Cardiovascular Lectures 1-4 Online Feedback Quiz

Cardiovascular Lectures 1-4 Online Feedback Quiz -
17/04/11 1:55 PM
Department of Physiology
Cardiovascular Lectures 1-4 Online Feedback
Total score: 21 out of 21, 100%
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During which phase of the cardiac cycle are all four heart valves open?
rapid and reduced filling
ventricular ejection
isovolumetric ventricular contraction
atrial systole
all four heart valves are normally never open simultaneously
1 out of 1
This is correct.
A patient absorbs 300ml/min of oxygen. The oxygen content of blood taken from
the femoral artery = 18ml/100ml and blood taken from the pulmonary artery has an
oxygen content of 13ml/100ml. If the patient has a heart rate of 60 beats/min, the
patient’s stroke volume is:
1 out of 1
This answer is correct.
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Cardiovascular Lectures 1-4 Online Feedback Quiz -
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The greatest proportion of blood volume is present within which ONE of the
following vessel types?
Systemic arteries and arterioles.
Pulmonary blood vessels.
Systemic capillaries.
Systemic veins and venules.
1 out of 1
This is correct. The venules and veins contain about 60% of the total
blood volume.
The function of the papillary muscles and chordae tendinae is to:
Increase backflow into the ventricles during diastole.
Keep the AV valves from bulging into the aorta and pulmonary arteries during
Hold open the semilunar valves during systole.
Hold the AV valves open during diastole.
Keep the AV valves from bulging into the atria during ventricular contraction.
1 out of 1
This is correct. The flaps of the AV valves are anchored to the papillary
muscles of the ventricles by chordae tendinae. The papillary muscles pull
the valves inwards towards the ventricles by exerting tension on the
chordae tendinae and thus prevent or minimise the amount of bulging
into the atria during systole.
Which ONE choice indicates three events that occur at about the same time during
the cardiac cycle?
A-V valve closure, second heart sound, ventricular diastole.
A-V valve closure, first heart sound, ventricular diastole.
semilunar valve closure, second heart sound, ventricular systole.
A-V valve closure, first heart sound, ventricular systole.
semilunar valve closure, first heart sound, ventricular diastole.
1 out of 1
This is correct. At the beginning of ventricular systole, the AV valve
closes generating the first heart sound.
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Cardiovascular Lectures 1-4 Online Feedback Quiz -
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Which ONE of the following statements about an action potential generated from a
sinus nodal fibre is INCORRECT?
The unstable baseline can be partly attributable to a progressive spontaneous
reduction in membrane permeability to K+.
The sudden upstroke (depolarisation) is due to the opening of Ca 2+ channels
causing a rapid influx of Ca 2+ into the cell.
The resting membrane potential is about -60 mV.
Repolarisation is in part due to activation of K+ channels.
The unstable baseline can be partly attributable to a progressive decrease in
Ca permeability.
1 out of 1
This is the incorrect statement. The unstable baseline can be partly
attributable to a small progressive increase (not decrease) in Ca 2+
permeability due to the opening of T (transient) channels.
Which ONE of the following statements regarding blood vessels is INCORRECT?
The contractile activity of smooth muscle cells within arterioles is primarily
involved in the control of organ blood flow.
Veins function as volume reservoirs due to their high compliance.
The elastic nature of the walls of arteries allows them to act as a pressure
The pressure in venules would be less than the pressure in large veins.
Capillaries are the vessel type that have the greatest total surface area.
1 out of 1
This is the incorrect statement. The pressure in the large veins is lower
than the pressure in the venules.
Blood that leaves the right ventricle and later enters the left ventricle must have
passed through which of the following valves?
Pulmonary valve only.
Aortic and Tricuspid valves.
Bicuspid/Mitral and aortic valve
Pulmonary and bicuspid/mitral valves.
Bicuspid/mitral valve only.
1 out of 1
This is the correct answer.
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Cardiovascular Lectures 1-4 Online Feedback Quiz -
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What is occurring during ventricular ejection?
The AV and semilunar valves are open as blood is leaving the ventricles.
The AV valves are open and the semilunar valves are closed as blood is leaving
the ventricles.
The AV valves are closed and the semilunar valves are open as blood is leaving
the ventricles.
The AV valves are open and the semilunar valves are closed as ventricular
pressure is increasing.
The AV and semilunar valves are closed as ventricular pressure is increasing.
1 out of 1
This is the correct answer.
10 )
Compared to a sinoatrial cell, ventricular contractile cells will have:
A more negative resting membrane potential
A smaller amplitude action potential
An action potential with a shorter duration
A slower depolarisation during the action potential
A slower conduction velocity
1 out of 1
This is correct. Ventricular cells have a much more negative resting
membrane potential than sinoatrial cells.
11 )
Which ONE of the following organs/tissues receives the greatest increase in
systemic blood flow during exercise?
1 out of 1
This is correct.
12 )
The repolarisation of pacemaker cells is due in part to:
an increase in the permeability of sodium.
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an increase in the permeability of calcium.
a decrease in the permeability of sodium.
a decrease in the permeability of potassium.
an increase in the permeability of potassium.
1 out of 1
This is correct. The repolarisation of pacemaker cells is due in part to an
increase in the permeability of potassium and also in part due to a
decrease in permeability of Ca 2+ .
13 )
Which ONE of the following statements about the conduction system of the heart is
The atrioventricular node has a slower inherent rate of discharge than the
sinoatrial node.
The Bundle of His receives impulses from the atrioventricular node.
The sinoatrial node is the normal pacemaker of the heart.
Purkinje fibres have the fastest rate of conduction of all parts of the conducting
Electrical events can spread directly between atria and ventricles through gap
1 out of 1
This is the incorrect statement. Electrical impulses cannot spread directly
between atria and ventricles. They must pass through the AV node. The
atria are insulated from the ventricles by the atrioventricular groove.
14 )
Closure of the aortic valve is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
dicrotic notch on the aortic pressure wave.
T-wave of the ECG.
relaxation of the ventricle.
the second heart sound.
rapid filling of the left ventricle.
1 out of 1
This is the correct choice. Closure of the aortic valve is not associated
with rapid filling of the left ventricle. Rapid filling of the left ventricle
occurs some time after the aortic valve has closed.
15 )
Which ONE of the following is true of the ventricular filling phase of the cardiac
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All valves in the heart are open.
Ventricular pressure is less than aortic pressure.
Ventricular pressure is greater than atrial pressure.
Ventricular pressure is increasing.
Ventricular filling occurs during systole
1 out of 1
This is correct. Ventricular pressure is low and aortic pressure is much
16 )
Which ONE of the following statements is INCORRECT? Increased sympathetic
nervous system activity to the sinoatrial node:
allows threshold to be reached more quickly
increases the frequency of action potentials generated.
causes an increase in heart rate.
decreases the slope of the spontaneous depolarisation of these action
decreases the level of repolarisation.
1 out of 1
This is the incorrect statement. Increased SNS activity would increase
the slope of spontaneous depolarisation allowing threshold to be reached
more quickly.
17 )
During the rapid ejection phase of the cardiac cycle, which ONE of the following
statements is INCORRECT?
The mitral valve is closed.
The aortic pressure is rising.
The aortic valve is open.
The ventricular volume is at its lowest.
The ventricular pressure approaches its maximum.
1 out of 1
This is the incorrect statement. The ventricular volume does drop during
this phase but actually reaches its lowest point during the reduced
ejection phase.
18 )
In cardiac muscle, the action potential in the ventricles:
is shorter than the action potential of a pacemaker cell.
is due to an increase in chloride permeability.
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has a resting membrane potential of about -60mV.
relies on an increase in calcium permeability.
has an unstable resting membrane potential.
1 out of 1
This is correct. An increase in calcium permeability is responsible for the
plateau phase of this action potential.
19 )
Which ONE of the following is responsible for the rapid depolarization phase of an
action potential within the pacemaker cells?
An increase in PCa.
An increase in PK.
A decrease in PNa.
An increase in PNa.
A decrease in PK.
1 out of 1
This is correct. An increase in PCa allows Ca 2+ to flow into the cell
causing the rapid depolarization phase of an action potential within the
pacemaker cells.
20 )
Which ONE of the following statements regarding blood vessels is INCORRECT?
Arteries contain large amounts of elastic tissue in their walls.
Arterioles contain smooth muscle in their walls.
Arterioles are sometimes called resistance vessels.
Veins are sometimes called capacitance vessels.
Capillaries contain smooth muscle in their walls.
1 out of 1
This is the incorrect statement. Capillary walls are made up of a single
layer of endothelial cells and a basement membrane and do not contain
21 )
Which ONE of the following statements about an action potential generated from a
non-pacemaker cardiac cell is INCORRECT?
The resting membrane potential depends to a great extent on the permeability of
the cell membrane to K+.
Depolarisation is initiated by rapid entry of Na +.
Repolarisation occurs as a result of inactivation of K+ channels.
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The plateau phase of the action potential is associated with a prolonged
increase in Ca 2+ permeability.
The refractory period in ventricular muscle corresponds approximately to the
plateau phase of the action potential.
1 out of 1
This is the incorrect statement. Repolarisation occurs as a result of
activation (not inactivation) of K + channels.
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