UNCLASSIFIED National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) NEXT NGA WEST (N2W) Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED NGA NEEDS A NEW CAMPUS NGA needs a modern campus for high-tech missions The current facility requires modernization The current location can not be upgraded or expanded It is more cost effective to relocate Evaluating four alternative locations for the future campus Fenton Site Mehlville Site St. Louis City Site St. Clair County Site UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) What is the environmental impact statement (EIS)? • The EIS is a comprehensive study of the potential environmental impacts from construction and operation of the Next NGA West Campus at one of four alternative site locations Purpose of Meeting • Share the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) findings • Obtain public comment (considered for Final EIS) UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED EIS TIMELINE UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Socioeconomics Land Use and Community Cohesion Health and Safety Traffic and Transportation Noise Hazardous Materials and Solid Waste Utilities Cultural Resources Visual Resources Water Resources Biological Resources Geographical and Paleontological Resources Air Quality and Climate Change Airspace UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNIVERSAL FINDINGS Similar Benefits and Impacts Among Sites • Socioeconomics – Construction spending • Traffic and Transportation • Utilities • Air Quality UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNIVERSAL FINDINGS Regional Economic Benefits Estimated Total Construction Cost and Expenditures • 40% of construction materials purchased locally • 85% of construction workforce local Estimated Regional Construction Employment • • • • ~425 new construction jobs ~250 indirect new jobs ~670 new jobs induced from labor income spending ~1,350 total construction related jobs UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED FENTON SITE BOUNDARY 1050 Dodge Dr. Fenton, Missouri Former Chrysler Plant 167 acres Source: NAIP 2014 UNCLASSIFIED Source: NAIP 2012 UNCLASSIFIED FENTON FINDINGS Benefits • Socioeconomics: Construction spending in community • Land Use: Vacant land transformation • Hazardous Materials: Clean-up of potential industrial contamination • Visual: Vacant land improvement • Health and Safety: Safety improvements over vacant land Impacts • Socioeconomics: Loss of property tax for St. Louis County • Traffic and Transportation: Increased commuter and construction traffic on roadways • Water Resources: Construction disturbance could occur within the 500-year floodplain; any infrastructure located within the floodplain would be constructed in compliance with federal floodplain regulations UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED MEHLVILLE SITE BOUNDARY 13045 Tesson Ferry Rd St. Louis, Missouri Current Office Park 101 acres UNCLASSIFIED Source: NAIP 2014 UNCLASSIFIED MEHLVILLE FINDINGS Benefits • Socioeconomics: Construction spending in community Impacts • Socioeconomics: Loss of property tax for St. Louis County • Traffic and Transportation: Increased commuter traffic and construction traffic on roadways • Noise: Increased construction noise near residential area. Activities will comply with St. Louis County Noise Ordinance • Biological Resources: Impacts to wildlife habitat; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is coordinating with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding potential impacts to threatened and endangered species • Water Resources: Stream and wetland impacts; Clean Water Act permitting will be obtained, if required. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ST. LOUIS CITY SITE BOUNDARY Intersection of Cass and Jefferson Avenues 100 acres Source: Source:NAIP2012 NAIP 2014 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ST. LOUIS CITY FINDINGS Benefits: • Socioeconomics: Construction spending; maintains City of St. Louis’ $2.19M annual earnings tax • Land Use: Conversion of vacant land; supports St. Louis’ redevelopment plan, federal redevelopment initiatives, and community revitalization • Hazardous Materials: Clean-up of existing contamination • Visual: Vacant land improvement • Health and Safety: Safety improvements over vacant land Impacts: • Socioeconomics: Loss of property tax for City of St. Louis • Land Use: Relocation of homes, businesses and churches by City of St. Louis’ acquisition and relocation negotiations currently being conducted by City of St. Louis • Traffic and Transportation: Increased commuter traffic and construction vehicles on roadways • Noise: Increased construction noise near residential areas; construction activities will comply with St. Louis noise ordinances • Cultural Resources: Direct impacts to buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is consulting with Missouri State Historic Preservation Office to determine mitigation UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ST. CLAIR COUNTY SITE BOUNDARY Located near O’Fallon, Illinois Adjacent to Scott Air Force Base near I-64 182 acres Source: NAIP 2014 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ST. CLAIR COUNTY FINDINGS Benefits: • Socioeconomics: Construction spending in community Impacts: • Socioeconomics: Loss of agricultural lease revenue • Land Use: Scott Air Force Base golf course driving range would likely need to be relocated • Traffic and Transportation: Increased commuter and construction vehicles on roadways • Noise: Increased construction noise near northern portion of Scott Air Force Base • Biological Resources: Impacts to wildlife habitat. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is coordinating with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding potential impacts to threatened and endangered species • Cultural Resources: Direct impacts to archeological site listed on the National Register of Historic Places. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is consulting with Illinois State Historic Preservation Office • Water Resources: Stream and wetland impacts; Clean Water Act permitting will be obtained, if necessary. • Airspace: NGA will coordinate with Federal Aviation Administration to minimize adverse impacts UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED PUBLIC COMMENTS Comment Period: October 9 – November 23, 2015 • • • • • • Paper comment form Digital comment form (on the tablets provided) Court reporter Online at www.nextNGAwest.com/comment Email comment form to nextNGAwest@usace.army.mil Mail to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District Attn: Amy Blair Room 529 | 601 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, MO 64106 UNCLASSIFIED