Grade 6 Reading – text 1 (20 points) Russell Chadwick remembers

Grade 6 Reading – text 1 (20 points)
Russell Chadwick remembers the summer he turned 16 – it was the time he wrestled with grizzly bears!
Russell’s adventure started when he came to stay at Wasatch Rocky Mountain Wildlife, an animal training center
in Utah. The center is run by a couple, Doug and Lynne who train wild animals to be actors in movies and
Doug and Lynne asked high school student Russell to help them take care of two four-month-old grizzly bear
cubs called Little Bart and Honey Bump. That’s more difficult than it sounds, because even baby bears are pretty
Russell’s job was to play with the bears to get them used to humans. At the same time, he had to remember
that movie bears are still wild animals:
“One time Bump took a bite out of my back, and I had to wrestle her to the ground. But it also showed me how
smart she is. She knew she had done something wrong and “apologized” by putting her head in my lap”.
Russell found that bears can understand more than just “sit” and “stay”. For example, when Russell called out:
“Peekaboo!” to the adult bear, Tank, he covered his eyes with his paws, just like a little kid.
Although he didn’t get a large fee for the job, Russell says he values the experience more than the money. When
you are wrestled with a grizzly bear, things like work and exams don’t seem so difficult anymore!
Choose the best answer:
1. (1 point) Russell worked for a center that
a. prepared animals for wildlife
b. trained animals for acting
c. took care of animals
2. (1 point) Russell was paid ……….. at his job.
a. a high salary
b. a low salary
c. no salary
3. (4 points) Taking care of baby bears was difficult because
a. They are big and strong
b. They are big strong and wild
c. They are strong and wild
4. (4 points) Russell believes that animals
a. Are still wild and scary
b. Can learn a lot of other skills
c. Can always hurt people
5. (3 points) What is the reading mainly about?
a. How to get a summer job in Utah
b. What Russell did for his summer job
c. Why wild animals make good actors
6. (3 points) The main idea of the last paragraph is:
a. Russell liked everything about the summer job except wrestling with grizzly
b. Russell thinks that tests and homework are good ways to get ready for the summer job
c. Russell’s summer experience helped him prepare for other things in life
7. (2 points) Russell turned sixteen means, he ………. 16
a. became
b. grew up
c. remembered
8. (2 points) The word adventure means
a. experience
b. danger
c. job
Grade 6 Vocabulary (20 points)
9. (1.5 points) Tadd ………. down the river and across the sea.
a. swam
b. rode
c. travelled
10. (1.5 points) Children often like to ………… tallest trees in the forest.
a. jump
b. climb
c. hike
11. (1.5 points) Fred got sick. Fred’s mom phoned her sister ………. she was a doctor.
a. because
b. for
c. then
12. (1.5 points) My sister and I were in the swimming pool. She was playing with water and ……… me with
a. hit
b. bit
c. splashed
13. (0.5 point) This animal can run fast and has spots on its body.
a. lion
b. bear
c. tiger
14. (0.5 point) The bring something fast means to
a. fetch
b. take
c. carry
15. (0.5 point) A leisure time away from work or school is
a. study
b. holiday
c. field trip
16. (0.5 point) Pain in the head
a. Head pain
b. headache
c. head hurt
17. (2 points) The test was very hard so students left the room gradually. Gradually means
a. one by one
b. at once
c. slowly
18. (2 points) The car that his father bought was enormous. Ten kids could fit in it. Enormous means
a. large
b. expensive
c. clean
19. (2 points) Pam followed the old man through the narrow doorway and along a short passage. Follow
a. go to
b. go after
c. go with
20. (2 points) A collar of gold and rare jewelry was around his neck. You could not find them in the whole
kingdom. Rare means
a. uncommon
b. precious
c. unknown
21. (1 point) The synonyms for boring are listed. Choose an extra:
a. dull
b. uninteresting
c. amazing
22. (1 point) The synonyms for exciting are listed. Choose an extra:
a. arousing
b. interesting
c. stimulating
23. (1 point) The synonyms for drop are listed. Choose an extra:
a. go down
b. fall
c. lift
24. (1 point) The synonyms for move are listed. Choose an extra:
a. shake
b. change location
c. freeze
Grade 6 Use of English (20 points)
25. (1 point) It ………interesting. Tell me all about it!
a. sounds b. sound c. sounded
26. (1 point) I ………. like to go on a ship voyage one day.
a. Could
b. Would
c. want
27. (1 point) If you talk in class you …. punished.
a. will be
b. are c. should be
28. (1 point) I am …. in my class. Everyone is older.
a. The young
b. the younger c. the youngest
29. (2 points) I wish I … my homework done for the class today.
a. Have
b. have had
c. had
30. (2 points) I am hungry! Is dinner ready …. ?
a. Now
b. yet c. just
31. (2 points) He left the job. He … works at this place.
a. Not
b. no longer
c. not any long
32. (2 points) It happened a long time ago but I …. remember it clearly.
a. do
b. can c. should
33. (1.5 points) Is ….. in the bathroom? No, it is empty.
a. Anybody b. somebody
c. anyone
34. (1.5 points) If it ….. tomorrow, we will make a snowman.
a. snow
b. snows
c. will snow
35. (1.5 points) Look at this glass! It …. fall down. Catch it!
a. Will
b. can c. is going to
36. (1.5 points) While the teacher was explaining the students …. a knock on the door.
a. Were hearing
b. heard
c. have heard
37. (0.5 point) The police never found the money … in the bank.
a. Stole
b. steal c. stolen
38. (0.5 point) Let’s go. It’s not worth …. any longer.
a. to wait
b. waiting
c. wait
39. (0.5 point) My brother works ............... the government.
a. at
b. under
c. for
40. (0.5 point) ………… back to your flat after the meeting, do you want me to call a taxi?
a. Do you go
b. Are you going
c. Will you go
Grade 6 Writing (20 points)
Hi! The bike race (1) ………. amazing!
Victoria (2) …………… I both won! Someone else gave me a cup of water. Then a journalist from the newspaper
arrived. He asked me lots of questions about my bicycle. I was too excited to (3) ………… all of them! He (4) ………..
some photos of it too. He may write a story about it!
Grandpa was happy. I love the spanner that he gave me. He’s had it for forty years! It can (5) ………… anything! I
may bring it to school to show you some day.
See (6) ……….. tomorrow!
41. (4 points) a. did
b. had
c. was
42. (3 points) a. and
b. with
c. so
43. (2 point) a. answered
b. answer
c. answering
44. (3 points) a. took
b. gave
c. shout
45. (4 points) a. act
b. do
c. make
46. (1 point) a. you
b. it
c. all
I didn’t get up until 8.15 this morning because I was thinking about (1) …… to another planet. I might do that one
day. I ran all the way to school, but then I fell down and hurt my head. I could not believe the next thing what
happened. I was in a spaceship and I could not get away. I crazy space monster ate my dictionary. I got angry
because I wanted (2) ….. get to school, so I told the space monster to stand in some glue! It could not move. It
got angry too then and my wool went all round his arms. It sent me home after that!
47. (2 point) a. moving
b. visiting
c. coming
48. (1 point) a. for
b. to
c. in