Hierarchical foraging in northern ungulates Anna Skarin Introductory research essay Uppsala 2004 Hierarchical foraging in northern ungulates Anna Skarin Introductory research essay ______________________________________________________________ Institutionen för husdjursgenetik Rapport 142 Publication No. 142 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Uppsala 2004 Department of Animal Breeding ISSN 1401-7520 and Genetics ISRN SLU-HGEN-R--142--SE _____________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1 2. Foraging theories ................................................................................................ 3 2.1 Hierarchical foraging................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Patch level............................................................................................ 3 2.1.2 Landscape level ................................................................................... 3 2.1.3 Regional level ...................................................................................... 4 2.2 Optimal foraging.......................................................................................... 4 2.3 The marginal value theorem........................................................................ 5 3. Empirical studies ................................................................................................ 7 3.1 Species and scale dimensions...................................................................... 7 3.1.1 Northern Ungulates.............................................................................. 7 3.1.2 Geographical range.............................................................................. 7 3.2 Patch level.................................................................................................. 11 3.2.1 Forage quality and availability.......................................................... 11 3.2.2 Forage morphology............................................................................ 11 3.2.3 Movement and patch-edge recognition............................................. 12 3.3 Landscape level ......................................................................................... 14 3.3.1 Interactive factors .............................................................................. 14 3.3.2 Non-interactive factors ...................................................................... 14 3.4 Regional level ............................................................................................ 15 3.4.1 Migration and seasonal change ......................................................... 15 3.4.2 Predation ............................................................................................ 15 3.4.3 Site fidelity and social structure ........................................................ 16 4. Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 17 5. Literature........................................................................................................... 19 2 1. Introduction The importance of scaling in ecology has been evident to ecologists for at least three decades (Peterson & Parker, 1998). Scaling refers to the physical dimensions of observed entities and phenomena. Scale is recorded as a quantity and involves measurements and units. As a rule of thumb, when we use the term scale, we should be able to assign or identify dimensions and units of measurements (Peterson & Parker, 1998). Things, objects, processes, and events can be characterized and distinguished from others by their scale, such as the size of an object or the frequency of a process. In ecology it is important to remember what scale stands for, as there is no such thing as the “scale of the ecosystem”. Scale rather refers to hierarchical levels in ecological organisation that result from differences in the kind of and number of interactions under study (Hobbs, 2003). The frequencies and rates of activities are useful for defining hierarchical scales (Allen & Staar, 1982). Here some foraging theories and empirical studies which are unified by the scale perspective with focus on hierarchical foraging theory will be reviewed. A number of different systems for describing the hierarchy of scales at which foraging behaviour can be viewed have been described (Senft, et al., 1987; Bailey, et al., 1996). Patterns of foraging at the level of the landscape represent to a certain extent an integration of decisions made at smaller scales, and are therefore important to understand (Duncan & Gordon, 1999). The hierarchical theory gives a good multi-scale perspective of the foraging decisions of the animals, and is thus presented as a framework for this review. The aim is to distinguish what are the common foraging deciding factors and not for different species of ungulates, and to enlighten deciding factors for different species at different levels and how important these factors are. 1 2 2. Foraging theories 2.1 Hierarchical foraging In grazing ecology of large herbivores the term hierarchical foraging is used. This is based on the way that herbivore behaviour can be separated in levels on a scale where the number of decisions made for one action or number of actions decides the scale. Senft et al. (1987) described hierarchical foraging in large herbivores where different foraging response patterns are displayed at three different levels, these levels are described below. Table 1 show the interactive (biotic) and non-interactive (abiotic) factors affecting the habitat use at the different scales according to Senft et al. (1987). Further in Table 2, all the species reviewed are listed with the interactive and non-interactive factors that have been found important. 2.1.1 Patch level The lowest level of selection, in which the feeding station and then the plants and plant parts are selected, is the patch level. Ungulates take approximately 107 bites a year and each bite represents a decision about what plant or plant part to eat (Senft, et al., 1987). Foraging ungulates must solve two problems at the patch or plant community scale: which plants or plant parts should be selected from the array of immediately available material (diet selection) and how they should move through the area (location selection). Plants can be aggregated in patches and a patch can be defined as a spatial aggregation of bites over which instantaneous intake rate remains relatively constant (Illius & Hodgson, 1996). The definition or size of a patch can therefore vary with the herbivore, and their choice of forage e.g. for woodland caribou during winter the mean inter-patch movement were 450 m (Johnson, et al., 2002b), and for reindeer during summer there were no strong patch selection rather a selection for a certain plant species (Mårell, et al., 2002). A tree can also be a patch, for example when moose browse on aspen stands or reindeer feed on arboreal lichens (Johnson, et al., 2001; Edenius, et al., 2002). 2.1.2 Landscape level At the landscape level herbivores select larger patches, plant communities or feeding sites (equivalent to each other) that have high abundance and/or nutritive quality of the preferred plants in the community (Senft, et al., 1987; Bailey, et al., 1996). This is also equal to a collection of patches in a contiguous spatial area where animals graze during a foraging bout. Further up in the hierarchy, forage depletion in the patch and expectations of intake opportunities in other patches will motivate the animal to move on (Baumont, et al., 2000). Large herbivores may cross plant-community boundaries up to as many as 50 times a day, which implies a decision frequency of 104 times a year (Senft, et al., 1987). The distances moved from day to day vary depending on species and season but they usually do not move more than 2 km a day (Rettie & Messier, 2001; Johnson, et al., 2002b; Fortin, et al., 2002). At the landscape level the forage biomass and nutrition level are still interactive factors, but non-interactive factors such as weather, topography and water location become more important, than at the patch level (Senft, et al., 1987). 3 2.1.3 Regional level At the regional scale, foraging decisions deal with migration between different seasonal areas or home-range areas, leading to only a few decisions a year for the animal. Then the animal can move several hundred kilometres between the seasonal ranges. Limiting factors at the regional scale are still forage as an interactive factor, geomorphology, regional climate, water locations and physical barriers (Senft, et al., 1987), and when relevant, predation risk as non-interactive factors (Nicholson, et al., 1997; Rettie & Messier, 2000; Schaefer, et al., 2000). Table 1. Interactive and non-interactive factors at the three different levels of action according to Senft et al. (1987). Foraging component Units of selection Levels of action Patch Plants and plant parts Feeding station Landscape Feeding site Communities Large patches Region Home range Landscape Seasonal areas Interval between decisions 5-100 sec 1-4 hours 1 month-2 years Interactive factors Forage biomass Nutritive quality Plant morphology Forage biomass Nutritive quality Forage biomass Non-interactive factors Micro-site variables Substrate Topography Water location Microclimate Geomorphology Regional climate Physical barriers Water location 2.2 Optimal foraging There are other theories that discuss only one or two lower levels of this hierarchical division. Optimal foraging theories provide a functional approach for examining grazing behaviours, including diet selection, patch selection and movements. They generally assume that foraging behaviour is heritable and that animal fitness is related to foraging behaviour and, that energy can be used to link foraging behaviour with fitness. The theories predict that foraging animals should aim at maximizing their rate of intake of the nutrient most limiting for growth and/or reproduction. Intake rate maximization is constrained by the nutritional quality of available food items and by their abundance (Duncan & Gordon, 1999), and by the size of the bites (Shipley & Spalinger, 1992). This is also called the functional response of the animal. The trade-off between quality and quantity is a key factor in determining the diet that different herbivores ultimately select, and is responsible for the variation in optimal diet selection solutions for different sizes of herbivores (Illius & Gordon, 1992). Therefore there is a strong interaction at this level between the forager and the forage (biomass, quality and morphology). Farnsworth & Beecham (1999) for example showed how the forager can interact with the environment and change the spatial pattern of the resource abundance. There can also be an overlap in time between handling and searching, unlike the constraint of exclusive searching and handling. Although herbivores have to finish 4 chewing one bite before they can take the next, they can use the time spent chewing to search for the next bite (Illius, et al., 2002). There have been relatively few optimal foraging theory studies on large herbivores, primarily because of complications imposed by digestive constraints and the difficulty in defining discrete food items or quality (Bailey, et al., 1996). 2.3 The marginal value theorem Patch selection and patch residence time by herbivores has been examined using approaches based on the marginal value theorem. In the marginal value theorem, the primary assumption of is that an optimal forager will maximize its overall intake of a resource (usually energy) during a bout of foraging, taken as a whole. Energy will, in fact, be extracted in bursts if the food is distributed patchily. The forager may then sometimes move between patches and during this movement the intake of energy is assumed to be zero (Begon, et al., 1996). When a forager enters a patch, its rate of energy extraction is initially high (especially in a highly productive patch or where the forager has a high foraging efficiency) but this rate declines with the time as the patch becomes depleted (Begon, et al., 1996). Charnov (1976) found that the optimal solution for the forager is to leave all patches, irrespectively of their profitability, when they have reached a certain extraction rate, which should be the same for all patches (i.e. the marginal value). The model therefore projects that the optimal stay-time should be greater in more productive patches than in less productive patches (Charnov, 1976). 5 6 3. Empirical studies 3.1 Species and scale dimensions 3.1.1 Northern Ungulates This review will cover studies of northern wild living ungulates from the Cervidae and the Bovidae families with the main focus on species from North America and northern Europe (Table 2). These families are ruminants and are considered to be the most advanced artiodactyls. Their stomachs have four chambers which allow for the proliferation of microorganisms which are able to digest tough vegetation which would otherwise be unavailable to the animal. Ungulates reviewed from North America are caribou (Rangifer tarandus), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), American elk or wapiti (Cervus canadensis), muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus), and American bison (Bison bison). From northern Europe the semi-domesticated and the wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus), moose (Alces alces), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), red deer (Cervus elaphus) and fallow deer (Dama dama) are considered. The moose and the muskoxen exist in both Europe and North America but the European muskoxen was reintroduced to Scandinavia in the beginning of the 20th century. Elk, fallow deer, caribou and reindeer are both browsing and grazing, while moose, roe deer and white-tailed deer are browsing, and muskoxen are grazing (Hofmann, 1989). Differences in foraging patterns between browsing and grazing are possible since the bite size may vary. The grazing animals take larger bites but at a low foraging rate, while browsing species take smaller bites at a higher rate. The feeding rhythm is much higher for a browser than for a grazer, for example the roe deer can have up to twelve feeding cycles (eating, ruminating or resting) a day and a grazer can have as low as three cycles a day (Hofmann, 1989). For some species the social structure is of large importance, e.g. the herd can have a leader that takes decisions when to move on and when to stay and forage (Thomson, 1972). 3.1.2 Geographical range The geographical ranges for the different levels vary among the reviewed studies. The size of a patch can vary depending of the size of the animal, their social structure, and the type of landscape they are living in. It is sometimes difficult to separate which scale different authors have defined for a certain level. For instance, is a patch the same as a feeding site or is a patch an aggregation of several feeding sites? However, in an overview of the geographical ranges of the studies they match quite well (Table 3). The patch level studies are often performed at the meter scale, the landscape level studies up to 1-2 km scale, and the regional level at large distances up to several hundred kilometres. In this context it is also important to notice how the scales were established. Are they established from the perspective of the animal or from what is most practical for the researcher? 7 Table 2. Reviewed northern ungulate species and their relation to suggested deciding factors at different levels in their foraging decisions sorted in accordance with the levels of Senft et al. (1987). Animal Reindeer Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) Factors found deciding at the levels of action Patch Landscape Region Nutritive quality8,14 Forage biomass14 Site fidelity19 Snow depth9 Predation7,9,16 Predation16,17 Random search14 Red deer (Cervus elaphus) Forage 5 Slope5 Muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) Forage abundance18 Plant species6,18 Snow depth6,18 Forage biomass6 Snow depth6 Elk (Cervus canadensis) Plant morphology12 Nutritive quality10,12 Habitat diversity 10 White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Plant morphology2 Frequency dependent2 Forage biomass2 Social factors20 Timber harvesting20 Snow depth20 Forage11,15 Forage maturation15 Snow depth15 Predation15 Spatial heterogeneity11 Social factors13 Snow conditions13 Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) Forage availability13 Cover13 Human settlements13 Moose (Alces alces) Nutritive quality1 Forage 1 Bison (Bison bison) Plant morphology4 Frequency dependent4 Snow depth4 Water location4 Fallow deer (Dama dama) Forage biomass3 Random search3 13 1 (Edenius, et al., 2002) 2 (Etzenhouser, et al., 1998) 3 (Focardi, et al., 1996) 4 (Fortin, et al., 2002) 5 (Hester, et al., 1999) 6 (Ihl & Klein, 2001) 7 (Johnson, et al., 2002a) 8 (Johnson, et al., 2001) 9 (Johnson, et al., 2002b) 10 (Jones & Hudson, 2002) 11 12 8 (Kie, et al., 2002) (McCorquodale, 1993) (Mysterud, et al., 1999b) (Mårell, et al., 2002) 15 (Nicholson, et al., 1997) 16 (Rettie & Messier, 2000) 17 (Rettie & Messier, 2001) 18 (Schaefer & Messier, 1995) 19 (Schaefer, et al., 2000) 20 (Tierson, et al., 1985) 14 9 Table 3. The geographical range of the different levels in the reviewed studies. The numbers in italic are real measure of the animal’s movement or home ranges etc. The other figures are set by the researcher during the study of the animal. The references are the same as in Table 2. Levels of action Animal Reindeer Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) Patch 1*4 m 13 0.50*0.50 m 8 Landscape Diameter-feeding site - 480 m6 Intrapatch move - 450 m 9 Interpatch move - 1268 m 9 50*50 m or 100 m line 8 Radius - 1000 m 16 1-200 m2 5 Region Annual mean range size 208-1240 km2 17 Collection of patches 0.48-1.6 km Transects –feeding sites 100 m 18 Transects 5.8 km 17 Elk (Cervus canadensis) Site level – 400 m2 10 Home range 23 km2 10 White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) 10 000 m2 Summer 2.25 km2 20 Winter 1.35 km2 20 Red deer (Cervus elaphus) Muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) In craters 0.25*0.25 m 8 400-450 km 19 18 2 4.1-11.3 km, 8.6-19.8 km 15 Home range - 0.39-28.8 km2 11 Radius - 0. 250, 0.500,1, 2 km 11 Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) 2*2 m 13 Moose (Alces alces) 100 m2 Bison (Bison bison) Walk dist. - 1300-2000 m/day 4 Fallow deer (Dama dama) 300*700m 3 10 1 20*20 km 1 3.2 Patch level At the patch level the interactions between the forager and the forage are important, this implies studies of the forage quality and availability, the morphology of the forage, and animal species movement and patch-edge recognition are often studied since these are among the most important foraging deciding factors. 3.2.1 Forage quality and availability Feeding site and plant selection studies demonstrate that forage nutrition level and accessibility are important for the forager (Ihl & Klein, 2001; Johnson, et al., 2001). Caribou in winter selected specific species of terrestrial lichens high in energy (Johnson, et al., 2001). They chose feeding sites where the selected lichens were most abundant and the snow shallow. Not unexpectedly, animals during winter selected for thin or soft snow cover and high food abundance (Johnson, et al., 2001; Mosnier, et al., 2003). When snow conditions limited accessibility, caribou in the forest began feeding on arboreal lichens (Johnson, et al., 2001). Thereafter the choice of feeding site, i.e. a tree was a consequence of the abundance of arboreal lichen, snow depth, density and hardness. During summer foraging reindeer had strong selection for plant parts with high nitrogen concentration, such as buds and flowers (Mårell, et al., 2002). Even though foraging decisions for muskoxen in winter were consistent across all scales, they selected for higher graminiod abundance and for thinner and softer snow cover at successively smaller scales (Schaefer & Messier, 1995). Muskoxen and reindeer habitat and diet selection during winter was sorted in scales to see how much their habitats overlapped and at what scale (Ihl & Klein, 2001). Both ungulates foraged primarily in upland habitats with low snow depth that had more lichen cover and less graminoid cover than other vegetation types. Reindeer selected mainly lichens when foraging, while muskoxen selected more sedges and mosses. They both selected against snow depth and hardness when choosing cratering areas within the feeding sites. On their upland feeding sites muskoxen faced a trade-off between suitable snow conditions and abundance of graminoids. For reindeer, this compromise may not have been necessary, because in these exposed locations high lichen availability coincide with low snow depth. During winter foraging roe deer was found to select feeding sites with higher food availability index than random sites (Mysterud, et al., 1999b). Elk feed preferably in open areas that had high grass cover, compared to bedding sites and other available habitats (Jones & Hudson, 2002). At the stand level, elk selected meadows due to their concentration of grasses while other habitats were used in proportion to their availability. 3.2.2 Forage morphology As mentioned above, other factors than the nutritional values of the plants ingested are also important. Fortin et al. (2002) studied bison foraging decisions at a patch in a temporal scale, and found that the animals preferred plants that made them maximise their short-term energy intake. The authors suggested that several non-interactive factors could contribute to short-term energy maximisation; for example they may need to avoid insect harassment or scan for predators. Disturbance by predators or humans 11 can prematurely terminate foraging for the animal. Such interruptions may push bison toward the utilisation of plants that give them energy faster than from other plant species (Fortin, et al., 2002). The same pattern were found for white-tailed deer, the foraging rate was higher in patches with the preferred guajillo bush than when they feed on other bushes such as black brush (Etzenhouser, et al., 1998). This allowed the deer to spend less time feeding and more time searching, while maintaining nutrient intake at a sufficient level. In other species the animal feeding pattern adapts to the nutrition level. Foraging rate for Rangifer increased with the available plant biomass (Trudell & White, 1981). Elk selected the best bites spread in a larger biomass of less preferred forage; given the limited number of best bites available in each patch, the availability of these best bites would rapidly decrease and a patch change would be predicted (McCorquodale, 1993). 3.2.3 Movement and patch-edge recognition To investigate how grazers distributed themselves on the patch level, modelling of movement patterns can be done (Mårell, et al., 2002). These authors studied reindeer summer foraging patch choice without assuming discrete patches in the models. This study considers a scale which is intermediate between patch and landscape selection levels. They concluded that the reindeer adopted a random search strategy when the food items were outside their sensory-detection range. This takes the reindeer into new and unexploited areas with a higher probability than using other search strategies. Fallow deer had a search behaviour that could be described as a first order biased random walk (Focardi, et al., 1996). There were no clear evidences of patch-edge recognition or “patchy” behaviour, for either the fallow deer or the reindeer (Focardi, et al., 1996; Mårell, et al., 2002). However, food quantity was important at the intermediate scale of habitat selection for both species. They based their decisions to forage or not on the occurrence of preferred plant species during late spring and summer. Suggested explanation for the inability to find a patchy behaviour was that the food abundance was good but of poor nutritional quality (Focardi, et al., 1996). For example, caribou foraged intensively at relatively small patches and then moved some distances to a new patch during autumn, winter and spring seasons, compared to summer when they showed a less patchy behaviour (Johnson, et al., 2002a). This may be because the environment is less patchy during summer and forage is more abundant, which could also be true the for studies by Mårell, et al. (2002) and Focardi et al. (1996). In studies of moose browsing intensity on individual aspen in aspen stands, and in random locations, were compared to find out if moose perceive stands as patches (Edenius, et al., 2002). It was found that the browsing intensity on aspen was similar on both sites, supporting the view of Mårell et al. (2002) that large herbivores do not recognise patches that are of higher quality at distance, but they stay and feed if they come over a high quality patch. Etzenhouser et al. (1998) compared the foraging by white-tailed deer and goats using fractal dimensions of the animals foraging path. Foraging behaviour was clearly dependent on the spatial distribution of food and non-food items in the landscape. The deer appeared to be influenced by environmental elements at greater distances than goats, probably because deer cover greater distances via a straighter and faster foraging path than goats. Goats were more social and stayed in groups even if the forage is scarce. Deer and goats thus responded differently to similar environmental 12 conditions, probably due to the difference in domestication, behaviour and body size. 13 3.3 Landscape level The selections for good quality forage does not always take place at the patch level, the animals can select for quality forage at a higher level in the hierarchy, i.e. at the landscape level. Nevertheless, the non-interactive factors have a much greater influence on the habitat selection at the landscape level than at the patch level. 3.3.1 Interactive factors Edenius et al. found that moose selection and the intensity of use of aspen ramets were higher than at random sites, where the availability and abundance of aspen was lower, indicating that large herbivores such as moose specialise and over-utilise palatable browse species where they are rare. The authors suggest that this is done because large generalist herbivores strive to maintain a mixed and balanced diet. Edenius et al. (2002) contend that moose select feeding sites at broader landscape scale based on forage abundance. The grazing intensity was higher on aspen ramets in aspen stands located in young pine forest compared to aspen stands in old forest, meaning that they prefer the young pine forest and that the selectivity of aspen may reflect variation in food availability at the habitat or landscape scale (Edenius, et al., 2002). Habitat rankings based on habitat selection of free-ranging sheep and roe deer were predicted by the availability of the food resource on both study area and home range scale (Mysterud, et al., 1999a). Roe deer used habitats with a higher average availability of herbs when foraging. There was also a direct evidence for a trade-off between selection of food availability and both canopy cover and distance to human settlements for roe deer. Caribou was seen to use a landscape with a higher availability of high quality forage during winter. They choose landscapes with old spruce forests since these are where the arboreal lichens are most abundant (Apps, et al., 2001). 3.3.2 Non-interactive factors Johnson et al. (2001) compared caribou habitat use in forest and alpine environments and found that in the alpine environment neither lichen biomass nor snow influenced patch use. However, three factors were important when caribou selected patches in the forest: the abundance of two lichen species, snow depth and hardness. Ihl & Klein found that shallow snow rather than soft snow were important in the initial selection of feeding sites within habitats for both muskoxen and reindeer. In a study of bison, other factors than the abundance of the preferred food types influenced the distribution of the animals across the landscape (Fortin, et al., 2003). Female bison, for example adjusted their use of meadows according to the snow depth in winter, and the preferred vegetation of meadows surrounded by water was more likely to be used in summer. For both male and female roe deer habitat selection at the landscape level in winter sites with more cover during cold weather was more important than the forage abundance (Mysterud, et al., 1999b). Female roe deer also tended to select foraging sites that were even more sheltered than those of male roe deer. American elk (females) had no special preferences for food or safe habitats, nor did they select for any thermal shelter at the landscape level. Instead, they selected bedding sites with lower thermal shelter quality than the available habitat (Jones & Hudson, 2002). These opposing results may be due to the elk study being done in a 14 landscape that was predominately forested. The elk also selected for home ranges with a lower road density, they therefore did not need to avoid human disturbances since they had already selected against it. It was also found that the ranges elk selected in winter had a greater abundance of infrastructure (i.e. seismic lines, cut-lines, and power lines and pipelines) than surrounding ranges. This might be surprising as it has been found that caribou and wild reindeer tend to avoid areas with pipelines and power lines (Dyer, et al., 2001; Nellemann, et al., 2003). The home ranges for elk had furthermore a smaller mean patch size and greater patch density (Jones & Hudson, 2002). The authors suggest that heterogeneity could be important at the landscape level selection, since large herbivores seem to require temporally and spatially diverse habitat elements such as food and cover. 3.4 Regional level At the regional level all the large scale movements take place, as the migrations between the seasonal ranges. The decisions taken are often due to seasonal changes in weather conditions, such as to much snow on the ground. 3.4.1 Migration and seasonal change Migrations between seasonal areas are the common movements at the regional level. Mule deer trade-offs in relation to migration were associated with low temperatures, high precipitation, the photoperiod, and maturation of the vegetation (Nicholson, et al., 1997). Forage quality was also a limiting factor. Migratory mule deer always selected the habitat with the highest quality, which was only seasonally available in contrast to the habitat the resident deer selected (Nicholson, et al., 1997). The length of the winter season was important at a larger spatial scale. Caribou, for example, made elevation shifts from mid-elevations forests to sub-alpine parkland areas earlier when the snow accumulated fast (Terry, et al., 2000). 3.4.2 Predation Caribou in North America is a typical migrating species where avoidance of predators might be a driving force. Woodland caribou was observed to choose between two landscape types that differ in biomass and accessibility of lichens (Johnson, et al., 2001). Relative to the forest living animals, caribou in the alpine landscape foraged across an environment with shallower and more variable snow cover, and less abundant more variably distributed lichens. Thus, Johnson et al. (2001) suggested that alpine caribou probably stayed in the alpine environment to avoid predation and not because of the forage. Nicholson et al. (1997) discussed if mule deer displayed a trade-off between migrating or staying to avoid predation. Mortality in migratory mule deer females occurred exclusively during migrations whereas mortality in resident mule deer was limited to winter and then especially to periods with deep snow. For caribou, predation risk was most important during inter-patch movements (Johnson, et al., 2002b). This seemed to coincide with the animals moving between patches transiting high risk habitat types such as rivers, and patches of spruce wetlands. Consequently, the authors found at the smaller scale (the patch selection at the landscape level) with the exception of one winter that predation risk was low. Rettie and Messier (2000) meant that the strongest 15 selection at the regional scale for woodland caribou was for habitats with less predation risk. If the caribou failed to avoid predation risk at this level they must continue to select habitats with reference to predation risk at each finer scale of selection, since this is the factor that has the greatest potential to limit their individual fitness. Rettie and Messier (2001) studied predator avoidance further in a non-migratory herd and they found that the animals adopted range-use and movement behaviour consistent with predator avoidance at all the scales investigated. If herbivores move randomly through the landscape, they can avoid predators more effectively since it will be difficult for the predator to foresee random movements (Mitchell & Lima, 2002). 3.4.3 Site fidelity and social structure Since migrating species often move between seasonal areas, site fidelity can be an important factor. Schaefer et al. (2000) studied site fidelity in relation to seasonal migration of caribou. They found that philopatry of migratory caribou was a highly scale-dependent pattern. Fidelity to calving and summer range disappeared when viewed at a smaller scale, corroborating earlier suggestions that females are philopatric to their traditional calving grounds but not to precise locations within these grounds. The pattern for sedentary caribou, on the other hand, persisted across scales, indicating consistent site fidelity from calving to breeding periods, regardless of the extent of their observations. Site fidelity and spatial scale were inexorably linked. Their analysis underscored previous studies indicating ecotypic differences in the dominant factors of population limitation. Migrating and escaping predation makes food becoming a limiting factor. Instead it is the migratory animals that are regulated by the competition for high-quality forage at the new ranges. White-tailed deer in Adirondack Mountains also showed fidelity to specific seasonal ranges (Tierson, et al., 1985). The movement from summer to winter ranges started when snow depth approached a certain level, whereas the ambient temperature was of little importance. Instead they identified a number of social groups among the study animals which shows that the animals social structure was of large importance for there movements. The white-tailed deer chose home ranges primarily based on social factors and not on habitat types. 16 4. Conclusions Most of the empirical studies conclude that there is scale dependence in the foraging decisions of large herbivores. At all scales, forage is the overall deciding factor. At the patch level the food nutritional quality and availability is of larger importance than at higher levels. The herbivores consequently choose plants and feeding sites that are of high nutritive quality. At the patch level, the other foraging theories are useful to understand the interaction between the herbivore and the plant species, for example the functional response in terms of the plant morphology. It is sometimes essential to be able to eat the plant fast, and a plant can simply be chosen because it takes less time to eat than a plant with higher nutritive quality. For Rangifer and muskoxen, winter and summer conditions result in different patch sizes. In summer there is often a continuum of forage and it is hard to distinguish patches, while winter foraging often requires cratering in the snow. The craters are done in restricted areas because of the effort of cratering and the animals only crater if they can sense good quality forage under the snow. The higher up, in the hierarchical scale of foraging decisions the less important the interactive factors have for the decisions the animal eventually take (Table 1). At the landscape level, there can be a trade-off between cover and food for example. During winter the snow depth is crucial for all the species even though some species can handle a thicker snow cover better than others. The non-interactive factors also have importance for the decisions made at the lower levels. If the animals are forced to select an area because of the weather and the possibility to find cover, there may not be any preferred forage in this area. Some authors suggest that herbivores do not plan their foraging, they move randomly in the landscape and forage whenever they come across good forage. The factors determining movements, such as migration between seasonal ranges, are often abiotic factors like increasing snow depth, temperature, and biotic factors such as growing periods for the plants and depletion of forage in one seasonal range. Migration or large scale movements are not always coupled with forage limitations. Predation risk is an important factor even though predation increased during the migration period for some species. Some species show site fidelity to different seasonal ranges but they do not return exactly to the same spot, maybe because they want to avoid the possibility for the predator to learn exactly where they are. For gregarious species (e.g. Rangifer) the large scales as well as small scale movements are coupled to the whole herd movements. Surprisingly few of the reviewed studies discuss this issue. However, this may not be a problem for the researcher studying the animal since the animal that takes the decision for the herd probably do this within the concept of scaling. With the hierarchical perspective in mind, it is especially interesting to investigate how abiotic or non-interactive factors may have importance for the animals’ choices at lower levels. Are they using optimal areas in the view of the animal, or do the abiotic factors force them to choose areas that are less optimal for foraging? Even though they try to forage optimally they do not always succeed. Snow, weather, insect harassment, 17 predation and human disturbances may force the animals to choose non-optimal areas sometimes or move from the optimal areas chosen. To be able to argue for important habitats for a species, the hierarchical approach seems to be a good start, and even though there are consistencies across species’ responses it is always necessary to study the species in mind to catch the local and between species variation. 18 5. Literature Allen, T. F. H. & Staar, T. B. 1982. Hierarchy: Perspectives for Ecological Complexity, Univeristy of Chicago Press, Chicago. Apps, C. D., McLellan, B. N., Kinley, T. A. & Flaa, J. P. 2001. Scale-dependent habitat selection by mountain caribou, Columbia Mountains, British Columbia. 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