Cat And Human Blood Vessel Study Guide. New For 2014. Wcsu

BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC 1 WCSU BIO 106 NVCC BIO 212 BLOOD VESSELS LAB and ASSIGNMENT Courtesy of: Dr. Susan Maskel Professor of Biology Western ConnecDcut State University Danbury, CT 06810 Source materials: UCONN site: h6p:// Elaine Marieb Lab workbooks and others, as indicated. lecture textbook, Fig. 18.1 Pulmonary 2 CirculaBon O2 poor blood from heart to lungs; O2 rich blood from lungs to heart Systemic CirculaBon O2 rich blood from heart to body Dssues; O2 poor blood from body Dssues to heart BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC Example: Systemic CirculaBon 3 ExcepBon: HepaBc Portal CirculaBon 4 heart ascending aorta aorBc arch descending aorta renal artery kidney renal vein inferior vena cava heart Blood from digesDve system picks up nutrients, toxins. Liver monitors nutrients, toxins. Blood from digesDve organs goes to liver before returning to heart. digesBve organs hepaBc portal vein liver hepaBc veins inferior vena cava heart BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC Cat DissecBon 5 Use only side sinks for cats Sink in back of room: people only!!!! 1 cat per 2 students Use same bag & preservaDve unless leaking 2 tags – in pencil (not pen) – your name, your lab partner’s name; 1 tag on paw; 1 tag on outside of bag about 1/8 cup preservaDve in bag when stored NO CAT PARTS IN SINK! (if cat parts are found in sink, extra credit will no longer be given on lab quizzes & exams) rinse cat trays when finished clean your staDon with desk wash when finished page 700 page 700 page 412 The cat you receive should look very much like this cat. 6 BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC page 721 2 or 2
page 721 4
Cut open your cat as indicated in this diagram. 7 Incision
page 427 8 In order to find the blood vessels, you need to cut away fat and other connecDve Dssues. Blunt probes: most useful dissecDng tool; use for separaDng Forceps: use for grasping & pulling Dssue Scalpels: cut Dssues held by forceps BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC 9 page 726 page 726 page 432 This is what an excellent dissecDon looks like EXCEPT: (1)  do not cut off the body wall. Just move it to the side, and (2)  see next page. 10 Try not to cut out the greater omentum (an apron-­‐like layer over the abdominal organs); just push it to the side This picture did not come from your labbook greater omentum BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC External jugular
Vagus nerve
Superior vena
cava (precava)
Lobe of lung
Lobe of liver
Small intestine
10th & 11th ediOons: page 726 Integrated ediOon: page 432 11 Trachea
Diaphragm (cut)
Large intestine
Urinary bladder
Arteries 12 R. & L. common caroDd arteries BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC Arteries Larynx
13 Right common carotid artery
Left common carotid artery
Subclavian Artery
Picture from cat respiratory system exercise; I changed the labels 10th & 11th ediOons:page 739; Integrated ediOon: page 443 14 To find the arteries in the abdominopelvic cavity: find descending aorta in chest follow descending aorta down to diaphragm clear off area caudal to diaphragm push abdominal organs to cat’s right first branch off aorta on right = celiac trunk second branch off aorta on right = superior mesenteric artery BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC 15 ileolumbar artery Arteries 16 Celiac trunk
Edge of diaphragm
Adrenolumbar artery
Superior mesenteric artery
Adrenal gland
Descending abdominal aorta
Inferior mesenteric artery
Iliolumbar artery
Renal artery
Right external iliac artery
Gonadal artery
(testicular or ovarian)
part of figure on page 728 part of figure on page 728 part of figure on page 434 BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC Arteries 17 ileolumbar artery Common iliac artery
Internal iliac artery
External iliac artery
Femoral artery
NOTE the differences between the cat & the human arteries Human diagram = part of diagram on page: 11th ediDon: p. 477 10th ediDon: p. 477 Integrated: p. 289 18 BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC VEINS Larynx
19 Left external jugular vein
Left common carotid artery
Left subclavian vein
Superior vena cava
Left ventricle of heart
Picture from cat respiratory system exercise; I changed the labels 10th & 11th ediOons:page 739; Integrated ediOon:page 443 20 R. & L. External Jugular VEINS R. & L. Internal Jugular BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC VEINS 21 VEINS 22 BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC 23 To find hepaBc veins Find where inferior vena cava passes by liver Using scalpel, scrape away liver Dssue in that area HepaDc veins will appear To find hepaBc portal vein Remove peritoneum between first part of small intesDne (duodenum) and liver. HepaDc portal vein should appear brown Copyright protected 2000, Susan Caley Opsal. This image may be copied and used for educaOonal purposes. hlp:// 24 C = HepaDc Portal Vein (injected with yellow latex) A = inferior mesenteric vein B = superior mesenteric veins D = gastrosplenic vein (you don’t need to know this vein) BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC VEINS 25 L. external iliac vein page 729 VEINS 26 External
jugular vein
Subclavian vein
Brachiocephalic vein
page 733 Superior
vena cava
Hepatic veins
vena cava
Renal artery
and vein
page 439 Adrenolumbar artery and vein
iliac vein
Iliolumbar artery and vein
iliac vein
artery and
External iliac vein
BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC NOTE the 27 similariDes between the cat & human veins Common iliac vein
Internal iliac vein
External iliac vein
Femoral vein
Great Saphenous vein
Great saphenous
Popliteal vein
Common iliac vein
Popliteal vein
External iliac vein
Anterior tibial vein
Internal iliac vein
Fibular vein
Fibular vein
Femoral vein
Anterior tibial vein
Small saphenous
vein (superficial)
Small saphenous
Great saphenous vein
Posterior tibial vein
pedis vein
Posterior tibial
Dorsal venous
upper diagram (human): Plantar veins
lower diagram (cat): 11th ediDon: part of diagram on page Deep
479 plantar arch11th ediDon: part of diagram on page 731 Dorsal metatarsal
10th ediDon: part of diagram on page Digital
479 veins 10th ediDon: part of diagram on page 730 veins
Integrated: part of diagram on page 291 Anterior view
Integrated: part of diagram on page 436 Posterior view
Figure 19.21b from lecture textbook (minus what you don’t need to know) Arteries of the head and trunk
Internal caroDd artery External caroDd artery Common caroDd arteries Brachiocephalic trunk Subclavian artery AorDc arch Ascending aorta Coronary artery Celiac trunk Abdominal aorta Superior mesenteric artery Renal artery Gonadal artery Inferior mesenteric artery Common iliac artery Internal iliac artery Illustration, anterior view
28 Arteries that supply the upper limb
Subclavian artery Axillary artery Brachial artery Radial artery Ulnar artery Arteries that supply the lower
External iliac artery Femoral artery BIO 212 Dr. L. Altman WCSU/NVCC Figure 19.26b from lecture textbook (minus what you don’t need to know) Veins of the head and trunk
External jugular vein Internal jugular vein Right and leo brachiocephalic veins Superior vena cava Veins that drain
the upper limb
Subclavian vein Axillary vein Brachial vein HepaDc veins HepaDc portal vein Renal vein Superior mesenteric vein Inferior mesenteric vein Inferior vena cava Common iliac vein Internal iliac vein Ulnar vein Radial vein Veins that drain
the lower limb
External iliac vein Femoral vein Great saphenous vein Illustration, anterior view. The vessels of the pulmonary circulaDon are not shown. 29 