2 0 11 a n n U a L r e P O r t C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y OUr miSSiOn: To inspire philanthropy and be a catalyst for strengthening communities throughout Monterey County Contents i message to the Community 2 vision, mission, values 3 Community impact 4-6 Strengthening Community 7-9 Grantmaking 10 Philanthropic Leadership 11 Doing the right thing – Bob nunes 12 inspiring Philanthropy 13-14 ways to Give (List of Funds) 15 Operational excellence 16-19 Contributors 20-21 Financial Summary 22-23 Board and Staff 24 volunteer Committees QUiCk FaCtS the Foundation received $10.4 million in new contributions and 15 new funds were opened. as of 12/31/11 assets totaled $135 million. the CFmC is in the top 100 foundations in the country in asset size.* $7,010,855 in grants, awards and scholarships were approved for distribution to 396 grantees. total operating expenses were 1.47 % of total assets. *Columbus Survey Cover kite photos courtesy: top left, MEarth Hilton Bialek Habitat; top right, Alliance on Aging, bottom left, SPCA for Monterey County; bottom right, First Tee of Monterey County and Monterey County Free Libraries (photo by Richard Green) A nnual Rep or t 2011 message tO tHe COmmUnit Y F r O m t H e C H a i r a n D P r e S i D e n t/ C e O typically the letter from the Chair and President alludes to a long list of organizational accomplishments. if we were to strictly adhere to this format, we’d run out of room. 2011 was a very busy year at the Community Foundation for monterey County. the year was launched by the December 2010 passage of a new strategic plan. this led to an examination and eventual rewriting of our mission and vision statements in early 2011. Vision: Healthy, Safe, Vibrant Communities Mission: To inspire philanthropy and be a catalyst for strengthening communities throughout Monterey County the strategic plan speaks to granting in a way that is clearer and more accessible, as well as seeking more board and community involvement. Grants and programs staff spent 2011 developing the Community impact grant program that is now being implemented. the plan also reaffirmed our commitment to enlarging our countywide presence. this led to the expansion of the Salinas office, including the creation of a conference room and executive offices. we want the Salinas office to more deeply embed our work in Salinas and Salinas valley, and be a space where groups gather to sort out complex community issues. policies, professional relationships and our facilities. On the latter, we exercised a one-time option to purchase the monterey office building. Our process included the formation of a facilities committee that researched other potential sites. when we realized our current location was our best option, it then became a question of whether to extend the lease or purchase. we closed on the building in early December 2011. as for governance, neither of us can remember working with such an energized board of directors and staff. in the area of professional relationships the investment Committee distributed an rFP for investment consulting services. we received many responses from an impressive group of consultants. again a special committee was formed to go through responses and recommend firms to be interviewed. we were pleased to hire the Seattle-based firm wurts & associates in December. this is just a sample of the many accomplishments of 2011. many more are detailed in this report. know that your community foundation is hard at work — taking flight — as it utilizes philanthropy and leadership help to make monterey County stronger. a section of the plan also addresses operational excellence. this takes many forms, including governance, staffing, kurt Gollnick Board Chair 2011 Daniel r. Baldwin President/CEO know that your community foundation is hard at work – taking flight – as it utilizes philanthropy and leadership to help to make monterey County stronger. (l to r) Dan Baldwin, Kurt Gollnick C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 1 new v iSi O n, m iSSi O n a n D va LU e S vision “Healthy, Safe, Vibrant Communities” mission To inspire philanthropy and be a catalyst for strengthening communities throughout Monterey Count y values we advance positive change through grantmaking, community engagement and collaboration. we build a legacy for future generations through responsible stewardship of the resources entrusted to us. we operate with the highest standards of integrity, ethics and accountability. we embrace inclusivity and diversity. we commit to fairness and respect for the dignity of all people. we are open and honest with our philanthropic partners, grantees and the community. we strive for excellence in all that we do. Strategic Plan Goals the CFmC’s new vision, mission and values statements emerged in 2011 out of the 2010 strategic plan. Our work this past year was driven by our new direction, and the accomplishments in this report reflect the beginning stages of implementation of our three strategic planning goals. GOaL 1: C O M M u N i T Y i M P A C T invest in developing healthy, safe and vibrant communities across monterey County. GOaL 2: P h i L A N T h R O P i C L e A D e R S h i P inspire and facilitate philanthropy throughout monterey County. GOaL 3: O P e R A T i O N A L e X C e L L e N C e Optimize performance and stewardship for maximum impact. We invite you to par tner with us as we suppor t the vision of healthy, safe, vibrant communities. 2 A nnual Rep or t 2011 Community impact Invest in developing healthy, safe and vibrant communities across Monterey County. FOCUS Gr antmakinG tOwarD S t r at e G i C r e S U Lt S Grantmaking that supports local efforts to strengthen monterey County communities is core to the CFmC’s mission and role. we do this through funds established over the years by many generous individuals. in 2011, the CFmC made over $7 million dollars in grants to a range of nonprofit organizations. (See grants list pages 7-9) Compared to other community foundations of its size, the CFmC has a relatively large pool of funds with unrestricted or broad interest areas. with these resources, the board is able to make strategic grant investments and provide critical support to high-performing nonprofit organizations in the areas of greatest need. a major goal in 2011 was to focus and enhance our grantmaking toward our countywide vision of healthy, safe and vibrant communities. the year began with an extensive needs assessment. we examined our region’s diverse needs, our field’s best practices, and sought community input on issues that matter most. in Fall 2011, the board adopted a new framework for its largest competitive grantmaking program. the Community impact Grants program (formerly known as the General endowment) focuses on the people and places of monterey County, highlighting impact and seeking measurable results. these grants address four program areas: investing in Our People, Strengthening Our Communities, Celebrating Our Cultures and Stewarding Our environment. each area has specific priorities that are based on a review of local needs, assets and opportunities. approximately $2 million will be granted in 2012 guided by community-led grant committees to advise the board on achieving its strategic grantmaking goals. StrenGtHen nOnPrOFit SeC tOr e XCeLLenCe another way that the CFmC broadened its community impact was by planning the expansion of the management assistance Program into the Center for nonprofit excellence (Cne). the Center will help nonprofits connect, lead and thrive in the face of changing economic and operating realities. (See page 4) Molly with DLI volunteer at Christine Marie’s Star Riders C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 3 Strengthening Neighborhoods neiGHBOrHOOD GrantS PrOGram Small grants, big impact is perhaps the best way to describe the neighborhood Grants Program (nGP). Since 1997, nGP has awarded over $700,000 in small grants ranging from $500 to $4,000 to resident-led groups throughout monterey County. in 2011, nGP awarded 21 grants totaling $50,000. neighborhood grants support advocacy and self-help groups, neighborhood associations and watches, youth sport teams, arts groups and more. Groups are selected based on various criteria including: community need, population served, organizational capacity, geographical location and the project’s overall impact. in addition to financial support, nGP provides on-going technical assistance to its grantees in leadership development, fundraising, planning and membership recruiting. recent workshops include: Developing a vision and mission Statement, Financial management, How to Open a Bank account and How to Create and evaluate an action Plan. Dancers from Ballet Folklorico Tapatío of King City perform at NGP Awards Ceremony Strengthening Nonprofits manaGement aSSiStanCe PrOGram Since 1997, the CFmC has provided training and other services to strengthen local nonprofits through our management assistance Program. Last year we offered 13 workshops serving nearly 300 participants on topics such as social enterprise, strategic alliances, fund development and board governance. $51,850 in technical assistance grants was awarded to 17 organizations for uses from strategic planning to fundraising software. Staff provided one-on-one assistance to over 150 organizations through confidential consulting and resource sharing. the LeaD institute (Leadership education and Development) is now in its third year of training emerging nonprofit leaders. a total of 54 accomplished managers from monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties have participated. in 2011 we identified ways to further increase our effectiveness based on a strategic plan goal of 4 A nnual Rep or t 2011 Graduates of the 2010/2011 LEAD Institute bring the total to 54 participants to date “strengthening nonprofit sector excellence.” Seven local listening sessions and an advisory group of regional and national experts provided input and deepened our understanding of the challenges facing nonprofits and strategies to support them. the path to helping local nonprofits thrive in changing circumstances and build a base for future opportunities is clear. 2011 laid the groundwork for the new Center for nonprofit excellence to build on and replace the management assistance Program. this new approach is now underway. For more information visit www.cfmco.org/cne. LEAD received partial funding from the Community Leadership Project, a joint effort funded by The David and Lucile Packard, James Irvine, and William and Flora Hewlett foundations to strengthen grassroots organizations that serve low-income people and communities of color. Strengthening Community Animal Welfare 31 grants totaling $334,341 $83,029 from Donor advised Funds SPCA MONTeReY COuNTY $135,000 for the “Take the Lead” program for at-risk youth Coach Jose Gil celebrates with players. Courtesy of The Salinas Californian the mission of the SPCa for monterey County is to assure compassionate and humane treatment of all animals in our community. the SPCa provides services to over 12,000 animals each year. Services include pet adoption, low-cost spay/neuter, humane investigations, wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, lost and found services and humane education programs. the CFmC awarded a three-year grant to expand the SPCa’s “take the Lead” program. this unique program matches at-risk youth with untrained shelter dogs for what the SPCa describes as a win-win. Youth participants, many of whom have been involved in gangs, are given responsibility to care for and train dogs that are under-socialized and therefore not adoptable. the youth have a socially positive experience taking responsibility for a living creature. the dogs get training and a bonding experience with a caring person, and the SPCa is ultimately able to find homes for 95% of these homeless dogs within thirty days of completing the program. the 10-week program works with juvenile male detainees at the monterey County Probation Department Youth Center, students with behavior problems, and foster care children who are wards of monterey County Child welfare System. the SPCa had requests to bring the program to new sites but did not have the capacity to expand. this grant is helping to double the number of dogs and youth served and undertake a program evaluation which is key to attracting additional support for this powerful program. Youth Sports 9 grants totaling $25,200 $500 from Donor advised Funds GiL BASKeTBALL ACADeMY $10,000 for program expenses Formed in 2010, Gil Basketball academy (GBa) uses basketball to promote positive youth development activities for children and teens in east Salinas. GBa exemplifies how local grassroots and volunteer organizations utilizing out-of-school time can have a positive impact in young people’s lives. GBa builds self-confidence and character in youth revolving around five guiding principles of resiliency, respect, responsibility, sportsmanship and family. Last year, GBa served approximately 243 youth (182 boys, 61 girls) enrolled in one of their six age-specific programs: Lil’ Dribblers (ages 4-5), Junior Ballers (6-7), Bee Ballers (8-9), miniHoopsters (10-12), and High Hoops (13-17). Boys and girls have access to basketball camps, clinics, and individual coaching sessions in shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding and defense. a former neighborhood Grants Program grantee, GBa is an emerging organization with an already strong track record of youth development. this is a way to replace anger with love for the animal. — “take the Lead” participant from the monterey County Youth Probation Center C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 5 5 Strengthening Community health 84 grants totaling $858,056 $174,548 from Donor advised Funds SALuD PARA LA GeNTe, iNC. $40,000 for Children’s Dental Disease Prevention and Treatment Program Since 1999, Community Oral Health Services’ mobile clinics have reduced barriers to dental care for monterey County’s underserved children, including inadequate or no insurance coverage, inability to pay for care, lack of transportation, and shortage of dentists who treat children. in 2011, Community Oral Health Services became a program of Salud Para La Gente. this organization delivers comprehensive (medical, dental, eye, and adult day health care) and cost-effective healthcare, at 16 sites, in response to the needs of the lowincome and migrant communities. Dental health care is an important part of overall health as problems in the mouth can affect the rest of the body. Left untreated, dental pain makes it difficult for children to eat properly and to concentrate on school work. Oral infection impacts overall health and increases absences from school for children and from work for their parents. a grant supported dental cleanings and exams for 275 children, comprehensive dental care and restorations for 25 children, and preventive oral health education for 300 parents in Pajaro, marina, Salinas, and Greenfield. Campers with Family Ties Recreation Coordinator Harriet Paskins (front, kneeling) at a week-long day camp that introduced Family Ties children to new outdoor skills and experiences human Services 212 grants totaling $1,921,814 $488,112 from Donor advised Funds KiNShiP CeNTeR $20,000 for the “Family Ties” Program kinship Center creates and supports permanent families for children through adoption, relative caregiving or other guardianship. their services focus on helping children heal from past abuse, neglect or abandonment and grow to healthy adulthood. kinship Center serves up to 2,000 children each year, mostly those whom many others consider too difficult to help; severely traumatized children, older teenagers, children with disabilities, large sibling groups, and drug-affected infants. kinship Center believes that every child deserves a family, and kinship Center helps make it happen. their commitment is to permanent rather than temporary solutions, as decades of research have shown that children need stable, permanent families in order to thrive. a grant was awarded to support their “Family ties” program, a comprehensive support for relatives, mostly grandparents, who have unexpectedly taken on the permanent care of children. each year the program serves about 350 relative caregivers and their children in Salinas, Greenfield and Seaside and saves approximately $3 - 4 million in child welfare costs. in 2011 no children in the program returned to foster care and only six children have returned to foster care since 2002. A student at Castroville Elementary School receives dental services from Salud Para La Gente. 6 A nnual Rep or t 2011 $7 Million Granted Grantmaking Overview Competitive Grant Programs $3,069,997 (44%) CFMC grants are spread across a broad range of interest areas and span the geography and communities of Monterey County. The examples described in this report are just some of the stories of the impact of individual grants. Each of the grants in the Scholarships following list has its own story to tell. Geographic Distribution Peninsula $1,747,022 (25%) Source of Funds Grants Recommended by Donor Advisors $2,053,828 (29%) Payments from Agency Funds held at CFMC $1,717,249 (24%) and Awards $197,865 (3%) Salinas and Valley $1,035,750 (15%) Countywide $3,078,761 (44%) Outside Monterey County $646,512 (9%) South County $319,836 (4%) Over $7 Million Granted Countywide North County $185,430 (3%) Big Sur Area $25,626 (0.4%) 2011 CFMC Grants List Awards* Anthony Nicholas Narigi Memorial Baseball Endowment Awards Carol C. W. Butterfield Bacon Award Dr. William D. Barr Awards for Excellence in Educational Leadership Leslie Eliason Excellence in Teaching Award The Allen S. Griffin Excellence in Teaching Awards Monterey County Gives! Ingenuity Award Monterey County Gives! Most Donors Award Monterey County Gives! Most Donors Under Age 35 Award Outstanding Philanthropic Young Adult Outstanding Philanthropic Youth Mildred Willemsen Excellence in Teaching Awards Communities Advancing the Arts City of Monterey Forest Theater Guild Designated Agency Distributions AIA Monterey Bay Chapter All Saints Episcopal Day School Alliance on Aging ALS Association - Golden West Chapter Alzheimer’s Association American Cancer Society, Inc. Animal Welfare Information & Assistance, Inc. Arts Council for Monterey County Big Sur Land Trust Blind and Visually Impaired Center of Monterey County Boy Scouts of America – Monterey Bay Area Council Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County CARE U.S.A. - San Francisco Region Carmel Bach Festival Carmel Foundation Carmel Music Society Carmel Public Library Foundation Catholic Charities Central Coast Hospice Foundation Central Coast Lighthouse Keepers Chamber Music Monterey Bay Chartwell School Child Family Health International Community Hospital Foundation Community Partnership for Youth The Del Monte Forest Foundation Diocese of Monterey Door to Hope Elkhorn Slough Foundation, Inc. Food Bank for Monterey County Forest Hill Manor Foundation for Monterey County Free Libraries Hartnell College Foundation Humane Society of the United States Kinship Center Lifewater International LULAC Council #2055 Lyceum of Monterey County Madonna del Sasso Church Madonna del Sasso School MCOE Monterey County Scholarship Awards Program Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula Meals on Wheels of the Salinas Valley, Inc. Mexican American Opportunity Foundation Monterey County Film Commission Monterey County Historical Society Monterey County Symphony Association Monterey County Youth Museum Monterey High School Monterey History & Art Association Monterey Institute of International Studies Monterey Museum of Art Monterey Peninsula College Monterey Peninsula College Foundation Notre Dame High School Oglala Lakota College Old Capital Club Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History Pacific Repertory Theatre Palma High School Prayer Book Society – Monterey Bay Chapter Sacred Heart Catholic Church Sacred Heart School Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital Foundation Salvation Army - Monterey Peninsula Corps SPCA of Monterey County St. Timothy Foundation, Inc. Sun Street Centers Robinson Jeffers Tor House Foundation Tularcitos Parent Teacher Organization United Way of Monterey County Ventana Wilderness Alliance The Western Stage York School Youth Music Monterey YWCA Monterey County Distinguished Trustee Grant in honor of Mike and Mary Orradre Rancho Cielo C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 7 2011 CFMC Grants, continued NGP grantee Otis Park Neighborhood Association members watering the newly planted landscaping Donor Advised 21st Century Parks, Inc. African Wildlife Foundation Ag Against Hunger Agriculture and Land Based Training Association Alisal Center for the Fine Arts Alisal Community Healthy Start All Saints Episcopal Day School Alliance on Aging Alzheimer’s Association American Cancer Society American Conservatory Theater American Red Cross – Monterey Bay Area Chapter American Red Cross – Greater Ozarks Chapter American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Animal Ark Animal Friends Rescue Project Animal Health and Safety Associates Anti-Defamation League Ariel Theatrical, Inc Arts Council for Monterey County Arts Habitat, Inc. Bay View Academy Beacon House Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area Big Brothers Big Sisters of Monterey County Big Sur Health Center Big Sur Land Trust Big Sur Learning Project Big Sur Volunteer Fire Brigade Blind and Visually Impaired Center of Monterey County Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County California Maritime Academy Foundation Camerata Singers Canine Companions for Independence Carl Cherry Center for the Arts Carmel Art Association Carmel Bach Festival Carmel Foundation Carmel High School Carmel High Sober Grad Carmel Mission Basilica Carmel Mission Foundation Carmel Music Society Carmel Public Library Foundation Carmel Valley Historical Society Carmel Valley Manor Carmel Valley Rotary Endowment Fund 8 A nnual Rep or t 2011 Carmelite Monastery CASA Monterey County Castleton Ranch Horse Rescue Catholic Charities (local) Catholic Charities USA Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Center for Biological Diversity Central California Council of American Youth Hostels Central Coast HIV/AIDS Services Central Coast Hospice Foundation Central Coast VNA & Hospice Chamber Music Monterey Bay Chartwell School Chatham College Children’s Hospice and Palliative Care Coalition Christine Marie’s Star Riders Church in the Forest City of Carmel-by-the-Sea City of Monterey Coalition of Homeless Services Providers Community Foundation for Monterey County Community Hospital Foundation Community Human Services Community Partnership for Youth Continuing Development, Inc. CSUMB University Corporation at Monterey Bay Cypress Community Church Dance Kids of Monterey County Defenders of Wildlife The Del Monte Forest Foundation Development Engineering Research Institute The Discovery Fund for Eye Research EarthJustice Easter Seals Central California El Sistema USA / Salinas (YOSAL) El Teatro Campesino Elkhorn Slough Foundation, Inc. Environmental Defense Fund Everyone’s Harvest - Cosecha Para Todos The First Tee of Monterey County Food Bank for Monterey County Foundation for Monterey County Free Libraries Franciscan Workers of Junipero Serra Friends of Animals Friends of Parents’ Place Friends of Sunset Foundation Friends of the Andy Ausonio Library Friends of the Hopkins Marine Station Friends of the Pacific Grove Library Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast Global Majority Golden State YMCA – Camp Sequoia Lake The Gorilla Foundation Greenpeace Fund Guide Dogs for the Blind Guiding Eyes for the Blind Habitat for Humanity Monterey County Hebrew Free Loan Association McGowan House Center Hope Center HOPE Services Housing Resource Center of Monterey County Humane Society of the United States Interfaith Outreach of Carmel Interim, Inc. The International School of Monterey Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services Josephine Kernes Memorial Pool KAZU-FM Radio 90.3 King’s College KQED LandWatch Monterey County Legal Services For Seniors Life is For Everyone, Inc. Lyceum of Monterey County Marine Life Studies The Marine Mammal Center Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula Hilton Bialek Habitat Miss Porter’s School Monterey Bay Aquarium Monterey Bay Blues Festival Monterey Bay Symphony Association Monterey County Business Education & Research Institute Monterey County Free Libraries Monterey County Historical Society, Inc. Monterey County Rape Crisis Center Monterey County Symphony Association Monterey County Youth Museum Monterey History & Art Association Monterey Institute of International Studies Monterey Museum of Art Monterey Peace and Justice Center Monterey Peninsula Community Theatre Company Monterey Peninsula Choral Society Monterey Peninsula College Foundation Monterey Peninsula Foundation for Birdies for Charity Monterey Peninsula Sunrise Rotary Foundation Monterey State Historic Park Association Mount Saint Joseph Academy N.A.M.I. Monterey County National Arbor Day Foundation National Coalition Building Institute National Instructors Association for Divers with Disabilities National Parks Foundation Natividad Medical Foundation Natural Resources Defense Council The Nature Conservancy NCGA Foundation Nevada Museum of Art The Ocean Conservancy The Offset Project, Inc. Our Lady of Refuge Church Pacific Grove Art Center Pacific Grove Middle School Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History Pacific Legal Foundation – National Litigation Center Pacific Repertory Theatre Palma High School Panetta Institute for Public Policy Paralyzed Veterans of America Peace of Mind Dog Rescue PEO Sisterhood – Chapter PG Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Point Lobos Foundation Prunedale Senior Center, Inc. Rancho Cielo Realitree for EcoLogic Design Labs Realitree for High Street Studios Redwings Horse Sanctuary Religious of the Sacred Heart Reno Chamber Orchestra Reno Philharmonic Orchestra Rising World, Inc. (Rising International) The Rotary Foundation Ruth’s Shawl Sacajawea Elementary School Sacajawea PTA Sacred Heart Catholic Church Saint Andrew’s Abbey Salinas Community YMCA Salinas Public Library Salinas Rotary Club Charitable Fund Salinas Young Life Salvation Army – Monterey Peninsula Corps Salvation Army – Kansas & Western Missouri Divisional HQ San Carlos Cathedral San Francisco Opera Guild Save The Redwoods League Save The Whales The Seeing Eye Sentinels of Freedom Scholarship Foundation Sewickley Academy Shelter Outreach Plus Sierra Club Foundation Sisters of Notre Dame Smuin Ballet Sol Treasures Arts and Cultural Enrichment Center SPCA for Monterey County Special Kids Crusade SpectorDance St. Clare’s Retreat and Convent St. Mary’s Foundation Stanford Business School Stanford University School of Medicine Stevenson School Sun Street Centers Sunset Cultural Center Surfrider Foundation – Monterey Chapter The Sustainability Academy Tahoe Rim Trail Association That Man May See – Koret Vision Institute Thunderbird Lodge Preservation Society The Tides Foundation Truckee Donner Land Trust Turtle Island Restoration Network UC Santa Barbara Foundation United States Fund for UNICEF United Jewish Community of the Monterey Peninsula United States Holocaust Memorial Museum United Way Monterey County University of CA Cooperative Extension, Monterey County University of Nevada at Reno University of Pennsylvania Trustees vajrayana Foundation ventana wilderness alliance ventana wildlife Society the village Project vna Community Services the wilderness Society world wildlife Fund York School Youth arts Collective Youth music monterey YwCa monterey County Thomas Doud, Sr. and Anita M. Doud Fund i City of monterey Department of Parks & recreation – monterey District Friends of the monterey Public Library monterey History & art association monterey museum of art General endowment (Became Community impact Grants in 2012) aCtiOn Council of monterey County aCtiOn Council for Friends of independent transportation network aCtiOn Council for Breakaway College access aCtiOn Council for Family resource Center network ag against Hunger agriculture and Land-Based training association alisal Center for the Fine arts american red Cross - monterey Bay area Chapter animal Friends rescue Project ariel theatrical, inc. arts Council for monterey County arts Council for monterey County for the Creative monterey County action Plan Update Big Sur Land trust Big Sur volunteer Fire Brigade Boys & Girls Clubs of monterey County Carmel Bach Festival Carmel Foundation Center for Community advocacy Center for Community advocacy for Poder Popular Central Coast Center for independent Living Central Coast Hiv/aiDS Services Central Coast Hiv/aiDS Services for Share the Care Central Coast Hospice Foundation Central Coast YmCa Chamber music monterey Bay Chartwell School Christine marie’s Star riders City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Clinica de Salud del valle de Salinas Coalition of Homeless Services Providers Community Bridges /Puentes de la Comunidad Community Human Services Community of Caring, monterey Peninsula Community Partnership for Youth Conflict resolution and mediation Center Cultural Council of Santa Cruz County el Sistema USa / Salinas (YOSaL) elkhorn Slough Foundation, inc. Family Service agency of the Central Coast Food Bank for monterey County Foundation for monterey County Free Libraries George L. mee memorial Hospital Gil Basketball academy Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast Girls inc. of the Central Coast Harmony at Home Housing resource Center interim, inc. Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services Josephine kernes memorial Pool kinship Center Leadership monterey Peninsula Legal Services for Seniors Life is For everyone, inc. Loaves, Fishes & Computers, inc. LULaC Council #2055 meals on wheels of the monterey Peninsula meals on wheels of the Salinas valley, inc. Hilton Bialek Habitat monterey Bay Blues Festival monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation monterey County agricultural & rural Life museum monterey County Police activities League monterey County rape Crisis Center monterey County Symphony association monterey History & art association monterey Jazz Festival monterey museum of art monterey Peninsula College Foundation national Steinbeck Center nCGa Foundation O’neill Sea Odyssey Pacific Grove museum of natural History Pacific repertory theatre Partners for Peace raising a reader restorative Justice Partners, inc. Salinas valley High School ag, inc. Salud Para La Gente, inc. Salvation army Service extension Division Save Our Shores Second Chance Youth Program Seniors Council of Santa Cruz & San Benito Counties Students from Sunset Center’s Classroom Connections arrive at the Sunset Center to see a special matinee of “Ten West” Vaudeville duo from Los Angeles Shelter Outreach Plus Sol treasures arts and Cultural enrichment Center SPCa of monterey County Special kids Crusade SpectorDance Sun Street Centers Sunrise House Sunset Cultural Center turning Point of Central California University Corporation at monterey Bay ventana wildlife Society vna Community Services watsonville Law Center Youth arts Collective Literacy Campaign Fund alisal Community Healthy Start Chartwell School CHiSPa Community alliance for a Sustainable economy Farmworker institute for education and Leadership Development Housing resource Center of monterey County king City Family resource Center Literacy Campaign for monterey County monterey County Free Libraries monterey Peninsula Unified School District Salinas valley Community Church Soledad Unified School District Neighborhood Grants Program aguila real de Soledad asamblea de Poder Popular de Gonzales Ballet Folklorico tapatio Castroville neighborhood watch Program CHiSPa vineyard Green neighborhood watch CHiSPa walnut Place neighborhood watch Folklorico de Chualar Friends of Life Cycle after School tutoring Program Greenfield Farmworker’s institute Grupo de apoyo Padres Compartiendo king City Culture academy Los Olivos - riker neighborhood association monarch C.a.r.e.S. monte Bella Community Otis Park neighborhood association Padres de ninos especiales del Sur del Condado Padres e Hijos Creciendo Juntos Poder Popular de Salinas Salinas valley Youth Soccer League San Jerardo Cooperativa valley of the artists Opportunity aCtiOn Council of monterey County for Pajaro Latino Business association alliance on aging Lyceum of monterey County the marina Foundation vna Community Services watsonville Law Center Scholarship Funds* the Bissell Fund Carmel High School Class of 1952 Bill Clapper memorial music Scholarship James Bliss & annette Sward Forestry & nursing Scholarship David L. Ferguson Scholarship Flagg Scholarship Fund Grover Hermann Foundation Fund ed kennedy Journalism Scholarship kier memorial Scholarship the Jim martin Scholarship robert Hattori nakamura memorial Scholarship kristopher Pallastrini Fund the Harles r. Sarment College endowment Charles Joseph watts Scholarship Shelley watts Scholarship Horace H. wilson Scholarship Robert and Virginia Stanton endowment american red Cross – monterey Bay area Chapter Chartwell School Dance kids of monterey County el Sistema USa / Salinas (YOSaL) meals on wheels of the monterey Peninsula monterey County Symphony association monterey History & art association monterey museum of art South monterey County Center for Performing arts Youth arts Collective Youth music monterey Technical Assistance aCtiOn Council for Breakaway College access aCtiOn Council for nonprofit association of monterey County (namC) Carmel river watershed Conservancy CaSa monterey County Food Bank for monterey County Friends of Parents Place Girls inc. of the Central Coast Housing resource Center of monterey County Legal Services for Seniors Life is For everyone, inc. monterey FireSafe Council monterey History & art association monterey museum of art Partners for Peace Point Lobos association SpectorDance YwCa monterey County Women’s Fund Community Human Services Hartnell College Foundation monterey Peninsula College Foundation natividad medical Foundation Youth arts Collective YwCa monterey County * For a list of awardees, please see www.cfmco.org/awards C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 9 Philanthropic Leadership Inspire and facilitate philanthropy throughout Monterey County Philanthropy fuels grantmaking which creates community impact. Creating impact, in turn, inspires philanthropy. —Dan Baldwin “to inspire philanthropy” has always been integral to the work of the CFmC and is now core to our new mission statement. we are here to help our partners make the most of their charitable giving. By growing the Foundation’s assets through new funds, bequests and contributions to existing funds, we support local nonprofits and a community impact grant program that is fully responsive to the changing needs in our county, and build on our role as leaders to help address important local issues. the CFmC granted over $7 million in 2011, to more than 350 nonprofits (see complete list pages 7–9). By making successful grants, sharing fund holder stories and honoring local philanthropy through our annual Distinguished trustee award, our hope is that those who desire to give back to monterey County will choose the CFmC as a trusted partner in their charitable giving. enHanCe FUnD HOLDer PHiLantHrOPY the CFmC is committed to proactively engaging fund holders in support of their philanthropic goals and to expose them to a wide range of nonprofits, community needs and potential impacts. to better achieve this, we implemented DonorCentral, which gives donor advisors 24-hour online access to their funds. Fund holders can Photo by richard Green GrOw PHiLantHrOPiC aSSetS Legacy Society Luncheon communicate priorities, allowing us to suggest projects that match their interests. we can also connect likeminded donors to discuss areas of mutual interest and support. Seek FUnDinG PartnerS FOr G r e at er CO m m U n i t Y i m PaC t By sharing our priorities with funding partners such as other grantmakers we attracted $1,000,000 for increased benefit to local communities. Grants included $600,000 from the California endowment and the monterey Peninsula Foundation to support the renovation of the Cesar Chavez Library in Salinas, $250,000 from the Grover Hermann Foundation to support CFmC grantmaking, and $150,000 from the william and Flora Hewlett, James irvine and David and Lucile Packard Foundations for the Community Leadership Project. DiStinGUiSHeD trUStee awarD – Mike & Mary Orradre Photo by richard Green the CFmC annually honors an individual or couple who demonstrate exceptional generosity and commitment in supporting charitable causes in monterey County. Last year the award was presented to mike and mary Orradre. “the Orradres embody what giving back is all about. they contribute their time and talent, as well as their financial resources and make an important difference in programs.” —CFmC 2011 Board Chair, local youth development and education programs. kurt Gollnick 10 A nnual Rep or t 2011 As award recipients, the Orradres (shown here with their gift of a CFMC-commissioned painting) designated a grant of $10,000 from the CFMC to the Rancho Cielo Youth Campus POrtr ait in PHiL antHrOPY — BOB nUneS Bob nunes is an icon of Salinas valley agriculture. He is hardworking, humble and straightforward. raised in Chualar, he and his brother tom have been in farming for nearly 60 years, developing two namesake companies characterized by innovation. Creative ideas over the years included film-wrapping lettuce, producing a documentary about the company, having growers use a pooling method to calculate returns, capitalizing on the power of promotion, and convincing actress Brooke Shields (and later other celebrities) to represent the “Foxy” brand. Bob’s giving philosophy, in contrast, is simple: “it just seems like the right thing to do.” Bob was introduced to the Community Foundation by former board chair, Basil mills. Basil told him about the work of the CFmC while also encouraging him to join the alexis de tocqueville society of the United way of monterey County. Bob then established two donor advised funds at the Community Foundation. Over the years Bob has supported grants to several organizations through his funds. when asked what prompted him to include his fund at the Community Foundation in his estate plans, Bob responded “i’ve had time to reflect and think about what’s important to me. when you get to be older you realize you can’t wait much longer. For this reason, i made it a point to take care of things.” He wanted a record of his desires and so he designated his fund to benefit causes that he cares about. Photo by richard Green Doing the Right Thing He keeps his giving local, knowing that every community has a framework for getting help where it’s needed. though he recognizes there are many worthwhile agencies and reasons to give, Bob has very clear interests: “i want to help the vulnerable: the very old, the very young, the very poor, very sick and, of course, animals.” it just seems like the right thing to do. —Bob nunes an animal lover since childhood, Bob raised pigs in 4H and fed the plow horses that his Dad didn’t have the heart to get rid of when they’d outlived their usefulness. this soft spot for those who, through no fault of their own, are in difficult circumstances runs in the family. more recently Bob adopted a dog, “Stuart,” from the SPCa. Bob has built a successful business where his son, granddaughter, nephews and great nephews now work. it’s clear that this legacy, and the benefit of his generosity to local nonprofit organizations, are both extremely gratifying. “i’m fortunate to have acquired what i have and i feel i should share it. it’s really that simple.” trUS tee awarD HOnOreeS 2011 – 2010 – 2009 – 2008 – 2007 – 2006 – 2005 – 2004 – mike and mary Orradre Bob and Sue antle Julie Packard Sherrie mcCullough maggie Downer Clint and Dina eastwood ed and terry Haber michael mcmahan neal mcmahan marsha mcmahan Zelus 2003 – 2002 – 2001 – 2000 – 1999 – 1998 – 1997 – 1996 – 1995 – Davis Factor, Jr. Joanne taylor-Johnson Hilton and roberta Bialek william and nancy Doolittle Jim and Jeri Gattis Patricia tynan Chapman margaret Owings Basil e. mills David Packard 1994 – Harriet r. thurmond Sarah t. Hermann 1993 – Francis H. Cislini 1992 – marshall Steel, Jr. 1991 – virginia Stanton Gordon Paul Smith 1990 – ruth P. Fenton 1989 – John a. mcCone C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 11 11 Inspiring It means a lot to know that what I love most will be supported. Giving through your estate is a chance to reflect what you valued most during your lifetime. The CFMC ensures that your wishes and priorities are honored into perpetuity. How will you express your values, experiences and interests to the next generation? By carefully planning your estate, you can benefit yourself, your family and your community. With thoughtful preparation now, you can be sure your assets will be directed to the causes that matter most to you. The Legacy Society recognizes individuals who have included the Community Foundation in their will or estate plan, created an endowed fund or made the Foundation the beneficiary of a life-income gift. Anonymous (5) Yvonne A. Ascher and Leonard Laub Tony Ayres Daniel Baldwin and Anne Ylvisaker Robert P. Balles John B. and Alice Bergin Paul P. Bianchi Nancy Bletzer James W. Bogart Thomas P. Bohnen Julie A. Cason and Lisa K. Crawley Joseph and Betty Chaffers Robert and Patricia Chapman Katherine M. Coopman and Joyce Blevins Margaret D’Arrigo-Martin Wallace F. and Lucille Davis Martin Dodd 12 A nnual Rep or t 2011 William and Nancy Doolittle Julie Drezner Stephen Eimer and Kevin Ann Cartwright Frances H. Elgan David and Roberta Elliott Mrs. T. Conway Esselstyn Lowel I. Figen Cyrus and Jean Fitton Crawford E. and Linda Foy Donald and Frances Gaver Rodney and Betty Guilfoil Mrs. Terry Haber Lyle Hall Thomas and Marijka Hart Hawley Ruth Hartmann Peter C. Hatton Virginia O. Hawes Dick Hawkinson Richard Hobley and Deborah Steel Jeanne S. Holmquist Robert L. and Millie House Jack Jewett Joanne Taylor Johnson Mark and Susan Johnson Karen D. Kadushin Mary Ann Kane Alice V. Kinsler Paul Lawrence and Marian Buccafurni David S. and Norma Lewis Photo by Richard Green —Legacy Society member, Connie Shelstad Mary Wright, Ken Wright, Jeri Gattis, Valera Lyles, Julie Drezner, Deborah Steele, Richard Hobley and Jeanne Holmquist wearing their new Legacy Society pins Esther H. Lindsey Robert H. and Sandra Lindsey Todd Lueders Valera W. Lyles Tom and Kathy MacDonald John and Ann Mahoney Jan and Tannie Mandel Roger and Carolann Manley Michael and Tobi Marcus Joseph A. and Sheila Mark Thomas E. and Sherrie McCullough Thomas D. Melville Lenore Meyer Joanne Millard Sidney and Lynn Morris Tony and Lary Muller Alec and Kim Murdock David M. Nee Vicki Nelson Diane R. Nonella F. Robert Nunes Alfred P. Oliverio Charles T. Olvis and Miranda S. Morris Nicholas M. and Nicolette Pasculli John and June Dunbar Phillips Gregory A. and Winoma Plaskett Margaret L. Radunich Rex and Joan Reade Paul Rochester Lee and Shirley Rosen James C. and Maureen Sanders Kenneth C. Schley and Susan Freeland Carol Shade JeriAnn Shapiro Connie Shelstad Robert B. Sheppard Janet Shing Laura Sinks Sidney Sue Slade Pamela D. Smith Charles R. Snorf George Somero and Amy Anderson Jean Stallings Loren Steck and Annette Yee Steck Judith Sulsona Tom Sweeney Robert and Leslie Taylor Isabel Teresa Fredrick W. Terman and Nan Borreson Peter and Anne Thorp Vincent and Evelyn Torras William H. and Susanne Tyler, III William Umeki Dr. James R. Valentine Nels P. Wiegand Kenneth and Mary Wright Richard H. and Nancy Zahm Philanthropy Endowment L aunched Investing in women and girls is critical to changing the lives of families in Monterey County, and years of research tell us that improving women’s lives is the most direct way to change entire communities. When women thrive, their families thrive and communities are transformed. The challenges facing women and girls are great, and the CFMC took a leadership role in documenting this need by commissioning The Lives of Women & Girls Status Report in 2011. Although the needs of women and girls will change over time, the importance of addressing those needs will remain constant. —Dan Baldwin Courtesy Beth Cary King The CFMC launched a $1.5 million endowment initiative as a permanent resource to generate $75,000 annually to address changing priorities. The time was “We learned that as women we are right to harness the much stronger than we thought.” momentum of impactful —Girls’ Health in Girls’ Hands participants Ilyanna Rose and grantmaking and strong Roxanna Sanchez philanthropic support to ensure permanent resources to support this vital work. The campaign was announced in May and over $560,000 has been given or pledged as of June, 2012. While the endowment is being built, the grantmaking continues. In 2011 $75,000 in grants focused on economic prosperity for women and were made to: Community Human Services, Hartnell College Foundation, Monterey Peninsula College Foundation, Natividad Foundation, Youth Arts Collective, and YWCA Monterey County. 13 A nnual Rep or t 2010 CFMC Endowment Chair, Tonya Antle (standing 3rd from right) and guests at the Women’s Fund Breakfast express their commitment to women and girls Ways to Give There are many ways to give back through the Community Foundation. We manage over 300 funds of all types. For more information visit www.cfmco.org/types of funds. Donor Advised Funds Zekai and Carolyn Akcan Fund Amy Anderson and George Somero Fund William S. and Janice R. Anderson Fund Anonymous Donor Temporary Fund Ausonio Family Fund Andrew and Victoria Ausonio Family Fund Peggy Downes Baskin Fund for Women’s Reentry Lino and Teri Belli Family Fund Benjamin Fund Marta L. Bennett Fund Buccafurni-Lawrence Fund The Buffett Fund (1 and 2) Chappellet Youth, Arts, and Ecology Fund D’Arrigo-Martin Fund Andrew and Phyllis D’Arrigo Fund 2 Marcia F. DeVoe Fund Helen R. Doe Fund Doolittle Fund Steve Eimer and Kevin Cartwright Fund Frances Elgan and Werner Kunkel Fund (1 and 2) Howard and Karin Evans Fund Davis Factor, Jr. Fund (1 and 2) Farrell/Allen Fund Doris Parker Fee Fund (1 and 2) Ted Fehring Family/Carmel Host Lions Club Fund (1 and 2) Lewis and Gloria Fenton Fund Jose F. Fernandez Fund Matthew Paul Finnigan Memorial Scholarship Fund Lori and Lou Flagg Memorial Youth Fund Tom and Mary Kay Gallagher Fund Jessica Govea-Thorbourne Memorial Fund Harlan and Barbara Hall Fund Harrison Temporary Fund Hicks Fund for the Arts Elmer G. and William G. Hitchcock Fund Kadushin Robinson Fund Jack and Patricia Kilmartin Fund The Kohn Family Theatre and Arts Fund Phyllis Geer Krystal Fund The Landreth Family Fund Leo Lanini Fund James and Susan Lansbury Fund Jefferson and Frances Larkey Memorial Fund The Barbara and Joseph Lee Fund Phyllis and Herbert Lister Temporary Fund Phyllis and Herbert Lister Fund The John and Nancy Love Fund Valera Whitford Lyles Fund John and Ann Mahoney Fund Cappy Martin/Vernon Hurd Monterey Rotary Club Fund Catherine L. and Robert O. McMahan Fund Marjorie McNeely Fund for the Blind or Illiterate B. G. Mayer Fund Lenore and Dale Meyer Fund (1 and 2) Malcolm and Joanne Millard Fund (1 and 2) Mills Family Fund Monarch Sanctuary Fund Monterey County Weekly Community Fund Monterey Peninsula Sunrise Rotary Club Fund Anthony and Lary Lynn Muller Fund C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 13 ways to Give, continued murray Fund Gilbert m. neill math Fund nepenthe/Phoenix Corporation Fund non-Point Source monitoring Fund non-Point Source Projects Fund Don nucci Fund for the Salinas valley Bob nunes Fund (1 and 2) Oak Hill Charitable Fund mike and mary Orradre Fund mike and mary Orradre temporary Fund the David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fund Salinas rodeo rotary Club Fund Salinas rotary Club Fund Salinas Steinbeck rotary Club Fund Fund for the Salinas valley the James m. Shade memorial Fund will and mary Shaw Fund robert n. and Florence Slinger Foundation Fund (1 and 2) Jeanne Smith-Holmquist Fund Snorf endowment Fund Cynthia Snorf Fund robert and Leslie taylor Fund william and Susanne tyler Fund willemsen Family Fund Field of interest Funds Fund for the 21st Century ruth L. and wilbur k. amonette Fund Paul Block, Jr. Fund Patricia J. Boles Fund maureen Bradford Fund Stephen and madeleine Conran Fund thomas Doud, Sr. and anita m. Doud Fund i ken and Gundy Duvall Fund Fund for the environment Fred Farr environmental Stewardship Fund rudy e. Futer Fund for Human and Humane needs Good neighbor Basic Human needs Fund Gumm Fund for the Performing arts elmer mills Harris Fund Literacy Campaign Fund the todd Lueders Fund for the arts kathleen and Howard marks Fund the mckay Fund engracia irene murray Field of interest Fund margaret L. musser Field of interest Fund andrew D. and marjorie S. Orrick Fund Out reach – a Fund for LGBt Life in monterey County Dr. Frank Pye Smith medical Facilities Fund katherine Curtis Springer Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patient Support Fund robert and virginia Stanton endowment Fund irving r. and Helen G. Stuart Fund the James m. and marjorie e. Sturgeon Fund tri-Counties Blood Bank Fund Dr. George and Sam kih thorngate Family Fund anita tarr turk Fund for Breast Cancer research women’s Fund Youth Fund 14 A nnual Rep or t 2011 Designated Funds 39 Craftsmen Fund for monterey County Youth museum alert monterey County Fund alliance on aging endowment Fund alzheimer’s association of monterey County arts Council of monterey County endowment Fund tony P. and marjorie ayres Fund nancy Parker Benham endowment Fund David allen Bernahl ii, Local Heroes Fund for CaSa Big Sur Health Center endowment Fund the Big Sur Land trust Conservation Fund Blind and visually impaired Center Fund the Boys and Girls Club of the monterey Peninsula Fund Carl Cherry Center for the arts Friends of the Carmel valley Library Fund Carmel Public Library Foundation – Children’s Fund Carmel Public Library Foundation Fund Carmel music Society endowment Fund Casa amesti Foundation Building endowment Fund Casa amesti Garden and House Fund Central Coast Lighthouse keepers Fund Chamber music monterey Bay Chartwell School Scholarship endowment Fund Children’s Services international Cislini Fund Howard and Lynn Classen endowment Community Partnership for Youth Fund the Gloria S. Daly endowment Fund for all Saints’ episcopal Day School elkhorn Slough Foundation, inc. Fund Fred Farr and edwin Bliss Buckeye memorial Fund Fenton Founders’ Fund for Youth music monterey the Herman Fletcher Fund Food Bank for monterey County endowment Fund a Fork in the road-a Fund Providing a Path to a Science Career Foundation for monterey County Free Libraries (Dallas Shaffer Book and Staff Development Funds) rudolph e. Futer restricted Purpose Fund John Gill aLS Patient Support Fund Goodwill industries of Santa Cruz, monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties Hester Hyde Griffin Fund for all Saints Day School Health Projects Center Fund Laurie Boone Hogen appreciation Fund for excellence in teaching the Hudson Fund ward D. and mary t. ingrim Fund interim, inc. mental illness endowment Fund Bob Jones Boy Scout Camping Fund the william kiepura Fund king City Library Fund kinship Center Fund Bishop kip Fund for all Saints School Legal Services for Seniors endowment Fund Sandy Loiacono Scholarship Fund LULaC Council # 2055 Fund Lyceum Founders’ Fund in memory of vera Hering and Claire kennedy John H. marble endowment Fund Jane P. mckay endowment Fund for the Big Sur Land trust Fellowship Program Jane P. mckay endowment Fund for Door to Hope Jane P. mckay endowment Fund for the Hartnell College Foundation Counselors’ Grants Program meals on wheels of the monterey Peninsula Fund meals on wheels of Salinas Fund, inc. eve mills memorial Fund for meals on wheels Salinas valley monterey Bay Girl Scout Council endowment Fund monterey County Film Commission Scholarship and awards Program Fund monterey County Historical Society Fund monterey County Symphony association Fund monterey museum of art Fund monterey Public Library Fund Joyce morris Fund mPC women Supporting women endowment Fund museum Foundation of Pacific Grove Fund margaret L. musser restricted Fund natividad medical Foundation Danny nugent memorial Campership Fund Ombudsman for Long-term Care Fund nellie irons Orr Scholarship Fund Pacific repertory theatre endowment Perry-Downer House Fund Saint timothy Foundation, inc. Fund Friends of the Salinas Public Library Fiscal Sponsorship Fund Salinas rodeo rotary Club Foundation agency endowment Fund 2 Friends of the Salvation army monterey Peninsula Fund Sylvia w. Schwarz endowment for reading improvement at tularcitos School Shelter Outreach Plus SPCa of monterey County Fund Sunset theater endowment Fund robinson Jeffers tor House Fund tularcitos Parent teacher Organization United way of monterey County ventana trails Forever Fund ventana wildlife Society Fund merritt v. weber Fund the western Stage endowment Fund maud Porter work rose Garden Fund York School Fund YwCa endowment Fund Stewardship Funds Chamber music monterey Bay Stewardship Fund Del monte Forest Foundation kernes adaptive aquatics Stewardship Fund Landwatch monterey County Stewardship Fund methodist Foundation of Pacific Grove Stewardship Fund rancho Cielo Youth Stewardship Fund S.t.a.r. Foundation of monterey County Stewardship Fund The Raising A Reader program for early childhood literacy received a donor advised grant unrestricted General endowment Funds kathleen and austin Barrows Fund mary Jane Drummond Fund Grover Hermann Foundation Fund marilyn and Philo Holland Fund Lauralie and J. irvine Fund George P. and Betty kendall memorial Fund John r. marron Fund the Donna roop endowment Fund the Scott Fund Scholarship and Awards Funds aia monterey Bay Concepts Competition Fund Carol C. w. Butterfield Bacon Scholarship Fund Dr. william D. Barr Scholarship Fund for excellence in educational Leadership the Bissell Fund James Bliss and annette Sward Forestry and nursing Scholarship Fund margaret and Seba Bronson Scholarship Fund California Polytechnic State University agriculture Business Department endowment Fund Carmel High School Class of 1952 Fund Bill Clapper memorial music Scholarship Fund the nancy wheelis Dodd Fund David L. Ferguson Scholarship Fund Flagg Scholarship Holding Fund the allen S. Griffin Fund Geraldyn r. Griffith memorial Scholarship Fund ed kennedy Journalism Scholarship Fund kier memorial Scholarship Fund the Jim martin Scholarship Fund robert Hattori nakamura memorial Scholarship Fund anthony nicholas narigi memorial Baseball endowment kristopher Pallastrini Fund James rote and Les Strnad Scholarship Fund San ardo Foundation for education theodore r. Sarbin research and Scholarship award Fund the Harles r. Sarment College endowment alan and rita Shugart Scholarship Fund robert Stanton award Fund wilbur H. and maxine D. Stevens Scholarship Fund Charles Joseph watts Scholarship Fund Shelley watts Scholarship Fund Horace H. wilson Scholarship Fund Operational excellence Optimize performance and stewardship for maximum impact the national Standards Seal says our house is in order. it is excellent validation of the work we do on behalf of our fund holders and the community. —Dan Baldwin, President/CeO the CFmC’s ability to implement its mission at the highest possible level is based on a commitment to organizational excellence. the Foundation sits at the nexus of remarkable philanthropy, impactful grantmaking and community leadership. we must be responsible stewards of assets and donor intent, structure a strong and responsive grant program and be tuned into community and nonprofit issues where the CFmC’s role as convener or initiator can be effective. we rely on thoughtful governance and high operational standards to best accomplish these goals. the governance committee became a new standing committee of the board in 2011. it evolved out of the nominating committee. the governance committee not only assumes nominating responsibilities – and the charge of sustaining a committed board that represents all of monterey County – but also deals with issues relating to governance, including by-law review and board committee descriptions. the CFmC is strongly associated with stewardship of assets. in early 2011 the investment committee embarked on a thorough process to determine whether it was time to restructure our investment consulting relationships. it was decided to send an rFP to several Philanthropic Services Officer, Nick Gregorio, introduces Carmel Woman’s Club board members Tina DiMaria and Terry McHenry to DonorCentral (l to r) 2012 Board Chair, Craig Johnson and President, Dan Baldwin in front of the recently purchased building at 2354 Garden Road in Monterey investment consultants. Five were interviewed. in December we hired wurts & associates to partner with our investment committee on the oversight of our portfolio. wurts brings research and analysis that the Foundation cannot do on its own. to better serve the expanse of our county, we expanded and upgraded our existing Salinas office to include a conference room and an executive office. we also purchased the monterey office building on Garden road; not only was this a sound financial decision but demonstrates that the CFmC is truly, “Here for Good.” we broadened our communications to include social media, upgraded our computer system, improved our website, created the position of Philanthropic Service Officer to better serve our fundholders and invested in DonorCentral software for our fund holders. all of this is reflected in the CFmC’s 2011 reconfirmation to be in compliance with rigorous national Standards. this “seal of approval” signifies that we have demonstrated our commitment to financial security, transparency and accountability. monterey County counts on the Community Foundation to ensure that our charitable assets are used to their greatest impact now and in the future. C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 15 Giving Back 2011 Contributors Premier Partners Our living Premier Partners have made unrestricted endowment gifts of $25,000 or more. David and Laurie Benjamin Marjorie Chaney William and Nancy Doolittle Roberta Elliott Davis J. Factor, Jr. Sydney P. Harrison William and Jeanne Landreth Lovell and Elizabeth Langstroth Howard H. and Gretchen Leach Barbara Lee Joseph A. and Sheila Mark Julie E. Packard Friends of the Foundation Gifts that provide operating support Academies for Social Entrepreneurship Susan Alnes Frank and Regina Amato Rick and Tonya Antle The Applewood Fund at the Community Foundation for Santa Cruz County David G. and Christine Armanasco Baszucki Family Fund of the Catholic Community Fund John Beesley Brian and Sandra Berris Barbara Block James W. and Janice M. Bogart Thomas P. and Mary Bohnen Richard J. and Judy Borda Peter K. and Incy Brooks Joy Earl and Ann Brown Barbara B. Bucquet Robert C. and Kalah Bumba Patrick and Aimee Burke Phyllis J. Burkey John W. and Alice Carley Greg M. Chilton Joan Mt. Pleasant Chapman Jeanette Cisneros Musicians from Youth Music Monterey’s South County Strings 16 A nnual Rep or t 2011 Cynthia A. Cuellar Betsy Densmore Alfred and Elvira Diaz-Infante, Jr. Dorothy Dodge William and Nancy Doolittle Davis Factor Jr. Fund David G. and Jill Fanucchi Lowel I. Figen Cyrus and Jean Fitton Anna Foglia James B. and Nancy Foster Kurt Gollnick and Janet Rodgers Harrison Gough Smillka Goynich Pauline Hamerly Faye E. Hanger Harrison Fund Ruth Hartmann Arthur W. Haseltine Kenneth N. and Anne A. Helms D. Vernon and Joyce Horton Jay and Kip Hudson David G. Huey and Carla Hudson Mary F. Hutton Craig L. and Christine Johnson Leslie B. Kadis and Ruth M. McClendon Ruth G. Kelly Rick and Martha Kennifer The Estate of William Kiepura Harvey and Kay Kuffner William and Jeanne Landreth Paul Lapidus and Lindasue Marshall Gifford and Pam Lehman Henry A. and Helga M. Leighton John and Ann Mahoney Joseph A. and Sheila Mark Harry and Bok Yon Lee Mauras John B. and Jane McCoy Michael L. McMahan and Neal W. McMahan Thomas D. Melville and James Cooper Herbert Meyer Joyce Morris Fund Sidney and Lynn Morris Anthony and Lary Lynn Muller Fund Dorothea G. Mumford Vicki Nelson Charles T. Olvis and Miranda S. Morris John M. and Patti Phillips James H. and Jane L. Price William and Marlene Raey Donald M. Scanlon William R. Scheidecker Gary D. Schwartz Kenneth and Daria Shachmut Christine E. Sleeter Robert and Florence Slinger Fund Pamela D. Smith Laura M. Solorio Mark and Mary Starr Jane A. Stile Stephen D. and Lynn Storey The Stuart Living Trust Daniel M. Tellep Fredrick W. Terman and Nan Borreson James Tyler Mark J. and Barbara Verbonich George R. and Patricia Walker David H. and Michaelin Watts Joanne Webster Stanley and Celia Weiss Hope D. Williams Jayne Wilsey Samuel L. Wright, Jr. Marvin J. and Karla Wolf Marsha McMahan Zelus In Honor of Wolfgang Haas Robert Haas In Honor of Ray and Celia Sanborn Kenneth and Mary Wright In Honor of Mary Wright Joanne Nissen In Memory of John Bailie and Sybil Chappellet Georgina J. Bailie In Memory of Alyssa Bolante Andrew and Georgia Howard In Memory of Jean B. Mitchell William B. and Vicki Mitchell In Memory of Gordon Nakagawa Robert P. Balles Chad and Katherine Lincoln Jeanne Nakagawa R.A. and Mary Ann Pirotte Tony P. and Marjorie Ayres Fund Tony P. Ayres In Honor of Tony Ayres’ birthday Roger and Laurie Snaith Laurie Ayres Snaith In Memory of Marjorie Ayres Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clement Mrs. Arthur Deicke Bonnie Grey In Memory of Arthur Deicke Tony P. Ayres Dr. William D. Barr Scholarship Fund for Excellence in Educational Leadership William D. and Karen Barr James Bliss and Annette Sward Forestry and Nursing Scholarship In Honor of Miriam Bliss Ray E. and Teri Cotham, Jr. Maureen Bradford Fund Estate of Maureen Bradford Margaret and Seba Bronson Scholarship Fund Stanford University Big Sur Health Center Endowment Fund Anonymous Pavey Family Foundation Eugene and Maya Rizzo The Big Sur Land Trust Conservation Fund In Memory of Beau Breck Robert L. and Sarah S. Bouchier In Memory of Francis Whisler Robert L. and Sarah S. Bouchier The Boys and Girls Club of the Monterey Peninsula Eugene and Maya Rizzo Buccafurni-Lawrence Fund Paul Lawrence and Marian Buccafurni Casa Amesti Garden and House Fund Baszucki Family Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation Peter K. Brooks Kenneth Petersen In Memory of Samuel Beau Breck Hugh Barton In Memory of Mason Case Hugh Barton Casa Amesti Foundation Building Endowment Fund James S. Chibidakis In Memory of Beau Breck Richard J.Borda Thomas P. Conmy Carmel High School Class of 1952 Fund Robert G.and Ann Allen Beverly A. Freeman The Honorable Barry and Cathleen Hammer Peter C. Hatton J. Jack W. and Sharon Hilgers Lisa Hoivik Francis P. and Mary Anne Lloyd Michael E. and Marion McPherson James I. and Barbara Miller Franklin Zane Morehead William and Susan Morris Gilbert M. Neill and Rod Woodard Janice Pierce Paula A. Roloff Walter M. and Janet C. Shaw Robert A. Updike Chris and Dinah Van Peski Jane L. Weisser Bill Clapper Memorial Music Scholarship Fund Mary J. Clapper Chamber Music Monterey Bay Chamber Music Monterey Bay George Somero and Amy Anderson D’Arrigo-Martin Fund Margaret D’Arrigo-Martin The Nancy Wheelis Dodd Fund martin Dodd ralph G. Heun and mary Dodd Heun Brian r. and Sheryl merrill Doolittle Fund william and nancy Doolittle thomas H. and elinor H. wilson Mary Jane Drummond Fund estate of mary Jane Drummond Frances elgan and Werner Kunkel Fund Frances H. elgan Dr. Leslie eliason excellence in Teaching Award intrepid Philanthropy Fund Fred Farr and edwin Bliss Buckeye Memorial Fund the ancient & Honorable Society of Buckeye Stephen w. Dyer and Cynthia martin Dyer James ringrose, iii Fred Farr environmental Stewardship Fund albert J. alvarez James ringrose, iii Farrell/Allen Fund James agan albert alvarez Phil arnold tom atherton reed Bartron Charles Chrietzberg Dick Cook Joan Demers william Doolittle richard kehoe Christopher manke Sam mcLeod richard nystrom thomas Olivola monta Potter Judith Profeta rotary Club of Carmel-by-the-Sea James rotter merv Sutton Harris taylor terry trotter Bill tyler G.r. wiley Lucy willman Doris Parker Fee Fund Carl e. Davis kenneth r. and mary wright Matthew Paul Finnigan Memorial Scholarship Fund Chevron Humankind matching Gift Program James and Sharon Cronin timothy D. Finnigan marta r. krogstad Owen Oakley witeby Family trust Lori and Lou Flagg Memorial Youth Fund ryan and marni Flagg andy Parsons A Fork in the Road – A Fund Providing a Path to a Science Career Peter C. Hatton Friends of the Salinas Public Library Fiscal Scholarship Fund the California endowment Frances elgan & werner kunkel Fund monterey Peninsula Foundation Fund for the environment norma H. Davis william and nancy Doolittle maggie Hardy arthur w. Haseltine Harriet mitteldorf Rudy e. Futer Fund for human and humane Needs (l to r) Volunteer Honorio Della, Higinio Serna, Soledad Mayor Fred Ledesma and Meels of Wheels of Salinas Valley board member Gary Gerbrandt Kier Memorial Scholarship Fund In Memory of Phil Kier mary Louise Godfrey LandWatch Monterey County Stewardship Fund Landwatch monterey County estate of rudy Futer First 5 monterey County The Landreth Family Fund General endowment Fund of the Community Foundation Literacy Campaign Fund kurt Gollnick and Janet rodgers L. Bruce and margery meyer estate of robert Stanton J. Breck and nancy tostevin In Memory of Maggie Downer Gilbert m. neill and rod woodard John Gill ALS Patient Support Fund John and madeline van Zander Jessica Govea-Thorbourne Memorial Fund John Govea robert wood Johnson Foundation Laura Solorio harrison Fund Sydney Harrison Grover hermann Foundation Fund Grover Hermann Foundation Laurie Boone hogen Appreciation Fund for excellence in Teaching In Honor of Laurie Boone Hogen robert L. and Sarah S. Bouchier Bob Jones Boy Scout Camping Fund Calvin t. Jones and terre rindal In Memory of Robert P. Jones marc r. and kathy isaacson Kernes Adaptive Aquatics Stewardship Fund Josephine kernes memorial Pool The William Kiepura Fund estate of william kiepura william and Jeanne Landreth First 5 monterey County Steinbeck Country Book Club marvin J. and karla wolf Sandy Loiacono Scholarship Fund kenneth e. and Jeri Buzelle ronald Loiacono ryan Loiacono The John and Nancy Love Fund John and nancy Love The Todd Lueders Fund for the Arts John w. and alice Carley roderick L. and Suzanne Dewar william and nancy Doolittle Frank and Barbara keith thomas e. and Sherrie mcCullough Lee and Shirley rosen raymond and antoinette Simmons Cappy Martin/Vernon hurd Monterey Rotary Club Fund Daniel albert Daniel albert, Jr. Carl anderson David G. armanasco Bert aronson robert aurner Daniel Baldwin Brad Barbeau Jay Bartow Daniel Biondi James Booth Chris Cabanillas John Carley Chris Chidlaw Shelly Claudel anthony Cosentino ron Coulter richard D. Crowell william D. Curtis John Danelon Charles Della Sala roderick L. Dewar Libby Downey wayne G. Downey arthur Dunn Larry Durocher Don edgren norm edwards ryan edwards Bill. H. Falor Bud Foy Susan Freeland Doug Garrison robert e. Grochau marvin Guillermo marilynn Dunn Gustafson russ Haisley Chuck Harmon Dianne F. Harrison michael Hendrickson Denis Horn alex Hubbard Jay Hudson Becky B. Jackson rolf e. Johnsen Charlie keeley ralph keill Debi Hardwick kennedy nolan kennedy rick kennifer alice v. kinsler Bob klevan kay kocek nancy kotowski Dan kreer Clay Larson David Lee martin r. Lipp Skip Lloyd Jack Lynch John mahoney Bob martin Bill mcafee Dennis mcCarthy tom mcCullough wayne mcDaniel Daniel m. mcGilloway, Jr Steve merrell C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 17 Giving Back 2011 Contributors, continued Cappy Martin/Vernon Hurd Monterey Rotary Club Fund, continued.. Michael Mosebach Gil Neill Matt Nelson Dan O’Brien Daniel T. Oliver Richard J. Pagnillo Steve Pearson R. Walt Prowell Shawn Quinn Hansen Reed Bob Russell Terrance Ryan George Schroeder Kim Stemler Clark Struve Ralph W. Thompson, III J. Breck Tostevin Yutaka Uyeda James R. Valentine Terry Wecker Nels Wiegand Marjorie McNeely Fund for the Blind or Illiterate In Memory of Donald and Marjorie McNeely Nora McNeely Hurley Methodist Foundation of Pacific Grove Stewardship Fund Methodist Foundation of Pacific Grove Lenore and Dale Meyer Fund Lenore Meyer Monarch Sanctuary Fund Paul Finnegan Helen Johnson Mary O’Connell Little Shop of Horrors, 2011 courtesy of Fund for the Arts grantee, The Western Stage 18 A nnual Rep or t 2011 The Sarikonda Family In Honor of Helen Johnson John and Tama Olver Monterey County Weekly Community Fund The Monterey County Gives! 2011 campaign brought in $572,000 in contributions from over 1,300 individuals benefiting 94 nonprofits. a complete list of contributiors can be found at www.cfmco.org/MCGives. Monterey Public Library Fund Burton Anderson David G. Armanasco William and Grace Ashby Robert Bell and Francisca Garcia Bell Happer Campbell John and Mary Castagna Russel and Marion Catterlin Philip and Carla Coniglio Earl Wayne and Linda Cruzan Paul and Anne Davis Carole Dawson Chuck and Sandy Della Sala Kathleen DeMaria John and Nancy Durein Richard and Janice Elster Robert Enea Friends of the Monterey Public Library Mary Fry Ron and Gloria Gieg Andy Gonzalez and Ann Prego Edward and Vicki Gularte Diane Harmon Ruth Hartmann Roy Hattori Elizabeth Hilleary Jay and Kip Hudson Charlene Jackson Mary Ann Kane Lloyd and Barbara Koster Peter and Jean Kracht Geoffrey M. Loftus Karen Verga Layton Robert and Fabia Massaro John C. and Joan Jeffers McCleary Andrew and Jeanne McCombs Douglas and Virginia McLain Fred E. and Phyllis Meurer Harry and Suzanne Mucha Elizabeth Murray Al Nicora Carl Outzen Harold G. and Laverne B. Ragan Maxine Reneker Clyde and Dottie Roberson Marga Rose Bruce and Diane Rowe Richard and Marilyn Ruccello Louis A. and Janice Russo Kevin Saunders Nancy Selfridge Steven L. Silveria and Kim Bui-Burton Jennifer Smith and Douglas Holtzman Michael and Barbara Sovereign David and Maryanne Spradling David and Rosalie Strong Linda Thorpe J. Breck and Nancy Tostevin Dorothy Wallace Allan and Anne Washburn Joanne White William and Kathleen Wojtkowski George and Alice Yamanishi Cary and Lynn Yeh In Honor of Aurzella Duong Bui Steven L. Silveria and Kim Bui-Burton SPCA of Monterey County Murray Fund The Stuart Living Trust Eileen F. Murray Anthony Nicholas Narigi Memorial Fund John and Roxane Narigi In Honor of Anthony’s birthday Marilyn Gary Gilbert M. Neill Math Fund Gilbert M. Neill and Rod Woodard Bob Nunes Fund F. Robert Nunes Mike and Mary Orradre Fund Michel and Mary Orradre Out Reach - A Fund for LGBT Life in Monterey County Daniel Baldwin and Anne Ylvisaker Thomas D. Melville and James Cooper Matthew Simis and Michael Grey Donor Advised fund held at The Schwab Charitable Fund Pacific Repertory Theatre Endowment Stephen Moorer Perry-Downer House Fund In Memory of Maggie Downer Roderick L. and Suzanne Dewar William and Nancy Doolittle Jay and Kip Hudson Harry C. and Janet Lewis Todd and Kathy Lueders Clarice M. Pruitt Katsuaki and Sue Terasawa J. Breck and Nancy Tostevin Pat Ward Kenneth and Mary Wright Rancho Cielo Youth Stewardship Fund Rancho Cielo Youth Inc. Friends of the Salvation Army Monterey Peninsula Fund In Memory of John Bartowick Sean and Becky Flavin Katherine Curtis Springer Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patient Support Fund Estate of Katherine Curtis Springer Eugene and Maya Rizzo S. T. A. R. Foundation of Monterey County Stewardship Fund Reg Huston Irving R. and Helen G. Stuart Fund Sunset Theater Endowment Fund William and Nancy Doolittle Anita Tarr Turk Fund for Breast Cancer Research Estate of Anita Tarr Turk In Memory of Anita Tarr Turk FRFG Club of Gilroy Pete and Julia Gimenez Dan and Diane Matson Morgan Hill PEO Robert and Ruth Solomon William and Suzanne Tyler Fund William H. and Susanne Tyler, III Ventana Wildlife Society Fund In Honor of Janet Shing Sal and Ada Lucido In Memory of Mike Tyner Sal and Ada Lucido Ventana Trails Forever Fund Thomas A. and Julie Anne Hopkins Eugene and Maya Rizzo Marsha McMahan Zelus Horace H. Wilson Scholarship Fund Julia B. Wilson Women’s Fund Tina Ada Carol Ada Lori Addison Ginger Aguilar Mike and Cass Antle Rick and Tonya Antle Michelle Arnold Nikki Ashley Pat Avestruz Arthur and Barbara Babcock Shari Babitzke Daniel Baldwin and Anne Ylvisaker Anne Banta Carmela Beck Tina Beecher David and Laurie Benjamin Mark Boos Robert L. and Sarah S. Bouchier Sarah S. Bouchier Donna Brandt Pat and vivian Brennand Demi Briscoe David Buckingham and Constance murray the Buffett Fund Jason and melissa Burnett Galen Call mara Cantor Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation martha Carruth Julie a. Cason and Lisa k. Crawley maggie Cervantes Joanna Champoux ida Chan tracy Chappell Janine Chicourrat Lavonne B. Chin michelle Chisum Stephen m. Cohen and Barbara Donaker-Cohen ken Coleman and kathryn Harrison edgard and Shirley Coly Comerica Charitable Foundation Julie Conrad elizabeth Contreras Don and Jackie Craghead Carol Crandall Jacqueline Cruz karen Csejtey karen Curtis Heidi Daunt Cindy Davis John and Gail Delorey Joan Demers Patti Desmond Fatima Dias rob and Julie k. Drezner F. June Dugan ellen Dunnion Lillian eccher Carol edeza mona eisenberg ericka engelman kelsey escoto Gordon e. and ronda eubanks, Jr. Leland evans and Catherine kobrinsky evans rena Feuerstein anna Foglia Linda Ford william Gallagher Susan Galvin maria a.Y. Garcia Jeri and James Gattis Dirk and maria L. Giannini Pilar Gose molly C. Goshorn Beverly Grova kathleen Guice Beverly L. Hamilton Chrissy Haines krista Hanni C.J. Hansen mary ellen Harris mary Hatfield Bill and adriana Hayward Lisa Hernandez Carmen Herrera-mansir Lori Hightower Sharon Hoffman Susanne Holm Lynn Holt toula Hubbard kay Huettmann emily Hull Parsons elaine Hunt Julie iliff thayer Cheryl indelicato virginia Jameson terri Jimenez Doris m. Jones Felicia Perez kausin Pauline kirby Johanna koch Daniel r. kurz and katharine Daniels-kurz edie Landon Hilary Landry thomas and wendy Lang monica Latourette Linda J. Lee Gifford and Pam Lehman elece Leverone ritch Lewis and tia Gindick Sue Lewis Barbara Lipman elizabeth Lorenzi Jean Lovell marsha Lubow mia maddoux Piper magallanes michael and tobi marcus nanci L. markey Carla r. martinez Jennifer martinez Jane mcCoy Susan mcDonald Sue mcFeron marti mckim Jane meade-roberts michele melicia-Young Sheryl merrill ione miller william B. and vicki mitchell Jeanette nicely michelle noseworthy erica Padilla-Chavez the Doris Parker Fee Fund ana Paz-rangel Lanette Penna kenneth Peterson and Paulette Lynch Christine Pihl Claudia Pizarro-villalobos rose Politzer Carmen Ponce June Ponce Cathy Powers Jim Procida and Judy Higgerson eva Quiroz-mojica ruth S. rachel ruth raimundo Bill rawson and Judy Sulsona Gary ray and katy Castagna trinh retterer Suzanne rinnhofer margaret robinson alastair and Francine rodd Gloria rodda Gary and robin rodriguez Suzan rodriguez andrea rosenberg Becki ross Jamie roth Jennie rouch Susan rowland Catherine a. rusmore P. anne Sanchez amy Sands Yvonne Santos valerie Schlothauer Stacey Schrader Claus H. Shelling and alison Pratt Shelling Pamela Sheppard marla Sher maureen Signorella Lori Silver Judy Silverstein nancy Skager evelyn Sloan Betty Jean Stallings kim Stemler Jane Sullivan william e.and teresa Sullivan angie trujillo Celina trujillo Jan vanderbilt robin venuti kim wasserman katherine wenglikowski Cynthia western-Heckman Brandy wiggins marie wilson marvin J. and karla wolf renea L. wood Linda Yellich Lorraine Yglesias-rice Diane Young edward and mona Zander In Honor of Aimee Burke and Tobi Marcus Susan Greenbaum In Honor of the marriage of Cathy and Steve Corey Stephen and Betsey Pearson In Honor of friends and family Dale Gieg and traci townsend In Honor of Benjamin Hart kathryn a. Hart In Honor of Konny Murray Phillip n. Butler and Barbara J. Baldock Jude Callis Priscilla walton In Honor of Mara Cantor, Mona Eisenberg, Rena Feuerstein, Susan Greenbaum, Lynn Holt, Sharon Hoffman, Irene Nicola, Kimberly Roberts and Evelyn Sloan Patrick and aimee Burke In Memory of Mary Calder Jeffrey m. and amanda Holder In Memory of Artelle and Pascal Dilday Christine Dilday Johnson and Craig Johnson In Memory of Juliette Kosmont Charles i. and Deborah kosmont __________________________________ event Sponsors alvarez technology Group astera Financial Group, LLC BBr LLP, Certified Public accountants Bianchi, kasavan & Pope LLP First national Bank of Central California Pebble Beach Company Scheid vineyards in Kind Donors 2011 a to Z Printing alisal Healthy Start Family resource Center Cathy andrews tonya antle Chartwell School CHiSPa, vineyard Green townhomes Corral de tierra Country Club Linda Coyne robin DeFilippi Golden 1 Credit Union Jeri Gattis richard Green Photography the Harden Foundation Hartnell College Hyatt regency monterey Beth Cary king kirk kennedy Photography martin Luther king School (mPUSD) monterey County Business Council monterey County Free Libraries, Seaside and Gonzales Branches monterey County Office of education nardozza & associates national Steinbeck Center Francisco X. Pinedo Salinas valley Community Church Scheid vineyards Swenson and Sillaci tanimura & antle Pro Bono Consulting, Stanford Alumni Consulting Team Barbara Bishop Jim Graber alex Lilley Denny Paul Brooks mcChesney David tarumoto ron wormser Pro Bono Leadership Coaches - LeAD institute anne auburn Lisa Bennett Clinton “Clint” Bolden randi Buckley Gary Byrne Liza Culick anna Foglia Linda Ford robert Freiri Sharon Gish Jim Graber Grace Hammond Jim Hekkers nancy Loshkajian Linda O’Brien Pat Obuchowski Christine Silver marissa tirona ron wormser nicole Young Presenters and Trainers Jan Cohen, academies for Social entrepreneurship Patricia m. kaufman, CPa and nancy rimberg, mcGilloway, ray, Brown & kaufman Paula Smith-arriogoti, nonprofit Finance Fund This list represents our donors in 2011. Inevitably with such a list, oversights may occur. If there has been an error or omission, we apologize and ask that you notify us at 831.375.9712 or info@cfmco.org so we may correct our records and recognize your generosity. C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 19 2011 Financial Summary Total assets $135,453,399 Environment 7% Education 16% Health 12% Historic Preservation 2% Literacy 6% Other Miscellaneous 3% Community & Social Services 29% Animal Welfare 5% Arts & Culture 20% The Foundation received $10.4 million in new contributions and 15 new funds were opened. As of 12/31/11 assets totaled $135 million. The CFMC is in the top 100 foundations in the country in asset size.* The return on investments was –2.18%. *Columbus Survey Total Grants from all Funds - $7, 010,855 Program Area Count Grant Amounts % Animal Welfare Arts & Culture Community & Social Service Education Environment Health Historic Preservation Literacy Other/Miscellaneous 31 125 238 168 75 84 17 11 26 334,342 1,422,510 2,022,515 1,123,352 468,616 858,057 123,872 420,648 236,945 5% 20% 29% 16% 7% 12% 2% 6% 3% 775 7,010,855* 100% *Includes amounts distributed on behalf of others 20 A nnual Rep or t 2011 COmmUnit Y FOUnDatiOn FOr mOntereY COUnt Y CONDeNSeD STATeMeNT OF ACTiViTieS AND ChANGeS iN NeT ASSeTS FOR The YeAR eNDeD DeCeMBeR 31, 2011 Additions Contributions Other income $10,378,994 193,375 total assets 10,572,369 investment loss (2,141,367) Grants and expenses Grants Other operating expenses 6,680,591 2,482,229 total grants and expenses 9,162,820 Decrease in net assets (731,818) Net assets Beginning of year 117,729,173 end of Year $116,997,355 CONDeNSeD STATeMeNT OF FiNANCiAL POSiTiON AS OF DeCeMBeR 31, 2011 Assets Cash and equivalents Contributions receivable investments, carried at market value mutual funds and equities Cash and money market funds Beneficial interest in remainder trusts administered by other trustees assets held in charitable remainder trusts Property and equipment, net Other assets total assets $ 8,804,112 3,081,235 92,836,350 9,958,662 874,856 17,519,049 1,733,925 645,210 135,453,399 Liabilities and net assets Grants payable accounts payable and accrued expenses Liabilities under split-interest agreements and charitable remainder trusts Funds held for others total liabilities 556,700 320,372 11,732,401 5,846,571 18,456,044 total net assets $116,997,355 This condensed Financial Statement was prepared by BBR, LLP based on audited financial statements prepared by them for the year ending December 31, 2011. A copy of the complete audited financial statements or the IRS Form 990 can be obtained at the Foundation’s office or online at www.cfmco.org. C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 21 Governance Photo by Richard Green 2011-2012 Board of Direc tors Back (l to r): Rick Kennifer, Attorney at Law, Johnson, Fantl & Kennifer, LLP Mark Verbonich, Vice President Community Affairs, Pebble Beach Company James Claypool, Economic Development Manager, City of Seaside (retired) Craig Johnson (2012 Chair, 2011 Vice Chair), Investment Banker, Wood Warren & Co. Ann Brown (2012 Vice Chair), rancher Alfred Diaz-Infante, President/CEO CHISPA Stephen Dart, Principal, Dart Family Co. Inc. Kurt Gollnick (2011 Chair), Chief Operating Officer, Scheid Vineyards Front (l to r): Gail Delorey (Treasurer), CPA, Development Partner, Bianchi, Kasavan & Pope, LLP Tina Lopez, Branch Manager, Pacific Valley Bank Jeri Gattis (Secretary), Community Volunteer Tonya Antle, Community Volunteer, Principal, Tanimura & Antle Sarah Bouchier, Real Estate Agent, Carmel Realty Company Not Pictured: Greg Chilton, Attorney at Law, Chilton & House, LLP; Catherine Kobrinsky Evans, Partner, The Kobrinsky Group; Kelly McMillin, Chief, Salinas Police Department; Judge John Phillips (retired), President, Rancho Cielo Youth Campus We are especially grateful to: Byrl Anderson-Smith, Tom Bohnen, Jim Bogart, and J. Breck Tostevin, for their service which ended in 2011. 22 A nnual Rep or t 2011 Stewardship Photo by richard Green 2011-2012 S taFF BaCk ( L tO r): Julie Drezner – vice President Grants and Programs Lynn mcDonald – Program Officer tobi marcus – Director of resource Development Dan Baldwin – President/CeO kathy Coopman – Grants and Data manager nick Gregorio – Philanthropic Services Officer Julie Conrad – administrative Services manager Susie Polnaszek – Program associate, Center for nonprofit excellence Diane nonella – Director of Finance & Human resources FrOnt (L tO r): Sahlee rentfrow – accounting Coordinator amanda Holder – Communications Officer Jan mcalister – Development associate kaki rusmore – Director, Center for nonprofit excellence Janet Shing – Senior Program Officer aurelio Salazar, Jr. – Program Officer nOt PiCtUreD: Deirdre Dineen, kathryn Hart, Jackie wendland C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y 23 Service 2011 COmmit teeS S ta n D i n G CO m m i t t ee S executive Committee kurt Gollnick – Chair, Craig Johnson – vice Chair, Jeri Gattis – Secretary, Breck tostevin – treasurer, Jim Bogart, thomas Bohnen, ann Brown LEAD Institute volunteer coaches play a key role in the program each year audit Committee Craig Johnson – Chair, Paul Bianchi, thomas Bohnen, Gail Delorey, kurt Gollnick, Breck tostevin Grants and Programs ann Brown – Chair, Jackie Cruz, alfred Diaz-infante, kelly mcmillin, John Phillips, elliott robinson, mark verbonich investment Committee Craig Johnson – Chair, David Benjamin, Paul Bianchi, Steve Dart, Bill Doolittle, roberta elliott, kurt Gollnick, Breck tostevin Finance Committee Breck tostevin – Chair, Steve Dart, Gail Delorey, kurt Gollnick, Craig Johnson nominating Committee Jim Bogart – Chair, Sarah Bouchier, alfred Diaz-infante, Jeri Gattis, kurt Gollnick, Lydia villarreal Personnel Committee Jim Bogart – Chair, Gail Delorey, alfred Diaz-infante, kurt Gollnick, kelly mcmillin Facilities Committee Sarah Bouchier – Chair, Jim Gattis, John mahoney LeaD institute advisory Committee nina alcaraz, Gary Byrne, Christina Cuevas, karen Csejtey, Chris Hasegawa, Laura kasa, Stella Lauerman, Barbara mitchell, reyna navarette, Sue Parris, Jan Phillips Paulsen, Joy rubey, Blanca tavera neighborhood Grants Committee Brielle Bumba, Linda Coyne, Jackie Cruz, Lupita Garnica, Omar murrillo, John Phillips, Carissa Purnell, Celina trujillo real estate advisory Committee Sarah Bouchier – Chair, thomas Bohnen, Christine Chin, Jim Heisinger (Counsel), John mahoney, Bill mitchell robert and virginia Stanton endowment Committee ramona Smith – Chair, Steve Dart, kurt Gollnick, kip Hudson, Gordon Paul Smith, Breck tostevin women’s Fund Grants Committee thomas Bohnen – Chair, tonya antle, Paul Bianchi, Sarah Bouchier, Jeri Gattis, kurt Gollnick, roberta Huntington, John Phillips, mark verbonich konny murray – Chair, Barbara Babcock, vivian Brennand, ann Brown, Julie Cason, Lisa Crawley, Joan Crenshaw, karen Csejtey, Petie Helfrich, emily Hull-Parsons, Princess killens, Gerrie mejia, Carissa Purnell, Felicia Perez-kausin, traci townsend aDviSOrY COmmit teeS women’s Fund impact Committee resource Development Doud Committee mary wright – Chair, meg Clovis, ilene tuttle konny murray – Chair, vivian Brennand, ann Brown, Joan Crenshaw, karen Csejtey, emily Hull-Parsons, Felicia Perez-kausin, traci townsend, Jacqueline wolf in memOriUm 24 A nnual Rep or t 2011 MAGGie DOWNeR Distinguished trustee award recipient COL. DOROTheA (TeRRY) LAYNe Fund Holder PAT ShiRK Legacy Society 2 0 11 H i G H L i G H t O F aCCOm PLiSH m en tS — Granted over $7 million — Created new mission, vision and values statements — Began implementation of new strategic plan — Developed new grantmaking framework — Purchased monterey office building — Began Salinas office expansion — initiated Charitable Gift annuities licensing process — implemented DonorCentral fund holder software — Created social media presence — Launched women’s Fund endowment — accepted $10 million in gifts — Became re-confirmed in Compliance with national Standards PLUS: Ongoing grantmaking through the General endowment, women’s Fund, Stanton, technical assistance and neighborhood Grants; increasing nonprofit capacity through the LeaD institute and management assistance Program; transitioning the Literacy Campaign for monterey County to a new nonprofit and hosting the annual women’s Fund Breakfast and Celebration of Philanthropy. (l to r) Save Our Shores staffers Laura Kasa, Andrew Hoeksema, Emily Glanville and Lauren Dockendorf celebrate their efforts to ban styrofoam containers and single-use plastic bags around Monterey Bay monterey Office 2354 Garden road monterey, Ca 93940 Phone: 831.375.9712 Fax: 831.375.4731 Salinas Office 945 S. main St., Suite 207 Salinas, Ca 93901 Phone: 831.754.5880 Fax: 831.754.5876 email: info@cfmco.org www.cfmco.org Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cfmco Counsel <---Full Size Vert Sidney m. morris, esq. Heisinger, Buck & morris P.O. Box 5427 Carmel, Ca 93921 831.624.3891 member, Council on Foundations <---- Full Size Horiz member, League of California Community Foundations Confirmed in Compliance with national Standards for U.S. Community Foundations <---- Mini Size Ve Graphic Design: Osborne Design Publication Coordination: amanda Holder Photo by Chip Scheuer for Santa Cruz weekly Printed on recycled paper <---with vegetable basedMini ink C ommunit y Found ation for M onterey C ount y Size Ho 25 25 Non-Profit US Postage PAID Permit No 137 Monterey CA 2354 Garden Road • Monterey, CA 93940 www.cfmco.org ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED “Healthy, Safe, Vibrant Communities” 26 A nnual Rep or t 2011