Ancient Egypt Dragonflies Mrs Foster, Mrs Phillips, Miss Dixon, Mrs Bibi Summer 2015 Dragonflies class will read and enjoy a range of non-fiction texts to develop their knowledge and understanding of their theme ‘Ancient Egypt.’ As readers the children will share both fiction and non-fiction texts through their Guided Reading sessions, as part of a group. We continue to encourage children to change their book in school after it has been shared at home, during Early Morning Activity time. Please remind your child to change their book regularly! As writers the children will write instructions for a range of historical artefacts they will make. As speakers and listeners the children will be involved in sharing their learning in our class sharing assembly. story writing Drama As scientists the children will develop their knowledge and understanding of the human body. In Geography the children will role-play a journey to Egypt on the first day of the new theme. They will also read and play in the ‘ancient tomb’ in our class role play area! In History the children will explore life in the time of Ancient Egypt and discover many fascinating facts! In ICT the children will visit the ICT Suite on a regular basis, using cross-curricular programmes. They will continue to use the new laptops in class to extend their learning across a wide range of subjects. The children will learn about Christianity in R.E and about safer lifestyles which focus on the question of risk through P.S.H.E. Poetry Non-Fiction Science: Animals including humans ICT: Using computer skills to design my own Theme Book cover Geography: What is it like in Egypt now? History: Amazing facts about life in ancient times RE: Christianity PSHE: Safer Lifestyles Wond Wo As mathematicians children will continue to develop the mental strategies of calculation and secure their knowledge of times table facts. Please support your child by working on these at home too! Children will also focus on division this term and apply this operation across a range of contexts. There will be a big focus on shape and their Properties and measuring weight this term. Children will be encouraged to bring in empty food packaging to support our learning in this area. Division Shape Time Measuring derful orld In Art the children will create a range of Egyptian artefacts. Paintings Egyptian artefacts Rounders, cricket, athletics: PE kit including shorts, t-shirt and trainers required In Design Technology the children will make their own pyramids! In Music the children will compose their own theme -related rhythms. Dragonflies class have two P.E lessons a week, which will usually be on Wednesdays and Fridays this term. The children will need appropriate outdoor footwear such as trainers for outdoor P.E lessons. Please ensure that P.E KITS ARE IN SCHOOL FROM MONDAY THROUGH TO FRIDAY. Important Dates and Events P.E days: Wednesday and Friday Class Sharing Assembly: Date to be advised Sports Day: 13th July (provisional) Book events: Dates to be advised Move-up Day: 1st July Half-term: 25th-29th May Home Learning Thank you for supporting your child in completing their ‘40 challenges’ as part of their home learning. Please encourage your child to bring their booklets to school to share regularly. Please continue to read together as often as you can at home and record comments in the Reading Diary. If your child’s book is ready to be changed, please remind them to change this when they first come in to school. Times tables underpin so many aspects of maths and support to learn these at home will be really beneficial. Dragonflies class will visit the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge as part of our theme this term. The visit will be on Friday 22nd May. A Final Note Dragonflies class settle so well to their Early Morning Activities in the classroom. Thank you for your continued support in enabling your children to independently organise their own belongings in the mornings, now that they are in Key Stage Two. Thank you also for ensuring that book bags, water bottles and P.E kits are in school every day. Water bottles cost 35p and are available from the Office. Useful Websites: Phonics: (especially Phase 5 games) Science: Maths: If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to come and see us.