Unit Polisi dan Piawaian Pasukan Pelaksanaan Perakaunan Akruan Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia up.p@anm.gov.my Fungsi Unit Polisi & Piawaian Menggubal MPSAS Menggubal Polisi Perakaunan Kajian Draf Dedahan Piawaian Perakaunan yang dikeluarkan oleh IFAC dan MASAB Pindaan Akta Manual Perakaunan Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 2 Proses Penggubalan Malaysian Public Sector Accounting Standards (MPSAS) GASAC PPPA Unit Polisi dan Piawaian Draf MPSAS Kajian awal JKP Government Accounting Standards Advisory Committee Jawatankuasa Pemandu Perakaunan Akruan PERAKUAN DRAF MPSAS MPSAS Draf Dedahan KELULUSAN DRAF DEDAHAN IFAC International Federation of Accountants KELULUSAN PERAKUAN KOMEN & MAKLUM BALAS DRAF DEDAHAN 3 Government Accounting Standards Advisory Committee (GASAC) JAB. AUDIT NEGARA JAB. AUDIT NEGARA UiTM MIA MICPA MASB CPA AUSTRALIA ACCA CIMA P PPPA Pengerusi: TAN(O) UP&P SKP URUSETIA JANM BPOPA BPTM JANM BN SELANGOR SELANGOR JKDM MOF UPNM MBPJ 4 Status Penggubalan MPSAS DIGUNA PAKAI SEBAGAI MPSAS: 32 IPSAS1: Presentation of Financial Statements IPSAS2: Cash Flow Statement IPSAS3: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimate and Errors. IPSAS4: Net Effect of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates IPSAS5: Borrowing Cost IPSAS6: Consolidated of Financial Statements IPSAS7: Accounting for Investment in Associates IPSAS8: Financial Reporting in Joint Ventures DRAF DEDAHAN (ED): 24 ED1:Presentation of Financial Statements ED2: : Cash Flow Statement ED3:Property, Plant & Equipment ED5:Revenue from Exchange Transaction ED6:Inventories IPSAS11: Construction Contract ED7:Revenue from Non-Exchange Transaction (Taxes and Transfer) IPSAS13: Leases IPSAS14: Event After Reporting Date ED8:Presentation of Budget Information in Financial Statement IPSAS17: Property, Plant & Equipment ED9:Net Effect of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates IPSAS18: Segment Reporting ED10:Leases IPSAS19: Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Asset ED11:Investment Property IPSAS16: Investment Property IPSAS20: Relater Party Disclosure IPSAS21: Impairment of Non-Cash –Generating Asset IPSAS22:Disclosure of Financial Information about the General Government Sector IPSAS23: Revenue from Non-Exchange Transaction (Taxes and Transfer) MPSAS1:Presentation of Financial Statements ED4:Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting MPSAS2:Cash Flow Statement Estimate and Errors. IPSAS9: Revenue from Exchange Transaction IPSAS12: Inventories LULUS: 15 MPSAS17: Property, Plant & Equipment MPSAS3: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimate and Errors. MPSAS9: Revenue from Exchange Transaction MPSAS12: Inventories MPSAS23: Revenue from Non-Exchange Transaction (Taxes and Transfer) MPSAS24: Presentation of Budget Information in Financial Statement ED12:Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Asset MPSAS4: Net Effect of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates ED13:Impairment of Non-Cash –Generating Asset MPSAS13: Leases ED14: Employee Benefits ED15:Impairment of Cash-Generating Assets IPSAS24: Presentation of Budget Information in Financial Statement ED16:Intangible Assets IPSAS25: Employee Benefits ED17: Event After the Reporting Date IPSAS26: Impairment of Cash-Generating Assets ED18: Financial Instrument: Presentation IPSAS27: Agriculture ED19: Accounting for Control Entities IPSAS28: Financial Instrument: Presentation ED20: Accounting for Investment in Associates IPSAS29: Financial Instrument: Recognition and Measurement ED21: Pindaan PPE IPSAS30: Financial Instrument: Disclosure ED22: Borowing Costs IPSAS31: Intangible Assets ED23: Interest in Joint Ventures IPSAS32: Service Concession Arrangements: Grantor ED24: Agriculture MPSAS16: Investment Property MPSAS19 : Provision, Contingent Liabilities & Contingent Assets MPSAS21: Impairment of Non-Cash Generating Asset MPSAS25: Employee Benefits MPSAS26: Impairment of Cash Generating Assets 5 MPSAS versi Bahasa Malaysia 6 Proses Penggubalan Polisi Perakaunan GASAC PPPA PPPA GASAC Government Accounting JKP Jawatankuasa Pemandu Jawatankuasa Pemandu Perakaunan Akruan Perakaunan Akruan Unit Piawaian UnitPolisi Polisi dan dan Piawaian Government Accounting Standards Advisory Standards Advisory Committee Draf Polisi Perakaunan Draf Polisi Perakaunan Polisi Perakaunan Kajian awal PERAKUAN KELULUSAN Committee 7 Proses Kajian Draf Dedahan Piawaian Perakaunan yang dikeluarkan oleh IFAC dan MASAB Mengkaji Draf Dedahan Piawaian Perakaunan yang diterima daripada MASB dan IFAC Menyatakan komen dan ulasan Draf Dedahan Menghantar komen dan ulasan Draf Dedahan kepada ANM/ TANK (K)/ P PPPA untuk kelulusan Menghantar komen dan ulasan Draf Dedahan kepada MASB dan IFAC 8 Pindaan Akta AKTA TATACARA KEWANGAN 1957 (AKTA 61) Pindaan telah dibuat atas seksyen yang relevan bagi tujuan pelaksanaan Perakaunan Akruan Kerajaan Persekutuan Cadangan pindaan akan dibentangkan di Parlimen untuk kelulusan pada Jun 2014. Akta berikut turut dipinda berikutan Pindaan Akta Tatacara Kewangan 1957: AKTA KUMPULAN WANG PINJAMAN PERUMAHAN 1971 (AKTA 42) Dalam peringkat kajian oleh BUU, MOF AKTA KUMPULAN WANG AMANAH NEGARA 1988 (AKTA 339) Peringkat kelulusan dasar oleh MOF AKTA WANG TAK DITUNTUT 1965 (AKTA 370) Dalam peringkat kajian oleh BUU, MOF 9 Laman web Perakaunan Akruan POLISI PERAKAUNAN AKRUAN (Revised February 2014) I Unit Polisi dan Piawaian I Pasukan Pelaksanaan Perakaunan Akruan I I Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia I Kandungan Taklimat Sesi 1 (8.30 am – 10.30 am) Pengenalan kepada Polisi Perakaunan Polisi Umum Polisi berkaitan ASET Polisi berkaitan LIABILITI Sesi 2 (11.00 am – 12.30 pm) Polisi berkaitan HASIL Polisi berkaitan BELANJA Polisi berkaitan KUMPULAN WANG DISATUKAN Polisi lain Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 12 PENGENALAN KEPADA POLISI PERAKAUNAN Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 13 Pengenalan kepada Polisi Perakaunan Definition Accounting policies are the specific principles, bases, conventions, rules, and practices applied by an entity in preparing and presenting the financial statements [MPSAS 3] Drawn up to assist users in the application of the Malaysian Public Sector Accounting Standards (MPSAS). Scope This policy document outlines the accounting policies of the Malaysian Government which to be complied with by all federal ministries and departments. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 14 MPSAS vs Policy Malaysian Public Sector Accounting Standards (MPSAS) General accounting requirement: Accounting Policies - Definition Specific: - Recognition - Principals - Measurement - Bases - Disclosure - Conventions Financial Statements - Rules - Practices Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 15 POLISI UMUM Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 16 COMPONENT OF Statement of Financial Performance Component of Financial Statements [MPSAS 1] Cash Flow Statement Statement of Financial Position Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity Statement of Budget Performance Notes to the accounts Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 17 ACCOUNTING ENTITY and REPORTING PERIOD Federal Ministries Federal Departments Every Controlling Officer shall prepare its own Financial statements For the year ending 31 December Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 18 Others General Policy Presentation & classification shall be retained from one period to the next Consistence of Presentation The entity will continue in operation and able to meet its statutory obligations for the foreseeable future. Asset/liabilities shall be presented as current and non-current Accounting Basis Going Concern Assumption Current/Noncurrent Distinction Accrual Basis of Accounting and on historical convention unless specified otherwise Comparative Information Application of Materiality Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape Shall be disclosed in respect of the previous period for all amount reported in FS If it’s omission from, or misstatement in, the financial statements could influence a user’s judgments Materiality depends on the nature or size of the item, or a combination of both. 19 POLISI BERKAITAN ASET Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 20 CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS INVESTMENTS INVESTMNET PROPERTY RECEIVABLES PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT ASSETS INTENGIBLE ASSETS INVENTORIES AGRICULTURE Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 21 Definisi Aset Aset adalah sumber yang DIKAWAL oleh entiti hasil daripada peristiwa lampau dan daripada manfaat ekonomi masa hadapan atau potensi perkhidmatannya dijangka mengalir masuk ke dalam entiti (MPSAS 1) Bagaimana untuk menentukan kawalan? Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 22 Recognition criteria General Requirements An item is recognized as an assets in an entity’s financial statements if: • The assets meets the definition of an assets; and • the amount can be measured reliably. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 23 Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash at bank Cash in hand Cash in transit (Petty cash) Consists of Deposit (not exceeding 3 months) Current Account (including 3/12 Imprest Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 24 Receivables Recognition: Recognized when goods are transferred, services are rendered and when the invoices are raised. Initial Measurement: Measured at transaction amount (fair value of the consideration). Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape Subsequent Measurement: Subsequently at amortized cost and minus any provision for doubtful debts. 25 Inventori adalah aset: 1. Dalam bentuk bahan atau bekalan yang akan digunakan dalam proses pengeluaran; 2. Dalam bentuk bahan atau bekalan yang akan digunakan atau diagihkan semasa menyediakan perkhidmatan; 3. Dipegang untuk jualan atau pengagihan semasa menjalankan operasi biasa; atau 4. Dalam proses pengeluaran untuk jualan dan pengagihan (MPSAS 12) Inventories Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 26 Pengiktirafan inventori Threshold Inventories which have value of RM 1 million or more per responsible centre as at end of preceding three financial years shall be CAPITALIZED. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 27 Pengukuran Inventori Initial Measurement Measured at cost or fair value (if acquired through nonexchange transaction) Subsequently recorded: a) lower of cost and Net Realizable Value (NRV) b) lower of cost and current replacement cost Recognized as expense in the period in which the related revenue is recognized Cost of inventories: 1. Cost of purchase 2. Cost of conversion 3. other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition Method used: Weighted average Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 28 Jika tiada berkait dengan hasil, perbelanjaan diiktiraf apabila barang diagihkan atau perkhidmatan telah diberi Apabila inventori dijual, ditukar, atau diagihkan, nilai bawaan inventori hendaklah diiktiraf sebagai perbelanjaan dalam tempoh hasil diiktiraf Penurunan kepada Nilai Realisasi Bersih diiktiraf sebagai perbelanjaan dalam tempoh penurunan atau kerugian berlaku PENGIKTIRAFAN SEBAGAI PERBELANJAAN Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape ‘Reversal’ yang timbul dari peningkatan NRB diiktiraf sebagai penurunan kepada perbelanjaan inventori dalam tempoh ianya berlaku 29 Initially accounted as investment at cost, using the equity method or as a financial asset Investments Investment in Controlled Entity Investment in Associate Investment in Jointly Control Entity Subsequently carried at cost, using the equity method or as a financial asset assessed for impairment where there is evidence of impairment. During transition to accrual accounting in the year 2015, all Investment shall be accounted as investment at cost. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 30 PPE adalah item ketara: (a) dipegang untuk digunakan dalam pengeluaran atau membekal barang atau perkhidmatan, untuk sewaan kepada pihak lain atau untuk tujuan pentadbiran; dan (b) dijangka digunakan melebihi lebih dari satu tempoh pelaporan. (MPSAS 17) Property, Plant & Equipment (PPE) Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 31 Kitaran Hayat PPE PENGIKTIRAFAN RECOGNITION PENGUKURAN AWAL INITIAL MEASUREMENT PENGUKURAN SUSULAN SUBSEQUENT MEASUREMENT PENYAHIKTIRAFAN DERECOGNITION Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 32 PENGIKTIRAFAN RECOGNITION Kriteria Pengiktirafan Terdapat kemungkinan bahawa manfaat ekonomi masa hadapan atau potensi perkhidmatan yang berkaitan dengan item tersebut akan mengalir masuk ke dalam kepada entiti Kos atau nilai saksama item tersebut boleh diukur dengan munasabah. Threshold: RM2,000 per item tertakluk kepada semakan dari semasa ke semasa. Low value asset: Dibelanjakan dan direkod dalam daftar aset bagi tujuan rekod dan kawalan. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 33 PENGIKTIRAFAN RECOGNITION ASET KETENTERAAN • Semua aset yang diperoleh oleh MINDEF bagi kegunaan ketenteraan akan dikategorikan sebagai Aset Ketenteraan • Akan dilaporkan di dalam Penyata Kedudukan Kewangan sebagai satu baris item ASET WARISAN • Hanya akan diiktiraf sekiranya aset tersebut diwartakan di dalam National Heritage Act 2005. (Accrual Accounting Policy, revised May 2013) ASET INFRASTRUSKTUR • Terdiri daripada rangkaian jalan, sistem pembentungan, sistem bekalan air dan tenaga, dan rangkaian komunikasi hendaklah diambilkira mengikut MPSAS 17. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 34 PENGIKTIRAFAN RECOGNITION Componentization Gov. Building in Putrajaya Fully Depreciated Assets Lands belonging to Mission School Ownership of Gov. Asset on third party land Life Asset Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 35 PENGUKURAN AWAL INITIAL MEASUREMENT PENGUKURAN SEMASA PERMULAAN PENGIKTIRAFAN Aset hendaklah diiktiraf diukur pada nilai kos/Deemed Cost (Baki awal) Jika sesuatu aset diperoleh dari urusniaga bukan pertukaran, kosnya ditentukan pada nilai saksama pada tarikh perolehan Jika PPE diperoleh dari pertukaran aset bukan wang atau aset, atau kombinasi wang dan bukan wang, aset itu diukur pada nilai saksama. e.g. Pemaju telah memberikan sebidang tanah secara percuma kepada Kerajaan untuk dijadikan taman awam. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 36 PENGUKURAN AWAL INITIAL MEASUREMENT KOS BELIAN Apa-apa kos yang terlibat untuk membawa aset tersebut ke lokasi dan keadaan semasa untuk digunakan atau untuk dijual (Contoh: kos pengangkutan) LAIN-LAIN KOS Harga belian + duti import + kos pengendalian – diskaun perniagaan/ rebat Komponen kos KOS MENANGGAL Dismantling cost Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape Anggaran kos menanggalkan/ mengalihnya ke tempat lain disebabkan pematuhan ke atas pembelian PPE atau cara penggunaan 37 PENGUKURAN SUSULAN SUBSEQUENT MEASUREMENT Model Kos Kos Susut Nilai Terkumpul Kerugian Penjejasan Terkumpul Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape Nilai Bawaan 38 PENGUKURAN SUSULAN SUBSEQUENT MEASUREMENT Model Penilaian Semula Susut Nilai Terkumpul Rizab Penilaian Semula Kerugian Penjejasan Terkumpul Lebihan/ Kurangan Kos Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape Amaun dinilai semula/ Nilai Bawaan 39 CONTOH PENGUKURAN SUSULAN – MODEL PENILAIAN SEMULA i. Jabatan A memilih untuk mengukur tanah pegangan bebas dibeli pada 01.01.20X1 menggunakan Model Penilaian Semula. Dt. Tanah 01.01.20X1 Kos Asal Tanah - RM10j RM10j Kt. Tunai RM10j ii. Jabatan A melaksanakan Model Penilaian Semula Dt. Tanah 31.12.20X1 Fair Value Tanah - RM11.5j iii. Jun 20X2, loji kumbahan dibina berhampiran tanah menyebabkan nilai tanah jatuh. Jabatan A menilai semula tanah. Kt. Rezab Penilaian Semula Dt. Rezab Penilaian Semula Kerugian Penilaian Semula 31.12.20X2 Fair Value Tanah - RM8j RM1.5j Kt. Tanah RM1.5j RM1.5j RM2j RM3.5j 40 PENGUKURAN SUSULAN SUBSEQUENT MEASUREMENT Mengiktiraf Perbelanjaan susulan Pembaikan, pengubahsuaian dan penyelenggaraan (e.g. kos buruh & consumables) untuk mengembalikan dan mengekalkan faedah ekonomi masa depan i. DIBELANJAKAN DIPERMODALKAN Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape Meningkatkan nilai faedah ekonomi dan potensi perkhidmatan ii. Memanjangkan usia guna iii. Penggantian Komponen penting/besar 41 PENGUKURAN SUSULAN SUBSEQUENT MEASUREMENT Susut nilai Susutnilai • Susutnilai adalah satu kaedah memperuntukkan kos boleh disusutnilai sesuatu aset ketara dalam tempoh usia gunanya Kenapa menggunakan susutnilai? • nilai aset akan berkurangan sewaktu usia gunanya disebabkan oleh penggunaan, lusuh (wear and tear), fizikal aset merosot, keusangan teknologi Oleh itu • Susutnilai dapat menggambarkan berapa nilai aset telah digunakan. • Ia juga digunakan bagi memadankan perbelanjaan aset dengan pendapatan yang mana aset tersebut telah membantu mendapatkan pendapatan syarikat. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 42 PENGUKURAN SUSULAN SUBSEQUENT MEASUREMENT Usia guna aset Jangkaan kegunaan aset Jangkaan fizikal lusuh Program pembaikan dan penyelenggaraan Keusangan teknikal, sifat dagangan atau operasi Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape Undang-undang atau had serupa dalam penggunaan aset (tempoh pajakan) Faktorfaktor yang menentu kan usia guna 43 Property, Plant and Equipment Classification and Useful Lives Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 44 PENGUKURAN SUSULAN SUBSEQUENT MEASUREMENT Penjejasan / Impairment Adalah caj yang tidak berulang bagi menurunkan nilai buku yang terlebih nilai Nilai Buku > Nilai Aliran Masuk yang DiJangka pada Masa Hadapan Kemerosotan itu diturunkan nilai (write-down) dan menyebabkan penurunan nilai buku yang terlebih berbanding dengan Nilai Saksama Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 45 PENYAHIKTIRAFAN DERECOGNITION Amaun bawaan sesuatu item PPE hendaklah dinyahiktiraf apabila: i. dilupuskan; atau ii. apabila tiada faedah ekonomi masa hadapan atau potensi perkhidmatan dijangkakan dari penggunaan atau pelupusan Terimaan bersih Nilai Bawaan aset Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape Untung/(Rugi) 46 Investment Property A property (land or a building - or part of a building - or both) held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation, or both, rather than for: (a) Use in the production or supply of goods or services, or for administrative purposes; or (b) Sale in the ordinary course of operations. i. Fair Value Model • Recognition criteria: Initially recognized as an asset at cost when and only when: • it is probable that future economic benefits or service potential associated with the investment property will flow to the entity; and • the cost or fair value of the item can be measured reliably. Subsequent Measurement: Initial Measurement: a) at cost if acquired through exchange transaction; or b) at Fair Value if acquired through non-exchange transaction • • Measure at fair value unless the fair value is not reliably determinable on a continuous basis. Gain or loss arising from the change in the fair value is recognized in the surplus or deficit for the period in which it arises. A property interest held by lessee under an operating lease may be classified and accounted for as IP if it meets the definition of IP and the use of fair value model is mandatory. ii. Cost Model (same as PPE) Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 47 A biological asset is a living animal or plant. Agricultural produce is the harvested product of the entity’s biological assets. (MPSAS 27) AGRICULTURE Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 48 Agriculture Recognition criteria Biological asset or agricultural produce shall be recognized when and only when: • The entity controls the asset as a result of past events; • It is probable that future economic benefits or service potential associated with the asset will flow to the entity; and • The fair value or cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 49 Agriculture Measurement Biological Asset Initially measured at fair value less costs to sell. If fair value cannot be measured reliably, measured at cost. Agricultural Produce Initially measured at fair value less costs to sell at the point of harvest and accounted as inventories. Subsequently shall be measured at fair value less costs to sell. If cost was used at initial recognition, and fair value still cannot be measured reliably, it shall be measured at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 50 Intangible Assets An intangible asset is an identifiable nonmonetary asset without physical substance. Recognition criteria: a) meets the definition of an intangible asset; b) it is probable that the expected future economic benefits or service potential that are attributable to the asset will flow to the entity; and c) cost or fair value of the asset can be measured reliably. Subsequent Measurement: Initial Measurement: a) cost of an intangible asset in an exchange transaction, b) cost to internally generate an intangible asset (Internally generated), or c) fair value of an intangible asset acquired through a non-exchange transaction Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape i. Intangible assets with finite useful lives - Cost model (cost less amortization and impairment); or - Revaluation model ii. Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives - Shall not be amortized but is required to test for impairment annually. 51 Liabiliti ialah obligasi entiti yang timbul daripada peristiwa lalu, yang penyelesaiannya dijangka akan menyebabkan aliran keluar dari sumber entiti yang mengandungi manfaat ekonomi atau potensi perkhidmatan. [MPSAS1] POLISI BERKAITAN LIABILITI Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 52 PAYABLES UNDER EXCHANGE TRANSACTION PENSION PLAN AND GRATUITY TAXES PAYABLE LIABILITIES BORROWING PROVISION GRANTS AND FIXED CHARGES (Promissory notes issued to International Organisations) GRANTS AND FIXED CHARGES (Domestic Grants and others) Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 53 Recognition criteria General Requirements An item is recognized as a liability in an entity’s financial statements if: • The obligation meets the definition of a liability; and • the amount at which the settlement will take place can be measured reliably. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 54 Payables under Exchange Transactions Recognition criteria: • Recognized when goods or services are received or enjoyed. • For goods or services received or enjoyed without issuing Purchase order payable or accrual shall be recognized when invoices are received. Initial Measurement Measured at transacted amount (fair value of the consideration) Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape Subsequent Measurement At amortized cost. 55 Taxes Payable Recognition criteria Taxes Payables/ accruals shall be recognized when refunds are due to the taxpayer as a result of assessments being filed. Initial Measurement Measured at transacted amount (fair value of the consideration) Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape Subsequent Measurement Measured at amortized cost. 56 Provision Provision is a liability of uncertain timing or amount Recognition criteria: Recognized if, taking account of all available evidence, it is more likely than not that a present obligation exists at the reporting date. Measurement Measured based on the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the reporting date. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 57 Borrowing Recognized as financial liabilities at transacted costs and subsequently measured at amortized cost. Repayment of borrowing recognized as a reduction in the carrying amount of the borrowings at the transacted cost. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 58 Pension Plan and Gratuity Measurement: Recognition criteria: Recognized in the period when the employee services are received Based on the future obligations of the plan based on actuarial valuation. The amount recognized as liabilities: [Present value of the defined benefit obligation at the reporting date] – [fair value at the reporting date of plan assets] Contribution from the Federal Government and reimbursements made by the State Governments and Statutory Bodies for seconded staff, Local Authorities into the defined benefit plan are to be recognized as plan assets. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 59 Revenue is defined as “the gross inflow of economic benefits or service potential during the reporting period when those inflows result in an increase in net assets/equity, other than increases relating to contributions from owners.” [MPSAS 1] An inflow of resources from exchange and non-exchange transaction, other than services in-kind POLISI BERKAITAN HASIL Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 60 Recognition criteria General requirements Meets the definition of an asset It is probable that the future economic benefits or service potential associated with the asset will flow to the entity The fair value of the asset can be measured reliably. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 61 TYPES OF REVENUE Tax Revenue Non-Tax Revenue Miscellaneous receipts Revenue from Federal Territories Income Tax Licenses, Registration Fees and Permit Refund of Expenditure Tax revenue-Land Assessment Other Direct tax Service and Services Fees Sales of Goods Customs Duties Receipts from Government Agencies Rental Interest Sales Tax on locally Manufactured Goods and Imported Goods, Goods and Service Tax, Service Tax, Excise Duties Dividend Fines and Penalties Contributions and Compensation from foreign countries and local contributor Service In-kind Miscellaneous Taxes Exploration of oil and gas Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 62 Income Tax Specific requirement: Tax revenues are to be recognized by reference to the earning of assessable income by the taxpayers Assessment Year Submission Year Income Tax deduction received through Pay As You Earn shall be recognized as revenue at point of received. If the assessment amount of tax to be paid >amount deduction through PCB= Recognized as Tax Receivables if the assessment amount of tax to be paid <amount deduction through PCB= Recognized as Tax Payables Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 63 OTHERS TAX REVENUE Other Direct Taxes including quit rent assessment • Recognized by reference to the occurrence of taxable event and hence, the requirement takes into account appropriate cut-off, which would also result in the recognition of tax receivable/refundable. Customs Duties – Export & Import, Excise Duties on Imported Goods, and Levy • Custom duties on import and export are recognized as revenue upon movement of dutiable goods across customs boundary and custom controlled warehouse. • Levy for goods vehicle leaving and entering Malaysia are recognized as revenue • asCustoms revenue except GST shall recognized and when the levy was imposed and received. There is be no requirement to accrual such levy. revenue when payment is received. Sales Tax on Locally Manufactured Goods and Imported Goods, Service Tax, Excise Duties Miscellaneous Indirect Taxes as Taxis on Locally Manufactured Goods and Imported Goods, and Serviceprovision Tax are • • Sales This to take advantage of the transitional of recognized as revenue upon sale of goods and services (i.e. at point of sale to end user) MPSAS givegoods more time astorevenue JKDM get leave ready • Excise Duties 23 on theto general are recognized whento the goods the the factory. system tovehicles accrued revenue it is earned. • Excise duty on produced locally willwhen only be recognized as revenue when the vehicles are sold but not when the vehicles leave the factory. Excise Duty shall be accrued as receivable at the end of the fourth year after the vehicles left the factory although not sold. • Value-added tax is the undertaking of taxable activity during the taxation period by the taxpayer; • Death duty is the duty imposed upon the death of a person owning taxable property • Property tax is imposed upon the disposal of a property. 64 Non-Tax Revenue Licenses, Registration Fees and Permit • Recognized when licenses and permit are issued except for listed below which recognized when payment received due to no gaps between timing of issuance/registration and payment: • Birth/Deaths/Adopted child/Marriage and divorce/Citizen • Passport/Visa/Pass for Foreign workers/Other daily pass/Driving license/Auditor and liquidator Services Inkind • An entity may, but is not required to, recognize services in-kind as revenue and as an asset. Dividend • Recognized when the shareholder's or the entity's right to receive payment is established. • Measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 65 Non-Tax Revenue Service and Services Fees Rentals • Recognized by reference to the stage of completion of the transaction at the reporting date when ALL of the following conditions are satisfied: • Meet the general requirement; and • Specific requirements: • The stage of completion of the transaction at the reporting date can be measured reliably • The cost incurred for the transaction and the costs to complete the transaction can be measured reliably • Measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. • Recognized as revenue on straight line basis over the lease term. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 66 Non-Tax Revenue Sales of Goods Exploration of Oil and Gas • Recognized when ALL the following conditions have been satisfied: • Meet the general requirement; • Specific requirement: • The entity has transferred to the purchaser the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods; • The entity retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold; • The costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably. • Measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. • The amount of the cost of goods sold must be expensed to the surplus/deficit simultaneously with the recognition of revenue. • Recognized as they are earned/accrued in accordance with the substance of the relevant agreement unless, having regard to the substance of the agreement, it is more appropriate to recognize revenue on some other systematic and rational basis Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 67 Non-Tax Revenue Fines and Penalties Contributions and Compensation from Foreign Countries and Local Contributors • Recognized when the fine/penalty is being imposed. (i.e: Penalty for late payment of tax imposed by LHDN and Penalty for late payment of assessment imposed by the relevant authorities. • Measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable, taking into consideration the expected timing of settlement, where there is a separation between the taxable event and collection. • Fine for traffic offence shall be recognized as revenue when payment for the fine is received and not when the fine is imposed because the amount of fines cannot be reliably measured. The reasons why amount of fines cannot be reliably measured are listed as follows: • Discount is offered from time to time for payment of fine within stipulated time period; • Confirmation from the owner of the vehicle is required to determine the person who has committed the traffic offence. • The fine is subjected to challenge in court. • Meet the general requirement Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 68 Miscellaneous Receipts Refunds of Expenditure • Refund of expenditure for previous year shall be recognized as revenue at transacted cost. • Refunds of Expenditure for current year shall be recognized as a reversal to the relevant expense or asset account at transacted cost. Receipts • If revenue and cost recorded are interfrom departmental transactions, it should be Government eliminated. Agencies Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 69 Revenue from Federal Territories Tax RevenueLand Assessment • Recognized upon passing the annual levy date • the requirement may result in the recognition of tax receivable and measured at transacted cost. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 70 Expenses are defined as decreases in economic benefits or service potential during the reporting period in the form of outflows or consumption of assets or incurrence of liabilities that result in decreases in net assets/equity, other than those relating to distributions to owners.” [MPSAS 1] POLISI BERKAITAN BELANJA Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 71 TYPES OF EXPENDITURES Emoluments Salaries and Wages Allowance / Fixed Benefits Statutory Contribution for Employees Overtime Other Financial Benefits Special Allowances Supplies and Services Travelling and Cost of Living Expenses, Transportation of Goods, Communications and Utilities, Food and Beverage, Supplies and Others, Maintenance, Professional and Other Services and Hospitality, Payments for Temporary Staff Rental Expense Grant and Fixed Charges Interest, Dividends and Debt Charges Scholarships, Sponsorship and Educational Aids Subscription paid to international organizations Interest on Borrowings Transaction Cost on Drawdown of Borrowings Other Service Cost on Borrowings Other expenditures Refund of Tax Write-offs of Loans Receivable) Write-offs of Taxes Insurance Claim and Compensation Raw Materials and Spares Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 72 Emoluments Salaries and Wages, Allowance / Fixed Benefits, Statutory Contribution for Employees, Overtime, Other Financial Benefits, Special Allowances Recognition Recognized as expense in the period when the employee services are received Measurement Measured at transacted cost. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape For expenses not paid during the period where employee services are received, shall be accrued as appropriate. 73 Supplies and Services Travelling and Cost of Living Expenses, Transportation of Goods, Communications and Utilities, Food and Beverage, Supplies and Others, Maintenance, Professional and Other Services and Hospitality, Payments for Temporary Staff • Recognized as expenses in the period when the goods/services are consumed. • Such expenses, if not paid during the period where goods/services are consumed, shall be accrued as appropriate. Rental Expense • Recognized as expenses on straight line basis over the lease term • such expenses, if not paid during the period where goods/services are consumed, shall be accrued as appropriate. Raw Materials and • Expensed off or capitalized as inventory depending on the purpose of the usage of such supplies. Spares Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 74 Grant and Fixed Charges Scholarships, Sponsorship and Educational Aids Subscription paid to international organizations Insurance Claim and Compensation • Where the assistance constitutes a loan • Initially recognized as Loan Receivables at fair value plus transaction cost and • Subsequently recognized at Amortized cost • Where the assistance is not a loan • Recognized as expenses at transacted cost when the obligation to pay is established. • Expense off at transacted cost. • Recognized as provision when: • an entity has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event; • it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits or service potential will be required to settle the obligation; and • a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. • Measured based on the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the reporting date. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 75 Interest, Dividends and Debt Charges Interest on Borrowings • Benchmark Treatment • Borrowing costs shall be recognized as an expense in the period in which they incurred. • Allowed Alternative Treatment • Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction, or production of a qualifying asset shall be capitalized as part of the cost of that asset. • Capitalization of borrowing costs shall cease when substantially all the activities necessary to prepare the qualifying asset for its intended use or sale are complete. • Borrowing costs shall be calculated based on effective interest method. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 76 Interest, Dividends and Debt Charges (contd’.) Other Service Cost on Borrowings • Recognized as an expense in the period in which they incurred, • if not paid during the period where the obligation arose, should be accrued as appropriate Transaction Cost on Drawdown of Borrowings • Transaction costs that are directly attributable to the financial liability are deducted from the proceeds. • Such transaction cost is charged to expense and corresponding amount is added to the financial liability. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 77 The concept of Consolidated Fund will be maintained under the accrual basis of accounting POLISI BERKAITAN KUMPULAN WANG DISATUKAN Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 78 Concept of Consolidated Fund Consolidated Revenue Account • It shall be closed and the balance as at the date of implementation shall be transferred to the Accumulated Surplus/Deficit in the Statement of Financial Position under Net Assets/Equity Consolidated Loan Account • It shall be closed and the balance as at the date of implementation shall be transferred to the Accumulated Surplus/Deficit in the Statement of Financial Position under Net Assets/Equity. • Borrowing shall be recognized as Financial Liabilities. Trust Accounts • All Balances of government trust accounts shall be shown as trust reserves in the Statement of Financial Position under Net Assets/Equity. • Balances of public trust accounts and deposits shall be shown as liabilities (single line item) in statement of financial position. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 79 Accounting for trust fund Transaction Government trust fund Public Trust Fund Payment & Receipt • Applying accrual basis • Applying accrual basis Asset • Shall be recognized as an asset of the Government Trust Fund • Shall be recognized as an assets to the Public Trust Fund Liability • Liability are recognized as • Shall be recognized as liability liability of the to the Public Trust Fund Government Trust Fund • Except for loan acquired for the purpose of the fund shall be credited to General Fund. Revenue collected • Recognized as revenue to the trust fund • Recognized as revenue of the trust fund Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 80 Accounting for trust fund Transaction Government trust fund Public Trust Fund Expense incurred • Recognized as expense to the trust fund • Recognized as expense to the trust fund Expense incurred • Recognized as expense to the trust fund • Recognized as expense to the trust fund • Recognized as expense to the Government Trust Fund • Recognized as expense to the Public Trust Fund Depreciation charge Preparation of • Shall prepare Statement of • Shall prepare Statement of Financial Reports Financial Performance and Financial Performance and Statement of Financial Statement of Financial Position Position Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 81 Accounting for trust fund Transaction Consolidation Government trust fund Public Trust Fund • Revenues, expenses, assets • Shall be consolidated: and liabilities of the Financial assets and financial government trust accounts liabilities of the public trust shall be consolidated with accounts shall be consolidated General Fund. with General Fund. • Shall not be consolidated: Revenues, expenses, nonfinancial assets and nonfinancial liabilities of the public trust accounts. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 82 DEPOSITS • All payment and receipt transactions shall be accounted for by applying accrual basis of accounting. • The balances of deposits shall be aggregated and reported as liabilities and as a single line item in the Statement of Financial Position. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 83 POLISI LAIN Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 84 Leases Event after reporting date Foreign currency translation Impairment of Nonfinancial assets Related party disclosure Others policy Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimate and errors Impairment of Financial Assets Contingent liabilities Comparison budget Segment reporting Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 85 Finance Lease – Gov. as lessee Lease Asset Initial Recognition Assets acquired under finance leases shall be capitalized at amounts equal to the fair value of the leased asset or, if lower, the present value of the minimum lease payments determined at inception of the lease. Finance lease payable Initial Recognition The associated lease obligations to be recognized as finance lease payables at amounts equal to the fair value of the leased asset or, if lower, the present value of the minimum lease payments determined at inception of the lease. Subsequent Measurement Subsequent Measurement Leased assets are to be depreciated using policies consistent with that for depreciable assets that are owned. Finance lease liabilities shall be reduced based on the allocation to each period during the lease term so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 86 Operating Lease Government as lessor Lease Revenue Recognized as revenue on straight line basis over the lease term. Initial direct costs incurred by lessors in negotiating and arranging an operating lease shall be added to the carrying amount of the leased asset, and recognized as an expense over the lease term on the same basis as the lease revenue. Government as lessee Rental Expense Recognized as expenses on straight line basis over the lease term, such expenses, if not paid during the period where goods/services are consumed, shall be accrued as appropriate. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 87 Foreign currency translation Initial Measurement For transactions For foreign operations • Monetary items, ‘nonmonetary items measured at historical cost’ and ‘non-monetary items measured at fair value’ • Apply the spot exchange rate at the date of transaction. • For practical reasons, AGD rate that approximates the actual rate, might be used for all transactions occurring during that period. • Assets and liabilities shall be translated at the closing rate • Revenue and expenses translated at AGD rates at date of transactions • Remittance to 3/12 Imprest Holder recorded at spot rate • Resulting exchange differences shall be recognized in foreign exchange gain and loss account. Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape Subsequent Measurement Monetary items translated using the closing rate. Non-monetary items measured at historical cost - translated using the rate at the date of transaction. Non-monetary items measured at fair value translated using the rate at the date when the fair value was determined. 88 Transitioning to A New Accounting Landscape 89