Fees Revenue MANUAL

Student Services Division – Student Systems
Fees Revenue MANUAL
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Login ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Payment ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Make Payment ................................................................................................................................................6
3.1.1 Advanced ....................................................................................................................................................7
3.1.2 Basic ...........................................................................................................................................................7
Payment Details ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Transfers ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Refunds ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Notes ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Payment Plans ............................................................................................................................................. 15
4 Std Charge ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Tuition ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
Statement ................................................................................................................................................. 24
UOW Statement ........................................................................................................................................... 24
6.1.1 Print Pay Advice....................................................................................................................................... 25
HECS Statement ......................................................................................................................................... 25
PELS Statement .......................................................................................................................................... 25
CAN ............................................................................................................................................................. 25
6.4.1 FEE –HELP/HECS-HELP ........................................................................................................................ 25
6.4.2 OS-HELP ................................................................................................................................................. 25
6.4.3 SA-HELP .................................................................................................................................................. 25
7 Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
Payment Details ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Payment Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Cheque Details ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Payment Reversals ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Overdue Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Projected Fees Report ................................................................................................................................. 26
General Reports........................................................................................................................................... 27
7.7.1 Bank Interface Summary ......................................................................................................................... 27
7.7.2 Bank Unprocessed Summary .................................................................................................................. 27
7.7.3 Health Cover ............................................................................................................................................ 27
7.7.4 PUF HECS <$500 .................................................................................................................................... 27
7.7.5 Forfeit Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 27
7.7.6 Refund Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 27
7.7.7 Student Overpayment Details .................................................................................................................. 27
7.7.8 Student Undeferred Summary ................................................................................................................. 27
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7.7.9 Invalid Student Reference ....................................................................................................................... 27
Payment Plan Summary ...................................................................................................................... 27
Revenue Recognition .......................................................................................................................... 27
Ageing Debtors .................................................................................................................................... 27
Payment Note Summary...................................................................................................................... 27
Search ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
Maint ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Charge ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Charge Group .............................................................................................................................................. 34
Admin ........................................................................................................................................................... 35
Reconcile ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
Late Fees ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
Payment Loads ............................................................................................................................................ 36
9.6.1 Bank Load ................................................................................................................................................ 36
9.6.2 Phone Load.............................................................................................................................................. 36
9.6.3 Internet Load ............................................................................................................................................ 36
9.6.4 BPay Load ............................................................................................................................................... 36
BSBs ............................................................................................................................................................ 36
Site Charges ................................................................................................................................................ 36
Load Charges .............................................................................................................................................. 37
10 Appendix A – Student Services and Amenities Fee (SAF) ...................................................................... 38
11 Appendix B – Printing from Fees Revenue .............................................................................................. 63
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1 Introduction
There are 3 versions of Fees Revenue:
UOW College
Fees Revenue is available in 3 versions for the 3 organisations using the application: UOW Australia, UOW College
and UOW Dubai. It is essential to gain access to the appropriate version.
When an Offer is created for a student in Admissions, a billing type is allocated to the offer. Once the student's
course is activated and the student enrols into a subject within a session (a subject instance), the billing type is
allocated to that session.
Depending on the billing type, students may be able to vary their billing type up to the census date of the session
(for example, Commonwealth Supported Students receiving HECS-HELP may vary their billing type (Upfront, partial
or deferred) up to the census date of the session.
When a student enrols in a subject instance, the system is triggered to update the Tuition Fees and the Student
Service and Amenity Fees (SSAF), based on the enrolment, course type and campus. See SSAF for more
Depending on the billing type, Tuition Fees may be generated based on a Fee per Credit point (setup at the course
level or on the offer) or Student Contribution Bands (certain bands are allocated to subjects).
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Fees Revenue shows the details of charges that have been created. All charges have a due date. Payments are
processed through Fees Revenue and those payments sit in the ‘Credit bucket' until the due date arrives. Once the
due date has arrived, the outstanding charge is paid off.
There is an Advanced Tab in Fees Revenue that can be used to force Fees Revenue to pay off amounts (ie change
the priority of payments) – Only certain users have permission to use this function.
Quick Pays can also be processed through Fees Revenue. When a user processes a quick pay, they are creating
the charge (with a due date of today) and paying that charge off immediately. Quick pays are used for such
payments as Transcripts, Graduation Payments and International Student Overseas Health Cover.
There are also various Statements and Reports available through Fees Revenue
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2 Login
Enter UOW username and password, and click Login to access the Fees Revenue system. If there has been an
update since you last launched Fees Revenue, you will receive a prompt to ‘Get Update’.
If you enter incorrect username/password more than three times, an error message will appear to inform you that
your access is blocked for half an hour.
To log out of Fees Revenue, click on the Logout button.
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3 Payment
Functions contained in the Payment Tab
Make Payment
Used to process payments from students or generate a ‘Quick Pay' which creates a charge and pays that charge off
in one transaction.
Make Payment - Advanced
Make Payment - Basic
Make Payment - Basic - Quick Pay
Payment Options for all Organisations (Multi-Currency supported):
Direct Deposit
Additional Payment Options for UOW College only:
UOWC Sponsored
Additional Payment Options for UOW Dubai only:
UOWD Sponsored
Manual Internet
Please Note (for UOWD): Recording card details is a mandatory field.
Make Payment
Used to process payments from students or generate a ‘Quick Pay’ which creates a charge and pays that charge off
in one transaction.
Enter the Student number or Name (in the field that appears to the right of the Details button) and click OK.
You can enter a Student's name and a date of birth in order to narrow the search. If you want to locate a student
using their first or middle name, type in the name and click the check box that appears to the right hand side of the
Name/Student Number field, to enable a search on ALL names (First, Middle and Surname). Locate the student
required in the Search Results box and click to highlight and click select, or double click to select the student.
Click on the 'Details' button to retrieve the Personal Details screen, which displays: DOB, Country of Citizenship,
Country of Origin, Mailing address, email, phone numbers and the Student's photo.
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3.1.1 Advanced
The Advanced Tab is only available to certain users. The Advanced Tab shows the breakdown of the items that
make up the Total Amount Due and enables the user to override the order of priority for payments.
3.1.2 Basic
Staff may process payments received from students, these payments will sit in the 'credit bucket' until they become
due, at which time, the charge will be paid off. If a payment is made and there is an overdue charge, that charge will
be paid off immediately (as the due date has passed). There are certain transactions where staff are required to
create a charge and pay off that charge, this is known as a quick pay.
Staff may process payments received from students, these payments will sit in the 'credit bucket' until they become
due, at which time, the charge will be paid off. If a payment is made and there is an overdue charge, that charge will
be paid off immediately (as the due date has passed).
There are certain transactions where staff are required to create a charge and pay off that charge immediately, this
is known as a quick pay. An example of a quick pay transaction is if a student has requested a Transcript Print. As
the charge does not currently exist on the system, the quick pay function is used to create the charge, which is paid
off at the same time.
Outstanding Charges - If the charges are highlighted in Red, it indicates that they are overdue.
To process a payment (for example, to pay the Tuition Fee), go to the Basic Tab on the Make Payment Tab and
enter the amount in the Payment Amount: $ box.
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Once you have entered the Payment Amount, you need to select the payment type. Click on the Card or the Cheque
tab in the Payment section and click to select the Card (EFTPOS, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Bankcard)
or enter the Cheque details (if the Bank is not found when the BSB No. is entered, manually enter the name of the
Bank in the Bank field).
If an error is made while entering the payment details, click on 'Clear' and re-enter the correct details. Once all the
payment details have been entered, click on 'Make Payment'.
When you click on Make Payment, the Payment Information screen will appear. Check the Payment Details are
correct. If any of the details are incorrect, click 'Cancel'. You will be taken back to the Make Payment screen, you
can Clear the payment screen and enter the correct details. If the Payment Details screen and correct, check that
the Print Receipt box is checked (if you wish to print a receipt, please note that this box should be checked by
default) then click 'Confirm Payment'.
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A Student Receipt will be printed (If the Print Receipt box was checked). The Fees Revenue system knows if the
original receipt has been printed. Fees Revenue only permits 1 original receipt to be printed. If you need to re-print a
receipt, click on the Payment Details Tab, highlight the receipt number you wish to re-print (by clicking on it) and
then click 'Reprint Receipt'.
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You can re-print the receipt as many times as you like. All re-printed receipts will show (REPRINT) underneath the
heading Receipt.
Make Payment - Basic - Quick Pay
A Quick Pay will create a charge and pay off that charge in a single transaction. The Quick Pay replaced the manual
receipts at the front counter.
An example of a Quick Pay transaction is the payment for a Transcript Print. Staff use the Quick Pay function to
create the charge for the Transcript print pays off that charge.
Select the Quick Pay Charge from the drop down menu and click 'Enter'. If a Quick Pay Charge amount box
appears, you can click OK to accept the charge that currently appears, or you can choose to change the amount if
required. Do this for each Quick Pay charge you want to add. The quick pay charges will appear in blue. All other
charges will remain unselected. The Total Amount of all the Quick Pay charges selected will appear in the Payment
Amount field.
If you have selected the wrong Quick Pay charge, click 'Clear', the screen will be cleared and you can enter the
correct Quick Pay charge(s).
If the student is paying more than the amount of the quick pay (ie they may be paying off other charges), amend the
Payment Amount to the total amount of the payment.
Make the payment by selecting the Card or Cheque tab and completing the details. Click on 'Make Payment'.
The Payment Information screen will appear. Check the Payment Details are correct. If any of the details are
incorrect, click 'Cancel'. You will be taken back to the Make Payment screen, you can Clear the payment screen
and enter the correct details. If the Payment Details screen and correct, check that the Print Receipt box is checked
(if you wish to print a receipt) then click 'Confirm Payment'.
The details of the Quick Payment will appear on the Make Payments screen as well as the Statement screen.
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Overseas Health Cover - OSHC
Overseas Health Cover for Study Abroad Students - A charge is manually created through Fees Revenue - Std
Charge, and when the payment is made, it is processed as a straight payment (not a quick pay).
Overseas Health Cover for International students is processed as a Quick Pay. It is extremely important when
processing the payment for an International student that you check whether Overseas Health Cover is included in
the payment, as the Overseas Health Cover component needs to be processed as a Quick Pay so that the charge is
created and paid off. If the Overseas Health Cover component of the payment is not treated as a quick pay, then the
charge will never be created and a request for Health Cover will never be initiated.
The following quick pays are available:
OSHCFN, OSHC Family Rate, New OSHC
OSHCFR, OSHC Family Rate, Renewal OSHC
OSHCSR, OSHC Single, Renewal OSHC
Once you have selected the correct Quick Pay, the Quick Pay Charge Amount screen will appear. If the charge
selected was a 'New' charge OSHC Start Session (a drop down menu) and Choose Start Date (a button to select)
will appear.
Basically, if a student is paying for New OSHC, you need to tell the system when the student's course will
commence (OSHC Start Session), or when the student's Health Cover is to commence (Choose Start Date).
If a user selects an OSHC Start Session, then the start date recorded on the AHMG report is the first day of the
session, less 7 days (to record the start date as the date of Orientation) - We have made the assumption that
Orientation will always commence 1 week before the start of session. For the Intakes, Orientation isn't always
exactly 7 days, however, we have used 7 days to simplify the recording.
If a user clicks to Choose a Start Date, the date entered is the date that is recorded as the start date on the AHMG
report. If a users chooses to manually enter a Start Date, the date entered has to be Orientation date, or the date the
cover is to start.
Example 1 - If a student comes to the counter this week to pay their Fees for a course that they will start in Autumn
2005, you will select the OSHC Single Rate New from the quick pay drop down menu. You will then select Autumn
2005 from the OSHC Start session drop down menu. You then process the payment as normal. An OSHC Start
session will appear for this student because they have an Offer for a future session. If more than 1 start session
appeared in the OSHC start session drop down menu, you would need to check when the student will commence
their course (check their letter of acceptance, or check on Admissions).
Example 2 - If a student pays for new OSHC and they are currently enrolled, check when the student started their
course. Click to Choose Start Date and enter the date of Orientation for that session (7 days prior to the first day of
Example 3 - If a student advises that they are renewing their Health Cover, check with the student if their current
health cover is with Medibank, or AHMG. If the student's cover is currently with Medibank, then the OSHC charge
should be entered as New (they are commencing New cover with AHMG) - You will then need to enter a start date.
If the student's cover is currently with AHMG, then select renewal.
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Payment Details
View payments, Print/Re-Print receipts and reverse payments (ability to reverse is permissions based).
If you need to reverse a payment, click on the Payment Details screen, click on the payment you wish to reverse.
If a payment has been Reversed, an R will appear in the Left Hand Column. Click 'Reverse'. You will be prompted to
select a reason for the Reversal.
Click OK and the Reversal will be processed.
If it is necessary to Reverse a payment other than on the day the payment is processed, a message will appear
'Please ensure that Finance are notified ASAP about this payment reversal. They need to know as the payment
needs to be reversed manually in JDE on the same day'. This information also appears on the Payment Reversals
Report (there are totals for Same Day and Latter Day).
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Reprint Receipt
Click to select the receipt and click to Reprint
Click to view the details of the receipt
Only certain users have permission to access the Transfer Tab.
The Transfers tab is used to transfer amounts from the UOW Credit bucket to the Refundable bucket and from the
Refundable Bucket to the UOW Credit Bucket.
If there is an amount in Credit, it must be transferred to Refundable before a Refund can be processed.
Process Refunds (Users require appropriate Permissions) - There is a forfeit option included on this screen.
Users must be granted specific permission to process refunds.
In order to be able to refund money to a student, there needs to be an amount in the Current Amount Refundable
Users must be granted specific permission to process refunds.
In order to be able to refund money to a student, there needs to be an amount in the Current Amount Refundable
If there is no amount in the Current Refundable bucket, staff with appropriate access can transfer money from the
‘Current Amount UOW Credit’ to ‘Current Amount Refundable’ via the ‘Transfers’ tab.
Enter a % Forfeit or Forfeit amount. Enter the amount to be refunded in Refund Amount.
You must enter or select a Reason for the Refund from the Drop Down Menu.
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Click Make Refund.
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The Refund will immediately appear on the Statement.
Users can add notes to the Fees Revenue record of a student for other users to see.
Notes information remains in Fees Revenue only (not integrated with SAI or Admissions).
Payment Plans
For managing student fees in instalments (UOW College and UOW Dubai only).
For UOW College and UOW Dubai only.
Users can Add & Cancel a Payment Plan to a student based on pre-determined Payment Plans set at a sessional
Payment plan information can also be viewed in this tab, such as Instalment Due Date, Instalment Percent,
Cumulative & Instalment Amts and Paid Amts.
Once a Payment Plan is set up for a student for a particular session, the enrolment can vary and the percentages
due per instalment adjusts accordingly.
Payment Plans are indicated as ~ (tilde symbol) on the charges affected in the Fees Revenue statement, charges
list and the SAI/SOLS Fees Statement.
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4 Std Charge
*Also refer to Appendix A – Student Services and Amenities Fee Charge
The Student Charge screen is used to view all Student charge details, to manually add new student charges, edit
due dates of existing student charges and change the status of student charges. Charges may also be reversed by
staff who have the permission to do so (for example, a charge of a Graduation Fee may be reversed where the Fees
Manager has approved this).
From the Student Charge screen:
• View all Student charges
• Manually add or reverse student charges
• Edit due dates of existing charges
• Change the status of student charges
Manually add/update a charge
Charge or Group: The majority of charges are defined as ‘Charge’. Group charges relate to the old CSC
(Compulsory Service Charges) which had different charges grouped together to create a charge group.
Type: Selecting the Type of charge reduces the number of charges that appear in the ‘Name’ drop down menu and
make it easier to locate the charge required.
Campus: Select campus if you want to narrow the search further and filter the charge names that appear in the
‘Name’ drop down menu
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Name: Select the charge from the Drop Down menu. Then click 'OK'. The charge amount will be loaded onto the
Check the details are correct, enter a Due Date and click 'Add'. A message will appear ' Adding a new Student
Charge Automatically saves it. Are you sure you wish to add a new Student Charge?' Click 'Yes' (or 'No' if you don't
wish to add the Student Charge).
Show Reversed or Hide Reversed: amounts on the screen display.
Reverse Charge
Select a charge to be reversed. Select a reason for the reversal. Click 'OK' or 'Cancel'. Reversals show an R in the
far left hand column.
Function no longer used, Compulsory Service Charges (CSCs) discontinued in 2006
Add/ Update
If you select a new charge to add, once you select the charge from the ‘Name’ drop down menu and click ‘OK’, the
Add button will be activated.
Highlight an existing student charge you can then change the due date or the status. Enter a reason then click
Will clear all information displayed in the Select group (selected charge) section of the screen.
The delete option will become available when a charge in the list is highlighted. Deleting the student charge will
automatically remove it from the system. You will be asked if you are sure you wish to delete the selected student
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5 Tuition
Use the Tuition tab to view the Course Details and the Course Fee (if Applicable). Click on the Active course to
highlight - the fee per credit point will then be displayed in the lower part of the screen. Can be used to Modify the
Course Fee (based on an effective date).
Students charged a Fee Per Credit Point have a Tuition Fee Version.
Student’s tuition fees are charged one of 2 ways on the student system:
• Fee per credit point
• Student Contribution Bands for Domestic Commonwealth Supported Students
Click on the Tuition tab to view the Course Details and the Course Fee (if Applicable). Click on the Active course to
highlight - the fee per credit point will then be displayed in the lower part of the screen.
Fee Per Credit Point
When an Offer is created in Admissions, if the student has a billing type that generates a Fee Per Credit Point, the
system looks up the Fee Per Credit Point on the Course Database for the relevant Year (Course DB Tuition Fee)
and this value is written into the Offer Tuition Fee Field.
If the Offer Tuition Fee amount is changed, this becomes an ‘Exceptional Fee, a fee that differs from the Course DB
Tuition Fee.
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When the student enrols in their Course, the Offer Tuition Fee appears in the Tuition Fee field in Fees Revenue and
this is the amount used to calculate the Tuition fee when a student enrols, unless a new Tuition Fee version is
created in Fees Revenue.
Adjusting Fee per Credit Point Student Fees
Updating a Course Fee (per credit point rate)
The Tuition Fee version per credit point can be amended at Course/Year level in Fees Revenue via the Tuition tab.
A user must select the relevant course and then year version to modify:
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Once the fee version (green) is elected, the ‘Update Version’ button will indicate if it can be updated. It is also
possible to update fee versions retrospectively.
To update a new per credit point rate and reason should be entered. Use of the Effective Date will specify which
subjects to pick up and modify in the new fee version:
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Confirming the Update to Fees and Subjects Affected
Fees Revenue will confirm with a user the following steps before a Tuition Fee is changed:
Fees Revenue will then list the subjects affected by the Tuition Fee update:
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Auto Allocate Update Job
Fees Revenue will request that the user run the ‘Auto Allocate Update’ job where applicable to update the student
Variable International Student Fees
UOW made the decision to implement Variable International Student Fees from 2011 to bring it into line with many
other Australian Universities.
A new Tuition Fee Version will be created each calendar year the student re-enrols in their course.
The Tuition Fee will reflect the International Fee Per Credit Point set for the course for the year in which the student
is re-enrolling.
What are the changes?
• Variable International Student Fees implemented from 2011 - New Tuition Fee Versions to be created when
students re-enrol in 2012 (and future years)
• Students who commenced their course in 2010 (and prior years) will be exempt from Variable Fees and will
continue to pay the same fee for the duration of their course
• Any students who accepted (and paid for) courses commencing from 2011 by 1st December 2010 will be
exempt from Variable Fees
• When students enrol in their course for the first time, the fee quoted on the offer letter will be used for all
subject enrolments during the first calendar year
• Variable Fees Exclusion Flags will be developed at the Course, Sponsor and Student/Course level to
manage cohorts that are to be exempt from this change
• All exemptions must be approved (in writing) by the DVC(I).
• Variable Fees will not apply to students enrolling in any course that has a duration of 1 year or less (Variable
Fees Exclusion flag will be set at the Course Level)
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Offer Tuition Fee
Courses (and associated course information) setup in the Course Database are rolled over from one year to the
The International Fee Per Credit Point for each course is manually updated every year – This is known as the
Course DB Tuition Fee.
When an Offer is generated, the system looks up the Course for the year of the offer and retrieves the Course DB
Tuition Fee. This Fee becomes the Offer Tuition Fee (if an exceptional fee is not set).
If an Offer is made to a student PRIOR to the Fees being set for the year, the student’s Offer
Tuition Fee will be the Fee for the previous year.
Any students EXEMPT from Variable International Student Fees will be charged the Offer
Tuition Fee for the duration of their course.
If a student is NOT EXEMPT from Variable International Student Fees, they will be charged the Offer Tuition Fee for
all subject enrolments during the first calendar year they are enrolled. When they re-enrol into subjects in future
calendar years, the system will retrieve the Course DB Tuition Fee for the Course for the year in which the student is
re-enrolling and create a new Fee Version.
Variable Fees Example
In 2010, the International Fee Per Credit Point for course 721 was $464. In 2011, the fee for this course was
$495.875 per credit point.
A Student who was made an offer to the 2011 course in March 2010 received an Offer Tuition Fee of $464. As the
2011 Fee had not been entered into the Course Database when the Offer was made, the 2010 fee was used.
A Student who was made an offer to the 2011 course in October 2010 received an Offer Tuition Fee of $495.875 as
the 2011 Fees had been entered into the Course Database when the offer was made.
Assuming that neither of these students are exempt from Variable Fees (ie the Variable Fees
Exclusion Flag is not set at the Course, Student/Course or Sponsor level):
When both these students re-enrol in subjects for 2012, the system will look-up the 2012 version of the course in the
Course Database to retrieve the International Fee Per Credit Point (which is $525 per credit point), a new Tuition
Fee Version will be created, and this is the Fee that the students will be charged for all 2012 subject enrolments.
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6 Statement
Access to various Fee Statements
UOW Statement
This screen provides access to the Student Statement. The Payment Advice can also be printed from this screen
(Print Pay Advice).. The student may not require a printout of the payment advice, they may only need the
Reference number.
The Fee Statement and a Summary of Outstanding Balances by Due Date is accessible to the student via SOLS The link in SOLS is Fee Statement. By default, the current year's transactions will appear. If you wish to view other
periods, enter the start and end date and click 'Retrieve'. Click 'Retrieve All' to see ALL transactions for ALL years
for that student. You can choose to show or hide reversed transactions. If you wish to view the details of a payment,
double click on the payment.
The UOW Statement shows details of charges, payments and deferrals. The Payment Advice can also be printed
from this screen (Print Pay Advice).
The student’s Reference Number appears on this screen. The Reference number is required for phone and internet
payments. The student may not require a printout of the payment advice, they may only need the Reference
The OnLine Fee Statement and a Summary of Outstanding Balances by Due Date is accessible to the student via
SOLS - The link in SOLS is Fee Statement.
By default, the current year's transactions will appear. If you wish to view other periods, enter the start and end date
and click 'Retrieve'. Click 'Retrieve All' to see ALL transactions for ALL years for that student. You can choose to
show or hide reversed transactions. If you wish to view the details of a payment, double click on the payment.
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6.1.1 Print Pay Advice
To request a microtoner invoice for the student from Student Central only.
HECS Statement
Pre-2005 HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme) Statement.
Notice of actual HECS Contribution for the session.
PELS Statement
Pre-2005 PELS (Postgraduate Education Loan Scheme) Statement.
Notice of the amount of the debt for the session
Commonwealth Assistance Notice
From 2005, the CAN (Commonwealth Assistance Notice) replaced the HECS and PELS Statements. The
Commonwealth Assistance notice is made available to the student after the census date (generally 28 days after the
census date).
For HECS-HELP students, the CAN includes information on the student contribution amounts, student learning
entitlement usage and HECS-HELP Assistance.
For FEE-HELP students, the CAN includes information on the units of study for which FEE-HELP assistance was
received and the FEE-HELP debt including any loan fee amount.
From 2014 onwards, UOW College students will also see their CAN information in Fees Revenue/SOLS statements
6.4.2 OS-HELP
Statement of OS-HELP recorded at UOW as deferred (HELP loan for overseas studies approved by the Student
Mobility and Fees teams).
6.4.3 SA-HELP
Statement of SA-HELP recorded at UOW as deferred (HELP loan for Student Amenities Fee).
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7 Report
Reports available
Payment Details
End of Day Balancing Report
• Report by site, start date, end date, and actual location (computer), details of payments taken - receipt, date,
student, amounts broken down by card, cheque, with totals
Payment Summary
End of Day Balancing Report
• Report by site, start date and end date
• Provides a summary of each location (computer) of amounts receipted
Cheque Details
End of Day Balancing Report
• Report by site, start date, end date
• Details of cheque payments, drawer, cheque #, Bank, BSB, Amount, Student, Receipt #
Payment Reversals
End of Day Balancing Report
• Report by site, start date, end date
• Details of payment reversed - Receipt #, date issued, date reversed, student, amount, reason, JDE flag (N Same Day, Y - Latter Day). Details of amounts reversed on the same day they were receipted and those
reversed later.
Overdue Summary
Enter a start and end date or check X number of days ahead.
Student number, name, Billing, TFN, Tuition, TD (Tuition Due Date), CSC, CD (CSC Due Date), Other,
Overpayment, Balance Results can be exported
Projected Fees Report
Tab only available in UOW College and Dubai Fees Revenue
Reports on projected fees for course codes and session filters selected.
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General Reports
General Reports available
7.7.1 Bank Interface Summary
Reports on : Start-End Date. Method, Batch Reference, Date, Bank, Visa, Master, AMEX, No. Payments, Total
7.7.2 Bank Unprocessed Summary
Reports on: Start-End Date. Payment Method, Batch Reference, Student Number reference, Actual Student,
Surname, Amount, Rejection Reason
7.7.3 Health Cover
Reports on: By International or Study Abroad, Start-End Date, Export and AHMG Export - Report controlled by
Charge not payment.
7.7.4 PUF HECS <$500
Reports on: Students who have made a partial up front payment less than $500 (HECS-HELP) - Report by Session.
7.7.5 Forfeit Summary
Report on amounts forfeited as part of refunds
7.7.6 Refund Summary
Report on refunds processed.
7.7.7 Student Overpayment Details
Reports on: As At Date and Net Credit Tolerance. Student number, name, credit, outstanding, net credit, refund
amount, billing, course instance
7.7.8 Student Undeferred Summary
Reports on: By Deferral Type and Session. Student number, name, session, credit, refund, Outstanding Amount
7.7.9 Invalid Student Reference
Report on students with Invalid Reference numbers
7.7.10 Payment Plan Summary
7.7.11 Revenue Recognition
Tab only available in UOW College and Dubai Fees Revenue
7.7.12 Ageing Debtors
Tab only available in UOW College and Dubai Fees Revenue
7.7.13 Payment Note Summary
Tab only available in Dubai Fees Revenue
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8 Search
Generic Search/Report screen - Report Type - Underpayment, Charges, Payment, SA Charges, Tuition Discount.
Filter by Year and Session & Billing Types and Charges
The Search tab can be used to report on:
• Underpayments
• Charges
• Payments
• SA Charges (Student Services and Amenities)
for a particular date range or year/session.
The results can be exported and opened in excel.
If you wanted to report on the Tuition charges generated for 2011 Spring for all International Students with a Billing
Type of Overseas Fee Paying Not Sponsored, the criteria would be entered as:
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To select a Billing Type, click ‘Load’, a list of the available billing types will appear.
Click on the Billing Type you wish to report on and click the right arrow to move the billing type into the ‘Current
Billing Types’ box
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If you click to ‘Load’ a Billing Type or a Charge, if you click away from the screen, the load screen remains open, you
need to close this screen in order to be able to access Fees Revenue, if the load screen remains open, minimise
each of your browser screens until you get to the load screen.
Select whether you want a Detailed Report, Summary, Personal Info or Contact Info report. You can click on the
relevant tabs to see what information appears on each of these reports.
Not all charges generated relate to a session, for example, Transcript, Accommodation, Graduation charges and the
Student Services and Amenities Fee. Use the From and To Date to report on these types of Charges. The From and
To Date is used to report on the Due Date of the charge.
For example, the Student Services and Amenities (SA) fee is based on the first billable session that the student is
enrolled in. To report on students who had the SA Fee generated in Autumn 2012, the due date for the charge was
1/4/2012. If I report on From and To Date 1/4/2012, a list of the Student Services and Amenities Charges appears
on the report (but this would also include any charges due on 1/4/2012 unless I specifically loaded the charge ‘SSABA: Services and Amenities Bi-Annual Fee.
SA Charge Search
Use the Search Tab to report on Student Services and Amenities Charges
Report Type – Charges
• Only reports on SA charges that have an Active Status – Status = ‘A’
• Deferred SA Charges, charges with a Status = ‘SH’ do not appear on this report.
• From and To date searches on the Student Services and Amenities Fee Due Date
Report Type – SA Charges
Use Report Type SA Charges to report on ALL types of SA Charges.
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Note: the SA Payment criteria is looking at what the SA Payment option was when the charge was created
Student Services and Amenities report examples:
1) Be able to report on Students where – Tuition Billing = Partial and SA = Upfront, or where Tuition Billing =
Defer and SA = Upfront
Note if manual SA charges are generated, this would not work
Search Criteria
Report Type
Charge Status
SA Payment
Load Billing Type
SA Charges
SAU SA UpFront
Select year
Select session or All
Select relevant billing type eg CSS HECS-HELP Partial
2) Be able to report on students who have chosen to pay their Student Services and Amenities Fee upfront
(not to include those that have chosen to pay partial)
To report on all students who have to pay the SAAF by the Due Date, so communications can be sent to these
students to advise them to pay or to defer the charge.
Search Criteria
Report Type
Charge Status
SA Payment
Load Billing Type
SA Charges
SAU SA UpFront
Select year
Select session or All
Select relevant billing type eg CSS HECS-HELP Partial
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3) Be able to provide management with a list of the SSAF income for a particular year/session
Search Criteria
Report Type
Charge Status
SA Payment
Load Billing Type
SA Charges
Select year
Select session or All
Detailed report or Summary Report
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4) Be able to report on Students who have chosen to defer their Student Services and Amenities Fee, but be
able to see whether they have made a payment (which is equal to the amount of the fee)
The Summary tab shows the Credit amount, so the Fees Team should be able to see if a student has an amount
sitting in the credit bucket that’s around the amount of the SSAF (this will be difficult if they pay SSAF and Tuition
charges) – For issues where the Fees Team are more concerned with those just pay SSAF expecting it will be paid
off when the amount is paid off Tuition.
Search Criteria
Report Type
Charge Status
SA Payment
Load Billing Type
SA Charges
SA Help Deferred
Select year
Select session or All
Summary Report
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9 Maint
Maintenance functions
Finance and IMTS staff have access to this tab to setup/maintain charges
Charge Group
Finance and IMTS staff have access to this tab to setup/maintain charges
Charge groups were used for CSC (Compulsory Services Charges).
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Functions that appear under the Admin tab
Enrolment Link Update Job
Auto Allocate Payments
Re-trigger billing Subject
Process PELS Deferral
Print PELS Deferral Stmnts
Process HECS Deferral
Run CSC Cancellation Job
Process HECS- HELP Deferral
Process FEE-HELP Deferral
Process SA-HELP Deferral
Change Installed Site
Run Auto Payment Load
Run Withheld Charges Job
Refresh Server Caches
Force Charge Load
SA Charge Generation
Payment Advices
The Enrolment Link Update job runs automatically in
production, however, staff with access to this function
can trigger an update to occur.
Enter a Student number to Trigger Enrolment Link
update job or run for all.
This job runs automatically in production, however, staff
with access to this function can trigger an update to
Enter a student number to trigger job or run for all
Enter a student number to trigger job or run for all - Used
when you need to re-trigger an enrolment update that
received a failure message and the reason for the failure
has since been corrected.
No longer applicable – relates to Pre 2005 deferrals
No longer applicable – relates to Pre 2005 PELS
No longer applicable – relates to Pre 2005 deferrals
No longer applicable - CSCs no longer created after
introduction of VSU (1/7/2006) - if CSCs had been
created and student withdrawn from all subjects, CSC
cancellation job would reverse CSCs. A date range is
entered and it only affects enrolment variations made on
that day.
Defer outstanding charges for HECS-HELP Students.
HECS-HELP Partial Student if paid $500, amount must
be applied to charge before the Due Date (Census Date)
- If student does not make a partial payment and if they
have a TFN, the charge will be deferred
Defer outstanding charges for FEES-HELP Students.
FEES-HELP Partial Student if paid $500, amount must
be applied to charge before the Due Date (Census Date)
- If student does not make a partial payment and if they
have a TFN, the charge will be deferred.
Defer outstanding Student Services and Amenities Fees
Change installed site for Multi Site Receipting.
Processes any charges that may have been held back
because the sessional fee rate had not been released.
Refreshes all the caches that are stored on the server.
Forces the nightly auto allocation of charges setup to
students to be run immediately.
This job run automatically in production, however staff
with access could use this function to trigger Student
Services and Amenities Fees to be generated
Export Payment Advices.
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Checks the underlying transactional data against the summary stored data. Each one of the options checks a
summary table of sorts to ensure that the values in it add up to what the transactions would produce.
The summary tables exist predominately for performance reasons. Reconcile student does all the tables for a given
student, the other options highlight on a specific summary table.
E.g. Reconcile Student Charges – this reconciles the summary outstanding amounts as stored on the student
charges (this outstanding amount is the adjusted amount – whatever payments have gone towards paying it off)
against the amount in the transaction table showing which payments have payed off which charges.
Reconcile Overpayments – this reconciles the summary amount of how much credit and refundable a student has
against the amount in the transaction table showing payments that have not been allocated to charges (or refunds).
The rest of the options follow a similar vane…All up these options were only really added for IMTS benefit so they
can run checks to confirm our changes don't cause any transaction issues. They also help to highlight data issues
should they arise. Each of these reconciles run each night against the days transactions and sends an email should
things go wrong.
Late Fees
Late Enrolment, Late Payment Tuition (Dom and Int) - Retrieves a list of students, this list can then be maintained
before Late Fees are applied.
Care needs to be taken if using this function – business rules are hardcoded and business process may not
currently match these rules.
Payment Loads
Functions used by Finance staff
9.6.1 Bank Load
Browse for file to upload. Succeed/Fail notification.
9.6.2 Phone Load
Browse for file to upload. Succeed/Fail notification
9.6.3 Internet Load
Browse for file to upload. Succeed/Fail notification.
9.6.4 BPay Load
Browse for file to upload. Succeed/Fail notification.
Function used by Finance staff
Add new BSBs or retrieve current list to update/delete.
Site Charges
Select Charges and Charge groups for sites (Multi Site Receipting) - Sites associated with the same groups will see
the same charges (eg ARD Build 36 and Student Central).
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Load Charges
Used to apply charges to Students (eg Graduation Fee) - add or import a list of student numbers to apply a charge
to. Charges allocations are placed in a queue and applied overnight.
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10 Appendix A – Student Services and Amenities Fee (SAF)
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SA Fee)
The Student Services and Amenities Bill 2011 was passed in October 2011. The Bill amends the Higher Education
Support Act 2003 and Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to allow higher education providers to charge an annual
compulsory student services and amenities fee (capped at $263 per student in 2012 but indexed on an annual
basis) from 1 January 2012.
There are 2 components to the implementation of the Student Services and Amenities (SA) Charge:
1) Eligible domestic students to complete the Request for SA-Help Assistance form which defines their SA
Payment Option
2) The generation of the Student Services and Amenities Fee (the SA Charge for International students was
introduced from 1 January 2013).
**There may be students who complete the Request for SA-Help Assistance form who never end up with an SA
Charge generated.
1) Request for SA Help Assistance
Only Domestic Students who are Australian Citizens or have a Permanent Humanitarian Visa are eligible to apply for
Students enrolled in Cross Institutional course types at UOW are only eligible to apply for SA-Help at their home
All other Domestic Students (eg Permanent Residents, New Zealand Citizens) have to pay the SA charge upfront.
To prevent confusion, particularly related to Domestic (eligible) students who enrol at Dubai and UOW College (as
the SA Charge is not being implemented at these institutions) we’re performing a secondary check to determine
whether to present the Request for SA Help Assistance form to the student:
Only if Course Campus is equal to:
1 – Wollongong
2 – Sydney
3 - Shoalhaven
4 - Bega
5 - Bateman’s Bay
24 – Contract Specific (Aus)
33 – Australian Command and Staff College
34 – Southern Highlands
38 – Southern Sydney
52 – Innovation Campus
Only if Course Delivery Method is equal to:
On Campus
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The request for SA-Help assistance form will not be displayed for student courses where the course type is:
41 – Cross Institution program UG Home
42 – Cross Institution program PG Home
When are students prompted to complete the Request for SA Help Assistance Form?
Currently enrolled students – The form will appear first time they login to SOLS. The form will appear after
SOLSMail messages and the student has to complete the form before they are taken to the SOLS Main
If the student does not complete the form (ie if they close the SOLS screen, the form will re-appear when the
student logs into SOLS again
New Students – The form will appear as part of the New Enrolment Process (The form will also appear in
the New Enrolment Process if staff enrol the student)
**There are students who are eligible to apply for SA Help who don’t currently have to complete either HECS-HELP
or FEE-HELP forms
SA Payment Options
There are 3 types of SA Payment Options:
SA UpFront – Students will pay the full amount of the charge on or before the due date. There is no
discount for upfront payment
SA Help Partial - Students may pay part of the charge on/before the due date and defer the remainder of
the charge. There is no discount for partial payment
SA Help Loan – Students will defer the payment of the charge, they will have a liability to be paid to the
Australian Taxation Office.
The SA Payment option is independent of the Students billing Type, for example, a Commonwealth Support Student
whose billing type is set to HECS-HELP UpFront, can choose to defer the Student Services and Amenities charge
by setting their SA Payment option to SA Help Loan.
Request for SA Help Assistance Form
All students start with an SA Payment Option that is = ‘Blank’. The system will treat any ‘Blank’ SA Payment options
as SA UpFront.
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So if any students don’t login to SOLS to complete the form, we’ll be treating them as an UpFront payment.
The form operates similar to Request for FEE Help Assistance Form.
1 Screen
If student clicks ‘Do Not Apply’, their SA Payment Option will be set to SA Upfront, student is not required to
complete the form.
If student clicks Apply Now’ second screen of the form appears:
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Final Screen
Do you wish to make a partial upfront payment?
• Yes - SA Payment Option will be set to SA Help Partial
• No - SA Payment Option will be set to SA Help Loan
How do Students change their SA Payment Option?
Once a student completes the form, it will no longer appear automatically when they login to SOLS.
If students wish to change their SA Payment option, they select ‘HELP Loan Option’ from the SOLS Main Menu.
The SA Charge is not related to a session, it’s related to a period (half year Jan-Jun and Jul-Dec).
If a student changes their SA Payment Option from Upfront to Deferred, this will only be applied to SA Charges
where the due date for payment has not passed (and to future charges created).
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If a student has an SA Charge for the period Jan-Jun and the due date is 1/4/2012 and the SA Payment Option is
upfront, if the student logs into SOLS and changes their Payment option to SA HELP Loan before the due date, the
system will reverse the current SA Charge and re-generate the charge as a deferred charge.
The SA Payment Option appears on the HELP Loan Option screen for all students, if a student who is not eligible
clicks to maintain the SA Payment Option (eg a Permanent Resident) – a message will appear that the student is not
eligible for SA Help and their SA Payment Option will change from Blank (which is UpFront) to SA Upfront.
How can staff view/change a student’s SA Payment Option?
Via SAI – Individual Operations for Staff
Billing View
Billing Maintenance
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2) Student Services and Amenities Fee
Automatic generation of the SA Fee
The Student Services and Amenities Fee was implemented for domestic students in the first half of 2012. As a result
of development time, 2012 sessions that had a census date prior to 1/3/2012 were excluded from the calculation of
the charge.
For 2012, only students enrolled in sessions that have a census date on or after 1/3/2012 were charged.
From 2013, all students (International and Domestic students) enrolled in sessions that have a census date on or
after 1/1/2013 will be charged.
In Fees Revenue, the generic charge name is SA-BA, Services and Amenities Bi Annual Fee, Services
and Amenities, Any
Generation of the charge is triggered by a student’s enrolment variation
A nightly job checks the last run date (LRD) of the SA Charge generation, locates all enrolments/variations
which have occurred since the LRD to generate or amend the charge
Fees Team staff can trigger the batch job to run via Fees Revenue – Maint – Admin – SA Charge
Generation if required
The creation of the charge is triggered by a student's enrolment variation and is based on enrolment in the
first billable session (session with the earliest census date that contains subjects with Billing Liability = Yes)
in that half year
The SSA Fee will be charged in two instalments, one in each of the 1/2 year Jan-Jun and Jul-Dec
The charge is based on the students Course Campus and Course Delivery Method
Students enrolled part-time in the session the fee is generated for will be charged 50% of the campus fee
SA fee will be reversed if student withdraws from all subjects prior to census date (if there are no subjects
with billing liability = yes)
If a student varies their enrolment (prior to census date) in the session which the charged is based on, the
system will reverse the current charge and generate a new charge
If the Fees Team manually reverse a SA Charge, the system won't automatically generate that charge again
for that 1/2 year
If the Fees Team manually adjust the Due Date of an SA Charge, when that change is saved, the system
updates the user (from system) and then recognises this charge as a Manual charge. If a due date is
manually altered, if the student then changes their SA Payment option, the system will not reverse the
current charge and create a new charge based on the new payment type
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Determination of what fee to charge is based on course campus and course delivery, not subject delivery - If a
student's course campus = Wollongong but the subjects they are enrolled in have campus = Innovation
Campus, charge will be based on course campus of Wollongong
If a student is concurrently enrolled in subjects in the same session under 2 different courses, the system works
out which course/session combination has the higher SA Fee and that is the fee that will be generated
Charge Status
If the Student’s SA Payment Option is set to ‘SA UpFront’ when the charge is generated, it will have a status
of ‘A’
If the Student’s SA Payment Option is set to ‘SA-HELP Partial’ when the charge is generated, it will have a
status of ‘A’
If the Student’s SA Payment Option is set to ‘SA-HELP Loan’ when the charge is generated, it will have a
status of ‘SH’
If a student changes their SA Payment Option before the SA Fee due date, the system will reverse the current
charge and re-create the charge with the new status.
Example – A student had chosen not to apply for SA-HELP when they first completed the Request for SA-HELP
Assistance form, so their SA Payment Option was set to ‘SA UpFront’. The SA charge was generated, the student
logged into SOLS and changed their SA Payment Option to Deferred before the due date, overnight, the system will
reverse the current charge (which has a status of A) and generate the new charge which will have a status of ‘SH” –
Determination of full-time / part-time
System uses the total billing EFTSU of subjects in the first session (the session the student is enrolled in in that ½
year that has the earliest census date) and compares this against the full-time minimum EFTSU for the session.
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As the generation of the Student Services and Amenities fee is based on the earliest session in which the
student is enrolled, if a student is enrolled in Autumn and Annual, then the system is going to base the
charge on the Autumn session enrolment (as it’s the earliest session).
If the student is ONLY enrolled in Annual session, a SA Charge is being created, but it’s treating it like a ½
year – if student is enrolled in 24 cps in Annual session, then that’s considered to be part-time for Annual, so
only the part-time charge is created for the first ½ of the year, there is no second bi-annual charge created
for the second ½ of the year at present
We’re not permitted to charge over the maximum Student Services and Amenities fee in one year
Cohorts to be charged
Information below outlines which cohorts had an SA Charge generated and which cohorts were exempt.
Student Type
Charge SA Fee?
Yes from 2012
Yes from 2012
Yes from 2013
Postgraduate Coursework
Postgraduate Research
Non Award
UOW College
Dubai College
Charge SA Fee?
Course Delivery Method
Charge SA Fee?
UOW On Campus
*System only looks at the delivery method of the course, not the delivery method of individual
subject enrolments within the course
Course Campus
Offshore Campuses
Innovation Campus
Bateman’s Bay
Southern Highlands
Southern Sydney
Charge SA
% of the Fee to be charged
Admissions Flags
UOW Staff Members
Life members
Charge SA Fee?
Students enrolled in subjects that are wholly
work experience in industry subjects
Enrolled in 0 credit point subjects
Enrolled in Exchange subjects (Subjects
owned by Unit Admin with a pre-fix of EX)
Charge SA Fee?
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Enrolled in Cross Institutional Subjects
(Subjects owned by Unit Admin with a pre-fix
of XINT)
Enrolled in MEDI602
Enrolled in MEDI603
Enrolled in MEDI604
Students with certain billing types (example
CSS Enabling and Work Experience billing
Exceptions contained on a Control Table
Students in certain Non Award Courses (898,
904 907, 912, 941, 942, 944, 963)
Exceptions contained on a Control Table
Enrolled in DIET454 and DIET954
Yes – but calculate charge as Part-time at
campus other than Wollongong
Note: There will be students who are liable for the student services and amenities fee who aren't liable for tuition
International Student Services and Amenities
During 2012, International Students did not have a separate SA Charge created in Fees Revenue, the Student
Services and Amenities Fee was taken from the Tuition Fees Paid.
From 1 January 2013, The Student Services and Amenities Fee for International Students will be a separate charge
in the student systems, generated the same as it is for Domestic Students.
SA Fee Due Dates
The creation of the charge is triggered by a student's enrolment variation and is based on enrolment in the first
billable session (session with the earliest census date) in that 1/2 year.
Each session contains a key date – Services and Amenities Fee Due Date
As we want any Tuition Charges to be paid off as a priority, the Services and Amenities Fee Due Date is set
to be the day after the Census Date
The Due Date of the SA charge will be the Services and Amenities Fee Due Date of the first billable session
the student is enrolled in in that ½ year
The only exception to this will be if a student enrols and the SA Charge is created, then the student is
retrospectively enrolled in a session that has an earlier census date AFTER the census date for that session
has passed
Std Charge
SA Payment Waiver Flag
If an individual student/course should be exempt from the Student Services and Amenities Fee, the SA Payment
Waiver Flag can be set to ‘Yes’ and an SA Charge will not be generated when the student enrols in any year/session
under that course instance.(Note: approval needs to be sought from the Academic Registrar for any SA Charge
The SA Payment Waiver Flag can only be turned on in SAI once the student has enrolled
The waiver flag must be turned on prior to the due date of the SA charge
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The waiver flag is maintained via SAI – Individual Operations for Staff – Billing Maintenance
Reversing a charge
If you reverse a student services and amenities fee, the system will not automatically generate an SA
charge for that ½ year again, even if there is a change to the student’s enrolment
Reversing a Student Services and Amenities Charge is the same as reversing any other charge.
Click on the charge in the Std Charge Tab and click ‘Reverse Charge’
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Enter a reason for the charge reversal
A warning message will appear:
You are about to reverse a Services and Amenities Charge.
By reversing this Services and Amenities Charge, no automated charge will be generated for this half-year.
Do you wish to continue?
Yes or No
A confirmation message will then appear
Updating the selected Student Charge Automatically saves it.
Are you sure you wish to update the selected Student Charge?
Yes or No
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Manually creating a charge
If a manual Student Services and Amenities charge is generated, there is no attempt to do any further processing,
so if a student changes their SA Payment Option, or varies their enrolment, there is no notification of this change,
and the system does not alter the manual charge.
Fees Team staff need to be absolutely certain that a manual charge should be generated, that there is no other
course of action to fix the automatic charge that has been created.
For example:
• Student’s Course Campus is equal to Wollongong
• Subjects enrolled have campus of Innovation Campus
• SSA Charge based on the Course Campus of Wollongong
• Student advises should have been charged at the Innovation Campus Rate
Fees Team need to scope (with the appropriate unit) whether it’s feasible for the student to be transferred or
corrected into the Innovation Campus version of the Course, which would then automatically generate the
Innovation Campus rate of the Student Services and Amenities Charge.
If the student’s Course Campus is not changed, the system will continue to generate the Wollongong Rate of the
Student Services and Amenities Charge each ½ year for the duration of the student’s enrolment. If the Fees Team
choose to manually adjust the rate, then this manual intervention will need to be done each ½ year for the duration
of the student’s enrolment.
If a manual charge is to be created,
From the Type drop down menu, select Services and Amenities (this will refresh the Name drop down menu so the
SSA charge is the only one that appears – makes the selection easier).
From the Name drop down menu, select SSA-BA, Services and Amenities Bi-Annual Fee, Services and
Amenities, Any and click OK
The Allocate SA Student Charge box appears:
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SA Period:
Select the appropriate Year/Bi-Annual period, Jan-Jun or Jul-Dec that you wish to create the manual charge for
If the student does not have any enrolment in any sessions that fall in that period (the system uses the census date
of the session to determine which period the session falls in), the period won’t appear in the SA Period drop down
If a student had an enrolment (but now withdrawn) and does not have any billing liability for a period selected, a
message will appear ‘The student is not currently liable for an SA charge for the selected SA Half Year Period'
Default Student Course:
The course that the system has based the calculation of the default student services and amenities fee on will
Some students have more than one active course. The system will chose the course with the earliest census date
for the ½ year as the default course.
If the student is enrolled in the same session under 2 different courses, the system will choose the course that has
the highest services and amenities fee as the default course.
Default Session:
This is the session that has the earliest census date for the course for the ½ year
If Fees Team staff don’t want to base the services and amenities fee on the default session that appears, they can
choose a different session from the drop down menu.
ALL sessions that have a census date that falls within the ½ year of the SA Period will appear for selection.
ALL sessions were included so that Fees Team staff have the option to chose a session with a later due date if
required. Staff should take care not to choose a session that means the student is not studying when the fee is due.
Sessions are listed in order of census date.
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If you change the session, you will notice that the Due Date also changes (to the services and amenities fee due
date of the session selected).
Default Charge Name:
This is the charge name that the system would have applied when the charge was automatically created, it provides
the staff member with information about whether the automatic charge would be based on full time or part time
enrolment, and which campus rate would be used to generate the charge.
Charge Name:
The charge name is the generic name that will be inserted if a manual charge is created, for example - Services and
Amenities Bi-Annual 2012 Jan-Jun - Manual charge
The user can add to or override this charge name if they want to include more detail in the name, for example, user
could add Services and Amenities Bi-Annual 2012 Jan-Jun - Manual charge, Full Time, Wollongong if required.
Charge Amount:
The charge amount that appears by default is the amount that the system would have generated the automatic
charge for.
For example, if the default charge amount is $131.50, this is based on full time enrolment at the Wollongong
Fees Team staff can alter this calculated amount, which is the point of the manual fee creation, if the automatic
charge that has been generated is incorrect, fees team staff would reverse the automatic charge and manually
create a charge for a different amount.
Due Date:
The Due Date is based on the session selected. If a different due date for a manual charge is required, choose a
different session.
Alternatively, staff can alter the due date on a charge once the charge has been created (and the due date can be
altered to any date, does not have to align with a particular session.
Although Fees Team staff need to be aware that services and amenities fee due dates are treated the same as
census dates in that they are published to DEEWR and Ministerial approval may be required to alter due dates.
Charge Status:
The charge status that appears for selection is based on the student’s SA Payment Option
SA Payment Option
SA Upfront
SA-HELP Partial
Charge Status
Active – Choose this status if the Due Date
hasn’t passed for the session you’re creating
the charge for (ie the Process SA HELP
Deferral job has not yet been run for the
SA Deferred – Only choose this status if the
‘Process SA HELP Deferral’ job has already
been run for the session that you’re creating
the charge for. If you choose this status, the
charge will be created as a deferred charge
SA Deferred
Enter the reason that a manual charge is being created
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UOW Statement and CAN – Commonwealth Assistance Notice
The table below shows where the charge will appear for the different SA Payment Options
Staff can see all SA Charges on the Std Charge tab in Fees Revenue (whether student has chosen to pay upfront,
partial or defer).
Fee Statement
Notice (CAN)
Std Charge
SA Upfront
Upfront charge
appears on Fee
Partial charge
appears on Fee
Upfront charge
will not appear
on CAN
Partial charge
appears once
Fee Statement
Release Date
appears status
SA Charge
appears status
Upfront charge
will not appear
Deferred charge
does not appear
on Fee Statement
Deferred charge
appears once
Fee Statement
Release Date
SA Charge
appears status
does not
appear on
appears in
Fees Revenue
No print option
available in
Phase 1
appears in
Fees Revenue
No print option
available in
Phase 1
UOW Statement
Students who have chosen to pay their Student Services and Amenities fee upfront, or make a partial payment
upfront can view the charge via the Fee Statement on SOLS
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CAN – Commonwealth Assistance Notice
Students can view their CAN – Commonwealth Assistance Notice via SOLS once the Fee Statement Release Date
for the session has been reached (generally set to 28 days after the Census Date for the session).
As the Student Services and Amenities Fee relates to a ½ year, as opposed to a session (even though it’s based on
enrolment in a session and the due date for that session is used), the SA-HELP CAN Summary is separate from the
HECS-HELP/FEE-HELP/OS-HELP CAN Summary (as these are session based).
SA Charge appears does not appear on the CAN if a student chooses to pay upfront:
SA Charge appears on the CAN for a student who has chosen to defer or partially defer the charge:
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SA-HELP CAN in Fees Revenue will show SA_HELP charges (partial and loan). Upfront charges are not displayed
Unlike the FEE-HELP/HECS-HELP CAN, The SA-HELP CAN is not linked to a Course or a Session, so there is no
need to select this information from the Drop Down menu.
If the system does not know what to do with a Student Services and Amenities Charge, an Exception email will be
generated and sent to the Fees Team.
What are some of the examples of an exception email that the Fees Team may receive?
• Unable to create the SA Charge because the SA Due Date has passed – someone has enrolled the student
retrospectively. As the due date has passed, we don’t want to automatically create the charge
• Unable to automatically reverse the charge because the SA Due Date has passed – this may be trigged by
someone withdrawing a student from all subjects in the session after due date, or someone enrolling a
student retrospectively in an earlier session (and SA charge for later session already exists)
What action would need to be taken with these emails?
• Staff should check the students enrolment record to determine what needs to be done
• If the student is withdrawn from all subjects (after census date), the Fees Team may want to manually
reverse the SA Charge (you need to assess whether it has been deferred and whether you’re permitted to
reverse based on the Govt info that no remittance of deferred charges allowed)
• In some cases, it may require a manual charge to be created – common example of this would be
retrospective enrolment in a session where the due date has passed and no SA charge for that ½ year
currently exists, Fees Team staff would want to manually generate an SA Charge with a due date for a later
• In some cases you may want to reverse a charge and manually create a charge either for a different due
date, or different amount
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Reversing a charge
• If an SA Charge is reversed, the system won’t try and generate another SA Charge for that half year when
the students enrolment is varied.
• So say for example you have a case where a student should not have had a charge created, Fees Team
staff go in and reverse the charge, if the student enrols in additional subjects for that ½ year, the system
won’t try and generate another SA Charge
• So if a student should be charged an SA Fee, if Fees Team reverse the charge, nothing will trigger that
charge to be created again for the ½ year, so the only way to charge the student would be to generate a
manual charge
Unknown students
• We are treating students with a student Type of Unknown as Domestic and charging them an SA Fee
• So you may have a situation where an Unknown students is actually an International and should not have
been charged
• 2012 A student who has a student type = Unknown has an SSA charge of $65.75 Jan-Jun
• Student Central staff change Student Type to INTERNATIONAL (confirmed Citizenship of say Indian).
• Nothing will happened with the SSA charge, the system will not reverse the charge as there is no enrolment
• There would not be any exception email sent to the fees team as again the only trigger for that would be an
enrolment variation.
So what would need to happen?
• Fees team would need to manually reverse the 2012 SA charges that currently exist for this International
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SA- HELP Deferrals
Student Undeferred Summary
Report – General Reports – Student Undeferred Summary
The Student Undeferred Summary now includes a deferral type of SA-HELP Undeferred Summary
Sessions will appear for selection on this report once the Services and Amenities Fee due date has been reached.
Only students with an SA Payment option equal to SA-HELP Partial will appear on this report.
Process SA-HELP Deferral
The Process SA-HELP Deferral option appears on the Maint/Admin tab in Fees Revenue, it contains an associated
session dropdown, similar to the existing process for HECS-HELP deferrals:
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The session drop down menu will contain all sessions:
• With an SA Due date that has passed
• Which contain active SA Charges with non zero outstanding amounts and connected to an SA Payment
option of SA-HELP Partial
When the SA-HELP Deferral job is run, it will auto-allocate any un-allocated payments before deferring the SA
The next step is to process the Active charge by setting its status to Reversed for SA-HELP Deferral (‘DSH’). Then,
two new charges are created:
1. Active SA charge covering the paid portion on the original charge. This charge will not be created if the
student has not paid any amount off the charge. Note that the only way to distinguish an Active charge
produced by the Deferral process is by the Charge Name - it will contain ‘Partial Upfront Paid’.
2. Deferred SA-HELP SA charge covering the outstanding portion on the original charge. The Charge Name
will contain ‘Deferred Services and Amenities:’
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Data Validation
Deferred without TFN – SA HELP
Report on Students who have chosen to defer their SA Fee who don’t have a Tax File Number, or who have not
granted permission to use their Tax File Number.
Students aren’t permitted to defer their SA Fee if they have not provided a Tax File Number and given permission to
use it.
Fees Revenue
Overdue Summary
Overdue Student Services and Amenities charges appear in the ‘Other’ column on the Overdue Summary.
Fees Revenue
Use the Search Tab to report on Student Services and Amenities Charges
Report Type – Charges
• Only reports on SA charges that have an Active Status – Status = ‘A’
• Deferred SA Charges, charges with a Status = ‘SH’ do not appear on this report.
• From and To date searches on the Student Services and Amenities Fee Due Date
Report Type – SA Charges
Use Report Type SA Charges to report on ALL types of SA Charges.
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Note: the SA Payment criteria is looking at what the SA Payment option was when the charge was created
Student Services and Amenities report examples:
5) Be able to report on Students where – Tuition Billing = Partial and SA = Upfront, or where Tuition Billing =
Defer and SA = Upfront
Note if manual SA charges are generated, this would not work
Search Criteria
Report Type
Charge Status
SA Payment
Load Billing Type
SA Charges
SAU SA UpFront
Select year
Select session or All
Select relevant billing type eg CSS HECS-HELP Partial
6) Be able to report on students who have chosen to pay their Student Services and Amenities Fee upfront
(not to include those that have chosen to pay partial)
To report on all students who have to pay the SAAF by the Due Date, so communications can be sent to these
students to advise them to pay or to defer the charge.
Search Criteria
Report Type
Charge Status
SA Payment
Load Billing Type
SA Charges
SAU SA UpFront
Select year
Select session or All
Select relevant billing type eg CSS HECS-HELP Partial
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7) Be able to provide management with a list of the SSAF income for a particular year/session
Search Criteria
Report Type
Charge Status
SA Payment
Load Billing Type
SA Charges
Select year
Select session or All
Detailed report or Summary Report
8) Be able to report on Students who have chosen to defer their Student Services and Amenities Fee, but be
able to see whether they have made a payment (which is equal to the amount of the fee)
The Summary tab shows the Credit amount, so the Fees Team should be able to see if a student has an amount
sitting in the credit bucket that’s around the amount of the SSAF (this will be difficult if they pay SSAF and Tuition
charges) – For issues where the Fees Team are more concerned with those just pay SSAF expecting it will be paid
off when the amount is paid off Tuition.
Search Criteria
Report Type
Charge Status
SA Payment
Load Billing Type
SA Charges
SA Help Deferred
Select year
Select session or All
Summary Report
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Students with a Billing Type of Partial Payment and an SA Payment = Upfront
How to report on Students who have a billing type of HECS-HELP Partial or FEE-HELP Partial who have an SA
Payment Option of SA Upfront.
As Tuition Fees are paid off before the Student Services and Amenities Fee, any upfront payments that a student
makes are applied against the tuition charges. The only way the Student Services and Amenities Fee would be paid
off in this scenario would be if the students paid all Tuition and Student Services and Amenities Fees upfront. If a
student’s SA Payment Option is left as Upfront, the SA Charge will become overdue and there is no way to defer the
charge without manual intervention.
We can’t force the Student Services and Amenities Charge to be paid off before the Tuition Fees, as HECS-HELP
Partial students receive a 10% discount for upfront payments of $500 or more, so many students would want to pay
the maximum amount off their tuition charges, as there is no discount for upfront payment of the SA Charge.
This problem is solved if the students select an SA Payment option of SA-HELP Partial, as this means they can
make upfront payments if they wish, but any unpaid amounts will be deferred.
The SA-HELP Debt becomes part of the student’s accumulated HELP debt which appears as a single amount on
their annual HELP information statement.
If the Fees Team really want to pay off the Student Services and Amenities Fee before the Tuition Fees, you can
change the Due Date of the Student Services and Amenities Charge for the Individual Student to be the day before
the Census Date (Day before the Due Date of the Tuition Fees), however, you’d need to ensure that the students
are aware that they are forgoing a potential discount on the payment of the tuition fees if the money is used to pay
the Student Services and Amenities Charge.
To report on students who fall into this category before the census date, so that action can be taken enter the
following in the Search Tab:
Search Criteria
Report Type
Charge Status
SA Payment
Load Billing Type
SA Charges
SAU SA UpFront
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11 Appendix B – Printing from Fees Revenue
Having trouble finding your printing from Fees Revenue?
Most payment receipts and end of day summaries will print to your default printer set up on your computer (i.e. the
same place that your printing from your Outlook or browser goes).
Some reports are hard coded to print to specific printers on campus. If you can't find your report once printed, it's
likely that it's gone to a printer not in your area.
Contact the Student Systems team by emailing smp@uow.edu.au for assistance with the "Default_config" file that
controls Fees Revenue print settings.
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Version Control Table
Version Control
Date Released
Approved By
Debbie Sartori –
Senior Manager
Student Services
Division, Student
First Released Version
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