Stock Filter criteria

Stock Filter criteria
Lincoln Criteria
Average daily trade ($000)
Days to next ex-dividend date
Dividend cover ratio
Dividend cover ratio forecast year 1
Dividend yield (%)
Dividend yield (%) forecast year 1
EPS (Earnings per share) growth 1 yr (%)
EPS growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 1
Ex-dividend date
Financial Health rating
Financial Health score
Financial Health trend
Financials received
Gross dividend yield (%)
Gross dividend yield (%) forecast year 1
Last price sensitive announcement
Market capitalisation ($M)
PE (Price earnings) ratio
PE ratio forecast year 1
PE to industry average (%)
PEG (Price earnings growth) ratio
PEG ratio forecast year 1
Price change 1 year (%)
Price change 1 yr cf. ASX 100 (%)
Price to consensus target (%)
Price to Lincoln valuation (%)
Return 1 yr including dividends (%)
Revenue growth 1 yr (%)
Revenue growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 1
ROA % (Return on assets)
ROA growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 1
ROE % (Return on equity)
ROE growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 1
Star Stock status
Year average franking (%)
Constituent of All Ordinaries index
Constituent of ASX 100
Constituent of ASX 20
Constituent of ASX 200
Constituent of ASX 300
Constituent of ASX 50
Constituent of ASX All Australian 200
Constituent of ASX All Australian 50
Copyright © 2014 Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd
Constituent of ASX Mid Small
Constituent of ASX MidCap 50
Constituent of ASX Small Ordinaries
Price change 1 yr cf. All Ordinaries (%)
Price change 1 yr cf. ASX 100 (%)
Price change 1 yr cf. ASX 100 Resources (%)
Price change 1 yr cf. ASX 20 (%)
Price change 1 yr cf. ASX 200 (%)
Price change 1 yr cf. ASX 200 Industrials (%)
Price change 1 yr cf. ASX 300 (%)
Price change 1 yr cf. ASX 50 (%)
Price change 1 yr cf. ASX Small Ords (%)
Return incl. divs 1 yr cf. All Ordinaries (%)
Return incl. divs 1 yr cf. ASX 100 (%)
Return incl. divs 1 yr cf. ASX 20 (%)
Return incl. divs 1 yr cf. ASX 200 (%)
Return incl. divs 1 yr cf. ASX 200 Industrials (%)
Return incl. divs 1 yr cf. ASX 200 Resources (%)
Return incl. divs 1 yr cf. ASX 300 (%)
Return incl. divs 1 yr cf. ASX 50 (%)
Return incl. divs 1 yr cf. ASX Small Ords (%)
Days to next ex-dividend date
Dividend cover ratio
Dividend cover ratio forecast year 1
Dividend cover ratio forecast year 2
Dividend yield (%)
Dividend yield (%) forecast year 1
Dividend yield (%) forecast year 2
DPS (Dividend per share) growth 1 yr (%)
DPS growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 1
DPS growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 2
DPS growth 2 yr (%)
DPS growth 2 yr (%) forecast year 1
DPS growth 2 yr (%) forecast year 2
Ex-dividend date
Gross dividend yield (%)
Gross dividend yield (%) forecast year 1
Gross dividend yield (%) forecast year 2
Market gross dividend yield (%)
Market gross dividend yield (%) forecast year 1
Next DPS (cents)
Next ex-dividend date
Next franking (%)
Year average franking (%)
Year total DPS (cents)
Year total DPS (cents) forecast year 1
Copyright © 2014 Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd
Year total DPS (cents) forecast year 2
Year total gross DPS (cents)
Year total gross DPS (cents) forecast year 1
Year total gross DPS (cents) forecast year 2
Year total special DPS (cents)
Event Date
Financials received
Forecast year 1 period end
Forecast year 2 period end
Last price sensitive announcement
Financial Accounts
Assets: Current total ($)
Assets: Non-current total ($)
Assets: Total ($)
Cash flow: Cash at beginning ($)
Cash flow: Cash at end ($)
Cash flow: Net increase in cash ($)
Cash flows: Net financing ($)
Cash flows: Net investing ($)
Cash flows: Net operating ($)
EBIT ($)
EPS after abnormals (cents)
EPS before abnormals (cents)
Equity: Total ($)
Liabilities: Current total ($)
Liabilities: Non-current total ($)
Liabilities: Total ($)
NPAT before abnormals ($)
Profit before tax & abnormals ($)
Revenue: Total (excluding interest) ($)
Financial Ratios
Cash flow per share (cents)
Cash flow per share (cents) forecast year 1
Cash flow per share (cents) forecast year 2
Debt to equity
EPS after abnormals (cents)
EPS before abnormals (cents)
EPS before abnormals (cents) forecast yr 1
EPS before abnormals (cents) forecast yr 2
Interest coverage ratio
NTA per share ($)
PE (Price earnings) ratio
PE ratio forecast year 1
Copyright © 2014 Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd
PE ratio forecast year 2
PEG (Price earnings growth) ratio
PEG ratio forecast year 1
PEG ratio forecast year 2
Price to cashflow
Price to cashflow forecast year 1
Price to cashflow forecast year 2
Price to NTA per share
Price to sales
Price to sales forecast year 1
Price to sales forecast year 2
Profit margin (%)
Profit margin (%) forecast year 1
Profit margin (%) forecast year 2
ROA % (Return on assets)
ROA (%) forecast year 1
ROA (%) forecast year 2
ROC % (Return on capital)
ROE % (Return on equity)
ROE (%) forecast year 1
ROE (%) forecast year 2
Sales per share ($)
Business description
Forecaster count
Star Growth Stock in date
Star Growth Stock in price ($)
Star Growth Stock return (%)
Star Stock status
Trading status
Earnings Growth Rates
EPS (Earnings per share) growth 1 yr (%)
EPS growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 1
EPS growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 2
EPS growth 2 yr (% pa)
EPS growth 2 yr (% pa) forecast year 1
EPS growth 2 yr (% pa) forecast year 2
EPS growth 3 yr (% pa)
EPS growth 4 yr (% pa)
Profit bef tax & abs growth 1 yr (%)
Profit bef tax & abs growth 1 yr (%) fcst yr 1
Profit bef tax & abs growth 1 yr (%) fcst yr 2
Profit bef tax & abs growth 2 yr (% pa)
Profit bef tax & abs growth 2 yr (% pa) fcst yr 1
Profit bef tax & abs growth 2 yr (% pa) fcst yr 2
Revenue growth 1 yr (%)
Copyright © 2014 Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd
Revenue growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 1
Revenue growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 2
Revenue growth 2 yr (% pa)
Revenue growth 2 yr (% pa) forecast year 1
Revenue growth 2 yr (% pa) forecast year 2
ROA (Return on asset) growth 1 yr (%)
ROA growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 1
ROA growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 2
ROA growth 2 yr (% pa)
ROA growth 2 yr (% pa) forecast year 1
ROA growth 2 yr (% pa) forecast year 2
ROC (Return on capital) growth 1 yr (%)
ROC growth 2 yr (% pa)
ROE (Return on equity) growth 1 yr (%)
ROE growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 1
ROE growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 2
ROE growth 2 yr (% pa)
ROE growth 2 yr (% pa) forecast year 1
ROE growth 2 yr (% pa) forecast year 2
Financial Health
CATAI rating
CBTA rating
CBTL rating
CLTL rating
CTCCL rating
Financial Health rating
Financial Health score
Financial Health trend
OCFCL rating
OCFTAI rating
PDACL rating
QACA rating
QLCL rating
RPTAI rating
TLTAI rating
Copyright © 2014 Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd
Industry Averages
Companies composing forecast industry averages
Companies composing industry averages
Industry average CATAI
Industry average CBTA
Industry average CBTL
Industry average CLTL
Industry average CTCCL
Industry average dividend yield (%)
Industry average dividend yield (%) forecast yr 1
Industry average dividend yield (%) forecast yr 2
Industry average gross div. yield (%)
Industry average gross div. yield (%) forecast yr 1
Industry average gross div. yield (%) forecast yr 2
Industry average Health rating
Industry average Health score
Industry average OCFCL
Industry average OCFTAI
Industry average OCFTL
Industry average PDACL
Industry average PE ratio
Industry average PE ratio forecast year 1
Industry average PE ratio forecast year 2
Industry average PITTAI
Industry average QACA
Industry average QLCL
Industry average RPTAI
Industry average TLTA
Industry average TLTAI
PE to industry average (%)
PE to industry average (%) forecast Year 1
PE to industry average (%) forecast Year 2
Liquidity And Size
Average daily trade ($000)
Average daily volume
Diluted weighted average shares (M)
Diluted weighted average shares (M) forecast yr 1
Diluted weighted average shares (M) forecast yr 2
Enterprise value ($M)
Last daily trade ($000)
Last volume
Last volume to average daily volume (%)
Market capitalisation ($M)
Shares outstanding (M)
Copyright © 2014 Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd
Price, Value And Return
52-week high price ($)
52-week low price ($)
Consensus target ($)
Consensus target date
Lincoln valuation ($)
Lincoln valuation date
Price change 1 day ($)
Price change 1 day (%)
Price change 1 month (%)
Price change 1 week (%)
Price change 1 year (%)
Price change 3 months (%)
Price change 3 years (%)
Price change 5 years (%)
Price change 6 months (%)
Price to consensus target (%)
Price to Lincoln valuation (%)
Return 1 yr including dividends (%)
Return 3 yr including dividends (% pa)
Return 5 yr including dividends (% pa)
Share price ($)
Important: Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd ACN 006 715 573 (Lincoln). AFSL 237740.
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