Why Topics? - Hamilton Trust

Why Topics?
Topics fit the bill in terms of the Primary Strategy and the demand for more creative, cross-curricular
teaching. But that is not the only reason why we at Hamilton are committed to this way of teaching
many subjects. Creative Topic teaching embodies a move away from a diet of worksheets and
secondary-style single subject lessons! Here are some advantages we, and the schools that use our
Topics, are finding:
allows us to cover a broader range of subjects and skills by teaching more than one subject at
makes connections between different subjects explicit
allows us to really motivate children by getting them interested in a topic
sustains children’s interest through a prolonged focus
really improves children’s writing by giving them both something to write about and the
motivation to want to write
enables genuine use of different text-types, such as explanations and recounts, in a
real context
allows teachers, as well as children, to pursue interests and enthusiasms.
What are Hamilton Topics?
We are determined not to sacrifice rigour to creativity, believing that it is possible, with enough careful
planning, to have both! Each Topic consists of four themes which embody different aspects of the
Topic content. This structure has many advantages:
Progression in any one subject will be achieved by teaching down a Theme
Blocked sessions in a block of teaching within a theme ensure that this progression occurs
Coverage of the breadth of NC subjects is achieved by teaching several blocks across more
than one Theme
A Foundation Subject and Science Curriculum Overview helps with long term planning
Technology (i.e. the Hamilton site) is used to track each Topic-user’s coverage of NC subject
objectives and this can be downloaded to assist formative planning
Planning documents are available to those who like to keep a recorded plan of each block of
Sessions are adaptable and come with resources attached
Amazing - truly! - resources are supplied, from lists of websites to pictures of relevant
places/artefacts, to instructions for art/D&T activities.
How are Topics best used?
A whole-year or whole-key-stage approach is easily best. Hamilton topics are designed so that all the
relevant NC objectives in Science, and the appropriate Foundation subjects, are covered across each
Key Stage. They are also carefully planned to avoid overlap (boring for children!) and to facilitate a
spiral curriculum (reinforcing key skills in all subjects). So the ideal use of Topics is for all the teachers
in a Year or Key Stage. However, there is such a wide choice that it is also possible for an individual
teacher to select a Topic to fit with his/her school’s planning, and to use this to find creative ideas,
obtain fabulous resources and avoid overwork!
Where can I get these Topics?
Whole School access to Topics (and to the rest of the materials on our site) for all staff is most
cheaply purchased through a School Subscription (CAT Pack). Click on Schools button.
Individual teacher access to Topics may be obtained through an individual donation. Click on Become
a Friend on the Home Page.
Visit Hamilton Education if you wish to purchase Topics on CD-Rom.
More about Topics
What are these? Our Topics provide a means of engaging in creative topic-based teaching for
primary-aged children, whilst sustaining the rigour, progression and coverage in each NC subject area
required by OFSTED and others. The first Hamilton Topics (KS1) were launched in July 2005 and we
added to these over that summer. The first LKS2 Topic was added early in the November 2005 and
in August 2006 the first UKS2 topic was launched. Wonderful primary resources are included
alongside the teaching sessions.
Flexibility and choice are the keys to truly creative primary teaching, and so we have used a databased system, whereby teachers select individual sessions, addressing objectives from one or two
subject areas, and are then able to plan and teach a progression of primary topic-focused activities in
each subject. These Topics provide wonderful primary resources as a vastly timesaving means
whereby creative teaching and a topic-focus can still Save yOur Sundays!