Practical: Bone and Bone Markings Time frame: 2 minutes total Practicals are considered a testing situation. Students are expected to work on their own assigned task individually. Students will be asked to provide specific examples for each of the following categories of bones: 1) 2) 3) 4) long bones short bones flat bones irregular bones For any long bone of the skeleton (articulated or disarticulated), students will be asked to identify 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) epiphysis diaphysis compact bone spongy bone medullary cavity periosteum epiphyseal plate articular cartilage Students will be asked to identify the following bones and bone markings on an articulated skeleton, skull or disarticulated (individual) bone: 1) bones of the axial skeleton a) the bones of the cranium (1) frontal (2) parietal (3) temporal (external acoustic meatus orcanal) (4) occipital (foramen magnum) (5) sphenoid (6) ethmoid b) sutures of the cranium (1) coronal suture (2) sagittal suture (3) lambdoidal suture c) the bones of the face (1) maxillae (2) palatine (3) zygomatic (4) nasal (5) lacrimal (6) vomer (7) mandible d) hyoid e) the different bones of the vertebrae and intervertebral disks (1) cervical (2) thoracic (3) lumbar (4) sacral (sacrum) (5) coccyx f) bones of the bony thorax (1) thoracic vertebrae (2) costals (true, false, floating) (3) sternum (manubrium, body of the sternum, xiphoid process) 2) bones of the appendicular skeleton a) bones of the pectoral girdle (1) scapula (glenoid cavity or glenoid fossa) (2) clavicle b) bones of the arm (1) humerus (2) ulna (3) radius (4) carpals (5) metacarpals (6) phalanges c) bones of the pelvic girdle (1) coxal bones (ileum, ishium, pubis, acetabulum) d) bones of the leg (1) femur (2) patella (3) tibia (medial malleolus) (4) fibula (lateral malleolus) (5) tarsals (calcaneus) (6) metatarsals (7) phalanges 3) You should be able to identify the following bone markings: a) tuberosity b) spine c) head d) meatus e) fossa f) foramen 4) Identify the following bone markings on the fetal skeleton: a) ossification centers b) frontal bone c) parietal bone d) temporal bone e) occipital bone f) anterior fontanel g) posterior fontanel h) anterolateral or sphenoidal fontanel i) posterolateral or mastoid fontanel