
Briefly Noted…
Real estate investment firm Seavest Healthcare Properties
LLC has increased occupancy and is making capital
improvements at Fair Oaks Medical Building II on the campus
of Inova Fair Oaks Hospital in Fairfax. Located at 3700
Joseph Siewick Drive, the 4-story, 79,300-square foot medical
office building – acquired by White Plains, NY-based Seavest
in 2013 for $21.125 million - flanks the 182-bed Inova Fair
Oaks Hospital and is conveniently adjacent to ample parking
in a 4-level, 950-space garage.
With a history of investing on the Fair Oaks hospital campus,
Seavest targeted this medical office building for its portfolio,
with CEO Douglas Ray saying in a recent press release, “We
knew that with a significant capital investment, we could
restore this building to a first-class asset worthy of the Inova
Fair Oaks campus.”
Capital improvements to the building’s systems and interior,
including almost $1.0 million in equipment replacement and
common area upgrades, are already under way. A new EMS
system that monitors all HVAC equipment, replacement of
rooftop heating and cooling units, and a new building roof
system are slated for installation this month. Interior
renovations – including new lighting, flooring and ceiling
tiles, new lobby furniture, paint and wall coverings, and
updated common area restrooms – are to be completed this
spring, according to the company.
Since the closing of the acquisition, Seavest has boosted
occupancy from 87 percent to 94 percent with Inova Health
Systems occupying 22 percent, or 17,350 square feet. The
remainder is leased by physician practices, the press release
map 052-2-05-0007A (contractor: ANV Construction Group
Inc., 10281 Frosty Court, Manassas, VA 20109);
Evergreene Companies LLC, 3684 Centerview Drive,
Suite 120, Chantilly, VA 20151; for 1 $211,000 SFD at 608
Truman Circle, tax map 048-2-03G-0046;
Evergreene Companies LLC, 3684 Centerview Drive,
#120, Chantilly, VA 20151; for 1 $210,000 SFD at 7400
Paxton Road, tax map 040-1-05K-0016;
Hamayoon Attai Citi Enterprises LLC, 25425
Carrington Drive, Chantilly, VA 20152; for 1 $250,000 SFD
at 12225 Braddock Road, tax map 067-1-01-0058 (contractor:
CJNA Construction Company LLC, 4216 Evergreen Lane,
Suite 133, Annandale, VA 22003);
Joe Foster and Kathleen Keightley, 12071 Rose Hall
Drive, Clifton, VA 20124; for 1 $400,000 SFD at 12071 Rose
Hall Drive, tax map 086-3-13-0002 (contractor: Reel Homes
LLC, 10623 Jones Street, Unit 201B, Fairfax, VA 22030);
John and Natasha Kennedy, 1334 North Chambliss
Street, Alexandria, VA 22312; for 1 $291,900 SFD at 4436
Brookside Drive, tax map 072-1-06-0054 (contractor: New
Dimensions Inc., 10611 Balls Ford Road, Suite 101,
Manassas, VA 20109);
NVP Inc., 9300 Grant Avenue, Suite 300, Manassas, VA
20110; for 1 $150,000 SFD at 9469 Lake Hill Farms Drive,
tax map 106-1-17-0007;
NVP Inc., 9300 Grant Avenue, Suite 300, Manassas, VA
20110; for 1 $150,000 SFD at 8804 Lake Hill Drive, tax map
NVR Inc., 11700 Plaza America Drive, #500, Reston, VA
20190; for 1 $150,000 SFD at 9201 Forest Haven Drive, tax
map 110-1-06-0004B;
Neighborhoods VI LLC, 11111 Sunset Hills Road, #200,
Reston, VA 20190; for 1 $159,000 SFD at 9230 Clementine
Court, tax map 108-3-03-010019 (contractor: Stanley Martin
Companies LLC, 11111 Sunset Hills Road, #200, Reston, VA
Oakcrest Farms LC, 407L Church Street, NE, Vienna,
VA 22180; for 1 $300,000 SFD at 3003 Weber Place, tax map
047-2-34-0014 (contractor: Sekas Homes, 407L Church
Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22180);
Oakcrest Farms LC, 407L Church Street, NE, Vienna,
VA 22180; for 1 $300,000 SFD at 3001 Weber Place, tax map
047-2-34-0015 (contractor: Sekas Homes, 407L Church
Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22180);
RJ Miller Custom Homes LLC, 7616 Center Street,
Falls Church, VA 22043; for 1 $550,000 SFD at 307 Arcadian
Circle, tax map 038-4-15-1417;
Rheza Khamesi, 450 Springvale Road, Great Falls, VA
22066; for 1 $400,000 SFD at 6155 Reza Court, tax map 0793-42-0004 (contractor: Cardinal Builders Inc., 450 Springvale
Road, Great Falls, VA 22066);
Rupsha 2013 LLC, 1614 Walden Drive, McLean, VA
22101; for 1 $300,000 SFD at 1614 Walden Drive, tax map
031-3-51-0010 (contractor: Relux Homes Inc., 3758
Penderwood Drive, Fairfax, VA 22033);
Rupsha 2013 LLC, 7001 Churchill Road, McLean, VA
22101; for 1 $300,000 SFD at 7001 Churchill Road, tax map
021-4-13-0146 (contractor: Relux Homes Inc., 3758
Penderwood Drive, Fairfax, VA 22033);
Shaker Knolls LLC, 3877 Fairfax Ridge Road, Suite
105N, Fairfax, VA 22030; for 1 $300,000 SFD at 11729
Shaker Knolls Court, tax map 011-2-23-0004 (contractor:
Carrhomes Inc., 3877 Fairfax Ridge Road, Suite 105N,
Fairfax, VA 22030);
Water Oak LLC, 9713 Water Oak Drive, Fairfax, VA
22031; for 1 $200,000 SFD at 9713 Water Oak Drive, tax map
048-3-34-0028 (contractor: ACG LLC, 11350 Random Hills
Road, Suite 430, Fairfax, VA 22030);
Wetherburne Urban Homes LLC, 14100 Parke Long
Court, Suite N, Chantilly, VA 20151; for 1 $500,000 SFD at
900 Park Street, tax map 038-4-19-080021.
New Single Family Attached
NVR Inc., 3926 Pender Drive, Suite 200, Fairfax, VA
22030; for 5 $98,000 TH at 13691, 13693, 13695, 13697, and
13699 Neil Armstrong Avenue, tax map 024-4-07-0018, 0244-07-0019, 024-4-07-0020, 024-4-07-0021, and 024-4-070022 (contractor: NVR Inc., 11700 Plaza America Drive,
Suite 500, Reston, VA 20190);
Pulte Home Corporation, 10600 Arrowhead Drive,
#225, Fairfax, VA 22030; for 6 $75,000 TH at 9614, 9616,
9618, 9620, 9622, and 9624 Stockwell Lane, tax map 048-350-0035, 048-3-50-0036, 048-4-28-0037, 048-4-28-0038,
048-4-28-0039, and 048-4-28-0040.
Residential Totals
New Single Family Detached: 30
New Single Family Attached: 11
AP Adler NVIP LLC, 7347 Lockport Place, Lorton, VA
22079; for 1 $71,950, new tenant layout at 7311 Lockport
Place, tax map 108-1-01-0001D (contractor: Environamics
Incorporated, 1401 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208);
Association of America Teachers Insurance and
Annuity, 4350 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 110, Arlington, VA
22203; for 1 $64,874, new tenant layout at 1676 International
Drive, Suite 501, tax map 029-3-15-0011B3 (contractor:
Bognet Construction Associates, 1911 North Fort Myer Drive,
Suite 705, Arlington, VA 22209);
Century Linc, 8560 Cinderbed Road, Suite 500, Lorton,
VA 22902; for 1 $175,000, interior alteration to existing
tenant, move exterior steps, new stair landing, and add new
Gannett Company, 7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean,
VA 22102; for 1 $105,505, interior alterations for existing
tenant at 7950 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 300, tax map 029-215-C1 (contractor: Hitt Contracting Inc., 2900 Fairview Park
Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042);
Golf Course Plaza LLC, 8456A Tyco Road, Vienna, VA
22182; for 1 $45,900, interior alterations to existing tenant at
11480 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 100W, tax map 017-4-05-S6
(contractor: Edgley Construction Group Inc., 12081 Tech
Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904);
Good Day Total Health Clinic, 8603 Westwood Center
Drive, Vienna, VA 22182; for 1 $35,000, interior alterations
for clinic at 8603 Westwood Center Drive, Suite 200, tax map
029-3-20-0002 (contractor: Capital Construction of America,
43720 Trade Center Place, Suite 130, Sterling, VA 20166);
Headquarters 2 LLC, 14501 George Carter Way,
Chantilly, VA 20151; for 1 $28,000, interior alterations to
existing tenant - Long & Foster at 14501 George Carter Way,
tax map 044-1-17-0001;
Hunters Branch, 9302 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA
22030; for 1 $26,000, new tenant layout at 9302 Lee
Highway, Suite 700, tax map 048-4-01-0001G (contractor:
Caliber Construction Inc., 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 8,
Reston, VA 20190);
JBG Reston Hotel LLC, 4445 Willard Avenue, Suite
400, Chevy Chase, MD 20815; for 1 $125,000, renovate
existing 6th floor club lounge - Sheraton Reston Hotel at
11810 Sunrise Valley Drive, tax map 017-3-03-0001E2
(contractor: ANC Construction Inc., 7601 Little River
Turnpike, Suite 204, Annandale, VA 22003);
Jones Lang Lasalle, 1800 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston,
VA 20191; for 1 $35,000, interior alterations to existing tenant
at 1800 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 400, tax map 027-1-010010A (contractor: Edgley Construction Group Inc., 12081
Tech Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904);
Kohls Department Store Burke Parcel LLC, P.O. Box
2148, Milwaukee, WI 53201; for 1 $1,130,000, interior
remodel and exterior facade upgrades to an existing operating
Kohl's retail store at 5793 Burke Centre Parkway, tax map
077-1-01-0075X (contractor: William A Randolph Inc., 820
Lakeside Drive, Suite 3, Gurnee, IL 60031);
Lovesac, 700 Canal Street, Stanford, CT 06902; for 1
$65,000, interior alteration to existing tenant at 7907L Tysons
Corner Center, Suite L, tax map 029-4-01-0035A (contractor:
Srinivas Akula, 22780 Watson Heights Circle, Ashburn, VA
Pender LLC, 8150 Leesburg Pike, Suite 1100, Vienna,
VA 22182; for 1 $25,000, new tenant layout - Prima Medicine
at 3903 Fair Ridge Drive, Suite 218, tax map 046-3-010015A3;
Potamac Podiatry, 3914 Centreville Road, Chantilly, VA
20151; for 1 $27,513, new tenant layout at 3914 Centreville
Road, Suite 200, tax map 034-4-01-0028A (contractor:
generator pad at 8560 Cinder Bed Road, Suite 500, tax map
099-3-04-0005B (contractor: Imperial Construction Inc., 193
Coy Road, Weatherford, TX 76087);
Ciro D'agostino, 6067 Centreville Crest Lane,
Centreville, VA 20121; for 1 $44,000, new tenant layout Ciro New York Pizza Express at 6067 Centreville Crest Lane,
tax map 054-4-01-0117;
Colchester Security IV LLC, 10501 Furnace Road, Suite
208, Lorton, VA 22079; for 1 $65,000, new tenant layout Cafe Colchester at 10716 Richmond Highway, Suite 107, tax
map 113-3-01-0005H1;
College Town Associates, 2711 Hunter Mill Road, #300,
Oakton, VA 22124; for 1 $40,050, new tenant layout at
10645a Braddock Road, tax map 068-1-01-0009 (contractor:
LF Jennings Inc., 407 North Washington Street, #200, Falls
Church, VA 22046);
D.C.M.A., 14501 George Carter Way, Chantilly, VA
20151; for 1 $60,000, new tenant layout at 14501 George
Carter Way, Suite 200, tax map 044-1-17-0001 (contractor:
James G. Davis Construction, 12530 Parklawn Drive,
Rockville, MD 20852);
D1 Sports Training of NOVA, 14434 Albemarle Point
Place, Chantilly, VA 20151; for 1 $175,000, new tenant layout
at 14434 Albemarle Point Place, Suite 100, tax map 034-3-010034;
Delia Sanchez, 3910 Elby Street, Silver Spring, MD
20906; for 1 $45,000, new tenant layout - Crisp & Juicy at
7500 Leesburg Pike, Suite 3, tax map 040-1-01-0033;
EADS-Airbus, 2550 Wasser Terrace, Suite 8000,
Herndon, VA 20190; for 1 $45,000, interior alterations to
existing tenant at 2550 Wasser Terrace, Suite 8000, tax map
015-4-01-0013E3 (contractor: Jones Lang Lasalle
Construction, One Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109);
ESRI Washington, 8615 West Wood Center Drive,
Vienna, VA 22182; for 1 $155,000, remove brick and install
flashing at 3rd floor tuckpoint on 3rd floor-repoint
mismatched motor at 3rd and 4th floor at 8615 Westwood
Center Drive, tax map 029-3-20-0007 (contractor: EV-AirTight Shoemaker Inc., 5810 47th Avenue, Riverdale, MD
Eisner Brownstone McLean, 4733 Bethesda Avenue,
Suite 500, Bethesda, MD 20814; for 1 $50,000, existing tenant
alteration at 6845 Elm Street, Suite 303, tax map 030-2-10070005A;
Elizabeth Arguelles, 2520 Oakhampton Place, Herndon,
VA 20171; for 1 $37,461, new tenant layout - Just Cats Clinic
at 1601 Washington Plaza, tax map 017-2-31-1591A
(contractor: Robert Laffal, 10806 Antigua Terrace, #201,
Rockville, MD 20852);
Fairfax Dental Group, 8316 Arlington Boulevard,
Fairfax, VA 22031; for 1 $55,000, interior alterations to
existing tenant at 8316 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 226, tax
map 049-3-22-0002C;
Watkins Meegan, 8000 Towers Crescent Drive, Vienna,
VA 22182; for 1 $200,000, new tenant layout at 8000 Towers
Crescent Drive, Suite 1000, tax map 039-2-29-0001A1
(contractor: ADI Construction of Virginia, 5407A Port Royal
Road, Springfield, VA 22151);
Wells Fargo, 7153 Pinnacle Drive, McLean, VA 22101;
for 1 $42,200, interior alteration to existing tenant at 1753
Pinnacle Drive, tax map 029-4-01-0002 (contractor: Turner
Construction, 3865 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 300, Arlington,
VA 22203);
Wells Fargo, 7153 Pinnacle Drive, McLean, VA 22101;
for 1 $141,450, interior alteration to existing tenant at 1753
Pinnacle Drive, Suite 500, tax map 029-4-01-0002 (contractor:
Turner Construction, 3865 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 300,
Arlington, VA 22203).
Capitol Construction Corporation, 3914 Centreville Road,
Suite 300, Chantilly, VA 20151);
ProSOL Associates, 5500 Cherokee Avenue, Alexandria,
VA 22030; for 1 $34,705, new tenant layout at 5500 Cherokee
Avenue, Suite 400, tax map 081-1-01-0024C;
Quadrangle Development, 1001 G Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20001; for 1 $40,000, new tenant layout Dynology at 8000 Towers Crescent Drive, Suite 1525, tax
map 039-2-29-0001A1;
RBC Wealth Management, 60 South 6th Street,
Minneapolis, MN 55402; for 1 $345,000, new tenant layout at
2010 Corporate Ridge, Suite 900, tax map 039-2-01-0062A;
Ravensworth Properties LLC, 5240 Port Royal Road,
Suite 211, Springfield, VA 22151; for 1 $50,000, new tenant
layout - Springfield Virginia Scout Shop at 5232 Port Royal
Road, Suite 126, tax map 070-4-10-0012 (contractor: Hitt
Contracting Inc., 2900 Fairview Park Drive, Falls Church, VA
Senatra Womens Imaging Center, 8986 Lorton Station
Boulevard, Lorton, VA 22079; for 1 $123,549, new tenant
layout at 8986 Lorton Station Boulevard, Suite 200, tax map
107-2-01-0048A (contractor: Twin Contracting Corporation,
5700H General Washington Drive, Alexandria, VA 22312);
Sprint, 12490 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20196;
for 1 $100,000, interior alterations to existing tenant at 12490
Sunrise Valley Drive, tax map 016-4-01-0014B (contractor:
Hitt Contracting Inc., 2900 Fairview Park Drive, Falls Church,
VA 22042);
The Meridian Group, 3 Bethesda Metro Center, #610,
Bethesda, MD 20850; for 1 $556,000, demo floors 2-14, core
bathroom renovation and mechanical, electric and plumbing
upgrade (Tower 1) at 1710 SAIC Drive, tax map 029-3-150004E1 (contractor: James G Davis Construction, 12530
Parklawn Drive, Rockville, MD 20852);
The Meridian Group, 3 Bethesda Metro Center, #610,
Bethesda, MD 20850; for 1 $556,000, demo floors 2-8, core
bathroom renovation and mechanical, electric and plumbing
upgrade (Tower 2) at 1709 SAIC Drive, tax map 029-3-150004G (contractor: James G Davis Construction, 12530
Parklawn Drive, Rockville, MD 20852);
Vornado/CES, 2345 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202;
for 1 $81,782, new tenant layout at 5275 Leesburg Pike, tax
map 062-3-01-0038B (contractor: ADI Construction of
Virginia, 5407A Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22151);
WRIT LP, 6110 Executive Boulevard, #800, Rockville,
MD 20852; for 1 $2,372,483, demo of existing bathroom in
12 story tower, building and construct of new toilet rooms,
new main lobby on first floor, demo of existing planters and
floor finishes in atrium and replace with new finish and
handrails and guards with additional alterations at 7900
Westpark Drive, tax map 029-4-07-0006A (contractor: James
G Davis Construction, 12530 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, MD
Planning Commission Actions
March 13, 2014
PCA-85-D-081-02 (apprl. recommd. 03/13/14) - Proffer
Condition Amendment (Federal Realty Investment Trust,
1626 East Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20852); planning
commission recommended approval to amend proffers
associated with RZ-85-D-081 for modification to permit use
on 18,474 sq. ft. zoned C-6, located at 6252 Old Dominion
Dr., tax map 031-3-01-0112-B, Dranesville District, (agent:
Sara V. Mariska, 2200 Clarendon Bv., Suite 1300, Arlington,
VA 22201, (703) 528-4700).
RZ-2013-SP-011 (apprl. recommd. 03/13/14) - Van
Metre Communities Rezoning (Van Metre Communities,
LLC, ); planning commission recommended approval to
rezone 7.72 acres from R-1 to R-3 for 18 single family
detached homes, located at 7421 Swope Ln. & 7407 Gambrill
Rd., tax map 089-3-01-0039 & 089-3-01-0042, Springfield
Board of Supervisors
Land Use Actions – March 25, 2014
RZ-2013-SP-011 (Approved 03/25/14) - Van Metre
Communities Rezoning (Van Metre Communities, LLC, );
BOS approved the rezoning of 7.72 acres from R-1 to R-3 for
18 single family detached homes, located at 7421 Swope Ln.
& 7407 Gambrill Rd., tax map 089-3-01-0039 & 089-3-010042, Springfield District.
Site and Subdivision Plans Accepted
SD-008672-003-2 (Accepted 03/10/14) - Estates At
Meadowbrook Run (Evergreene Companies Inc., 3684
Centerview Dr. 120, Chantilly VA 20151, (703) 667-7868; for
a site plan for 8 single family detached dwellings on 11.25
acres zoned R-1, located at 11508 Valley Rd., tax map 046-402-0046, Providence District, (agent: LDC, 4585 Daisy Reid
Av., Suite 201, Woodbridge, VA 22192, (703) 680-4585).
SD-024949-001-1 (Accepted 03/10/14) - Villa Street Ahmad Property (Amar Khan, 7003 Larrlyn Dr., Springfield,
VA 22151); for a site plan on 1.03 acres zoned PDH-5,
located at 6223 & 6227 Villa St., tax map 081-4-03-L & 0814-03-M, Lee District, (agent: Geo Env Engineers, 10875 Main
St., Fairfax, VA 22030).
SD-025711-001-3 (Accepted 03/25/14) - Penn Crossing
(Evergreene Companies LLC, 3684 Centerview Dr., Suite
120, Chantilly, VA 20151); for a subdivision plan for 13
single family detached dwellings on 4.27 acres zoned PDH-3,
located at 9717, 9719, 9721 & 9723 Braddock Rd., tax map
069-1-01-0039-B, 069-1-01-0039-C, 069-1-01-0040-A &
069-1-01-0040-B, Braddock District, (agent: LDC, 4585
Daisy Reid Av., Suite 201, Woodbridge, VA 22192, (703)
SP-000214-003-1 (Accepted 03/24/14) - Buckman Road
Townhouses (4203 Buckman LLC, 2308 Mt Vernon Av. 717,
Alexandria, VA 22301, (703) 298-1560; for a site plan for 5
single family attached dwellings on .46 acres zoned R-12,
located at 4203 Buckman Rd., tax map 101-3-01-0015-B, Lee
District, (agent: RC Fields, Jr. & Associates, 730 South
Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314, (703) 549-8422).
SP-001217-002-2 (Accepted 03/25/14) - Garfield Site
(Garfield 1575 Anderson Road LLC, 1651 Old Meadow Rd.,
Suite 650, Mclean, VA 22102, (703) 556-3777; for a site plan
for 1 multifamily dwelling on 2.57 acres zoned PTC, located
at 1575 Anderson Rd., tax map 030-3-01-0006-A, Providence
District, (agent: Vika, 8180 Greensboro Dr., Mclean, VA
SP-006097-002-1 (Accepted 03/25/14) - Pinnacle
Academy K-12 (Pinnacle Education Services, 3949 University
Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030, (703) 267-5751; for a site plan for a
118,440 sq. ft. private school of general education with no
student limit on 3.42 acres zoned C-7, located off of
Centreville Rd., tax map 054-4-01-0072-A & 054-4-01-0072B, Sully District, (agent: Rinker Design Associates PC, 9385
Discovery Bv., Suite 200, Manassas, VA 20109, (703) 3687373).
SP-008158-004-1 (Accepted 03/18/14) - Spring Hill
Station Land Bay D-A2 (Greystar Development LLC Springhill Development Series, 8405 Greensboro Dr., Mclean,
VA 22102, (703) 930-2003; for a site plan for a 393,501 sq. ft.
retail sales establishment - shopping center on 3.52 acres
zoned PTC, located at 8590 Leesburg Pike, tax map 029-3-32A, 029-3-32-0001, 029-3-32-0002 & 029-3-32-0003,
Providence District, (agent: Vika, 8180 Greensboro Dr.,
Mclean, VA 22101).
SP-018237-001-3 (Accepted 03/13/14) - Franconia Hills
Section 2 PT Lot 4 (Hometown Veterinary Clinic Inc., 6137
Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA 22310-2508); for a site plan
for 2,250 sq. ft. veterinary hospital on .58 acres zoned C-5,
located at 6137 Franconia Rd., tax map 081-3-05-0004-A, Lee
District, (agent: PCE Inc., 5920 Colchester Rd., Fairfax, VA
Preliminary Plats Approved
PL-007030-002-1 (Approved 03/19/2014) – Fort Hunt
Road Properties ((L&F Riverwood LLC, 8253J Backlick Rd.,
Lorton, VA 22079-1416, (703)339-3963; preliminary plat
approved for residential development on 3.55 acres zoned R-3,
located in the southwest quadrant of Fort Hunt Rd. and Dade
Ln., north of Grassymeade Ln., tax map 102-4-01-0039, 1024-01-0040, 102-4-01-0041A, 102-4-01-0042, 102-4-01-0050,
Mount Vernon District, (agent: LDC, 4585 Daisy Reid Ave.,
Suite 201, Woodbridge, VA 22192, (703)680-4585).
Rezoning Applications Accepted
RZ/FDP-2014-BR-007 (Accepted 03/13/14) – NVR
Residential Rezoning (NVR, Inc., 10300 Spotsylvania Av.,
Suite 140, Fredericksburg, VA 22408); application to rezone
13.88 acres from R-1 to PDH-3 and associated final
development plan for 6 single family detached homes, located
at 11347, 11401, 11421, 11425 & 11429 Lee Hwy. & 4315
Forest Hill Dr., tax map 056-2-01-0054, 056-2-01-0055, 0562-01-0057, 056-2-01-0058. 056-2-01-0059 & 056-2-04-0001,
Braddock District, (agent: Joseph Jenkins, 3926 Pender Dr.,
Suite 200, Fairfax, VA 22030).
RZ/FDP-2014-BR-009 (Accepted 03/25/14) – NCL XI
Residential Rezoning (NCL XI, LLC, PO Box 1574,
Newington, VA 22122); application to rezone 8.08 acres from
R-1 to PDH-3 and associated development plan for
development of single family detached dwellings, located at
5636 Guinea Rd., tax map 077-2-01-0014, Braddock District,
(agent: Frank W. Stearns, 201 Liberty St., Leesburg, VA
20175, (703) 726-2547).
FDP-2014-BR-009 (Accepted 03/25/14) – NCL XI
Residential Final Development Plan (NCL XI, LLC, PO Box
1574, Newington, VA 22122); for a final development plan
for 8.08 acres zoned PDH-3, located at 5636 Guinea Rd., tax
map 077-2-01-0014, Braddock District, (agent: Frank W.
Stearns, 201 Liberty St., Leesburg, VA 20175, (703) 7262547).
RZ/FDP-2014-LE-008 (Accepted 03/21/14) – Long
Branch Partners Residential Rezoning (Long Branch Partners,
L.L.C., PO Box 1067, Lorton VA 22199); application to
rezone 15.33 acres from R-1 to PDH-4 and final development
plan for single family attached dwelling development, located
on the east side of Cinder Bed Rd., north of the terminus of
Thomas Grant Dr., tax map 090-4-01-0017, Lee District,
(agent: Inda Stagg, 2200 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 1300,
Arlington, VA 22201, (703) 528-4700).
RZ-2014-LE-010 (Accepted 03/25/14) – Piney Run Elm
Investments Residential Rezoning (Piney Run Elm
Investments LC, 1355 Beverly Rd., Suite 240, Mclean, VA
22101); application to rezone 44.41 acres from R-1 to R-1 for
independent living facilities, located at 7836, 7906 & 7908
Telegraph Rd., tax map 100-1-01-0020, 100-1-01-0023-A,
100-1-01-0024 & 100-1-01-0025, Lee District, (agent: Lynne
J. Strobel, 2200 Clarendon Bv., Suite 1300, Arlington, VA
22201, (703) 528-4700).
PCA-2006-LE-002 (Accepted 03/25/14) – Piney Run
Elm Investments Proffer Condition Amendment (Piney Run
Elm Investments LC, 1355 Beverly Rd., Suite 240, Mclean,
VA 22101); for a proffer condition amendment to amend
proffers & Conditions associated with RZ-2006-LE-002 on
5.28 acres zoned R-1, located at 7836 Telegraph Rd., tax map
100-1-01-0023-A, Lee District, (agent: Lynne J. Strobel, 2200
Clarendon Bv., Suite 1300, Arlington, VA 22201, (703) 5284700).
PCA-A-502-02 (Accepted 03/14/14) – Novus Residences
Residential Proffer Condition Amendment (Novus
Residences, LLC, 1660 L St. NW, Suite 600, Washington DC
20036); for a proffer condition amendment on 5.96 acres
zoned PRC, located at 11448 & 11450 North Shore Dr., tax
map 017-2-01-0002 & 017-2-01-0003, Hunter Mill District,
(agent: David R. Gill, 1750 Tysons Bv., Suite 1800, Mclean,
VA 22102, (703) 712-5360).
PRC-A-502-04 (Accepted 03/14/14) – Novus Residential
Planned Residential Community (Novus Residences, LLC,
1660 L St. NW, Suite 600, Washington DC 20036); for a
planned residential community on 5.96 acres zoned PRC,
located at 11448 & 11450 North Shore Dr., tax map 017-2-010002 & 017-2-01-0003, Hunter Mill District, (agent: David R.
Gill, 1750 Tysons Bv., Suite 1800, Mclean, VA 22102, (703)
CSP-2006-SU-007 (Accepted 03/10/14) – Timber Ridge
at Discovery Square Comprehensive Sign Plan (Timber Ridge
At Discovery Square, Inc., 23141 Ryan Rd., Ashburn, VA
20148, (703) 887-1351; for a comprehensive sign plan on
16.10 acres zoned PRM, located at the intersections of
Endeavour Dr., Centreville Rd., Yeager Dr., Atlantis St. & Air
and Space Museum Pkwy., tax map 024-4-07-B, 024-4-07-C,
024-4-07-D, 024-4-07-E & 024-4-07-F, Sully District, (agent:
Sara V. Mariska, 2200 Clarendon Bv., Suite 1300, Arlington,
VA 22201, (703) 528-4700).
CSP-2011-LE-016 (Accepted 03/19/14) – Huntington
Metro Venture Comprehensive Sign Plan (Huntington Metro
Venture LLC, 4601 N Fairfax Dr., Suite 1150, Arlington, VA
22203, (703) 448-1683; for a comprehensive sign plan on 3.38
acres zoned PRM, located at 2804 Poag St., tax map 083-343-A, Lee District, (agent: Scott E. Adams, 1750 Tysons Bv.,
Suite 1800, Mclean, VA 22102, (703) 712-5461).
Special Exception Applications
SE-2014-LE-004 (Accepted 03/07/14) – Gramm
Springfield Vehicle Sales Special Exception (Gramm
Springfield Property, LLC, 8448 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA
22182); for a special exception for vehicle sale, rental and
ancillary service establishment on 10.28 acres zoned C-8,
located off Loisdale Rd., tax map 090-4-01-0006-A3, (agent:
Elizabeth Nicholson, 2200 Clarendon Bv., Suite 1300,
Arlington, VA 22201, (703) 528-4700).
SE-2014-LE-005 (Accepted 03/07/14) – Gramm
Springfield Vehicle Sales Special Exception (Gramm
Springfield Hyundai Property, LLC, 8448 Leesburg Pike,
Vienna, VA 22182); for a special exception for vehicle sale,
rental and ancillary service establishment on 7.65 acres zoned
C-8, located off Loisdale Rd., tax map 090-4-01-0006-A4,
(agent: Elizabeth Nicholson, 2200 Clarendon Bv., Suite 1300,
Arlington, VA 22201, (703) 528-4700).
SE-2014-SP-011 (Accepted 03/21/14) – Starbucks Fast
Food Restaurant Drive-Thru (Starbucks Coffee Company,
2401 Utah Av. S., Seattle, WA 98134); for a special exception
for a fast food restaurant with drive-thru on 4.29 acres zoned
C-7, located off of Fair Oaks Shopping Center, tax map 046-308-0016-A, Springfield District, (agent: Brian Vaug, 516 N.
Charles St., Suite 500, Baltimore, MD 21201, (410) 7522700).
SE-2014-SU-010 (Accepted 03/10/14) – CSH Artisan
Fairfax Medical Care Facility (CSH Artisan Fairfax, LLC,
3142 Trenholm Dr., Oakton, VA 22124); for a special
exception for a medical care facility on 6.49 acres zoned R-1,
located at 13622 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy., tax map 034-401-0060, Sully District, (agent: Lisa M. Chilblow, 1750
Tysons Bv., Suite 1800, Mclean, VA 22102, (703) 712-5364).
SEA-2005-LE-027-02 (Accepted 03/25/14) – Piney Run
Elm Investments Special Exception Amendment (Piney Run
Elm Investments, LC, 1355 Beverly Rd., Suite 240, Mclean,
VA 22101); for a special exception amendment to amend SE2005-LE-027 previously approved for golf course to permit
deletion of land area on 79.20 acres zoned R-1, located at
7836 & 7928 Telegraph Rd., tax map 100-1-01-0009-B, 1001-01-0017 & 100-1-01-0023-A, Lee District, (agent: Lynne J.
Strobel, 2200 Clarendon Bv., Suite 1300, Arlington, VA
22201, (703) 528-4700).
SEA-2005-LE-028 (Accepted 03/25/14) – Piney Run Elm
Investments Special Exception Amendment (Piney Run Elm
Investments, LC, 1355 Beverly Rd., Suite 240, Mclean, VA
22101); for a special exception amendment to amend SE2005-LE-028 previously approved for independent living
facility to permit increase in land area on 44.41 acres zoned R1, located at 7836, 7906 & 7908 Telegraph Rd., tax map 1001-01-0020, 100-1-01-0023-A, 100-1-01-0024 & 100-1-01-11-
improved, comm. condo, zoned I-5, at 1984 Isaac Newton
Square W, Unit #101, Reston, VA, 20190, Hunter Mill
District, 1445 gross floor area 4 story 1 unit commercial
condo, built 2005, assessed in 2014 for $541,880: land,
$108,380, building, $433,500, ($330,000 trust with Access
National Bank), tax map 017-4-30-0101; $680,000
MKA, LLC, to PW Gold Land, LLC, 4425 Brookfield
Corporate Drive, Ste. 700, Chantilly, VA 20151; sale on
03/19/14 of Condo Unit(s) 7, Brookfield Plaza Condominium,
improved, comm. condo, zoned I-5, at 4425 Brookfield
Corporate Drive, Ste. 700, Chantilly, VA, 20151, Sully
District, 5640 gross floor area 1 story commercial condo, built
1986, assessed in 2014 for $891,120: land, $178,220, building,
$712,900, ($748,000 trust with First-Citizens Bank & Trust
Company), tax map 044-1-11-0007; $900,000 (23587/1436).
Piedmont Operating Partnership, L.P., to PRIII Sunset
Hills Virginia, LLC, c/o Quarles & Brady LLP, 300 North
LaSalle Street, Suite 4000, Chicago, IL 60654; sale on
03/20/14 of , Section 911, Block 9, Reston, 198,629.00 sq. ft.,
improved, office building, zoned I-4, at 11107 and 11109
Sunset Hills Road, Reston, VA, 20190, Hunter Mill District,
41,200 gross floor area 2 story office building (11107), built
1982, 108,308 gross sq. ft. 6-story office building (11109),
built in 1986; assessed in 2014 for $17,804,190: land,
$3,588,190, building, $14,216,000, ($15,890,000 trust with
Compass Bank), tax map 018-3-06-0009; $22,600,000
Pender Drive LLC, to GOV Pender Drive Inc., c/o Reit
Management & Research, LLC, Two Newton Place, 255
Washington Street, Suite 300, Newton, MA 02458; sale on
03/24/14 of Parcel 3, Penderbrook Business Park, 261,360.00
sq. ft., improved, office building, zoned I-5, at Pender Drive,
Fairfax, VA, 22030, Providence District, 99,952 gross floor
area 3 story office building, built 1981, assessed in 2014 for
$16,254,570: land, $1,899,090, building, $14,355,480, tax
map 047-3-01-0057A; $19,775,000 (23592/1378).
Palmetto Hospitality of Fort Belvoir I, LLC, to BRE
SSP Property Owner, LLC, c/o Blackstone Real Estate
Parnters VII L.P., 345 Park Avenue, 42nd Floor, NY, NY
10154; sale on 03/27/14 of Lots 10 & 18 (parts of), Section 1,
Woodlawn Heights, 255,354.00 sq. ft., improved, hotel, zoned
comm w/mix of comm zoning, at 8843 Richmond Highway,
Alexandria, VA, 22309, Mt. Vernon District, 77,725 gross
floor area 4 story 131 unit Hampton Inn Hotel, built 2009,
assessed in 2014 for $12,816,740: land, $2,629,240, building,
$10,187,500, ($204,000,000 trust with JPMorgan Chase
Bank), tax map 109-2-02-0010; $14,099,000 (23596/0573).
Fouche Superior Properties, LLC, to A&M Investment
Properties LLC, 5935 Clames Drive, Alexandria, VA 22310;
sale on 03/28/14 of Condo Unit(s) 7, Building B, Springfield
Professional Park, improved, comm. condo, zoned PRC, at
8346 Traford Lane, Springfield, VA, 22152, Braddock
0025, Lee District, (agent: Lynne J. Strobel, 2200 Clarendon
Bv., Suite 1300, Arlington, VA 22201, (703) 528-4700).
SEA-2010-LE-009 (Accepted 03/07/14) – Jennings
Business Parking Special Exception Amendment (Jennings
Business Park, LLC, 6750 Amherst Av., Springfield, VA
22150); for a special exception amendment for additional
parking for vehicle sale, rental and ancillary service
establishment on 35.52 acres zoned C-8, located off of
Loisdale Rd., tax map 090-4-01-0006-A2, 090-4-01-0006-A3,
090-4-01-0006-A4 & 090-4-01-0006-A5, (agent: Elizabeth
Nicholson, 2200 Clarendon Bv., Suite 1300, Arlington, VA
22201, (703) 528-4700).
Real Estate Transactions of Interest
March 14 through 28, 2014
JBG/Rockwood Gateway Land, LLC, to JBG/Reston
Hotel Land, LLC, 4445 Willard Avenue, Suite 400, Chevy
Chase, MD 20815; sale on 03/14/14 of Lot A (Outlot), Section
40, Reston, 23,482.00 sq. ft., vacant, zoned R-1, at Reston
Parkway, Reston, VA, 20191, Hunter Mill District, land
assessed in 2014 for $2,350, Parcel 2C-1A, Section 40, Block
1, Reston, 103,096.00 sq. ft., vacant, zoned PRC, at Sunrise
Valley Drive, Reston, VA, 20191, Hunter Mill District, land
assessed in 2014 for $858,000, Parcel 1C-1, Section 40, Block
1, Reston, 66,569.00 ft, vacant, zoned PRC, at 11780 Sunrise
Valley Drive, Reston, VA, 20191, Hunter Mill District, land
assessed in 2014 for $432,000, tax map 017-4-29-0001A 0174-29-0002C 017-3-01-0008B; $500,000 (23583/1358).
America's Christian Credit Union, to Capital Worship
Centre LLC, 8720 Capital Court #202, Manassas, VA 20110;
sale on 03/18/14 of Lot 71B, Property of W.P. Smith & J.O.
Duncan, 2.65 acres, vacant, zoned RC, at Compton Road &
Ordway Road, Centreville, VA, 20121, Sully District, land
assessed in 2014 for $346,000, ($650,000 trust with America's
Christian Credit Union), Neverlett, 0.94 acres, vacant, zoned
RC, at 7000 Ordway Road, Centreville, VA, 20121, Sully
District, land assessed in 2014 for $166,000, Neverlett, 5.12
acres, vacant, zoned RC, at Compton & Ordway Roads,
Centreville, VA, 20121, Sully District, land assessed in 2014
for $135,000, Parcel 1, Rosa A Naylor Property, 1.81 acres,
vacant, zoned RC, at Ordway Road, Centreville, VA, 20121,
Sully District, land assessed in 2014 for $351,000, Parcel 2,
Rosa A. Naylor Property, 1.81 acres, vacant, zoned RC, at
Ordway Road, Centreville, VA, 22101, Sully District, land
assessed in 2014 for $351,000, tax map 065-3-01-0076C 0653-01-0076B 065-3-01-0071B 065-3-01-0073 065-3-01-0072;
$1,000,000 (23586/0550).
VisionOnline, Inc., to Fairway Condominium, LLC, 1984
Isaac Newton Square W, Unit #101, Reston, VA 20190; sale
on 03/18/14 of Condo Unit(s) 101, Fairway Executive Center,
District, 1200 gross floor area 1 story commercial condo, built
1980, assessed in 2014 for $282,000: land, $56,400, building,
$225,600, tax map 079-3-26B-0007; $210,000 (23598/1065).
ft., vacant, zoned R-2, at 3717 Woodley Drive, Alexandria,
VA, 22309, Mt. Vernon District, land assessed in 2014 for
$193,000, Lot 37-A, Woodley Hills, 26,030.00 sq. ft., vacant,
zoned R-2, at 3713 Woodley Drive, Alexandria, VA, 22309,
Mt. Vernon District, land assessed in 2014 for $193,000,
($1,278,000 trust with Virginia Heritage Bank), tax map 1014-09-0036A 101-4-09-0037A; $590,000 (23592/1542).
Con-Ridge Land Investment LLC, to Archor Homes
LLC, 4124 Walney Road, Suite A, Chantilly, VA 20151; sale
on 03/26/14 of Lot 2, Ox Hill Road Subdivision, 12,450.00 sq.
ft., vacant, zoned R-3, at 12204 Ox Hill Road, Fairfax, VA,
22033, Sully District, land assessed in 2014 for $191,000, Lot
3, Ox Hill Road Subdivision, 15,330.00 sq. ft., vacant, zoned
R-3, at 12206 Ox Hill Road, Fairfax, VA, 22033, Sully
District, land assessed in 2014 for $193,000, tax map 046-301-0002A3 046-3-01-0002A2; $718,000 (23595/1227).
Glenn Thomas Bouchard, to Archwood Properties LLC,
416 Birchside Circle, Locust Grove, VA 22508; sale on
03/28/14 of Lot 28, Block 8, Second Addition to Broodland
Estates, 15,000.00 sq. ft., improved, SFD, zoned R-3, at 5808
Lane Drive, Alexandria, VA, 22310, Lee District, 1,188 sq. ft.
above grade 1 story SFD w/ full basement, 1 full bath, built
1955, assessed in 2014 for $348,340: land, $163,000, building,
$185,340, tax map 081-2-06-08-0028; $315,000
Timber Ridge at Discovery Square, Inc., to NVR, Inc.,
3926 Pender Drive #200, Fairfax, VA 22030; sale on 03/14/14
of Lot 8, Discovery Square, 1,542.00 sq. ft., vacant, zoned
PRM, at 13671 Neil Armstrong Avenue, Herndon, VA,
20171, Sully District, land assessed in 2014 for $95,000, Lot
9, Discovery Square, 1,195.00 sq. ft., vacant, zoned PRM, at
13673 Neil Armstrong Avenue, Herndon, VA, 20171, Sully
District, land assessed in 2014 for $90,000, Lot 10, Discovery
Square, 1,195.00 sq. ft., vacant, zoned PRM, at 13675 Neil
Armstrong Avenue, Herndon, VA, 20171, Sully District, land
assessed in 2014 for $90,000, Lot 11, Discovery Square,
1,195.00 sq. ft., vacant, zoned PRM, at 13675 Neil Armstrong
Avenue, Herndon, VA, 20171, Sully District, land assessed in
2014 for $90,000, Lot 12, Discovery Square, 1,542.00 sq. ft.,
vacant, zoned PRM, at 13679 Neil Armstrong Avenue,
Herndon, VA, 20171, Sully District, land assessed in 2014 for
$95,000, tax map 024-4-07-0012 024-4-07-0011 024-4-070010 024-4-07-0009 024-4-07-0008; $1,366,000
701 Seneca Road, LLC, to A&G Homes, Inc., 7008
Oriole Ave., Springfield, VA 22150; sale on 03/18/14 of Lot
2, Fox Creek Farm, 75,013.00 sq. ft., vacant, zoned RE, at
11325 Fox Creek Farm Way, Great Falls, VA, 22066,
Dranesville District, land assessed in 2014 for $677,000, Lot
8, Fox Creek Farm, 75,002.00 sq. ft., vacant, zoned RE, at
11324 Fox Creek Farm Way, Great Falls, VA, 22066,
Dranesville District, land assessed in 2014 for $677,000,
($3,110,000 trust with Capital Bank), tax map 006-2-17-0002
006-2-17-0008; $1,600,000 (23585/0505).
GPI-Mount Vernon Park, LLC, to NVR, Inc., 3926
Pender Drive #200, Fairfax, VA 22030; sale on 03/18/14 of
Lot 4B, Mount Vernon Park, 15,323.00 sq. ft., vacant, zoned
R-2, at 9201 Forest Haven Drive, Alexandria, VA, 22309, Mt.
Vernon District, land assessed in 2014 for $245,000, tax map
110-1-06-0004B; $504,000 (23586/0547).
Beate J. Guffee, to 7200 Thrasher, LLC, 1406 Ingleside
Avenue, McLean, VA 22101; sale on 03/19/14 of Lot 23,
Section 2, Langley Manor Subdivision, 14,469.00 sq. ft.,
improved, SFD, zoned R-3, at 7200 Thrasher Road, McLean,
VA, 22101, Dranesville District, 1,920 sq. ft. above grade
SFD ("XVIII") w/ full basement, 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths,
built 1964, assessed in 2014 for $803,290: land, $417,000,
building, $386,290, tax map 021-3-04-0023; $885,000
Peter M. Denholm & Diane H. Denholm, to LAH
Woodlee, LLC, 2700 S. Nelson Street, Arlington, VA 22206;
sale on 03/24/14 of Lot 36-A, Woodley Hills, 26,140.00 sq.
New Home Sales
Creekstone Inglish Mill, LLC, to Brian M. & Monica L.
Buroker, 1055 Harrison Garrett Court, Great Falls, VA 22066;
sale on 03/14/14 of Lot 5, Mallory Square, 36,123.00 sq. ft.,
improved, SFD, zoned R-1, at 1055 Harrison Garrett Court,
Great Falls, VA, 22066, Dranesville District, new SFD, details
n/a, assessed in 2014 for $1,846,000: land, $481,000, building,
$1,365,000, ($1,680,000 trust with EagleBank), tax map 0124-29-0005; $2,112,728 (23583/2012).
Oakcrest Farms, L.C., to Johnathan M. & Heather G.
Seeber, 6544 Tucker Avenue, McLean, VA 22101; sale on
03/14/14 of Lot 21-A, Section 1, Chesterfield, 10,500.00 sq.
ft., improved, SFD, zoned R-3, at 6544 Tucker Avenue,
McLean, VA, 22101, Dranesville District, 3,526 sq. ft. above
grade 2 story SFD ("Cheshire") w/ full basement, 5 bedrooms,
4.5 baths, built 2014, assessed in 2014 for $1,257,460: land,
$350,000, building, $907,460, ($1,238,125 trust with Quicken
Loans, Inc.), tax map 030-4-09-0021A; $1,420,000
Chesterbrook Manor, LLC, to Jian Ping Liu and Ping
Liu, 1657 Perlich Street, McLean, VA 22101; sale on
03/18/14 of Lot 3, Chesterbrook Manor, 9,313.00 sq. ft.,
improved, SFD, zoned R-3, at 1657 Perlich Street, McLean,
VA, 22101, Dranesville District, 4,324 sq. ft. above grade 2
story SFD ("A") w/ full basement, 5 bedroom, 5.5 baths, built
2013, assessed in 2014 for $1,578,020: land, $430,000,
building, $1,148,020, tax map 030-4-54-0003; $1,728,000
GIM Properties Inc., to John W. Crocker, III and
Katherine K. Crocker, 7140 Degroff Court, Annandale, VA
22003; sale on 03/18/14 of Lot 14, Degroff Court, 3,276.00
sq. ft., improved, SFD, zoned PDH-5, at 7140 Degroff Court,
Annandale, VA, 22003, Mason District, 2,092 sq. ft. above
grade 2 story SFD ("Mason") w/ full basement, 3 bedrooms,
3.5 baths, built 2013, assessed in 2014 for $585,480: land,
$147,000, building, $438,480, ($551,200 trust with
Intercoastal Mortgage Company), tax map 071-1-40-0014;
$689,000 (23585/1450).
Neighborhoods VI, LLC, to Michael Powers and Amy
M. Andrews, 4094 Sutherland Place, Fairfax, VA 22030; sale
on 03/18/14 of Lot 6, Cameron Glen, 0.04 acres, improved,
TH, zoned PDP, at 4094 Sutherland Place, Fairfax, VA,
22030, City of Fairfax, 2409 sq. ft. above grade TH, 3
bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2 half baths, built 2012, assessed in
2014 for $594,500: land, $200,000, building, $394,500,
($493,100 trust with First Heritage Mortgage, LLC), tax map
57-3-03-006; $616,380 (23585/0784).
Pulte Home Corporation, to John F. & Joanne M,
Donahue, 8980 Fascination Court #412, Lorton, VA 22079;
sale on 03/18/14 of Condo Unit(s) 412, Phase 5, Spring Hill
Condominium, improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at
8980 Fascination Court #412, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon
District, new condo, details & assessment n/a, ($317,768 trust
with Navy Federal Credit Union), tax map 107-1-08-04-0412;
$311,080 (23585/1873).
Pulte Home Corporation, to Brian J. & Terri Lee Brevig,
8980 Fascination Court, #314, Lorton, VA 22079; sale on
03/18/14 of Condo Unit(s) 314, Phase 5, Spring Hill
Condominium, improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at
8980 Fascination Court, #314, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt.
Vernon District, new condo, details & assessment n/a,
($304,350 trust with Pentagon Federal C.U.), tax map 107-108-04-0314; $380,495 (23585/0144).
Pulte Home Corporation, to Anne Gerhart Bonanno,
8980 Fascination Court #410, Lorton, VA 22079; sale on
03/18/14 of Condo Unit(s) 410, Phase 5, Spring Hill
Condominium, improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at
8980 Fascination Court #410, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon
District, new condo, details & assessment n/a, tax map 107-108-04-0410; $350,485 (23585/2063).
RAF Enterprises, LLC, to Sharon S. Carter, 1911 Barbee
Street, McLean, VA 22101; sale on 03/18/14 of Lot 3, Section
2, Kent Gardens, 16,957.00 sq. ft., improved, SFD, zoned R-3,
at 1911 Barbee Street, McLean, VA, 22101, Dranesville
District, 5,312 sq. ft. above grade 2 story SFD ("Custom
LEED") w/ full basement, 7 bedrooms, 6 full baths, 2 half
baths, built 2013, assessed in 2014 for $1,765,040: land,
$353,000, building, $1,412,040, ($417,000 trust with
Mortgage Master, Inc.), tax map 040-2-21-0003; $1,925,000
Winchester Homes Inc., to Stephen Y. & Kelly Y. Park,
11590 Embree Court, Oakton, VA 22124; sale on 03/18/14 of
Lot 13, Reserve at Waples Mill, 39,517.00 sq. ft., improved,
SFD, zoned R-1, at 11590 Embree Court, Oakton, VA, 22124,
Providence District, new SFD, details n/a, assessed in 2014 for
$1,180,000; land, $515,000, building, $665,000, ($1,750,000
trust with UBS Bank USA), tax map 046-4-22-0013;
$1,981,664 (23584/1403).
Winchester Homes Inc., to Stephen Y. Park and Kelly Y.
Park, 11590 Embree Court, Oakton, VA 22124; sale on
03/18/14 of Lot 13, Reserve at Waples Mill, 39,517.00 sq. ft.,
improved, SFD, zoned R-1, at 11590 Embree Court, Oakton,
VA, 22124, Providence District, new SFD, details n/a,
assessed in 2014 for $1,180,000; land, $515,000, building,
$665,000, ($1,750,000 trust with UBS Bank USA), tax map
046-4-22-0013; $1,981,664 (23584/1403).
Neighborhoods VI, LLC, to Michele Arkin-Hodges,
4100 Glendale Way, Fairfax, VA 22030; sale on 03/19/14 of
Lot 18A, Cameron Glen, 0.05 acres, improved, TH, zoned
PDP, at 4100 Glendale Way, Fairfax, VA, 22030, City of
Fairfax, 2370 sq. ft. above grade TH, 2 full baths, 2 half baths,
built 2013, assessed in 2014 for $451,000: land, $210,000,
building, $241,000, tax map 57-3-03-018A; $702,250
Pulte Home Corporation, to Jean W. Senseman, 8980
Fascination Court #416, Lorton, VA 22079; sale on 03/19/14
of Condo Unit(s) 416, Phase 5, Spring Hill Condominium,
improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination
Court #416, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon District, new
condo, details & assessment n/a, ($174,050 trust with Pulte
Mortgage LLC), tax map 107-1-08-04-0416; $374,050
Pulte Home Corporation, to Carmen A. Pineda, 8980
Fascination Court #311, Lorton, VA 22079; sale on 03/19/14
of Condo Unit(s) 311, Phase 5, Spring Hill Condominium,
improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination
Court #311, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon District, new
condo, details & assessment n/a, tax map 107-1-08-04-0311;
$295,240 (23587/1526).
Pulte Home Corporation, to M. Monir Younoszai and
Fatima Younoszai, 8980 Fascination Court #312, Lorton, VA
22079; sale on 03/19/14 of Condo Unit(s) 312, Phase 5,
Spring Hill Condominium, improved, resid. condo, zoned
PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination Court #312, Lorton, VA, 22079,
Mt. Vernon District, new condo, details & assessment n/a, tax
map 107-1-08-04-0312; $297,960 (23587/1529).
Pulte Home Corporation, to David Lee Castor and
Stephanie W. Hamilton-Castor, 8980 Fascination Court #414,
Lorton VA 22079; sale on 03/19/14 of Condo Unit(s) 414,
Phase 5, Spring Hill Condominium, improved, resid. condo,
zoned PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination Court #414, Lorton, VA,
22079, Mt. Vernon District, new condo, details & assessment
n/a, ($369,820 trust with Pulte Mortgage LLC), tax map 1071-08-04-0414; $369,820 (23587/1982).
Pulte Home Corporation, to Chumi Haley, 8980
Fascination Court #313, Lorton, VA 22079; sale on 03/19/14
of Condo Unit(s) 313, Phase 5, Spring Hill Condominium,
improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination
Court #313, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon District, new
condo, details & assessment n/a, tax map 107-1-08-04-0313;
$372,800 (23587/1520).
Pulte Home Corporation, to Charles M. Lehrhaupt and
Frances G. Eisenstein, 8980 Fascination Court #316, Lorton,
VA 22079; sale on 03/19/14 of Condo Unit(s) 316, Phase 5,
Spring Hill Condominium, improved, resid. condo, zoned
PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination Court #316, Lorton, VA, 22079,
Mt. Vernon District, new condo, details & assessment n/a, tax
map 107-1-08-04-0316; $390,395 (23587/1523).
Winchester Homes, Inc., to Srinikesh Cheella and
Mallika Padala, 13190 Fox Hunt Lane, Herndon, VA 20171;
sale on 03/19/14 of Lot 1, Reserve at Waples Mill, 42,205.00
sq. ft., improved, SFD, zoned R-1, at 11620 Verna Drive,
Oakton, VA, 22124, Providence District, 5,074 sq. ft. above
grade 2 story SFD ("Langley II") w/ full basement, 5
bedrooms, 4.5 baths, built 2012, assessed in 2014 for
$1,697,080: land, $516,000: building, $1,181,080, $1,450,000
trust with George Mason Mortgage, LLC), tax map 046-2-270001; $1,850,000 (23587/1111).
Pulte Home Corporation, to Paul J. & Candy L.
Burbrink, 8980 Fascination Court #210, Lorton, VA 22079;
sale on 03/20/14 of Condo Unit(s) 210, Phase 5, Spring Hill
Condominium, improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at
8980 Fascination Court #210, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon
District, new condo, details & assessment n/a, ($175,000 trust
with Pulte Mortgage, LLC), tax map 107-1-08-04-0210;
$358,445 (23589/0681).
Richmond American Homes of Virginia, Inc., to Xiaobo
Zhang and Changhong Han, 11393 Amber Hills Court,
Fairfax, VA 22033; sale on 03/20/14 of Lot 14, Royal Legacy
Commons, 0.04 acres, improved, TH, zoned RPD, at 10607
School Street, Fairfax, VA, 22030, City of Fairfax, 2888 gross
floor area TH, 2 full baths, 2 half baths, built 2013, assessed in
2014 for $346,300: land, $210,000, building, $136,300, tax
map 57-3-20-014; $664,445 (23589/0806).
Neighborhoods VI, LLC, to Pamela Ann Ruffing, 4096
Glendale Way, Fairfax, VA 22030; sale on 03/21/14 of Lot
20A, Cameron Glen, 0.03 acres, improved, TH, zoned PDP, at
4096 Glendale Way, Fairfax, VA, 22030, City of Fairfax,
2337 sq. ft. above grade TH, 2 full baths, 2 half baths, built
2013, assessed in 2014 for $304,800: land, $190,000, building,
$114,800, ($624,652 trust with First Heritage Mortgage,
LLC), tax map 57-3-03-020A; $646,221 (23590/1099).
Pulte Home Corporation, to Janis A. Kelley, 8980
Fascination Court #211, Lorton, VA 22079; sale on 03/21/14
of Condo Unit(s) 211, Phase 5, Spring Hill Condominium,
improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination
Court #211, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon District, new
condo, details & assessment n/a, ($234,608 trust with Pulte
Mortgage LLC), tax map 107-1-08-04-0211; $293,260
Pulte Home Corporation, to Susan H. Grimes, 8980
Fascination Court #315, Lorton, VA 22079; sale on 03/21/14
of Condo Unit(s) 315, Phase 5, Spring Hill Condominium,
improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination
Court #315, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon District, new
condo, details & assessment n/a, ($145,350 trust with Pulte
Mortgage, LLC), tax map 107-1-08-04-0315; $360,350
Pulte Home Corporation, to Cheryl A. Luke, 8980
Fascination Court #413, Lorton, VA 22079; sale on 03/21/14
of Condo Unit(s) 413, Phase 5, Spring Hill Condominium,
improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination
Court #413, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon District, new
condo, details & assessment n/a, ($304,800 trust with Pulte
Mortgage LLC), tax map 107-1-08-04-0413; $381,000
Carey Homes, LLC, to Vincent H. Lim and Ruby L.
Chiu, 1221 Kelley Street, SW, Vienna, VA 22180; sale on
03/24/14 of Lot 2535, Section 13, Vienna Woods, 14,012.00
sq. ft., improved, SFD, zoned RS-10, at 1221 Kelley Street,
SW, Vienna, VA, 22180, Hunter Mill District, 3,859 sq. ft.
above grade 2 story SFD ("Craftsman") w/ full basement, 5
bedrooms, 4.5 baths, built 2013, assessed in 2014 for
$1,270,320: land, $292,000, building, $978,320, ($1,084,000
trust with Wells Fargo Bank), tax map 048-2-03-2535;
$1,355,000 (23591/1885).
GIM Properties, Inc., to Son T. Tran and Mong Nighi T.
Pham, 7143 Degroff Court, Annandale, VA 22003; sale on
03/24/14 of Lot 8, Degroff Court, 3,536.00 sq. ft., improved,
SFD, zoned PDH-5, at 7143 Degroff Court, Annandale, VA,
22003, Mason District, 2,364 sq. ft. above grade 2 story SFD
("Patriot") w/ full basement, 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, built 2013,
assessed in 2014 for $632,190: land, $147,000, building,
$485,190, ($600,000 trust with Primelending), tax map 071-140-0008; $750,000 (23592/0675).
McShay at Rockland Village, LLC, to Xiao-Jun Wu,
4122 Elmwood Street, Chantilly, VA 20151; sale on 03/24/14
of Lot 4, Rockland Village, 5,000.00 sq. ft., improved, SFD,
zoned PDH-8, at 4122 Elmwood Street, Chantilly, VA, 20151,
Sully District, 3,026 sq. ft. above grade 2 story SFD ("St.
Joseph B") w/ full basement, 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, built
2013, assessed in 2014 for $665,490: land, $178,000, building,
$487,490, ($300,000 trust with Premia Mortgage, LLC), tax
map 044-2-23-04-0004; $678,000 (23591/1978).
Pulte Home Corporation, to Elsie Varughese, 8980
Fascination Court #214, Lorton, VA 22079; sale on 03/24/14
of Condo Unit(s) 214, Phase 5, Spring Hill Condominium,
improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination
Court #214, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon District, new
condo, details & assessment n/a, tax map 107-1-08-04-0214;
$382,595 (23592/0579).
Pulte Home Corporation, to Allen R. & Barbara S.
Coffin, 8980 Fascination Court #215, Lorton, VA 22079; sale
on 03/24/14 of Condo Unit(s) 215, Phase 5, Spring Hill
Condominium, improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at
8980 Fascination Court #215, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon
District, new condo, details & assessment n/a, ($215,000 trust
with Pulte Mortgage LLC), tax map 107-1-08-04-0215;
$355,350 (23592/0582).
Winchester Homes Inc., to Kenneth C. Elder, Jr. and
Jennifer P. Elder, 11592 Embree Court, Oakton, VA 22124;
sale on 03/24/14 of Lot 14, Reserve at Waples Mill, 36,080.00
sq. ft., improved, SFD, zoned R-1, at 11592 Embree Court,
Oakton, VA, 22124, Providence District, new SFD, details
n/a, assessed in 2014 for $1,233,000: land, $513,000, building,
$720,000, ($1,451,869 trust with George Mason Mortgage,
LLC), tax map 046-4-22-0014; $1,814,837 (23591/1021).
Neighborhoods VI, LLC, to Alexander Lee, 4092
Glendale Way, Fairfax, VA 22030; sale on 03/25/14 of Lot
22-A, Cameron Glen, 0.04 acres, improved, TH, zoned PDP,
at 4092 Glendale Way, Fairfax, VA, 22030, City of Fairfax,
2409 sq. ft. above grade TH, 2 full baths, 2 half baths, built
2013, assessed in 2014 for $330,300: land, $210,000, building,
$120,300, ($605,000 trust with George Mason Mortgage,
LLC), tax map 57-3-03-002A; $673,030 (23593/0960).
Pulte Home Corporation, to Jae Sung Song and Yu Hwa
Song, 8980 Fascination Court #216, Lorton, VA 22079; sale
on 03/25/14 of Condo Unit(s) 216, Phase 5, Spring Hill
Condominium, improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at
8980 Fascination Court #216, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon
District, new condo, details & assessment n/a, tax map 107-108-04-0216; $385,000 (23593/2079).
1614 Kirby, LLC, to Russell E. Frey and I-min Chao,
1614 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101; sale on 03/26/14 of
Lot 2, Cottonwood Subdivision, 0.60 acres, improved, SFD,
zoned R-2, at 1614 Kirby Road, McLean, VA, 22101,
Dranesville District, 6,385 sq. ft. above grade 2 story SFD
("Custom") w/ full basement, 6 bedrooms, 7.5 baths, built
2013, assessed in 2014 for $2,602,490: land, $540,000,
building, $2,062,490, tax map 031-3-01-0184B; $2,850,000
Commonwealth Principals, LLC, to Alphonse R. &
Janet M. Whitmore, 1809 Franklin Avenue, McLean, VA
22101; sale on 03/26/14 of Lot 9, Section 1, Chesterbrook,
10,125.00 sq. ft., improved, SFD, zoned R-2, at 1809 Franklin
Avenue, McLean, VA, 22101, Dranesville District, 10,125 sq.
ft. above grade 2 story SFD ("Custom") w/ full basement, 5
bedrooms, 5.5 baths, built 2013, assessed in 2014 for
$1,291,000: land, $391,000, building, $900,000, ($1,000,000
trust with First Republic Bank), tax map 041-1-11-0009;
$1,834,000 (23594/1419).
McShay Builders, LLC, to Jeffrey Harold Leach &
Suzanne Leach, 6376 Landess Street, Alexandria, VA 22312;
sale on 03/26/14 of Lot 4, Sherry Heights, 23,104.00 sq. ft.,
improved, SFD, zoned R-3, at 6376 Landess Street,
Alexandria, VA, 22312, Mason District, 3,232 sq. ft. above
grade 2 story SFD ("Custom") w/ full basement, 4 bedrooms,
4.5 baths, built 2013, assessed in 2014 $787,130: land,
$192,000, building, $595,130, ($702,400 trust with Atlantic
Coast Mortgage, LLC), tax map 061-3-08-0004B; $878,000
Pulte Home Corporation, to Ramona L. Shaver and
Jason S. Siminski and Wendy R. Siminski, 8980 Fascination
Court #112, Lorton, VA 22079; sale on 03/26/14 of Condo
Unit(s) 112, Phase 5, Spring Hill Condominium, improved,
resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination Court #112,
Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon District, new condo, details &
assessment n/a, ($94,215 trust with Pulte Mortgage LLC), tax
map 107-1-08-04-0112; $312,215 (23595/0396).
BFR Construction, to Christopher Wu and Tasha Y.
Tanhehco, 901 Olympian Circle, SW, Vienna, VA 22180; sale
on 03/27/14 of Lot 44, Section 7, Block F, Vienna Woods,
16,460.00 sq. ft., improved, SFD, zoned RS-10, at 901
Olympian Circle, SW, Vienna, VA, 22180, Hunter Mill
District, new SFD, details n/a, assessed in 2014 for $629,000:
land, $293,000, building, $336,000, ($947,628 trust with
SunTrust Mortgage, Inc.), tax map 048-2-03F-0044;
$1,353,755 (23596/1117).
C/H at Wedderburn Estates, L.C., to Yong Lu and
Yongmel Zhang, 8515 Wedderburn Station Drive, Vienna,
VA 22180; sale on 03/27/14 of Lot 12, Wedderburn Estates,
8,417.00 sq. ft., improved, SFD, zoned PDH-2, at 8515
Wedderburn Station Drive, Vienna, VA, 22180, Providence
District, new SFD, details n/a, assessed in 2014 for $739,000:
land, $289,000, building, $450,000, ($958,750 trust with
Flagstar Bank), tax map 039-3-51-0012; $1,562,125
DRW, Inc., to Robert A. Rowe and Archer W. Harmon,
6301 Edsall Road #410, Alexandria, VA 22312; sale on
03/27/14 of Condo Unit(s) 410, Phase 1, The Isabella at
Monticello Mews Condominium, improved, resid. condo,
zoned R-12, at 6301 Edsall Road #410, Alexandria, VA,
22312, Mason District, 1,155 sq. ft. above grade 1 story condo
("A"), 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, built 2012, assessed in 2014
for $357,110: land, $71,000, building, $286,110, ($294,300
trust with Bank of America), tax map 081-2-16-0410;
$392,400 (23596/0120).
NVR, Inc., to Charles & Vanessa Sizemore, 9205 Forest
Haven Drive, Alexandria, VA 22309; sale on 03/28/14 of Lot
5B, Mount Vernon Park, 16,476.00 sq. ft., improved, SFD,
zoned R-2, at 9205 Forest Haven Drive, Alexandria, VA,
22309, Mt. Vernon District, new SFD, details n/a, land
assessed in 2014 for $245,000, ($869,450 trust with NVR
Mortgage Finance, Inc.), tax map 110-1-06-0005B; $908,885
Pulte Home Corporation, to Diane A. Connolly, 8980
Fascination Court #111, Lorton, VA 22079; sale on 03/28/14
of Condo Unit(s) 111, Phase 5, Spring Hill Condominium,
improved, resid. condo, zoned PDH-12, at 8980 Fascination
Court #111, Lorton, VA, 22079, Mt. Vernon District, new
condo, details & assessed n/a, tax map 107-1-08-04-0111;
$326,148 (23598/0367).
RUPSHA 2013 LLC, to John J. & Brenda Morton, 1415
Ross Drive, Vienna, VA 22180; sale on 03/28/14 of Lot 2428,
Section 14, Vienna Woods, 10,111.00 sq. ft., improved, SFD,
zoned RS-10, at 1415 Ross Drive SW, Vienna, VA, 22180,
Hunter Mill District, 3,625 sq. ft. above grade 2 story SFD
("Craftsman") w/ full basement, 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, built
2013, assessed in 2014 for $1,174,230: land, $290,000,
building, $884,230, ($837,600 trust with Wells Fargo Bank),
tax map 049-1-08-2428; $1,047,000 (23597/1539).
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by Virginia Newsletters LLC
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