FILM PACK SCREENING GUIDE FREEDOM: Indifference Is Not An Option STEPS TO SET UP A SCREENING S 1 TALK ABOUT IT Here are some discussion questions to get the conversation started with your group after screening FREEDOM: Indifference Is Not An Option. The goal of these talking points is to help your group process what they saw and learned in viewing the film and drive them to action. These questions are just a launching pad to get the discussion started, feel free to add your own questions. When did you first learn about modern day slavery? What was your response? How does the fact that 27 million men, women, and children are trapped in slavery today – more than any other time in history – challenge you? A powerful line in the film is, “Ignorance is not an excuse. Indifference is not an option.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Describe the emotion or questions this statement draws out of you. How did the true-life stories told in the film change or challenge your view of human slavery and/or trafficking? If so, how? Raman’s family was trapped in forced bonded slavery for three generations. They owed about $400 (US) and they could have been free, but the debt was so high compared to what they owed that it was an impossible amount for them to pay. Millions of people are trapped in similar situations in cotton mills, cocoa fields, and factories. After hearing Raman’s story how does it challenge the way you view the products you buy? Check out the list of 27 ways you can take action and talk about how you might get involved locally or globally to be part of the solution to end modern day slavery. What are two action points listed that get you most excited? Are there other action points not listed that you can engage in locally? PRAY ABOUT IT Break up in groups of three – prayer triangles – and spend some time praying over the issue of human trafficking. Here are some suggested prayer points to get you started. Recognize Jesus as the one who can ultimately break the chains of slavery and injustice. Pray for the men, women, and children trapped in slavery. Pray for the organizations who are on the ground leading the way for freedom. 2 27 WAYS TO DO MORE JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST SLAVERY BY COMPLETING THE ACTION STEPS: 27 WAYS TO DO MORE Want to do more? Here are 27 more ways to help fight slavery and be a voice for the 27 million men, women, and children who are held captive around the world. 1 Take the Slavery Footprint Survey and learn how many slaves work for you – based on the things you purchase, wear, eat, use and purchase on a daily basis. 2 Be a conscious consumer. Download and use the Free World App to let brands know that you care where they source items from for their products. 3 Demand that your senators, representatives, and government officials make fighting slavery a top priority. Here’s how you can contact them: Senator: Representative: Other: 4 Do research. Dig online, read books and articles, and watch films to learn as much as you can about the slavery issue. 5 Be aware. If you suspect trafficking call the National Trafficking Hotline. Plug the number in your phone: 1-888-3737-888 6 Start an International Justice Mission Chapter on your campus and rally a generation to fight for freedom. 7 Get trained to fight slavery. Attend one of the Not For Sale Abolitionist Academy’s to learn more about how you can identify and fight slavery. 3 8 Stop viewing pornography and encourage your friends to stop. Human Trafficking and pornography are closely linked. When you consume pornography you are supporting trafficking. Stop. 9 Challenge airlines to provide training for all flight attendants on how to identify and watch for victims being trafficked. 10 Adopt, foster children, or become an orphan advocate. Orphans and risk children are more likely to become victims of trafficking, slavery, and sexual exploitation. LIFE AND WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT TO 11 BREATHE GIRLS WHO HAVE BEEN RESCUED FROM TRAFFICKING SITUATIONS BY WRITING LETTERS TO THEM. THEA21CAMPAIGN.ORG/WRITE-A-LETTER.PHP 12 Read books about slavery, pass along the book or start a book club. Decide as a group how to take action. Suggested book list available at 13 Get educated and learn the facts. Then, boldly use social media and opportunities in your community and sphere of influence to speak up. 14 Become an intern at an organization fighting slavery and/or trafficking on a local, nation, and/or global scale. Use your gifts, talents, and time to make a difference. 15 Act local. Get your church, friends, or group involved in fundraising, volunteering with, and serving a local organization caring for women and children who have been sexually exploited. 16 Fight slavery in the checkout line by learning about and refraining from purchasing items often produced by forced labor. Learn more by reading the Department of Labor’s List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor. 17 Eat Fair Trade chocolate and tell leaders in the chocolate industry to stop using child slave labor and institute labor standards among their suppliers. 18 Be creative. Use your gifts to raise awareness and fight for freedom right where you are. Write articles, make films, host events, go – the options are endless. 19 Engage with the CNN Freedom Project as they use their media influence to highlight slavery stories and help set captives free. 20 Challenge tourism suppliers such as hotels and airlines to sign and participate in the Tourism Child-Protection Code of Conduct. 4 21 Connect and/or support a local ministry working in your town that is reaching out to strip clubs and massage parlors to identify trafficking and offer alternative options for girls who want to escape. 22 Help report, document, and track cases of trafficking in your community and around the globe: 23 Buy goods and support organizations that are helping those rescued from slavery, trafficking, and sexual exploitation begin a new future. 24 Use your investments to fight slavery, not feed slavery. Learn more and take action to ensure slavery free investments: 26 Volunteer, teach a life skill class, be an academic mentor, COMPANIES 25 DEMAND TO DEFINE AND ROOT OUT FORCED LABOR FROM THEIR SUPPLY CHAINS. CHAINSTOREREACTION.COM 5 or participate in home improvement project to help restore the women at Wellspring Living recovery shelter in Atlanta, GA. 27 Teach young people that slavery still exists and challenge them to get involved. Parents, educators, youth and college pastors can help raise up the next generation of abolitionist. Parent and Educator Discussion Guide: