Windows to ourWorld - Children's Aid Society of Hamilton

to ourWorld”
Annual Report 2008-2009
Our Vision
A community where every
child is a gift to be valued,
nurtured, and kept safe.
Our Mission
The Children’s Aid Society of
Hamilton, in partnership with
families and our community,
is committed to the safety,
protection, and well-being of
children and the strengthening
of families, while valuing
diversity and promoting equity.
Annual Report
Letter to our Community
It is our pleasure to present the 2008-2009 Annual Report for
kin, and when that is not possible, to
The Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton.
find permanent families for children.
Every year brings about a new set of challenges and opportunities for
our Society and this past year was no exception. Many of this year’s
activities continued to focus on the Ministry’s transformation agenda,
including implementation of a “Signs of Safety” approach to working
with children and families. The three cases that are featured in this
Notwithstanding these challenges, we
stand firm in our efforts to keep pace
with the demands for our services.
The children and youth who come to
us deserve no less.
year’s “Windows to Our World” report show
The successes that we have achieved
how we often work alongside staff from other
over the course of the past year were
community agencies to fully assess the safety
made possible through the exceptional
of a child while creating a plan of service that
work of our committed staff, volunteers,
may include the involvement of several of our
and foster, kin and adoptive families.
partners. The profiles also demonstrate how
We also value the leadership and
we engage families and utilize family support
contributions of our Board of Directors
networks to find effective solutions to the
and the supports provided by our many
issues that they are facing. By building on
community partners and donors.
families’ strengths and involving them in the
A heartfelt thank you to all for your
planning and decision-making process for their
contributions to make a difference in
children, we are helping to create stability and
the lives of children and families in
keep children and youth in our community safe.
our City.
The cost of child protection continues to be
a challenge for our Ministry and children’s aid
societies throughout Ontario as we work to
provide excellent programs and services within
Dominic Verticchio, Executive Director
fixed resources. The changes brought about by
Transformation require more time to complete
required assessments, to engage families, to
keep children safe at home with their family or
Michael P. Shea, President
to ourWorld”
“…in order to keep children safe, we need the
involvement of community partners that are key
components upon which we plan, deliver and
evaluate our services to families.”
The argument began after Miranda discovered an
family included working to engage Austin to change
email to Austin, raising her suspicion of infidelity.
his aggressive behaviour.
She pressed her partner about his relationship with
the woman. The situation escalated. Austin grabbed
Miranda by the hair and forced her out of the apartment and into the hallway. A neighbour called 911.
The workers arranged a meeting with Austin at the
detention centre and over the course of the visit,
Austin was able to gain valuable insight into the
personal costs and implications that his violent
Police laid charges of physical assault against Austin
behaviours have on Miranda’s and Karly’s physical,
and he was taken to the Hamilton Detention Centre
emotional and mental well-being. He acknowledged
where he remains today, leaving Miranda to care and
that his actions were inexcusable and said that he
provide for their eight-month-old daughter Karly.
would “do whatever it takes” to re-establish a safe
Miranda grew up in a home where she was exposed
and positive relationship with his family.
to domestic violence. She says that’s not the life that
The workers provided Austin with information on
she wants for Karly and wonders what the future will
programs to help abusive men, including the Partner
hold when Austin is released from jail.
Abuse Response Program, a specialized counselling
During the course of an assessment on the young
family, the CAS child protection worker learned that
Austin’s stepfather had physically abused him when
he was young and that Austin had spent most of
his life in and out of treatment facilities. While he had
received treatment for attention deficit and oppositional
and educational service offered by Catholic Family
Services. The program aims to enhance victim safety
and holds offenders accountable for their behaviour.
Austin agreed to a second meeting with the men’s
anti-violence worker to explore this and other
supports further.
defiant disorders, he had not received counselling to
Miranda is seeking to secure full custody of Karly.
help address post-traumatic stress disorder.
It’s uncertain if, upon his release from custody, Austin
In our work with families, CAS staff often link caregivers
with support from appropriate community services.
We believe that in order to keep children safe, we
need the involvement of our community partners that
are key components upon which we plan, deliver and
evaluate our services to families.
will follow through on his commitment to participate
in the prescribed program. Miranda continues to
struggle with this and other questions concerning
the future. But for now, she draws comfort in the
knowledge that she is able to continue to work
alongside the CAS and other community professionals
to plan for the family’s safety and well-being.
The worker consulted with a men’s anti-violence
worker who works on site at the agency two days a
week. Their collaborative safety planning for the
to ourWorld”
Intake Services
• Intake Services responded to 6,100
calls about children’s safety and
well-being from the community,
including educators, healthcare
professionals, police and concerned
citizens. Of these, 2,174 resulted in
investigations of suspected
maltreatment of children and youth.
• In 1,206 cases where there were no
immediate child protection concerns,
CAS staff linked primary caregivers
with other community services and
provided follow-up on these cases,
as required.
• After-Hours Emergency Services
responded to 9,872 calls regarding
child protection concerns.
“…we engage families and utilize
family support networks to find effective solutions
to the issues that they are facing.”
Tara’s life was spiraling downwards. Friends saw the
program offered through the Womankind Addiction
toll that substance abuse was taking on the single
Service. She also participated in Womankind’s New
mother and called the Society to report their concerns
Choices program that offers a variety of services for
about the safety and well-being of Caitlin, her four-
women with substance abuse concerns including
year-old daughter. Coincidentally, on that same day,
assessment, treatment and referral, counselling and
Tara placed a call to the agency to enquire about drug
individual and group parenting education.
and alcohol treatment programs and supports that
would enable her to get her life back on track.
Tara’s grandparents are extremely pleased with the
progress that their granddaughter has made over
Tara worked cooperatively with a CAS worker in
the past year. They continue to demonstrate strong
locating a safe and stable home for Caitlin while Tara’s
support for the young mother and child, by providing
ability to care for Caitlin could be fully assessed. Tara
supervised access visits in their home and have
told the worker that Caitlin had a significant bond and
indicated to the Society that they will remain as a
relationship with her great-grandparents and gave
support when Caitlin is fully integrated into Tara’s care.
consent for the child to be placed with her “nana
and papa”. The arrangement, called a kinship service
placement, allowed Caitlin to move to a stable,
familiar and loving home. It also meant that Caitlin
would not have to come into the agency’s care.
The Society supported the placement with a referral
for subsidized daycare for Caitlin to provide
stimulation and socialization for the child, while giving
the great-grandparents respite during the day.
Initially, Tara was determined that she could overcome
her addictions on her own and did not want the
Society monitoring her progress. However, in time,
with encouragement from the great-grandparents and
Tara is continuing with post-recovery treatment for
her drug addiction, learning to recognize and address
triggers that could cause her to relapse. That said,
Tara has been “clean” for several months.
She continues to welcome direction and guidance
from a CAS parent support worker and works hard at
utilizing appropriate parenting skills during her visits
with Caitlin.
In recent months, Tara’s network of approved
caregivers has expanded to include her own mother
and Tara’s fiancé Chris, who supports the Society’s
involvement with the family, as needed.
the engagement skills of the family services worker,
From the beginning and throughout their involvement
Tara entered into a voluntary service plan and began
with the family, CAS workers included the mother
to access the resources recommended by the Society.
and family in the decisions that were being made for
An addictions specialist from the Alcohol, Drug and
Gambling Service works on-site at the Society and
provided Tara with a referral for treatment. In
Caitlin. By acknowledging Tara’s concerns and desires,
workers were successful in establishing a plan that
brought her goals together with the agency’s goals.
January, Tara completed a drug rehabilitation
to ourWorld”
Family Services
• Family Services provided services and supports to 1,210 families experiencing
difficulties relating to parenting and children who are in need of protection or
support due to difficulties in their homes.
• Our parent support and family management workers and health specialists provided
in-home support to 547 families requiring assistance with parenting practices, behaviour
management, nutrition, infant care, healthcare and general household management.
• 407 families had the opportunity to receive support and teaching at the Dofasco
Therapeutic Access Centre on 6,465 occasions.
• In kinship service, members of a child’s extended family or those closely involved
with a child provide care when a child cannot live with his/her family because of a
protection concern. 113 children were living in 112 kinship service homes.
• 975 patients were seen in our medical clinic for treatment.
• 1,703 patients were seen in the dental clinic for treatment.
“By building on families’ strengths and involving them in the planning
and decision-making process for their children, we are helping to create
stability and keep children and youth in our community safe.”
In 2007, a local physician contacted the agency to
Womankind’s New Choices program. The past year
report a concern regarding a mother’s failure to
has also brought about a dramatic change in the way
follow up on medical treatment for her two-year-old
in which Lawrie perceives the Society. Over time, she
daughter. An investigation by the Society into the
has formed a close bond and working relationship
family brought to light a history of parental substance
with her children’s services worker and has come
abuse that resulted in child neglect and maltreatment.
to appreciate and understand the need to begin
During the course of the investigation, drug testing
longer-term planning for Evan and Riley’s care and
was conducted on the mother and her two children.
Lawrie and her son, Evan, age 13, tested positive for
cocaine use. Testing on Riley, her two-year-old
daughter, showed exposure to cocaine. Evan and
Riley were taken into the care of the Society and
remain in care at time of writing.
Though it has been most difficult for Lawrie to come
to terms with this knowledge, she now accepts that
she is unable to provide Evan with the direction and
level of support that he needs to address past issues
as well as current and future challenges. He requires
Evan grew up surrounded by drug addicts and
specialized treatment and has made significant gains
traffickers. He recalls people coming to the house
while in care. Keeping Evan’s interests paramount
and leaving at all hours of the day. He remembers
in the decision-making surrounding his future care,
being locked outside the house when Lawrie was
Lawrie is supportive of the Society’s decision to
“high”. At age 10, Evan took to selling drugs as a
take forward an application for Crown wardship. If
means to provide for his family. Lawrie continued
approved, Evan will remain in the care of the Society,
to use drugs after Riley was born and often left Evan
until the age of 18, or possibly age 21, if warranted.
alone to care for his infant sister.
Planning for Riley’s long term care is also underway
The Court granted Lawrie access to her children by
with Lawrie’s participation, alongside extended family
way of supervised visits at the Society’s Therapeutic
members, Riley’s foster parents and CAS staff and
Access Centre. During the first year that Evan and
other community professionals, in the development
Riley were in care, Lawrie missed a number of the
of a plan that will one day enable Riley’s return into
scheduled visits. She continued to test positive for
her mother’s care, as well as prevent against the child
cocaine and declined recommended services and
ever having to come back into care.
supports offered by the Society.
In 2008, Lawrie made a decision to seek help for
her addiction. She completed treatment and is now
participating in an after-care plan through
to ourWorld”
Children’s Services
• Hamilton CAS cared for a total
of 659 children throughout the
year. 422 of these young people
are in the permanent care of
the Society.
• 197 foster and 31 kinship families
provided stable and supportive
homes to children in care.
• We found caring, loving adoptive
families for 47 children whose
adoptions were finalized over
the past year.
• 184 children and youth in our
care participated in a variety of
specialized support programs,
ranging from independence
training programs, cooking
programs, craft groups, a games
group and various seasonal
programs. In addition, 27 youth
participated in a supportive living
program for youth leaving care.
Consolidated Statement of Operations
and Changes in Fund Balances
for the year ending March 31, 2009
Province of Ontario........................................................................................ $ 46,084,293
Children’s Special Allowance...................................................................... 1,848,110
Other Children’s Aid Societies.................................................................. 288,357
Special Purpose Grants................................................................................ 192,804
Donations and Fundraising.......................................................................... 355,318
Investment Income.......................................................................................... 92,608
Miscellaneous................................................................................................... 466,740
$ 49,328,230
Client Services.................................................................................................. $ 39,172,534
Legal Services................................................................................................... 2,728,901
Administration.................................................................................................. 6,270,543
Special Purpose Grants................................................................................ 192,804
$ 48,364,782
Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures ....................... $
Fund Balance
Fund Balance April 1, 2008.......................................................................... $
Adjustment of Vacation Entitlement....................................................... 6,749,705
Fund Balance April 1, 2008 restated....................................................... Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures........................... 6,445,611
Fund Balance March 31, 2009.................................................................... $
Individual Fund Balances as at March 31, 2009
Child Welfare Fund......................................................................................... $
Ontario Child Benefit Fund......................................................................... Capital Fund...................................................................................................... Private Funds.................................................................................................... $
Auditors: Deloitte & Touche LLP
An audited financial statement for the year ending March 31, 2009 is available at the Society’s office upon request
Thank You...
A Profile In Giving
Our heartfelt thanks to all of the individuals, businesses, organizations and schools who so generously
contributed to the Society during the past year. On behalf of the many children, youth and families that
have been touched by your kindness…Thank you.
25,000 +
The Ontario Trillium Foundation
Sun Life Financial Inc.
Estate of Dorothea Helen Feyerer
$5,000 - $24,999
ArcelorMittal Dofasco Employees’ Donations Fund
BMO Bank of Montreal
B’Nai Brith Sports Celebrity Dinner
Carpe Diem Residential
Treatment Homes
Children’s Aid Foundation
CHML/Y108 Children’s Fund
Employment Hamilton
Frank Miller Charitable Fund
Rick Kojfman & Family
Lillian & Marvin Goldblatt
Charitable Fund
Rotary Club of Hamilton A.M.
Rotary Club of Hamilton Mountain
The Spectator Summer
Camp Fund
$1,000 - $4,999
Around the Bay Road Race
Binatech System Solutions
Blue Line Taxi
The Bracci Family
Campbell Mihailovich Uggenti
Law Firm
CIBC Commercial Banking
Clark Family Foundation
Hugh Clark
Marlies & Alan Clark
Charitable Fund
Mike & Christina Clemann
Bill Cooke
Custom Decorating Services
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Deloitte Management Services LP
Dignity Memorial Funeral Homes
Direct Electric Corporation
Dr. Natalie Gaik
Jay Goldblatt & Family
Good Shepherd Centre
Grand & Toy
Grant Thornton LLP
Hamilton East Lions Club
Hicks, Morley, Hamilton,
Stewart, Storie
Hotz Ferrous Inc.
Inch Foods Inc.,
McDonald’s Restaurant
J.K. Counter Tops Ltd.
Sandra May & Family
McMaster Medical Students
Council - Class of 2010
Nick & Ingrid Merola
Pearson-Dunn Insurance
Project Concern,
Hamilton Police Service
Samuel, Son & Co., Limited
Sherwood Secondary School
Sims Advertising
Brenda Snider
Taylor Steel Inc.
Triple M Metal LP
Dominic & Sharon Verticchio
Wal-Mart Canada Corp.
Waste Services (CA) Inc.
White Rabbit Child Care Centre Ltd.
H. James Wood
Terry & Brenda Yates
Under $1,000
A & A Exhaust Systems
ACG Canada
Active Answering Service
Lynne Allen
Natalie Allen
Allen-Dalton Group Limited
Ancaster Quilter’s Guild
Tom & Debbie Anderson
Rob & Joanne Anelli & Family
Natalia Antunes
Shirley Arberg
ArcelorMittal Dofasco
Cedric & Cynthia Arnold
Julie Aumais
Phil Austin
Lisa Baksys
Banyan Community Services
Dr. Thomas John Barlow
Barrie Metals Inc.
Bay Gardens Funeral Home Inc.
Mark & Brenda Bayley
BDFP & Associates LLP
Melissa Beatie
Allan Behan & Lita Classen
Duncan G. Bell
Lisa Bellon
Ken & Lee Birch
Aileen Blair
BMO Employee Charitable
Mike Bondarenko
Theresa Bosco
David & Lynda Bowen
Margaret Bowman
Donald E. Bradford
Branching Out Inc.
Andrew & Helen Brink
Browne & Browne Consultants Inc.
Gifts received during the 2008-2009 fiscal year (April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009)
Burlington Merchandising & Fixtures
Burloak Real Estate Services
Carmen Cadieux
Doris Cantelon
Carriage Gate Homes 2000 Inc.
Beth Carruth
Melissa Casimirri
Catholic Family Services
Glenys Causton
Allan & Dorothy Chalmers
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Chapin
Charlton Hall Child & Family Centre
Domenic Chiaravalle
Shawn Chisholm
City of Hamilton,
Community Services Department
Philip J. Clay
Douglas & Gail Clifford
Chad Collins
Community Child Abuse
Council Hamilton
Cam & Toni Cooke
Robert Coulter
Council for Exceptional Children
Covanta Energy
Cowan Insurance Brokers Ltd.
Joan Cox
Karl Crevar
Darren Smith & Leslie Croft
Jenn Cruciano
Jennifer Danso
Doris M. Davidson
Dawn Patrol Child & Youth Services Inc.
Kathleen de Graaf
Stephen F. De Wetter
Gordon & Mary Dean
Mark DeBenedictis
Kenneth Dingledine
Mike & Cindy Dowhaniuk
Drake International
Stipe Drmic
John & Karen Drummond
DVC Contracting
David & Joanne Dyment
Dr. Ralph Epstein
Peter & Sheila Evans
Evans, Philp Barrister & Solicitors
Richard Eves
Art Faguy
Nancy Falls
Gordon S. Faulkner
Jennifer Fearnside
Sam & Angela Febbraro & Family
Helen Ferguson
Enrico Floriani
Theresa Flynn-Purchase
Robert & Phyllis Ford
Phil & Cathy Fournier
Keith & Janice Gale
Denise Gibson
Robert & Ann Glass
Harold & Rayella Goldblatt
Jennifer Goobie
June Graham
Grand Youth Services
Mary Grosvenor
Christien Guerin
Hamilton Air Force Association
Hamilton International Airport
Hamilton Limo Inc.
HWDSB, Corporate Communications
Dawn Hammell
Paul Hanover
Beth & Ray Harris
Marion Harrison
Hatts Off Specialized Services Inc.
HHS Medical Staff Association
HMT Sales Tax Consultants Inc.
Ann Holdway
Dorothy Holmes
Honeywell Ltd.
Sandy Horan
Dr. & Mrs. Harry & Ruth Hotz
David W. Howell Professional
Aileen Howson
Natalie Hrestak
Alexander Hunter
Inch Hammond Barristers & Solicitors
Robert & Diana Innes
International Truck & Engine
Corporation of Canada
Interval House of Hamilton
Edwin & Margaret Janack
Peter & Maureen Jensen
Kevin Jesty
John Howard Society
Clare & Ruth Johnson
Edwin Johnson
Sylvia Kajiura
Mr. & Mrs. John Kavander
Dr. Raymond Kearns
Stan & Cathy Keyes
Carolyn Kinsley
John & Rosemary Knechtel
Paul & Pamela Lakin
Lalonde & Associates Process Serving
Tom Lee
J.C. Lee-Anon
Jodie Licata
Liebherr-Canada Ltd.
Life-Center Foster Homes Inc.
Liftow Ltd.
David & Connie Linington
Liuna Gardens Banquet &
Conference Centre
Gord & Helga Love
Norman & Clare MacDonald
Adrian Mackey & Kelly Andrews
Margaret Maclennan
Alexander Macrae
Donna Madden
Bruce & Gloria Maddox
Anthony Magliocco
William Malcolm
Dr. Glenn Allan Mallory
Stella Manary
Emily Mancinelli
Gillian Manifold-Burgess
Angelee Marcantonio
Lorraine Marshall
Mike Marshall
John Martindale
Rob & Leslie Mastromatteo
MCAP Leasing Staff
Jean McCallion
Jim & Laura McCartney
Timothy McClemont
Mary Lorraine McFadden
McHugh Mowat Whitmore Ionico
MacPherson LLP
Martha McLaughlin
Fiona McLeish
Jean McLeish
Marjorie McLelland
Natalie McLeod
Angi McNeil
Sean & Chrissy Merritt
Metroland West Media Group
Midgley & West Ltd.
Michael & Wendy Mihailovich
Kristina Mihajlovic
Marianne Millar
Marjorie Millar
Dr. Michael Mills
John Mokrycke
David & Nancy Morley
Morneau Sobeco
Lou Morris
to ourWorld”
• Hamilton CAS has a diverse staff
of 359 full and part-time staff that
serves a geographic area covering
1,117 kilometres.
• The Society is governed by an
18-member volunteer Board of
Directors whose experience
extends across many sectors
including finance, education and
human services.
• 94 volunteer drivers logged more
than 2 million kilometres taking
children in care to appointments,
activities and supervised visits at
the Society’s Access Centre.
• 228 foster and kin families provided
a safe, nurturing environment for
children in need.
Carl & Margaret Mountford
Brian & Anita Mullen
Nik & Yvonne Nadel
Nationwide Appraisal Services Inc.
Niagara Metals LLC
Nancy Nick & Dickie Borzychowski
Tom Nixon
Ken Oates
Ottawa Key Shop
Peggy Pacey
Parkland Children’s Home
David & Dianne Pearson
Sheila Penney
Peto MacCallum Ltd.
David Phillips
Ronald & Donna Picklyk
Margaret Pilkey
Bernard & Christine Poole
Posner Metals Ltd.
Leon & Vivian Price
Robert & Brenda Primeau
Probus Club of Dundas
H.A. Pryce
Queenston Chevrolet-Corvette
Linda Rezo
Michael, Jacqueline & Sophia Rick
Kathy Ricketts-Moncur
George Rodwell & Leanne Guzar
Brad & Laurene Rogers
Joan Rogers
Ross & McBride LLP
Debbie Ruppenthal
James Russell
John Ryan
Elizabeth Scarlett
Debra Scime
Justice & Mrs. J.C.L. Scime
Sears Limeridge
Mike & Karen Shea
William & Albertine Shea
Linda Shelton
Sherwood High School
Shumac Enterprises Inc.
Jack & Teresa Silvestro
Tara Skewes
Irene Stayshyn
Jim Stirling
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie & Hilda Szabo
Joanne Teoh
Laura Anne Thain
The Edward L. Verdecchia Co.
The Guelph Mercury
Shannon Themeles
Steven & Dena Thomas
Michael & Carol Thompson
Keith Thorne
Rachel Threlkeld
Elizabeth Tilson
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Graham & Dorothy Tipple
Kim Tocher
Joel & Sharon Tomalty
Larry & Sharon Travers
George & Alana Travis
Bruce Treacher
Tube City IMS, LLC
Shirin & Ben Umar-Khitab
United Trophy Manufacturing Ltd
United Way of York Region
Bill & Carol Urie
David van der Woerd
Kim Van Louwe & Linda Pawlick
Joyce Vanderpost
Fernando Ventresca
Lara Wareing
Victoria E. Watson
Gary & Donna Waxman
Waxman Industrial Services Corp.
Vivian Waye
WSIB-Charity Trust Hamilton,
Staff Association
Eddie & Marilyn Weisz
Dr. Janet Weisz
Wellington At Work
Wentworth Metal Recycling
Ian White
Lois Wildish
Willow Hair Salon
Rick & Doreen Wills
Charles & Cori Wiseman
Dr. JudyWismer
World Water and Wastewater
Solutions Ltd.
Stephen Yanover
George Ziemer
AllTech Computing
Alpha Gamma Delta Women’s Fraternity
American Iron & Metal Company Inc.
Amerjy Tool and Mould
Ancaster Old Mill
Ancaster Quilter’s Guild
Tom & Debbie Anderson
Loris Andretta
ArcelorMittal Dofasco
Frank & Michelle Arrowsmith
Adrian Arsenault
Astral Media Radio
• K-Lite FM Radio
• Oldies 1150 CKOC
• Talk 820 Radio
Ausable Family Services
Carlo & Roseanna Avolio
Balaclava Public School
Maureen Baldry
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Nova Scotia
Connie Barrie
Don Bates
Brenda Bayley
Terry & Kristine Beaupre
Jamie Begley
Dave Bennett
Ann Benton
Juline Bergeron
Gary Beveridge
Binatech System Solutions
Tracey Blanchette
Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. Staff
Boston Pizza, Burlington
Boston Pizza, Main Street West
Boston Pizza, Upper James
Mark Bottrell
Helen Bourassa
Frances Bradley
Cheryl Breukelman
Sonja Broadbent
Nellie Brody
Donations In Kind
Buchanan Park School
20 Bees
Burlington Convention Centre
A & A Exhaust Systems
Burlington Merchandising & Fixtures
A.B. Wass Security Alarm Systems
CAA South Central, Nancy Webb
ABB Inc. Staff
& Colleagues
Patricia Adam
Ida Calzonetti
ADK Alpha-Gamma Chapter
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum
Air Canada Kids Horizons
Alcohol, Drug & Gambling Services
Allegra Print & Imaging FootPRINT Fund Carpenters Union, Local 18
Wendy Carter
Mandy Allen
to ourWorld”
CAS - Accounting Dept.
CAS - Adoption Unit
CAS - Children’s Services 1
CAS - CUPE Local 3899
CAS - Family Services Unit D
CAS - Intake Team 2
CAS – Intake Team 3
CAS - Medical & Dental Clinic
CAS - Therapeutic Access Centre
CAS - Volunteer Department
CAS - Volunteer Drivers
Sebrina Casali
Centennial Decorating Centre Ltd.
Elaine Charal
Rachel Charles
Charlton Hall Child & Family Centre
Château des Charmes
Chef & Wife Cuisine & Catering
Chestnut Tree Pre-School
Lisa Chumley
Marco & Anne Cibola
City of Hamilton, Energy, Fleet & Facilities
City of Hamilton, Public Works
Department, Transit Division
City of Hamilton, Tracy Volchoff
& Colleagues
Clarity Conferencing Inc.
Jill Clement
Douglas & Gail Clifford
Ed Cloutier
CNH Capital
Coca-Cola Bottling Company,
Social Committee
Deborah Coles
Complete-IT Presentation
Cam & Toni Cooke
Tom Cooke
Mary Crowe
Culligan of Canada Ltd., Pat McGoogan
Cumis Life Insurance Company
Sandra DaCosta
Wendy Dalrymple
Tracey Dalton
Kim D’Amico
Dan Aykroyd Wines
Pamela De Coste
Karin DeAbrey
Agnese DeFazio
Delta Chelsea Hotel
Michele Desjardins
Kathy Devine
Steve & Krista Devitt
Christina Dicker
Laura Dickie
Vince DiFelice
Rose DiMatteo-Clark
Dan Dimtsis
Melanie Dirks
Michael Dismatsek
Dofasco Bantam Steelhawks Select
Dr. John Seaton School
Dr. Peeling’s Office
Dreamcatcher Fund
Robyn Dufresne
Dundas Baptist Church
Norma Duquette
David & Joanne Dyment
Dynamic & Proto Circuits Inc.
The View, Pulse & Echo
Dynasty Communications Inc.
E.D. Smith & Sons Ltd.
Glen Early
EastDell Estate
East Hamilton Lions Club
Dr. George Economou
Edgewater Manor Restaurant
Edible Arrangements, Hamilton
Edson Packaging Machinery Ltd.
Dawn Ehler
Electrolux Home Care Products
Canada Inc.
Elizabeth Bagshaw School
Vaughan Elliott
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Janet Fairley
The Fairmont Royal York
Sam & Angela Febbraro & Family
Fern Hill School, Burlington Campus
Fern Hill School, Oakville Campus
Susan Ferris
Natalie Fidanza
Flamboro Downs
Bernice Flegg
Louise Fleming
Beverly Floyd
Karen Francis
Bev Fraser
Carl Fraser, Fraser Financial
Freedom Financial
Frozen Vines
Ovidiu Galantai
Gatestone School
Georgia Geddes
Abbigail Geofroy
Melinda Germana
Leslie Giles
Andrea Gillis
Ann & Robert Glass
Global Graphics
Goeman’s Appliances
Bob & Ginny Golba
Golden Griddle Family Restaurants
Grant Thornton LLP
Greensville Gourmet
Hager Industries Inc.
Kristen Hallett
Hamilton Bulldogs
Hamilton Bulldogs Foundation
Hamilton Conservation Authority
Hamilton Crew for Action
Against Tobacco
Hamilton Downtown Family YMCA
Hamilton Fire Department
Hamilton Hawks Girls Midget Basketball
Hamilton Health Sciences - P.H.R.I.
Hamilton Limo Inc.
Hamilton Santa Claus Parade Committee
Hamilton Tiger-Cats
Hamilton Video & Sound Ltd.
Hamilton Waterfront Trust
HWDSB, Corporate Communications
HWDSB, Human Resources
HWDSB, Psychological Services
HWDSB, Purchasing Services
HWDSB, Section 23 Program
Stephanie Hampson
Mrs. Hand
Lori Hand
Linda Hardwick
Erin Harris-Dobrucki & Family
Healing Reign
Health Canada
Ron Heasman
Lionel & Mary Hebert
Herbal Magic
Highview School
Hillebrand Estate Winery
Holiday Inn Select Hotel & Suites, Oakville
Holiday Valley Resort, Ellicottville
Holland Park Garden Gallery
Michele Holmes
Home Depot Cashiers
Honeywell Ltd.
Horizon Utilities Corp.
Drew Horlacher
Lorraine Horodecki
House & Home Media
Natalie Hrestak
Betty Hughes
Bob Hughes
Hunter Business Forms Inc.
Julia Hutchison
I.B.E.W. Local 636
ICI Canada Inc.
Imagineer’s Child Care Centre
India Village Restaurant
Inniskillin Wines
Interval House of Hamilton
Investor’s Group
Robert Irvine
Catherine P. Ivey
Jackson Triggs Estate Wines
Jason & Jodi Morning Show,
Talk 820 Radio
Jenna Rose
Carolyn Johns
Patricia Johns
Julie Johnson & Colleagues
Carolyn Jolins
Juravinski Cancer Centre,
Diane Burns & Colleagues
Kacaba Vineyards
Dr. Peter Kalman
Dave Kavanagh
Jan Kielt
Bert Killins
La Bakeri
Landscaping With Style
Karoline Lawson
Janet Leach
George Richard Leece
Leon’s Insulation Department
David Lesperance
Liaison College, Hamilton
Lincoln Alexander School
Little Hats That Grew
Colleen Lobo
Aaron Lofts
Rodrigo Londono
Elise Loreto
Gail Lowe
Maccheroni Cucina Al Fresco
Gayle MacDonald
Ronda MacDonald
Tara MacDougall
Sherry MacIsaac
Adrian Mackey & Kelly Andrews Wendy Maddalena
Maddison Avenue Salon & Spa
Patrick Magill
Maple Leaf Consumer Foods
Brenda Marsillo
Stacey Massey
Marion Maxwell
John Swiergosz & Sandra May
McCallum & Misale Insurance Brokers
Joelle McDonald
Mickey McGuire’s Cheese Shop, Dundas
Sandy McIlwraith
Bonnie McLaughlin
Martha McLaughlin
Department of Medicine, Chairs Office
McMaster Health Sciences,
Rehab Science & CanChild Centre
for Children
McMaster University, Commons Marketplace-Hospitality Services
McMaster University Cafeteria
Judy McMullin
Meeting Management
Jane Miceli
Nancie Mleczko
Glenn Miller
Millgrove School
Michael J. Mills
Ministry of Revenue
Henry Mizzi
Mobile Communication Services
Modern Landfill
Shannon Moffat
Colleen Morelli
Nigel Morgan & Natalie Pronek
Brenda Moriarity
Anthony Morielli
Mike Moro
Mountainview School
Mountview School
Lionel & Vera Musgrove
My Thai
Joanne Neiser
Nella Cutlery (Hamilton) Inc.
John & Sharon Newman
Michael & Fay Ng
Rachael Nicholls
Nicholson & Cates
Nicola’s Catering
No. 99 Wayne Gretzky Estates Winery
Craig Noble
O K & D Marketing Group
Kelly Oates & Family
Amanda O’Connor
Ontario Minor Hockey Foundation
Orchard Park Secondary School
Ontario Place
Ontario Science Centre
Marlene Pachioli
Palatine Hills Estate Winery
Palm Enterprises Inc.
Teresa Parente
Linda Parenti
Karen Park
Sara Parker
Participation House - Hamilton & District
John Paterson
Paul Patterson
Dave Paulino
Rella Pearson
Pelee Island Winery
Pet Value
Peter Martin Home Appliance Centre Ltd.
Jane Pettie
James Pettifer
John Petz
PHH Arval
Alex Phillips
David Phillips
Pillitteri Estates Winery
Ruth Pindilli
PJ’s Pet Centres
Please Mum, Eastgate Square
Irene Polidori
Mike Power
Quebecor World
Queenston Chevrolet-Corvette
Radiant Beauty Supplies, Ken Cohen
Raleigh Canada Ltd.
Pam Raphel
Red Tag Hatters
Carie Reed
Reif Estate
Martin Renters
Retired Women Teacher’s Organization
The Rezo Family
Rosa Ribaudo
Room To Go
Pauline Rowe
Royal Botanical Gardens
Royal LePage State Realty
RR Marketing Solutions
Ryerson Middle School
Sacred Heart School
Salerno Dairy
Saltfleet High School
Neelam Sanduja
Maureen Sawyer
Ron Scheckenberger
Greg & Lisa Schuurman
Wayne Scutt
Sears Limeridge
Jerry & Liz Seeley & Family
Jacques & Emily Seguin
Michelle Sehdev
Select Site Donuts, David & John Martin
Janet Shannon
Garry & Sandra Shaw
Mike & Karen Shea
Sherwood Secondary School
Siemens Building Technologies Inc.
Teresa Silvestro
Sims Advertising
Sir Wilfrid Laurier School
Smithville District Christian High
Diana Sneath
Brenda Snider
Caroline Soergal
SportCheck - Appleby Crossing
SportCheck - Burlington Mall
Springy’s Inc.
Shari Lee Srigley
St. Elizabeth Health Care,
Administrative Team
St. Luke’s Parish Community &
Ted Stanton
Star Billiard
Irene Stayshyn
Steam Whistle Brewing
Strewn Winery
Debbie Strybosch
Krysten Strybosch
John & Heather Sullivan
Super Clean Car Care
Dr. David Sylvester
Christine & Brendan Tait
Bob & Laurie Takast
Doug Taylor
Taylor Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Taylor Steel Inc.
Marilyn Teague
Morna Telfer
The Allan Candy Company Limited
The Court at Rushdale
The Fairmont Royal York
The Lookout Sports Lounge - Quad Pad
The Pool Shoppe
The Site of the Green
The View Restaurant
The Water Store
The Workshop, Shelley Paikin
Theatre Aquarius Inc.
Tom & Janette Thompson & Family
Tracy Thorne & Family
Threshold School of Building
Tim Hortons, Centennial Parkway
Sharon Tingey
Mary Tinson
Toronto Raptors Basketball Club
Grace Tosetto
Transcontinental Printing
Transway - Under 13 Bantam
Girls Basketball
John Tranter
Triple M Metal LP, Nigel Morgan
Manuela Trombetta
Carl Turpin
Tracey Tuttle & Colleagues
Hailey Tuyp
Mr. and Mrs. van Nynatten
Dina Vandenberg
Eva Veerasammy
Lucy Veerman
Tom Vermeltfoort
Dominic Verticchio
Via Rail Canada Inc.
Fran Vickers
Vineland Estates Winery
Vintage Hotels
Cindy Vonkaitz
Voortman Cookies Ltd.
Michelle Walker
Terri Walker
Walker’s Chocolates
Wal-Mart Canada Corp.
Rebecca Wasser
Waste Services (CA) Inc.
Ralph Weekes
Wentworth Metal Recycling
Westdale Secondary School
Richard Wheeler
Bob White
Betty Whitehorse
Carolyn Wilcox
Lynn Williams
Willow Hair Salon
Rick & Doreen Wills
Maureen Wilsack
Cindy Wilson
Philip D. Winer
Wings of Paradise Butterfly
Winners HomeSense
Charles & Cori Wiseman
Judy Wismer
Wolseley Canada Inc.
World Water and Wastewater
Solutions Ltd.
Debbie Woudstra
Colleen Wray & April Hoyt
Rhonda Wright
Amy Zuger & Staff
Tribute Gifts
The Society expresses
appreciation to those who
made tribute gifts to honour
the following individuals:
The Late Nikola Benkovic
Mike Bester
Teresa Caskie
Mrs. Clement
Mademoiselle K. Elzbieciak
Miss Lalich
The Late Joe Mills
The Late Dr. William A. Morgan
Matt & Jennifer Pamplin
Dana Robbins
Bryan Slemko
to ourWorld”
2008-2009 Board of Directors
Michael P. Shea............................................... President
Bob Coulter........................................... Past President
Anne Bain.........................................1st Vice President
Jim Stirling..................................... 2nd Vice President
David van der Woerd....................................Treasurer
Dominic Verticchio........................................ Secretary
Paul Armstrong
Major Rob Howard
Margaret Bowman
Catherine P. Ivey
Maxine Carter
Hon. Stan Keyes
Hugh Clark
Ron Sharegan
Bill Cooke
Irene Stayshyn
Jennifer Fearnside
Victoria Watson
Elize Hartley
The Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton
Poscor Centre for Children & Families
26 Arrowsmith Road, P.O. Box 1170, Depot 1
Hamilton, Ontario L8N 4B9 • 905-522-1121
Charitable Business No. 11885 2136 RR0001
While the profiles contained in this report are based on actual case files, the names and
photographs have been changed to protect the identity of the families concerned.