C ANDY AND LOOT BAGS Set out glass jars loaded with different types of candies and mini scoops, and let guests fill their own goodie bags to take home. Go to candywarehouse.com to stock up on a variety of treats, from Halloween-themed candies to classics like Pixy Stix® and Bazooka®. PUNCH BOWL No Halloween party would be complete without a spooky punch. Serve one that’s blood-red, ghoulish green, or orange, and use dry ice to create an eerie mist. Look on page 3 for Five Star’s “Halloween Punch” N APKINS, PLATES, UTENSILS, AND TABLECLOTHS Keep a stash of these essentials in colors and patterns that match your party’s scheme. A festive covering will make your everyday tables party-ready in an instant. PartyCity.com has a wide selection of Halloween-themed goods, along with supplies in basic colors. A PPETIZERS Serve plenty of savory items to balance out all those sweet treats. There are lots of great places you can go visit online to find recipes and ideas for Halloween themed treats. Check out the recipe for our scary “Mummy Dogs” on page 5. PARTY CHECKLIST HALLOWEEN D ESSERTS Cupcakes and cookies are easy for guests to eat and fun to decorate for Halloween (for example: cupcakes topped with orange frosting or mini pumpkin candies). For even more holiday spirit, try out this recipe for spooky “Finger Cookies” on page 6. 1 SETTING THE SCENE PUMPKINS AND DECORATIVE GOURDS Display these in clusters around your home. Try different ways of dressing up your pumpkins – spray them with metallic paint for a golden glow or use chalkboard paint to make faces or write messages ( a great project before the party). Greet guests with a lineup of lighted carved Jack-O-Lanterns on your stoop or porch. OBWEBS AND SPIDERS, BATS, BALLOONS, C & DECORATIONS Hang cobwebs and spiders in the corners of you room, let bats and banners dangle from the ceiling, and go all-out with festive or frightening décor to create the right atmosphere. Shop for supplies from OrientalTrading.com, which has a wide selection of creepy goods—bags of bones, ghosts, and tombstones. Halloween is one of holiday where it’s OK to be over-the-top! S POOKY MUSIC Put together a playlist of favorite songs, such as Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” or invest in a soundtrack of creepy sound effects. HALLOWEEN MOVIES Play classic Halloween films in the background (on mute if you don’t want the sound to be distracting) to get guests in the mood, such as The Addams Family, Frankenstein or The Rocky Horror Show. PARTY CHECKLIST HALLOWEEN COSTUME ACCESSORIES Whether you’re hosting a costume party or not, it’s always fun to have some extra dress-up items around. Set out some masks and wigs, plastic fangs, hats a cape, a tiara, a feather boa— whatever suits your fancy—and let your guests get creative. 2 FIVE STAR HALLOWEEN PUNCH 1/2 CUP OF STEVIA 2 QUARTS WATER 2 (0.13-OUNCE) ENVELOPES LIME DRINK MIX 1 (46-OUNCE) CAN PINEAPPLE JUICE 1 QUART GINGER ALE PARTY BEVERAGES HALLOWEEN STIR TOGETHER STEVIA AND 2 QUARTS WATER UNTIL STEVIA IS DISSOLVED. STIR IN REMAINING INGREDIENTS. CHILL. NOTE: FOR A SCARY PRESENTATION, PLACE PUNCH BOWL INTO A LARGER BOWL AND ADD DRY ICE TO LARGER BOWL. 3 WITCHES BREW 4 CUPS APPLE CIDER 4 CUPS CRANBERRY FRUIT JUICE 4 WHOLE CLOVES OR 1/4 TEASPOON GROUND CLOVES 6 STAR ANISE PODS 4 CINNAMON STICKS ZEST OF 1 ORANGE, PEELED IN LARGE STRIPS PARTY BEVERAGES HALLOWEEN COMBINE INGREDIENTS IN A LARGE POT AND SIMMER OVER MEDIUMLOW HEAT. LET STEEP FOR ABOUT 30 MINUTES, STIRRING OCCASIONALLY. REMOVE FROM HEAT AND POUR THROUGH A STRAINER INTO A LARGE BOWL OR PITCHER. GARNISH WITH A CINNAMON STICK AND SERVE WARM, OR CHILL IN THE REFRIGERATOR AND SERVE COLD. 4 MUMMY DOGS 1 SHEET PUFF PASTRY 8 SAUSAGES, MEAT OR VEGETARIAN 1 EGG, BEATEN 1 TABLESPOON WATER MUSTARD (OPTIONAL) PARTY APPETIZERS HALLOWEEN PREHEAT OVEN TO 400 DEGREES AND LINE BAKING SHEET WITH PARCHMENT PAPER. ROLL OUT SHEET OF PUFF PASTRY AND CUT INTO 1/2 INCH-WIDE STRIPS. WRAP EACH SAUSAGE WITH 1-2 STRIPS, LEAVING SPACE FOR THE FACE. WRAP ONE MORE STRIP ON TOP FOR THE HEAD! COMBINE EGG AND WATER IN A BOWL AND BRUSH OVER PASTRY TO GLAZE. BAKE ABOUT 20 MINUTES OR UNTIL GOLDEN BROWN. COOL SLIGHTLY AND USE MUSTARD TO DRAW A PAIR OF EYES ON EACH MUMMY. 5 FINGER COOKIES 1 PACKAGE SUGAR COOKIE DOUGH - CHILLED 3/4 CUP WHOLE ALMONDS RED LIQUID FOOD COLORING (OPTIONAL) PARTY APPETIZERS HALLOWEEN PREHEAT OVEN TO 350 DEGREES AND LINE BAKING SHEET WITH PARCHMENT PAPER. ROLL COOKIE DOUGH INTO THIN LINES. PRESS A WHOLE ALMOND ON ONE END AND DRAW WRINKLE LINES WITH A KNIFE OR TOOTHPICK. BAKE ABOUT 15 MINUTES OR UNTIL SLIGHTLY BROWNED. COOL COMPLETELY. DRIP A SMALL AMOUNT OF RED FOOD COLORING AROUND THE “FINGER NAIL” AND AT THE ENDS 6