U.S. CAR Vehicle Recycling Partnership Presented by: Terry Cullum, General Motors Corporation t E-67 E-68 Name and Description of Project: The Vehicle RecycIing Partnership (VRP) is one of twelve cwsurtia between Chryslot, Ford and G M under the United States Coiincil of Automotive Research (WSCAR). The VRP is a precompctftlve coasonIum that was eshblislicd in 1991. The VRl' is stntoturcd ro involve ths domedic automotive manufacturers and "upstream" suppliers with the major actors in the udownstrea"' vehicle recycling inhtructure in a collaborative framework. The restarch facility ofthc VKP is the Vehicle Recycling Development Center (VRDC) whidi is l d in Highland Park, Michipn and operated by Automotive Dismantling ,Services (ADS). The center is funded and stafftxf with technical personnel from Chryslm, Ford, and Gcncral M o m . The automotive vehicle dinmantling center was established in 1993 to support research and development efforts by thc: doinetic big thrcc automotive manufboturots in the m a of vchicle dimmtling and recycling. Projd Drivers; The current vehicle recycling iahstnzliire prcesses 95%of all vehicles that are removed'from service. This s u w ~ d u lmarket , driven, infiastructurc wnsists of the consumer, automotive dimantler. the automotive shredder, materials reprocessors and the municipal solid w e landfill. Other acton arc tho automotive manufacturer and the automotive supply chain. On average, 75% of a vehicle by weight is recycled. This represents the ferrous and nun-kmus content of the vehiole. The romainitlg 25%ofthc vehicle is currently Inndfilled. This fmction of the vchicle is referred to as automotive shredder midue (ASR) and is mprisod primarily of platier, rubber, fluids, and glass. ASR comprises 1.5% of municipal solid waste in the United States. A main drivcr UT the VRP is to support and further dcvclop economical recycling technologiesto reduce the contribution of automotive shredder residue to municipal solid waste landfills. This approach is design& to continue the sustainability of the aarket driven vebicie TOGY infrastructure C I ~ ~ while reducing the environmental impact of end of llft vehicles. Project Participqts: Tbm are s e ~ a t w project l participants that are involved with nsearch at the VRDC and at other locationsthat support the sctivitics of the center. Tho VRP works in collaboration with lkc main acton in the vehick recycling iofrastruchlre and with the upsrnam supply chain Ihcr~Feprcsents the largest oonttibution of material to automotive shredder msidiie. Formal callabarative agreements are in place between the VRP and; The American Plastics Council Automotive Recyclers Association Lsmtilute of Scrap Recycling Industries A colhborativo qroomsnt i s in process with the Aluminum Aswiation. In addition to fonal collaborative agzwments, the VRP suppom vehicle recycling rcxarth at tbc fo!lowing institutions; E-69 Univcrslty of Deuoft-Mercy Michiga Molaciilar Tndhte Carrregie Mcllon University National Rewatch Council of Canada Univoraity of Florida-Tamp Michigsn 'I'echnologicalUniversity Geurgia Institute of Technology Michael Biddk Associaks University of Windsor Massachusetts Snstitutc of Technology Phillips Environmental In addition to thc above institutions, a pilot pyrolysis unil is being built at an automotive shredder to demonstratethe viability ofthe technology. . The VRP also jaincd with the American Plastics Council in a Cooperative Research and DevclopmeJiL Agrtcmcnt (CRADA, C9201501) with Argome National Laboratories. Thi& CRADA involves the development of technoloflies to providc for the ef%ctive recycling of scrap automobilcs. The soope of tho research includes: the cxmination of the i s m s and factors which prevent total mycling of scrap vehicles identification of desirable but undwelopcd or unavailable technology which, if succassfhlly developed and implemented, would &lo recycling of currcntly non-recycld components of scrap cam, development of separation tcchnologies to rmver materials and rcwufces from rrutomotivc shreddar residue (ASR), e 0 oxemination of options for design modifications which could provide for more efkctive disassembly ofcomponcmta for recycling, examination of pltcrnntive materials to increase matcrialo recycling. ProJectGoak The VRP develop' n~issionstatements to dcscribc thc priorities ofthc working group thai formed to address specific areas ;a the vehicle recycling infrastructure. VRP MISSION The mission of the Vehicle Recycling Partnership is w develop, implcmcnt, and communide r e m h and pre-competitive pilot programs. which promote an integrated approach to the handling of End of Life %'chicles,with technical and economic effjciency, in North America for the Global marketplace. E-70 DISASSEMBLY WORKTNG GROUP To enable the efficient disassembly of c c x n w f"vehicles that have value for muse, to rccuvcr vduable matcrials fbr recycling, and to m o v e potentially harmful materials prior to hecoming auto shredder residue. SHKEUDER RESlDUB WORKING GROUP To d u c t the tord envlronmentd i~upactof auto shredder twiduc through socially reaponsiblo, economically achievable wlutions such as ftsourcc rccovcry and secondary uses. DESIGN GUIDELINES WORKING CiROUP To develop material selection and deslgn guidelinesto facflitatc w w ,recycling, or mlsmation of materials and componeats from post-consumer vehicles. Vie VRP cstablishd enabling tdtnologieato guide moarcb aid development effom of the VRP working groups. REDUCl5 Reduction in demand for natural ~ r s o u w . Elimination or reduction of contaminants in automobile waste. R*duA-ni of thc quantity ofnon-rcoycloble waste going to landfills. Design for Gfficient asaembly/disassombly Usc of materials that retain value (corrosion and damage mirml). Efficient and environmentallysound scrviceahihty of camponents. RECYCLE Materials d i n g methods and tecognition sensors. E f l l c l ~and t mvirucii~iailtallysound shrcddcrs, rcfincn, and rejuvenators. Davclopmcnt of infrastructure and markcts for recycled materials. RECLAIM Recovery of valuable additives. chemicals, and energy. Devclopment of markets for rec&mcd "trials. Reduction of undesirable landfilling of automotive residue. Ucncfits oftho projuot include: A sustainable market driven vehkle recycling infktructurc Rcduction of solid waste fwvieed of lifc vehicles Reduction ofsiihstances of concern from cnd of life vehicles Patenrial for creation of jobs to support thc expanding vehicle recycling infrastructure E-71 Projecl ObatacWBarrier8: The cumnt vohiclc mycling infiesbructuro is set up to recover metals. The recovery of nonmetallic matcrids requires a different approach than metals renwty. 1\ is CliFftcultto interest the current infrastructure in materials that an unfamiliarand therefore have uncertain profit potential. A major issuc iv whether non-mctallic materials arc rcmovcd fiom the vehicle prior to going to thc automotive shdder or if the materials have any value after processing by the studdec. The VRP supports wscareh into both of tbsw xmntuios to determine the leChological and economic barriers to recovering these materials. Project Reviews: * Quarterly pject reviews arc conducted with all VRP collaborators Io evaluate technical prujwts and discuss strategy for the VRP. Annual workshops arc held with the international vehicle recycling community to share technologiesand discuss regional vehir;lc: bad of life policics. The VRP rscantly contracted with a consultant to pmvide a third party view of the accomplishments of the VRP and to assist in k developmcnt of a five year bus~ncaaplan. 'I'myCullum tiM Alternate on the VRP Manupmcnr Conirnitta h i t ofthe VRP Crnnmunications Group Cbaiisoft l Amcrican ~ Automobile Manufacturers Vehiole Reoyoling TaJkGmp T d q h o n #: ~ (313) 556-7826 Iw Poston Chir of the VRP OM Member on the VRP M m y p " ) t C m m b Telephone # (8 10) 947-0700 E-72