The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a classical combinatorial optimization problem that was proposed in the late 1950’s and it is still one of the most studied in the field of Operations Research. The great interest in the VRP is due to its practical importance, as well as the difficulty in solving it. This work deals with heuristic, exact and hybrid approaches for solving different variants of the VRP, namely: Capacitated VRP (CVRP), Open VRP (OVRP), Asymmetric CVRP (ACVRP), VRP with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery (VRPSPD), VRP with Mixed Pickup and Delivery (VRPMPD), TSP with Mixed Pickup and Delivery (TSPMPD), Multi-Depot VRP (MDVRP), Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Mixed Pickup and Delivery (MDVRPMPD) and Heterogeneous Fleet VRP (HFVRP). An extensive literature review is performed for all these variants, focusing on the main contributions of each work. Commodity flow formulations for the VRPSPD/VRPMPD are theoretically examined and their practical performance are measured by a Branch-and-Cut (BC) algorithm. Another BC algorithm, based on a formulation defined only over the edge variables, is proposed for the VRPSPD, VRPMPD and MDVRPMPD, where the constraints the ensure that the capacity of the vehicle is not exceeded in the middle of the route and those that ensure that a route starts and ends at the same depot are treated in a lazy fashion. The third and last exact approach is a Branch-cut-and-price algorithm that is also designed to solve the VRPSPD/VRPMPD. These three exact approaches are tested in benchmark instances involving up to 200 customers and new optimal solutions are found for 63 open problems. A heuristic algorithm is proposed for solving the VRPs considered here. The algorithm, called ILS-RVND, is based on the Iterated Local Search (ILS) metaheuristic and it makes use of a Variable Neighborhood Descent with Random neighborhood ordering (RVND) in the local search phase. Finally, a hybrid algorithm that incorporates a Set Partitioning approach into the ILS-RVND heuristic is presented for solving 8 of the VRPs treated in this work. The developed heuristic and hybrid algorithms are tested in hundreds of benchmark instances and the results obtained are, on average, highly competitive.